Example usage for javax.servlet Filter interface-usage

List of usage examples for javax.servlet Filter interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.servlet Filter interface-usage.


From source file com.cpuz.filters.Spring2.java

 * Filtro para creacin de un contenedor Spring
public class Spring2 implements Filter {

From source file org.niord.core.web.DomainServletFilter.java

 * Resolves the domain from the request and stores it in the current thread
@WebFilter(urlPatterns = { "/*" })
public class DomainServletFilter implements Filter {

From source file org.geoserver.geofence.gui.AuthenticationFilter.java

public class AuthenticationFilter implements Filter {

    static final String ROOT_ROLE = "LOGIN";
    static final String ANONYMOUS_ROLE = "ANONYMOUS";
    static final String USER_ROLE = "REMOTE";

From source file org.codelabor.system.filters.BaseFilterImpl.java

 * @author Sang Jae Shin
public abstract class BaseFilterImpl implements Filter {

From source file org.cloudfoundry.tools.timeout.TimeoutProtectionFilter.java

 * Servlet {@link Filter} that can be used in conjunction with client side JavaScript to transparently protect against
 * CloudFoundry gateway timeout errors. The filter works on the assumption that the client will handle gateway timeouts
 * by switching to long polling. For DOJO compatible JavaScript see <tt>cloudfoundry-timeout.js</tt>.
 * <p>
 * This filter can support a number of different {@link TimeoutProtectionStrategy strategies} including

From source file eionet.meta.filters.DDCORSFilter.java

 * Filter for DataDictionary CORS support. Currently, onyl allows for json output/
 * @author enver
public class DDCORSFilter implements Filter {

From source file org.surfnet.oaaas.auth.UserConsentFilter.java

 * {@link Filter} that ensures the Resource Owner grants consent for the use of
 * the Resource Server data to the Client app.

From source file org.roda.wui.filter.OnOffFilter.java

 * A filter that can be turned on/off using RODA configuration file.
public class OnOffFilter implements Filter {
     * Logger.

From source file ar.com.zauber.commons.web.cache.api.filter.HttpCacheFilter.java

 * {@link Filter} that manages http cache
 * @author Francisco J. Gonzlez Costanz
 * @since Mar 23, 2010

From source file org.overlord.commons.ui.header.OverlordHeaderResources.java

 * A servlet filter that can serve the Overlord header resources from the 
 * overlord-commons-uiheader JAR.  This should only be used in environments
 * where resources cannot be served from JARs in the WEB-INF/lib directory
 * of the host WAR (e.g. old versions of Jetty, Fuse, Karaf, etc).