Example usage for java.math BigDecimal doubleValue

List of usage examples for java.math BigDecimal doubleValue


In this page you can find the example usage for java.math BigDecimal doubleValue.


public double doubleValue() 

Source Link


Converts this BigDecimal to a double .


From source file:com.manydesigns.portofino.pageactions.crud.CrudAction4ItsProject.java

private void addFieldToCell(WritableSheet sheet, int i, int j, Field field) throws WriteException {
    if (field instanceof NumericField) {
        NumericField numField = (NumericField) field;
        if (numField.getValue() != null) {
            Number number;//from  w w w  . j a v  a  2  s . co m
            BigDecimal decimalValue = numField.getValue();
            if (numField.getDecimalFormat() == null) {
                number = new Number(j, i, decimalValue == null ? null : decimalValue.doubleValue());
            } else {
                NumberFormat numberFormat = new NumberFormat(numField.getDecimalFormat().toPattern());
                WritableCellFormat writeCellNumberFormat = new WritableCellFormat(numberFormat);
                number = new Number(j, i, decimalValue == null ? null : decimalValue.doubleValue(),
    } else if (field instanceof PasswordField) {
        jxl.write.Label label = new jxl.write.Label(j, i, PasswordField.PASSWORD_PLACEHOLDER);
    } else if (field instanceof DateField) {
        DateField dateField = (DateField) field;
        DateTime dateCell;
        Date date = dateField.getValue();
        if (date != null) {
            DateFormat dateFormat = new DateFormat(dateField.getDatePattern());
            WritableCellFormat wDateFormat = new WritableCellFormat(dateFormat);
            dateCell = new DateTime(j, i, dateField.getValue() == null ? null : dateField.getValue(),
    } else {
        jxl.write.Label label = new jxl.write.Label(j, i, field.getStringValue());

From source file:com.autentia.tnt.bean.admin.ProjectBean.java

public String getCostPerProject() {
    BigDecimal total = project.getCostPerProject();
    String totalCost = null;// w  w  w  .  ja v a  2 s .  c  o  m

    NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getInstance();
    totalCost = format.format(total.doubleValue());

    return totalCost;

From source file:com.zl.bgec.basicapi.shop.service.impl.ShopServiceImpl.java

@Transactional(readOnly = true)//from w  w  w.  j  a  v  a2  s.  c  om
public Map<String, Object> getShopDetail(String shopNo, String memberNo) throws Exception {
    String sql = "select " + " tsi.shop_name shopName," + " tsi.status status," + " tsi.shop_logo shopLogo,"
            + " tsi.shop_type_no shopTypeNo," + " tsi.shop_address address," + " tsi.shop_summary summary,"//
            + " tsi.phone phone,"//?
            + " tsi.merch_no memberNo,"//?
            + " tsi.begin_time beginTime,"//?
            + " tsi.end_time endTime,"//??
            + " tsi.shop_sign shopSign,"//
            + " tsi.sell_scope sellScope,"//??
            + " tsi.delivery_type deliveryType,"//??
            + " ifnull(tsi.delivery_fee,0) deliveryFee,"//?
            + " tsi.company_name companyName,"//???
            + " tsi.license_regist_no licenseRegistNo,"//??
            + " if(tsi.is_recommend is null,'0',tsi.is_recommend) isRecommend "
            + " from tbl_shop_info tsi where tsi.shop_no = :shopNo";
    Query query = shopDao.createSQLQuery(sql);
    query.setParameter("shopNo", shopNo);
    Map<String, Object> map = (Map<String, Object>) query.uniqueResult();
    String sqlComment = "select avg(tcc.service_grade) serviceGrade,avg(tcc.delivery_grade) deliveryGrade "
            + " from tbl_commodity_comment tcc where tcc.shop_no=:shopNo";
    query = shopDao.createSQLQuery(sqlComment);
    query.setParameter("shopNo", shopNo);
    if (map != null) {
        Map<String, Object> mapComment = (Map<String, Object>) query.uniqueResult();
        if (mapComment != null) {
            Double servGrade = mapComment.get("serviceGrade") == null ? 0
                    : Double.valueOf(mapComment.get("serviceGrade").toString());
            BigDecimal serviceGrade = new BigDecimal(servGrade);
            serviceGrade = serviceGrade.setScale(1, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN);
            map.put("serviceGrade", serviceGrade.doubleValue());
            Double delGrade = mapComment.get("deliveryGrade") == null ? 0
                    : Double.valueOf(mapComment.get("deliveryGrade").toString());
            BigDecimal deliveryGrade = new BigDecimal(delGrade);
            deliveryGrade = deliveryGrade.setScale(1, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN);
            map.put("deliveryGrade", deliveryGrade.doubleValue());
        } else {
            map.put("serviceGrade", 0);
            map.put("deliveryGrade", 0);

