Example usage for org.apache.commons.collections4 ListUtils union

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.collections4 ListUtils union


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.collections4 ListUtils union.


public static <E> List<E> union(final List<? extends E> list1, final List<? extends E> list2) 

Source Link


Returns a new list containing the second list appended to the first list.


From source file:com.ejisto.util.collector.MockedFieldCollectorTest.java

public void testFinisher() throws Exception {
    Map<String, List<MockedField>> map = new TreeMap<>();
    map.put("com.ejisto.test.Test", ListUtils.union(testClassFields, otherFields));
    map.put("com.ejisto.test2.Test", test2ClassFields);
    final FieldNode result = instance.finisher().apply(map);
    assertNotNull(result);/*from  w w w .j a v  a 2s. c  o m*/
    assertEquals(2, result.getChildren().size()); // /ejisto-test and /another-one
    FieldNode anotherOne = result.getChildren().first();
    assertEquals("/another-one", anotherOne.getLabel());
    assertEquals(1, anotherOne.getChildren().size());
    FieldNode ejistoTest = result.getChildren().last();
    assertEquals("/ejisto-test", ejistoTest.getLabel());
    assertEquals(1, ejistoTest.getChildren().size());

From source file:it.baywaylabs.jumpersumo.utility.Finder.java

 * This method joins commands list in one List.
 * @param params List to join.//from  ww  w .j a  v a 2  s.c  o m
 * @return List of all commands.
public List<String> joinListCommands(List<String>... params) {

    List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
    if (params.length != 0) {
        for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++)
            result = ListUtils.union(result, params[i]);

    return result;

From source file:io.cloudslang.lang.compiler.modeller.ExecutableBuilder.java

public void initScopedTransformersAndKeys() {
    //executable transformers
    preExecTransformers = filterTransformers(Transformer.Scope.BEFORE_EXECUTABLE);
    postExecTransformers = filterTransformers(Transformer.Scope.AFTER_EXECUTABLE);

    //action transformers and keys
    actionTransformers = filterTransformers(Transformer.Scope.ACTION);

    allExecutableAdditionalKeywords = new ArrayList<>(executableAdditionalKeywords.size()
            + operationAdditionalKeywords.size() + flowAdditionalKeywords.size());

    // keys excluding each other
    executableConstraintGroups = new ArrayList<>();
    executableConstraintGroups.add(ListUtils.union(singletonList(WORKFLOW_KEY), operationAdditionalKeywords));

    //step transformers
    preStepTransformers = filterTransformers(Transformer.Scope.BEFORE_STEP);
    postStepTransformers = filterTransformers(Transformer.Scope.AFTER_STEP);

    final List<Transformer> tempPreStepTransformers = filterTransformers(Transformer.Scope.BEFORE_STEP);
    final List<Transformer> tempPostStepTransformers = filterTransformers(Transformer.Scope.AFTER_STEP);

    preStepTransformers = tempPreStepTransformers.stream().filter(t -> t.getType() != Transformer.Type.EXTERNAL)

    postStepTransformers = tempPostStepTransformers.stream()
            .filter(t -> t.getType() != Transformer.Type.EXTERNAL).collect(Collectors.toList());

    externalPreStepTransformers = tempPreStepTransformers.stream()
            .filter(t -> t.getType() != Transformer.Type.INTERNAL).collect(Collectors.toList());

    externalPostStepTransformers = tempPostStepTransformers.stream()
            .filter(t -> t.getType() != Transformer.Type.INTERNAL).collect(Collectors.toList());


From source file:io.cloudslang.lang.compiler.modeller.ExecutableBuilder.java

public ExecutableModellingResult transformToExecutable(ParsedSlang parsedSlang,
        Map<String, Object> executableRawData, SensitivityLevel sensitivityLevel) {
    List<RuntimeException> errors = new ArrayList<>();
    String execName = preCompileValidator.validateExecutableRawData(parsedSlang, executableRawData, errors);
    String workerGroup = (String) executableRawData.get(SlangTextualKeys.WORKER_GROUP);

    errors.addAll(preCompileValidator.checkKeyWords(execName, "", executableRawData,
            ListUtils.union(preExecTransformers, postExecTransformers),
            ParsedSlang.Type.DECISION.equals(parsedSlang.getType()) ? executableAdditionalKeywords
                    : allExecutableAdditionalKeywords,

    Map<String, Serializable> preExecutableActionData = new HashMap<>();
    Map<String, Serializable> postExecutableActionData = new HashMap<>();

