Example usage for java.awt.geom AffineTransform inverseTransform

List of usage examples for java.awt.geom AffineTransform inverseTransform


In this page you can find the example usage for java.awt.geom AffineTransform inverseTransform.


public Point2D inverseTransform(Point2D ptSrc, Point2D ptDst) throws NoninvertibleTransformException 

Source Link


Inverse transforms the specified ptSrc and stores the result in ptDst .


From source file:MathFunctions.java

public static AffineTransform generateAffineTransformFromPointPairs(
        Map<Point2D.Double, Point2D.Double> pointPairs, double srcTol, double destTol) throws Exception {
    AffineTransform transform = generateAffineTransformFromPointPairs(pointPairs);
    double srcDevSqSum = 0;
    double destDevSqSum = 0;
    for (Map.Entry pair : pointPairs.entrySet()) {
        try {/*from w  w w .j  a  v  a2 s . c om*/
            Point2D.Double srcPt = (Point2D.Double) pair.getKey();
            Point2D.Double destPt = (Point2D.Double) pair.getValue();

            Point2D.Double srcPt2 = (Point2D.Double) transform.inverseTransform(destPt, null);
            Point2D.Double destPt2 = (Point2D.Double) transform.transform(srcPt, null);

            srcDevSqSum += srcPt.distanceSq(srcPt2);
            destDevSqSum += destPt.distanceSq(destPt2);

        } catch (NoninvertibleTransformException ex) {
            throw new Exception();

    int n = pointPairs.size();
    double srcRMS = Math.sqrt(srcDevSqSum / n);
    double destRMS = Math.sqrt(destDevSqSum / n);

    if (srcRMS > srcTol || destRMS > destTol) {
        throw new Exception("Point mapping scatter exceeds tolerance.");

    return transform;

From source file:org.esa.snap.rcp.statistics.ScatterPlotPanel.java

private void compute(final Mask selectedMask) {

    final RasterDataNode raster = getRaster();

    final AttributeDescriptor dataField = scatterPlotModel.dataField;
    if (raster == null || dataField == null) {
        return;//from  ww  w . j a v a2  s . c  o  m

    SwingWorker<ComputedData[], Object> swingWorker = new SwingWorker<ComputedData[], Object>() {

        protected ComputedData[] doInBackground() throws Exception {
            SystemUtils.LOG.finest("start computing scatter plot data");

            final List<ComputedData> computedDataList = new ArrayList<>();

            final FeatureCollection<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature> collection = scatterPlotModel.pointDataSource
            final SimpleFeature[] features = collection.toArray(new SimpleFeature[collection.size()]);

            final int boxSize = scatterPlotModel.boxSize;

            final Rectangle sceneRect = new Rectangle(raster.getRasterWidth(), raster.getRasterHeight());

            final GeoCoding geoCoding = raster.getGeoCoding();
            final AffineTransform imageToModelTransform;
            imageToModelTransform = Product.findImageToModelTransform(geoCoding);
            for (SimpleFeature feature : features) {
                final Point point = (Point) feature.getDefaultGeometryProperty().getValue();
                Point2D modelPos = new Point2D.Float((float) point.getX(), (float) point.getY());
                final Point2D imagePos = imageToModelTransform.inverseTransform(modelPos, null);

                if (!sceneRect.contains(imagePos)) {
                final float imagePosX = (float) imagePos.getX();
                final float imagePosY = (float) imagePos.getY();
                final Rectangle imageRect = sceneRect.intersection(new Rectangle(
                        ((int) imagePosX) - boxSize / 2, ((int) imagePosY) - boxSize / 2, boxSize, boxSize));
                if (imageRect.isEmpty()) {
                final double[] rasterValues = new double[imageRect.width * imageRect.height];
                raster.readPixels(imageRect.x, imageRect.y, imageRect.width, imageRect.height, rasterValues);