    if (map != null) {
        map.put("promotions", promotionService.getPromotionByShopNo(shopNo, memberNo));
    String sqlProduct = "select IF(tp.prod_name is null,'',tp.prod_name) prodName," + "tp.model model,"
            + " IF(tp.default_pic is null,'',tp.default_pic) prodPic," + " tp.price prodPrice,"
            + " tp.is_groupbuy isGroupbuy," + " tp.prod_no prodNo," + " tp.sort sort,"
            + " ifnull(tp.stock,0) stock," + " ifnull(tp.stock_preemption,0) stockPreemption,"
            + " IF(tp.sell_num is null,0,tp.sell_num) sellNum "
            + " from tbl_product tp left join tbl_commodity tc on tc.commo_no = tp.commo_no"
            + " where tc.seller_no = :shopNo and tc.publish_state ='1' and (tp.is_groupbuy is null or tp.is_groupbuy='1') and tp.delete_flag ='0' order by ifnull(tp.sort,2147483647) asc,tc.publish_time desc";
    query = productDao.createSQLQuery(sqlProduct);
    //      query.setMaxResults(10);
    query.setParameter("shopNo", shopNo);
    List<Map<String, Object>> prods = query.list();
    if (prods != null && !prods.isEmpty()) {
        for (Map<String, Object> r : prods) {
            String prodName = (String) (r.get("prodName") == null ? "" : r.get("prodName"));
            String model = (String) (r.get("model") == null ? "" : r.get("model"));
            if (model != null && !model.equals("")) {
                r.put("prodName", prodName + "(" + model + ")");

    if (map != null) {
        map.put("products", prods);
    String sqlGroupBuyProduct = "select IF(tp.prod_name is null,'',tp.prod_name) prodName," + "tp.model model,"
            + " IF(tp.default_pic is null,'',tp.default_pic) prodPic," + " tp.price prodPrice,"
            + " tp.is_groupbuy isGroupbuy," + " tp.prod_no prodNo," + " tp.sort sort,"
            + " ifnull(tp.stock,0) stock," + " tpromotion.promotion_no promotionNo,"
            + " tpromotion.discount_amount groupbuyPrice," + " tpromotion.end_time endTime,"
            + " ifnull(tp.stock_preemption,0) stockPreemption,"
            + " IF(tp.sell_num is null,0,tp.sell_num) sellNum "
            + " from tbl_product tp left join tbl_commodity tc on tc.commo_no = tp.commo_no"
            + " left join tbl_promotion tpromotion on tpromotion.ref_commo_no = tc.commo_no"
            + " where tc.seller_no = :shopNo and tc.publish_state ='1'  and tp.is_groupbuy='2' and tpromotion.status='2' "
            + " and now() between tpromotion.start_time and tpromotion.end_time "
            + " and tpromotion.delete_flag ='0' and tp.delete_flag ='0' order by ifnull(tp.sort,2147483647) asc,tc.publish_time desc";
    query = productDao.createSQLQuery(sqlGroupBuyProduct);
    //      query.setMaxResults(10);
    query.setParameter("shopNo", shopNo);
    List<Map<String, Object>> groupBuyProds = query.list();
    if (groupBuyProds != null && !groupBuyProds.isEmpty()) {
        for (Map<String, Object> gpd : groupBuyProds) {
            String prodName = (String) (gpd.get("prodName") == null ? "" : gpd.get("prodName"));
            String model = (String) (gpd.get("model") == null ? "" : gpd.get("model"));
            if (model != null && !model.equals("")) {
                gpd.put("prodName", prodName + "(" + model + ")");

