Example usage for org.apache.commons.configuration Configuration getString

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.configuration Configuration getString


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.configuration Configuration getString.


String getString(String key);

Source Link


Get a string associated with the given configuration key.


From source file:com.github.anba.es6draft.util.Resources.java

 * Returns the test suite's base path.//from   w  w  w . java  2s.  co  m
public static Path getTestSuitePath(Configuration configuration) {
    try {
        String testSuite = configuration.getString("");
        return Paths.get(testSuite).toAbsolutePath();
    } catch (InvalidPathException | NoSuchElementException e) {
        return null;

From source file:edu.kit.dama.mdm.tools.TransitionTypeHandlerFactory.java

 * Factory a transition type handler for the provided transition type. The
 * factory will check in the according configuration section for the
 * configured handler. If no handler section exists, a
 * NullTransitionTypeHandler is returned.
 * If a section for the transition type exists, the handler class is
 * obtained, checked and the handler is instantiated, configured and
 * returned. If the handler class is not set, a NullTransitionTypeHandler is
 * returned.. Otherwise, if a handler class is provided and any of these
 * previous steps fails, a ConfigurationException is thrown.
 * @param pType The transition type for which the handler should be
 * returned./*from  w ww . j  ava 2  s  .  co  m*/
 * @return The transition type handler instance.
 * @throws ConfigurationException if a handler section was found, but
 * instantiation or configuration of the handler has failed.
public static AbstractTransitionTypeHandler factoryTransitionTypeHandler(TransitionType pType)
        throws ConfigurationException {
    LOGGER.debug("Trying to factory transition type handler for type '{}'", pType);
    Configuration subConfig = DataManagerSettings.getSingleton()
    if (subConfig == null) {
        //old datamanager.xml, no metadataManagement config node
                "No section '{}' found in datamanager.xml configuration file. Probably, transition type handlers have not been configured, yet. Returning NullTransitionTypeHandler.",
        return new NullTransitionTypeHandler();

    Configuration subset = subConfig.subset("transitionTypes." + pType.toString());
    if (subset == null) {
        //no configuration found for te transition type...type not supported.
                "No sub-section for handler type '{}' found in datamanager.xml configuration file. Probably, the transition type handler has not been configured, yet. Returning NullTransitionTypeHandler.",
        return new NullTransitionTypeHandler();

    try {
        String handlerClass = subset.getString("handlerClass");
        if (handlerClass == null) {
                    "No handler class defined for type '" + pType + "'. Returning NullTransitionTypeHandler.");
            return new NullTransitionTypeHandler();
        Class clazz = Class.forName(handlerClass);
        Object instance = clazz.getConstructor().newInstance();
        ((IConfigurableAdapter) instance).configure(subset);
        return (AbstractTransitionTypeHandler) instance;
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
        throw new ConfigurationException("Failed to locate transition handler class for type '" + pType + "'",
    } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException ie) {
        throw new ConfigurationException(
                "Failed to instantiate and configure transition handler for type '" + pType + "'", ie);
    } catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) {
        throw new ConfigurationException(
                "Missing default constructor for transition handler class for type '" + pType + "'", nsme);
    } catch (ClassCastException cce) {
        throw new ConfigurationException(
                "Transition handler instance for type '" + pType + "' does not implement IConfigurableAdapter.",

From source file:gaffer.gafferpop.GafferPopGraph.java

private static Graph createGraph(final Configuration configuration) {
    final Path storeProps = Paths.get(configuration.getString(STORE_PROPERTIES));
    final Schema schema = new Schema();
    for (String schemaPath : configuration.getStringArray(SCHEMAS)) {
    }// w w  w . j  a  v a  2  s .c  o  m

    return new Graph.Builder().storeProperties(storeProps).addSchema(schema).build();

From source file:com.orientechnologies.orient.server.distributed.OrientdbEdgeTest.java

protected static OrientGraphFactory getGraphFactory() throws Exception {
    Configuration conf = new BaseConfiguration();

    conf.setProperty("storage.url", "remote:localhost/test");
    conf.setProperty("storage.pool-min", "1");
    conf.setProperty("storage.pool-max", "10");
    conf.setProperty("storage.user", "admin");
    conf.setProperty("storage.password", "admin");


    verifyDatabaseExists(conf);/*from   w w w .j a  v a2  s  .com*/

    return new OrientGraphFactory(conf.getString("storage.url"), conf.getString("storage.user"),