                final int[] maskBuffer = new int[imageRect.width * imageRect.height];
                Arrays.fill(maskBuffer, 1);
                if (selectedMask != null) {
                    selectedMask.readPixels(imageRect.x, imageRect.y, imageRect.width, imageRect.height,

                final int centerIndex = imageRect.width * (imageRect.height / 2) + (imageRect.width / 2);
                if (maskBuffer[centerIndex] == 0) {

                double sum = 0;
                double sumSqr = 0;
                int n = 0;
                boolean valid = false;

                for (int y = 0; y < imageRect.height; y++) {
                    for (int x = 0; x < imageRect.width; x++) {
                        final int index = y * imageRect.height + x;
                        if (raster.isPixelValid(x + imageRect.x, y + imageRect.y) && maskBuffer[index] != 0) {
                            final double rasterValue = rasterValues[index];
                            sum += rasterValue;
                            sumSqr += rasterValue * rasterValue;
                            valid = true;

                if (!valid) {

                double rasterMean = sum / n;
                double rasterSigma = n > 1 ? Math.sqrt((sumSqr - (sum * sum) / n) / (n - 1)) : 0.0;

                String localName = dataField.getLocalName();
                Number attribute = (Number) feature.getAttribute(localName);

                final Collection<org.opengis.feature.Property> featureProperties = feature.getProperties();

                final float correlativeData = attribute.floatValue();
                final GeoPos geoPos = new GeoPos();
                if (geoCoding.canGetGeoPos()) {
                    final PixelPos pixelPos = new PixelPos(imagePosX, imagePosY);
                    geoCoding.getGeoPos(pixelPos, geoPos);
                } else {
                        new ComputedData(imagePosX, imagePosY, (float) geoPos.getLat(), (float) geoPos.getLon(),
                                (float) rasterMean, (float) rasterSigma, correlativeData, featureProperties));

            return computedDataList.toArray(new ComputedData[computedDataList.size()]);

        public void done() {
            try {
                final ValueAxis xAxis = getPlot().getDomainAxis();
                final ValueAxis yAxis = getPlot().getRangeAxis();


                computedDatas = null;

                final ComputedData[] data = get();
                if (data.length == 0) {

                computedDatas = data;

                final XYIntervalSeries scatterValues = new XYIntervalSeries(getCorrelativeDataName());
                for (ComputedData computedData : computedDatas) {
                    final float rasterMean = computedData.rasterMean;
                    final float rasterSigma = computedData.rasterSigma;
                    final float correlativeData = computedData.correlativeData;
                    scatterValues.add(correlativeData, correlativeData, correlativeData, rasterMean,
                            rasterMean - rasterSigma, rasterMean + rasterSigma);

                computingData = true;



                xAutoRangeAxisRange = new Range(xAxis.getLowerBound(), xAxis.getUpperBound());
                yAutoRangeAxisRange = new Range(yAxis.getLowerBound(), yAxis.getUpperBound());

                if (xAxisRangeControl.isAutoMinMax()) {
                    xAxisRangeControl.adjustComponents(xAxis, 3);
                } else {
                    xAxisRangeControl.adjustAxis(xAxis, 3);
                if (yAxisRangeControl.isAutoMinMax()) {
                    yAxisRangeControl.adjustComponents(yAxis, 3);
                } else {
                    yAxisRangeControl.adjustAxis(yAxis, 3);

                computingData = false;
            } catch (InterruptedException | CancellationException e) {
                SystemUtils.LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to compute correlative plot.", e);
                        "Failed to compute correlative plot.\n" + "Calculation canceled.",
                        JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE, null);
            } catch (ExecutionException e) {
                SystemUtils.LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to compute correlative plot.", e);
                Dialogs.showMessage(CHART_TITLE, "Failed to compute correlative plot.\n"
                        + "An error occurred:\n" + e.getCause().getMessage(), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE, null);

