Example usage for java.math BigDecimal compareTo

List of usage examples for java.math BigDecimal compareTo


In this page you can find the example usage for java.math BigDecimal compareTo.


public int compareTo(BigDecimal val) 

Source Link


Compares this BigDecimal with the specified BigDecimal .


From source file:de.iteratec.iteraplan.elasticeam.operator.rangify.Range.java

public Range(String name, BigDecimal lowerBound, BigDecimal upperBound) {

    if (lowerBound == null || upperBound == null || lowerBound.compareTo(NEGATIVE_INFINITY) == -1
            || upperBound.compareTo(POSITIVE_INFINITY) == 1 || lowerBound.compareTo(upperBound) == 1) {
        throw new ModelException(ModelException.INCONSISTENT_RANGES,
                "The range you have provided is inconsistent. Are both bounds not null and between neagtive and positive infinity?");
    }//  ww w .  ja v  a  2  s  .c om
    this.name = name;
    this.lowerBound = lowerBound;
    this.upperBound = upperBound;

From source file:org.eel.kitchen.jsonschema.keyword.MaximumKeywordValidator.java

protected void validateDecimal(final ValidationReport report, final JsonNode instance) {
    final BigDecimal instanceValue = instance.decimalValue();
    final BigDecimal decimalValue = number.decimalValue();

    final int cmp = instanceValue.compareTo(decimalValue);

    if (cmp < 0)
        return;//from  ww  w  .  j a  va2 s.c  om

    final Message.Builder msg = newMsg().addInfo(keyword, number).addInfo("found", instance);

    if (cmp > 0) {
        msg.setMessage("number is greater than the required maximum");

    if (!exclusive)

    msg.setMessage("number is not strictly lower than the required maximum").addInfo("exclusiveMaximum",

From source file:py.una.pol.karaku.test.test.math.QuantityTest.java

private void assertQuantity(Quantity actual, BigDecimal bd) {

    int result = bd.compareTo(actual.bigDecimalValue());
    if (result != 0) {
        throw new ComparisonFailure("", actual.toString(), bd.toString());
    }//www. j a v a 2  s .co m

From source file:org.maodian.flyingcat.xmpp.state.StreamState.java

private void doHandle(XmppContext context, XMLStreamReader xmlsr, XMLStreamWriter xmlsw)
        throws XMLStreamException {
    xmlsr.nextTag();//from  w  w  w.  ja v  a 2  s. c  om
    QName qname = new QName(XmppNamespace.STREAM, "stream");
    if (!xmlsr.getName().equals(qname)) {
        throw new XmppException(StreamError.INVALID_NAMESPACE).set("QName", xmlsr.getName());

    // throw exception if client version > 1.0
    BigDecimal version = new BigDecimal(xmlsr.getAttributeValue("", "version"));
    if (version.compareTo(SUPPORTED_VERSION) > 0) {
        throw new XmppException(StreamError.UNSUPPORTED_VERSION);

    xmlsw.writeStartElement("stream", "stream", XmppNamespace.STREAM);
    xmlsw.writeNamespace("stream", XmppNamespace.STREAM);

    xmlsw.writeAttribute("id", RandomStringUtils.randomAlphabetic(32));
    xmlsw.writeAttribute("version", "1.0");
    xmlsw.writeAttribute("from", "localhost");
    xmlsw.writeAttribute(XMLConstants.XML_NS_PREFIX, XMLConstants.XML_NS_URI, "lang", "en");
    String from = xmlsr.getAttributeValue(null, "from");
    if (from != null) {
        xmlsw.writeAttribute("to", from);

    // features
    xmlsw.writeStartElement(XmppNamespace.STREAM, "features");

From source file:io.silverware.microservices.monitoring.MetricsManager.java

 * Method responsible for adding new time to values collection and also updating min, max, avg and count metrics.
 * @param elapsedTime/*from  w w w . j a v  a  2  s  .  c o  m*/
 *       runtime of microservice method.
public void addTime(BigDecimal elapsedTime) {

    if (elapsedTime.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) <= 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Elapsed time is negative or zero");

    mapValues.put(longAdder.longValue(), elapsedTime);


    final BigDecimal count = new BigDecimal(metrics.getCount());
    final BigDecimal averageTime = metrics.getAverageTime();
    final BigDecimal minTime = metrics.getMinTime();
    final BigDecimal maxTime = metrics.getMaxTime();



    if (elapsedTime.compareTo(maxTime) >= 1) {
    } else {

From source file:model.experiments.stickyprices.StickyPricesCSVPrinter.java

private static void woodMonopolistSweep(final BigDecimal minimumP, final BigDecimal maximumP,
        final BigDecimal minimumI, final BigDecimal maximumI, final BigDecimal increment,
        final int runsPerParameterCombination) throws IOException {

