Example usage for com.mongodb DBObject interface-usage

List of usage examples for com.mongodb DBObject interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for com.mongodb DBObject interface-usage.


From source file cc.acs.mongofs.gridfs.GridFSFile.java

public abstract class GridFSFile implements DBObject {

    // ------------------------------
    // --------- db           -------
    // ------------------------------

From source file cn.vlabs.clb.server.storage.mongo.extend.MyGridFSFile.java

public abstract class MyGridFSFile implements DBObject {

    public void save() {
        if (_fs == null)
            throw new MongoException("need _fs");

From source file com.uquetignywebapp.data.Personne.java

 * @author Yacine
public abstract class Personne implements DBObject {

From source file fr.gouv.vitam.mdbes.CopyOfResultMongodb.java

 * Result (potentially cached) object
 * @author "Frederic Bregier"

From source file fr.gouv.vitam.mdbes.ResultMongodb.java

 * Result (potentially cached) object
 * @author "Frederic Bregier"

From source file me.lightspeed7.mongofs.gridfs.GridFSFile.java

 * The abstract class representing a GridFS file.
 * @author antoine
 * @author David Buschman

From source file nl.knaw.huygens.timbuctoo.storage.mongo.DBJsonNode.java

public class DBJsonNode implements DBObject {

    private final JsonNode delegate;
    private boolean isPartialObject = false;

    public DBJsonNode(JsonNode obj) {

From source file org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.mongo.RevisionEntry.java

 * A light-weight implementation of a MongoDB DBObject for a single revision
 * based map entry.
public class RevisionEntry implements DBObject {

From source file org.bson.LazyDBList.java

 * @author scotthernandez
 * @deprecated Please use {@link com.mongodb.LazyDBList} instead.
public class LazyDBList extends LazyBSONList implements DBObject {

From source file org.cryptorchat.json.AbstractHybridJsonDBObject.java

 * AbstractHybridJsonDBObject
 * Hybrid abstract class to use the benefits of these interfaces: DBObject, JsonObject.
abstract public class AbstractHybridJsonDBObject extends LinkedHashMap<String, JsonValue>
        implements DBObject, JsonObject {