            String promotionNo = (String) gpd.get("promotionNo");
            Order buyerOrder = this.getOrderByBuyer(promotionNo, memberNo);
            if (buyerOrder != null) {
                if (buyerOrder.getBasicState().equals(OrderConstants.BASIC_STATE_WAITING_PAY))
                    gpd.put("buyed", "1");//
                    gpd.put("buyed", "2");//
            } else {
                gpd.put("buyed", "0");
    if (map != null) {
        map.put("groupBuyProds", groupBuyProds);

    String sqlCollect = "select * from tbl_shop_collect tsc where tsc.shop_no = :shopNo ";
    Query queryC = shopCollectDao.createSQLQuery(sqlCollect);
    queryC.setParameter("shopNo", shopNo);
    List listCollect = queryC.list();
    if (map != null) {
        map.put("collectNum", listCollect == null ? 0 : listCollect.size());
    //      Query queryCollect = shopCollectDao.createSQLQuery(sqlCollect+"and tsc.member_no = :memberNo");
    //      queryCollect.setParameter("shopNo", shopNo);
    //      queryCollect.setParameter("memberNo", memberNo);
    //      List list = queryCollect.list();
    //      map.put("isCollect", list!=null&&!list.isEmpty()?"1":"0");
    String sqlCat = "select tc.cat_no catNo," + " IF(tcat.cat_name is null,'',tcat.cat_name) catName "
            + " from tbl_commodity tc " + " left join tbl_commo_category tcat "
            + " on tc.cat_no = tcat.cat_no where seller_no = :shopNo group by(tcat.cat_no)";
    query = commodityCatDao.createSQLQuery(sqlCat);
    query.setParameter("shopNo", shopNo);
    List<Map<String, Object>> cats = query.list();
    if (map != null) {
        map.put("cats", cats);
    if (map != null && map.get("shopSign") == null) {
        map.put("shopSign", "");
    return map;

From source file:it.govpay.web.rs.dars.monitoraggio.rendicontazioni.RendicontazioniHandler.java

public Map<String, Voce<String>> getVoci(Rendicontazione entry, BasicBD bd) throws ConsoleException {
    Map<String, Voce<String>> voci = new HashMap<String, Voce<String>>();

    if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(entry.getIuv())) {
        voci.put(/*from  www. j  a  va2s  . c  o m*/
                        .getMessageFromResourceBundle(this.nomeServizio + ".iuv.id"),
                new Voce<String>(Utils.getInstance(this.getLanguage())
                        .getMessageFromResourceBundle(this.nomeServizio + ".iuv.label"), entry.getIuv()));

    if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(entry.getIur())) {
                        .getMessageFromResourceBundle(this.nomeServizio + ".iur.id"),
                new Voce<String>(Utils.getInstance(this.getLanguage())
                        .getMessageFromResourceBundle(this.nomeServizio + ".iur.label"), entry.getIur()));

    StatoRendicontazione stato = entry.getStato();
    if (stato != null) {
                        .getMessageFromResourceBundle(this.nomeServizio + ".stato.id"),
                new Voce<String>(this.getSottotitolo(entry, bd), stato.name()));

    EsitoRendicontazione esito = entry.getEsito();
    if (stato != null) {
                        .getMessageFromResourceBundle(this.nomeServizio + ".esito.id"),
                new Voce<String>(esito.name(), esito.getCodifica() + ""));

    if (entry.getData() != null) {
                        .getMessageFromResourceBundle(this.nomeServizio + ".data.id"),
                new Voce<String>(Utils.getInstance(this.getLanguage()).getMessageFromResourceBundle(
                        this.nomeServizio + ".data.label"), this.sdf.format(entry.getData())));

