Example usage for java.lang Math pow

List of usage examples for java.lang Math pow


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Math pow.


public static double pow(double a, double b) 

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Returns the value of the first argument raised to the power of the second argument.


From source file:com.itemanalysis.psychometrics.mixture.MvNormalComponentDistribution.java

 * @param x a matrix of dimension 1 x k, where k is the number of variables
 * @return/*from   w w w . j ava  2  s  . c  o m*/
public double density(RealMatrix x) throws SingularMatrixException {
    double prob = 0.0;
    RealMatrix xTran = x.transpose();
    int d = xTran.getRowDimension();
    double det = new LUDecomposition(sigma).getDeterminant();
    double nconst = 1.0 / Math.sqrt(det * Math.pow(2.0 * Math.PI, d));
    RealMatrix Sinv = new LUDecomposition(sigma).getSolver().getInverse();
    RealMatrix delta = xTran.subtract(mu);
    RealMatrix dist = (delta.transpose().multiply(Sinv).multiply(delta));
    prob = nconst * Math.exp(-0.5 * dist.getEntry(0, 0));
    return prob;

From source file:com.davidbracewell.math.distribution.NormalDistribution.java

 * Default Constructor//ww  w .  j a v a2  s  . com
 * @param mean   The mean of the distribution
 * @param stddev The standard deviation of the distribution
public NormalDistribution(double mean, double stddev) {
    this.mean = mean;
    this.stddev = stddev;
    this.var = Math.pow(stddev, 2);

From source file:com.github.lynxdb.server.core.aggregators.Dev.java

public TimeSerie aggregate(List<TimeSerie> _series) {
    return doInterpolate(_series, new Reducer() {
        double sum;
        double sumSquares;
        double count;

        @Override/*from ww  w  .jav a 2s. c  o m*/
        public void update(Entry _entry) {
            sum += _entry.getValue();
            sumSquares += Math.pow(_entry.getValue(), 2);

        public double result() {
            //divisor is (count -1) because of Bessel's correction
            return (count < 2) ? 0.0 : Math.sqrt((sumSquares / (count - 1)) - (Math.pow(sum, 2) / (count - 1)));

        public void reset() {
            sum = 0;
            count = 0;
            sumSquares = 0;

From source file:com.swcguild.springmvcwebapp.controller.InterCalcController.java

@RequestMapping(value = "/intercalc", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String doPost(HttpServletRequest request, Model model) {

    try {/*from   ww w. j ava  2s.  c om*/
        originalBalance = Double.parseDouble(request.getParameter("myAnswer"));
        startingBalance = originalBalance;
        intRate = Double.parseDouble(request.getParameter("myRate"));
        numYears = Double.parseDouble(request.getParameter("myYears"));
        numPeriods = Double.parseDouble(request.getParameter("myPeriods"));
        message = "";
        //List<Map> annualInterest = new ArrayList<>();
        Map yearMap = new HashMap<>();
        DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.00");

        int yearCount = 0;

        do {
            newBalance = originalBalance * (Math.pow(1 + ((intRate * .01) / numPeriods), (numPeriods)));

            double interestPerYear = newBalance - originalBalance;

            String interestPerYearString = df.format(interestPerYear);

            yearMap.put(yearCount, interestPerYearString);

            originalBalance = newBalance;

        } while (yearCount <= (numYears - 1));
        totalInterest = newBalance - startingBalance;
        String annualInterestString = yearMap.toString().replace("{", "").replace("}", "").trim();

        model.addAttribute("originalBalance", df.format(startingBalance));
        model.addAttribute("newBalance", df.format(newBalance));
        model.addAttribute("interestRate", intRate);
        model.addAttribute("interestEarned", df.format(totalInterest));
        model.addAttribute("years", df.format(numYears));
        model.addAttribute("periods", df.format(numPeriods));
        model.addAttribute("annualInterest", yearMap);

