Example usage for java.math BigDecimal doubleValue

List of usage examples for java.math BigDecimal doubleValue


In this page you can find the example usage for java.math BigDecimal doubleValue.


public double doubleValue() 

Source Link


Converts this BigDecimal to a double .


From source file:ch.algotrader.dao.security.OptionDaoImpl.java

public List<Option> findByMinExpirationAndStrikeLimitWithTicks(int limit, long underlyingId,
        Date targetExpirationDate, BigDecimal underlyingSpot, OptionType optionType, Date date) {

    Validate.notNull(targetExpirationDate, "targetExpirationDate is null");
    Validate.notNull(underlyingSpot, "underlyingSpot is null");
    Validate.notNull(optionType, "optionType is null");
    Validate.notNull(date, "Date is null");

    return findCaching("Option.findByMinExpirationAndStrikeLimitWithTicks", limit, QueryType.BY_NAME,
            new NamedParam("underlyingId", underlyingId),
            new NamedParam("targetExpirationDate", targetExpirationDate),
            new NamedParam("underlyingSpot", underlyingSpot.doubleValue()),
            new NamedParam("optionType", optionType), new NamedParam("date", date));

From source file:org.openhie.openempi.dao.hibernate.PersonDaoHibernate.java

public double getFieldAverageLength(final String tableName, final String field) {
    if (field == null || field.length() == 0) {
        return 0.0;
    }/*from   w ww.  j a v a2s . co  m*/
    return (Double) getHibernateTemplate().execute(new HibernateCallback() {
        public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException, SQLException {
            String fieldLowerCase = field.toLowerCase();
            StringBuilder sqlSelect = new StringBuilder("SELECT AVG(CHARACTER_LENGTH(");
            sqlSelect.append(COLUMN_NAME_PREFIX + fieldLowerCase);
            sqlSelect.append(")) FROM public." + getTableFullName(tableName));
            sqlSelect.append(" WHERE ");
            sqlSelect.append(COLUMN_NAME_PREFIX + fieldLowerCase);
            sqlSelect.append(" IS NOT NULL;");
            Object avgLenObj = session.createSQLQuery(sqlSelect.toString()).uniqueResult();
            if (avgLenObj == null)
                return 0.0;
            java.math.BigDecimal avgLen = (java.math.BigDecimal) avgLenObj;
            double avgLength = avgLen.doubleValue();
            log.trace("Found the following: " + avgLength);
            double presentRatio = getFieldMissingRatioInHibernate(session, tableName, fieldLowerCase, false);
            return avgLength * presentRatio; // Correct the ratio because of the NULL cells

From source file:ch.algotrader.service.TransactionServiceImpl.java

 * {@inheritDoc}//from ww w  .j a va  2 s  .  c o  m
@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.NOT_SUPPORTED)
public void createTransaction(final ExternalFill fill) {

    long startTime = System.nanoTime();
    LOGGER.debug("createTransaction start");

    Security security = fill.getSecurity();
    SecurityFamily securityFamily = security != null ? security.getSecurityFamily() : null;
    Currency currency = securityFamily != null ? securityFamily.getCurrency() : fill.getCurrency();
    Account account = fill.getAccount();
    TransactionType transactionType = Side.BUY.equals(fill.getSide()) ? TransactionType.BUY
            : TransactionType.SELL;
    long quantity = Side.BUY.equals(fill.getSide()) ? fill.getQuantity() : -fill.getQuantity();

    Transaction transaction = Transaction.Factory.newInstance();

    String broker = account != null ? account.getBroker() : null;
    if (fill.getExecutionCommission() != null) {
    } else if (securityFamily != null) {
        BigDecimal executionCommission = securityFamily.getExecutionCommission(broker);
        if (executionCommission != null) {
                    RoundUtil.getBigDecimal(Math.abs(quantity * executionCommission.doubleValue())));

    if (fill.getClearingCommission() != null) {
    } else if (securityFamily != null) {
        BigDecimal clearingCommission = securityFamily.getClearingCommission(broker);
        if (clearingCommission != null) {
                    RoundUtil.getBigDecimal(Math.abs(quantity * clearingCommission.doubleValue())));

    if (fill.getFee() != null) {
    } else if (securityFamily != null) {
        final BigDecimal fee = securityFamily.getFee(broker);
        if (fee != null) {
            transaction.setFee(RoundUtil.getBigDecimal(Math.abs(quantity * fee.doubleValue())));


    LOGGER.debug("createTransaction end");
    MetricsUtil.accountEnd("CreateTransactionSubscriber", startTime);

From source file:fsm.series.Series_CC.java

public strictfp double getFunctionValue(double y, int m) {

    double um = getMu_m(m);

    double alphaM = (sin(um) - sinh(um)) / (cos(um) - cosh(um));

    double km = um / a;

    BigDecimal Ym;

    BigDecimal cosh = new BigDecimal(-alphaM * -cosh(km * y));
    BigDecimal sinh = new BigDecimal(-sinh(km * y));
    BigDecimal sin = new BigDecimal(sin(km * y));
    BigDecimal cos = new BigDecimal(-alphaM * cos(km * y));

