Example usage for org.apache.commons.csv CSVFormat DEFAULT

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.csv CSVFormat DEFAULT


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.csv CSVFormat DEFAULT.



To view the source code for org.apache.commons.csv CSVFormat DEFAULT.

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Standard comma separated format, as for #RFC4180 but allowing empty lines.


From source file:canreg.client.gui.analysis.FrequenciesByYearInternalFrame.java

public void createPivot(String fileName) {
    String[] columnNames = new String[resultTable.getColumnCount()];

    // We need 3 columns to work with        
    if (columnNames.length != 3) {
        return;//w  w w .j  a  va  2 s.c om
    // TODO Extend this to at least 4
    String[] nextLine = new String[resultTable.getColumnCount()];

    // Find the column names
    for (int j = 0; j < columnNames.length; j++) {
        columnNames[j] = resultTable.getColumnName(j);

    // variable we lock
    String lockVariable = columnNames[1];

    HashMap<String, HashMap> data = new HashMap<String, HashMap>();
    HashMap<String, String> years;
    Set<String> allYears = new TreeSet<String>();

    // load up the data
    for (int i = 0; i < resultTable.getRowCount(); i++) {
        String year, cases, code;

        for (int j = 0; j < nextLine.length; j++) {
            nextLine[j] = resultTable.getValueAt(i, j).toString();
        year = nextLine[0];
        if (year.trim().length() == 0) {
            year = "MISSING";


        code = nextLine[1];

        if (code.trim().length() == 0) {
            code = "MISSING";

        cases = nextLine[2];

        years = data.get(code);
        if (years == null) {
            years = new HashMap<String, String>();
            data.put(code, years);
        years.put(year, cases);

    // find variables element for the lockedvariable
    DatabaseVariablesListElement lockedDatabaseVariablesListElement = null;
    for (DatabaseVariablesListElement vle : chosenVariables) {
        if (vle.getShortName().compareToIgnoreCase(lockVariable) == 0) {
            lockedDatabaseVariablesListElement = vle;

    if (lockedDatabaseVariablesListElement == null) {
    } // this happens if user has updated the selection of variables

    int dictionaryID = lockedDatabaseVariablesListElement.getDictionaryID();
    Dictionary dict = null;
    if (dictionaryID >= 0) {
        dict = dictionary.get(dictionaryID);

    String[] allYearsArray = allYears.toArray(new String[0]);
    Writer writer = null;
    try {
        writer = new FileWriter(fileName);

        // Write the column names
        String[] codeArray = { lockedDatabaseVariablesListElement.getFullName(), lockVariable };

        String[] headers = (String[]) ArrayUtils.addAll(codeArray, allYearsArray);

        String[] codes = data.keySet().toArray(new String[0]);

        CSVFormat format = CSVFormat.DEFAULT.withDelimiter(',').withHeader(headers);

        CSVPrinter csvPrinter = new CSVPrinter(writer, format);

        // write the rows    
        for (String code : codes) {
            LinkedList<String> row = new LinkedList<String>();
            if (dict != null) {
                DictionaryEntry dictionaryEntry = dict.getDictionaryEntry(code);
                if (dictionaryEntry != null) {
                } else {
            } else {

            years = data.get(code);
            for (String year : allYears) {
                String cell = years.get(year);
                if (cell == null) {
                } else {

    } catch (IOException ex) {
        // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "File NOT written.\n" + ex.getLocalizedMessage(), "ERROR", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
        Logger.getLogger(FrequenciesByYearInternalFrame.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
    } finally {
        try {
            if (writer != null) {
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            Logger.getLogger(FrequenciesByYearInternalFrame.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

From source file:cn.edu.pku.lib.dataverse.UsageLogStatisPage.java

private File generateCSVDownloadLogFile() {
    String filesRootDirectory = System.getProperty("dataverse.files.directory");
    if (filesRootDirectory == null || filesRootDirectory.equals("")) {
        filesRootDirectory = "/tmp/files";
    }/*from w w w.  j a  v a  2s.  c  o  m*/

    Locale local = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getViewRoot().getLocale();
    File file = new File(filesRootDirectory + "/temp/" + UUID.randomUUID());

    try (BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(file), "utf-8"));
            CSVPrinter csvPrinter = new CSVPrinter(out, CSVFormat.DEFAULT);) {
        UsageLogSearchQuery query = queryForFile.clone();
        final long size = 100L;
        UsageLogSearchResult searchResult = null;
        int i = 0;
        String heads = ResourceBundle.getBundle("Bundle", local).getString("log.filedownload.header");
        SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
        do {
            query.setFrom(i * size);
            searchResult = usageLogSearchService.search(query);
            List<EventLog> logs = searchResult.getEventLogs();
            for (EventLog log : logs) {
                AuthenticatedUser user;
                if (log.getUserId().equals(":guest")
                        || (user = authenticationServiceBean.getAuthenticatedUser(log.getUserId())) == null) {
                    csvPrinter.printRecord(format.format(log.getDate()), log.getIp(), log.getContinent(),
                            log.getCountry(), log.getSubdivision(), log.getCity(), log.getUserId(),
                            log.getUserName(), log.getAffiliation(), log.getPosition(),
                } else {
                    if (user.isBuiltInUser()) {
                        BuiltinUser b = builtinUserService.findByUserName(user.getUserIdentifier());
                        csvPrinter.printRecord(format.format(log.getDate()), log.getIp(), log.getContinent(),
                                log.getCountry(), log.getSubdivision(), log.getCity(), log.getUserId(),
                                log.getUserName(), b.getAffiliation(), b.getPosition(),
                                fileId2DataFile.get(log.getDatafileId()).getLabel(), b.getDepartment(),
                                b.getEmail(), b.getSpeciality(), b.getResearchInterest(), b.getGender(),
                                b.getEducation(), b.getProfessionalTitle(), b.getSupervisor(),
                                b.getCertificateType(), b.getCertificateNumber(), b.getOfficePhone(),
                                b.getCellphone(), b.getOtherEmail(), b.getCountry(), b.getProvince(),
                                b.getCity(), b.getAddress(), b.getZipCode(), "Built In");
                    } else if (user.isPKUIAAAUser()) {
                        PKUIAAAUser p = pkuIAAAUserService.findByUserName(user.getUserIdentifier());
                        csvPrinter.printRecord(format.format(log.getDate()), log.getIp(), log.getContinent(),
                                log.getCountry(), log.getSubdivision(), log.getCity(), log.getUserId(),
                                log.getUserName(), p.getAffiliation(), p.getPosition(),
                                fileId2DataFile.get(log.getDatafileId()).getLabel(), p.getDepartment(),
                                p.getEmail(), p.getSpeciality(), p.getResearchInterest(), p.getGender(),
                                p.getEducation(), p.getProfessionalTitle(), p.getSupervisor(),
                                p.getCertificateType(), p.getCertificateNumber(), p.getOfficePhone(),
                                p.getCellphone(), p.getOtherEmail(), p.getCountry(), p.getProvince(),
                                p.getCity(), p.getAddress(), p.getZipCode(), "PKU IAAA");
        } while (i < searchResult.getPages());
        return file;
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ioe);
    if (file.exists()) {
    return null;

From source file:com.ggvaidya.scinames.model.Dataset.java

 * Attempt to load a dataset from a file. We use regular expressions to try to guess the file type,
 * and then delegate the job out. Rather cleverly, we try extracting the names using every extractor
 * this project knows about, and then pick the one that gives us the most number of names.
 * /*  w  w  w . j  a v a 2  s. c  o m*/
 * @param proj The project doing the loading, used to get the name extractors.
 * @param f The file to open.
 * @return The dataset loaded from that file.
 * @throws IOException If there was an error loading the file.
public static Dataset loadFromFile(Project proj, File f) throws IOException {
    Dataset ds;

