Example usage for com.jgoodies.forms.layout FormLayout setRowGroups

List of usage examples for com.jgoodies.forms.layout FormLayout setRowGroups


In this page you can find the example usage for com.jgoodies.forms.layout FormLayout setRowGroups.


public void setRowGroups(int[][] groupOfIndices) 

Source Link


Sets the row groups, where each row in such a group gets the same group wide height.


From source file:ai.aitia.meme.utils.FormsUtils.java

License:Open Source License

 * Returns a DefaultFormBuilder containing the specified components and layout.
 * @param cols This parameter corresponds to the <code>encodedColumnSpecs</code> 
 *   parameter of FormLayout's ctor. Besides the encoding defined by FormLayout, 
 *   the following extensions are also available: the characters defined in the 
 *   global <code>{@link #gapLength}</code> variable (hereafter: gap-characters) 
 *   can be used to insert gap-columns. Gap columns must not appear in the 
 *   cell-specification (explained below) and they're automatically included in
 *   column spans. //from w  ww  .ja  va2  s .  co  m
 *   Consecutive gap-characters are coalesced into 1 gap column by calculating
 *   their cumulated pixel size.
 * @param rows A string describing general builder settings + cell-specification 
 *   + row/colum spans + row heights + row groups. See the examples. 
 *   The digits and underscores specify which component goes into which cell(s) 
 *   of the layout grid (cell-specification). There can be at most one character 
 *   for every (non-gap) column specified by <code>cols</code>. Rows must be 
 *   separated by the '|' character. Only underscores, digits and letters are 
 *   allowed in the cell-specification (space isn't). Underscore means that a 
 *   cell is empty. A digit/letter character refers to a component in the varargs 
 *   list: '0'..'9', 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z' (in this order) denote the first 62 
 *   components of the <code>args</code> list. Repeating the same digit specifies
 *   the component's column span (and row span, if repeated in consecutive rows
 *   in the same columns, like '3' in the example).<br> 
 *   After the cell-specification, but before the newline ('|') character
 *   the row height and row grouping can also be specified. It must begin 
 *   with a space to separate it from the cell-specification. The row
 *   height can be a gap-character (for constant heights only) or a string
 *   that is interpreted by RowSpec.decodeSpecs(). If omitted, the height 
 *   spec. of the most recent row is inherited. Content rows inherit the 
 *   height of the previous content row, gap rows inherit the height of 
 *   the previous gap row. A row is a gap row if its cell-specification is
 *   omitted.<br> 
 *   Row grouping forces equal heights to every member of the group. It  
 *   can be specified by "grp?" strings using any character in place of
 *   '?' (except space and '|'. In the example 'grp1' uses '1'). Rows 
 *   using the same grouping character will be in the same group.
 *   By default there're no groups.
 *    <br>
 *   General builder-settings can be specified at the beginning of the 
 *   string, enclosed in square brackets ([..]). (No space is allowed
 *   after the closing ']'). This is intended for future extensions, too. 
 *   The list of available settings is described at the {@link Prop} 
 *   enumeration. Note that setting names are case-sensitive, and should 
 *   be separated by commas.
 * @param args List of components. Besides java.awt.Component objects,
 *   the caller may use plain strings and instances of the {@link Separator}
 *   class. Plain strings are used to create labels (with mnemonic-expansion). 
 *   Separator objects will create and add separators to the form. 
 *   Any of these objects may be followed optionally by a {@link CellConstraints},
 *   a {@link CellConstraints.Alignment} or a {@link CellInsets} object, 
 *   which overrides the cell's default alignment, can extend its row/column 
 *   span and adjust its insets.<br>
 *   If the first element of <code>args</code> is a java.util.Map object,
 *   it is treated as an additional mapping for gap-characters. This 
 *   overrides the default global mapping. Note that gap-characters can 
 *   help you to set up uniform spacing on your forms. For example, if
 *   you use "-" as normal column-gap and "~" as normal row-gap, fine-tuning
 *   the sizes of these gaps later is as easy as changing the mapping for "-"
 *   and "~" &mdash; there's no need to update all the dlu sizes in all layouts.
 * @see   
 *   Example1: <pre>
  *       build("6dlu, p, 6dlu, 50dlu, 6dlu", 
  *                "_0_1_ pref| 6dlu|" + 
 *                "_2_33 pref:grow(0.5) grp1||" +
 *                "_4_33 grp1",
 *                component0, component1, component2, component3,
 *                component4, cellConstraintsForComponent4).getPanel()
 * </pre>
 *   The same exaple with gap-characters: <pre>
  *       build("~ p ~ 50dlu, 6dlu", 
  *                "01_ pref|~|" + 
 *                "233 pref:grow(0.5) grp1||" +
 *                "433 grp1",
 *                component0, component1, component2, component3,
 *                component4, cellConstraintsForComponent4).getPanel()
 * </pre>
 *   Example3 (only the second argument): <pre>
 *       "[LineGapSize=6dlu, ParagraphGapSize=20dlu]_0_1||_2_3||_4_5"
 * </pre>
 *  Note: this method can be used with no components and empty cell-specification,
 *  too. In this case only a {@link DefaultFormBuilder} is created, configured 
 *  and returned. Its operations can then be used to append components to the form.
public static DefaultFormBuilder build(String cols, String rows, Object... args) {
    Context ctx = new Context();

