Java org.apache.commons.collections4 ListUtils fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java org.apache.commons.collections4 ListUtils fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for org.apache.commons.collections4 ListUtils.

The text is from its open source code.


ListdefaultIfNull(final List list, final List defaultList)
Returns either the passed in list, or if the list is null , the value of defaultList .
ListemptyIfNull(final List list)
Returns an immutable empty list if the argument is null, or the argument itself otherwise.
inthashCodeForList(final Collection list)
Generates a hash code using the algorithm specified in java.util.List#hashCode() .
intindexOf(final List list, final Predicate predicate)
Finds the first index in the given List which matches the given predicate.
Listintersection(final List list1, final List list2)
Returns a new list containing all elements that are contained in both given lists.
booleanisEqualList(final Collection list1, final Collection list2)
Tests two lists for value-equality as per the equality contract in java.util.List#equals(java.lang.Object) .
ListlongestCommonSubsequence(final List a, final List b)
Returns the longest common subsequence (LCS) of two sequences (lists).
StringlongestCommonSubsequence(final CharSequence a, final CharSequence b)
Returns the longest common subsequence (LCS) of two CharSequence objects.
List>partition(final List list, final int size)
Returns consecutive List#subList(int,int) sublists of a list, each of the same size (the final list may be smaller).
ListremoveAll(final Collection collection, final Collection remove)
Removes the elements in remove from collection.
Listselect(final Collection inputCollection, final Predicate predicate)
Selects all elements from input collection which match the given predicate into an output list.
Listsubtract(final List list1, final List list2)
Subtracts all elements in the second list from the first list, placing the results in a new list.
Listsum(final List list1, final List list2)
Returns the sum of the given lists.
Listunion(final List list1, final List list2)
Returns a new list containing the second list appended to the first list.
ListunmodifiableList(final List list)
Returns an unmodifiable list backed by the given list.