    // Excel file? Handle separately!
    String fileName = f.getName().toLowerCase();
    if (fileName.endsWith(".xlsx") || fileName.endsWith(".xls")) {
        ds = new ExcelImporter(f).asDataset(0);
    } else if (fileName.endsWith(".csv") || fileName.endsWith(".tsv")) {
        CSVFormat csvFormat = CSVFormat.DEFAULT;
        if (fileName.endsWith(".tsv"))
            csvFormat = CSVFormat.TDF.withQuote(null); // We need this to load the AmphibiaWeb files.

        ds = Dataset.fromCSV(csvFormat, f);
    } else {
        // Text-based file? Try using the first line to figure out what's going on.
        String firstLine;
        try (LineNumberReader r = new LineNumberReader(new FileReader(f))) {
            // Load the first line to try to identify the file type.
            firstLine = r.readLine();

        // The most basic type of file is a TaxDiff file, which always
        // begins with:
        if (ChecklistDiff.pTaxDiffFirstLine.matcher(firstLine).matches()) {
            // Note that checklist diffs don't need name extractors!
            return ChecklistDiff.fromTaxDiffFile(f);

        // If all else fails, try loading it as a checklist. Also don't need name extractors!
        return Checklist.fromListInFile(f);

    // If we're here, we need name extractors.

    // Try all name extractors, see which one matches the most names.
    Set<List<NameExtractor>> allAvailableNameExtractors = proj.getNameExtractors();

    LOGGER.info("Starting name extractor comparisons");
    List<NameExtractor> bestExtractor = null;
    long bestExtractorCount = Long.MIN_VALUE;
    for (List<NameExtractor> extractor : allAvailableNameExtractors) {
        long count = ds.rows.stream()
                .flatMap(row -> NameExtractorFactory.extractNamesUsingExtractors(extractor, row).stream())

        if (count > bestExtractorCount) {
            bestExtractorCount = count;
            bestExtractor = extractor;
    LOGGER.info("Finished name extractor comparisons: best extractor at " + bestExtractorCount + " names was "
            + NameExtractorFactory.serializeExtractorsToString(bestExtractor));

    try {
    } catch (NameExtractorParseException ex) {
        // Forget about it. We'll go with the default.

    return ds;

From source file:canreg.client.analysis.AgeSpecificCasesPerHundredThousandTableBuilder.java

public LinkedList<String> buildTable(String tableHeader, String reportFileName, int startYear, int endYear,
        Object[][] incidenceData, PopulationDataset[] populations, PopulationDataset[] standardPopulations,
        LinkedList<ConfigFields> configList, String[] engineParameters, FileTypes fileType)
        throws NotCompatibleDataException {

    LinkedList<String> generatedFiles = new LinkedList<String>();

    String footerString = java.util.ResourceBundle
            .getString("TABLE BUILT ")
            + new Date()
            + java.util.ResourceBundle
                    .getBundle(/*from  ww w  .j  av a 2 s  . c  om*/
                    .getString(" BY CANREG5.");

    String notesString = "";

    double tableFontSize = 7.5;
    String font = "Times";

    int[] years = { startYear, endYear };

    double casesArray[][][] = null; // a 3D array of sex, icd and agegroup - with one extra layer in all dimensions containing a sum of all
    double populationArray[][] = null; // contains population count in the following format: [sex][agegroup]

    //      double RegPop[][];
    double totalCasesPerHundredThousand[][];
    double crudeRate[][];
    double MV[][];
    double ASR[][];
    double ASRbyAgeGroup[][][];
    double ratei[][];
    //      double vASR[][];
    double ASRluL[][][];
    double variL[][];
    double variLbyAgeGroup[][][];
    double DCO[][];

    char ASRf[][];
    double ASRratio[][];
    char MVf[][];

    String sexLabel[] = null;
    String tableLabel[] = null;
    String icdLabel[] = null;

    LinkedList cancerGroupsLocal[] = null;

    LinkedList<FieldDescription> incidenceFieldDescriptionList = null;

    boolean showSeeNotesNote = true;

    char Childc[][] = new char[2][3];

    double casesPerHundredThousand[][][];

    double cumRate64[][];
    double cumRate74[][];

    tableLabel = ConfigFieldsReader.findConfig("table_label", configList);
    // sexLabel = ConfigFieldsReader.findConfig("sex_label", configList);

    sexLabel = new String[] {
                    .getString("FEMALE") };

    icdLabel = ConfigFieldsReader.findConfig("ICD_groups_labels", configList);
    icd10GroupDescriptions = ConfigFieldsReader.findConfig("ICD10_groups", configList);

    cancerGroupsLocal = EditorialTableTools.generateICD10Groups(icd10GroupDescriptions);

    allCancerGroupsIndex = EditorialTableTools.getICD10index("ALL", icd10GroupDescriptions);

    leukemiaNOSCancerGroupIndex = EditorialTableTools.getICD10index(950, cancerGroupsLocal);

    skinCancerGroupIndex = EditorialTableTools.getICD10index("C44", icd10GroupDescriptions);

    bladderCancerGroupIndex = EditorialTableTools.getICD10index("C67", icd10GroupDescriptions);

    mesotheliomaCancerGroupIndex = EditorialTableTools.getICD10index("C45", icd10GroupDescriptions);

    kaposiSarkomaCancerGroupIndex = EditorialTableTools.getICD10index("C46", icd10GroupDescriptions);

    myeloproliferativeDisordersCancerGroupIndex = EditorialTableTools.getICD10index("MPD",

    myelodysplasticSyndromesCancerGroupIndex = EditorialTableTools.getICD10index("MDS", icd10GroupDescriptions);

    allCancerGroupsButSkinIndex = EditorialTableTools.getICD10index("ALLbC44", icd10GroupDescriptions);

    leukemiaNOSCancerGroupIndex = EditorialTableTools.getICD10index(950, cancerGroupsLocal);

    brainAndCentralNervousSystemCancerGroupIndex = EditorialTableTools.getICD10index("C70-72",

    ovaryCancerGroupIndex = EditorialTableTools.getICD10index(569, cancerGroupsLocal);

    otherCancerGroupsIndex = EditorialTableTools.getICD10index("O&U", icd10GroupDescriptions);

    numberOfCancerGroups = cancerGroupsLocal.length;

    lineBreaks = parseLineBreaks(ConfigFieldsReader.findConfig("line_breaks", configList));

    numberOfYears = years[1] - years[0] + 1;

    minimumCasesLimit = minimumCasesPerYearLimit * numberOfYears;

    noOldData = true;

    casesPerHundredThousand = new double[numberOfSexes][numberOfAgeGroups][numberOfCancerGroups];

    casesArray = new double[numberOfCancerGroups][numberOfSexes][numberOfAgeGroups];

    cumRate64 = new double[numberOfSexes][numberOfCancerGroups];
    cumRate74 = new double[numberOfSexes][numberOfCancerGroups];

    populationArray = new double[numberOfSexes][numberOfAgeGroups];
    foundAgeGroups = new boolean[numberOfAgeGroups];

    if (areThesePopulationDatasetsCompatible(populations)) {
        for (PopulationDataset population : populations) {
            population.addPopulationDataToArrayForTableBuilder(populationArray, foundAgeGroups,
                    new AgeGroupStructure(5, 85, 1));
    } else {
        throw new NotCompatibleDataException();

    populationString = populations[0].getPopulationDatasetName();

    int lastCommaPlace = populationString.lastIndexOf(",");

    if (lastCommaPlace != -1) {
        populationString = populationString.substring(0, lastCommaPlace);

    if (populations[0].getFilter().length() > 0) {
        notesString = java.util.ResourceBundle
                .getString("FILTER USED:") + " " + populations[0].getFilter();

    if (populations.length > 0) {
        notesString += ", "
                + java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle(
                        .getString("REFERENCE POPULATION:")
                + " " + populations[0].getReferencePopulation().getPopulationDatasetName();

    standardPopulationArray = new double[numberOfSexes][numberOfAgeGroups];
    for (PopulationDataset stdPopulation : standardPopulations) {
        stdPopulation.addPopulationDataToArrayForTableBuilder(standardPopulationArray, null,
                new AgeGroupStructure(5, 85, 1));