    // Parse column widths
    int firstArg = 0;
    if (args.length > 0 && args[0] instanceof java.util.Map) {
        ctx.localGapSpec = (java.util.Map<Character, String>) args[0];
        firstArg += 1;
    StringBuilder colstmp = new StringBuilder();
    ctx.contentCol = parseColumnWidths(colstmp, cols, ctx.localGapSpec, 0);

    // Parse the list of components (may include individual cell-constraints)
    ctx.components = new ArrayList<Rec>(args.length);
    for (int i = firstArg; i < args.length; ++i) {
        Rec r = new Rec(args[i]);
        if (i + 1 < args.length) {
            if (args[i + 1] instanceof CellConstraints) {
                r.cc = (CellConstraints) args[++i];
                r.useAlignment = true;
            } else if (args[i + 1] instanceof CellConstraints.Alignment) {
                CellConstraints.Alignment a = (CellConstraints.Alignment) args[++i];
                if (a == CellConstraints.BOTTOM || a == CellConstraints.TOP)
                    r.cc = new CellConstraints(1, 1, CellConstraints.DEFAULT, a);
                else if (a == CellConstraints.LEFT || a == CellConstraints.RIGHT)
                    r.cc = new CellConstraints(1, 1, a, CellConstraints.DEFAULT);
                else if (a == CellConstraints.CENTER || a == CellConstraints.FILL)
                    r.cc = new CellConstraints(1, 1, a, a);
                r.useAlignment = (r.cc != null);
            } else if (args[i + 1] instanceof CellInsets) {
                CellInsets ci = ((CellInsets) args[++i]);
                r.cc = ci.cc;
                r.useAlignment = ci.useAlignment;
                r.useInsets = true;
                //else if (args[i+1] == null) {   // this would allow superfluous 'null' values
                //   i += 1;

    // Parse general settings (but don't apply yet) 
    EnumMap<Prop, Object> props = null;
    int i = rows.indexOf(']');
    if (i >= 0) {
        String defaults = rows.substring(0, i);
        rows = rows.substring(++i);
        i = defaults.indexOf('[');
        ctx.input = defaults.substring(++i);
        props = Prop.parseGeneralSettings(ctx);

    // Parse cell-specification, row heights and row groups
    String cells[] = rows.split("\\|", -1);
    StringBuilder rowstmp = new StringBuilder();
    java.util.HashMap<Character, int[]> rowGroups = new HashMap<Character, int[]>();
    String lastContentRowHeight = "p", lastGapRowHeight = null;
    int rowcnt = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < cells.length; ++i) {
        rowcnt += 1;
        // See if it begins with a gap-character
        String g = (cells[i].length() > 0) ? getGap(cells[i].charAt(0), ctx.localGapSpec) : null;
        if (g != null)
            cells[i] = ' ' + cells[i];
        int j = cells[i].indexOf(' ');
        boolean gapRow = (j == 0) || (cells[i].length() == 0);
        String rh = null;
        if (j >= 0) {
            String tmp[] = cells[i].substring(j + 1).split("\\s"); // expect height and grouping specifications 
            cells[i] = cells[i].substring(0, j);
            ArrayList<String> gaps = new ArrayList<String>();
            for (j = 0; j < tmp.length; ++j) {
                if (tmp[j].length() == 0)
                if (tmp[j].length() == 4 && tmp[j].toLowerCase().startsWith("grp")) {
                    Character groupch = tmp[j].charAt(3);
                    rowGroups.put(groupch, appendIntArray(rowGroups.get(groupch), rowcnt));
                } else {
                    rh = tmp[j];
                    for (int k = 0, n = tmp[j].length(); k < n
                            && addGap(gaps, getGap(tmp[j].charAt(k), ctx.localGapSpec)); ++k)
            if (!gaps.isEmpty()) {
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                flushGaps(gaps, sb, false);
                rh = sb.substring(0, sb.length() - 1);
        if (rh == null) {
            if (gapRow && lastGapRowHeight == null) {
                ctx.b = new DefaultFormBuilder(new FormLayout(colstmp.toString(), ""));
                Prop.setBuilder(props, ctx);
                lastGapRowHeight = parseableRowSpec(ctx.b.getLineGapSpec());
            rh = gapRow ? lastGapRowHeight : lastContentRowHeight;
        } else {
            if (gapRow)
                lastGapRowHeight = rh;
                lastContentRowHeight = rh;
        if (i > 0)