From source file:com.tamnd.core.util.ZConfig.java

private static void ConfigToMap(ConcurrentMap<String, String> map, Configuration config, boolean overwrDup) {
    if (config == null) {
        return;//w ww .  jav a2  s . c  o  m
    Iterator<String> keyIt = config.getKeys();
    while (keyIt.hasNext()) {
        String key = keyIt.next();
        if (key == null || key.isEmpty()) {
        try {
            String value = config.getString(key);
            if (value == null) {
            if (overwrDup) {
                String oldVal = map.put(key, value);
                if (oldVal != null) {
                    System.out.println("Configuration key \"" + key + "\" has old value \"" + oldVal
                            + "\" has been overwritten by new value \"" + value + "\"");
            } else {
                String oldVal = map.putIfAbsent(key, value);
                if (oldVal != null) {
                    System.out.println("Configuration key \"" + key + "\" has value \"" + oldVal
                            + "\" NOT be overwrited by new value \"" + value + "\"");
        } catch (Exception ex) {

From source file:co.turnus.analysis.profiler.orcc.dynamic.OrccDynamicProfilerOptions.java

private static void setOutputPath(Configuration conf, String customPath) {
    // store the root path for the output.
    File outPath = null;//from   w  ww  . j ava  2s  .c  o  m
    boolean traceProject = conf.getBoolean(CREATE_TRACE_PROJECT);
    if (customPath != null && !customPath.isEmpty()) {
        outPath = new File(customPath);
    } else {
        String project = conf.getString(ORCC_PROJECT);
        IProject pojo = EcoreHelper.getProject(project);
        outPath = pojo.getRawLocation().makeAbsolute().toFile();
        outPath = new File(outPath, "turnus");

        if (traceProject) {
            outPath = new File(outPath, "traces");
        } else {
            outPath = new File(outPath, "profiling");

    if (traceProject) {
        String trace = conf.getString(TRACE_PROJECT_NAME);

        // make path os friendly...
        trace = trace.replace(" ", "_");

        File tmpPath = new File(outPath, trace);
        if (tmpPath.exists()) {
            tmpPath = TurnusUtils.findNextAvailable(outPath, trace, "_v", 2);
        outPath = tmpPath;

    conf.setProperty(OUTPUT_PATH, outPath.getAbsolutePath());


From source file:com.cloudera.whirr.cm.CmServerClusterInstance.java

private static String getVersionSubstring(Configuration configuration, String property, String prefix)
        throws IOException {
    String version = configuration.getString(property);
    if (version == null || !version.startsWith(prefix)) {
        return null;
    } else {/*from  w ww.  ja v a2s . co m*/
        return version.substring(prefix.length());

From source file:net.sf.webphotos.tools.Thumbnail.java

 * Busca no arquivo de configurao, classe
 * {@link net.sf.webphotos.util.Config Config}, os tamnahos dos 4 thumbs e
 * seta esses valores nas variveis desta classe. Testa se o usurio setou
 * valores de marca d'gua e texto para o thumb4, caso afirmativo, busca os
 * valores necessrios no arquivo de configurao.
 *//*from w ww  .j a v  a2s.c  om*/
private static void inicializar() {

    // le as configuraes do usurio
    Configuration c = Util.getConfig();

    // tamanhos de thumbnails
    t1 = c.getInt("thumbnail1");
    t2 = c.getInt("thumbnail2");
    t3 = c.getInt("thumbnail3");
    t4 = c.getInt("thumbnail4");

    // usuario setou marca d'agua para thumbnail 4 ?
    // TODO: melhorar teste para captao destes parametros
    try {
        marcadagua = c.getString("marcadagua");
        mdPosicao = c.getInt("marcadagua.posicao");
        mdMargem = c.getInt("marcadagua.margem");
        mdTransparencia = c.getInt("marcadagua.transparencia");
    } catch (Exception ex) {

