Example usage for org.apache.commons.configuration2.builder FileBasedConfigurationBuilder FileBasedConfigurationBuilder

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.configuration2.builder FileBasedConfigurationBuilder FileBasedConfigurationBuilder


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.configuration2.builder FileBasedConfigurationBuilder FileBasedConfigurationBuilder.


public FileBasedConfigurationBuilder(final Class<? extends T> resCls) 

Source Link


Creates a new instance of FileBasedConfigurationBuilder which produces result objects of the specified class.


From source file:imp.lstm.main.Driver.java

public static void main(String[] args)
        throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, ConfigurationException, InvalidParametersException {
    FileBasedConfigurationBuilder<PropertiesConfiguration> builder = new FileBasedConfigurationBuilder<>(
                    new Parameters().properties().setFileName(args[0]).setThrowExceptionOnMissing(true)
                            .setListDelimiterHandler(new DefaultListDelimiterHandler(';'))
    Configuration config = builder.getConfiguration();

    String inputSongPath = config.getString("input_song");
    String outputFolderPath = config.getString("output_folder");
    String autoEncoderParamsPath = config.getString("auto_encoder_params");
    String nameGeneratorParamsPath = config.getString("name_generator_params");
    String queueFolderPath = config.getString("queue_folder");
    String referenceQueuePath = config.getString("reference_queue", "nil");
    String inputCorpusFolder = config.getString("input_corpus_folder");
    boolean shouldWriteQueue = config.getBoolean("should_write_generated_queue");
    boolean frankensteinTest = config.getBoolean("queue_tests_frankenstein");
    boolean interpolateTest = config.getBoolean("queue_tests_interpolation");
    boolean iterateOverCorpus = config.getBoolean("iterate_over_corpus", false);
    boolean shouldGenerateSongTitle = config.getBoolean("generate_song_title");
    boolean shouldGenerateSong = config.getBoolean("generate_leadsheet");

    LogTimer.initStartTime(); //start our logging timer to keep track of our execution time
    LogTimer.log("Creating name generator...");

    //here is just silly code for generating name based on an LSTM lol $wag
    LSTM lstm = new LSTM();
    FullyConnectedLayer fullLayer = new FullyConnectedLayer(Operations.None);
    Loadable titleNetLoader = new Loadable() {
        @Override// www.ja v  a  2s.  c  o  m
        public boolean load(INDArray array, String path) {
            String car = pathCar(path);
            String cdr = pathCdr(path);
            switch (car) {
            case "full":
                return fullLayer.load(array, cdr);
            case "lstm":
                return lstm.load(array, cdr);
                return false;

    LogTimer.log("Packing name generator from files...");
    (new NetworkConnectomeLoader()).load(nameGeneratorParamsPath, titleNetLoader);

    String characterString = " !\"'[],-.01245679:?ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";

    LogTimer.log("Creating autoencoder...");
    int inputSize = 34;
    int outputSize = EncodingParameters.noteEncoder.getNoteLength();
    int featureVectorSize = 100;
    ProductCompressingAutoencoder autoencoder = new ProductCompressingAutoencoder(24, 48, 84 + 1, false); //create our network

    int numInterpolationDivisions = 5;

    //"pack" the network from weights and biases file directory
    LogTimer.log("Packing autoencoder from files");
    (new NetworkConnectomeLoader()).load(autoEncoderParamsPath, autoencoder);

    File[] songFiles;
    if (iterateOverCorpus) {
        songFiles = new File(inputCorpusFolder).listFiles();
    } else {
        songFiles = new File[] { new File(inputSongPath) };
    for (File inputFile : songFiles) {
        (new NetworkConnectomeLoader()).refresh(autoEncoderParamsPath, autoencoder, "initialstate");
        String songTitle;
        if (shouldGenerateSong) {
            Random rand = new Random();
            AVector charOut = Vector.createLength(characterString.length());
            GroupedSoftMaxSampler sampler = new GroupedSoftMaxSampler(
                    new Group[] { new Group(0, characterString.length(), true) });
            songTitle = "";
            for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
                charOut = fullLayer.forward(lstm.step(charOut));
                charOut = sampler.filter(charOut);
                int charIndex = 0;
                for (; charIndex < charOut.length(); charIndex++) {
                    if (charOut.get(charIndex) == 1.0) {
                songTitle += characterString.substring(charIndex, charIndex + 1);
            songTitle = songTitle.trim();

            LogTimer.log("Generated song name: " + songTitle);
        } else {
            songTitle = "The Song We Never Name";
        LogTimer.log("Reading file...");
        LeadSheetDataSequence inputSequence = LeadSheetIO.readLeadSheet(inputFile); //read our leadsheet to get a data vessel as retrieved in rbm-provisor
        LeadSheetDataSequence outputSequence = inputSequence.copy();

        if (interpolateTest) {
            LeadSheetDataSequence additionalOutput = outputSequence.copy();
            for (int i = 0; i < numInterpolationDivisions; i++) {
        LeadSheetDataSequence decoderInputSequence = outputSequence.copy();