From source file:org.esa.beam.visat.toolviews.stat.ScatterPlotPanel.java

private void compute(final Mask selectedMask) {

    final RasterDataNode raster = getRaster();

    final AttributeDescriptor dataField = scatterPlotModel.dataField;
    if (raster == null || dataField == null) {
        return;// www .  j  a  v a 2s  .c o m

    SwingWorker<ComputedData[], Object> swingWorker = new SwingWorker<ComputedData[], Object>() {

        protected ComputedData[] doInBackground() throws Exception {
            BeamLogManager.getSystemLogger().finest("start computing scatter plot data");

            final List<ComputedData> computedDataList = new ArrayList<>();

            final FeatureCollection<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature> collection = scatterPlotModel.pointDataSource
            final SimpleFeature[] features = collection.toArray(new SimpleFeature[collection.size()]);

            final int boxSize = scatterPlotModel.boxSize;

            final Rectangle sceneRect = new Rectangle(raster.getSceneRasterWidth(),

            final GeoCoding geoCoding = raster.getGeoCoding();
            final AffineTransform imageToModelTransform;
            imageToModelTransform = ImageManager.getImageToModelTransform(geoCoding);
            for (SimpleFeature feature : features) {
                final Point point = (Point) feature.getDefaultGeometryProperty().getValue();
                Point2D modelPos = new Point2D.Float((float) point.getX(), (float) point.getY());
                final Point2D imagePos = imageToModelTransform.inverseTransform(modelPos, null);

                if (!sceneRect.contains(imagePos)) {
                final float imagePosX = (float) imagePos.getX();
                final float imagePosY = (float) imagePos.getY();
                final Rectangle imageRect = sceneRect.intersection(new Rectangle(
                        ((int) imagePosX) - boxSize / 2, ((int) imagePosY) - boxSize / 2, boxSize, boxSize));
                if (imageRect.isEmpty()) {
                final double[] rasterValues = new double[imageRect.width * imageRect.height];
                raster.readPixels(imageRect.x, imageRect.y, imageRect.width, imageRect.height, rasterValues);

                final int[] maskBuffer = new int[imageRect.width * imageRect.height];
                Arrays.fill(maskBuffer, 1);
                if (selectedMask != null) {
                    selectedMask.readPixels(imageRect.x, imageRect.y, imageRect.width, imageRect.height,

                final int centerIndex = imageRect.width * (imageRect.height / 2) + (imageRect.width / 2);
                if (maskBuffer[centerIndex] == 0) {

                double sum = 0;
                double sumSqr = 0;
                int n = 0;
                boolean valid = false;

                for (int y = 0; y < imageRect.height; y++) {
                    for (int x = 0; x < imageRect.width; x++) {
                        final int index = y * imageRect.height + x;
                        if (raster.isPixelValid(x + imageRect.x, y + imageRect.y) && maskBuffer[index] != 0) {
                            final double rasterValue = rasterValues[index];
                            sum += rasterValue;
                            sumSqr += rasterValue * rasterValue;
                            valid = true;

                if (!valid) {

                double rasterMean = sum / n;
                double rasterSigma = n > 1 ? Math.sqrt((sumSqr - (sum * sum) / n) / (n - 1)) : 0.0;

                String localName = dataField.getLocalName();
                Number attribute = (Number) feature.getAttribute(localName);

                final Collection<org.opengis.feature.Property> featureProperties = feature.getProperties();

                final float correlativeData = attribute.floatValue();
                final GeoPos geoPos = new GeoPos();
                if (geoCoding.canGetGeoPos()) {
                    final PixelPos pixelPos = new PixelPos(imagePosX, imagePosY);
                    geoCoding.getGeoPos(pixelPos, geoPos);
                } else {
                computedDataList.add(new ComputedData(imagePosX, imagePosY, geoPos.getLat(), geoPos.getLon(),
                        (float) rasterMean, (float) rasterSigma, correlativeData, featureProperties));

            return computedDataList.toArray(new ComputedData[computedDataList.size()]);