    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {

    return "intercalcResponse";
    //<td><c:out value="${current.id}" /><td>

From source file:de.termininistic.serein.examples.benchmarks.functions.unimodal.PermFunction.java

public double map(RealVector v) {
    double sum = 0.0;
    double[] x = v.toArray();
    for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
        double innerSum = 0.0;
        for (int j = 0; j < x.length; j++) {
            innerSum += (j + 1 + beta) * (Math.pow(x[j], i + 1) - 1 / Math.pow(j + 1, i + 1));
        }/* www.  j av  a 2 s  . c  o  m*/
        sum += innerSum * innerSum;
    return sum;

From source file:math2605.gn_exp.java

private static void setR(List<String[]> pairs, double a, double b, double c, RealMatrix r) {
    int row = 0;/*from w w  w  . ja  va2 s.  c om*/
    for (String[] p : pairs) {
        double x = Double.parseDouble(p[0]);
        double fx = a * Math.pow(Math.E, b * x) + c;
        double y = Double.parseDouble(p[1]);
        double resid = y - fx;
        r.setEntry(row, 0, resid);

From source file:com.opengamma.analytics.financial.model.volatility.surface.ConstantElasticityOfVarianceBlackEquivalentVolatilitySurfaceModel.java

public VolatilitySurface getSurface(final Map<OptionDefinition, Double> optionData,
        final ConstantElasticityOfVarianceModelDataBundle data) {
    Validate.notNull(optionData, "option data");
    ArgumentChecker.notEmpty(optionData, "option data");
    Validate.notNull(data, "data");
    if (optionData.size() > 1) {
        s_logger.warn("Have more than one option: only using the first");
    }//from   w w  w  . jav  a2s . c o m
    final OptionDefinition option = optionData.keySet().iterator().next();
    final double k = option.getStrike();
    final double t = option.getTimeToExpiry(data.getDate());
    final double sigma = data.getVolatility(t, k);
    final double beta = data.getElasticity();
    final double forward = data.getSpot();
    final double f = 0.5 * (forward + k);
    final double beta1 = 1 - beta;
    final double sigmaAdjusted = sigma * (1 + beta1 * (2 + beta) * (f - k) * (f - k) / 24 / f / f
            + beta1 * beta1 * sigma * sigma * t / 24 / Math.pow(f, 2 * beta1)) / Math.pow(f, beta1);
    return new VolatilitySurface(ConstantDoublesSurface.from(sigmaAdjusted));

From source file:Callers.BiasedBinomialCaller.java

 * Calls a genotype based on reads//  ww  w .  jav a 2s . com
 * @param d The reads
 * @return The called genotype
public double[] callSingle(int[] d) {
    if ((d[0] + d[1]) != 0) {
        double[] probs = new double[3];

        double l0 = Math.pow(1 - error, d[0]) * Math.pow(error, d[1]);
        double l1 = Math.pow(bias, d[0]) * Math.pow(1 - bias, d[1]);
        double l2 = Math.pow(error, d[0]) * Math.pow(1 - error, d[1]);

        double totall = l0 + l1 + l2;

        probs[0] = l0 / totall;
        probs[1] = l1 / totall;
        probs[2] = l2 / totall;

        return probs;
    } else {
        double[] probs = { 1.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 3.0 };
        return probs;

From source file:math2605.gn_qua.java

private static void setR(List<String[]> pairs, double a, double b, double c, RealMatrix r) {
    int row = 0;/*  w ww  .  j  a  v  a2 s.co  m*/
    for (String[] p : pairs) {
        double x = Double.parseDouble(p[0]);
        double fx = a * Math.pow(x, 2) + b * x + c;
        double y = Double.parseDouble(p[1]);
        double resid = y - fx;
        r.setEntry(row, 0, resid);

From source file:ardufocuser.starfocusing.Utils.java

 * Calcula la distancia euclidea de dos puntos, dado sus coordenadas.
 *//*  w ww.ja v  a 2 s. c  o  m*/
public static double computeDistance(int p1x, int p1y, int p2x, int p2y) {

    int cat1 = Math.abs(p1x - p2x);
    int cat2 = Math.abs(p1y - p2y);
    double dis = Math.sqrt((Math.pow(cat1, 2) + Math.pow(cat2, 2)));
    return dis;