    String errorMessagePrefix = "For " + parsedSlang.getType().toString().toLowerCase() + " '" + execName
            + "' syntax is illegal.\n";
    preExecutableActionData.putAll(transformersHandler.runTransformers(executableRawData, preExecTransformers,
            errors, errorMessagePrefix, sensitivityLevel));
    postExecutableActionData.putAll(transformersHandler.runTransformers(executableRawData, postExecTransformers,
            errors, errorMessagePrefix, sensitivityLevel));

    List<Input> inputs = (List<Input>) preExecutableActionData.remove(SlangTextualKeys.INPUTS_KEY);
    List<Output> outputs = (List<Output>) postExecutableActionData.remove(SlangTextualKeys.OUTPUTS_KEY);

    List<Result> results = (List<Result>) postExecutableActionData.remove(SlangTextualKeys.RESULTS_KEY);
    results = results == null ? new ArrayList<Result>() : results;

    String namespace = parsedSlang.getNamespace();
    Set<String> systemPropertyDependencies = null;

    Executable executable;/*from  w w w . jav  a2  s .  c o m*/
    boolean isSeqAction = false;

    switch (parsedSlang.getType()) {
    case FLOW:
        resultsTransformer.addDefaultResultsIfNeeded((List) executableRawData.get(SlangTextualKeys.RESULTS_KEY),
                ExecutableType.FLOW, results, errors);

        Map<String, String> imports = parsedSlang.getImports();

        List<Map<String, Map<String, Object>>> workFlowRawData = preCompileValidator
                .validateWorkflowRawData(parsedSlang, executableRawData.get(WORKFLOW_KEY), execName, errors);

        Workflow onFailureWorkFlow = getOnFailureWorkflow(workFlowRawData, imports, errors, namespace, execName,

        WorkflowModellingResult workflowModellingResult = compileWorkFlow(workFlowRawData, imports,
                onFailureWorkFlow, false, namespace, sensitivityLevel);
        Workflow workflow = workflowModellingResult.getWorkflow();

        preCompileValidator.validateResultsHaveNoExpression(results, execName, errors);

        Pair<Set<String>, Set<String>> pair = fetchDirectStepsDependencies(workflow);
        Set<String> executableDependencies = pair.getLeft();
        Set<String> externalExecutableDependencies = pair.getRight();
        try {
            systemPropertyDependencies = dependenciesHelper.getSystemPropertiesForFlow(inputs, outputs, results,

        } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
        executable = new Flow(preExecutableActionData, postExecutableActionData, workflow, namespace, execName,
                workerGroup, inputs, outputs, results, executableDependencies, externalExecutableDependencies,


    case OPERATION:
        resultsTransformer.addDefaultResultsIfNeeded((List) executableRawData.get(SlangTextualKeys.RESULTS_KEY),
                ExecutableType.OPERATION, results, errors);

        Map<String, Object> actionRawData = getActionRawData(executableRawData, errors, parsedSlang, execName);
        ActionModellingResult actionModellingResult = compileAction(actionRawData, sensitivityLevel);
        final Action action = actionModellingResult.getAction();
        executableDependencies = new HashSet<>();

        isSeqAction = actionRawData.containsKey(SlangTextualKeys.SEQ_ACTION_KEY);
        if (!isSeqAction) {
            preCompileValidator.validateResultTypes(results, execName, errors);
            preCompileValidator.validateDefaultResult(results, execName, errors);
        } else {
            preCompileValidator.validateResultsHaveNoExpression(results, execName, errors);
            preCompileValidator.validateResultsWithWhitelist(results, seqSupportedResults, execName, errors);

        try {
            systemPropertyDependencies = dependenciesHelper.getSystemPropertiesForOperation(inputs, outputs,

        } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
        executable = new Operation(preExecutableActionData, postExecutableActionData, action, namespace,
                execName, inputs, outputs, results, executableDependencies, systemPropertyDependencies);


    case DECISION:
        resultsTransformer.addDefaultResultsIfNeeded((List) executableRawData.get(SlangTextualKeys.RESULTS_KEY),
                ExecutableType.DECISION, results, errors);

        preCompileValidator.validateResultTypes(results, execName, errors);
        preCompileValidator.validateDecisionResultsSection(executableRawData, execName, errors);
        preCompileValidator.validateDefaultResult(results, execName, errors);

        try {
            systemPropertyDependencies = dependenciesHelper.getSystemPropertiesForDecision(inputs, outputs,
        } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
        executable = new Decision(preExecutableActionData, postExecutableActionData, namespace, execName,
                inputs, outputs, results, Collections.<String>emptySet(), systemPropertyDependencies);


        throw new RuntimeException("Error compiling " + parsedSlang.getName()
                + ". It is not of flow, operations or decision type");

    if (!isSeqAction && outputs != null) {

    return preCompileValidator.validateResult(parsedSlang, execName,
            new ExecutableModellingResult(executable, errors));