        public void done() {
            try {
                final ValueAxis xAxis = getPlot().getDomainAxis();
                final ValueAxis yAxis = getPlot().getRangeAxis();


                computedDatas = null;

                final ComputedData[] data = get();
                if (data.length == 0) {

                computedDatas = data;

                final XYIntervalSeries scatterValues = new XYIntervalSeries(getCorrelativeDataName());
                for (ComputedData computedData : computedDatas) {
                    final float rasterMean = computedData.rasterMean;
                    final float rasterSigma = computedData.rasterSigma;
                    final float correlativeData = computedData.correlativeData;
                    scatterValues.add(correlativeData, correlativeData, correlativeData, rasterMean,
                            rasterMean - rasterSigma, rasterMean + rasterSigma);

                computingData = true;



                xAutoRangeAxisRange = new Range(xAxis.getLowerBound(), xAxis.getUpperBound());
                yAutoRangeAxisRange = new Range(yAxis.getLowerBound(), yAxis.getUpperBound());

                if (xAxisRangeControl.isAutoMinMax()) {
                    xAxisRangeControl.adjustComponents(xAxis, 3);
                } else {
                    xAxisRangeControl.adjustAxis(xAxis, 3);
                if (yAxisRangeControl.isAutoMinMax()) {
                    yAxisRangeControl.adjustComponents(yAxis, 3);
                } else {
                    yAxisRangeControl.adjustAxis(yAxis, 3);

                computingData = false;
            } catch (InterruptedException | CancellationException e) {
                BeamLogManager.getSystemLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to compute correlative plot.", e);
                        "Failed to compute correlative plot.\n" + "Calculation canceled.",
                        CHART_TITLE, /*I18N*/
            } catch (ExecutionException e) {
                BeamLogManager.getSystemLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to compute correlative plot.", e);
                        "Failed to compute correlative plot.\n" + "An error occurred:\n"
                                + e.getCause().getMessage(),
                        CHART_TITLE, /*I18N*/

From source file:org.jcurl.core.base.Collider.java

 * Check distance, speed of approach, transform speeds to rock-coordinates,
 * call {@link #computeRC(Rock, Rock)}and transform back to wc afterwards.
 * //from www.j a  v a  2  s .c o m
 * @param xa
 * @param xb
 * @param va
 * @param vb
 * @param mat
 *            may be null. If not avoids frequent instanciations
 * @return <code>true</code> hit, <code>false</code> no hit.
public boolean computeWC(final Rock xa, final Rock xb, final Rock va, final Rock vb, AffineTransform mat) {
    if (mat == null)
        mat = new AffineTransform();
    // check distance
    if (xa.distanceSq(xb) > MaxDistSq) {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("Too far away distance=" + (xa.distance(xb) - (_Rad + _Rad)));
        return false;
    // change the coordinate system to rock-coordinates
    final Rock _va = (Rock) va.clone();
    final Rock _vb = (Rock) vb.clone();
    getInverseTrafo(vb, xa, xb, mat);
    try { // transform
        mat.inverseTransform(va, _va);
        mat.inverseTransform(vb, _vb);
    } catch (NoninvertibleTransformException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Matrix must be invertible", e);
    // check speed of approach
    if (!_va.nonZero())
        return false;
    if (log.isDebugEnabled())

    // physical model
    computeRC(_va, _vb);

    // re-transform
    mat.transform(_va, va);
    mat.transform(_vb, vb);
    return true;