    Ym = (cos.add(sin).add(sinh).add(cosh));

    return Ym.doubleValue();

From source file:fsm.series.Series_CC.java

public double getFirstDerivativeValue(double y, int m) {
    //        dY = alphaM*(km*sin(km*y) + km*sinh(km*y)) + km*cos(km*y) - km*cosh(km*y)

    double um = getMu_m(m);

    double alphaM = (sin(um) - sinh(um)) / (cos(um) - cosh(um));

    double km = um / a;

    BigDecimal dYm;

    BigDecimal cosh = new BigDecimal(-km * cosh(km * y));
    BigDecimal sinh = new BigDecimal(alphaM * km * sinh(km * y));
    BigDecimal sin = new BigDecimal(alphaM * km * sin(km * y));
    BigDecimal cos = new BigDecimal(km * cos(km * y));

    dYm = (cos.add(sin).add(sinh).add(cosh));

    return dYm.doubleValue();


From source file:com.salesmanager.core.util.CheckoutUtil.java

 * OrderProductAttribute is configured from javascript This code needs to
 * invoke catalog objects require getProductOptionValueId
 * //from   w  ww  .jav  a 2 s  .c o m
 * @param attributes
 * @param lineId
 * @param currency
 * @param request
 * @return
 * @throws Exception
public static OrderProduct addAttributesFromRawObjects(List<OrderProductAttribute> attributes, OrderProduct scp,
        String currency, HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception {

    Locale loc = request.getLocale();
    String lang = loc.getLanguage();

    CatalogService cservice = (CatalogService) ServiceFactory.getService(ServiceFactory.CatalogService);

    BigDecimal sumPrice = null;

    Locale locale = (Locale) request.getSession().getAttribute("WW_TRANS_I18N_LOCALE");
    if (locale == null)
        locale = request.getLocale();

    // get attributes for this product
    Collection productAttributes = cservice.getProductAttributes(scp.getProductId(), locale.getLanguage());
    Map mapAttributes = new HashMap();
    if (productAttributes != null) {

        Iterator i = productAttributes.iterator();
        while (i.hasNext()) {
            ProductAttribute p = (ProductAttribute) i.next();
            mapAttributes.put(p.getOptionValueId(), p);


    if (scp != null) {

        StringBuffer attributesLine = null;

        if (attributes != null) {
            attributesLine = new StringBuffer();
            int count = 0;
            Iterator i = attributes.iterator();
            while (i.hasNext()) {
                OrderProductAttribute opa = (OrderProductAttribute) i.next();
                String attrPriceText = opa.getPrice();
                BigDecimal attrPrice = null;
                if (attrPriceText != null) {
                    attrPrice = CurrencyUtil.validateCurrency(attrPriceText, currency);
                } else {
                    attrPrice = opa.getOptionValuePrice();
                // get all information from the attribute
                ProductAttribute pa = (ProductAttribute) mapAttributes.get(opa.getProductOptionValueId());
                if (pa != null) {
                    if (attrPrice == null) {
                        attrPrice = pa.getOptionValuePrice();
                if (attrPrice != null) {
                    opa.setPrice(CurrencyUtil.displayFormatedAmountNoCurrency(attrPrice, currency));
                    if (sumPrice == null) {
                        sumPrice = new BigDecimal(attrPrice.doubleValue()).setScale(2);
                    } else {

                        BigDecimal currentPrice = sumPrice;
                        sumPrice = currentPrice.add(attrPrice);
                // opa.setOrderId(Long.parseLong(orderId));

                if (StringUtils.isBlank(opa.getProductOptionValue())) {

                ProductOption po = pa.getProductOption();
                Set poDescriptions = po.getDescriptions();
                if (poDescriptions != null) {
                    Iterator pi = poDescriptions.iterator();
                    while (pi.hasNext()) {
                        ProductOptionDescription pod = (ProductOptionDescription) pi.next();
                        if (pod.getId().getLanguageId() == LanguageUtil.getLanguageNumberCode(lang)) {

                if (StringUtils.isBlank(opa.getProductOptionValue())) {
                    ProductOptionValue pov = pa.getProductOptionValue();
                    if (pov != null) {
                        Set povDescriptions = pov.getDescriptions();
                        if (povDescriptions != null) {
                            Iterator povi = povDescriptions.iterator();
                            while (povi.hasNext()) {
                                ProductOptionValueDescription povd = (ProductOptionValueDescription) povi
                                if (povd.getId().getLanguageId() == LanguageUtil.getLanguageNumberCode(lang)) {
                if (count == 0) {
                    attributesLine.append("[ ");
                attributesLine.append(opa.getProductOption()).append(" -> ")
                if (count + 1 == attributes.size()) {
                } else {
                    attributesLine.append(", ");

        // add attribute price to productprice
        if (sumPrice != null) {
            // sumPrice = sumPrice.multiply(new
            // BigDecimal(scp.getProductQuantity()));

