Example usage for java.math BigDecimal compareTo

List of usage examples for java.math BigDecimal compareTo


In this page you can find the example usage for java.math BigDecimal compareTo.


public int compareTo(BigDecimal val) 

Source Link


Compares this BigDecimal with the specified BigDecimal .


From source file:com.osafe.services.OsafePayPalServices.java

private static void addCartDetails(NVPEncoder encoder, ShoppingCart cart) throws GenericEntityException {
    encoder.add("CURRENCYCODE", cart.getCurrency());
    int line = 0;
    for (ShoppingCartItem item : cart.items()) {
        encoder.add("L_NUMBER" + line, item.getProductId());
        encoder.add("L_NAME" + line, item.getName());
        encoder.add("L_AMT" + line, item.getBasePrice().setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toPlainString());
        encoder.add("L_QTY" + line, item.getQuantity().toBigInteger().toString());
        line++;//  w  w  w.  j av a 2s.c  om
        BigDecimal otherAdjustments = item.getOtherAdjustments();
        if (otherAdjustments.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) != 0) {
            encoder.add("L_NUMBER" + line, item.getProductId());
            encoder.add("L_NAME" + line, item.getName() + " Adjustments");
            encoder.add("L_AMT" + line, otherAdjustments.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toPlainString());
            encoder.add("L_QTY" + line, "1");
    BigDecimal otherAdjustments = cart.getOrderOtherAdjustmentTotal();
    if (otherAdjustments.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) != 0) {
        encoder.add("L_NUMBER" + line, "N/A");
        encoder.add("L_NAME" + line, "Order Adjustments");
        encoder.add("L_AMT" + line, otherAdjustments.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toPlainString());
        encoder.add("L_QTY" + line, "1");
    encoder.add("ITEMAMT", cart.getSubTotal().add(otherAdjustments).setScale(2).toPlainString());
    //encoder.add("SHIPPINGAMT", "0.00");
    //encoder.add("TAXAMT", "0.00");
    encoder.add("SHIPPINGAMT", cart.getTotalShipping().setScale(2).toPlainString());
    encoder.add("TAXAMT", cart.getTotalSalesTax().setScale(2).toPlainString());
    encoder.add("AMT", cart.getGrandTotal().setScale(2).toPlainString());
    //encoder.add("AMT", cart.getSubTotal().add(otherAdjustments).setScale(2).toPlainString());
    //NOTE: The docs say this is optional but then won't work without it
    //encoder.add("MAXAMT", cart.getSubTotal().add(otherAdjustments).setScale(2).toPlainString());

From source file:ips1ap101.lib.base.util.StrUtils.java

public static boolean esObjetoEnRango(Object objeto, Object minimo, Object maximo) {
    boolean es = true;
    //      EnumTipoDatoParametro tipo;
    if (objeto == null) {
        return false;
    } else if (objeto instanceof String) {
        //          tipo = EnumTipoDatoParametro.ALFANUMERICO;
        String val1 = (String) objeto;
        String min1 = (String) minimo;
        String max1 = (String) maximo;
        if (min1 != null && val1.compareTo(min1) < 0) {
            es = false;/* ww  w.j  a  v a2s  .  com*/
        if (max1 != null && val1.compareTo(max1) > 0) {
            es = false;
    } else if (objeto instanceof Integer) {
        //          tipo = EnumTipoDatoParametro.ENTERO;
        Integer val4 = (Integer) objeto;
        Integer min4 = (Integer) minimo;
        Integer max4 = (Integer) maximo;
        if (min4 != null && val4.compareTo(min4) < 0) {
            es = false;
        if (max4 != null && val4.compareTo(max4) > 0) {
            es = false;
    } else if (objeto instanceof Long || objeto instanceof BigInteger) {
        //          tipo = EnumTipoDatoParametro.ENTERO_GRANDE;
        Long val5 = objeto instanceof BigInteger ? ((BigInteger) objeto).longValue() : (Long) objeto;
        Long min5 = (Long) minimo;
        Long max5 = (Long) maximo;
        if (min5 != null && val5.compareTo(min5) < 0) {
            es = false;
        if (max5 != null && val5.compareTo(max5) > 0) {
            es = false;
    } else if (objeto instanceof BigDecimal) {
        //          tipo = EnumTipoDatoParametro.NUMERICO;
        BigDecimal val2 = (BigDecimal) objeto;
        BigDecimal min2 = (BigDecimal) minimo;
        BigDecimal max2 = (BigDecimal) maximo;
        if (min2 != null && val2.compareTo(min2) < 0) {
            es = false;
        if (max2 != null && val2.compareTo(max2) > 0) {
            es = false;
    } else if (objeto instanceof Timestamp) {
        //          tipo = EnumTipoDatoParametro.FECHA_HORA;
        Timestamp val3 = (Timestamp) objeto;
        Timestamp min3 = (Timestamp) minimo;
        Timestamp max3 = (Timestamp) maximo;
        if (min3 != null && val3.compareTo(min3) < 0) {
            es = false;
        if (max3 != null && val3.compareTo(max3) > 0) {
            es = false;
    } else {
        return false;
    return es;

