Example usage for org.apache.commons.configuration Configuration getString

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.configuration Configuration getString


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.configuration Configuration getString.


String getString(String key);

Source Link


Get a string associated with the given configuration key.


From source file:com.discursive.jccook.configuration.ConfigurationExample.java

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

    ConfigurationExample example = new ConfigurationExample();

    ConfigurationFactory factory = new ConfigurationFactory();
    URL configURL = example.getClass().getResource("configuration.xml");

    Configuration config = factory.getConfiguration();

    System.out.println("Timeout: " + config.getFloat("timeout"));
    System.out.println("Region: " + config.getString("region"));
    System.out.println("Name: " + config.getString("name"));
    System.out.println("Speed: " + config.getInt("speed"));

From source file:com.knowbout.epg.FakeUpdate.java

public static void main(String[] args) {
    String configFile = "/etc/knowbout.tv/epg.xml";
    int nextarg = 0;
    if (args.length > 1) {
        if (args.length == 3 && args[0].equals("-config")) {
            configFile = args[1];//from ww w .j  ava 2s . co m
            nextarg = 2;
        } else {
                    "Usage: java " + FakeUpdate.class.getName() + " [-config <xmlfile>] <program title>");
    if (args.length <= nextarg) {
                .println("Usage: java " + FakeUpdate.class.getName() + " [-config <xmlfile>] <program title>");
    String title = args[nextarg];

    try {
        XMLConfiguration config = new XMLConfiguration(configFile);

        HashMap<String, String> hibernateProperties = new HashMap<String, String>();
        Configuration database = config.subset("database");
        hibernateProperties.put(Environment.DRIVER, database.getString("driver"));
        hibernateProperties.put(Environment.URL, database.getString("url"));
        hibernateProperties.put(Environment.USER, database.getString("user"));
        hibernateProperties.put(Environment.PASS, database.getString("password"));
        hibernateProperties.put(Environment.DATASOURCE, null);


        Session session = HibernateUtil.openSession();
        Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();

        String hqlUpdate = "update Program set lastModified = :now where title = :title";
        int updatedEntities = session.createQuery(hqlUpdate).setTimestamp("now", new Date())
                .setString("title", title).executeUpdate();

        String alertUrl = config.getString("alertUrl");
        HessianProxyFactory factory = new HessianProxyFactory();
        AlertQueue alerts = (AlertQueue) factory.create(AlertQueue.class, alertUrl);
    } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
        log.fatal("Configuration error in file " + configFile, e);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        log.fatal("Error downloading or processing EPG information", e);


From source file:edu.emory.library.tast.spss.Import.java

public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {

    if (args.length != 1)
        return;//  www. java 2s.  c  o m
    String importDir = args[0];

    Configuration conf = AppConfig.getConfiguration();
    String fullImportDir = conf.getString(AppConfig.IMPORT_ROOTDIR) + File.separatorChar + importDir;
    LogWriter log = new LogWriter(fullImportDir);

    AbstractDescriptiveObjectFactory objectFactory = new VoyageFactory();
    ImportableAttribute[] attributes = Voyage.getAttributes();

    Import imp = new Import(fullImportDir, "voyageid", objectFactory, attributes);


From source file:com.knowbout.epg.EPG.java

public static void main(String[] args) {
    String configFile = "/etc/flip.tv/epg.xml";
    boolean sitemaponly = false;
    if (args.length > 0) {
        if (args.length == 2 && args[0].equals("-config")) {
            configFile = args[1];/*  w w w  .  ja v a  2  s. c om*/
        } else if (args.length == 1 && args[0].equals("-sitemaponly")) {
            sitemaponly = true;
        } else {
            System.err.println("Usage: java " + EPG.class.getName() + " [-config <xmlfile>]");

    try {
        XMLConfiguration config = new XMLConfiguration(configFile);