    CSVWriter writer = new CSVWriter(new FileWriter(Paths.get("runs", "rawdata", "monoSweep.csv").toFile()));
    writer.writeNext(new String[] { "P", "I", "distance", "variance", "success" });

    BigDecimal currentP = minimumP;
    while (currentP.compareTo(maximumP) <= 0) {
        BigDecimal currentI = minimumI;

        while (currentI.compareTo(maximumI) <= 0) {

            SummaryStatistics averageSquaredDistance = new SummaryStatistics();
            SummaryStatistics averageVariance = new SummaryStatistics();
            int successes = 0;

            for (int run = 0; run < runsPerParameterCombination; run++) {

                //create the run
                MacroII macroII = new MacroII(run);
                MonopolistScenario scenario = new MonopolistScenario(macroII);
                //set the demand

                //start it and have one step
                macroII.start();//from w  w  w  . j  a  v  a  2 s .  c  om

                //now set the right parameters
                final SalesDepartment salesDepartment = scenario.getMonopolist()
                final SimpleFlowSellerPID strategy = new SimpleFlowSellerPID(salesDepartment,
                        currentP.floatValue(), currentI.floatValue(), 0f, 0, salesDepartment.getMarket(),
                        salesDepartment.getRandom().nextInt(100), salesDepartment.getFirm().getModel());
                //  strategy.setInitialPrice(102);
                //start them all at the same price, otherwise you advantage the slow by being so slow initially that they end up being right later


                //and make it learned!
                salesDepartment.setPredictorStrategy(new FixedDecreaseSalesPredictor(2));
                final HumanResources hr = scenario.getMonopolist().getHRs().iterator().next();
                hr.setPredictor(new FixedIncreasePurchasesPredictor(1));

                float totalDistance = 0;
                SummaryStatistics prices = new SummaryStatistics();
                //run the model
                double price = 0;
                double quantity = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
                    price = strategy.getTargetPrice();
                    quantity = salesDepartment.getTodayInflow();
                    totalDistance += Math
                            .pow(Math.min(price - (102 - 2 * quantity), price - (102 - 2 * quantity - 1)), 2);

                //Model over, now compute statistics

                if (price <= 68 && price >= 67)

                //            System.out.println(salesDepartment.getLatestObservation(SalesDataType.LAST_ASKED_PRICE));


            String[] csvLine = new String[5];
            csvLine[0] = currentP.toString();
            csvLine[1] = currentI.toString();
            csvLine[2] = String.valueOf(averageSquaredDistance.getMean());
            csvLine[3] = String.valueOf(averageVariance.getMean());
            csvLine[4] = String.valueOf(successes);

            currentI = currentI.add(increment).setScale(2);


        currentP = currentP.add(increment).setScale(2);



From source file:com.webbfontaine.valuewebb.model.validators.tt.FreightValueValidator.java

 * Checks Freigh value against Freight Database considering containers, shipping line, port of load. port of dis.
 * This is done only when TT has containers with all equal size and type and if there is no LCL container.
 *//*  w ww . ja  va  2 s .c o  m*/
public void checkFreightValue() {

    ErrorHandling errorHandling = ErrorHandling.getInstance();

    TtTrans ttTrans = ttGen.getTtTrans();

    //check if error was already added
    List<TtLog> logs = ttGen.getLogs();
    for (TtLog log : logs) {
        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(log.getMsg()) && log.getMsg().startsWith(Messages.FREIGHT_IN_RANGE)) {

    if (!ttTrans.checkIfAllContainersHaveSameTypeAndSize()) {

    Freight freightSearchCriteria = constructFreightSearchCriteria(ttTrans);
    Freight freight = findFreight(freightSearchCriteria);

    if (freight != null) {
        BigDecimal fFreightInUsdForOneContainer = new Calculations().computeFreightForOneContainer(ttGen);

        if (freight.getMaxRate() != null && !(fFreightInUsdForOneContainer.compareTo(freight.getMaxRate()) <= 0
                && fFreightInUsdForOneContainer.compareTo(freight.getMinRate()) >= 0)) {
            ArrayList<FacesMessageText> msgs = new ArrayList<FacesMessageText>(1);
            msgs.add(new FacesMessageText(null,
                    Messages.FREIGHT_IN_RANGE + ": " + freight.getMinRate() + '-' + freight.getMaxRate(),
            errorHandling.addErrorWithLinks("freightF", msgs, errorHandling.getErrorList(), false, true);

From source file:org.openmhealth.shim.ihealth.mapper.IHealthOxygenSaturationDataPointMapper.java

protected Optional<DataPoint<OxygenSaturation>> asDataPoint(JsonNode listEntryNode,
        Integer measureUnitMagicNumber) {