    BigDecimal importoPagato = entry.getImporto() != null ? entry.getImporto() : BigDecimal.ZERO;
                    .getMessageFromResourceBundle(this.nomeServizio + ".importo.id"),
            new Voce<String>(Utils.getInstance(this.getLanguage()).getMessageFromResourceBundle(
                    this.nomeServizio + ".importo.label"), importoPagato.doubleValue() + ""));

    if (entry.getAnomalie() != null && entry.getAnomalie().size() > 0) {
                        .getMessageFromResourceBundle(this.nomeServizio + ".anomalie.id"),
                new Voce<String>(Utils.getInstance(this.getLanguage())
                        .getMessageFromResourceBundle(this.nomeServizio + ".anomalie.label"), ""));

        for (int i = 0; i < entry.getAnomalie().size(); i++) {
            Anomalia anomalia = entry.getAnomalie().get(i);
                            .getMessageFromResourceBundle(this.nomeServizio + ".anomalie.id") + "_" + i,
                    new Voce<String>(anomalia.getCodice(), anomalia.getDescrizione()));
    try {
        Pagamento pagamento = entry.getPagamento(bd);
        String codDominio = null;
        if (pagamento != null) {
            codDominio = pagamento.getCodDominio();

            SingoloVersamento singoloVersamento = pagamento.getSingoloVersamento(bd);
            if (singoloVersamento != null) {
                                .getMessageFromResourceBundle(this.nomeServizio + ".codSingoloVersamento.id"),
                        new Voce<String>(
                                        this.nomeServizio + ".codSingoloVersamento.label"),

        } else {
            Fr fr = entry.getFr(bd);
            codDominio = fr.getCodDominio();

        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(codDominio)) {
            try {
                Dominio dominio = AnagraficaManager.getDominio(bd, codDominio);
                Domini dominiDars = new Domini();
                DominiHandler dominiDarsHandler = (DominiHandler) dominiDars.getDarsHandler();
                String dominioTitolo = dominiDarsHandler.getTitolo(dominio, bd);
                                .getMessageFromResourceBundle(this.nomeServizio + ".dominio.id"),
                        new Voce<String>(Utils.getInstance(this.getLanguage()).getMessageFromResourceBundle(
                                this.nomeServizio + ".dominio.label"), dominioTitolo));
            } catch (NotFoundException e) {
    } catch (ServiceException e) {


    return voci;


From source file:edu.ku.brc.specify.tasks.services.CollectingEventLocalityKMLGenerator.java

private String generateHtmlDesc(Locality loc) {
    BigDecimal lat = loc.getLatitude1();
    BigDecimal lon = loc.getLongitude1();

    Element desc = DocumentHelper.createElement("div");
    //        desc.addElement("h3").addText(getResourceString("GE_LOCALITY"));

    Element table = desc.addElement("table");
    Element tr = table.addElement("tr");
    tr.addElement("td").addAttribute("style", "color:#" + textColor + "; text-align:right")
            .addText(getResourceString("Latitude") + ":");
    tr.addElement("td").addAttribute("style", "color:#" + textColor).addText("" + lat.doubleValue());

    tr = table.addElement("tr");
    tr.addElement("td").addAttribute("style", "color:#" + textColor + "; text-align:right")
            .addText(getResourceString("Longitude") + ":");
    tr.addElement("td").addAttribute("style", "color:#" + textColor).addText("" + lon.doubleValue());

    if (loc.getGeography() != null) {
        tr = table.addElement("tr");
        tr.addElement("td").addAttribute("style", "color:#" + textColor + "; text-align:right")
                .addText(getResourceString("Geography") + ":");
        tr.addElement("td").addAttribute("style", "color:#" + textColor)
    }/*from   w  ww  . jav  a  2  s  .  c  om*/

    return XMLtoString(desc);

