Example usage for java.lang Math pow

List of usage examples for java.lang Math pow


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Math pow.


public static double pow(double a, double b) 

Source Link


Returns the value of the first argument raised to the power of the second argument.


From source file:com.exzogeni.dk.graphics.Bitmaps.java

public static int calculateInSampleSize(BitmapFactory.Options ops, int hwSize) {
    final int outHeight = ops.outHeight;
    final int outWidth = ops.outWidth;
    if (outWidth > hwSize || outHeight > hwSize) {
        final double ratio = Math.max(Math.round((double) outWidth / (double) hwSize),
                Math.round((double) outHeight / (double) hwSize));
        return ratio > 0 ? (int) Math.pow(2, Math.floor(Math.log(ratio) / LN_2)) : 1;
    }//from   ww  w . ja v a 2s . com
    return 1;

From source file:libra.preprocess.stage2.KmerIndexBuilderReducer.java

protected void reduce(CompressedSequenceWritable key, Iterable<IntWritable> values, Context context)
        throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    int frequency = 0;

    for (IntWritable value : values) {
        frequency += value.get();//from  ww w  .  jav a 2s. c  o m

    // compute base
    if (frequency > 0) {
        this.logTFSquareCounter.increment((long) (Math.pow(1 + Math.log10(frequency), 2) * 1000));
    context.write(key, new IntWritable(frequency));

From source file:org.openmrs.module.reportingdemo.definition.data.evaluator.BmiPatientDataDefinitionEvaluator.java

public EvaluatedPatientData evaluate(PatientDataDefinition definition, EvaluationContext context)
        throws EvaluationException {

    EvaluatedPatientData pd = new EvaluatedPatientData(definition, context);

    Map<Integer, Object> wts = evaluateObs(demoPatientData.getLatestWeight(), context);
    Map<Integer, Object> hts = evaluateObs(demoPatientData.getLatestHeight(), context);

    for (Integer pId : wts.keySet()) {
        Double wt = (Double) wts.get(pId);
        Double ht = (Double) hts.get(pId);
        if (wt != null && ht != null) {
            double bmi = wt / Math.pow(ht / 100, 2);
            pd.addData(pId, bmi);/* w w w .  j a  va  2s .  c o  m*/

    return pd;

From source file:iDynoOptimizer.MOEAFramework26.src.org.moeaframework.core.indicator.Spacing.java

 * Computes the spread metric for the specified problem given an
 * approximation set./*from   www .  j  a  v  a 2  s  .  c  o m*/
 * @param problem the problem
 * @param approximationSet an approximation set for the problem
 * @return the spread metric for the specified problem given an
 *         approximation set
static double evaluate(Problem problem, NondominatedPopulation approximationSet) {
    if (approximationSet.size() < 2) {
        return 0.0;

    double[] d = new double[approximationSet.size()];

    for (int i = 0; i < approximationSet.size(); i++) {
        double min = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
        Solution solutionI = approximationSet.get(i);

        if (solutionI.violatesConstraints()) {

        for (int j = 0; j < approximationSet.size(); j++) {
            if (i != j) {
                Solution solutionJ = approximationSet.get(j);

                if (solutionJ.violatesConstraints()) {

                min = Math.min(min, IndicatorUtils.manhattanDistance(problem, solutionI, solutionJ));

        d[i] = min;

    double dbar = StatUtils.sum(d) / approximationSet.size();
    double sum = 0.0;

    for (int i = 0; i < approximationSet.size(); i++) {
        if (approximationSet.get(i).violatesConstraints()) {

        sum += Math.pow(d[i] - dbar, 2.0);

    return Math.sqrt(sum / (approximationSet.size() - 1));

From source file:Circle.java

public static int flatDistance(Position a, Position b) {
    return (int) Math.sqrt(Math.pow(a.x - b.x, 2) + Math.pow(a.y - b.y, 2));

From source file:Methods.CalculusNewtonRaphson.java

public static void newtonRaphson2(double xold, double decPoint) {//method used calculate root point acording the paramethers that enter the method and store the data in a global paramether linked list

    double xnew, fxold, fxnew, fdashxold, diff;
    int iteration;
    iteration = 0;/*www.  j a va 2  s .co  m*/
    xNewLinkedList.head = null;//Clearing the linked list before using it
    xLinkedList.head = null;

    do {
        iteration += 1;
        fxold = (Math.log(Math.abs(xold + 1.0))) + 1.0;
        fdashxold = (1.0 / (xold + 1.0));
        xnew = xold - (fxold / fdashxold);
        fxnew = xnew - Math.pow(xnew, 2.0);
        System.out.println("Approx for iteration{}" + iteration + " is " + xnew);

        if (iteration == 1) {//Block used to insert data in the linked list
            xNewLinkedList.addFirst(xold, fxold, iteration);
            xLinkedList.addFirst(xnew, fxnew, iteration);
        } else {
            xNewLinkedList.addMid(xold, fxold, iteration, iteration - 1);
            xLinkedList.addMid(xnew, fxnew, iteration, iteration - 1);

        diff = Math.abs(xnew - xold);
        xold = xnew;
    } while (diff > decPoint);
    xNewLinkedList.addMid(xnew, 0.0, iteration + 1, iteration);//Block used to insert data in the linked list
    xLinkedList.addMid(xnew, 0.0, iteration + 1, iteration);
    System.out.println("root to six decimal places is " + xnew);


From source file:com.opengamma.analytics.financial.model.volatility.smile.fitting.SABRATMVolatilityCalculator.java