    // standardize population array
    for (int sexNumber = 0; sexNumber < numberOfSexes; sexNumber++) {
        for (int ageGroupNumber = 0; ageGroupNumber < numberOfAgeGroups; ageGroupNumber++) {
            standardPopulationArray[sexNumber][ageGroupNumber] = (standardPopulationArray[sexNumber][ageGroupNumber]
                    / standardPopulationArray[sexNumber][numberOfAgeGroups - 1]) * 100000;

    highestPopulationAgeGroup = findHighestAgeGroup(foundAgeGroups);
    lowestPopulationAgeGroup = findLowestAgeGroup(foundAgeGroups);

    int records = 0;
    // generate statistics

    // Generate based on death certificate only
    DCO = new double[numberOfSexes][numberOfCancerGroups];

    // and microscopical verification
    MV = new double[numberOfSexes][numberOfCancerGroups];

    String sexString;
    String icdString;
    String morphologyString;
    String yearString;
    String ageString;
    String basisString;
    String casesString;

    int sex, icdNumber, year, icdIndex, yearIndex, ageGroup, ageInt, basis, cases;

    if (incidenceData != null) {
        for (Object[] line : incidenceData) {
            try {

                // Set default
                icdIndex = -1;
                cases = 0;

                // Unknown sex group = 3
                sex = 3;
                // Extract data
                sexString = (String) line[SEX_COLUMN];
                sex = Integer.parseInt(sexString.trim());

                // sex = 3 is unknown sex
                if (sex > 2) {
                    sex = 3;

                morphologyString = (String) line[MORPHOLOGY_COLUMN];

                if (morphologyString.length() > 0) {
                int morphology = Integer.parseInt(morphologyString);
                if (morphology == 9140) {
                String behaviourString = getContentOfField(
                "behaviour", line).trim();
                if (behaviourString.equals("3")) {
                icdIndex = kaposiSarkomaCancerGroupIndex;
                } else if ((int)(morphology/10) == 905) {
                String behaviourString = getContentOfField(incidenceFieldDescriptionList,
                "behaviour", line).trim();
                if (behaviourString.equals("3")) {
                icdIndex = mesotheliomaCancerGroupIndex;
                if (icdIndex < 0) {
                    icdString = (String) line[ICD10_COLUMN];
                    if (icdString.length() > 0 && icdString.trim().substring(0, 1).equals("C")) {
                        icdString = icdString.trim().substring(1);
                        icdNumber = Integer.parseInt(icdString);
                        if (icdString.length() < 3) {
                            icdNumber = icdNumber * 10;
                        icdIndex = EditorialTableTools.getICD10index(icdNumber, cancerGroupsLocal);
                        if (icdIndex == -1) {
                            icdIndex = -1;
                    } else if (icdString.length() > 0 && icdString.trim().substring(0, 1).equals("D")) {
                        icdString = icdString.trim().substring(1);
                        icdNumber = Integer.parseInt(icdString);
                        if (icdString.length() < 3) {
                            icdNumber = icdNumber * 10;
                        if (icdNumber == 90 || icdNumber == 414) {
                            icdIndex = bladderCancerGroupIndex;
                        } else if ((int) (icdNumber / 10) == 45 || (int) (icdNumber / 10) == 47) {
                            icdIndex = myeloproliferativeDisordersCancerGroupIndex;
                        } else if ((int) (icdNumber / 10) == 46) {
                            icdIndex = myelodysplasticSyndromesCancerGroupIndex;
                        } else {
                            icdIndex = DONT_COUNT;


                yearString = line[YEAR_COLUMN].toString();
                year = Integer.parseInt(yearString);
                yearIndex = year - years[0];
                ageString = line[AGE_COLUMN].toString();
                ageInt = Integer.parseInt(ageString);

                if (ageInt == unknownAgeInt) {
                    ageGroup = unknownAgeGroupIndex;
                } else {
                    ageGroup = populations[yearIndex].getAgeGroupIndex(ageInt);
                    // Adjust age group
                    if (populations[yearIndex].getAgeGroupStructure().getSizeOfFirstGroup() != 1) {
                        ageGroup += 1;

                // Extract cases
                cases = (Integer) line[CASES_COLUMN];

                if (icdIndex != DONT_COUNT && year <= years[1] && year >= years[0]) {

                    // Basis of diagnosis
                    basisString = line[BASIS_DIAGNOSIS_COLUMN].toString();
                    if (basisString != null) {
                        basis = Integer.parseInt(basisString.trim());
                    } else {
                        basis = -1;

                    if (sex <= numberOfSexes && icdIndex >= 0 && icdIndex <= cancerGroupsLocal.length) {

                        casesArray[icdIndex][sex - 1][ageGroup] += cases;

                        if (basis == 00) {
                            DCO[sex - 1][icdIndex] += cases;
                        } else if (basis >= 10 && basis <= 19) {
                            MV[sex - 1][icdIndex] += cases;
                    } else if (otherCancerGroupsIndex >= 0) {
                        casesArray[otherCancerGroupsIndex][sex - 1][ageGroup] += cases;
                    if (allCancerGroupsIndex >= 0) {
                        casesArray[allCancerGroupsIndex][sex - 1][ageGroup] += cases;
                        if (basis == 0) {
                            DCO[sex - 1][allCancerGroupsIndex] += cases;
                        } else if (basis >= 10 && basis <= 19) {
                            MV[sex - 1][allCancerGroupsIndex] += cases;
                    if (allCancerGroupsButSkinIndex >= 0 && skinCancerGroupIndex >= 0
                            && icdIndex != skinCancerGroupIndex) {
                        casesArray[allCancerGroupsButSkinIndex][sex - 1][ageGroup] += cases;
                        if (basis == 0) {
                            DCO[sex - 1][allCancerGroupsButSkinIndex] += cases;
                        } else if (basis >= 10 && basis <= 19) {
                            MV[sex - 1][allCancerGroupsButSkinIndex] += cases;
                    records += cases;
                    if (records % recordsPerFeedback == 0) {
                                .getString("PROCESSING RECORD NUMBER: ") + records);
            } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                        .log(Level.WARNING, null, nfe);
            // Read next line

            .getString("PROCESSED ")
            + records
            + java.util.ResourceBundle
                    .getString(" RECORDS."));

    // Get our matrixes ready
    // Age standarized rate
    ASR = new double[numberOfSexes][numberOfCancerGroups];
    ASRbyAgeGroup = new double[numberOfSexes][numberOfCancerGroups][numberOfAgeGroups];
    ASRluL = new double[numberOfSexes][numberOfCancerGroups][2];
    variL = new double[numberOfSexes][numberOfCancerGroups];
    variLbyAgeGroup = new double[numberOfSexes][numberOfCancerGroups][numberOfAgeGroups];

