Example usage for org.apache.commons.configuration XMLConfiguration addNodes

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.configuration XMLConfiguration addNodes


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.configuration XMLConfiguration addNodes.


public void addNodes(String key, Collection nodes) 

Source Link


Adds a collection of nodes directly to this configuration.


From source file:com.vmware.qe.framework.datadriven.utils.XMLUtil.java

public static void writeToXML(HierarchicalConfiguration config, String fileName) throws Exception {
    XMLConfiguration xmlConfiguration = new XMLConfiguration();
    xmlConfiguration.addNodes("test-data", config.getRootNode().getChildren());
    xmlConfiguration.save(fileName);//  ww w. j a va  2 s .c o  m

From source file:org.onosproject.drivers.utilities.YangXmlUtils.java

 * Retrieves a valid XML configuration for a specific XML path for multiple
 * instance of YangElements objects.//from  w w  w.  j  a v a2  s. com
 * @param file     path of the file to be used.
 * @param elements List of YangElements that are to be set.
 * @return Hierachical configuration containing XML with values.
public XMLConfiguration getXmlConfiguration(String file, List<YangElement> elements) {
    InputStream stream = getCfgInputStream(file);
    HierarchicalConfiguration cfg = loadXml(stream);
    XMLConfiguration complete = new XMLConfiguration();
    Multimap<String, YangElement> commonElements = ArrayListMultimap.create();

    //saves the elements in a Multimap based on the computed key.
    elements.forEach(element -> {
        String completeKey = nullIsNotFound(findPath(cfg, element.getBaseKey()),
                "Yang model does not contain desired path");
        commonElements.put(completeKey, element);

    //iterates over the elements and constructs the configuration
    commonElements.keySet().forEach(key -> {
        // if there is more than one element for a given path
        if (commonElements.get(key).size() > 1) {
            //creates a list of nodes that have to be added for that specific path
            ArrayList<ConfigurationNode> nodes = new ArrayList<>();
            //creates the nodes
            commonElements.get(key).forEach(element -> nodes.add(getInnerNode(element).getRootNode()));
            //computes the parent path
            String parentPath = key.substring(0, key.lastIndexOf("."));
            //adds the nodes to the complete configuration
            complete.addNodes(parentPath, nodes);
        } else {
            //since there is only a single element we can assume it's the first one.
            Map<String, String> keysAndValues = commonElements.get(key).stream().findFirst().get()
            keysAndValues.forEach((k, v) -> complete.setProperty(key + "." + k, v));
    addProperties(cfg, complete);
    return complete;

From source file:org.zaproxy.gradle.UpdateAddOnZapVersionsEntries.java

public void update() throws Exception {
    if (checksumAlgorithm.get().isEmpty()) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The checksum algorithm must not be empty.");
    }/* w w w. j a va 2s .co  m*/

    if (fromFile.isPresent()) {
        if (fromUrl.isPresent()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Only one of the properties, URL or file, can be set at the same time.");

        if (!downloadUrl.isPresent()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The download URL must be provided when specifying the file.");
    } else if (!fromUrl.isPresent()) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Either one of the properties, URL or file, must be set.");

    if (downloadUrl.get().isEmpty()) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The download URL must not be empty.");

    try {
        URL url = new URL(downloadUrl.get());
        if (!HTTPS_SCHEME.equalsIgnoreCase(url.getProtocol())) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "The provided download URL does not use HTTPS scheme: " + url.getProtocol());
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to parse the download URL: " + e.getMessage(), e);

    Path addOn = getAddOn();
    String addOnId = extractAddOnId(addOn.getFileName().toString());
    AddOnEntry addOnEntry = new AddOnEntry(addOnId,
            new AddOnConfBuilder(addOn, downloadUrl.get(), checksumAlgorithm.get(), releaseDate.get()).build());

    for (File zapVersionsFile : into.getFiles()) {
        if (!Files.isRegularFile(zapVersionsFile.toPath())) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The provided path is not a file: " + zapVersionsFile);

        SortedSet<AddOnEntry> addOns = new TreeSet<>();
        XMLConfiguration zapVersionsXml = new CustomXmlConfiguration();
        Arrays.stream(zapVersionsXml.getStringArray(ADD_ON_ELEMENT)).filter(id -> !addOnId.equals(id))
                .forEach(id -> {
                    String key = ADD_ON_NODE_PREFIX + id;
                    addOns.add(new AddOnEntry(id, zapVersionsXml.configurationAt(key)));

        zapVersionsXml.clearTree(ADD_ON_NODE_PREFIX + addOnId);


        addOns.forEach(e -> {
            zapVersionsXml.addProperty(ADD_ON_ELEMENT, e.getAddOnId());
            zapVersionsXml.addNodes(ADD_ON_NODE_PREFIX + e.getAddOnId(),