From source file:co.nubetech.apache.hadoop.BigDecimalSplitter.java

 * Returns a list of BigDecimals one element longer than the list of input
 * splits. This represents the boundaries between input splits. All splits
 * are open on the top end, except the last one.
 * //from ww w.j a v a  2  s.  co  m
 * So the list [0, 5, 8, 12, 18] would represent splits capturing the
 * intervals:
 * [0, 5) [5, 8) [8, 12) [12, 18] note the closed interval for the last
 * split.
List<BigDecimal> split(BigDecimal numSplits, BigDecimal minVal, BigDecimal maxVal) throws SQLException {

    List<BigDecimal> splits = new ArrayList<BigDecimal>();

    // Use numSplits as a hint. May need an extra task if the size doesn't
    // divide cleanly.

    BigDecimal splitSize = tryDivide(maxVal.subtract(minVal), (numSplits));
    if (splitSize.compareTo(MIN_INCREMENT) < 0) {
        splitSize = MIN_INCREMENT;
        LOG.warn("Set BigDecimal splitSize to MIN_INCREMENT");

    BigDecimal curVal = minVal;

    while (curVal.compareTo(maxVal) <= 0) {
        curVal = curVal.add(splitSize);

    if (splits.get(splits.size() - 1).compareTo(maxVal) != 0 || splits.size() == 1) {
        // We didn't end on the maxVal. Add that to the end of the list.

    return splits;

From source file:com.intuit.karate.Script.java

public static AssertionResult matchNestedObject(char delimiter, String path, MatchType matchType,
        Object actRoot, Object actObject, Object expObject, ScriptContext context) {
    logger.trace("path: {}, actual: '{}', expected: '{}'", path, actObject, expObject);
    if (expObject == null) {
        if (actObject != null) {
            return matchFailed(path, actObject, expObject, "actual value is not null");
        }// w  w  w . j ava  2 s .co m
        return AssertionResult.PASS; // both are null
    if (expObject instanceof String) {
        ScriptValue actValue = new ScriptValue(actObject);
        return matchStringOrPattern(delimiter, path, matchType, actRoot, actValue, expObject.toString(),
    } else if (expObject instanceof Map) {
        if (!(actObject instanceof Map)) {
            return matchFailed(path, actObject, expObject, "actual value is not of type 'map'");
        Map<String, Object> expMap = (Map) expObject;
        Map<String, Object> actMap = (Map) actObject;
        if (matchType != MatchType.CONTAINS && actMap.size() > expMap.size()) { // > is because of the chance of #ignore
            return matchFailed(path, actObject, expObject,
                    "actual value has more keys than expected - " + actMap.size() + ":" + expMap.size());
        for (Map.Entry<String, Object> expEntry : expMap.entrySet()) { // TDDO should we assert order, maybe XML needs this ?
            String key = expEntry.getKey();
            String childPath = path + delimiter + key;
            AssertionResult ar = matchNestedObject(delimiter, childPath, MatchType.EQUALS, actRoot,
                    actMap.get(key), expEntry.getValue(), context);
            if (!ar.pass) {
                return ar;
        return AssertionResult.PASS; // map compare done
    } else if (expObject instanceof List) {
        List expList = (List) expObject;
        List actList = (List) actObject;
        int actCount = actList.size();
        int expCount = expList.size();
        if (matchType != MatchType.CONTAINS && actCount != expCount) {
            return matchFailed(path, actObject, expObject,
                    "actual and expected arrays are not the same size - " + actCount + ":" + expCount);
        if (matchType == MatchType.CONTAINS || matchType == MatchType.CONTAINS_ONLY) { // just checks for existence
            for (Object expListObject : expList) { // for each expected item in the list
                boolean found = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < actCount; i++) {
                    Object actListObject = actList.get(i);
                    String listPath = buildListPath(delimiter, path, i);
                    AssertionResult ar = matchNestedObject(delimiter, listPath, MatchType.EQUALS, actRoot,
                            actListObject, expListObject, context);
                    if (ar.pass) { // exact match, we found it
                        found = true;
                if (!found) {
                    return matchFailed(path + "[*]", actObject, expListObject,
                            "actual value does not contain expected");
            return AssertionResult.PASS; // all items were found
        } else { // exact compare of list elements and order
            for (int i = 0; i < expCount; i++) {
                Object expListObject = expList.get(i);
                Object actListObject = actList.get(i);
                String listPath = buildListPath(delimiter, path, i);
                AssertionResult ar = matchNestedObject(delimiter, listPath, MatchType.EQUALS, actRoot,
                        actListObject, expListObject, context);
                if (!ar.pass) {
                    return matchFailed(listPath, actListObject, expListObject, "[" + ar.message + "]");
            return AssertionResult.PASS; // lists (and order) are identical
    } else if (ClassUtils.isPrimitiveOrWrapper(expObject.getClass())) {
        return matchPrimitive(path, actObject, expObject);
    } else if (expObject instanceof BigDecimal) {
        BigDecimal expNumber = (BigDecimal) expObject;
        if (actObject instanceof BigDecimal) {
            BigDecimal actNumber = (BigDecimal) actObject;
            if (actNumber.compareTo(expNumber) != 0) {
                return matchFailed(path, actObject, expObject, "not equal (big decimal)");
        } else {
            BigDecimal actNumber = convertToBigDecimal(actObject);
            if (actNumber == null || actNumber.compareTo(expNumber) != 0) {
                return matchFailed(path, actObject, expObject, "not equal (primitive : big decimal)");
        return AssertionResult.PASS;
    } else { // this should never happen
        throw new RuntimeException("unexpected type: " + expObject.getClass());