    // Total casesPerHundredThousand
    totalCasesPerHundredThousand = new double[numberOfSexes][numberOfCancerGroups];
    // Crude rate
    crudeRate = new double[numberOfSexes][numberOfCancerGroups];

    for (int sexNumber = 0; sexNumber < 2; sexNumber++) {

        // The age groups
        ageLabel[lowestPopulationAgeGroup] = "0-";

        for (int icdGroup = 0; icdGroup < numberOfCancerGroups; icdGroup++) {
            if (icdLabel[icdGroup].substring(0 + sexNumber, 1 + sexNumber).equalsIgnoreCase("1")) {
                // The age groups

                double previousAgeGroupCases = 0;
                double previousAgeGroupPopulation = 0;
                double previousAgeGroupWstdPopulation = 0;

                double lastAgeGroupCases = 0;
                double lastAgeGroupPopulation = 0;
                double lastAgeGroupWstdPopulation = 0;

                for (int ageGroupNumber = 1; ageGroupNumber < unknownAgeGroupIndex; ageGroupNumber++) {
                    if (ageGroupNumber == 1) {
                        for (int ag = lowestIncidenceAgeGroup; ag < ageGroupNumber; ag++) {
                            previousAgeGroupCases += casesArray[icdGroup][sexNumber][ag];
                            previousAgeGroupPopulation += populationArray[sexNumber][ag];
                            previousAgeGroupWstdPopulation += standardPopulationArray[sexNumber][ag];
                    if (foundAgeGroups[ageGroupNumber] && ageGroupNumber < highestPopulationAgeGroup) {
                        casesPerHundredThousand[sexNumber][ageGroupNumber][icdGroup] = 100000
                                * (casesArray[icdGroup][sexNumber][ageGroupNumber] + previousAgeGroupCases)
                                / (populationArray[sexNumber][ageGroupNumber] + previousAgeGroupPopulation);

                        previousAgeGroupCases = 0;
                        previousAgeGroupPopulation = 0;
                        previousAgeGroupWstdPopulation = 0;

                    } else {
                        previousAgeGroupCases += casesArray[icdGroup][sexNumber][ageGroupNumber];
                        previousAgeGroupPopulation += populationArray[sexNumber][ageGroupNumber];
                        previousAgeGroupWstdPopulation += standardPopulationArray[sexNumber][ageGroupNumber];
                // We calculate the "leftovers" from the last age group
                if (previousAgeGroupPopulation > 0) {
                    casesPerHundredThousand[sexNumber][highestPopulationAgeGroup][icdGroup] = 100000
                            * (previousAgeGroupCases) / (previousAgeGroupPopulation);


                previousAgeGroupCases = 0;
                previousAgeGroupPopulation = 0;
                previousAgeGroupWstdPopulation = 0;


    // ASR, vASR, MV, MI, DCO
    for (int sexNumber = 0; sexNumber < numberOfSexes; sexNumber++) {
        for (int icdGroup = 0; icdGroup < numberOfCancerGroups; icdGroup++) {

            double previousAgeGroupCases = 0;
            double previousAgeGroupPopulation = 0;
            double previousAgeGroupWstdPopulation = 0;

            double lastAgeGroupCases = 0;
            double lastAgeGroupPopulation = 0;
            double lastAgeGroupWstdPopulation = 0;

            totalCasesPerHundredThousand[sexNumber][icdGroup] += casesArray[icdGroup][sexNumber][0];

            for (int ageGroupNumber = 1; ageGroupNumber < unknownAgeGroupIndex; ageGroupNumber++) {
                if (ageGroupNumber == 1) {
                    for (int ag = lowestIncidenceAgeGroup; ag < ageGroupNumber; ag++) {
                        previousAgeGroupCases += casesArray[icdGroup][sexNumber][ag];
                        previousAgeGroupPopulation += populationArray[sexNumber][ag];
                        previousAgeGroupWstdPopulation += standardPopulationArray[sexNumber][ag];
                if (foundAgeGroups[ageGroupNumber] && ageGroupNumber < highestPopulationAgeGroup
                        && (previousAgeGroupPopulation + populationArray[sexNumber][ageGroupNumber] > 0)) {
                    double asr = calculateASR(
                            (previousAgeGroupCases + casesArray[icdGroup][sexNumber][ageGroupNumber]),
                            (previousAgeGroupPopulation + populationArray[sexNumber][ageGroupNumber]),
                                    + standardPopulationArray[sexNumber][ageGroupNumber]));

                    ASR[sexNumber][icdGroup] += asr;

                    ASRbyAgeGroup[sexNumber][icdGroup][ageGroupNumber] = asr;

                    /* We don't use confidence intervals so this was removed 16.07.07
                    double varil =
                    calculateVariL((previousAgeGroupCases +
                    (previousAgeGroupWstdPopulation +
                    (previousAgeGroupPopulation +
                    variL[sex][icdGroup] += varil;
                    variLbyAgeGroup[sex][icdGroup][ageGroup] = varil;
                    previousAgeGroupCases = 0;
                    previousAgeGroupPopulation = 0;
                    previousAgeGroupWstdPopulation = 0;

                } else if (ageGroupNumber < highestPopulationAgeGroup) {
                    previousAgeGroupCases += casesArray[icdGroup][sexNumber][ageGroupNumber];
                    previousAgeGroupPopulation += populationArray[sexNumber][ageGroupNumber];
                    previousAgeGroupWstdPopulation += standardPopulationArray[sexNumber][ageGroupNumber];

                } else {
                    lastAgeGroupCases += casesArray[icdGroup][sexNumber][ageGroupNumber];
                    lastAgeGroupPopulation += populationArray[sexNumber][ageGroupNumber];
                    lastAgeGroupWstdPopulation += standardPopulationArray[sexNumber][ageGroupNumber];

                totalCasesPerHundredThousand[sexNumber][icdGroup] += casesArray[icdGroup][sexNumber][ageGroupNumber];

            // We calculate the "leftovers" from the last age group
            if (lastAgeGroupPopulation > 0) {
                double asr = calculateASR(lastAgeGroupCases, lastAgeGroupPopulation,
                ASR[sexNumber][icdGroup] += asr;

                ASRbyAgeGroup[sexNumber][icdGroup][highestPopulationAgeGroup] = asr;
                /* We don't use confidence intervals so this was removed 16.07.07
                double varil = calculateVariL(lastAgeGroupCases,
                lastAgeGroupWstdPopulation, lastAgeGroupPopulation);
                variL[sex][icdGroup] += varil;
                variLbyAgeGroup[sex][icdGroup][highestPopulationAgeGroup] =


            // and take the unknown age group into account
            totalCasesPerHundredThousand[sexNumber][icdGroup] += casesArray[icdGroup][sexNumber][unknownAgeGroupIndex];

            if (totalCasesPerHundredThousand[sexNumber][icdGroup] > 0) {

                DCO[sexNumber][icdGroup] = 100 * (int) DCO[sexNumber][icdGroup]
                        / totalCasesPerHundredThousand[sexNumber][icdGroup];
                MV[sexNumber][icdGroup] = 100 * (int) MV[sexNumber][icdGroup]
                        / totalCasesPerHundredThousand[sexNumber][icdGroup];
                crudeRate[sexNumber][icdGroup] = totalCasesPerHundredThousand[sexNumber][icdGroup]
                        * standardPopulationArray[sexNumber][allAgeGroupsIndex]
                        / (populationArray[sexNumber][allAgeGroupsIndex]);

                /* We don't use confidence intervals so this was removed 16.07.07
                double[] asrlul = calculateASRluL(ASR[sex][icdGroup],
                variL[sex][icdGroup], wstdPop[allAgeGroupsIndex]);
                ASRluL[sex][icdGroup][0] = asrlul[0];
                ASRluL[sex][icdGroup][1] = asrlul[1];
                // Cum. Rates
                if (highestPopulationAgeGroup > 13) {
                    for (int k = 1; k <= 13; k++) {
                        cumRate64[sexNumber][icdGroup] += casesPerHundredThousand[sexNumber][k][icdGroup]
                                * cumPop18[k] / 1000.0;
                if (highestPopulationAgeGroup > 15) {
                    for (int k = 1; k <= 15; k++) {
                        cumRate74[sexNumber][icdGroup] += casesPerHundredThousand[sexNumber][k][icdGroup]
                                * cumPop18[k] / 1000.0;

