Example usage for org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods PostMethod FORM_URL_ENCODED_CONTENT_TYPE

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods PostMethod FORM_URL_ENCODED_CONTENT_TYPE


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods PostMethod FORM_URL_ENCODED_CONTENT_TYPE.



To view the source code for org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods PostMethod FORM_URL_ENCODED_CONTENT_TYPE.

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From source file:com.fusesource.demo.controller.Client.java

public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
    Client client = new Client();
    PostMethod post = new PostMethod("http://localhost:" + port + "/controller/process");
    post.addRequestHeader("Accept", "text/xml");
    RequestEntity entity = new StringRequestEntity(DATA, PostMethod.FORM_URL_ENCODED_CONTENT_TYPE, null);
    post.setRequestEntity(entity);/* ww w  .  j a va2 s  .co  m*/
    HttpClient httpclient = new HttpClient();

    try {
        System.out.println("Sending data:\n" + DATA);
        int result = httpclient.executeMethod(post);
        System.out.println("Response status code: " + result);
        System.out.println("Response body: ");
        System.out.println("Response data:\n" + post.getResponseBodyAsString());
    } finally {


From source file:net.neurowork.cenatic.centraldir.workers.XMLPusher.java

private void pushOrganization(RestUrlManager restUrl, String token) {
    HttpClient httpclient = XMLRestWorker.getHttpClient();
    PostMethod post = new PostMethod(restUrl.getPushOrganizationUrl());

    NameValuePair tokenParam = new NameValuePair("token", token);
    NameValuePair[] params = new NameValuePair[] { tokenParam };

    post.addRequestHeader("Accept", "application/xml");
    post.setQueryString(params);//w ww  .  j av a2s  .com

    String content = XmlPushCreator.getInstance().getPushXml(organizacion);
    try {
        RequestEntity entity = new StringRequestEntity(content, PostMethod.FORM_URL_ENCODED_CONTENT_TYPE, null);

        int result = httpclient.executeMethod(post);

        logger.info("Response status code: " + result);
        logger.info("Response body: ");

    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
    } catch (HttpException e) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
    } finally {


From source file:ensen.controler.DBpediaSpotlightClient.java

private JSONArray getAnnotationsFromSpotlight(Text text, String confiance, String support, String file) {
    if (confiance == null || confiance.trim() == "")
        confiance = PropertiesManager.getProperty("CONFIDENCE");
    if (support == null || support.trim() == "")
        support = PropertiesManager.getProperty("SUPPORT");
    JSONArray entities = null;// ww w . ja v a 2 s  .  c  om
    if (local) {
        double d = Math.random();
        if (d > 0.5)
            API_URL = PropertiesManager.getProperty("DBpediaSpotlightClientLocal");
            API_URL = PropertiesManager.getProperty("DBpediaSpotlightClientLocalCopy");
    } else
        API_URL = PropertiesManager.getProperty("DBpediaSpotlightClient");
    SPOTTER = PropertiesManager.getProperty("spotter");
    String spotlightResponse = null;
    try {
        //System.out.println("Querying API: " + API_URL);
        /** using post **/
        PostMethod post = new PostMethod(API_URL + "rest/annotate/");
        NameValuePair[] data = { new NameValuePair("coreferenceResolution", "false"),
                /**//*new NameValuePair("disambiguator", "Document"),new NameValuePair("spotter", SPOTTER),*/new NameValuePair(
                        "confidence", confiance),
                new NameValuePair("support", support), new NameValuePair("text", text.text()) };
        post.addRequestHeader(new Header("Accept", "application/json"));
        post.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", PostMethod.FORM_URL_ENCODED_CONTENT_TYPE + "; charset=UTF-8");
        spotlightResponse = request(post);

    } catch (Exception e) {
        System.err.println("error in calling Spotlight.");

    JSONObject resultJSON = null;

    try {
        resultJSON = new JSONObject(spotlightResponse);
        if (resultJSON.has("Resources")) {
            entities = resultJSON.getJSONArray("Resources");
        } else {
            System.err.println("No founded resources");
    } catch (JSONException e) {
        System.err.println("Received invalid response from DBpedia Spotlight API.");
    if (resultJSON != null) {
        //System.err.println("print json to" + file + ".json");
        //Printer.printToFile(file + ".json", resultJSON.toString());
    //if not enough resources ==> re-do with conf 0.15
    if ((entities == null || entities.length() < Integer
            && confiance != "0.15") {
        entities = getAnnotationsFromSpotlight(text, "0.15", support, file);


    return entities;