    // Create builder
    FormLayout fml = new FormLayout(colstmp.toString(), rowstmp.toString());
    ctx.b = new DefaultFormBuilder(fml, debuggable());

    // Apply builder settings (e.g. column groups)
    Prop.setBuilder(props, ctx);
    props = null;

    // Set row groups
    if (!rowGroups.isEmpty()) {
        int[][] tmp = new int[rowGroups.size()][]; // ???
        i = 0;
        for (int[] a : rowGroups.values())
            tmp[i++] = a;
    rowGroups = null;

    JLabel lastLabel = null;
    java.util.HashSet<Character> done = new java.util.HashSet<Character>(ctx.components.size());
    int h = cells.length;
    for (int y = 0; y < cells.length; ++y) {
        int w = cells[y].length();
        int first = -1;
        for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
            char ch = cells[y].charAt(x);
            if (ch == '_' || done.contains(ch))
            int idx = intValue(ch);

            Rec rec;
            try {
                rec = ctx.components.get(idx);
            } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
                throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(
                        String.format("build() cells=\"%s\" ch=%c rows=\"%s\"", cells[y], ch, rows));
            CellConstraints cc = (rec.cc == null) ? new CellConstraints() : (CellConstraints) rec.cc.clone();

            int sx = cc.gridWidth, sy = cc.gridHeight; // span x, span y
            while (x + sx < w && cells[y].charAt(x + sx) == ch)
                sx += 1;
            while (y + sy < h && ((x < cells[y + sy].length() && cells[y + sy].charAt(x) == ch)
                    || (cells[y + sy].length() == 0 && y + sy + 1 < h && x < cells[y + sy + 1].length()
                            && cells[y + sy + 1].charAt(x) == ch))) {
                sy += 1;
            int colSpan = ctx.contentCol[x + sx - 1] - ctx.contentCol[x] + 1;
            ctx.b.setBounds(ctx.contentCol[x] + 1, ctx.b.getRow(), colSpan, sy);
            ctx.b.setLeadingColumnOffset(first & ctx.contentCol[x]); // 0 vagy x (itt nem kell a +1)
            first = 0;
            x += (sx - 1);

            Object comp = ctx.components.get(idx).component;
            if (comp instanceof Component) {
                ctx.b.append((Component) comp, colSpan);
                if (comp instanceof JLabel)
                    lastLabel = (JLabel) comp;
                else {
                    if (lastLabel != null)
                        lastLabel.setLabelFor((Component) comp);
                    lastLabel = null;
            } else if (comp instanceof Separator) {
                comp = ctx.b.appendSeparator(comp.toString());
                lastLabel = null;
            } else {
                comp = lastLabel = ctx.b.getComponentFactory().createLabel(comp.toString());
                ctx.b.append(lastLabel, colSpan);
            if (rec.useAlignment || rec.useInsets) {
                CellConstraints cc2 = fml.getConstraints((Component) comp);
                cc2.insets = cc.insets;
                cc2.hAlign = cc.hAlign;
                cc2.vAlign = cc.vAlign;
                fml.setConstraints((Component) comp, cc2);

        lastLabel = null;
    return ctx.b;

From source file:ch.fork.AdHocRailway.ui.locomotives.configuration.LocomotiveConfig.java