                // adjust the ASR and cum rates for unknown ages
                if (ASR[sexNumber][icdGroup] > 0) {
                    double ratio = totalCasesPerHundredThousand[sexNumber][icdGroup]
                            / (totalCasesPerHundredThousand[sexNumber][icdGroup]
                                    - casesArray[icdGroup][sexNumber][unknownAgeGroupIndex]);
                    ASR[sexNumber][icdGroup] *= ratio;
                    cumRate64[sexNumber][icdGroup] *= ratio;
                    cumRate74[sexNumber][icdGroup] *= ratio;

                /*                    if (!isSpecialized) {
                cumRate64[sex][allCancerGroupsIndex] += cumRate64[sex][icdGroup];
                cumRate74[sex][allCancerGroupsIndex] += cumRate74[sex][icdGroup];
                if (icdGroup!=skinCancerGroupIndex) {
                cumRate64[sex][allCancerGroupsIndex] += cumRate64[sex][icdGroup];
                cumRate74[sex][allCancerGroupsIndex] += cumRate74[sex][icdGroup];

    // Get our matrixes ready
    ASRf = new char[numberOfSexes][numberOfCancerGroups];

    // Adjust the age labels
    ageLabel[1] = "0-";
    ageLabel[highestPopulationAgeGroup] = ageLabel[highestPopulationAgeGroup].substring(0,
            ageLabel[highestPopulationAgeGroup].length() - 1) + "+";

    // Write it out
    NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance();

    // Writing
            .getString("WRITING DATA...\\N"));

    Writer reportFileWriter;

    if (fileType.equals(FileTypes.csv)) {
        // write tab separated stuff here
        // CSVWriter csvOut;
        CSVPrinter csvOut;

        for (int sexNumber = 0; sexNumber < numberOfSexes - 1; sexNumber++) {
            try {
                String tabReportFileName = "";
                try {
                    tabReportFileName = reportFileName + sexLabel[sexNumber] + ".csv";
                            .getString("WRITING TO ") + tabReportFileName);
                    reportFileWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(tabReportFileName), "UTF-8");
                } catch (IOException ioe) {
                            .getString("ERROR IN REPORTFILE: ") + tabReportFileName);
                    reportFileWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(System.out);
                // reportStream = new PrintStream(tabReportFileName);
                // write the header line
                LinkedList<String> headers = new LinkedList<String>();
                headers.add("ALL AGES");
                headers.add("AGE UNK");
                // add age groups

                for (int age = 1; age <= highestPopulationAgeGroup; age++) {

                headers.add("CRUDE RATE");
                headers.add("CUM 0-64");
                headers.add("CUM 0-74");
                headers.add("ICD (10th)");
                //                csvOut.writeNext(line.toArray(new String[0]));
                CSVFormat format = CSVFormat.DEFAULT.withDelimiter(',')
                        .withHeader(headers.toArray(new String[0]));

                csvOut = new CSVPrinter(reportFileWriter, format);
                //                    csvOut.printRecord(headers);

                LinkedList<String> line = new LinkedList<String>();
                // write the data
                for (int j = 0; j < numberOfCancerGroups; j++) {
                    if (icdLabel[j].charAt(sexNumber) == '1') {
                        line.add(formatNumber(totalCasesPerHundredThousand[sexNumber][j], 0));
                        line.add(formatNumber(casesArray[j][sexNumber][unknownAgeGroupIndex], 0));
                        for (int age = 1; age <= highestPopulationAgeGroup; age++) {
                            if (casesPerHundredThousand[sexNumber][age][j] > 0) {
                            } else {
                        line.add(formatNumber(crudeRate[sexNumber][j], 2));
                        line.add(formatNumber(100 * totalCasesPerHundredThousand[sexNumber][j]
                                / totalCasesPerHundredThousand[sexNumber][allCancerGroupsButSkinIndex]));
                        line.add(formatNumber(cumRate64[sexNumber][j], 2));
                        line.add(formatNumber(cumRate74[sexNumber][j], 2));

            } catch (IOException ex) {
                        .log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
    } // Make PS-file
    else {
        for (int sexNumber = 0; sexNumber < numberOfSexes - 1; sexNumber++) {
            String psFileName = reportFileName + "-" + sexLabel[sexNumber] + ".ps";
            try {
                Writer fw = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(psFileName), "UTF-8");

                fw.write("/RLT {rlineto} def\n");
                fw.write("/LT {lineto} def\n");
                fw.write("/MT {moveto} def\n");
                fw.write("/SCF {scalefont} def\n");
                fw.write("/SF {setfont} def\n");
                fw.write("/SG {setgray} def\n");
                fw.write("/FF {findfont} def\n");
                fw.write("/SLW {setlinewidth} def\n");
                fw.write("/CP {closepath} def\n");
                fw.write("/Helvetica-Bold FF " + (int) (tableFontSize * 2 - 3) + " SCF def\n");
                fw.write("/Helvetica FF " + tableFontSize + " SCF def\n");
                fw.write("/" + font + " FF " + tableFontSize + " SCF def\n");
                fw.write("/" + font + "-Bold FF " + tableFontSize + " SCF def\n");
                fw.write("/" + font + "-Italic FF " + tableFontSize + " SCF def\n");
                fw.write("/" + font + "-Italic-Bold FF " + tableFontSize + " SCF def\n");
                fw.write("/col 735 def\n");
                fw.write("/RS {dup stringwidth pop col exch sub 0 rmoveto show} def\n");
                fw.write("/CS {dup stringwidth pop 810 exch sub 2 div 0 rmoveto show} def\n");
                fw.write("/nstr 1 string def\n");
                fw.write("/prtchar {nstr 0 3 -1 roll put nstr show} def\n");
                fw.write("90 rotate -20 -570 translate\n"); //  Landscape
                fw.write("Mainfont SF\n");
                fw.write("0 535 MT (" + tableHeader + ") CS\n");
                fw.write("Titlefont SF\n");
                fw.write("0 525 MT (" + populationString + ") CS\n");
                fw.write("0 513 MT (" + tableLabel[0] + " - " + sexLabel[sexNumber] + ") CS\n");
                //                                                                                              draw the grey frame
                fw.write("0.85 SG 27 510 translate\n");
                fw.write("0 -5 MT 785 -5 LT 785 -27 LT 0 -27 LT  CP fill\n");
                fw.write("0 -510 translate 0.95 SG\n");
                double k = 475;

                for (int icd = 0; icd < numberOfCancerGroups; icd++) {
                    if ((icd + 1) < numberOfCancerGroups && icdLabel[icd + 1].charAt(sexNumber) == '1') {
                        int lines = (isLineBreak(icd));
                        if (lines > 0) {
                            k -= 2;
                            fw.write("0 " + (k - 2) + " MT 785 " + (k - 2) + " LT 785 "
                                    + (k - 2 - (lines * (tableFontSize))) + " LT 0 "
                                    + (k - 2 - (lines * (tableFontSize))) + " LT CP fill\n");
                        } else if (lines < 0) {
                            k -= 2;
                        k -= tableFontSize;