From source file:de.tor.tribes.util.algo.BruteForce.java

public List<TroopMovement> calculateAttacks(HashMap<UnitHolder, List<Village>> pSources,
        HashMap<UnitHolder, List<Village>> pFakes, List<Village> pTargets, List<Village> pFakeTargets,
        HashMap<Village, Integer> pMaxAttacksTable, TimeFrame pTimeFrame, boolean pFakeOffTargets) {

    List<Village> allTargets = Arrays.asList(pTargets.toArray(new Village[pTargets.size()]));
    List<Village> allFakeTargets = Arrays.asList(pFakeTargets.toArray(new Village[pFakeTargets.size()]));

    HashMap<Village, HashMap<UnitHolder, List<Village>>> attacks = new HashMap<>();
    logger.debug("Assigning offs");
    logText("Starte zufllige Berechnung");

    int maxStatus = allTargets.size() + allFakeTargets.size();
    int currentStatus = 0;

    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Assign Offs">
    logInfo(" Starte Berechnung fr Offs");
    for (UnitHolder unit : pSources.keySet()) {
        logInfo(" - Starte Berechnung fr Einheit '" + unit.getName() + "'");
        List<Village> sources = pSources.get(unit);

        if (sources != null) {
            logInfo(" - Verwende " + sources.size() + " Herkunftsdrfer");
            for (Village source : sources) {

                //time when the attacks should arrive
                Village vTarget = null;/*w  ww. j  ava  2s .  c  o  m*/

                //distribute targets randomly
                currentStatus = allTargets.size() - pTargets.size();
                updateStatus(currentStatus, maxStatus);
                //search all targets
                logInfo(" - Teste " + pTargets.size() + " mgliche Ziele");
                for (Village v : pTargets.toArray(new Village[pTargets.size()])) {
                    if (isAborted()) {
                        return new LinkedList<>();
                    int maxAttacksPerVillage = pMaxAttacksTable.get(v);
                    double time = DSCalculator.calculateMoveTimeInSeconds(source, v, unit.getSpeed());
                    if (unit.getPlainName().equals("snob")) {
                        if (DSCalculator.calculateDistance(source, v) > ServerSettings.getSingleton()
                                .getSnobRange()) {
                            //continue with the next destination Village

                    long runtime = (long) time * 1000;
                    //check if attack is somehow possible
                    if (pTimeFrame.isMovementPossible(runtime)) {
                        //only calculate if time is in time frame
                        //get list of source villages for current target
                        HashMap<UnitHolder, List<Village>> attacksForVillage = attacks.get(v);
                        if (attacksForVillage == null) {
                            //create new table of attacks
                            attacksForVillage = new HashMap<>();
                            List<Village> sourceList = new LinkedList<>();
                            logInfo("   * Neue Truppenbewegung: " + source + " -> " + v);
                            attacksForVillage.put(unit, sourceList);
                            attacks.put(v, attacksForVillage);
                            vTarget = v;
                        } else {
                            int currentAttacks = 0;
                            for (List<Village> l : attacksForVillage.values()) {
                                currentAttacks += l.size();
                            //there are already attacks on this village
                            if (currentAttacks < maxAttacksPerVillage) {
                                //more attacks on this village are allowed
                                boolean added = false;
                                //max number of attacks neither for villages nor for player reached
                                List<Village> attsPerUnit = attacksForVillage.get(unit);
                                if (attsPerUnit != null) {
                                    if (!attsPerUnit.contains(source) || (unit
                                            && multipleSameSnobsAllowed())) {
                                        //only add source if it does not attack current target yet
                                        added = true;
                                        logInfo("   * Neue Truppenbewegung: " + source + " -> " + v);
                                } else {
                                    attsPerUnit = new LinkedList<>();
                                    //only add source if it does not attack current target yet
                                    added = true;
                                    logInfo("   * Neue Truppenbewegung: " + source + " -> " + v);
                                    attacksForVillage.put(unit, attsPerUnit);
                                if (added) {
                                    //only increment attack count if source was added
                                    vTarget = v;