License:Open Source License

private void buildPanel() {
    initComponents();/*from www  .j av a  2s  . c o m*/

    final FormLayout layout = new FormLayout("right:pref, 3dlu, pref:grow, 30dlu, right:pref, 3dlu, pref:grow",
            "p:grow, 3dlu,p:grow, 3dlu,p:grow, 3dlu,p:grow, 3dlu,p:grow, 3dlu,p:grow, 3dlu,p:grow");
    layout.setColumnGroups(new int[][] { { 1, 5 }, { 3, 7 } });
    layout.setRowGroups(new int[][] { { 3, 5, 7, 9 } });

    final PanelBuilder builder = new PanelBuilder(layout);
    final CellConstraints cc = new CellConstraints();

    builder.addSeparator("General", cc.xyw(1, 1, 3));

    builder.addLabel("Name", cc.xy(1, 3));
    builder.add(nameTextField, cc.xy(3, 3));

    builder.addLabel("Description", cc.xy(1, 5));
    builder.add(descTextField, cc.xy(3, 5));

    builder.addLabel("Type", cc.xy(1, 7));
    builder.add(locomotiveTypeComboBox, cc.xy(3, 7));

    builder.addLabel("Image", cc.xy(1, 9));
    builder.add(chooseImageButton, cc.xy(3, 9));

    builder.add(imageLabel, cc.xyw(1, 11, 3));

    builder.addSeparator("Interface", cc.xyw(5, 1, 3));

    builder.addLabel("Bus", cc.xy(5, 3));
    builder.add(busSpinner, cc.xy(7, 3));

    builder.addLabel("Address 1", cc.xy(5, 5));
    builder.add(address1Spinner, cc.xy(7, 5));

    builder.addLabel("Address 2", cc.xy(5, 7));
    builder.add(address2Spinner, cc.xy(7, 7));

    builder.add(functionsTable, cc.xywh(5, 9, 3, 3));

    builder.add(errorPanel, cc.xyw(1, 13, 3));

    builder.add(buildButtonBar(), cc.xyw(5, 13, 3));

    // add(builder.getPanel());

    setLayout(new MigLayout());

    add(new JLabel("Name"));
    add(nameTextField, "w 300!");

    add(new JLabel("Bus"), "gap unrelated");
    add(busSpinner, "w 150!, wrap");

    add(new JLabel("Description"));
    add(descTextField, "w 300!");

    add(new JLabel("Address 1"), "gap unrelated");
    add(address1Spinner, "w 150!, wrap");

    add(new JLabel("Type"));
    add(locomotiveTypeComboBox, "w 150!");

    add(new JLabel("Address 2"), "gap unrelated");
    add(address2Spinner, "w 150!, wrap");

    add(new JLabel("Image"));
    add(chooseImageButton, "w 150!");

    add(new JLabel("Functions"), "gap unrelated");
    add(new JScrollPane(functionsTable), "h 200!, w 300!, span 1 2, wrap");

    add(imageLabel, "align center, span 2, wrap");

    add(buildButtonBar(), "span 4, align right");


From source file:ch.fork.AdHocRailway.ui.turnouts.configuration.TurnoutConfig.java

License:Open Source License

private void buildPanel() {
    initComponents();//from   w w w.  ja v a2  s .  c om

    final FormLayout layout = new FormLayout(
            "right:pref, 3dlu, pref:grow, 30dlu, right:pref, 3dlu, pref:grow, 3dlu,pref:grow, 30dlu, pref",
            "p:grow, 3dlu,p:grow, 3dlu,p:grow, 3dlu,p:grow, 3dlu, p:grow, 3dlu, p:grow, 10dlu,p:grow");
    layout.setColumnGroups(new int[][] { { 1, 5 }, { 3, 7 } });
    layout.setRowGroups(new int[][] { { 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 } });

    builder = new PanelBuilder(layout);
    final CellConstraints cc = new CellConstraints();

    builder.addSeparator("General", cc.xyw(1, 1, 3));

    builder.addLabel("Number", cc.xy(1, 3));
    builder.add(numberTextField, cc.xy(3, 3));

    builder.addLabel("Description", cc.xy(1, 5));
    builder.add(descTextField, cc.xy(3, 5));

    builder.addLabel("Type", cc.xy(1, 7));
    builder.add(turnoutTypeComboBox, cc.xy(3, 7));

    builder.addLabel("Default State", cc.xy(1, 9));
    builder.add(turnoutDefaultStateComboBox, cc.xy(3, 9));

    builder.addLabel("Orientation", cc.xy(1, 11));
    builder.add(turnoutOrientationComboBox, cc.xy(3, 11));