                for (int j = 0; j < numberOfCancerGroups; j++) {
                if (icdLabel[j].charAt(sex) == '1') {
                int lines = (isLineBreak(j));
                if (lines > 0) {
                k -= 2;
                "0 " + (k + tableFontSize) + " MT 774 " + (k + tableFontSize) +
                " LT 774 " + (k - lines * tableFontSize) + " LT 0 " + (k - lines * tableFontSize) +
                " LT CP fill\n");
                } else if (lines > 0)
                k -= 2;
                k -= lines * tableFontSize;
                if (IsLineBreak(j)) {
                k -= 2;
                //  draw the grey frames
                if (j == 8) {
                "0 " + (k + tableFontSize) + " MT 774 " + (k + tableFontSize) +
                " LT 774 " + (k - 35) + " LT 0 " + (k - 35) +
                " LT CP fill\n");
                } else if (j == 34) {
                "0 " + (k + tableFontSize) + " MT 774 " + (k + tableFontSize) +
                " LT 774 " + (k - 26) + " LT 0 " + (k - 26) +
                " LT CP fill\n");
                } else if (j == 16 || j == 22 || j == 40) {
                "0 " + (k + tableFontSize) + " MT 774 " + (k + tableFontSize) +
                " LT 774 " + (k - 18) + " LT 0 " + (k - 18) +
                " LT CP fill\n");
                } else if (j == 27) {
                "0 " + (k + tableFontSize) + " MT 774 " + (k + tableFontSize) +
                " LT 774 " + (k - 42) + " LT 0 " + (k - 42) +
                " LT CP fill\n");
                } else if (j == 47) {
                "0 " + (k + tableFontSize) + " MT 774 " + (k + tableFontSize) +
                " LT 774 " + (k - 34) + " LT 0 " + (k - 34) +
                " LT CP fill\n");
                } else if (j == 53) {
                "0 " + (k + tableFontSize) + " MT 774 " + (k + tableFontSize) +
                " LT 774 " + (k - 12) + " LT 0 " + (k - 12) +
                " LT CP fill\n");
                k -= (tableFontSize);
                fw.write("0 SG\n");

                fw.write("ICDfont SF\n");
                fw.write(" 740 496 MT (ICD) show\n");
                fw.write(" 740 487 MT ((10th)) show\n");
                k = 475;
                for (int j = 0; j < numberOfCancerGroups; j++) {
                    if (icdLabel[j].charAt(sexNumber) == '1') {
                        if (isLineBreak(j - 1) != 0) {
                            k -= 2;
                        if (j == skinCancerGroupIndex || j == ovaryCancerGroupIndex
                                || j == bladderCancerGroupIndex || j == myelodysplasticSyndromesCancerGroupIndex
                                || j == myeloproliferativeDisordersCancerGroupIndex
                                || j == brainAndCentralNervousSystemCancerGroupIndex) {
                            fw.write("ICDfont SF\n");
                        } else {
                            fw.write("ICDfont SF\n");

                        fw.write("745 " + k + " MT (" + icd10GroupDescriptions[j] + ") show\n");
                        k -= (tableFontSize);

                fw.write("/col col 0 sub def\n");
                fw.write("ASRfont SF\n");
                fw.write("0 496 MT (ASR) RS\n");
                fw.write("0 487 MT ( ) RS\n");
                k = 475;
                for (int j = 0; j < numberOfCancerGroups; j++) {
                    if (icdLabel[j].charAt(sexNumber) == '1') {
                        if (isLineBreak(j - 1) != 0) {
                            k -= 2;
                        if (j == skinCancerGroupIndex || j == ovaryCancerGroupIndex
                                || j == bladderCancerGroupIndex || j == myelodysplasticSyndromesCancerGroupIndex
                                || j == myeloproliferativeDisordersCancerGroupIndex
                                || j == brainAndCentralNervousSystemCancerGroupIndex) {
                            fw.write("ASRitalicsfont SF\n");
                        } else {
                            fw.write("ASRfont SF\n");

                        fw.write("0 " + k + " MT (" + formatNumber(ASR[sexNumber][j]) + ") RS\n");
                        k -= (tableFontSize);

                fw.write("/col col 20 sub def\n");
                fw.write("Tablefont SF\n");
                fw.write("0 496 MT (CUM) RS\n");
                fw.write("0 487 MT (0-74) RS\n");
                k = 475;
                if (cumRate74[sexNumber][allCancerGroupsIndex] > 0) {
                    for (int j = 0; j < numberOfCancerGroups; j++) {
                        if (icdLabel[j].charAt(sexNumber) == '1') {
                            if (isLineBreak(j - 1) != 0) {
                                k -= 2;
                            if (j == skinCancerGroupIndex || j == ovaryCancerGroupIndex
                                    || j == bladderCancerGroupIndex
                                    || j == myelodysplasticSyndromesCancerGroupIndex
                                    || j == myeloproliferativeDisordersCancerGroupIndex
                                    || j == brainAndCentralNervousSystemCancerGroupIndex) {
                                fw.write("ICDfont SF\n");
                            } else {
                                fw.write("Tablefont SF\n");

                            fw.write("0 " + k + " MT (" + formatNumber(cumRate74[sexNumber][j], 2) + ") RS\n");
                            k -= (tableFontSize);

                fw.write("/col col 20 sub def\n");
                fw.write("Tablefont SF\n");
                fw.write("0 496 MT (CUM) RS\n");
                fw.write("0 487 MT (0-64) RS\n");
                k = 475;
                for (int j = 0; j < numberOfCancerGroups; j++) {
                    if (icdLabel[j].charAt(sexNumber) == '1') {
                        if (isLineBreak(j - 1) != 0) {
                            k -= 2;
                        if (j == skinCancerGroupIndex || j == ovaryCancerGroupIndex
                                || j == bladderCancerGroupIndex || j == myelodysplasticSyndromesCancerGroupIndex
                                || j == myeloproliferativeDisordersCancerGroupIndex
                                || j == brainAndCentralNervousSystemCancerGroupIndex) {
                            fw.write("ICDfont SF\n");
                        } else {
                            fw.write("Tablefont SF\n");

                        fw.write("0 " + k + " MT (" + formatNumber(cumRate64[sexNumber][j], 2) + ") RS\n");
                        k -= (tableFontSize);
                /* No MVs shown
                fw.write("Tablefont SF\n");
                fw.write("/col col 20 sub def\n");
                fw.write("0 496 MT (MV) RS\n");
                fw.write("0 487 MT ((%)) RS\n");
                k = 475;
                for (int j = 0; j < numberOfCancerGroups; j++) {
                if (icdLabel[j].charAt(sex) == '1') {
                if (isLineBreak(j - 1)!=0) {
                k -= 2;
                if (j==skinCancerGroupIndex || j == ovaryCancerGroupIndex || j == bladderCancerGroupIndex || j == myelodysplasticSyndromesCancerGroupIndex ||
                j == myeloproliferativeDisordersCancerGroupIndex || j == brainAndCentralNervousSystemCancerGroupIndex) {
                fw.write("ICDfont SF\n");
                } else fw.write("Tablefont SF\n");
                if (CA[sex][j] >= 0) {
                fw.write("0 " + k + " MT (" +
                formatNumber(MV[sex][j]) + ") RS\n");
                } else {
                fw.write("0 " + k + " MT (      -) RS\n");
                k -= (tableFontSize);
                fw.write("/col col 20 sub def\n");
                fw.write("0 491 MT ((%)) RS\n");
                k = 475;
                for (int j = 0; j < numberOfCancerGroups; j++) {
                    if (icdLabel[j].charAt(sexNumber) == '1') {
                        if (isLineBreak(j - 1) != 0) {
                            k -= 2;

                        if (j == skinCancerGroupIndex || j == ovaryCancerGroupIndex
                                || j == bladderCancerGroupIndex || j == myelodysplasticSyndromesCancerGroupIndex
                                || j == myeloproliferativeDisordersCancerGroupIndex
                                || j == brainAndCentralNervousSystemCancerGroupIndex) {
                            fw.write("ICDfont SF\n");
                        } else {
                            fw.write("Tablefont SF\n");