From source file:com.buzzdavidson.spork.client.OWAClient.java

 * Perform login to OWA server given configuration parameters and supplied user/password
 * @param userName  user name for login/*from  ww  w. java 2s  .c  o  m*/
 * @param password password for login
 * @return true if successfully authenticated
public boolean login(String userName, String password) {
     * Set NT credentials on client
    Credentials cred;
    cred = new NTCredentials(userName, password, authHost, authDomain);
    client.getState().setCredentials(new AuthScope(authHost, AuthScope.ANY_PORT), cred);

    String authUrl = getBaseUrl() + loginPath;
    boolean retval = false;
    logger.info(String.format("Logging in to OWA using username [%s] at URL [%s] ", userName, authUrl));
    PostMethod post = new PostMethod(authUrl);
    post.addParameter(PARAM_DEST, getBaseUrl() + docBasePath);
    post.addParameter(PARAM_UNAME, userName);
    post.addParameter(PARAM_PWD, password);
            publicComputer ? OWA_FLAG_VALUE_PUBLIC.toString() : OWA_FLAG_VALUE_PRIVATE.toString());

    int status = 0;
    try {
        status = client.executeMethod(post);
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.debug("Post returned status code " + status);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        logger.error("Got error posting to login url", ex);

    if (status == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
        // We shouldn't see this in normal operation... Evaluate whether this actually ever occurs.
        logger.info("Login succeeded (no redirect specified)");
        retval = true;
    } else if (status == HttpStatus.SC_MOVED_TEMPORARILY) {
        // We typically receive a redirect upon successful authentication; the target url is the user's inbox
        Header locationHeader = post.getResponseHeader(HEADER_LOCATION);
        if (locationHeader != null) {
            String mbxRoot = getMailboxRoot(locationHeader.getValue());
            if (mbxRoot == null || mbxRoot.length() < 1) {
                logger.info("Login failed - Check configuration and credentials.");
                retval = false;
            } else {
                owaRootUrl = mbxRoot;
                inboxAddress = owaRootUrl + "/" + FOLDER_NAME_INBOX; // TODO is this sufficient?
                logger.info("Login succeeded, redirect specified (redirecting to " + owaRootUrl + ")");
                retval = true;
    } else {
        logger.error("Login failed with error code " + status);
    return retval;

From source file:com.temenos.interaction.example.odata.notes.CreateReadUpdateDeleteITCase.java

 * Tests create with application/x-www-form-urlencoded request Content-Type.
 * //ww w  . ja v  a 2s.c  o m
 * @throws HttpException
 * @throws IOException
public void testCreateUrlEncodedForm() throws HttpException, IOException {
    ODataConsumer consumer = ODataJerseyConsumer.newBuilder(Configuration.TEST_ENDPOINT_URI).build();
    EdmDataServices metadata = consumer.getMetadata();

    HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
    PostMethod postMethod = new PostMethod(Configuration.TEST_ENDPOINT_URI + PERSONS_RESOURCE);
            new StringRequestEntity("name=RonOnForm&abcd=", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "UTF-8"));
    postMethod.addRequestHeader("Content-Type", PostMethod.FORM_URL_ENCODED_CONTENT_TYPE);
    postMethod.addRequestHeader("Accept", "application/atom+xml");

    String personId = null;
    try {

        assertEquals(201, postMethod.getStatusCode());
        InputStream is = postMethod.getResponseBodyAsStream();

        InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is);
        char[] buffer = new char[1];
        int read = 0;
        int offset = 0;
        while ((read = isr.read(buffer, offset, buffer.length - offset)) != -1) {
            offset += read;
            if (offset >= buffer.length) {
                buffer = Arrays.copyOf(buffer, buffer.length * 2);
        char[] carr = Arrays.copyOf(buffer, offset);

        int checkEOF = is.read();
        assertEquals(-1, checkEOF);
        String str = new String(carr);

        assertEquals("application/atom+xml", postMethod.getResponseHeader("Content-Type").getValue());
        FormatParser<Entry> parser = FormatParserFactory.getParser(Entry.class, FormatType.ATOM,
                new Settings(ODataConstants.DATA_SERVICE_VERSION, metadata, PERSON_ENTITYSET_NAME, null, null));
        Entry entry = parser.parse(new StringReader(str));
        personId = entry.getEntity().getProperty("id").getValue().toString();
        assertEquals("RonOnForm", entry.getEntity().getProperty("name").getValue().toString());
    } finally {