                                    //check if last missing attack was added. 
                                    if (currentAttacks + 1 == maxAttacksPerVillage) {
                                        logInfo("   * Entferne vollstndiges Ziel " + v);

                                } else {
                                    vTarget = null;
                            } else {
                                //max number of attacks per village reached, continue search
                                logInfo("   * Entferne vollstndiges Ziel " + v);
                                vTarget = null;

                    if (vTarget != null) {

                if (vTarget == null) {
                    logInfo(" - Keine Ziele fr Herkunftsdorf " + source + " gefunden");
        } else {
            logInfo(" - Keine Herkunftsdrfer fr aktuelle Einheit");
    // </editor-fold>

    if (pFakeOffTargets) {
         *  why would we do this? We should allow one fake for each missing off, so we can simply use pTargets as is?
         logger.debug("Removing assigned off targets from fake list");
         Enumeration<Village> targets = attacks.keys();
         while (targets.hasMoreElements()) {
        Village target = targets.nextElement();
        logger.debug("Keeping remaining Off targets for fake search");
    } else {
        //clear target list

    //adding fake targets
    for (Village fakeTarget : pFakeTargets) {
    logger.debug("Assigning fakes");
    logText(" Starte Berechnung fr Fakes.");
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Assign fakes">
    HashMap<Village, HashMap<UnitHolder, List<Village>>> fakes = new HashMap<>();
    for (UnitHolder unit : pFakes.keySet()) {
        logInfo(" - Starte Berechnung fr Einheit '" + unit.getName() + "'");
        List<Village> sources = pFakes.get(unit);

        if (sources != null) {
            logInfo(" - Verwende " + sources.size() + " Herkunftsdrfer");
            for (Village source : sources) {

                //time when the attacks should arrive
                Village vTarget = null;

                //distribute targets randomly
                currentStatus = allTargets.size() + allFakeTargets.size() - pTargets.size();
                updateStatus(currentStatus, maxStatus);
                //search all targets
                logInfo(" - Teste " + pTargets.size() + " mgliche Ziele");
                for (Village v : pTargets.toArray(new Village[pTargets.size()])) {
                    if (isAborted()) {
                        return new LinkedList<>();
                    int maxAttacksPerVillage = pMaxAttacksTable.get(v);
                    double time = DSCalculator.calculateMoveTimeInSeconds(source, v, unit.getSpeed());
                    if (unit.getPlainName().equals("snob")) {
                        if (DSCalculator.calculateDistance(source, v) > ServerSettings.getSingleton()
                                .getSnobRange()) {
                            //continue with the next destination Village

                    long runtime = (long) time * 1000;
                    //check if attack is somehow possible
                    if (pTimeFrame.isMovementPossible(runtime)) {
                        //only calculate if time is in time frame
                        //get list of source villages for current target
                        HashMap<UnitHolder, List<Village>> attacksForVillage = attacks.get(v);
                        HashMap<UnitHolder, List<Village>> fakesForVillage = fakes.get(v);
                        if (attacksForVillage == null) {
                            //create empty table of attacks (will stay empty, but is used for maxAttacks calculation)
                            attacksForVillage = new HashMap<>();
                            List<Village> sourceList = new LinkedList<>();
                            attacksForVillage.put(unit, sourceList);
                        if (fakesForVillage == null) {
                            //create new table of fakes 
                            fakesForVillage = new HashMap<>();
                            List<Village> sourceList = new LinkedList<>();
                            logInfo("   * Neue Truppenbewegung: " + source + " -> " + v);
                            fakesForVillage.put(unit, sourceList);
                            fakes.put(v, fakesForVillage);
                            vTarget = v;
                        } else {
                            int currentAttacks = 0;
                            for (List<Village> listV : attacksForVillage.values()) {
                                currentAttacks += listV.size();
                            int currentFakes = 0;
                            for (List<Village> listV : fakesForVillage.values()) {
                                currentFakes += listV.size();