        HashMap<String, String> hibernateProperties = new HashMap<String, String>();
        Configuration database = config.subset("database");
        hibernateProperties.put(Environment.DRIVER, database.getString("driver"));
        hibernateProperties.put(Environment.URL, database.getString("url"));
        hibernateProperties.put(Environment.USER, database.getString("user"));
        hibernateProperties.put(Environment.PASS, database.getString("password"));
        hibernateProperties.put(Environment.DATASOURCE, null);


        if (!sitemaponly) {
            // Get the server configuration to download the content
            Configuration provider = config.subset("provider");
            InetAddress server = InetAddress.getByName(provider.getString("server"));
            File destinationFolder = new File(provider.getString("destinationFolder"));
            String username = provider.getString("username");
            String password = provider.getString("password");
            String remoteDirectory = provider.getString("remoteWorkingDirectory");
            boolean forceDownload = provider.getBoolean("forceDownload");
            Downloader downloader = new Downloader(server, username, password, destinationFolder,
                    remoteDirectory, forceDownload);
            int count = downloader.downloadFiles();
            log.info("Downloaded " + count + " files");
            //         int count = 14;
            if (count > 0) {
                log.info("Processing downloads now.");
                //Get the name of the files to process
                Configuration files = config.subset("files");
                File headend = new File(destinationFolder, files.getString("headend"));
                File lineup = new File(destinationFolder, files.getString("lineup"));
                File stations = new File(destinationFolder, files.getString("stations"));
                File programs = new File(destinationFolder, files.getString("programs"));
                File schedules = new File(destinationFolder, files.getString("schedules"));

                Parser parser = new Parser(config, headend, lineup, stations, programs, schedules);
                log.info("Finished parsing EPG Data. Invoking AlertQueue service now.");
                String alertUrl = config.getString("alertUrl");
                HessianProxyFactory factory = new HessianProxyFactory();
                AlertQueue alerts = (AlertQueue) factory.create(AlertQueue.class, alertUrl);
                log.info("Updating sitemap");
                updateSitemap(config.getString("sitemap", "/usr/local/webapps/search/sitemap.xml.gz"));
                log.info("Exiting EPG now.");
            } else {
                log.info("No files were downloaded, so don't process the old files.");
        } else {
            log.info("Updating sitemap");
            updateSitemap(config.getString("sitemap", "/usr/local/webapps/search/sitemap.xml.gz"));
            log.info("Done updating sitemap");
    } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
        log.fatal("Configuration error in file " + configFile, e);
    } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
        log.fatal("Unable to connect to host", e);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        log.fatal("Error downloading or processing EPG information", e);
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        log.fatal("Unexpected Error", e);


From source file:co.turnus.analysis.pipelining.SimplePipeliningCliLauncher.java

public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {//from   w  w  w  . j av a  2s.c  o m
        CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser();
        CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(cliOptions, args);
        Configuration config = parseCommandLine(cmd);

        // init models

        // set logger verbosity
        if (config.getBoolean(VERBOSE, false)) {

        // load trace project
        File tDir = new File(config.getString(TRACE_PROJECT));
        TraceProject project = TraceProject.load(tDir);

        SimplePipelining sp = new SimplePipelining(project);

        SimplePipelingData data = sp.run();

        TurnusLogger.info("Storing results...");
        File outPath = new File(config.getString(OUTPUT_PATH));

        // store the analysis report
        String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
        File rFile = new File(outPath, uuid + "." + TurnusExtension.REPORT);
        Report report = DataFactory.eINSTANCE.createReport();
        report.setDate(new Date());
        report.setComment("Report with only Simple Pipeling results analysis");
        EcoreHelper.storeEObject(report, new ResourceSetImpl(), rFile);
        TurnusLogger.info("TURNUS report stored in " + rFile);

        // store formatted reports
        String xlsName = config.getString(XLS, "");
        if (!xlsName.isEmpty()) {
            File xlsFile = new File(outPath, xlsName + ".xls");
            new XlsSimplePipeliningDataWriter().write(data, xlsFile);
            TurnusLogger.info("XLS report stored in " + xlsFile);

        TurnusLogger.info("Analysis Done!");

    } catch (ParseException e) {
        HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
        formatter.printHelp(SimplePipeliningCliLauncher.class.getSimpleName(), cliOptions);
    } catch (Exception e) {


From source file:co.turnus.analysis.buffers.BoundedBufferSchedulingCliLauncher.java

public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {/*from   ww w . j  a v  a 2  s. c o m*/
        CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser();
        CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(cliOptions, args);
        Configuration config = parseCommandLine(cmd);

