Example usage for org.apache.commons.io IOCase SYSTEM

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.io IOCase SYSTEM


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.io IOCase SYSTEM.



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The constant for case sensitivity determined by the current operating system.


From source file:com.sangupta.andruil.utils.ArgumentUtils.java

 * Resolve the supplied file argument which may contain wildcards
 * to a list of all valid files./*from  w w w .  j av  a 2  s  .c o m*/
 * @param arg
 * @return
public static File[] resolveFiles(final File currentDir, String arg) {
    if (arg == null) {
        return null;

    if (!hasWildcards(arg)) {
        File file = new File(currentDir, arg);
        return new File[] { file };

    // the argument does have wild cards
    // resolve it
    FileFilter wildcardFileFilter = new WildcardFileFilter(arg, IOCase.SYSTEM);
    File[] files = currentDir.listFiles(wildcardFileFilter);
    return files;

From source file:com.github.neio.filesystem.paths.DirectoryPath.java

protected boolean amIEqual(Directory path) {
    return FilenameUtils.equals(super.path, path.getPath(), true, IOCase.SYSTEM);

From source file:com.sangupta.codefix.AbstractCodeFixCommand.java

 * Get a list of all matched files/*from   ww w  . j  ava2s .c  o  m*/
 * @return
protected List<File> getMatchedFiles() {
    if (this.workingFolder == null || this.workingFolder.isEmpty()) {
        this.workingFolder = ".";

    final File currentDir = new File(this.workingFolder);
    if (!currentDir.exists() || !currentDir.isDirectory()) {
        System.out.println("Directory does not exists: " + this.workingFolder);
        return null;

    final FileFilter wildcardFileFilter = new WildcardFileFilter(this.pattern, IOCase.SYSTEM);

    if (!this.recursive) {
        File[] files = currentDir.listFiles(wildcardFileFilter);
        return Arrays.asList(files);

    // we need to go recursive
    List<File> files = new ArrayList<File>();
    getMatchedFiles(files, currentDir, wildcardFileFilter);

    return files;

From source file:de.ee.hezel.PDFCorpusAnalyser.java

 * Run thru the given folders and find pdf document which have the same name.
 * For every pair, a PDFInfoHolder objects gets created.
 * /*from w w  w. ja v  a 2 s .  c  o m*/
 * @param pdfs1 for the 1st directory
 * @param pdfs2 for the 2nd directory
 * @param prefix 
 * @return list of all pdf pairs
public static Set<PDFInfoHolder> getSimplePDFInfoHolders(File pdfs1, File pdfs2, String prefix) {
    Set<PDFInfoHolder> pdfInfoHolders = new HashSet<PDFInfoHolder>();

    // are those valid pathes
    if (pdfs1 != null && pdfs2 != null && pdfs1.isDirectory() && pdfs2.isDirectory()) {
        // create a filter to only get pdf files
        List<FilenameFilter> filters = new ArrayList<FilenameFilter>();
        if (null != prefix && prefix.length() > 0) {
            PrefixFileFilter filter = new PrefixFileFilter(prefix, IOCase.SYSTEM);
        filters.add(new SuffixFileFilter(".pdf", IOCase.INSENSITIVE));
        FilenameFilter filter = new AndFileFilter(filters);

        //get all pdf file sin this folder
        String[] pdfDocuments1 = pdfs1.list(filter);

        for (int i = 0; i < pdfDocuments1.length; i++) {
            // get the pdf file name
            String pdfFilename1 = pdfDocuments1[i];

            // get the path for both pdf files
            File pdfFile1 = new File(pdfs1, pdfFilename1);
            File pdfFile2 = new File(pdfs2, pdfFilename1);

            // bind them together in a PDFInfoHolder objects
            PDFInfoHolder newPDFInfoHolder = new PDFInfoHolder(pdfFile1, pdfFile2);

            // remember them all

        // TODO what should happen if there are less reference documents than new generated ones
    } else {
        log.error("The path is not valid.");

    return pdfInfoHolders;

From source file:com.moneydance.modules.features.importlist.io.FileAdmin.java

private void setFileMonitorToCurrentImportDir() {
    if (this.getBaseDirectory() == null) {
        return;/* ww  w.j a  v  a 2 s .c  om*/
    this.observer = new FileAlterationObserver(this.getBaseDirectory(), this.readableFileFilter, IOCase.SYSTEM);

From source file:BackupService.java

 * Create filter for finding files. Compile one filter using or operator.
 * <p/>/*from   www . ja v a2 s  .c o m*/
 * Example: list of texts: *.bak, *.o -> object repsents: *.bak or *.o
 * @param excludes list of user defined wildcard filters
 * @return It takes into account lists
private IOFileFilter getWildcardsFilter(List<String> excludes) {
    IOFileFilter result;
    if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(excludes)) {
        List<IOFileFilter> fileFilterList = new ArrayList<>(excludes.size());
        for (String exclude : excludes) {
            fileFilterList.add(new WildcardFileFilter(exclude, IOCase.SYSTEM));
        //noinspection SuspiciousToArrayCall
        final IOFileFilter orFiler = FileFilterUtils
                .or(fileFilterList.toArray(new WildcardFileFilter[excludes.size()]));
        result = FileFilterUtils.notFileFilter(orFiler);
    } else {
        result = FileFilterUtils.trueFileFilter();
    return result;