    builder.addSeparator("Interface", cc.xyw(5, 1, 5));
    builder.addLabel("Bus 1", cc.xy(5, 3));
    builder.add(bus1TextField, cc.xy(7, 3));

    builder.addLabel("Address 1", cc.xy(5, 5));
    builder.add(address1TextField, cc.xy(7, 5));

    builder.addLabel("Bus 2", cc.xy(5, 7));
    builder.add(bus2TextField, cc.xy(7, 7));

    builder.addLabel("Address 2", cc.xy(5, 9));
    builder.add(address2TextField, cc.xy(7, 9));

    builder.add(switched1Checkbox, cc.xy(9, 5));

    builder.add(switched2Checkbox, cc.xy(9, 9));

    builder.addSeparator("Test", cc.xy(11, 1));
    builder.add(testTurnoutWidget, cc.xywh(11, 3, 1, 9));

    builder.add(errorPanel, cc.xyw(1, 13, 7));
    builder.add(buildButtonBar(), cc.xyw(7, 13, 5));


From source file:ch.zhaw.ias.dito.ui.ProcessPanel.java

License:BSD License

public ProcessPanel() {

    FormLayout layout = new FormLayout("5dlu, 50dlu:grow, 5dlu",
            "5dlu, fill:pref, fill:pref:grow, fill:pref, fill:pref:grow, fill:pref, fill:pref:grow, fill:pref, fill:pref:grow, fill:pref, 5dlu, fill:20dlu, 5dlu, fill:8dlu, 5dlu");
    int[][] rowGroups = new int[][] { { 2, 4, 6, 8 }, { 3, 5, 7 } };
    CellConstraints cc = new CellConstraints();
    PanelBuilder pb = new PanelBuilder(layout);
    panels.put(ScreenEnum.INPUT,//from  w  w  w. ja  v a  2s  .co  m
            new ProcessStepPanel(ScreenEnum.INPUT, ConfigProperty.INPUT_FILENAME, ConfigProperty.INPUT_SIZE));
    panels.put(ScreenEnum.QUESTION, new ProcessStepPanel(ScreenEnum.QUESTION, ConfigProperty.QUESTION_NUMBER));
            new ProcessStepPanel(ScreenEnum.METHOD, ConfigProperty.METHOD_NAME, ConfigProperty.RANDOM_SAMPLE));
    panels.put(ScreenEnum.ANALYSIS, new ProcessStepPanel(ScreenEnum.ANALYSIS));
    panels.put(ScreenEnum.OUTPUT, new ProcessStepPanel(ScreenEnum.OUTPUT, ConfigProperty.OUTPUT_FILENAME,

    pb.add(panels.get(ScreenEnum.INPUT), cc.xy(2, 2));
    pb.add(new ArrowPanel(), cc.xy(2, 3));
    pb.add(panels.get(ScreenEnum.QUESTION), cc.xy(2, 4));
    pb.add(new ArrowPanel(), cc.xy(2, 5));
    pb.add(panels.get(ScreenEnum.METHOD), cc.xy(2, 6));
    pb.add(new ArrowPanel(), cc.xy(2, 7));
    pb.add(panels.get(ScreenEnum.ANALYSIS), cc.xy(2, 8));
    pb.add(new ArrowPanel(), cc.xy(2, 9));
    pb.add(panels.get(ScreenEnum.OUTPUT), cc.xy(2, 10));

    pb.add(progress, cc.xy(2, 12));
    pb.add(status, cc.xy(2, 14));

    this.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    add(pb.getPanel(), BorderLayout.CENTER);

From source file:com.intellij.uiDesigner.actions.GroupRowsColumnsAction.java

License:Apache License

protected void actionPerformed(CaptionSelection selection) {
    FormLayout layout = (FormLayout) selection.getContainer().getLayout();
    int[][] oldGroups = selection.isRow() ? layout.getRowGroups() : layout.getColumnGroups();
    int[][] newGroups = new int[oldGroups.length + 1][];
    System.arraycopy(oldGroups, 0, newGroups, 0, oldGroups.length);
    int[] cellsToGroup = getCellsToGroup(selection);
    newGroups[oldGroups.length] = new int[cellsToGroup.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < cellsToGroup.length; i++) {
        newGroups[oldGroups.length][i] = cellsToGroup[i] + 1;
    }//from   ww  w .ja  va 2 s  .c o  m
    if (selection.isRow()) {
    } else {