        // init models

        // set logger verbosity
        if (config.getBoolean(VERBOSE, false)) {

        File tDir = new File(config.getString(TRACE_PROJECT));
        TraceProject project = TraceProject.load(tDir);

        BoundedBufferScheduling bbs = new BoundedBufferScheduling(project);

        BufferMinimizationData data = bbs.run();

        TurnusLogger.info("Storing results...");
        File outPath = new File(config.getString(OUTPUT_PATH));

        // store the analysis report
        String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
        File rFile = new File(outPath, uuid + "." + TurnusExtension.REPORT);
        Report report = DataFactory.eINSTANCE.createReport();
        report.setDate(new Date());
        report.setComment("Report with only Bounded Buffer Scheduling results analysis");
        EcoreHelper.storeEObject(report, new ResourceSetImpl(), rFile);
        TurnusLogger.info("TURNUS report stored in " + rFile);

        // store formatted reports
        String xlsName = config.getString(XLS, "");
        if (!xlsName.isEmpty()) {
            File xlsFile = new File(outPath, xlsName + ".xls");
            new XlsBufferMinimizationDataWriter().write(data, xlsFile);
            TurnusLogger.info("XLS report stored in " + xlsFile);

        String bxdfName = config.getString(BXDF, "");
        if (!bxdfName.isEmpty()) {
            File bxdfFile = new File(outPath, bxdfName + ".bxdf");
            new XmlBufferMinimizationDataWriter().write(data, bxdfFile);
            TurnusLogger.info("BXDF files (one for each configuration) " + "stored in " + outPath);

        TurnusLogger.info("Analysis Done!");

    } catch (ParseException e) {
        HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
        formatter.printHelp(BoundedBufferSchedulingCliLauncher.class.getSimpleName(), cliOptions);
    } catch (Exception e) {

From source file:co.turnus.analysis.bottlenecks.AlgorithmicBottlenecksCliLauncher.java

public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {//w ww.  j av a 2 s  .c  om
        CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser();
        CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(cliOptions, args);
        Configuration config = parseCommandLine(cmd);

        // init models

        // set logger verbosity
        if (config.getBoolean(VERBOSE, false)) {

        // load trace project
        File tDir = new File(config.getString(TRACE_PROJECT));
        TraceProject project = TraceProject.load(tDir);

        // load profiling weights
        File wFile = new File(config.getString(PROFILING_WEIGHTS));
        ProfilingWeights weights = new XmlProfilingWeightsReader().read(project.getNetwork(), wFile);

        // build the trace weighter
        StatisticalTraceWeighter tw = new StatisticalTraceWeighter();
        tw.configure(weights, ActionWeightsDistribution.class);

        // run the analysis
        AlgorithmicBottlenecks ab = new AlgorithmicBottlenecks(project, tw);
        AlgoBottlenecksData data = ab.run();

        TurnusLogger.info("Storing results...");
        File outPath = new File(config.getString(OUTPUT_PATH));

        // store the analysis report
        String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
        File rFile = new File(outPath, uuid + "." + TurnusExtension.REPORT);
        Report report = DataFactory.eINSTANCE.createReport();
        report.setDate(new Date());
        report.setComment("Report with only Algorithmic Bottlenecks results analysis");
        EcoreHelper.storeEObject(report, new ResourceSetImpl(), rFile);
        TurnusLogger.info("TURNUS report stored in " + rFile);

        // store formatted reports
        String xlsName = config.getString(XLS, "");
        if (!xlsName.isEmpty()) {
            File xlsFile = new File(outPath, xlsName + ".xls");
            new XlsAlgoBottlenecksDataWriter().write(data, xlsFile);
            TurnusLogger.info("XLS report stored in " + xlsFile);

        TurnusLogger.info("Analysis Done!");

    } catch (ParseException e) {
        HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
        formatter.printHelp(AlgorithmicBottlenecksCliLauncher.class.getSimpleName(), cliOptions);
    } catch (Exception e) {

From source file:co.turnus.analysis.buffers.MpcBoundedSchedulingCliLauncher.java

public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {/*from   ww w. j  av  a 2  s . co  m*/
        CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser();
        CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(cliOptions, args);
        Configuration config = parseCommandLine(cmd);