                            //there are already attacks or fakes on this village
                            if (currentAttacks + currentFakes < maxAttacksPerVillage) {
                                //more attacks on this village are allowed
                                boolean added = false;
                                //max number of attacks neither for villages nor for player reached
                                List<Village> attsPerUnit = attacksForVillage.get(unit);
                                List<Village> fakesPerUnit = fakesForVillage.get(unit);
                                if (fakesPerUnit != null) {
                                    if (!attsPerUnit.contains(source)
                                            && (attsPerUnit == null || !attsPerUnit.contains(source))) {
                                        //only add source if it does not attack current target yet
                                        added = true;
                                        logInfo("   * Neue Truppenbewegung: " + source + " -> " + v);
                                } else {
                                    fakesPerUnit = new LinkedList<>();
                                    //only add source if it does not attack current target yet
                                    added = true;
                                    logInfo("   * Neue Truppenbewegung: " + source + " -> " + v);
                                    fakesForVillage.put(unit, attsPerUnit);
                                if (added) {
                                    //only increment attack count if source was added
                                    vTarget = v;

                                    //check if last missing attack was added. 
                                    if (currentAttacks + currentFakes + 1 == maxAttacksPerVillage) {
                                        logInfo("   * Entferne vollstndiges Ziel " + v);

                                } else {
                                    vTarget = null;
                            } else {
                                //max number of attacks per village reached, continue search
                                logInfo("   * Entferne vollstndiges Ziel " + v);
                                vTarget = null;

                    if (vTarget != null) {

                if (vTarget == null) {
                    logInfo(" - Keine Ziele fr Herkunftsdorf " + source + " gefunden");
        } else {
            logInfo(" - Keine Herkunftsdrfer fr aktuelle Einheit");

    updateStatus(maxStatus, maxStatus);
    // </editor-fold>

    logText(" - Erstelle Ergebnisliste");
    //convert to result list
    List<TroopMovement> movements = new LinkedList<>();
    logger.debug(" - adding offs");

    logText(String.format(" %d Offs berechnet", attacks.size()));
    for (Village target : allTargets) {
        HashMap<UnitHolder, List<Village>> sourcesForTarget = attacks.get(target);
        TroopMovement f = new TroopMovement(target, pMaxAttacksTable.get(target), Attack.CLEAN_TYPE);

        if (sourcesForTarget != null) {
            for (UnitHolder sourceUnit : sourcesForTarget.keySet()) {
                List<Village> unitVillages = attacks.get(target).get(sourceUnit);
                for (Village source : unitVillages) {
                    f.addOff(sourceUnit, source);
        if (sourcesForTarget == null && fakes.get(target) != null) {
            //ignore Off targets, when there are Fakes assigned and no Offs

    logger.debug(" - adding fakes");
    logText(String.format(" %d Fakes berechnet", fakes.size()));

    for (Village target : (List<Village>) ListUtils.union(allFakeTargets, allTargets)) {
        HashMap<UnitHolder, List<Village>> sourcesForTarget = fakes.get(target);
        TroopMovement f = new TroopMovement(target, pMaxAttacksTable.get(target), Attack.FAKE_TYPE);
        if (sourcesForTarget != null) {
            for (UnitHolder sourceUnit : sourcesForTarget.keySet()) {
                List<Village> unitVillages = fakes.get(target).get(sourceUnit);
                for (Village source : unitVillages) {
                    f.addOff(sourceUnit, source);
        if (sourcesForTarget == null && allTargets.contains(target)) {
            //ignore Off targets, where no Fakes were assigned

    logText("Berechnung abgeschlossen.");
    return movements;

From source file:io.cloudslang.lang.compiler.modeller.ExecutableBuilder.java

private StepModellingResult compileStep(String stepName, Map<String, Object> stepRawData, String defaultSuccess,
        Map<String, String> imports, String defaultFailure, String namespace, String onFailureStepName,
        boolean onFailureSection, SensitivityLevel sensitivityLevel) {

    List<RuntimeException> errors = new ArrayList<>();
    if (MapUtils.isEmpty(stepRawData)) {
        stepRawData = new HashMap<>();
        errors.add(new RuntimeException("Step: " + stepName + " has no data"));
    }/*from www. jav a2  s.c  o  m*/

    final boolean isExternal = stepRawData.containsKey(DO_EXTERNAL_KEY);
    final List<Transformer> localPreStepTransformers = isExternal ? externalPreStepTransformers
            : preStepTransformers;
    final List<Transformer> localPostStepTransformers = isExternal ? externalPostStepTransformers
            : postStepTransformers;

    Map<String, Serializable> preStepData = new HashMap<>();
    Map<String, Serializable> postStepData = new HashMap<>();

    errors.addAll(preCompileValidator.checkKeyWords(stepName, "", stepRawData,
            ListUtils.union(localPreStepTransformers, localPostStepTransformers), stepAdditionalKeyWords,