        LogTimer.startLog("Encoding data...");
        //TradingTimer.initStart(); //start our trading timer to keep track our our generation versus realtime play
        while (inputSequence.hasNext()) { //iterate through time steps in input data
            autoencoder.encodeStep(inputSequence.retrieve()); //feed the resultant input vector into the network
            if (advanceDecoding) { //if we are using advance decoding (we start decoding as soon as we can)
                if (autoencoder.canDecode()) { //if queue has enough data to decode from
                    outputSequence.pushStep(null, null,
                            autoencoder.decodeStep(decoderInputSequence.retrieve())); //take sampled data for a timestep from autoencoder
                    //TradingTimer.logTimestep(); //log our time to TradingTimer so we can know how far ahead of realtime we are

        if (shouldWriteQueue) {
            String queueFilePath = queueFolderPath + java.io.File.separator
                    + inputFile.getName().replace(".ls", ".q");
            FragmentedNeuralQueue currQueue = autoencoder.getQueue();
            LogTimer.log("Wrote queue " + inputFile.getName().replace(".ls", ".q") + " to file...");
        if (shouldGenerateSong) {
            if (interpolateTest) {

                FragmentedNeuralQueue refQueue = new FragmentedNeuralQueue();

                FragmentedNeuralQueue currQueue = autoencoder.getQueue();

                while (autoencoder.hasDataStepsLeft()) { //we are done encoding all time steps, so just finish decoding!{
                    outputSequence.pushStep(null, null,
                            autoencoder.decodeStep(decoderInputSequence.retrieve())); //take sampled data for a timestep from autoencoder
                    //TradingTimer.logTimestep(); //log our time to TradingTimer so we can know how far ahead of realtime we are       

                for (int i = 1; i <= numInterpolationDivisions; i++) {
                    System.out.println("Starting interpolation " + ((1.0 / numInterpolationDivisions) * (i)));
                    (new NetworkConnectomeLoader()).refresh(autoEncoderParamsPath, autoencoder, "initialstate");
                    FragmentedNeuralQueue currCopy = currQueue.copy();
                    currCopy.basicInterpolate(refQueue, (1.0 / numInterpolationDivisions) * (i));
                    int timeStep = 0;
                    while (autoencoder.hasDataStepsLeft()) { //we are done encoding all time steps, so just finish decoding!{
                        System.out.println("interpolation " + i + " step " + ++timeStep);
                        outputSequence.pushStep(null, null,
                                autoencoder.decodeStep(decoderInputSequence.retrieve())); //take sampled data for a timestep from autoencoder
                        //TradingTimer.logTimestep(); //log our time to TradingTimer so we can know how far ahead of realtime we are       

            if (frankensteinTest) {
                LogTimer.startLog("Loading queues");
                File queueFolder = new File(queueFolderPath);
                int numComponents = config.getInt("frankenstein_num_components", 5);
                int numCombinations = config.getInt("frankenstein_num_combinations", 6);
                double interpolationMagnitude = config.getDouble("frankenstein_magnitude", 2.0);
                if (queueFolder.isDirectory()) {
                    File[] queueFiles = queueFolder.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() {
                        public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
                            return name.contains(".q");

                    List<File> fileList = new ArrayList<>();
                    for (File file : queueFiles) {
                    int numSelectedFiles = (numComponents > queueFiles.length) ? queueFiles.length
                            : numComponents;

                    for (int i = 0; i < queueFiles.length - numSelectedFiles; i++) {
                        fileList.remove(fileList.size() - 1);
                    List<FragmentedNeuralQueue> queuePopulation = new ArrayList<>(fileList.size());
                    songTitle += " - a mix of ";
                    for (File file : fileList) {
                        FragmentedNeuralQueue newQueue = new FragmentedNeuralQueue();
                        songTitle += file.getName().replaceAll(".ls", "") + ", ";

                    LeadSheetDataSequence additionalOutput = outputSequence.copy();
                    for (int i = 1; i < numCombinations; i++) {
                    decoderInputSequence = outputSequence.copy();

                    FragmentedNeuralQueue origQueue = autoencoder.getQueue();

                    for (int i = 0; i < numCombinations; i++) {

                        LogTimer.startLog("Performing queue interpolation...");
                        AVector combinationStrengths = Vector.createLength(queuePopulation.size());
                        Random vectorRand = new Random(i);
                        for (int j = 0; j < combinationStrengths.length(); j++) {
                            combinationStrengths.set(j, vectorRand.nextDouble());
                        FragmentedNeuralQueue currQueue = origQueue.copy();
                        for (int k = 0; k < combinationStrengths.length(); k++) {
                                    combinationStrengths.get(k) * interpolationMagnitude);
                        LogTimer.startLog("Refreshing autoencoder state...");
                        (new NetworkConnectomeLoader()).refresh(autoEncoderParamsPath, autoencoder,
                        LogTimer.startLog("Decoding segment...");
                        while (autoencoder.hasDataStepsLeft()) { //we are done encoding all time steps, so just finish decoding!{
                            outputSequence.pushStep(null, null,
                                    autoencoder.decodeStep(decoderInputSequence.retrieve())); //take sampled data for a timestep from autoencoder
                            //TradingTimer.logTimestep(); //log our time to TradingTimer so we can know how far ahead of realtime we are       


            while (autoencoder.hasDataStepsLeft()) { //we are done encoding all time steps, so just finish decoding!{
                outputSequence.pushStep(null, null, autoencoder.decodeStep(decoderInputSequence.retrieve())); //take sampled data for a timestep from autoencoder
                //TradingTimer.logTimestep(); //log our time to TradingTimer so we can know how far ahead of realtime we are       
            LogTimer.log("Writing file...");