        // init models

        // set logger verbosity
        if (config.getBoolean(VERBOSE, false)) {

        File tDir = new File(config.getString(TRACE_PROJECT));
        TraceProject project = TraceProject.load(tDir);

        MpcBoundedScheduling mpc = new MpcBoundedScheduling(project);
        BufferMinimizationData data = mpc.run();

        TurnusLogger.info("Storing results...");
        File outPath = new File(config.getString(OUTPUT_PATH));

        // store the analysis report
        String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
        File rFile = new File(outPath, uuid + "." + TurnusExtension.REPORT);
        Report report = DataFactory.eINSTANCE.createReport();
        report.setDate(new Date());
        report.setComment("Report with only Bounded Buffer Scheduling results analysis");
        EcoreHelper.storeEObject(report, new ResourceSetImpl(), rFile);
        TurnusLogger.info("TURNUS report stored in " + rFile);

        // store formatted reports
        String xlsName = config.getString(XLS, "");
        if (!xlsName.isEmpty()) {
            File xlsFile = new File(outPath, xlsName + ".xls");
            new XlsBufferMinimizationDataWriter().write(data, xlsFile);
            TurnusLogger.info("XLS report stored in " + xlsFile);

        String bxdfName = config.getString(BXDF, "");
        if (!bxdfName.isEmpty()) {
            File bxdfFile = new File(outPath, bxdfName + ".bxdf");
            new XmlBufferMinimizationDataWriter().write(data, bxdfFile);
            TurnusLogger.info("BXDF files (one for each configuration) " + "stored in " + outPath);

        TurnusLogger.info("Analysis Done!");

    } catch (ParseException e) {
        HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
        formatter.printHelp(AlgorithmicBottlenecksCliLauncher.class.getSimpleName(), cliOptions);
    } catch (Exception e) {

From source file:co.turnus.analysis.partitioning.CommunicationCostPartitioningCli.java

public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {/*from  www  . j  a v a2  s  .  co  m*/
        CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser();
        CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(cliOptions, args);
        Configuration config = parseCommandLine(cmd);

        // init models

        // init models

        // set logger verbosity
        if (config.getBoolean(VERBOSE, false)) {

        // load trace project
        File tDir = new File(config.getString(TRACE_PROJECT));
        TraceProject project = TraceProject.load(tDir);

        CommunicationCostPartitioning ccp = new CommunicationCostPartitioning(project);
        PartitioningData data = ccp.run();

        TurnusLogger.info("Storing results...");
        File outPath = new File(config.getString(OUTPUT_PATH));

        // store the analysis report
        String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
        File rFile = new File(outPath, uuid + "." + TurnusExtension.REPORT);
        Report report = DataFactory.eINSTANCE.createReport();
        report.setDate(new Date());
        report.setComment("Report with only Communication cost partitioning results analysis");
        EcoreHelper.storeEObject(report, new ResourceSetImpl(), rFile);
        TurnusLogger.info("TURNUS report stored in " + rFile);

        // store formatted reports
        String xlsName = config.getString(XLS, "");
        if (!xlsName.isEmpty()) {
            File xlsFile = new File(outPath, xlsName + ".xls");
            new XlsPartitioningDataWriter().write(data, xlsFile);
            TurnusLogger.info("XLS report stored in " + xlsFile);

        String bxdfName = config.getString(XCF, "");
        if (!bxdfName.isEmpty()) {
            File xcfFile = new File(outPath, bxdfName + ".xcf");
            new XmlPartitioningDataWriter().write(data, xcfFile);
            TurnusLogger.info("XCF files (one for each configuration) " + "stored in " + outPath);

        TurnusLogger.info("Analysis Done!");

    } catch (ParseException e) {
        HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
        formatter.printHelp(CommunicationCostPartitioningCli.class.getSimpleName(), cliOptions);
    } catch (Exception e) {