From source file:org.apache.sqoop.mapreduce.db.BigDecimalSplitter.java

 * Returns a list of BigDecimals one element longer than the list of input
 * splits.  This represents the boundaries between input splits.  All splits
 * are open on the top end, except the last one.
 * So the list [0, 5, 8, 12, 18] would represent splits capturing the
 * intervals:/*from   ww w.jav  a  2s . co m*/
 * [0, 5)
 * [5, 8)
 * [8, 12)
 * [12, 18] note the closed interval for the last split.
protected List<BigDecimal> split(BigDecimal numSplits, BigDecimal minVal, BigDecimal maxVal)
        throws SQLException {

    List<BigDecimal> splits = new ArrayList<BigDecimal>();

    // Use numSplits as a hint. May need an extra task if the size doesn't
    // divide cleanly.

    BigDecimal splitSize = tryDivide(maxVal.subtract(minVal), (numSplits));
    if (splitSize.compareTo(MIN_INCREMENT) < 0) {
        splitSize = MIN_INCREMENT;
        LOG.warn("Set BigDecimal splitSize to MIN_INCREMENT");

    BigDecimal curVal = minVal;

    while (curVal.compareTo(maxVal) <= 0) {
        curVal = curVal.add(splitSize);

    if (splits.get(splits.size() - 1).compareTo(maxVal) != 0 || splits.size() == 1) {
        // We didn't end on the maxVal. Add that to the end of the list.

    return splits;

From source file:com.mirth.connect.donkey.model.channel.MetaDataColumnType.java

 * Returns an object for a metadata value that is casted to the correct type
 * /* ww w.  j a v  a2s  . c  o  m*/
 * @throws MetaDataColumnException
 *             If an error occurred while attempting to cast the value
public Object castValue(Object value) throws MetaDataColumnException {
    if (value == null) {
        return null;

    try {
        switch (this) {
        case BOOLEAN:
            return (Boolean) new BooleanConverter().convert(Boolean.class, value);
        case NUMBER:
            BigDecimal number = (BigDecimal) new BigDecimalConverter().convert(BigDecimal.class, value);
            if (number.compareTo(MAX_NUMBER_VALUE) >= 0) {
                throw new Exception("Number " + String.valueOf(number)
                        + " is greater than or equal to the maximum allowed value of 10^16.");
            return number;
        case STRING:
            String string = (String) new StringConverter().convert(String.class, value);
            if (string.length() > 255) {
                string = StringUtils.substring(string, 0, 255);
            return string;
        case TIMESTAMP:
            return new DateParser().parse(value.toString());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new MetaDataColumnException(e);

    throw new MetaDataColumnException("Unrecognized MetaDataColumnType");