From source file:org.jcurl.core.base.ColliderBase.java

 * Check distance, speed of approach, transform speeds to rock-coordinates,
 * call {@link #computeRC(Rock, Rock)}and transform back to wc afterwards.
 * /*  w  w w  .  j  a  v a 2 s.co m*/
 * @param xa
 * @param xb
 * @param va
 * @param vb
 * @param mat
 *            may be null. If not avoids frequent instanciations
 * @return <code>true</code> hit, <code>false</code> no hit.
protected boolean computeWC(final Rock xa, final Rock xb, final Rock va, final Rock vb, AffineTransform mat) {
    if (mat == null)
        mat = new AffineTransform();
    // check distance
    if (xa.distanceSq(xb) > MaxDistSq) {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("Too far away distance=" + (xa.distance(xb) - (_Rad + _Rad)));
        return false;
    // change the coordinate system to rock-coordinates
    final Rock _va = (Rock) va.clone();
    final Rock _vb = (Rock) vb.clone();
    getInverseTrafo(vb, xa, xb, mat);
    try { // transform
        mat.inverseTransform(va, _va);
        mat.inverseTransform(vb, _vb);
    } catch (final NoninvertibleTransformException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Matrix must be invertible", e);
    // check speed of approach
    if (!_va.nonZero())
        return false;
    if (log.isDebugEnabled())

    // physical model
    computeRC(_va, _vb);

    // re-transform
    mat.transform(_va, va);
    // FIXME apply angle delta from Collission coordinates to WC
    mat.transform(_vb, vb);
    // FIXME apply angle delta from Collission coordinates to WC
    return true;

From source file:org.jcurl.core.base.CollissionStrategy.java

 * Check distance, speed of approach, transform speeds to rock-coordinates,
 * call {@link #computeRC(Rock, Rock)}and transform back to wc afterwards.
 * /*from   www .  j  a v a2 s. c om*/
 * @param xa
 * @param xb
 * @param va
 * @param vb
 * @param mat
 *            may be null. If not avoids frequent instanciations
 * @return <code>true</code> hit, <code>false</code> no hit.
protected boolean computeWC(final Rock xa, final Rock xb, final Rock va, final Rock vb, AffineTransform mat) {
    if (mat == null)
        mat = new AffineTransform();
    // check distance
    if (xa.distanceSq(xb) > MaxDistSq) {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("Too far away distance=" + (xa.distance(xb) - (_Rad + _Rad)));
        return false;
    // change the coordinate system to rock-coordinates
    final Rock _va = (Rock) va.clone();
    final Rock _vb = (Rock) vb.clone();
    getInverseTrafo(vb, xa, xb, mat);
    try { // transform
        mat.inverseTransform(va, _va);
        mat.inverseTransform(vb, _vb);
    } catch (NoninvertibleTransformException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Matrix must be invertible", e);
    // check speed of approach
    if (!_va.nonZero())
        return false;
    if (log.isDebugEnabled())

    // physical model
    computeRC(_va, _vb);

    // re-transform
    mat.transform(_va, va);
    mat.transform(_vb, vb);
    return true;

From source file:org.jcurl.core.impl.ColliderBase.java

 * Check distance, speed of approach, transform speeds to
 * collission-coordinates, call {@link #computeCC(Rock, Rock)} and transform
 * back to wc afterwards.//from  w ww . ja  v  a 2  s.  c o  m
 * <p>
 * The angle (not the angular speed!) remains in WC and untouched!
 * </p>
 * @param xa
 *            position before the hit (WC)
 * @param xb
 *            position before the hit (WC)
 * @param va
 *            speed before the hit (CC)
 * @param vb
 *            speed before the hit (usually zero)
 * @param mat
 *            may be null. If not avoids frequent instanciations
 * @return <code>true</code> hit, <code>false</code> no hit.
protected boolean computeWC(final Rock<Pos> xa, final Rock<Pos> xb, final Rock<Vel> va, final Rock<Vel> vb,
        AffineTransform mat) {
    if (mat == null)
        mat = new AffineTransform();
    // check distance
    if (xa.p().distanceSq(xb.p()) > MaxDistSq) {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("Too far away distance=" + (xa.p().distance(xb.p()) - (_Rad + _Rad)));
        return false;
    // change the coordinate system to collission-coordinates
    final Rock<Vel> _va = (Rock<Vel>) va.clone();
    final Rock<Vel> _vb = (Rock<Vel>) vb.clone();
    getInverseTrafo(vb.p(), xa.p(), xb.p(), mat);
    try { // transform
        mat.inverseTransform(va.p(), _va.p());
        mat.inverseTransform(vb.p(), _vb.p());
    } catch (final NoninvertibleTransformException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Matrix must be invertible", e);
    // check speed of approach
    if (!_va.isNotZero())
        return false;
    if (log.isDebugEnabled())