    String errorMessagePrefix = "For step '" + stepName + "' syntax is illegal.\n";
    preStepData.putAll(transformersHandler.runTransformers(stepRawData, localPreStepTransformers, errors,
            errorMessagePrefix, sensitivityLevel));
    postStepData.putAll(transformersHandler.runTransformers(stepRawData, localPostStepTransformers, errors,
            errorMessagePrefix, sensitivityLevel));

    replaceOnFailureReference(postStepData, onFailureStepName);

    String workerGroup = (String) stepRawData.get(SlangTextualKeys.WORKER_GROUP);

    String refId = "";
    final List<Argument> arguments = getArgumentsFromDoStep(preStepData);
    final Map<String, Object> doRawData = getRawDataFromDoStep(stepRawData);

    if (MapUtils.isNotEmpty(doRawData)) {
        try {
            String refString = doRawData.keySet().iterator().next();
            refId = resolveReferenceId(refString, imports, namespace, preStepData);
        } catch (RuntimeException rex) {

    List<Map<String, String>> navigationStrings = getNavigationStrings(postStepData, defaultSuccess,
            defaultFailure, errors);

    Step step = createStep(stepName, onFailureSection, preStepData, postStepData, arguments, workerGroup, refId,
    return new StepModellingResult(step, errors);

From source file:org.openscore.lang.compiler.modeller.ExecutableBuilder.java

public Executable transformToExecutable(ParsedSlang parsedSlang, String execName,
        Map<String, Object> executableRawData) {

    Validate.notEmpty(executableRawData, "Error compiling " + parsedSlang.getName()
            + ". Executable data for: \'" + execName + "\' is empty");
    Validate.notNull(parsedSlang, "Slang source for: \'" + execName + "\' is null");

    Map<String, Serializable> preExecutableActionData = new HashMap<>();
    Map<String, Serializable> postExecutableActionData = new HashMap<>();

    transformersHandler.validateKeyWords(execName, executableRawData,
            ListUtils.union(preExecTransformers, postExecTransformers), execAdditionalKeywords, null);

    preExecutableActionData.putAll(transformersHandler.runTransformers(executableRawData, preExecTransformers));
    postExecutableActionData/*from ww  w  .j a v a 2s  .c  o  m*/
            .putAll(transformersHandler.runTransformers(executableRawData, postExecTransformers));

    List<Input> inputs = (List<Input>) preExecutableActionData.remove(INPUTS_KEY);
    List<Output> outputs = (List<Output>) postExecutableActionData.remove(OUTPUTS_KEY);
    List<Result> results = (List<Result>) postExecutableActionData.remove(RESULTS_KEY);

    String namespace = parsedSlang.getNamespace();
    Map<String, String> imports = parsedSlang.getImports();
    Set<String> dependencies;
    switch (parsedSlang.getType()) {
    case FLOW:

        if (!executableRawData.containsKey(WORKFLOW_KEY)) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Error compiling " + parsedSlang.getName() + ". Flow: " + execName
                    + " has no workflow property");
        List<Map<String, Map<String, Object>>> workFlowRawData;
        try {
            workFlowRawData = (List) executableRawData.get(WORKFLOW_KEY);
        } catch (ClassCastException ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Flow: '" + execName
                    + "' syntax is illegal.\nBelow 'workflow' property there should be a list of tasks and not a map");
        if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(workFlowRawData)) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Error compiling " + parsedSlang.getName() + ". Flow: " + execName
                    + " has no workflow data");

        Workflow onFailureWorkFlow = null;
        List<Map<String, Map<String, Object>>> onFailureData;
        Iterator<Map<String, Map<String, Object>>> tasksIterator = workFlowRawData.iterator();
        while (tasksIterator.hasNext()) {
            Map<String, Map<String, Object>> taskData = tasksIterator.next();
            String taskName = taskData.keySet().iterator().next();
            if (taskName.equals(ON_FAILURE_KEY)) {
                try {
                    onFailureData = (List<Map<String, Map<String, Object>>>) taskData.values().iterator()
                } catch (ClassCastException ex) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Flow: '" + execName
                            + "' syntax is illegal.\nBelow 'on_failure' property there should be a list of tasks and not a map");
                if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(onFailureData)) {
                    onFailureWorkFlow = compileWorkFlow(onFailureData, imports, null, true);