From source file:org.apache.tajo.validation.MinValidator.java

protected <T> boolean validateInternal(T object) {
    boolean result = false;

    if (object != null) {
        if ((object instanceof Byte) || (object instanceof Short) || (object instanceof Integer)) {
            Integer objInteger = Integer.decode(object.toString());
            Integer minInteger = Integer.decode(minValue);
            result = objInteger.compareTo(minInteger) >= 0;
        } else if (object instanceof Long) {
            Long objLong = Long.decode(object.toString());
            Long minLong = Long.decode(minValue);
            result = objLong.compareTo(minLong) >= 0;
        } else if ((object instanceof Float) || (object instanceof Double)) {
            Double objDouble = Double.valueOf(object.toString());
            Double minDouble = Double.valueOf(minValue);
            result = objDouble.compareTo(minDouble) >= 0;
        } else if (object instanceof BigInteger) {
            BigInteger objInteger = (BigInteger) object;
            BigInteger minInteger = new BigInteger(minValue);
            result = objInteger.compareTo(minInteger) >= 0;
        } else if (object instanceof BigDecimal) {
            BigDecimal objDecimal = (BigDecimal) object;
            BigDecimal minDecimal = new BigDecimal(minValue);
            result = objDecimal.compareTo(minDecimal) >= 0;
        } else if (object instanceof String) {
            BigDecimal objDecimal = new BigDecimal((String) object);
            BigDecimal minDecimal = new BigDecimal(minValue);
            result = objDecimal.compareTo(minDecimal) >= 0;
        }//w ww.j a v  a  2  s.  c  o m
    } else {
        result = true;

    return result;

From source file:com.github.fge.jsonschema.keyword.validator.common.MaximumValidator.java

protected void validateDecimal(final ProcessingReport report, final MessageBundle bundle, final FullData data)
        throws ProcessingException {
    final JsonNode instance = data.getInstance().getNode();
    final BigDecimal instanceValue = instance.decimalValue();
    final BigDecimal decimalValue = number.decimalValue();

    final int cmp = instanceValue.compareTo(decimalValue);

    if (cmp < 0)
        return;// ww  w.j  a  v a  2 s .co m

    if (cmp > 0) {
        report.error(newMsg(data, bundle, "err.common.maximum.tooLarge").putArgument(keyword, number)
                .putArgument("found", instance));

    if (!exclusive)

    report.error(newMsg(data, bundle, "err.common.maximum.notExclusive").putArgument(keyword, number)
            .put("exclusiveMaximum", BooleanNode.TRUE));

From source file:com.github.fge.jsonschema.keyword.validator.common.MinimumValidator.java

protected void validateDecimal(final ProcessingReport report, final MessageBundle bundle, final FullData data)
        throws ProcessingException {
    final JsonNode instance = data.getInstance().getNode();
    final BigDecimal instanceValue = instance.decimalValue();
    final BigDecimal decimalValue = number.decimalValue();

    final int cmp = instanceValue.compareTo(decimalValue);

    if (cmp > 0)
        return;/*from  ww w  . j a va2s.  c  om*/

    if (cmp < 0) {
        report.error(newMsg(data, bundle, "err.common.minimum.tooSmall").putArgument(keyword, number)
                .putArgument("found", instance));

    if (!exclusive)

    report.error(newMsg(data, bundle, "err.common.minimum.notExclusive").putArgument(keyword, number)
            .put("exclusiveMinimum", BooleanNode.TRUE));

From source file:org.eel.kitchen.jsonschema.keyword.MinimumKeywordValidator.java

protected void validateDecimal(final ValidationReport report, final JsonNode instance) {
    final BigDecimal instanceValue = instance.decimalValue();
    final BigDecimal decimalValue = number.decimalValue();

    final int cmp = instanceValue.compareTo(decimalValue);

    if (cmp > 0)
        return;/*from   w  ww . jav  a 2  s  . co m*/

    final Message.Builder msg = newMsg().addInfo(keyword, number).addInfo("found", instance);

    if (cmp < 0) {
        msg.setMessage("number is lower than the required minimum");

    if (!exclusive)

    msg.addInfo("exclusiveMinimum", nodeFactory.booleanNode(true))
            .setMessage("number is not strictly greater than the required " + "minimum");