            String outputFilename = outputFolderPath + java.io.File.separator
                    + inputFile.getName().replace(".ls", "_Output"); //we'll write our generated file with the same name plus "_Output"
            LeadSheetIO.writeLeadSheet(outputSequence, outputFilename, songTitle);
        } else {
            autoencoder.setQueue(new FragmentedNeuralQueue());
    LogTimer.log("Process finished"); //Done!


From source file:Executable.LinkImputeR.java

 * Main function//w w  w  . j  av a 2s  . c om
 * @param args Command line arguments
 * @throws Exception If an uncaught error occurs
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    try {
        Options options = new Options();

        OptionGroup all = new OptionGroup();

        CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser();
        CommandLine commands = parser.parse(options, args);

        String[] fileNames = commands.getArgs();

        XMLConfiguration c;
        boolean done = false;

        if (commands.hasOption("c")) {
            if (fileNames.length == 2) {
                c = convert(new File(fileNames[0]));
                writeXML(c, new File(fileNames[1]));
            } else {
                System.out.println("An input and output file must be provided");
            done = true;

        if (commands.hasOption("s")) {
            if (fileNames.length == 1) {
                c = convert(new File(fileNames[0]));
            } else {
                System.out.println("An input file must be provided");
            done = true;

        if (commands.hasOption("v")) {
            System.out.println("LinkImputeR version 1.1.3");
            done = true;

        if (commands.hasOption("h")) {
            done = true;

        if (!done) {
            if (fileNames.length == 3) {
                File xml = new File(fileNames[0]);

                FileBasedConfigurationBuilder<XMLConfiguration> builder = new FileBasedConfigurationBuilder<>(
                        XMLConfiguration.class).configure(new Parameters().xml().setFile(xml));

                XMLConfiguration config = builder.getConfiguration();

                switch (config.getString("mode")) {
                case "accuracy":
                case "impute":
                    if (args.length == 3) {
                        impute(config, args[1], new File(args[2]));
                    } else {
                        impute(config, null, null);
            } else {
                System.out.println("An input file, case name and output file must be provided (in that order)");
    } catch (UnrecognizedOptionException ex) {
        System.err.println("Unrecognised command line option (" + ex.getOption() + ")");
    } catch (AlreadySelectedException ex) {
        System.err.println("Only one option can be selected at a time");
    } catch (VCFException ex) {
        System.err.println("There's a problem with the VCF file");
        System.err.println("Technical details follow:");
        throw ex;
    } catch (INIException ex) {
        System.err.println("There's a problem with the ini file");
        System.err.println("Technical details follow:");
        throw ex;
    } catch (OutputException ex) {
        System.err.println("There's a problem writing an output file");
        System.err.println("Technical details follow:");
        throw ex;
    } catch (AlgorithmException ex) {
        System.err.println("There's a problem with the algorithms");
        System.err.println("Technical details follow:");
        throw ex;
    } catch (ProgrammerException ex) {
        System.err.println("Well this is embarrassing.  This shouldn't have happened.  "
                + "Please contact the maintainer if you can not solve the error"
                + "from the technical details.");
        System.err.println("Technical details follow:");
        throw ex;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        System.err.println("Well this is embarrassing.  This was not expected to have happened.  "
                + "Please contact the maintainer if you can not solve the error"
                + "from the technical details.");
        System.err.println("Note: The maintainer would be interested in knowing "
                + "about any XML related messages so he can write nicer error "
                + "messages for these problems.");
        System.err.println("Technical details follow:");
        throw ex;