    // read the person to check it was created ok
    OEntity person = consumer.getEntity(PERSON_ENTITYSET_NAME, Integer.valueOf(personId)).execute();
    assertTrue(person != null);
    assertEquals("RonOnForm", person.getProperty("name").getValue());

From source file:com.seajas.search.contender.service.enricher.EnricherService.java

 * Send the actual envelope content to the enricher.
 * // ww w.jav a 2  s  .c  o  m
 * @param jobName
 * @param encoding
 * @param request
 * @return boolean
public boolean sendEnvelope(final String jobName, final String encoding, final String request) {
    HttpPost importMethod = new HttpPost(searchEnricherUrl);
    List<NameValuePair> importParameters = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();

    importParameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("action", "ImportEnvelope"));
    importParameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("JobName", jobName));

    if (encoding != null && !encoding.equals(ENCODING_UNKNOWN))
        importParameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("ReferenceEncoding", encoding));

    importParameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("EnvelopeXML", request));

    try {
        importMethod.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(importParameters, "UTF-8"));
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
        logger.error("Unsupported encoding while encoding the URL form entities", e);

    // Set the form encoding to match that of the Search Enricher

    importMethod.addHeader("Content-Type", PostMethod.FORM_URL_ENCODED_CONTENT_TYPE + ";charset=UTF-8");

    boolean result = true;

    try {
        if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
            logger.trace("Executing the requested envelope post");

        // Send the import request

        HttpResponse importStatus = httpClient.execute(importMethod);

        if (importStatus.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() != HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
            logger.error("EnvelopeXML failed to successfully POST, response: " + importStatus.getStatusLine());

            result = false;
        } else {
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                logger.debug("EnvelopeXML succesfully POSTed, response: " + importStatus.getStatusLine());

            importMethod = null;
    } catch (HttpException e) {
        logger.error("HTTP execution exception for " + searchEnricherUrl, e);

        result = false;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        logger.error("Resource execution exception for " + searchEnricherUrl, e);

        result = false;
    } finally {
        if (importMethod != null)

    return result;

From source file:com.qlkh.client.server.proxy.ProxyServlet.java

 * Performs an HTTP POST request//from w  w w .ja  va 2s  .  c o  m
 * @param httpServletRequest  The {@link javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest} object passed
 *                            in by the servlet engine representing the
 *                            client request to be proxied
 * @param httpServletResponse The {@link javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse} object by which
 *                            we can send a proxied response to the client
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse)
        throws IOException, ServletException {
    // Create a standard POST request
    String contentType = httpServletRequest.getContentType();
    String destinationUrl = this.getProxyURL(httpServletRequest);
    debug("POST Request URL: " + httpServletRequest.getRequestURL(), "    Content Type: " + contentType,
            " Destination URL: " + destinationUrl);
    PostMethod postMethodProxyRequest = new PostMethod(destinationUrl);
    // Forward the request headers
    setProxyRequestHeaders(httpServletRequest, postMethodProxyRequest);
    setProxyRequestCookies(httpServletRequest, postMethodProxyRequest);
    // Check if this is a mulitpart (file upload) POST
    if (ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(httpServletRequest)) {
        this.handleMultipartPost(postMethodProxyRequest, httpServletRequest);
    } else {
        if (contentType == null || PostMethod.FORM_URL_ENCODED_CONTENT_TYPE.equals(contentType)) {
            this.handleStandardPost(postMethodProxyRequest, httpServletRequest);
        } else {
            this.handleContentPost(postMethodProxyRequest, httpServletRequest);
    // Execute the proxy request
    this.executeProxyRequest(postMethodProxyRequest, httpServletRequest, httpServletResponse);

From source file:com.bluexml.xforms.controller.alfresco.AlfrescoController.java

 * Request post. Bridge to our XForms webscript under Alfresco. //$$ TRACE
 * LOG//from   ww  w .  jav a 2 s .co m
 * @param transaction
 *            the transaction. MANDATORY and NEVER <code>null</code>
 * @param parameters
 *            the parameters
 * @param opCode
 *            the code for the webscript operation being called.
 * @param dataSourceURI
 * @return the post method
 * @throws IOException
 *             Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
 * @throws HttpException
 *             the http exception
 * @throws ServletException
private PostMethod requestPost(AlfrescoTransaction transaction, Map<String, String> parameters, MsgId opCode,
        String dataSourceURI) throws IOException, ServletException {
    // security: enforce use of possible access controls on the Alfresco side.
    if (transaction == null) {
        logger.error("Null transaction.");
        throw new ServletException("A transaction is required for webscript requests.");
    String legitimateLogin = transaction.getLogin();
    if (legitimateLogin == null) {
        legitimateLogin = getParamUserName(transaction.getPage().getInitParams());
    if (StringUtils.trimToNull(legitimateLogin) == null) {
        logger.error("No user name in the transaction.");
        throw new ServletException(
                "Cannot complete the action: a user name is required for webscript requests.");