From source file:com.intellij.uiDesigner.actions.UngroupRowsColumnsAction.java

License:Apache License

protected void actionPerformed(CaptionSelection selection) {
    FormLayout layout = (FormLayout) selection.getContainer().getLayout();
    int[][] oldGroups = selection.isRow() ? layout.getRowGroups() : layout.getColumnGroups();
    List<int[]> newGroups = new ArrayList<int[]>();
    int[] selInts = selection.getSelection();
    for (int[] group : oldGroups) {
        if (!GroupRowsColumnsAction.intersect(group, selInts)) {
            newGroups.add(group);//from  ww w  .j av  a 2 s.  c  om
    int[][] newGroupArray = newGroups.toArray(new int[newGroups.size()][]);
    if (selection.isRow()) {
    } else {

From source file:com.intellij.uiDesigner.radComponents.RadFormLayoutManager.java

License:Apache License

public int deleteGridCells(final RadContainer grid, final int cellIndex, final boolean isRow) {
    int result = 1;
    FormLayout formLayout = (FormLayout) grid.getLayout();
    adjustDeletedCellOrigins(grid, cellIndex, isRow);
    if (isRow) {//from   w  w  w.jav a  2s. c  o m
        int[][] groupIndices = formLayout.getRowGroups();
        groupIndices = removeDeletedCell(groupIndices, cellIndex + 1);
        formLayout.removeRow(cellIndex + 1);
        if (formLayout.getRowCount() > 0 && formLayout.getRowCount() % 2 == 0) {
            int gapRowIndex = (cellIndex >= grid.getGridRowCount()) ? cellIndex - 1 : cellIndex;
            if (GridChangeUtil.isRowEmpty(grid, gapRowIndex)) {
                formLayout.removeRow(gapRowIndex + 1);
    } else {
        int[][] groupIndices = formLayout.getColumnGroups();
        groupIndices = removeDeletedCell(groupIndices, cellIndex + 1);
        formLayout.removeColumn(cellIndex + 1);
        if (formLayout.getColumnCount() > 0 && formLayout.getColumnCount() % 2 == 0) {
            int gapColumnIndex = (cellIndex >= grid.getGridColumnCount()) ? cellIndex - 1 : cellIndex;
            if (GridChangeUtil.isColumnEmpty(grid, gapColumnIndex)) {
                formLayout.removeColumn(gapColumnIndex + 1);
    return result;

From source file:com.intellij.uiDesigner.radComponents.RadFormLayoutManager.java

License:Apache License

public void createSnapshotLayout(final SnapshotContext context, final JComponent parent,
        final RadContainer container, final LayoutManager layout) {
    ColumnSpec[] colSpecs;// ww w.j  a  v a 2s  .co m
    RowSpec[] rowSpecs;
    int[][] rowGroups;
    int[][] columnGroups;
    try {
        Method method = layout.getClass().getMethod("getRowCount", ArrayUtil.EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY);
        int rowCount = ((Integer) method.invoke(layout, ArrayUtil.EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY)).intValue();
        method = layout.getClass().getMethod("getColumnCount", ArrayUtil.EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY);
        int columnCount = ((Integer) method.invoke(layout, ArrayUtil.EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY)).intValue();

        rowSpecs = new RowSpec[rowCount];
        colSpecs = new ColumnSpec[columnCount];

        method = layout.getClass().getMethod("getRowSpec", int.class);
        for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
            rowSpecs[i] = (RowSpec) createSerializedCopy(method.invoke(layout, i + 1));
        method = layout.getClass().getMethod("getColumnSpec", int.class);
        for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
            colSpecs[i] = (ColumnSpec) createSerializedCopy(method.invoke(layout, i + 1));

        method = layout.getClass().getMethod("getRowGroups", ArrayUtil.EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY);
        rowGroups = (int[][]) method.invoke(layout);

        method = layout.getClass().getMethod("getColumnGroups", ArrayUtil.EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY);
        columnGroups = (int[][]) method.invoke(layout);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new RuntimeException(ex);

    final FormLayout formLayout = new FormLayout(colSpecs, rowSpecs);

From source file:edu.ku.brc.af.auth.UserAndMasterPasswordMgr.java

License:Open Source License

 * @return// w  w w. ja  va2 s. c  om
protected String[] getUserNamePasswordKey() {

    FormLayout layout = new FormLayout("p, 4dlu, p, 8px, p", "p, 2dlu, p, 2dlu, p, 16px, p, 2dlu, p, 2dlu, p");
    layout.setRowGroups(new int[][] { { 1, 3, 5 } });