From source file:main.Driver.java

 * The path to a properties file which will supply parameter values for the tests should be passed in as argument 0 to main. 
 * The test that will be run is determined by the value of 'test_type' in the properties file, and each of the tests have their own properties:
 *      'encode+decode' - Encode and decode the given leadsheet with the autoencoder, writing the result to a leadsheet file.
 *              Params: /*  w  w w .  j av  a2  s  .c o  m*/
 *                  * autoencoder_connectome={the path to the connectome which the autoencoder will be loaded with}
 *                  * name_generator_connectome={the path to the connectome which the name generator will be loaded with}
 *                  * input_leadsheet={the path to the leadsheet file which will be encoded and decoded}
 *                  * output_folder={the path to the output folder which the result leadsheet file will be written in}
 *      'encode+write_queue' - Encode the given leadsheet with the autoencoder, then write the encoded feature queue to a queue file.
 *              Params:
 *                  * autoencoder_connectome={the path to the connectome which the autoencoder will be loaded with}
 *                  * input_leadsheet={the path to the leadsheet file which will be encoded}
 *                  * queue_folder={the path to the output folder which the result queue file will be written in}
 *      'encode+write_queue+decode' - Encode the given leadsheet with the autoencoder, write the encoded feature queue to a queue file, and then write the result leadsheet to a leadsheet file.
 *                  * autoencoder_connectome={the path to the connectome which the autoencoder will be loaded with}
 *                  * name_generator_connectome={the path to the connectome which the name generator will be loaded with}
 *                  * input_leadsheet={the path to the leadsheet file which will be encoded and decoded}
 *                  * queue_folder={the path to the output folder which the result queue file will be written in}
 *                  * output_folder={the path to the output folder which the result leadsheet file will be written in}
 *      'create_feature_property_vector' - Given a corpus folder of leadsheets, construct a vector consisting of property analysis values for each feature in the corpus data
 *                  * input_corpus_folder={the path to the corpus folder containing all leadsheets to analyze}
 *                  * feature_size={the size (in time steps) of each feature}
 *                  * feature_properties_path={the path to write the generated vector file to (the file will be a csv file containing all the values in left-to-right order}
 *                  * feature_property={the type of feature property to analyze - current options are 'rest', 'sustain', articulate' (these return ratios of time steps with the given property to the total time steps in the feature).
 *      'compile_feature_queue_matrix' - Given a corpus folder of feature queues, construct a matrix of all feature vectors and write it as a csv file
 *                  * queue_folder={the path to the folder containing all queue files to compile}
 *                  * feature_matrix_path={the path to write the result csv file to}
 *      'generate_from_feature_queue_matrix' - Given a matrix of feature vectors, load the autoencoder with a queue of those features and decode from it, writing the result leadsheet to a file
 *                  * autoencoder_connectome={the path to the connectome which the autoencoder will be loaded with}
 *                  * reference_leadsheet={the path to the leadsheet we will take the chord sequence from (and loop it to match the length of the feature queue)}
 *                  * feature_queue_matrix_path={the path to the feature queue matrix file we will decode from}
 *                  * output_file_path={the path to the file we will write our result leadsheet to}
 *                  * (optional) song_title={the song title to write in the leadsheet file - by default this is "Generation from Feature Matrix {path of the feature matrix}"}
 *                  * feature_size={the size (in time steps) of features}
 *      'population_trade' - Given a leadsheet file, split it into sections of a specified size, and between sections, generate a response that plays off of a population of previously encoded feature queues
 *                  * autoencoder_connectome={the path to the connectome which the autoencoder will be loaded with}
 *                  * input_leadsheet={the path to the leadsheet file which will be encoded and traded with}     
 *                  * output_folder={the path to the output folder which the result leadsheet file will be written in}
 *                  * trading_part_size={the size (in time steps) of each trading part. The input leadsheet will be split into sections of this size, and trading responses will be generated in between.}
 *                  * interpolation_variance={a random value between zero and this will be added to the interpolation_min at each trading section to calculate the interpolation of the recently encoded queue towards the queue population before decoding the trading response}
 *                  * interpolation_min={the minimum ratio of interpolation at each trading section}
 *                  * herding_strength={the maximum strength of the herding operation at each section (all queues in the population are interpolated a random amount towards the most recent queue)}
 *                  * mutation_strength={the maximum strength of mutation at each section (each element of the feature vectors of all queues in the population are mutated at a random strength}
 *                  * crossover_strength{the maximum strength of crossover at each section (there is a chance for every queue that the queue will swap a random feature of itself with the corresponding feature of another random queue)}
 *      'interpolation' - Given a leadsheet file and a reference queue file, encode the leadsheet file with the autoencoder, and generate from the encoded queue for a number of divisions of a full interpolation towards the target queue
 *                  * autoencoder_connectome={the path to the connectome which the autoencoder will be loaded with}
 *                  * input_leadsheet={the path to the leadsheet file which will be encoded and interpolated}
 *                  * target_queue={the path to the queue to interpolate towards at each interpolation value};
 *                  * output_folder={the path to the output folder which the result leadsheet file will be written in}
 *                  * num_interpolation_divisions={the number of divisions of the interpolation strength from 0.0 to 1.0 (the length of the result leadsheet will be equal to the length of the original times 1 + number of divisions, as the first section of the result leadsheet is for interpolation 0.0)}
 *      'frankenstein' - Given a primary queue, a reference leadsheet for chords, and a corpus of queue files, construct the result leadsheet from a series of randomly weighted interpolations of the primary queue towards the set of selected queues.
 *                  * autoencoder_connectome={the path to the connectome which the autoencoder will be loaded with}
 *                  * primary_queue_path={the path to the queue which will serve as the base for all of the queue combinations (which are the result of sequential interpolations instead of a weighted sum)}
 *                  * reference_leadsheet={the path to the leadsheet we will take the chord sequence from (and loop it to match the desired length of our output}
 *                  * queue_folder={the path to the folder containing all queue files we can select from}
 *                  * output_file_path={the path to the file we will write our result leadsheet to}
 *                  * num_reference_queues={the number of reference queues we will pick at random from the queue folder to sample from)
 *                  * num_combinations={the number of queue combinations to sample and create the result leadsheet from}
 *                  * interpolation_strength={the total magnitude of all interpolation operations for each combination}
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, ConfigurationException {
    FileBasedConfigurationBuilder<PropertiesConfiguration> builder = new FileBasedConfigurationBuilder<>(
                    new Parameters().properties().setFileName(args[0]).setThrowExceptionOnMissing(true)
                            .setListDelimiterHandler(new DefaultListDelimiterHandler(';'))
    Configuration config = builder.getConfiguration();