From source file:ejb.session.loan.LoanPaymentSessionBean.java

public String loanLumsumPaymentFromAccount(String loanAccountNumber, String depositAccountNumber,
        BigDecimal amount) {

    try {//from   w w w.  j  a v a2  s  .com

        DepositAccount fromAccount = depositBean.getAccountFromId(depositAccountNumber);
        LoanAccount loanAccount = loanAccountBean.getLoanAccountByAccountNumber(loanAccountNumber);
        if (fromAccount.getBalance().compareTo(amount) < 0) {
            // not enough money
            return "FAIL1";
        } else {
            System.out.println("success" + amount);
            depositBean.transferFromAccount(fromAccount, amount);
            BigDecimal outPrin = new BigDecimal(loanAccount.getOutstandingPrincipal());
            if (amount.compareTo(outPrin) == 1) {
                return "FAIL2";
            LoanAccount la = loanAccountLumsumPayment(loanAccountNumber, amount.doubleValue());
            return "SUCCESS";

    } catch (DepositAccountNotFoundException e) {
                "DepositAccountNotFoundException LoanRepaymentSessionBean loanLumsumPaymentFromAccount()");
        return "FAIL0";


From source file:ch.algotrader.service.OptionServiceImpl.java

 * {@inheritDoc}//w w  w. j a v  a  2s  . c o m
@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED)
public Option getOptionByMinExpirationAndStrikeLimit(final long underlyingId, final Date targetExpirationDate,
        final BigDecimal underlyingSpot, final OptionType optionType) {

    Validate.notNull(targetExpirationDate, "Target expiration date is null");
    Validate.notNull(underlyingSpot, "Underlying spot is null");
    Validate.notNull(optionType, "Option type is null");

    OptionFamily family = this.optionFamilyDao.findByUnderlying(underlyingId);

    Option option = CollectionUtil.getSingleElementOrNull(this.optionDao.findByMinExpirationAndStrikeLimit(1,
            underlyingId, targetExpirationDate, underlyingSpot, optionType));

    // if no future was found, create it if simulating options
    if (this.commonConfig.isSimulation() && this.coreConfig.isSimulateOptions()) {
        if ((option == null)
                || Math.abs(option.getStrike().doubleValue() - underlyingSpot.doubleValue()) > family
                        .getStrikeDistance()) {

            option = createDummyOption(family.getId(), targetExpirationDate, underlyingSpot, optionType);

    if (option == null) {
        throw new ServiceException("no option available for expiration " + targetExpirationDate + " strike "
                + underlyingSpot + " type " + optionType);
    } else {
        return option;


From source file:ejb.session.loan.LoanPaymentSessionBean.java

public String loanRepaymentFromAccount(String loanAccountNumber, String depositAccountNumber,
        BigDecimal amount) {

    try {// w w w . j a  va2s  .co  m
        DepositAccount fromAccount = depositBean.getAccountFromId(depositAccountNumber);
        LoanAccount loanAccount = loanAccountBean.getLoanAccountByAccountNumber(loanAccountNumber);
        if (fromAccount.getBalance().compareTo(amount) < 0) {
            // not enough money
            return "FAIL";
        } else {
            depositBean.transferFromAccount(fromAccount, amount);
            BigDecimal outPrin = new BigDecimal(loanAccount.getOutstandingPrincipal());
            if (amount.compareTo(outPrin) > 0) {
                return "FAIL2";
            if (amount.compareTo(new BigDecimal(10000)) >= 0) {
                return "FAIL3";
            loanAccountRepayment(loanAccountNumber, amount.doubleValue());
            return "SUCCESS";

    } catch (DepositAccountNotFoundException e) {
                .println("DepositAccountNotFoundException LoanRepaymentSessionBean loanRepaymentFromAccount()");
        return "FAIL0";