    PanelBuilder pb = new PanelBuilder(layout);

    final JTextField dbUsrTxt = createTextField(30);
    final JPasswordField dbPwdTxt = createPasswordField(30);
    final JTextField usrText = createTextField(30);
    final JPasswordField pwdText = createPasswordField(30);
    final char echoChar = pwdText.getEchoChar();

    final JLabel dbUsrLbl = createI18NFormLabel("USERNAME", SwingConstants.RIGHT);
    final JLabel dbPwdLbl = createI18NFormLabel("PASSWORD", SwingConstants.RIGHT);
    final JLabel usrLbl = createI18NFormLabel("USERNAME", SwingConstants.RIGHT);
    final JLabel pwdLbl = createI18NFormLabel("PASSWORD", SwingConstants.RIGHT);


    CellConstraints cc = new CellConstraints();

    int y = 1;
    pb.addSeparator(UIRegistry.getResourceString("MASTER_SEP"), cc.xyw(1, y, 5));
    y += 2;

    pb.add(dbUsrLbl, cc.xy(1, y));
    pb.add(dbUsrTxt, cc.xy(3, y));
    y += 2;

    pb.add(dbPwdLbl, cc.xy(1, y));
    pb.add(dbPwdTxt, cc.xy(3, y));
    y += 2;

    pb.addSeparator(UIRegistry.getResourceString("USER_SEP"), cc.xyw(1, y, 5));
    y += 2;

    pb.add(usrLbl, cc.xy(1, y));
    pb.add(usrText, cc.xy(3, y));
    y += 2;

    pb.add(pwdLbl, cc.xy(1, y));
    pb.add(pwdText, cc.xy(3, y));


    final CustomDialog dlg = new CustomDialog((Frame) null, getResourceString("MASTER_INFO_TITLE"), true,
            CustomDialog.OKCANCELAPPLYHELP, pb.getPanel());



    DocumentListener docListener = new DocumentAdaptor() {
        protected void changed(DocumentEvent e) {
            String dbUserStr = dbUsrTxt.getText();

            boolean enable = !dbUserStr.isEmpty() && !((JTextField) dbPwdTxt).getText().isEmpty()
                    && !usrText.getText().isEmpty() && !((JTextField) pwdText).getText().isEmpty();
            if (enable && isNotEmpty(dbUserStr) && dbUserStr.equalsIgnoreCase("root")) {
                enable = false;


    currEcho = echoChar;

    dlg.getApplyBtn().addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            dlg.getApplyBtn().setText(currEcho == echoChar ? hidePwdLabel : showPwdLabel);
            currEcho = currEcho == echoChar ? 0 : echoChar;

    if (!dlg.isCancelled()) {
        return new String[] { dbUsrTxt.getText(), ((JTextField) dbPwdTxt).getText(), usrText.getText(),
                ((JTextField) pwdText).getText() };

    return null;

From source file:edu.udo.scaffoldhunter.gui.datasetmanagement.ManageRulesetsDialog.java

License:Open Source License

 * Initialises all GUI components/*from  w  w  w  .  ja  va 2  s . c  o m*/
private void initGUI() {
    FormLayout containerLayout;
    PanelBuilder containerBuilder;

    FormLayout leftLayout;
    PanelBuilder leftBuilder;

    FormLayout rightLayout;
    PanelBuilder rightBuilder;

    ButtonStackBuilder rulesetListButtons;
    ButtonStackBuilder ruleAddRemoveButtons;
    ButtonStackBuilder ruleUpDownButtons;

    CellConstraints cc = new CellConstraints();

    String listPrototypeElement = "____________________";
    int listsNumRows = 15;
    JComboBox ascendingChooser;

    setLayout(new BorderLayout());

    container = new JPanel();
    add(container, BorderLayout.CENTER);

    containerLayout = new FormLayout("p, 2dlu, p:g(1.0)", "f:p:g(1.0), p");
    containerBuilder = new PanelBuilder(containerLayout, container);

    leftContainer = new JPanel();
    containerBuilder.add(leftContainer, cc.rc(1, 1));

    leftLayout = new FormLayout("p, 2dlu, p:g(1.0)", "f:p:g(1.0)");
    leftBuilder = new PanelBuilder(leftLayout, leftContainer);

