Example usage for org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods PostMethod FORM_URL_ENCODED_CONTENT_TYPE

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods PostMethod FORM_URL_ENCODED_CONTENT_TYPE


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods PostMethod FORM_URL_ENCODED_CONTENT_TYPE.



To view the source code for org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods PostMethod FORM_URL_ENCODED_CONTENT_TYPE.

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From source file:org.nunux.poc.portal.ProxyServlet.java

 * Performs an HTTP POST request/*from w w w  .j a v a 2 s  .co m*/
 * @param httpServletRequest The {@link HttpServletRequest} object passed in
 * by the servlet engine representing the client request to be proxied
 * @param httpServletResponse The {@link HttpServletResponse} object by
 * which we can send a proxied response to the client
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse)
        throws IOException, ServletException {
    // Create a standard POST request
    String contentType = httpServletRequest.getContentType();
    String destinationUrl = this.getProxyURL(httpServletRequest);
    debug("POST Request URL: " + httpServletRequest.getRequestURL(), "    Content Type: " + contentType,
            " Destination URL: " + destinationUrl);
    PostMethod postMethodProxyRequest = new PostMethod(destinationUrl);
    // Forward the request headers
    setProxyRequestHeaders(httpServletRequest, postMethodProxyRequest);
    setProxyRequestCookies(httpServletRequest, postMethodProxyRequest);
    // Check if this is a mulitpart (file upload) POST
    if (ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(httpServletRequest)) {
        this.handleMultipartPost(postMethodProxyRequest, httpServletRequest);
    } else {
        if (contentType == null || PostMethod.FORM_URL_ENCODED_CONTENT_TYPE.equals(contentType)) {
            this.handleStandardPost(postMethodProxyRequest, httpServletRequest);
        } else {
            this.handleContentPost(postMethodProxyRequest, httpServletRequest);
    // Execute the proxy request
    this.executeProxyRequest(postMethodProxyRequest, httpServletRequest, httpServletResponse);

From source file:org.phenotips.integration.lims247.internal.DefaultLimsServer.java

public boolean checkToken(String token, String username, String pn) {
    PostMethod method = null;// w  w w  .  ja  v  a  2s .c o m
    try {
        String checkURL = getTokenCheckURL(pn, getXContext());
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(checkURL)) {
            method = new PostMethod(checkURL);
            String body = String.format("%s=%s&%s=%s", USERNAME_KEY,
                    URLEncoder.encode(username, XWiki.DEFAULT_ENCODING), TOKEN_KEY,
                    URLEncoder.encode(token, XWiki.DEFAULT_ENCODING));
            method.setRequestEntity(new StringRequestEntity(body, PostMethod.FORM_URL_ENCODED_CONTENT_TYPE,
            String response;
            try {
                response = method.getResponseBodyAsString(128);
            } catch (HttpContentTooLargeException ex) {
                response = method.getResponseBodyAsString();
                this.logger.warn("LIMS token check returned wrong response: {} - [{}]", ex.getMessage(),
            JSONObject responseJSON = (JSONObject) JSONSerializer.toJSON(response);
            boolean success = responseJSON.getBoolean("success");
            if (success) {
                this.logger.debug("Successfully authenticated user [{}] on LIMS instance [{}] using token [{}]",
                        username, pn, token);
                return true;
            } else {
                this.logger.warn("Failed to authenticate user [{}] on LIMS instance [{}] using token [{}]",
                        username, pn, token);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        this.logger.warn("Failed to check LIMS authentication token [{}] on server [{}]: {}", token, pn,
                ex.getMessage(), ex);
    } finally {
        if (method != null) {
    return false;

From source file:slash.navigation.rest.HttpRequest.java

public void setBody(String body) {
    try {// w w w  .j a  v  a  2 s . c  o  m
        ((EntityEnclosingMethod) method).setRequestEntity(
                new StringRequestEntity(body, PostMethod.FORM_URL_ENCODED_CONTENT_TYPE, Helper.UTF8_ENCODING));
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
        log.severe("Cannot set body: " + e.getMessage());