            // get product price
            BigDecimal productPrice = scp.getProductPrice();
            productPrice = productPrice.add(sumPrice);

            // added

            // BigDecimal finalPrice = scp.getFinalPrice();
            BigDecimal finalPrice = productPrice.multiply(new BigDecimal(scp.getProductQuantity()));
            // finalPrice = finalPrice.add(sumPrice);
            // BigDecimal cost = scp.get

            scp.setPriceText(CurrencyUtil.displayFormatedAmountNoCurrency(productPrice, currency));
            scp.setPriceFormated(CurrencyUtil.displayFormatedAmountWithCurrency(finalPrice, currency));

        if (attributesLine != null) {

        Set attributesSet = new HashSet(attributes);



    return scp;

From source file:fsm.series.Series_CC.java

public double getSecondDerivativeValue(double y, int m) {

    // d2Y =alphaM*(km^2*cos(km*y) + km^2*cosh(km*y)) - km^2*sin(km*y) - km^2*sinh(km*y)
    double um = getMu_m(m);

    double alphaM = (sin(um) - sinh(um)) / (cos(um) - cosh(um));

    double km = um / a;

    BigDecimal d2Ym;

    BigDecimal cosh = new BigDecimal(km * km * alphaM * cosh(km * y));
    BigDecimal sinh = new BigDecimal(-km * km * sinh(km * y));
    BigDecimal sin = new BigDecimal(-km * km * sin(km * y));
    BigDecimal cos = new BigDecimal(km * km * alphaM * cos(km * y));

    d2Ym = (cos.add(sin).add(sinh).add(cosh));

    return d2Ym.doubleValue();


From source file:at.uni_salzburg.cs.ckgroup.cscpp.mapper.PolygonZone.java

public PolarCoordinate getCenterOfGravity() {
    BigDecimal x = new BigDecimal(0), y = new BigDecimal(0);
    BigDecimal doubleArea = new BigDecimal(0);

    for (int k = 0, l = vertices.length - 1; k < l; ++k) {
        BigDecimal ax = new BigDecimal(vertices[k].x);
        BigDecimal ay = new BigDecimal(vertices[k].y);
        BigDecimal bx = new BigDecimal(vertices[k + 1].x);
        BigDecimal by = new BigDecimal(vertices[k + 1].y);
        BigDecimal t = ax.multiply(by).subtract(bx.multiply(ay));
        x = x.add(ax.add(bx).multiply(t));
        y = y.add(ay.add(by).multiply(t));
        doubleArea = doubleArea.add(ax.multiply(by).subtract(bx.multiply(ay)));
    }/*from  w w  w  . j a  v  a2 s .  co  m*/

    double sixTimesArea = 3.0 * doubleArea.doubleValue();
    return new PolarCoordinate(x.doubleValue() / sixTimesArea, y.doubleValue() / sixTimesArea, 0);

From source file:uk.co.onehp.trickle.services.betfair.BetfairServiceImpl.java

private PlaceBets createMOCExchangeBet(Bet bet, BigDecimal liability, BigDecimal price) {
    bet.addLog(new BetLog(new LocalDateTime(), liability, price, BetType.MOC_EXCHANGE));
    PlaceBets placeBets = new PlaceBets();
    placeBets.setBetType(bet.getStrategy().getAspect() == BettingAspect.BACK ? BetTypeEnum.B : BetTypeEnum.L);
    placeBets.setSize(bet.getStrategy().getAspect() == BettingAspect.BACK ? liability.doubleValue()
            : BettingUtil.libilityToStake(liability, price).doubleValue());
    //Workaround for known bug in betfair
    placeBets.setBspLiability(0.0);//  www. ja v a  2s . c  o m
    return placeBets;

From source file:com.facebook.InsightsLogger.java

 * Logs a purchase event with Facebook, in the specified amount and with the specified currency.  Additional
 * detail about the purchase can be passed in through the parameters bundle.
 * @param purchaseAmount  Amount of purchase, in the currency specified by the 'currency' parameter. This value
 *                        will be rounded to the thousandths place (e.g., 12.34567 becomes 12.346).
 * @param currency        Currency used to specify the amount.
 * @param parameters      Arbitrary additional information for describing this event.  Should have no more than
 *                        10 entries, and keys should be mostly consistent from one purchase event to the next.
 *//* w  w w .jav  a  2s .com*/
public void logPurchase(BigDecimal purchaseAmount, Currency currency, Bundle parameters) {

    if (purchaseAmount == null) {
        notifyDeveloperError("purchaseAmount cannot be null");
    } else if (currency == null) {
        notifyDeveloperError("currency cannot be null");

    if (parameters == null) {
        parameters = new Bundle();
    parameters.putString(EVENT_PARAMETER_CURRENCY, currency.getCurrencyCode());

    logEventNow(EVENT_NAME_LOG_MOBILE_PURCHASE, purchaseAmount.doubleValue(), parameters);