From source file:com.cecs492a_group4.sp.SingleEvent.java

public synchronized void getYelpSearchResult(final int index1, final String searchToken, final String Address)
        throws InterruptedException {
    Thread thread = new Thread(new Runnable() {
        @Override// ww w  .  j ava 2 s. c om
        public void run() {
            int randPick = ran.nextInt(limit);
            try {
                String name = "ldkfldsjkfd";
                int full = 0;
                do {

                    randPick = ran.nextInt(limit);
                    System.out.println("Event number : " + index1);
                    System.out.println("Index: " + randPick);
                    response = yelp.searchByLocation(searchToken, Address, SingleEvent.currentRadius);
                    System.out.println("The current radius : " + SingleEvent.currentRadius);
                    System.out.println(searchToken + " gave me this response: " + response);
                    // yp.parseBusiness();

                    int nameSIndex = response.indexOf("\"name\"", 1) + 8;

                    for (int i = 0; i < randPick; i++) {
                        nameSIndex = response.indexOf("\"name\"", ++nameSIndex) + 8;
                    int nameEIndex = response.indexOf("\",", ++nameSIndex);

                    String tmp = response;
                    name = tmp.substring(nameSIndex, nameEIndex);
                    if (full >= 4) {
                        full = 0;
                        bussinessNames.clear(); //no more options reset array
                } while (bussinessNames.contains(name));

                try {
                    bussinessNames.add(index1, name);
                } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
                    System.out.println("Array size " + bussinessNames.size());
                int imgSIndex = response.indexOf("\"image_url\"", 1) + 13;
                int ratingSIndex = response.indexOf("\"rating_img_url\"", 1) + 18;
                int urlSIndex = response.indexOf("\"mobile_url\"", 1) + 14;
                int phoneSIndex = response.indexOf("\"phone\":", 1) + 9;
                int addressSIndex = response.indexOf("\"display_address\"", 1) + 19;
                int distanceSIndex = response.indexOf("\"distance\"", 1) + 12;
                System.out.println("Start index :" + distanceSIndex);
                for (int i = 0; i < randPick; i++) {

                    imgSIndex = response.indexOf("\"image_url\"", ++imgSIndex) + 13;
                    ratingSIndex = response.indexOf("\"rating_img_url\"", ++ratingSIndex) + 18;
                    urlSIndex = response.indexOf("\"mobile_url\"", ++urlSIndex) + 14;
                    phoneSIndex = response.indexOf("\"phone\":", ++phoneSIndex) + 9;
                    addressSIndex = response.indexOf("\"display_address\"", ++addressSIndex) + 19;
                    distanceSIndex = response.indexOf("\"distance\"", ++distanceSIndex) + 12;

                int ratingEIndex = response.indexOf("g\"", ++ratingSIndex) + 1;
                int imgEIndex = response.indexOf("g\"", ++imgSIndex) + 1;
                int phoneEIndex = response.indexOf("\",", ++phoneSIndex);
                int urlEIndex = response.indexOf("rating_img_url", ++urlSIndex) - 4;
                int addressEIndex = response.indexOf("\"], ", ++addressSIndex) + 1;

                //System.out.println("distance = " + response.substring(distanceSIndex,distanceSIndex + 9));
                //String distance = yp.getBusinessDistance(randPick);
                String distance = response.substring(distanceSIndex, distanceSIndex + 9);
                System.out.println("Distance: " + distance);
                double dis;
                try {
                    dis = Double.parseDouble(distance);
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                    dis = 0.0;
                System.out.println("Distance in meters:" + dis);
                System.out.println("Distance in miles:" + meters_to_miles(dis));
                BigDecimal bd = new BigDecimal(meters_to_miles(dis));
                bd = bd.round(new MathContext(2));
                dis = bd.doubleValue();
                System.out.println("dis after conversion " + dis);
                //distance = distance.substring(distanceSIndex,distanceEIndex);

                //activity = yp.getBusinessName(randPick);
                activity = name;
                //rating = yp.getBusinessRating(randPick);
                //I am going to parse the url my self fucking yelp!