From source file:com.sangupta.jerry.util.FileUtils.java

 * List the files in the given path string with wild cards.
 * /* w  w w .j a  v  a2 s .c o m*/
 * @param baseDir
 *            the base directory to search for files in
 * @param filePathWithWildCards
 *            the file path to search in - can be absolute
 * @param recursive
 *            whether to look in sub-directories or not
 * @param additionalFilters
 *            additional file filters that need to be used when scanning for
 *            files
 * @return the list of files and directories that match the criteria
public static List<File> listFiles(File baseDir, String filePathWithWildCards, boolean recursive,
        List<IOFileFilter> additionalFilters) {
    if (filePathWithWildCards == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Filepath cannot be null");

    // change *.* to *
    filePathWithWildCards = filePathWithWildCards.replace("*.*", "*");

    // normalize
    filePathWithWildCards = FilenameUtils.normalize(filePathWithWildCards);

    if (filePathWithWildCards.endsWith(File.pathSeparator)) {
        filePathWithWildCards += "*";

    // check if this is an absolute path or not
    String prefix = FilenameUtils.getPrefix(filePathWithWildCards);
    final boolean isAbsolute = !prefix.isEmpty();

    // change the base dir if absolute directory
    if (isAbsolute) {
        baseDir = new File(filePathWithWildCards);
        if (!baseDir.isDirectory()) {
            // not a directory - get the base directory
            filePathWithWildCards = baseDir.getName();
            if (filePathWithWildCards.equals("~")) {
                filePathWithWildCards = "*";

            if (AssertUtils.isEmpty(filePathWithWildCards)) {
                filePathWithWildCards = "*";

            baseDir = baseDir.getParentFile();
            if (baseDir == null) {
                baseDir = getUsersHomeDirectory();

    // check if the provided argument is a directory
    File dir = new File(filePathWithWildCards);
    if (dir.isDirectory()) {
        baseDir = dir.getAbsoluteFile();
        filePathWithWildCards = "*";
    } else {
        // let's check for base directory
        File parent = dir.getParentFile();
        if (parent != null) {
            baseDir = parent.getAbsoluteFile();
            filePathWithWildCards = dir.getName();

    // check for user home
    String basePath = baseDir.getPath();
    if (basePath.startsWith("~")) {
        basePath = getUsersHomeDirectory().getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + basePath.substring(1);
        basePath = FilenameUtils.normalize(basePath);
        baseDir = new File(basePath);

    // now read the files
    WildcardFileFilter wildcardFileFilter = new WildcardFileFilter(filePathWithWildCards, IOCase.SYSTEM);
    IOFileFilter finalFilter = wildcardFileFilter;
    if (AssertUtils.isNotEmpty(additionalFilters)) {
        additionalFilters.add(0, wildcardFileFilter);
        finalFilter = new AndFileFilter(additionalFilters);

    Collection<File> files = org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils.listFiles(baseDir, finalFilter,
            recursive ? TrueFileFilter.INSTANCE : FalseFileFilter.INSTANCE);

    return (List<File>) files;

From source file:com.matteoveroni.model.copy.FilenameUtils.java

 * Determines whether the {@code parent} directory contains the {@code child} element (a file or directory).
 * <p>//  ww  w  .  j a  v a  2s  .  com
 * The files names are expected to be normalized.
 * </p>
 * Edge cases:
 * <ul>
 * <li>A {@code directory} must not be null: if null, throw IllegalArgumentException</li>
 * <li>A directory does not contain itself: return false</li>
 * <li>A null child file is not contained in any parent: return false</li>
 * </ul>
 * @param canonicalParent
 *            the file to consider as the parent.
 * @param canonicalChild
 *            the file to consider as the child.
 * @return true is the candidate leaf is under by the specified composite. False otherwise.
 * @throws IOException
 *             if an IO error occurs while checking the files.
 * @since 2.2
 * @see FileUtils#directoryContains(File, File)
public static boolean directoryContains(final String canonicalParent, final String canonicalChild)
        throws IOException {

    // Fail fast against NullPointerException
    if (canonicalParent == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Directory must not be null");

    if (canonicalChild == null) {
        return false;

    if (IOCase.SYSTEM.checkEquals(canonicalParent, canonicalChild)) {
        return false;

    return IOCase.SYSTEM.checkStartsWith(canonicalChild, canonicalParent);

From source file:com.github.aliteralmind.codelet.util.FilenameBlackWhiteList.java