    LogTimer.initStartTime(); //start our logging timer to keep track of our execution time

    //switch statement to run the appropriate test
    switch (config.getString("test_type")) {
    case "encode+decode": {
        //load parameter values from config file
        String autoencoderConnectomePath = config.getString("autoencoder_connectome");
        String nameGeneratorConnectomePath = config.getString("name_generator_connectome");
        String inputLeadsheetPath = config.getString("input_leadsheet");
        String outputFolderPath = config.getString("output_folder");

        //initialize networks
        NameGenerator nameGenerator = initializeNameGenerator(nameGeneratorConnectomePath);
        ProductCompressingAutoencoder autoencoder = initializeAutoencoder(autoencoderConnectomePath, false);

        //initialize input sequences and output sequence
        LeadsheetDataSequence inputSequence = leadsheetToSequence(inputLeadsheetPath);
        LeadsheetDataSequence outputSequence = inputSequence.copy();
        LeadsheetDataSequence decoderInputSequence = outputSequence.copy();

        //encode and decode
        encodeFromSequence(autoencoder, inputSequence);
        decodeToSequence(autoencoder, outputSequence, decoderInputSequence);

        //generate song title
        String songTitle = nameGenerator.generateName();

        //write output to specified directory with same file name + _aeOutput suffix
        writeLeadsheetFile(outputSequence, outputFolderPath, new File(inputLeadsheetPath).getName(),
                "_aeOutput", songTitle);

    case "encode+write_queue": {
        //load parameter values from config file
        String autoencoderConnectomePath = config.getString("autoencoder_connectome");
        String inputLeadsheetPath = config.getString("input_leadsheet");
        String queueFolderPath = config.getString("queue_folder");

        //initialize network
        ProductCompressingAutoencoder autoencoder = initializeAutoencoder(autoencoderConnectomePath, false);

        //initialize input sequence
        LeadsheetDataSequence inputSequence = leadsheetToSequence(inputLeadsheetPath);

        encodeFromSequence(autoencoder, inputSequence);
        //write to a queue file in the specified queue folder (the write method will handle removing/adding extensions
        writeQueueFile(autoencoder, queueFolderPath, new File(inputLeadsheetPath).getName());
    case "encode+write_queue+decode": {
        //load parameter values from config file
        String autoencoderConnectomePath = config.getString("autoencoder_connectome");
        String nameGeneratorConnectomePath = config.getString("name_generator_connectome");
        String inputLeadsheetPath = config.getString("input_leadsheet");
        String queueFolderPath = config.getString("queue_folder");
        String outputFolderPath = config.getString("output_folder");

        //initialize networks
        NameGenerator nameGenerator = initializeNameGenerator(nameGeneratorConnectomePath);
        ProductCompressingAutoencoder autoencoder = initializeAutoencoder(autoencoderConnectomePath, false);

        //initialize input sequences and output sequence
        LeadsheetDataSequence inputSequence = leadsheetToSequence(inputLeadsheetPath);
        LeadsheetDataSequence outputSequence = inputSequence.copy();
        LeadsheetDataSequence decoderInputSequence = outputSequence.copy();

        encodeFromSequence(autoencoder, inputSequence);
        //write to a queue file in the specified queue folder (the write method will handle removing/adding extensions
        writeQueueFile(autoencoder, queueFolderPath, new File(inputLeadsheetPath).getName());
        decodeToSequence(autoencoder, outputSequence, decoderInputSequence);

        //generate song title
        String songTitle = nameGenerator.generateName();

        //write output to specified directory with same file name + _aeOutput suffix
        writeLeadsheetFile(outputSequence, outputFolderPath, new File(inputLeadsheetPath).getName(),
                "_aeOutput", songTitle);
    case "create_feature_property_vector": {
        //load parameter values from config file
        String inputCorpusFolder = config.getString("input_corpus_folder");
        int featureSize = config.getInt("feature_size");
        String featurePropertiesPath = config.getString("feature_properties_path");
        String featureProperty = config.getString("feature_property");

