Example usage for javax.sound.midi Synthesizer getReceiver

List of usage examples for javax.sound.midi Synthesizer getReceiver


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.sound.midi Synthesizer getReceiver.


Receiver getReceiver() throws MidiUnavailableException;

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Obtains a MIDI IN receiver through which the MIDI device may receive MIDI data.


From source file:PlayerPiano.java

public static void main(String[] args) throws MidiUnavailableException, InvalidMidiDataException, IOException {
    int instrument = 0;
    int tempo = 120;
    String filename = null;/*from  ww  w  .  j  a  v  a  2s .  c o  m*/

    // Parse the options
    // -i <instrument number> default 0, a piano. Allowed values: 0-127
    // -t <beats per minute> default tempo is 120 quarter notes per minute
    // -o <filename> save to a midi file instead of playing
    int a = 0;
    while (a < args.length) {
        if (args[a].equals("-i")) {
            instrument = Integer.parseInt(args[a + 1]);
            a += 2;
        } else if (args[a].equals("-t")) {
            tempo = Integer.parseInt(args[a + 1]);
            a += 2;
        } else if (args[a].equals("-o")) {
            filename = args[a + 1];
            a += 2;
        } else

    char[] notes = args[a].toCharArray();

    // 16 ticks per quarter note.
    Sequence sequence = new Sequence(Sequence.PPQ, 16);

    // Add the specified notes to the track
    addTrack(sequence, instrument, tempo, notes);

    if (filename == null) { // no filename, so play the notes
        // Set up the Sequencer and Synthesizer objects
        Sequencer sequencer = MidiSystem.getSequencer();
        Synthesizer synthesizer = MidiSystem.getSynthesizer();

        // Specify the sequence to play, and the tempo to play it at

        // Let us know when it is done playing
        sequencer.addMetaEventListener(new MetaEventListener() {
            public void meta(MetaMessage m) {
                // A message of this type is automatically sent
                // when we reach the end of the track
                if (m.getType() == END_OF_TRACK)
        // And start playing now.
    } else { // A file name was specified, so save the notes
        int[] allowedTypes = MidiSystem.getMidiFileTypes(sequence);
        if (allowedTypes.length == 0) {
            System.err.println("No supported MIDI file types.");
        } else {
            MidiSystem.write(sequence, allowedTypes[0], new File(filename));

From source file:Main.java

public static void streamMidiSequence(URL url)
        throws IOException, InvalidMidiDataException, MidiUnavailableException {
    Sequencer sequencer = null; // Converts a Sequence to MIDI events
    Synthesizer synthesizer = null; // Plays notes in response to MIDI events

    try {//w  ww  . j  ava  2  s . c om
        // Create, open, and connect a Sequencer and Synthesizer
        // They are closed in the finally block at the end of this method.
        sequencer = MidiSystem.getSequencer();
        synthesizer = MidiSystem.getSynthesizer();

        // Specify the InputStream to stream the sequence from

        // This is an arbitrary object used with wait and notify to
        // prevent the method from returning before the music finishes
        final Object lock = new Object();

        // Register a listener to make the method exit when the stream is
        // done. See Object.wait() and Object.notify()
        sequencer.addMetaEventListener(new MetaEventListener() {
            public void meta(MetaMessage e) {
                if (e.getType() == END_OF_TRACK) {
                    synchronized (lock) {

        // Start playing the music

        // Now block until the listener above notifies us that we're done.
        synchronized (lock) {
            while (sequencer.isRunning()) {
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
    } finally {
        // Always relinquish the sequencer, so others can use it.
        if (sequencer != null)
        if (synthesizer != null)

From source file:SoundPlayer.java

public SoundPlayer(File f, boolean isMidi) throws IOException, UnsupportedAudioFileException,
        LineUnavailableException, MidiUnavailableException, InvalidMidiDataException {
    if (isMidi) { // The file is a MIDI file
        midi = true;//from  w ww .  j  a v a2 s  .c  om
        // First, get a Sequencer to play sequences of MIDI events
        // That is, to send events to a Synthesizer at the right time.
        sequencer = MidiSystem.getSequencer(); // Used to play sequences
        sequencer.open(); // Turn it on.

        // Get a Synthesizer for the Sequencer to send notes to
        Synthesizer synth = MidiSystem.getSynthesizer();
        synth.open(); // acquire whatever resources it needs

        // The Sequencer obtained above may be connected to a Synthesizer
        // by default, or it may not. Therefore, we explicitly connect it.
        Transmitter transmitter = sequencer.getTransmitter();
        Receiver receiver = synth.getReceiver();

        // Read the sequence from the file and tell the sequencer about it
        sequence = MidiSystem.getSequence(f);
        audioLength = (int) sequence.getTickLength(); // Get sequence length
    } else { // The file is sampled audio
        midi = false;
        // Getting a Clip object for a file of sampled audio data is kind
        // of cumbersome. The following lines do what we need.
        AudioInputStream ain = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(f);
        try {
            DataLine.Info info = new DataLine.Info(Clip.class, ain.getFormat());
            clip = (Clip) AudioSystem.getLine(info);
        } finally { // We're done with the input stream.
        // Get the clip length in microseconds and convert to milliseconds
        audioLength = (int) (clip.getMicrosecondLength() / 1000);

    // Now create the basic GUI
    play = new JButton("Play"); // Play/stop button
    progress = new JSlider(0, audioLength, 0); // Shows position in sound
    time = new JLabel("0"); // Shows position as a #

    // When clicked, start or stop playing the sound
    play.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            if (playing)

    // Whenever the slider value changes, first update the time label.
    // Next, if we're not already at the new position, skip to it.
    progress.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() {
        public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) {
            int value = progress.getValue();
            // Update the time label
            if (midi)
                time.setText(value + "");
                time.setText(value / 1000 + "." + (value % 1000) / 100);
            // If we're not already there, skip there.
            if (value != audioPosition)

    // This timer calls the tick() method 10 times a second to keep
    // our slider in sync with the music.
    timer = new javax.swing.Timer(100, new ActionListener() {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

    // put those controls in a row
    Box row = Box.createHorizontalBox();

    // And add them to this component.
    setLayout(new BoxLayout(this, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));

    // Now add additional controls based on the type of the sound
    if (midi)