Java com.jgoodies.forms.layout FormLayout fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java com.jgoodies.forms.layout FormLayout fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for com.jgoodies.forms.layout FormLayout.

The text is from its open source code.


FormLayout(String encodedColumnSpecs, LayoutMap layoutMap)
Constructs a FormLayout using the given encoded column specifications and LayoutMap.
FormLayout(String encodedColumnSpecs, String encodedRowSpecs)
Constructs a FormLayout using the given encoded column and row specifications and the default LayoutMap.

This constructor is recommended for most hand-coded layouts.


 FormLayout layout = new FormLayout( "pref, 4dlu, pref",               // columns "p, 3dlu, p");                    // rows FormLayout layout = new FormLayout( "right:pref, 4dlu, pref",         // columns "p, 3dlu, p, 3dlu, fill:p:grow"); // rows FormLayout layout = new FormLayout( "left:pref, 4dlu, 50dlu",         // columns "p, 2px, p, 3dlu, p, 9dlu, p");   // rows FormLayout layout = new FormLayout( "max(75dlu;pref), 4dlu, default", // columns "p, 3dlu, p, 3dlu, p, 3dlu, p");  // rows 
See the class comment for more examples.
FormLayout(ColumnSpec[] colSpecs, RowSpec[] rowSpecs)
Constructs a FormLayout using the given column and row specifications.
FormLayout(String encodedColumnSpecs)
Constructs a FormLayout using the given encoded column specifications.
FormLayout(ColumnSpec[] colSpecs)
Constructs a FormLayout using the given column specifications.
Constructs an empty FormLayout.


voidaddGroupedColumn(int columnIndex)
Adds the specified column index to the last column group.
voidaddGroupedRow(int rowIndex)
Adds the specified row index to the last row group.
voidappendColumn(ColumnSpec columnSpec)
Appends the given column specification to the right hand side of all columns.
voidappendRow(RowSpec rowSpec)
Appends the given row specification to the bottom of all rows.
Returns the number of columns in this layout.
Returns a deep copy of the column groups.
ColumnSpecgetColumnSpec(int columnIndex)
Returns the ColumnSpec at the specified column index.
CellConstraintsgetConstraints(Component component)
Looks up and returns the constraints for the specified component.
LayoutInfogetLayoutInfo(Container parent)
Computes and returns the horizontal and vertical grid origins.
Returns the number of rows in this layout.
Returns a deep copy of the row groups.
RowSpecgetRowSpec(int rowIndex)
Returns the RowSpec at the specified row index.
voidinsertColumn(int columnIndex, ColumnSpec columnSpec)
Inserts the specified column at the specified position.
voidinsertRow(int rowIndex, RowSpec rowSpec)
Inserts the specified column at the specified position.
voidremoveColumn(int columnIndex)
Removes the column with the given column index from the layout.
voidremoveRow(int rowIndex)
Removes the row with the given row index from the layout.
voidsetColumnGroups(int[][] groupOfIndices)
Sets the column groups, where each column in a group gets the same group wide width.
voidsetColumnSpec(int columnIndex, ColumnSpec columnSpec)
Sets the ColumnSpec at the specified column index.
voidsetConstraints(Component component, CellConstraints constraints)
Sets the constraints for the specified component in this layout.
voidsetHonorsVisibility(boolean b)
Specifies whether invisible components shall be taken into account by this layout for computing the layout size and setting component bounds.
voidsetRowGroups(int[][] groupOfIndices)
Sets the row groups, where each row in such a group gets the same group wide height.
voidsetRowSpec(int rowIndex, RowSpec rowSpec)
Sets the RowSpec at the specified row index.