                // int imgEIndex = response.indexOf("location",imgSIndex) - 4;
                String phoneNumber = response;
                phoneNumber = phoneNumber.substring(phoneSIndex, phoneEIndex);
                System.out.println("Phone number: " + phoneNumber);
                String tmp2 = response;
                tmp2 = tmp2.substring(imgSIndex, imgEIndex);
                System.out.println("mylink " + tmp2);
                //img_url = yp.getBusinessImageURL(randPick);
                img_url = tmp2;
                //rating_url = yp.getBusinessRatingUrl(randPick);
                String ratingURL = response;
                ratingURL = ratingURL.substring(ratingSIndex, ratingEIndex);

                String weburl = response;
                weburl = weburl.substring(urlSIndex, urlEIndex);
                System.out.println("Event URL: " + weburl);

                String eventaddress = response;
                eventaddress = eventaddress.substring(addressSIndex, addressEIndex);

                System.out.println("default Event Address" + eventaddress);

                int streaddSindex = eventaddress.indexOf("\"") + 1;

                int streaddEindex = eventaddress.indexOf("\",");
                int cityaddSindex = 1;
                try {
                    cityaddSindex = eventaddress.indexOf("\", \"") + 4;
                } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
                    cityaddSindex = 0;
                    System.out.println("No city");

                String streetadd = " ";
                try {
                    streetadd = eventaddress.substring(streaddSindex, streaddEindex);
                } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
                    if (!Character.isDigit(eventaddress.charAt(0))) {
                        System.out.println("Faulty address");
                        streetadd = " ";
                System.out.println("Street address:" + streetadd);
                String cityadd;
                if (cityaddSindex != 0)
                    cityadd = eventaddress.substring(cityaddSindex).replace("\"", "");
                    cityadd = " ";

                System.out.println("City location: " + cityadd);
                eventaddress = streetadd + " " + cityadd;
                System.out.println("adjusted Event Address: " + eventaddress);

                event_address = eventaddress;
                phoneNum = phoneNumber;
                web_url = weburl;
                rating_url = ratingURL;
                icon_url = new URL(img_url);
                url_rating = new URL(rating_url);
                try {
                    dayevent.add(index1, new DayEvent(activity, icon_url, url_rating, searchToken, dis, web_url,
                            phoneNum, event_address));
                } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
                    System.out.println("Size of day event " + dayevent.size());
                //} catch (JSONException e) {
            } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
            } catch (IOException e) {


    //test by removing the while loops (bad practice)
    /**       while (response == null) {
           while (activity == null) {
           while (web_url == null) {
           while (img_url == null) {
           while (rating_url == null) {


From source file:ch.algotrader.service.OptionServiceImpl.java

 * {@inheritDoc}/*from   w w  w.  j  a  v  a  2s. co m*/
@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED)
public Option getOptionByMinExpirationAndMinStrikeDistance(final long underlyingId,
        final Date targetExpirationDate, final BigDecimal underlyingSpot, final OptionType optionType) {

    Validate.notNull(targetExpirationDate, "Target expiration date is null");
    Validate.notNull(underlyingSpot, "Underlying spot is null");
    Validate.notNull(optionType, "Option type is null");

    Option option = CollectionUtil
            .getSingleElementOrNull(this.optionDao.findByMinExpirationAndMinStrikeDistance(1, underlyingId,
                    targetExpirationDate, underlyingSpot, optionType));

    // if no stock option was found, create it if simulating options
    if (this.commonConfig.isSimulation() && this.coreConfig.isSimulateOptions()) {

        OptionFamily family = this.optionFamilyDao.findByUnderlying(underlyingId);
        if ((option == null)
                || Math.abs(option.getStrike().doubleValue() - underlyingSpot.doubleValue()) > family
                        .getStrikeDistance()) {

            option = createDummyOption(family.getId(), targetExpirationDate, underlyingSpot, optionType);

    if (option == null) {
        throw new ServiceException("no option available for expiration " + targetExpirationDate + " strike "
                + underlyingSpot + " type " + optionType);
    } else {
        return option;