        Workflow workflow = compileWorkFlow(workFlowRawData, imports, onFailureWorkFlow, false);
        dependencies = fetchDirectTasksDependencies(workflow);
        return new Flow(preExecutableActionData, postExecutableActionData, workflow, namespace, execName,
                inputs, outputs, results, dependencies);

    case OPERATION:
        Map<String, Object> actionRawData;
        try {
            actionRawData = (Map<String, Object>) executableRawData.get(ACTION_KEY);
        } catch (ClassCastException ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Operation: '" + execName
                    + "' syntax is illegal.\nBelow 'action' property there should be a map of values such as: 'python_script:' or 'java_action:'");

        if (MapUtils.isEmpty(actionRawData)) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Error compiling " + parsedSlang.getName() + ". Operation: " + execName
                    + " has no action data");
        Action action = compileAction(actionRawData);
        dependencies = new HashSet<>();
        return new Operation(preExecutableActionData, postExecutableActionData, action, namespace, execName,
                inputs, outputs, results, dependencies);
        throw new RuntimeException(
                "Error compiling " + parsedSlang.getName() + ". It is not of flow or operations type");

From source file:org.openscore.lang.compiler.modeller.ExecutableBuilder.java

private Task compileTask(String taskName, Map<String, Object> taskRawData, String defaultSuccess,
        Map<String, String> imports, String defaultFailure) {

    if (MapUtils.isEmpty(taskRawData)) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Task: " + taskName + " has no data");
    }/*from   ww w .  ja  va2s  .c  o  m*/

    Map<String, Serializable> preTaskData = new HashMap<>();
    Map<String, Serializable> postTaskData = new HashMap<>();

    transformersHandler.validateKeyWords(taskName, taskRawData,
            ListUtils.union(preTaskTransformers, postTaskTransformers), TaskAdditionalKeyWords, null);

    try {
        preTaskData.putAll(transformersHandler.runTransformers(taskRawData, preTaskTransformers));
        postTaskData.putAll(transformersHandler.runTransformers(taskRawData, postTaskTransformers));
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new RuntimeException("For task: " + taskName + " syntax is illegal.\n" + ex.getMessage(), ex);
    List<Input> inputs = (List<Input>) preTaskData.get(DO_KEY);
    Map<String, Object> doRawData = (Map<String, Object>) taskRawData.get(DO_KEY);
    if (MapUtils.isEmpty(doRawData)) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Task: \'" + taskName + "\' has no reference information");
    String refString = doRawData.keySet().iterator().next();
    String refId = resolveRefId(refString, imports);

    Map<String, String> navigationStrings = (Map<String, String>) postTaskData.get(NAVIGATION_KEY);

    //default navigation
    if (MapUtils.isEmpty(navigationStrings)) {
        navigationStrings = new HashMap<>();
        navigationStrings.put(SUCCESS_RESULT, defaultSuccess);
        navigationStrings.put(FAILURE_RESULT, defaultFailure);

    return new Task(taskName, preTaskData, postTaskData, inputs, navigationStrings, refId);

From source file:org.openscore.lang.compiler.utils.ExecutableBuilder.java

public Executable transformToExecutable(ParsedSlang parsedSlang, String execName,
        Map<String, Object> executableRawData) {

            "Error compiling " + parsedSlang.getName() + ". Executable data for: " + execName + " is empty");
    Validate.notNull(parsedSlang, "Slang source for " + execName + " is null");

    Map<String, Serializable> preExecutableActionData = new HashMap<>();
    Map<String, Serializable> postExecutableActionData = new HashMap<>();

    transformersHandler.validateKeyWords(execName, executableRawData,
            ListUtils.union(preExecTransformers, postExecTransformers), execAdditionalKeywords);

    preExecutableActionData.putAll(transformersHandler.runTransformers(executableRawData, preExecTransformers));
    postExecutableActionData//from  w w w  . j a  va 2 s  .  c o  m
            .putAll(transformersHandler.runTransformers(executableRawData, postExecTransformers));

    List<Input> inputs = (List<Input>) preExecutableActionData.remove(SlangTextualKeys.INPUTS_KEY);
    List<Output> outputs = (List<Output>) postExecutableActionData.remove(SlangTextualKeys.OUTPUTS_KEY);
    List<Result> results = (List<Result>) postExecutableActionData.remove(SlangTextualKeys.RESULTS_KEY);