    // usurio setou texto para o thumbnail 4 ?
    try {
        texto = c.getString("texto");
        txPosicao = c.getInt("texto.posicao");
        txMargem = c.getInt("texto.margem");
        txTamanho = c.getInt("texto.tamanho");
        txEstilo = c.getInt("texto.estilo");
        txFamilia = c.getString("texto.familia");

        String[] aux = c.getStringArray("texto.corFrente");
        txCorFrente = new Color(Integer.parseInt(aux[0]), Integer.parseInt(aux[1]), Integer.parseInt(aux[2]));
        aux = c.getStringArray("texto.corFundo");
        txCorFundo = new Color(Integer.parseInt(aux[0]), Integer.parseInt(aux[1]), Integer.parseInt(aux[2]));
    } catch (Exception ex) {


From source file:com.qmetry.qaf.automation.testng.report.ReporterUtil.java

public static synchronized void updateOverview(ITestContext context, ITestResult result) {
    try {//from ww w . j a  va 2 s .  c  om
        String file = ApplicationProperties.JSON_REPORT_DIR.getStringVal() + "/" + getTestName(context)
                + "/overview.json";
        TestOverview overview = getJsonObjectFromFile(file, TestOverview.class);
        if (null == result) {
            Map<String, Object> runPrams = new HashMap<String, Object>(
            Configuration env = getBundle().subset("env");
            Iterator<?> iter = env.getKeys();
            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                String key = (String) iter.next();
                runPrams.put(key, env.getString(key));
            Map<String, Object> envInfo = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            envInfo.put("isfw-build-info", getBundle().getObject("isfw.build.info"));
            envInfo.put("run-parameters", runPrams);
            envInfo.put("browser-desired-capabilities", getBundle().getObject("driver.desiredCapabilities"));
            envInfo.put("browser-actual-capabilities", getActualCapabilities());

            Map<String, Object> executionEnvInfo = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            executionEnvInfo.put("os.name", System.getProperty("os.name"));
            executionEnvInfo.put("os.version", System.getProperty("os.version"));

            executionEnvInfo.put("os.arch", System.getProperty("os.arch"));
            executionEnvInfo.put("java.version", System.getProperty("java.version"));
            executionEnvInfo.put("java.vendor", System.getProperty("java.vendor"));
            executionEnvInfo.put("java.arch", System.getProperty("sun.arch.data.model"));

            executionEnvInfo.put("user.name", System.getProperty("user.name"));
            try {
                executionEnvInfo.put("host", InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName());
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // This code added for MAC to fetch hostname
                String hostname = execHostName("hostname");
                executionEnvInfo.put("host", hostname);

            envInfo.put("execution-env-info", executionEnvInfo);


        int pass = getPassCnt(context);
        int fail = getFailCnt(context) + getFailWithPassPerCnt(context);
        int skip = getSkipCnt(context);
        int total = getTotal(context);

        overview.setTotal(total > (pass + fail + skip) ? total : pass + fail + skip);
        if (null != result) {
        if ((overview.getStartTime() > 0)) {
        } else {
        writeJsonObjectToFile(file, overview);
    } catch (Exception e) {

From source file:dk.itst.oiosaml.sp.service.util.Utils.java

public static Map<String, SAMLHandler> getHandlers(Configuration config, ServletContext servletContext) {
    Map<String, SAMLHandler> handlers = new HashMap<String, SAMLHandler>();

    for (Iterator<?> i = config.getKeys(); i.hasNext();) {
        String key = (String) i.next();
        if (!key.startsWith("oiosaml-sp.protocol.endpoints."))
        log.debug("Checking " + key);

        try {//from   w w w  .  j av a2 s.  co  m
            Class<?> c = Class.forName(config.getString(key));
            SAMLHandler instance;
            try {
                Constructor<?> constructor = c.getConstructor(Configuration.class);
                instance = (SAMLHandler) constructor.newInstance(config);
            } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
                try {
                    Constructor<?> constructor = c.getConstructor(ServletContext.class);
                    instance = (SAMLHandler) constructor.newInstance(servletContext);
                } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
                    instance = (SAMLHandler) c.newInstance();

            //            log.info("instance:" + instance.toString()); // pdurbin
            handlers.put(key.substring(key.lastIndexOf('.') + 1), instance);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("Unable to instantiate " + key + ": " + config.getString(key), e);
            throw new RuntimeException(e);


    return handlers;