    // physical model
    computeCC(_va, _vb);

    // re-transform
    mat.transform(_va.p(), va.p());
    mat.transform(_vb.p(), vb.p());
    return true;

From source file:org.jcurl.model.PathSegmentTest.java

public void testTrafo() throws NoninvertibleTransformException {
    final Point2D x0 = new Point2D.Double(1.5, 2.5);
    // final Point2D x0 = new Point2D.Double(0, 0);
    final Point2D v0 = new Point2D.Double(2, 1);
    // build the trafo
    final AffineTransform rc2wc = new AffineTransform();
    {/*from  ww  w.  j  av  a 2  s .  co  m*/
        rc2wc.rotate(-Math.acos((v0.getX() * 0 + v0.getY() * 1) / v0.distance(0, 0)), x0.getX(), x0.getY());
        rc2wc.translate(x0.getX(), x0.getY());
    // check some points.
    // wc(x0) -> rc(0,0)
    Point2D tmp = rc2wc.inverseTransform(x0, null);
    assertEquals("", 0, tmp.getX(), 1e-9);
    assertEquals("", 0, tmp.getY(), 1e-9);

    // rc(0,1) -> wc(x0)
    tmp = rc2wc.transform(new Point2D.Double(0, 1), null);
    assertEquals("", x0.getX() + 0.8944271909999, tmp.getX(), 1e-6);
    assertEquals("", x0.getY() + 0.4472135954999, tmp.getY(), 1e-6);

From source file:org.micromanager.plugins.magellan.propsandcovariants.SurfaceData.java

public double[] curvedSurfacePower(AcquisitionEvent event, double multiplier) {
    XYStagePosition xyPos = event.xyPosition_;
    double zPosition = event.zPosition_;
    Point2D.Double[] corners = xyPos.getFullTileCorners();
    //square is aligned with axes in pixel space, so convert to pixel space to generate test points
    double xSpan = corners[2].getX() - corners[0].getX();
    double ySpan = corners[2].getY() - corners[0].getY();
    Point2D.Double pixelSpan = new Point2D.Double();
    AffineTransform transform = AffineUtils.getAffineTransform(surface_.getCurrentPixelSizeConfig(), 0, 0);
    try {/*from w w  w  .  j av a2 s  .  c  o m*/
        transform.inverseTransform(new Point2D.Double(xSpan, ySpan), pixelSpan);
    } catch (NoninvertibleTransformException ex) {
        Log.log("Problem inverting affine transform");

    for (int xInd = 0; xInd < FOV_LASER_MODULATION_RESOLUTION; xInd++) {
        for (int yInd = 0; yInd < FOV_LASER_MODULATION_RESOLUTION; yInd++) {

            double x = ((0.5 + pixelSpan.x) / (double) FOV_LASER_MODULATION_RESOLUTION) * xInd;
            double y = ((0.5 + pixelSpan.y) / (double) FOV_LASER_MODULATION_RESOLUTION) * yInd;
            //convert these abritray pixel coordinates back to stage coordinates
            double[] transformMaxtrix = new double[6];
            transformMaxtrix[4] = corners[0].getX();
            transformMaxtrix[5] = corners[0].getY();
            //create new transform with translation applied
            transform = new AffineTransform(transformMaxtrix);
            Point2D.Double stageCoords = new Point2D.Double();
            transform.transform(new Point2D.Double(x, y), stageCoords);