                        if (j != allCancerGroupsIndex && allCancerGroupsButSkinIndex >= 0) {
                            fw.write("0 " + k + " MT (" + formatNumber(100
                                    * totalCasesPerHundredThousand[sexNumber][j]
                                    / totalCasesPerHundredThousand[sexNumber][allCancerGroupsButSkinIndex])
                                    + ") RS\n");
                        k -= (tableFontSize);
                fw.write("/col col 20 sub def\n");
                fw.write("0 496 MT (CRUDE) RS\n");
                fw.write("0 487 MT (RATE) RS\n");
                k = 475;
                for (int j = 0; j < numberOfCancerGroups; j++) {
                    if (icdLabel[j].charAt(sexNumber) == '1') {
                        if (isLineBreak(j - 1) != 0) {
                            k -= 2;
                        if (j == skinCancerGroupIndex || j == ovaryCancerGroupIndex
                                || j == bladderCancerGroupIndex || j == myelodysplasticSyndromesCancerGroupIndex
                                || j == myeloproliferativeDisordersCancerGroupIndex
                                || j == brainAndCentralNervousSystemCancerGroupIndex) {
                            fw.write("ICDfont SF\n");
                        } else {
                            fw.write("Tablefont SF\n");

                        fw.write("0 " + k + " MT (" + formatNumber(crudeRate[sexNumber][j]) + ") RS\n");
                        k -= (tableFontSize);
                fw.write("/col 119 def\n");
                fw.write("0 496 MT (ALL) RS\n");
                fw.write("0 487 MT (AGES) RS\n");
                k = 475;
                for (int j = 0; j < numberOfCancerGroups; j++) {
                    if (icdLabel[j].charAt(sexNumber) == '1') {
                        if (isLineBreak(j - 1) != 0) {
                            k -= 2;
                        if (j == skinCancerGroupIndex || j == ovaryCancerGroupIndex
                                || j == bladderCancerGroupIndex || j == myelodysplasticSyndromesCancerGroupIndex
                                || j == myeloproliferativeDisordersCancerGroupIndex
                                || j == brainAndCentralNervousSystemCancerGroupIndex) {
                            fw.write("ICDfont SF\n");
                        } else {
                            fw.write("Tablefont SF\n");

                        fw.write("0 " + k + " MT ("
                                + formatNumber(totalCasesPerHundredThousand[sexNumber][j], 0) + ") RS\n");
                        k -= (tableFontSize);
                fw.write("/col col 20 add def\n");
                fw.write("0 496 MT (AGE) RS\n");
                fw.write("0 487 MT (UNK) RS\n");
                k = 475;
                for (int j = 0; j < numberOfCancerGroups; j++) {
                    if (icdLabel[j].charAt(sexNumber) == '1') {
                        if (isLineBreak(j - 1) != 0) {
                            k -= 2;
                        if (j == skinCancerGroupIndex || j == ovaryCancerGroupIndex
                                || j == bladderCancerGroupIndex || j == myelodysplasticSyndromesCancerGroupIndex
                                || j == myeloproliferativeDisordersCancerGroupIndex
                                || j == brainAndCentralNervousSystemCancerGroupIndex) {
                            fw.write("ICDfont SF\n");
                        } else {
                            fw.write("Tablefont SF\n");

                        fw.write("0 " + k + " MT ("
                                + formatNumber(casesArray[j][sexNumber][unknownAgeGroupIndex], 0) + ") RS\n");
                        k -= (tableFontSize);

                if (highestPopulationAgeGroup == numberOfAgeGroups - 4) {
                    fw.write("/col 145 def\n");
                } else if (highestPopulationAgeGroup == numberOfAgeGroups - 5) {
                    fw.write("/col 176 def\n");
                } else if (highestPopulationAgeGroup == numberOfAgeGroups - 6) {
                    fw.write("/col 208 def\n");
                } else {
                    fw.write("/col 145 def\n");

                for (int age = 1; age <= highestPopulationAgeGroup; age++) {
                    fw.write("/col col 26 add def\n");
                    fw.write("0 491 MT (" + ageLabel[age] + ") RS\n");
                    // fw.write("/col col 5 sub def\n");
                    k = 475;
                    for (int j = 0; j < numberOfCancerGroups; j++) {
                        if (icdLabel[j].charAt(sexNumber) == '1') {
                            if (isLineBreak(j - 1) != 0) {
                                k -= 2;

                            if (j == skinCancerGroupIndex || j == ovaryCancerGroupIndex
                                    || j == bladderCancerGroupIndex
                                    || j == myelodysplasticSyndromesCancerGroupIndex
                                    || j == myeloproliferativeDisordersCancerGroupIndex
                                    || j == brainAndCentralNervousSystemCancerGroupIndex) {
                                fw.write("ICDfont SF\n");
                            } else {
                                fw.write("Tablefont SF\n");

                            if (casesPerHundredThousand[sexNumber][age][j] > 0) {
                                fw.write("0 " + k + " MT ("
                                        + formatNumber(casesPerHundredThousand[sexNumber][age][j]) + ") RS\n");
                            } else {
                                fw.write("0 " + k + " MT (    -  ) RS\n");
                            k -= (tableFontSize);
                fw.write("3 492 MT ( S I T E) show\n");
                k = 475;
                for (int j = 0; j < numberOfCancerGroups; j++) {
                    if (icdLabel[j].charAt(sexNumber) == '1') {
                        if (isLineBreak(j - 1) != 0) {
                            k -= 2;
                        if (j == skinCancerGroupIndex || j == ovaryCancerGroupIndex
                                || j == bladderCancerGroupIndex || j == myelodysplasticSyndromesCancerGroupIndex
                                || j == myeloproliferativeDisordersCancerGroupIndex
                                || j == brainAndCentralNervousSystemCancerGroupIndex) {
                            fw.write("ICDfont SF\n");
                        } else {
                            fw.write("Tablefont SF\n");

                        fw.write("3 " + k + " MT (" + icdLabel[j].substring(3) + ") show\n");
                        k -= (tableFontSize);
                if (showSeeNotesNote) {
                    fw.write("3 0 MT (" + notesString + ") show\n");

                // Write the footer
                fw.write("0 0 MT (" + footerString + ") CS\n");

                System.out.println("Wrote " + psFileName + ".");
            } catch (IOException ioe) {

    if (fileType == FileTypes.pdf) {
        LinkedList<String> newlyGeneratedFiles = new LinkedList<String>();
        for (String fileN : generatedFiles) {
            PsToPdfConverter pstopdf = new PsToPdfConverter(gspath);
            // delete the ps file
            File file = new File(fileN);
        generatedFiles = newlyGeneratedFiles;


    return generatedFiles;

From source file:canreg.client.gui.analysis.FrequenciesByYearInternalFrame.java

public void saveTableAction() {
    LinkedList<String> filesCreated = new LinkedList<String>();
    if (!resultTable.isVisible()) {
        refresh();//  w  ww  . ja  va 2 s  . co  m
    Writer writer = null;
    try {
        String fileName = null;
        String pivotFileName = null;
        if (chooser == null) {
            String path = localSettings.getProperty(LocalSettings.TABLES_PATH_KEY);
            if (path == null) {
                chooser = new JFileChooser();
            } else {
                chooser = new JFileChooser(path);
        int returnVal = chooser.showSaveDialog(this);
        if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
            try {
                fileName = chooser.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath();
                pivotFileName = fileName + "-pivot.csv";
                // we force the .csv ending to the file
                if (!(fileName.endsWith(".csv") || fileName.endsWith(".CSV"))) {
                    fileName += ".csv";
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                Logger.getLogger(TableBuilderInternalFrame.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
        } else {
            // cancelled
        writer = new FileWriter(fileName);
        // CSVWriter csvwriter = new CSVWriter(writer, ',');
        String[] headers = new String[resultTable.getColumnCount()];