    BigDecimal bloodOxygenValue = asRequiredBigDecimal(listEntryNode, "BO");

    // iHealth has stated that missing values would most likely be represented as a 0 value for the field
    if (bloodOxygenValue.compareTo(ZERO) == 0) {
        return Optional.empty();
    }//from  w w  w .ja va  2s .com

    OxygenSaturation.Builder oxygenSaturationBuilder = new OxygenSaturation.Builder(
            new TypedUnitValue<>(PERCENT, bloodOxygenValue)).setMeasurementMethod(PULSE_OXIMETRY)


    OxygenSaturation oxygenSaturation = oxygenSaturationBuilder.build();

    return Optional
            .of(new DataPoint<>(createDataPointHeader(listEntryNode, oxygenSaturation), oxygenSaturation));

From source file:org.eclipse.smarthome.ui.basic.internal.render.SetpointRenderer.java

 * {@inheritDoc}/* w  ww .  j  a  v  a2s.c o  m*/
public EList<Widget> renderWidget(Widget w, StringBuilder sb) throws RenderException {
    Setpoint sp = (Setpoint) w;

    State state = itemUIRegistry.getState(w);
    String newLowerState = state.toString();
    String newHigherState = state.toString();

    // set defaults for min, max and step
    BigDecimal step = sp.getStep();
    if (step == null) {
        step = BigDecimal.ONE;
    BigDecimal minValue = sp.getMinValue();
    if (minValue == null) {
        minValue = BigDecimal.ZERO;
    BigDecimal maxValue = sp.getMaxValue();
    if (maxValue == null) {
        maxValue = BigDecimal.valueOf(100);

    // if the current state is a valid value, we calculate the up and down step values
    if (state instanceof DecimalType) {
        DecimalType actState = (DecimalType) state;
        BigDecimal newLower = actState.toBigDecimal().subtract(step);
        BigDecimal newHigher = actState.toBigDecimal().add(step);
        if (newLower.compareTo(minValue) < 0) {
            newLower = minValue;
        if (newHigher.compareTo(maxValue) > 0) {
            newHigher = maxValue;
        newLowerState = newLower.toString();
        newHigherState = newHigher.toString();

    String snippetName = "setpoint";
    String snippet = getSnippet(snippetName);

    snippet = preprocessSnippet(snippet, w);
    snippet = StringUtils.replace(snippet, "%newlowerstate%", newLowerState);
    snippet = StringUtils.replace(snippet, "%newhigherstate%", newHigherState);
    snippet = StringUtils.replace(snippet, "%value%", getValue(w));
    snippet = StringUtils.replace(snippet, "%minValue%", minValue.toString());
    snippet = StringUtils.replace(snippet, "%maxValue%", maxValue.toString());
    snippet = StringUtils.replace(snippet, "%step%", step.toString());

    // Process the color tags
    snippet = processColor(w, snippet);

    return null;

From source file:de.hybris.platform.mpintgordermanagement.actions.returns.CaptureRefundAction.java

public Transition executeAction(final ReturnProcessModel process) throws RetryLaterException, Exception {
    LOG.debug("Process: " + process.getCode() + " in step " + getClass().getSimpleName());

    final ReturnRequestModel returnRequest = process.getReturnRequest();
    final List<PaymentTransactionModel> transactions = returnRequest.getOrder().getPaymentTransactions();

    if (transactions.isEmpty()) {
        LOG.info("Unable to refund for ReturnRequest " + returnRequest.getCode()
                + ", no PaymentTransactions found");
        setReturnRequestStatus(returnRequest, ReturnStatus.PAYMENT_FAILED);
        return Transition.NOK;
    }/*from   ww w.  j  av a 2 s  .  c o  m*/
    //This assumes that the Order only has one PaymentTransaction
    final PaymentTransactionModel transaction = transactions.get(0);

    final BigDecimal customRefundAmount = returnRequest.getCustomRefundAmount();
    BigDecimal amountToRefund = null;

    if (customRefundAmount != null && customRefundAmount.compareTo(new BigDecimal(0)) > 0) {
        amountToRefund = customRefundAmount;
    } else {
        amountToRefund = returnRequest.getOriginalRefundAmount();

    Transition result;
    try {
        getPaymentService().refundFollowOn(transaction, amountToRefund);
        setReturnRequestStatus(returnRequest, ReturnStatus.PAYMENT_CAPTURED);
        result = Transition.OK;
    } catch (final AdapterException e) {
        LOG.info("Unable to refund for ReturnRequest " + returnRequest.getCode() + ", exception ocurred: "
                + e.getMessage());
        setReturnRequestStatus(returnRequest, ReturnStatus.PAYMENT_FAILED);
        result = Transition.NOK;

    return result;