            //Index in the way Teensy expects data
            int flatIndex = xInd + FOV_LASER_MODULATION_RESOLUTION * yInd;
            try {
                //test point for inclusion of position
                if (!surface_.waitForCurentInterpolation().isInterpDefined(stageCoords.x, stageCoords.y)) {
                    //if position is outside of convex hull, use minimum laser power
                    relativePower[flatIndex] = basePower_;
                } else {
                    float interpVal = surface_.waitForCurentInterpolation().getInterpolatedValue(stageCoords.x,
                    float normalAngle = surface_.waitForCurentInterpolation()
                            .getNormalAngleToVertical(stageCoords.x, stageCoords.y);
                    relativePower[flatIndex] = basePower_
                            * CurvedSurfaceCalculations.getRelativePower(meanFreePath_,
                                    Math.max(0, zPosition - interpVal), normalAngle, radiusOfCurvature_)
                            * multiplier;
            } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
                Log.log("Couldn't calculate curved surface power");
                return null;
    return relativePower;

From source file:org.micromanager.plugins.magellan.propsandcovariants.SurfaceData.java

  */*from w ww. ja  va 2s. co  m*/
  * @param corners
  * @param min true to get min, false to get max
  * @return {minDistance,maxDistance, minNormalAngle, maxNormalAngle)
private double[] distanceAndNormalCalc(Point2D.Double[] corners, double zVal) throws InterruptedException {
    //check a grid of points spanning entire position        
    //square is aligned with axes in pixel space, so convert to pixel space to generate test points
    double xSpan = corners[2].getX() - corners[0].getX();
    double ySpan = corners[2].getY() - corners[0].getY();
    Point2D.Double pixelSpan = new Point2D.Double();
    AffineTransform transform = AffineUtils.getAffineTransform(surface_.getCurrentPixelSizeConfig(), 0, 0);
    try {
        transform.inverseTransform(new Point2D.Double(xSpan, ySpan), pixelSpan);
    } catch (NoninvertibleTransformException ex) {
        Log.log("Problem inverting affine transform");
    double minDistance = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    double maxDistance = 0;
    double minNormalAngle = 90;
    double maxNormalAngle = 0;
    for (double x = 0; x <= pixelSpan.x; x += pixelSpan.x / (double) NUM_XY_TEST_POINTS) {
        for (double y = 0; y <= pixelSpan.y; y += pixelSpan.y / (double) NUM_XY_TEST_POINTS) {
            //convert these abritray pixel coordinates back to stage coordinates
            double[] transformMaxtrix = new double[6];
            transformMaxtrix[4] = corners[0].getX();
            transformMaxtrix[5] = corners[0].getY();
            //create new transform with translation applied
            transform = new AffineTransform(transformMaxtrix);
            Point2D.Double stageCoords = new Point2D.Double();
            transform.transform(new Point2D.Double(x, y), stageCoords);
            //test point for inclusion of position
            if (!surface_.waitForCurentInterpolation().isInterpDefined(stageCoords.x, stageCoords.y)) {
                //if position is outside of convex hull, assume min distance is 0
                minDistance = 0;
                //get extrapolated value for max distance
                float interpVal = surface_.getExtrapolatedValue(stageCoords.x, stageCoords.y);
                maxDistance = Math.max(zVal - interpVal, maxDistance);
                //only take actual values for normals
            } else {
                float interpVal = surface_.waitForCurentInterpolation().getInterpolatedValue(stageCoords.x,
                float normalAngle = surface_.waitForCurentInterpolation()
                        .getNormalAngleToVertical(stageCoords.x, stageCoords.y);
                minDistance = Math.min(Math.max(0, zVal - interpVal), minDistance);
                maxDistance = Math.max(zVal - interpVal, maxDistance);
                minNormalAngle = Math.min(minNormalAngle, normalAngle);
                maxNormalAngle = Math.max(maxNormalAngle, normalAngle);
    return new double[] { minDistance, maxDistance, minNormalAngle, maxNormalAngle };