Example usage for javax.servlet Filter interface-usage

List of usage examples for javax.servlet Filter interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.servlet Filter interface-usage.


From source file com.netsteadfast.greenstep.base.filter.CharsetFilter.java

public class CharsetFilter implements Filter {
    private FilterConfig filterConfig;
    private String contentType = "text/html; charset=" + Constants.BASE_ENCODING;
    private String encoding = Constants.BASE_ENCODING;


From source file de.highbyte_le.weberknecht.ControllerFilter.java

 * webapp controller using servlet filter mechanism
 * @author pmairif
@SuppressWarnings({ "nls" })

From source file org.bahmni.module.bahmnicore.web.filter.CacheHeadersFilter.java

 * Filter intended for all /ws/rest/* calls to sets Expires headers
 * based on global property bahmni.cacheHeadersFilter.expiresDuration
public class CacheHeadersFilter implements Filter {

From source file org.jtalks.jcommune.web.filters.LoggingConfigurationFilter.java

 * This filter binds a current user to the thread therefore allowing to show her username in each line of logs (which is
 * helpful when it comes to combining several actions of user and looking after the logs). It's implemented by using
 * features like {@link org.slf4j.MDC}, we need to register a username in the beginning and then unregister it in the
 * end of the request so that the memory doesn't leak. <p>Note, that if a user is anonymous, we don't have means to
 * distinguish between them except by using a session id, and that's what we're actually doing. </p>See logger

From source file org.osaf.cosmo.filters.HttpOverrideFilter.java

 * A filter that provides the X-Http-Override-Method header. If this header is present,
 * its value will be used as the HTTP method for the current request. This allows
 * HTTP clients with limited HTTP method support to make requests with any method.
 * @author travis

From source file org.eclipse.orion.server.servlets.XSRFPreventionFilter.java

 * A filter that implements XSRF protection via double submit cookies.
public class XSRFPreventionFilter implements Filter {

    private static final String NONCES_DO_NOT_MATCH = "{0} {1} on behalf of user ''{2}'': CSRF tokens do not match: ''{3}'' does not equal ''{4}''";

From source file alpine.filters.BlacklistUrlFilter.java

 * BlacklistUrlFilter is a configurable Servlet Filter that can prevent access to
 * specific URLs. The filter can either deny access or ignore access. Denials
 * result in a HTTP 403 response whereas an ignore results in a HTTP 404 response.
 * The filter may be used when specific files or directories should not be accessible.

From source file net.unit8.zurui.less.filter.ZuruiLessFilter.java

@WebFilter(filterName = "zuruiLessFilter", urlPatterns = { "*.less" })
public class ZuruiLessFilter implements Filter {
    public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException {

    public void doFilter(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res, FilterChain chain)

From source file es.alvsanand.webpage.web.fileupload.filter.FileUploadFilter.java

public class FileUploadFilter implements Filter {

    private final static Logger logger = new Logger(FileUploadFilter.class);

    private final static String THRESHOLD_SIZE_PARAM = "thresholdSize";

From source file org.sipfoundry.sipxconfig.security.PrivateUserKeyProcessingFilter.java

public class PrivateUserKeyProcessingFilter implements Filter {
    private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(PrivateUserKeyProcessingFilter.class);

    private PrivateUserKeyManager m_privateUserKeyManager;