    // log some info
    if (loggertrace.isTraceEnabled()) {
        logger.trace("Calling the webscript for user '" + legitimateLogin + "' with request: " + opCode);
        logger.trace("Parameters : ");
        Set<Entry<String, String>> entrySet2 = parameters.entrySet();
        for (Entry<String, String> entry2 : entrySet2) {
            String value = entry2.getValue();
            if (value == null) {
                value = NULL_STRING;
            } else if (value.equals("")) {
                value = EMPTY_STRING;
            logger.trace("  " + entry2.getKey() + " = " + value);

    // set url
    String url;
    boolean useDataSource = dataSourceURI != null && dataSourceURI.startsWith("http");
    if (useDataSource) {
        // it's possible that url have parameters so to avoid conflic with sidereader parameters '&' is replaced by '#'         
        url = dataSourceURI.replaceAll("@\\$@", "&");
    } else {
        url = ALFRESCO_XFORMS_URL + opCode;
    PostMethod post = new PostMethod(url);
    if (!useDataSource) {
        Set<Entry<String, String>> entrySet = parameters.entrySet();
        for (Entry<String, String> entry : entrySet) {
            post.setParameter(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
        // if (StringUtils.trimToNull(transaction.getLogin()) == null) {
        // post.setParameter("username", getParamLoginUserName(transaction.getInitParams()));
        // } else {
        // post.setParameter("username", transaction.getLogin());
        // }
        post.setParameter("username", transaction.getLogin());

        post.setParameter("serviceCallerId", "XFormsController");
        post.setParameter("serviceCallerVersion", "2.0.0");
    } else {
        Gson gson = new Gson();
        String json = gson.toJson(parameters);
        post.setParameter("xformsParameters", json);

    post.addRequestHeader("Content-Type", PostMethod.FORM_URL_ENCODED_CONTENT_TYPE + "; charset=UTF-8");

    executeMethod(post, false);

    if (loggertrace.isTraceEnabled()) {
        logger.trace("Response : ");
        String responseBodyAsString = post.getResponseBodyAsString();
        if (responseBodyAsString == null) {
        } else if (responseBodyAsString.equals("")) {
        } else {

    return post;

From source file:org.apache.ode.axis2.httpbinding.HttpMethodConverter.java

 * create and initialize the http method.
 * Http Headers that may been passed in the params are not set in this method.
 * Headers will be automatically set by HttpClient.
 * See usages of HostParams.DEFAULT_HEADERS
 * See org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodDirector#executeMethod(org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethod)
 *//* w  w  w. j av  a 2 s  .  c  o m*/
protected HttpMethod prepareHttpMethod(BindingOperation opBinding, String verb, Map<String, Element> partValues,
        Map<String, Node> headers, final String rootUri, HttpParams params)
        throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
        log.debug("Preparing http request...");
    // convenience variables...
    BindingInput bindingInput = opBinding.getBindingInput();
    HTTPOperation httpOperation = (HTTPOperation) WsdlUtils.getOperationExtension(opBinding);
    MIMEContent content = WsdlUtils.getMimeContent(bindingInput.getExtensibilityElements());
    String contentType = content == null ? null : content.getType();
    boolean useUrlEncoded = WsdlUtils.useUrlEncoded(bindingInput)
            || PostMethod.FORM_URL_ENCODED_CONTENT_TYPE.equalsIgnoreCase(contentType);
    boolean useUrlReplacement = WsdlUtils.useUrlReplacement(bindingInput);

    // the http method to be built and returned
    HttpMethod method = null;

    // the 4 elements the http method may be made of
    String relativeUri = httpOperation.getLocationURI();
    String queryPath = null;
    RequestEntity requestEntity;
    String encodedParams = null;

    // ODE supports uri template in both port and operation location.
    // so assemble the final url *before* replacement
    String completeUri = rootUri;
    if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(relativeUri)) {
        completeUri = completeUri + (completeUri.endsWith("/") || relativeUri.startsWith("/") ? "" : "/")
                + relativeUri;

    if (useUrlReplacement) {
        // insert part values in the url
        completeUri = new UrlReplacementTransformer().transform(completeUri, partValues);
    } else if (useUrlEncoded) {
        // encode part values
        encodedParams = new URLEncodedTransformer().transform(partValues);