        //compile array of valid leadsheet files
        File[] songFiles = new File(inputCorpusFolder)
                .listFiles((File dir, String name) -> name.endsWith(".ls"));

        //construct feature property vector from analyzed feature property values of all songs
        AVector featurePropertyValues = Vector.createLength(0);
        int featureIndex = 0;
        for (File inputFile : songFiles) {
            LeadsheetDataSequence melodySequence = leadsheetToSequence(inputFile.getPath());
            featurePropertyValues.join(melodyFeatureAnalysis(melodySequence, featureProperty, featureSize));

        //write generated feature_properties
        BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(
                new FileWriter(featurePropertiesPath + "_" + featureProperty + ".v"));
    case "compile_feature_queue_matrix": {
        //load parameter values from config file
        String queueFolderPath = config.getString("queue_folder");
        String featureMatrixPath = config.getString("feature_matrix_path");

        //generate feature matrix from all feature queues in specified queue folder
        File[] queueFiles = new File(queueFolderPath).listFiles((File dir, String name) -> name.endsWith(".q"));
        AMatrix totalFeatureMatrix = generateFeatureQueueMatrix(queueFiles);
        String writeData = ReadWriteUtilities.getNumpyCSVString(totalFeatureMatrix);
        BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(featureMatrixPath));
    case "generate_from_feature_queue_matrix": {
        //load parameter values from config file
        String autoencoderConnectomePath = config.getString("autoencoder_connectome");
        String referenceLeadsheetPath = config.getString("reference_leadsheet");
        String featureQueueMatrixPath = config.getString("feature_queue_matrix_path");
        String outputFilePath = config.getString("output_file_path");
        String songTitle = config.getString("song_title",
                "Generation from Feature Matrix " + featureQueueMatrixPath);
        int featureSize = config.getInt("feature_size");

        //initialize network
        ProductCompressingAutoencoder autoencoder = initializeAutoencoder(autoencoderConnectomePath, false);

        //initialize chord sequence
        LeadsheetDataSequence chordSequence = leadsheetToSequence(referenceLeadsheetPath);

        //call generation method
        generateFromFeatureMatrix(autoencoder, autoencoderConnectomePath, chordSequence, featureQueueMatrixPath,
                featureSize, outputFilePath, songTitle);
    case "population_trade": {
        //load parameter values from config file
        String autoencoderConnectomePath = config.getString("autoencoder_connectome");
        String inputLeadsheetPath = config.getString("input_leadsheet");
        String outputFolderPath = config.getString("output_folder");
        int tradingPartSize = config.getInt("trading_part_size");
        double interpVariance = config.getDouble("interpolation_variance");
        double interpMin = config.getDouble("interpolation_min");
        double herdingStrength = config.getDouble("herding_strength");
        double mutationStrength = config.getDouble("mutation_strength");
        double crossoverStrength = config.getDouble("crossover_strength");

        //initialize network
        ProductCompressingAutoencoder autoencoder = initializeAutoencoder(autoencoderConnectomePath, true);

        //perform population trading test
        populationTradingTest(autoencoder, autoencoderConnectomePath, new File(inputLeadsheetPath),
                new File(outputFolderPath), tradingPartSize, interpVariance, interpMin, herdingStrength,
                mutationStrength, crossoverStrength);
    case "interpolation": {
        //load parameter values from config file
        String autoencoderConnectomePath = config.getString("autoencoder_connectome");
        String inputLeadsheetPath = config.getString("input_leadsheet");
        String targetQueuePath = config.getString("target_queue");
        String outputFolderPath = config.getString("output_folder");
        int numInterpolationDivisions = config.getInt("num_interpolation_divisions");

        //initialize network
        ProductCompressingAutoencoder autoencoder = initializeAutoencoder(autoencoderConnectomePath, false);

        //perform the interpolation test
        interpolateTest(autoencoder, autoencoderConnectomePath, new File(inputLeadsheetPath),
                new File(targetQueuePath), new File(outputFolderPath), numInterpolationDivisions);
    case "frankenstein": {
        //load parameter values from config file
        String autoencoderConnectomePath = config.getString("autoencoder_connectome");
        String primaryQueuePath = config.getString("primary_queue_path");
        String referenceLeadsheetPath = config.getString("reference_leadsheet");
        String queueFolderPath = config.getString("queue_folder");
        String outputFilePath = config.getString("output_file_path");
        int numReferenceQueues = config.getInt("num_reference_queues");
        int numCombinations = config.getInt("num_combinations");
        double interpolationMagnitude = config.getDouble("interpolation_strength");

        //initialize network
        ProductCompressingAutoencoder autoencoder = initializeAutoencoder(autoencoderConnectomePath, false);

        //initialize chord sequence
        LeadsheetDataSequence chordSequence = leadsheetToSequence(referenceLeadsheetPath);

        //perform frankenstein test
        frankensteinTest(autoencoder, autoencoderConnectomePath, primaryQueuePath, new File(queueFolderPath),
                outputFilePath, chordSequence, numReferenceQueues, numCombinations, interpolationMagnitude);
        throw new RuntimeException("Unrecognized test type");
    LogTimer.log("Process finished"); //Done!