    String namespace = parsedSlang.getNamespace();
    Map<String, String> imports = parsedSlang.getImports();
    resolveSystemProperties(inputs, imports);
    Map<String, SlangFileType> dependencies;
    switch (parsedSlang.getType()) {
    case FLOW:

        if (!executableRawData.containsKey(SlangTextualKeys.WORKFLOW_KEY)) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Error compiling " + parsedSlang.getName() + ". Flow: " + execName
                    + " has no workflow property");
        LinkedHashMap<String, Map<String, Object>> workFlowRawData;
        try {
            workFlowRawData = (LinkedHashMap) executableRawData.get(SlangTextualKeys.WORKFLOW_KEY);
        } catch (ClassCastException ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Flow: '" + execName
                    + "' syntax is illegal.\nBelow 'workflow' property there should be a map of tasks and not a list");
        if (MapUtils.isEmpty(workFlowRawData)) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Error compiling " + parsedSlang.getName() + ". Flow: " + execName
                    + " has no workflow data");

        Workflow onFailureWorkFlow = null;
        LinkedHashMap<String, Map<String, Object>> onFailureData;
        try {
            onFailureData = (LinkedHashMap) workFlowRawData.remove(SlangTextualKeys.ON_FAILURE_KEY);
        } catch (ClassCastException ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Flow: '" + execName
                    + "' syntax is illegal.\nBelow 'on_failure' property there should be a map of tasks and not a list");
        if (MapUtils.isNotEmpty(onFailureData)) {
            onFailureWorkFlow = compileWorkFlow(onFailureData, imports, null, true);

        Workflow workflow = compileWorkFlow(workFlowRawData, imports, onFailureWorkFlow, false);
        //todo: add system properties dependencies?
        dependencies = fetchDirectTasksDependencies(workflow);
        return new Flow(preExecutableActionData, postExecutableActionData, workflow, namespace, execName,
                inputs, outputs, results, dependencies);

    case OPERATIONS:
        Map<String, Object> actionRawData;
        try {
            actionRawData = (Map<String, Object>) executableRawData.get(SlangTextualKeys.ACTION_KEY);
        } catch (ClassCastException ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Operation: '" + execName
                    + "' syntax is illegal.\nBelow 'action' property there should be a map of values such as: 'python_script:' or 'java_action:'");

        if (MapUtils.isEmpty(actionRawData)) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Error compiling " + parsedSlang.getName() + ". Operation: " + execName
                    + " has no action data");
        Action action = compileAction(actionRawData);
        //todo: add system properties dependencies?
        dependencies = new HashMap<>();
        return new Operation(preExecutableActionData, postExecutableActionData, action, namespace, execName,
                inputs, outputs, results, dependencies);
        throw new RuntimeException(
                "Error compiling " + parsedSlang.getName() + ". It is not of flow or operations type");

From source file:org.openscore.lang.compiler.utils.ExecutableBuilder.java

private Task compileTask(String taskName, Map<String, Object> taskRawData, String defaultSuccess,
        Map<String, String> imports, String defaultFailure) {

    if (MapUtils.isEmpty(taskRawData)) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Task: " + taskName + " has no data");
    }//  www . j av a2  s .c o  m

    Map<String, Serializable> preTaskData = new HashMap<>();
    Map<String, Serializable> postTaskData = new HashMap<>();

    transformersHandler.validateKeyWords(taskName, taskRawData,
            ListUtils.union(preTaskTransformers, postTaskTransformers), TaskAdditionalKeyWords);

    try {
        preTaskData.putAll(transformersHandler.runTransformers(taskRawData, preTaskTransformers));
        postTaskData.putAll(transformersHandler.runTransformers(taskRawData, postTaskTransformers));
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new RuntimeException("For task: " + taskName + " syntax is illegal.\n" + ex.getMessage(), ex);
    List<Input> inputs = (List<Input>) preTaskData.get(SlangTextualKeys.DO_KEY);
    resolveSystemProperties(inputs, imports);
    Map<String, Object> doRawData = (Map<String, Object>) taskRawData.get(SlangTextualKeys.DO_KEY);
    if (MapUtils.isEmpty(doRawData)) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Task: " + taskName + " has no reference information");
    String refString = doRawData.keySet().iterator().next();
    String refId = resolveRefId(refString, imports);

    Map<String, String> navigationStrings = (Map<String, String>) postTaskData

    //default navigation
    if (MapUtils.isEmpty(navigationStrings)) {
        navigationStrings = new HashMap<>();
        navigationStrings.put(SUCCESS_RESULT, defaultSuccess);
        navigationStrings.put(FAILURE_RESULT, defaultFailure);

    return new Task(taskName, preTaskData, postTaskData, navigationStrings, refId);