    // http-client api is not really neat
    // something similar to the following would save some if/else manipulations.
    // But we have to deal with it as-is.
    //  method = new Method(verb);
    //  method.setRequestEnity(..)
    //  etc...
    if ("GET".equalsIgnoreCase(verb) || "DELETE".equalsIgnoreCase(verb)) {
        if ("GET".equalsIgnoreCase(verb)) {
            method = new GetMethod();
        } else if ("DELETE".equalsIgnoreCase(verb)) {
            method = new DeleteMethod();
        if (useUrlEncoded) {
            queryPath = encodedParams;

        // Let http-client manage the redirection
        // see org.apache.commons.httpclient.params.HttpClientParams.MAX_REDIRECTS
        // default is 100
    } else if ("POST".equalsIgnoreCase(verb) || "PUT".equalsIgnoreCase(verb)) {

        if ("POST".equalsIgnoreCase(verb)) {
            method = new PostMethod();
        } else if ("PUT".equalsIgnoreCase(verb)) {
            method = new PutMethod();
        // some body-building...
        final String contentCharset = method.getParams().getContentCharset();
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("Content-Type [" + contentType + "] Charset [" + contentCharset + "]");
        if (useUrlEncoded) {
            requestEntity = new StringRequestEntity(encodedParams, PostMethod.FORM_URL_ENCODED_CONTENT_TYPE,
        } else {
            // get the part to be put in the body
            Part part = opBinding.getOperation().getInput().getMessage().getPart(content.getPart());
            Element partValue = partValues.get(part.getName());

            if (part.getElementName() == null) {
                String errMsg = "XML Types are not supported. Parts must use elements.";
                if (log.isErrorEnabled())
                throw new RuntimeException(errMsg);
            } else if (HttpUtils.isXml(contentType)) {
                if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                    log.debug("Content-Type [" + contentType + "] equivalent to 'text/xml'");
                // stringify the first element
                String xmlString = DOMUtils.domToString(DOMUtils.getFirstChildElement(partValue));
                requestEntity = new StringRequestEntity(xmlString, contentType, contentCharset);
            } else {
                if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                    log.debug("Content-Type [" + contentType
                            + "] NOT equivalent to 'text/xml'. The text content of part value will be sent as text");
                // encoding conversion is managed by StringRequestEntity if necessary
                requestEntity = new StringRequestEntity(DOMUtils.getTextContent(partValue), contentType,

        // cast safely, PUT and POST are subclasses of EntityEnclosingMethod
        final EntityEnclosingMethod enclosingMethod = (EntityEnclosingMethod) method;
                .setContentChunked(params.getBooleanParameter(Properties.PROP_HTTP_REQUEST_CHUNK, false));

    } else {
        // should not happen because of HttpBindingValidator, but never say never
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported HTTP method: " + verb);

    method.setPath(completeUri); // assumes that the path is properly encoded (URL safe).

    // set headers
    setHttpRequestHeaders(method, opBinding, partValues, headers, params);
    return method;

From source file:org.codeartisans.proxilet.Proxilet.java

 * Performs an HTTP POST request./* ww  w  .j  ava2  s  .  co  m*/
 * @param httpServletRequest    The {@link HttpServletRequest} object passed in by the servlet engine representing the client request to be proxied
 * @param httpServletResponse   The {@link HttpServletResponse} object by which we can send a proxied response to the client
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse)
        throws IOException, ServletException {
    // Create a standard POST request
    String contentType = httpServletRequest.getContentType();
    String destinationUrl = this.getProxyURL(httpServletRequest);
    LOGGER.trace("POST {} => {} ({})" + httpServletRequest.getRequestURL(), destinationUrl, contentType);
    PostMethod postMethodProxyRequest = new PostMethod(destinationUrl);
    // Forward the request headers
    setProxyRequestHeaders(httpServletRequest, postMethodProxyRequest);
    // Check if this is a mulitpart (file upload) POST
    if (ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(httpServletRequest)) {
        this.handleMultipartPost(postMethodProxyRequest, httpServletRequest);
    } else {
        if (contentType == null || PostMethod.FORM_URL_ENCODED_CONTENT_TYPE.equals(contentType)) {
            this.handleStandardPost(postMethodProxyRequest, httpServletRequest);
        } else {
            this.handleContentPost(postMethodProxyRequest, httpServletRequest);
    // Execute the proxy request
    this.executeProxyRequest(postMethodProxyRequest, httpServletRequest, httpServletResponse);