From source file:edu.pitt.dbmi.facebase.hd.HumanDataController.java

/** Entry point to application.  Firstly it gathers properties from hd.properties file on CLASSPATH 
 * Most properties are localisms to do with file path information, database connection strings, 
 * and TrueCrypt program operation.  Hopefully the application can run by only editing entries in 
 * hd.properties file.  hd.properties has normal java properties fragility but also app-specific 
 * fragility--for example, the sshServerUrl must end with a colon, as in root@server:
 * Notice that program properties can also be set below--by filling in the empty strings following 
 * declaration AND commenting-out the try-catch clause that follows which gathers these properties 
 * from hd.properties.  //w w w.  j av a 2 s  .  c  om
public static void main(String[] args) {
    /** holds human-readable error data to be passed to addError() */
    String errorString = "";

    log.info("HumanDataController Started");
    /** length of time to sleep in between each polling loop, 5secs is responsive, 5mins is alot */
    String sleepFor = "";
    /** Prefix path where TrueCrypt write operations will be performed (i.e. /tmp or /var/tmp), no trailing-slash */
    String trueCryptBasePath = "";
    /** TrueCrypt volume file extension (probably .tc or .zip) */
    String trueCryptExtension = "";
    /** Middle-of-path directory name to be created where TrueCrypt volume will be mounted */
    String trueCryptMountpoint = "";
    /** Human Data Server database credentials */
    String hdDbUser = "";
    String hdPasswd = "";
    String hdJdbcUrl = "";
    /** Hub database credentials */
    String fbDbUser = "";
    String fbPasswd = "";
    String fbJdbcUrl = "";
    /** Full path to truecrypt binary, (ie /usr/bin/truecrypt) */
    String trueCryptBin = "";
    /** Full path to scp binary, (ie /usr/bin/scp) */
    String scpBin = "";
    /** user@host portion of scp destination argument (ie. root@www.server.com:) */
    String sshServerUrl = "";
    /** file full path portion of scp destination argument (ie. /usr/local/downloads/) */
    String finalLocation = "";
    /** Full path to touch binary, (ie /bin/touch) */
    String touchBin = "";
    /** hardcoded truecrypt parameters; run "truecrypt -h" to learn about these */
    String algorithm = "";
    String hash = "";
    String filesystem = "";
    String volumeType = "";
    String randomSource = "";
    String protectHidden = "";
    String extraArgs = "";

    /** truecrypt parameters are packed into a map so we only pass one arg (this map) to method invoking truecrypt */
    HashMap<String, String> trueCryptParams = new HashMap<String, String>();
    trueCryptParams.put("trueCryptBin", "");
    trueCryptParams.put("scpBin", "");
    trueCryptParams.put("sshServerUrl", "");
    trueCryptParams.put("finalLocation", "");
    trueCryptParams.put("touchBin", "");
    trueCryptParams.put("algorithm", "");
    trueCryptParams.put("hash", "");
    trueCryptParams.put("filesystem", "");
    trueCryptParams.put("volumeType", "");
    trueCryptParams.put("randomSource", "");
    trueCryptParams.put("protectHidden", "");
    trueCryptParams.put("extraArgs", "");

    try {
        /** The properties file name is hardcoded to hd.properties--cannot be changed--this file must be on or at root of classpath */
        final Configuration config = new PropertiesConfiguration("hd.properties");
        sleepFor = config.getString("sleepFor");
        hubURL = config.getString("hubURL");
        responseTrigger = config.getString("responseTrigger");
        trueCryptBasePath = config.getString("trueCryptBasePath");
        trueCryptExtension = config.getString("trueCryptExtension");
        trueCryptMountpoint = config.getString("trueCryptMountpoint");
        hdDbUser = config.getString("hdDbUser");
        hdPasswd = config.getString("hdPasswd");
        hdJdbcUrl = config.getString("hdJdbcUrl");
        fbDbUser = config.getString("fbDbUser");
        fbPasswd = config.getString("fbPasswd");
        fbJdbcUrl = config.getString("fbJdbcUrl");
        trueCryptBin = config.getString("trueCryptBin");
        scpBin = config.getString("scpBin");
        sshServerUrl = config.getString("sshServerUrl");
        finalLocation = config.getString("finalLocation");
        touchBin = config.getString("touchBin");
        algorithm = config.getString("algorithm");
        hash = config.getString("hash");
        filesystem = config.getString("filesystem");
        volumeType = config.getString("volumeType");
        randomSource = config.getString("randomSource");
        protectHidden = config.getString("protectHidden");
        extraArgs = config.getString("extraArgs");