 * Finds the alpha that gives the required ATM volatility 
 * @param data SABR parameters - the alpha value is ignored 
 * @param option The option/*from w w w .j a  v a  2  s. c  o m*/
 * @param forward the forward
 * @param atmVol The ATM volatility
 * @return the value of alpha
public double calculate(final SABRFormulaData data, final EuropeanVanillaOption option, final double forward,
        final double atmVol) {
    Validate.notNull(data, "data");
    Validate.notNull(option, "option");
    Validate.isTrue(atmVol > 0, "ATM vol must be > 0");
    final Function1D<Double, Double> f = new Function1D<Double, Double>() {

        public Double evaluate(final Double alpha) {
            final SABRFormulaData newData = new SABRFormulaData(alpha, data.getBeta(), data.getRho(),
            return _sabrFormula.getVolatilityFunction(option, forward).evaluate(newData) - atmVol;
    final double alphaTry = atmVol * Math.pow(forward, 1 - data.getBeta());
    final double[] range = _bracketer.getBracketedPoints(f, alphaTry / 2.0, 2 * alphaTry);
    return _rootFinder.getRoot(f, range[0], range[1]);

From source file:org.amplafi.flow.strategies.CombinationsStrategy.java

 * Generates a test for an activity.//from  ww w.ja  va 2 s. c  o m
 * @param flow
 *            - flow name
 * @param activityDefinition
 *            - JSON object
 * @param requestUriString
 *            - base request url
 * @throws GenerationException
 *             if problem occurs
public void generateTestForActivity(String flow, String key, JSONObject activityDefinition,
        FarReachesServiceInfo requestUriString) throws GenerationException {

    assertNotNull(activityDefinition, "flowDefinition was null, The test should depend on"
            + " testJsonStringIsReturnedWhenRequestingTheFlowDefinition() does it?");
    Collection<String> parameterNames = getAllParameterNames(activityDefinition);

    // How many combinations of being present or not are there?
    // should be 2^parameterNames.size()

    int totalCombinations = (int) Math.pow(2, parameterNames.size());
    totalCombinations = (totalCombinations > MAX_GENERATED_COMBINATIONS ? MAX_GENERATED_COMBINATIONS
            : totalCombinations);

    // Enumerate those combinations.
    for (int combination = 0; combination < totalCombinations; combination++) {

        Collection<String> thisTestParams = new ArrayList<String>();
        // loop over the available param names and decide whether to include
        // them.
        // for example combination 5 is 101 in binary so include the 1st and
        // the 3rd parameter
        // but not the second.

        int order = 1;
        for (String pname : parameterNames) {
            if ((combination & order) == order) {
            order *= 2;

        // Generate request for this combination.
        Collection<NameValuePair> parametersPopulatedWithBogusData = generateParameters(flow, thisTestParams);
        // add the json response parameter

        addRequest(flow, parametersPopulatedWithBogusData);

        // callFlowForTypicalData(requestUriString, flow,
        // parametersPopulatedWithBogusData )



From source file:GeMSE.GS.Analysis.Clustering.DistanceMatrix.java

public double[][] GetDistanceMatrix(double[][] space, Metrics metric, ClusteringDomains clusteringDomain) {
    euclideanDistance = new EuclideanDistance();
    manhattanDistance = new ManhattanDistance();
    earthMoversDistance = new EarthMoversDistance();
    chebyshevDistance = new ChebyshevDistance();
    canberraDistance = new CanberraDistance();

    double[][] rtv = null;

    int rowCount = space.length;
    int colCount = space[0].length;
    int rtvIndex = 0;

    switch (clusteringDomain) {
    case Rows:// ww  w . j  a v a  2  s . c  o m
        rtv = new double[1][(int) Math.floor((Math.pow(rowCount, 2) - rowCount) / 2f)];

        for (int i = 0; i < rowCount - 1; i++)
            for (int j = i + 1; j < rowCount; j++)
                // TODO: replace the following mess with the factory method. 
                switch (metric) {
                case EuclideanDistance:
                    rtv[0][rtvIndex++] = euclideanDistance.compute(space[i], space[j]);

                case ManhattanDistance:
                    rtv[0][rtvIndex++] = manhattanDistance.compute(space[i], space[j]);

                case EarthMoversDistance:
                    rtv[0][rtvIndex++] = earthMoversDistance.compute(space[i], space[j]);

                case ChebyshevDistance:
                    rtv[0][rtvIndex++] = chebyshevDistance.compute(space[i], space[j]);

                case CanberraDistance:
                    rtv[0][rtvIndex++] = canberraDistance.compute(space[i], space[j]);

                case PearsonCorrelationCoefficient:
                    rtv[0][rtvIndex++] = ComputePCC(space[i], space[j]);


    case Columns:
        rtv = new double[1][(int) Math.floor((Math.pow(colCount, 2) - colCount) / 2f)];

        double[] col_i = new double[rowCount];
        double[] col_j = new double[rowCount];

        for (int i = 0; i < colCount - 1; i++) {
            for (int j = i + 1; j < colCount; j++) {
                for (int row = 0; row < rowCount; row++) {
                    col_i[row] = space[row][i];
                    col_j[row] = space[row][j];

                // TODO: Replace the following mess with the factory pattern. 
                switch (metric) {
                case EuclideanDistance:
                    rtv[0][rtvIndex++] = euclideanDistance.compute(col_i, col_j);

                case ManhattanDistance:
                    rtv[0][rtvIndex++] = manhattanDistance.compute(col_i, col_j);

                case EarthMoversDistance:
                    rtv[0][rtvIndex++] = earthMoversDistance.compute(col_i, col_j);

                case ChebyshevDistance:
                    rtv[0][rtvIndex++] = chebyshevDistance.compute(col_i, col_j);

                case CanberraDistance:
                    rtv[0][rtvIndex++] = canberraDistance.compute(col_i, col_j);

                case PearsonCorrelationCoefficient:
                    rtv[0][rtvIndex++] = ComputePCC(col_i, col_j);

    return rtv;