From source file:hd3gtv.as5kpc.MainClass.java

static FileBasedConfiguration loadConf(String file) throws ConfigurationException {
    org.apache.commons.configuration2.builder.fluent.Parameters params = new org.apache.commons.configuration2.builder.fluent.Parameters();
    PropertiesBuilderParameters pbp = params.properties().setFileName(file);
    pbp.setListDelimiterHandler(new DefaultListDelimiterHandler(','));

    FileBasedConfigurationBuilder<FileBasedConfiguration> builder = new FileBasedConfigurationBuilder<FileBasedConfiguration>(
    builder.configure(pbp);//from   ww w.  j  a  v  a 2s.  co m
    return builder.getConfiguration();

From source file:com.pnf.jebauto.AutoUtil.java

 * Create an Apache properties object out of a JEB2 configuration file.
 * /*ww w  . java  2s  . c  o  m*/
 * @param path path to a JEB2 configuration file, such as jeb-client.cfg or jeb-engines.cfg
 * @return
public static PropertiesConfiguration createPropertiesConfiguration(String path) {
    File configfile = new File(path);

    if (!configfile.isFile()) {
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    Parameters params = new Parameters();
    FileBasedConfigurationBuilder<PropertiesConfiguration> builder = new FileBasedConfigurationBuilder<>(

    try {
        return builder.getConfiguration();
    } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

From source file:com.github.mavogel.ilias.utils.ConfigurationsUtils.java

 * Creates the login configuration and uses defaults if necessary.
 * @param propertyFilename the name of the property file
 * @return the {@link LoginConfiguration}
 *///from   w ww  . j a  va2  s.c o  m
public static LoginConfiguration createLoginConfiguration(final String propertyFilename) {
    Parameters params = new Parameters();
    FileBasedConfigurationBuilder<FileBasedConfiguration> builder = new FileBasedConfigurationBuilder<FileBasedConfiguration>(
    LoginConfiguration.LOGIN_MODE loginMode = null;
    String endpoint, client, username, password, loginModeRaw = "";
    int maxFolderDepth;
    Level logLevel;

    try {
        Configuration config = builder.getConfiguration();
        loginModeRaw = config.getString("login.mode");
        loginMode = LoginConfiguration.LOGIN_MODE.valueOf(loginModeRaw);
        endpoint = config.getString("endpoint");
        client = config.getString("login.client");
        username = config.getString("login.username");
        password = config.getString("login.password");
        maxFolderDepth = config.getString("maxFolderDepth", String.valueOf(Defaults.MAX_FOLDER_DEPTH)).isEmpty()
                ? Defaults.MAX_FOLDER_DEPTH
                : Integer
                        .valueOf(config.getString("maxFolderDepth", String.valueOf(Defaults.MAX_FOLDER_DEPTH)));
        logLevel = Level.toLevel(config.getString("log.level", Defaults.LOG_LEVEL.toString()),
        if (password == null || password.isEmpty()) {
            Console console = System.console();
            if (console != null) {
                password = String.valueOf(console.readPassword("Enter your password: "));
            } else {
                throw new Exception("Console is not available!");
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
        throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Login mode '%s' is unknown. Use one of %s", loginModeRaw,
                Arrays.stream(LoginConfiguration.LOGIN_MODE.values()).map(lm -> lm.name())
                        .collect(Collectors.joining(", "))));
    } catch (ConversionException ce) {
        throw new RuntimeException("maxFolderDepth property is not an integer");
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new RuntimeException(ex);

    // == 1: set log level

    // == 2: create login configuration
    switch (loginMode) {
    case STD:
        return LoginConfiguration.asStandardLogin(endpoint, client, username, password, maxFolderDepth);
    case LDAP:
        return LoginConfiguration.asLDAPLogin(endpoint, client, username, password, maxFolderDepth);
    case CAS:
        return LoginConfiguration.asCASLogin();
        // should not happen
        return null;

From source file:com.tekstosense.segmenter.config.Config.java

 * Instantiates a new config.//from www.  ja  v  a2s .com
private Config() {
    try {
        Parameters params = new Parameters();
        FileBasedConfigurationBuilder<FileBasedConfiguration> builder = new FileBasedConfigurationBuilder<FileBasedConfiguration>(
                .setLocationStrategy(new ClasspathLocationStrategy()));
        configuration = builder.getConfiguration();
    } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
        LOG.error(e, e);

From source file:com.rodaxsoft.junit.mailgun.MailgunManagerTestCase.java

 * @throws java.lang.Exception/*from  www  . j ava 2  s. co  m*/
public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception {

    if (null == sMailingListAddress) {

        FileBasedConfigurationBuilder<FileBasedConfiguration> builder;
        builder = new FileBasedConfigurationBuilder<FileBasedConfiguration>(PropertiesConfiguration.class);
        Parameters params = new Parameters();
        Configuration config = builder.getConfiguration();