    rulesets = new DefaultListModel();
    rulesetsList = new JList(rulesets);
    rulesetsList.addListSelectionListener(new RulesetsListSelectionListener());
    rulesetsListScroll = new JScrollPane(rulesetsList);
    leftBuilder.add(rulesetsListScroll, cc.rc(1, 1));

    newRulesetButton = new JButton(new NewRulesetAction());
    deleteRulesetButton = new JButton(new DeleteRulesetAction(this));
    rulesetListButtons = new ButtonStackBuilder();
    leftBuilder.add(rulesetListButtons.getPanel(), cc.rc(1, 3));

    rightContainer = new JPanel();
    containerBuilder.add(rightContainer, cc.rc(1, 3));

    rulesetTitle = new JTextField();
    rulesetTitleListener = new RulesetTitleDocumentListener();
    defaultRulesetTitleBorder = rulesetTitle.getBorder();

    ruleSelection = new RuleSelectionListener();

    existingRules = new DefaultListModel();
    existingRulesList = new JList(existingRules);
    existingRulesList.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(120, 20));
    existingRulesListScroll = new JScrollPane(existingRulesList);
    existingRulesListScroll.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(160, 20));
    existingRulesListScroll.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(160, 20));

    usedRules = new RulesetTableModel();
    usedRulesTable = new JTable(usedRules);
    usedRulesTableScroll = new JScrollPane(usedRulesTable);
    usedRulesTableScroll.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300, 200));

    ascendingChooser = new JComboBox();
    usedRulesTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(1).setCellEditor(new DefaultCellEditor(ascendingChooser));
            .addCellEditorListener(new CellEditorListener() {
                public void editingStopped(ChangeEvent e) {

                public void editingCanceled(ChangeEvent e) {
                    // do nothing


    addRuleButton = new JButton(new AddRuleAction());
    removeRuleButton = new JButton(new RemoveRuleAction());
    ruleAddRemoveButtons = new ButtonStackBuilder();
    ruleAddRemoveButtons.addButton(addRuleButton, removeRuleButton);

    ruleUpButton = new JButton(new RuleUpAction());
    ruleDownButton = new JButton(new RuleDownAction());
    ruleUpDownButtons = new ButtonStackBuilder();
    ruleUpDownButtons.addButton(ruleUpButton, ruleDownButton);

    infoLabel = new JEditorPane();
    infoLabel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(30, 40));
    infoLabel.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(30, 40));
    infoLabel.addHyperlinkListener(new HyperlinkListener() {
        public void hyperlinkUpdate(HyperlinkEvent e) {
            // if clicked, open url in browser
            if (e.getEventType() == EventType.ACTIVATED) {
    saveButton = new JButton(new SaveAction());

    rightLayout = new FormLayout("p, 2dlu, l:m, d, p:g, d, f:m", // 7 colums
            "t:p, 2dlu, p, d, f:p:g, d, p, d, f:p"); // 9 rows
    rightLayout.setColumnGroups(new int[][] { /* { 1, 5 }, */{ 2, 4, 6 } });
    rightLayout.setRowGroups(new int[][] { { 2, 4, 6, 8 } });

    rightBuilder = new PanelBuilder(rightLayout, rightContainer);

    rightBuilder.addLabel(_("ManageRulesets.RulesetLabel"), cc.rc(1, 1));
    rightBuilder.add(rulesetTitle, cc.rcw(1, 3, 5));

    rightBuilder.addLabel(_("ManageRulesets.ExistingRules"), cc.rc(3, 1));
    rightBuilder.add(existingRulesListScroll, cc.rc(5, 1));
    rightBuilder.add(ruleAddRemoveButtons.getPanel(), cc.rc(5, 3));

    rightBuilder.addLabel(_("ManageRulesets.UsedRules"), cc.rc(3, 5));
    rightBuilder.add(usedRulesTableScroll, cc.rc(5, 5));
    rightBuilder.add(ruleUpDownButtons.getPanel(), cc.rc(5, 7));

    rightBuilder.add(saveButton, cc.rchw(7, 7, 3, 1));

    rightBuilder.addLabel(_("ManageRulesets.Help"), cc.rc(7, 1));
    rightBuilder.add(infoLabel, cc.rcw(9, 1, 5));

    okButton = StandardButtonFactory.createCloseButton(new ActionListener() {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    containerBuilder.add(ButtonBarFactory.buildOKBar(okButton), cc.rcw(2, 1, 3));

    setRulesetEditingEnable(false, false);