        // Write the column names
        for (int j = 0; j < headers.length; j++) {
            headers[j] = resultTable.getColumnName(j);
        CSVFormat format = CSVFormat.DEFAULT.withDelimiter(',').withHeader(headers);

        CSVPrinter csvPrinter = new CSVPrinter(writer, format);

        Object[] nextLine = new String[resultTable.getColumnCount()];

        // write the rows
        for (int i = 0; i < resultTable.getRowCount(); i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < nextLine.length; j++) {
                nextLine[j] = resultTable.getValueAt(i, j).toString();

        // We need 3 columns to work with        
        if (headers.length == 3) {
                    "Table written to file: " + fileName + "\nPivot table written to:" + pivotFileName, "OK",
        } else {
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Table written to file: " + fileName, "OK",

    } catch (IOException ex) {
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "File NOT written.\n" + ex.getLocalizedMessage(), "ERROR",
        Logger.getLogger(FrequenciesByYearInternalFrame.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
    } finally {
        try {
            if (writer != null) {
            for (String fn : filesCreated) {
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            Logger.getLogger(FrequenciesByYearInternalFrame.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

From source file:br.com.hslife.orcamento.service.ImportacaoLancamentoService.java

public void processarArquivoCSVImportado(Arquivo arquivo, Conta conta) throws ApplicationException {
    try {/*from   w  ww . ja  v a 2 s  .c o  m*/
        // Declarao e leitura dos dados do CSV
        final Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(arquivo.getDados()), "UTF-8");
        final CSVParser parser = new CSVParser(reader, CSVFormat.DEFAULT.withHeader());

        // Declarao das variveis
        LancamentoImportado lancamentoImportado = new LancamentoImportado();

        for (CSVRecord record : parser) {

            int quantidade = Integer.parseInt(record.get("QUANTIDADE"));

            lancamentoImportado.setData(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").parse(record.get("DATA")));

            // Insere o lanamento importado X vezes de acordo com o campo QUANTIDADE
            for (int i = 1; i <= quantidade; i++) {

        // Fecha os streams

    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new ApplicationException(e);

From source file:frames.MainGUI.java

public void LoadFeeDataToJTable(JTable t, File file) {
    try {//from w w w  .j a va  2s.  co  m
        CSVParser parser = CSVParser.parse(file, Charset.forName("UTF-8"), CSVFormat.DEFAULT);
        DefaultTableModel model = new DefaultTableModel();
        for (CSVRecord c : parser) {
            if (c.getRecordNumber() == 1) {

                model = (DefaultTableModel) t.getModel();
                    new Object[] { c.get(datatype.GlobalVariable.TYPE), c.get(datatype.GlobalVariable.AMOUNT),
                            c.get(datatype.GlobalVariable.PAID_BY), c.get(datatype.GlobalVariable.PAYER) });
    } catch (Exception e) {

From source file:frames.MainGUI.java

public void LoadRentToJtable(JTable t, File file) {
    try {/*from ww w.  j  a v  a  2s  .co  m*/
        CSVParser parser = CSVParser.parse(file, Charset.forName("UTF-8"), CSVFormat.DEFAULT);
        DefaultTableModel model = new DefaultTableModel();
        for (CSVRecord c : parser) {
            if (c.getRecordNumber() == 1) {
                model = (DefaultTableModel) t.getModel();
            model.addRow(new Object[] { c.get(0), c.get(1), c.get(2), c.get(3), c.get(4), c.get(5) });
    } catch (Exception e) {

From source file:io.dockstore.client.cli.nested.AbstractEntryClient.java

private void launchCwl(String entry, final List<String> args) throws ApiException, IOException {
    boolean isLocalEntry = false;
    if (args.contains("--local-entry")) {
        isLocalEntry = true;/*from ww w. j  a v  a2 s .c  o  m*/

    final String yamlRun = optVal(args, "--yaml", null);
    String jsonRun = optVal(args, "--json", null);
    final String csvRuns = optVal(args, "--tsv", null);

    if (!(yamlRun != null ^ jsonRun != null ^ csvRuns != null)) {
        errorMessage("One of  --json, --yaml, and --tsv is required", CLIENT_ERROR);

    final File tempDir = Files.createTempDir();
    File tempCWL;
    if (!isLocalEntry) {
        tempCWL = File.createTempFile("temp", ".cwl", tempDir);
    } else {
        tempCWL = new File(entry);

    if (!isLocalEntry) {
        final SourceFile cwlFromServer = getDescriptorFromServer(entry, "cwl");
        Files.write(cwlFromServer.getContent(), tempCWL, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
        downloadDescriptors(entry, "cwl", tempDir);
    jsonRun = convertYamlToJson(yamlRun, jsonRun);

    final Gson gson = io.cwl.avro.CWL.getTypeSafeCWLToolDocument();
    if (jsonRun != null) {
        // if the root document is an array, this indicates multiple runs
        JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
        final JsonElement parsed = parser
                .parse(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(jsonRun), StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
        if (parsed.isJsonArray()) {
            final JsonArray asJsonArray = parsed.getAsJsonArray();
            for (JsonElement element : asJsonArray) {
                final String finalString = gson.toJson(element);
                final File tempJson = File.createTempFile("parameter", ".json", Files.createTempDir());
                FileUtils.write(tempJson, finalString, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
                final LauncherCWL cwlLauncher = new LauncherCWL(getConfigFile(), tempCWL.getAbsolutePath(),
                if (this instanceof WorkflowClient) {
                } else {
        } else {
            final LauncherCWL cwlLauncher = new LauncherCWL(getConfigFile(), tempCWL.getAbsolutePath(),
            if (this instanceof WorkflowClient) {
            } else {
    } else if (csvRuns != null) {
        final File csvData = new File(csvRuns);
        try (CSVParser parser = CSVParser.parse(csvData, StandardCharsets.UTF_8,
                CSVFormat.DEFAULT.withDelimiter('\t').withEscape('\\').withQuoteMode(QuoteMode.NONE))) {
            // grab header
            final Iterator<CSVRecord> iterator = parser.iterator();
            final CSVRecord headers = iterator.next();
            // ignore row with type information
            // process rows
            while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                final CSVRecord csvRecord = iterator.next();
                final File tempJson = File.createTempFile("temp", ".json", Files.createTempDir());
                StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
                for (int i = 0; i < csvRecord.size(); i++) {
                    // if the type is an array, just pass it through

                    if (i < csvRecord.size() - 1) {
                // prettify it
                JsonParser prettyParser = new JsonParser();
                JsonObject json = prettyParser.parse(buffer.toString()).getAsJsonObject();
                final String finalString = gson.toJson(json);

                // write it out
                FileUtils.write(tempJson, finalString, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

                // final String stringMapAsString = gson.toJson(stringMap);
                // Files.write(stringMapAsString, tempJson, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
                final LauncherCWL cwlLauncher = new LauncherCWL(this.getConfigFile(), tempCWL.getAbsolutePath(),
                if (this instanceof WorkflowClient) {
                } else {
    } else {
        errorMessage("Missing required parameters, one of  --json or --tsv is required", CLIENT_ERROR);


From source file:it.sayservice.platform.smartplanner.otp.OTPHandler.java

private List<String[]> readCSV(String fileName) {
    List<String[]> lines = new ArrayList<String[]>();
    try {/*ww w  .  jav a 2 s.c  o m*/
        FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(new File(fileName));
        UnicodeReader ur = new UnicodeReader(fis, "UTF-8");
        for (CSVRecord record : CSVFormat.DEFAULT.parse(ur)) {
            String[] line = Iterables.toArray(record, String.class);
        lines.get(0)[0] = lines.get(0)[0].replaceAll(Constants.UTF8_BOM, "");
        return lines;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        return lines;