        DynaBean bean = new ConfigurationDynaBean(config);
        MailgunAccount acct = new MailgunAccount(bean);
        //         Register the MailgunAccount object

        sMailingListAddress = config.getString("mailing.list");
        sFrom = config.getString("email.from");
        sTo = config.getString("email.to");
        sCampaignId = config.getString("campaign.id");



From source file:com.tekstosense.opennlp.config.Config.java

 * Instantiates a new config./*from   w  w w.  java  2  s. c om*/
private Config() {
    try {
        Parameters params = new Parameters();
        FileBasedConfigurationBuilder<FileBasedConfiguration> builder = new FileBasedConfigurationBuilder<FileBasedConfiguration>(
                .setLocationStrategy(new ClasspathLocationStrategy()));
        configuration = builder.getConfiguration();
        // Adding TEKSTO_HOME path to Configuration
        String homePath = System.getenv(TEKSTO_HOME);
        if (homePath != null && !homePath.isEmpty()) {
            configuration.setProperty(MODEL_PATH, homePath + "/Models");
    } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
        LOG.error(e, e);

From source file:eu.mangos.configuration.dao.impl.AuthConfigurationDAOImpl.java

public AuthConfiguration readConfiguration() throws ConfigurationException {
    AuthConfiguration authConfig = new AuthConfiguration();
    Parameters params = new Parameters();

    this.builder = new FileBasedConfigurationBuilder<FileBasedConfiguration>(PropertiesConfiguration.class)
            .configure(params.properties().setFile(new File(this.configuration.getSourcePath())));
    Configuration config = this.builder.getConfiguration();

    if (authConfig.getVersion() == null) {
        logger.error("The selected file does not contain any ConfVersion property.");
        throw new ConfigurationException("The selected file does not contain any ConfVersion property.");
    }//from  w  w  w .j a  v  a 2  s  . c o m

    if (Long.parseLong(authConfig.getVersion()) != AuthConfiguration.CONF_VERSION) {
        logger.error("The selected file has a version number not compatible with this manager.");
        throw new ConfigurationException("The selected file is not compatible with this manager.");

    String[] loginDBInfo = (config.getString("LoginDatabaseInfo", "").replace("\"", "")).split(";");

    if (loginDBInfo.length != 5) {
        logger.warn("The selected file has a LoginDatabaseInfo property with not enough parameters.");

    authConfig.setIp(loginDBInfo.length >= 1 ? loginDBInfo[0] : "");
    authConfig.setPort(loginDBInfo.length >= 2 ? Integer.parseInt(loginDBInfo[1]) : 0);
    authConfig.setUser(loginDBInfo.length >= 3 ? loginDBInfo[2] : "");
    authConfig.setPassword(loginDBInfo.length >= 4 ? loginDBInfo[3] : "");
    authConfig.setSchema(loginDBInfo.length >= 5 ? loginDBInfo[4] : "");

    authConfig.setLogsDirectory(config.getString("LogsDir", "").replace("\"", ""));
    authConfig.setPidFile(config.getString("PidFile", "").replace("\"", ""));

    authConfig.setMaxPing(config.getInt("MaxPingTime", 30));
    authConfig.setRealmServerPort(config.getInt("RealmServerPort", 3724));
    authConfig.setBindIP(config.getString("BindIP", "").replace("\"", ""));
    authConfig.setIncludeLogTime((config.getInt("LogTime", 0) != 0));
    authConfig.setLogFile(config.getString("LogFile", "realm-list.log").replace("\"", ""));
    authConfig.setIncludeTimestamp((config.getInt("LogTimestamp", 0) != 0));

    String[] logColors = (config.getString("LogColors", "")).replace("\"", "").split(" ");

    if (logColors.length != 4) {
        logger.warn("The selected file has a LogColors property with not enough parameters.");

            logColors.length >= 1 ? LogColor.convert(Integer.parseInt(logColors[0])) : LogColor.NONE);
            logColors.length >= 2 ? LogColor.convert(Integer.parseInt(logColors[1])) : LogColor.NONE);
            logColors.length >= 3 ? LogColor.convert(Integer.parseInt(logColors[2])) : LogColor.NONE);
            logColors.length >= 4 ? LogColor.convert(Integer.parseInt(logColors[3])) : LogColor.NONE);

    authConfig.setUseProcessors(config.getInt("UseProcessors", 0));
    authConfig.setProcessPriority(ProcessPriority.convert(config.getInt("ProcessPriority", 1)));

    authConfig.setWaitAtStartupError(config.getInt("WaitAtStartupError", 0) != 0);

    authConfig.setRealmStateUpdateDelay(config.getInt("RealmsStateUpdateDelay", 20));

    authConfig.setNbWrongPass(config.getInt("WrongPass.MaxCount", 3));
    authConfig.setBanTime(config.getInt("WrongPass.BanTime", 300));
    authConfig.setBanType(BanType.convert(config.getInt("WrongPass.BanType", 0)));

    logger.info("Configuration file " + this.configuration.getName() + " has been loaded succesfully !");
    return authConfig;