        trueCryptParams.put("trueCryptBin", trueCryptBin);
        trueCryptParams.put("scpBin", scpBin);
        trueCryptParams.put("sshServerUrl", sshServerUrl);
        trueCryptParams.put("finalLocation", finalLocation);
        trueCryptParams.put("touchBin", touchBin);
        trueCryptParams.put("algorithm", algorithm);
        trueCryptParams.put("hash", hash);
        trueCryptParams.put("filesystem", filesystem);
        trueCryptParams.put("volumeType", volumeType);
        trueCryptParams.put("randomSource", randomSource);
        trueCryptParams.put("protectHidden", protectHidden);
        trueCryptParams.put("extraArgs", extraArgs);
        log.debug("properties file loaded successfully");
    } catch (final ConfigurationException e) {
        errorString = "Properties file problem";
        String logString = e.getMessage();
        addError(errorString, logString);
    log.debug("initialize static class variable HumanDataManager declared earlier");
    hdm = new HumanDataManager(hdDbUser, hdPasswd, hdJdbcUrl);
    log.debug("declare and initialize InstructionQueueManager");
    InstructionQueueManager iqm = new InstructionQueueManager(fbDbUser, fbPasswd, fbJdbcUrl);
    log.debug("pass to the logfile/console all startup parameters for troubleshooting");
    log.info("HumanDataController started with these settings from hd.properties: " + "hubURL=" + hubURL + " "
            + "responseTrigger=" + responseTrigger + " " + "trueCryptBasePath=" + trueCryptBasePath + " "
            + "trueCryptExtension=" + trueCryptExtension + " " + "trueCryptMountpoint=" + trueCryptMountpoint
            + " " + "hdDbUser=" + hdDbUser + " " + "hdPasswd=" + hdPasswd + " " + "hdJdbcUrl=" + hdJdbcUrl + " "
            + "fbDbUser=" + fbDbUser + " " + "fbPasswd=" + fbPasswd + " " + "fbJdbcUrl=" + fbJdbcUrl + " "
            + "trueCryptBin=" + trueCryptBin + " " + "scpBin=" + scpBin + " " + "sshServerUrl=" + sshServerUrl
            + " " + "finalLocation=" + finalLocation + " " + "touchBin=" + touchBin + " " + "algorithm="
            + algorithm + " " + "hash=" + hash + " " + "filesystem=" + filesystem + " " + "volumeType="
            + volumeType + " " + "randomSource=" + randomSource + " " + "protectHidden=" + protectHidden + " "
            + "extraArgs=" + extraArgs);
    log.debug("Enter infinite loop where program will continuously poll Hub server database for new requests");
    while (true) {
        log.debug("LOOP START");
        try {
            Thread.sleep(Integer.parseInt(sleepFor) * 1000);
        } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
            errorString = "Failed to sleep, got interrupted.";
            log.error(errorString, ie);
            addError(errorString, ie.getMessage());
                "About to invoke InstructionQueueManager.queryInstructions()--Hibernate to fb_queue starts NOW");
        List<InstructionQueueItem> aiqi = iqm.queryInstructions();
        log.debug("Currently there are " + aiqi.size() + " items in the queue");
        InstructionQueueItem iqi;
        String instructionName = "";
        log.debug("About to send http request -status- telling Hub we are alive:");
        httpGetter("status", "0");
        if (aiqi.size() > 0) {
                    "There is at least one request, status=pending, queue item; commence processing of most recent item");
            iqi = aiqi.get(0);
            log.debug("About to get existing user key, or create a new one, via fb_keychain Hibernate");
            FbKey key = hdm.queryKey(iqi.getUid());
                    "About to pull the JSON Instructions string, and other items, from the InstructionQueueItem");
            String instructionsString = iqi.getInstructions();
            instructionName = iqi.getName();
            log.debug("About to create a new FileManager object with:");
            log.debug(instructionName + trueCryptBasePath + trueCryptExtension + trueCryptMountpoint);
            FileManager fm = new FileManager(instructionName, trueCryptBasePath, trueCryptExtension,
            ArrayList<Instructions> ali = new ArrayList<Instructions>();
                    "FileManager.makeInstructionsObjects() creates multiple Instruction objects from the InstructionQueueItem.getInstructions() value");
            if (fm.makeInstructionsObjects(instructionsString, ali)) {
                log.debug("FileManager.makeInstructionsObjects() returned true");
            } else {
                errorString = "FileManager.makeInstructionsObjects() returned false";
                addError(errorString, "");
                    "FileManager.makeFiles() uses its list of Instruction objects and calls its makeFiles() method to make/get requested data files");
            if (fm.makeFiles(ali)) {
                log.debug("FileManager.makeFiles() returned true");
            } else {
                errorString = "FileManager.makeFiles() returned false";
                addError(errorString, "");
            //sends the size/100000 as seconds(100k/sec)...needs to be real seconds.");
            long bytesPerSecond = 100000;
            Long timeToMake = new Long(fm.getSize() / bytesPerSecond);
            String timeToMakeString = timeToMake.toString();
            log.debug("Send http request -status- to Hub with total creation time estimate:");
            httpGetter("status", timeToMakeString);
                    "Update the queue_item row with the total size of the data being packaged with InstructionQueueManager.updateInstructionSize()");
            if (iqm.updateInstructionSize(fm.getSize(), iqi.getQid())) {
                log.debug("InstructionQueueManager.updateInstructionSize() returned true");
            } else {
                errorString = "InstructionQueueManager.updateInstructionSize() returned false";
                addError(errorString, "");
            log.debug("About to make new TrueCryptManager with these args:");
            log.debug(key.getEncryption_key() + fm.getSize() + fm.getTrueCryptPath()
                    + fm.getTrueCryptVolumePath() + trueCryptParams);
            TrueCryptManager tcm = new TrueCryptManager(key.getEncryption_key(), fm.getSize(),
                    fm.getTrueCryptPath(), fm.getTrueCryptVolumePath(), trueCryptParams);
            if (tcm.touchVolume()) {
                log.debug("TrueCryptManager.touchVolume() returned true, touched file");
            } else {
                errorString = "TrueCryptManager.touchVolume() returned false";
                addError(errorString, "");
            if (tcm.makeVolume()) {
                log.debug("TrueCryptManager.makeVolume() returned true, created TrueCrypt volume");
            } else {
                errorString = "TrueCryptManager.makeVolume() returned false";
                addError(errorString, "");
            if (tcm.mountVolume()) {
                log.debug("TrueCryptManager.mountVolume() returned true, mounted TrueCrypt volume");
            } else {
                errorString = "TrueCryptManager.mountVolume() returned false";
                addError(errorString, "");
            if (fm.copyFilesToVolume(ali)) {
                        "TrueCryptManager.copyFilesToVolume() returned true, copied requested files to mounted volume");
            } else {
                errorString = "TrueCryptManager.copyFilesToVolume() returned false";
                addError(errorString, "");
            if (tcm.disMountVolume()) {
                log.debug("TrueCryptManager.disMountVolume() returned true, umounted TrueCrypt volume");
            } else {
                errorString = "TrueCryptManager.disMountVolume() returned false";
                addError(errorString, "");
            if (tcm.sendVolumeToFinalLocation()) {
                        "TrueCryptManager.sendVolumeToFinalLocation() returned true, copied TrueCrypt volume to retreivable, final location");
            } else {
                errorString = "TrueCryptManager.sendVolumeToFinalLocation() returned false";
                addError(errorString, "");
            if (iqm.updateInstructionToCompleted(tcm.getFinalLocation() + fm.getTrueCryptFilename(),
                    fm.getSize(), iqi.getQid(), getErrors(), getLogs())) {
                log.debug("InstructionQueueManager.updateInstructionToCompleted() returned true");
                        "Processing of queue item is almost finished, updated fb_queue item row with location, size, status, errors, logs:");
                log.debug(tcm.getFinalLocation() + fm.getTrueCryptFilename() + fm.getSize() + iqi.getQid()
                        + getErrors() + getLogs());
            } else {
                errorString = "InstructionQueueManager.updateInstructionToCompleted() returned false";
                addError(errorString, "");
            log.debug("About to send http request -update- telling Hub which item is finished.");
            httpGetter("update", iqi.getHash());
            log.debug("Finished processing pending queue item, status should now be complete or error");
        } else {
            log.debug("Zero queue items");
        log.debug("LOOP END");