   <p>Creates a new white-or-blacklist from a set of string-variables as found in a configuration text file.</p>
        //from   ww  w.  j  a v a  2  s. co m
 * @param  black_white_off  Is this a {@linkplain com.github.aliteralmind.codelet.util.BlackOrWhite#BLACK blacklist}, {@linkplain com.github.aliteralmind.codelet.util.BlackOrWhite#WHITE whitelist}, or nothing? Must be {@code "black"}, {@code "white"}, or {@code "off"} (the case of this parameter's value is ignored). If {@code "off"}, this function <i><b>returns</b></i> a new {@code FilenameBlackWhiteList} that {@linkplain #newForAcceptAll(Appendable) accepts everything}.
 * @param  ignore_require_system  Should case be {@linkplain org.apache.commons.io.IOCase#INSENSITIVE ignored}, {@linkplain org.apache.commons.io.IOCase#SENSITIVE <i>not</i> ignored}, or determined by the operating {@linkplain org.apache.commons.io.IOCase#SYSTEM system}? Must be {@code "ignore"}, {@code "require"}, or {@code "system"} (the case of <i>this parameter's value</i> is ignored).
 * @param  separator  The character used to separate each proper and override value. Such as a comma ({@code ","}), {@linkplain com.github.xbn.lang.XbnConstants#LINE_SEP line-separator} ({@code "\r\n"}), or tab ({@code "\t"}). May not be {@code null}, empty, or contain any letters, digits, underscores ({@code '_'}), question-marks ({@code '?'}), or asterisks ({@code '*'}).
 * @param  separated_propers  The separated list of &quot;proper&quot; items. Must be separated by {@code separator}, and otherwise must conform to the restrictions for the {@link #FilenameBlackWhiteList(BlackOrWhite, IOCase, String[], String[], Appendable) proper_items} constructor parameter.
 * @param  separated_overrides  The separated list of override items. Must be non-{@code null} (if none, this must be the empty string: {@code ""}), separated by {@code separator}, and otherwise must conform to the restrictions for the {@code override_items} constructor parameter.
 * @see  #newFromProperties(Properties, String, String, String, String, String, Appendable, Appendable) newFromProperties
public static final FilenameBlackWhiteList newFromConfigStringVars(String black_white_off,
        String ignore_require_system, String separator, String separated_propers, String separated_overrides,
        Appendable dbgLoading_ifNonNull, Appendable dbgAccept_ifNonNull) {
    TextAppenter dbgAptr = NewTextAppenterFor.appendableUnusableIfNull(dbgLoading_ifNonNull);

    if (dbgAptr.isUseable()) {
        dbgAptr.appentln("FilenameBlackWhiteList newFromConfigStringVars:");

    try {
        if (black_white_off.toLowerCase().equals("off")) {
            if (dbgAptr.isUseable()) {
                dbgAptr.appentln(" - newForAcceptAll(dbgAccept_ifNonNull). DONE");
            return newForAcceptAll(dbgAccept_ifNonNull);
    } catch (RuntimeException rx) {
        throw CrashIfObject.nullOrReturnCause(black_white_off, "black_white_off", null, rx);

    BlackOrWhite bw = EnumUtil.toValueWithNullDefault(black_white_off, "black_white_off", IgnoreCase.YES,
            DefaultValueFor.NOTHING, BlackOrWhite.BLACK);

    if (dbgAptr.isUseable()) {
        dbgAptr.appentln(" - BlackOrWhite." + bw);

    IOCase ioc = null;
    try {
        switch (ignore_require_system.toUpperCase()) {
        case "IGNORE":
            ioc = IOCase.INSENSITIVE;
        case "REQUIRE":
            ioc = IOCase.SENSITIVE;
        case "SYSTEM":
            ioc = IOCase.SYSTEM;
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "ignore_require_system.toUpperCase() (\"" + ignore_require_system.toUpperCase()
                            + "\") does not equal \"IGNORE\", \"REQUIRE\", or \"SYSTEM\".");
    } catch (RuntimeException rx) {
        throw CrashIfObject.nullOrReturnCause(ignore_require_system, "ignore_require_system", null, rx);

    if (dbgAptr.isUseable()) {
        dbgAptr.appentln(" - IOCase." + ioc);

    CrashIfString.nullEmpty(separator, "separator", null);
    if (Pattern.compile("[?*\\w]").matcher(separator).find()) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("separator (\"" + separator + "\") contains an illegal character.");

    if (dbgAptr.isUseable()) {
        dbgAptr.appentln(" - separator valid: \"" + separator + "\"");

    String[] propers = null;
    try {
        propers = separated_propers.split(separator);
    } catch (RuntimeException rx) {
        throw CrashIfObject.nullOrReturnCause(separated_propers, "separated_propers", null, rx);

    if (dbgAptr.isUseable()) {
        dbgAptr.appentln(" - Propers: " + Arrays.toString(propers));

    String[] overrides = null;
    try {
        if (separated_overrides.length() == 0) {
            overrides = EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;
        } else {
            overrides = separated_overrides.split(separator);
    } catch (RuntimeException rx) {
        throw CrashIfObject.nullOrReturnCause(separated_overrides, "separated_overrides", null, rx);

    if (dbgAptr.isUseable()) {
        dbgAptr.appentln(" - Overrides: " + Arrays.toString(overrides) + "...DONE");

    return new FilenameBlackWhiteList(bw, ioc, propers, overrides, dbgAccept_ifNonNull);

From source file:com.matteoveroni.model.copy.FilenameUtils.java

 * Checks whether two filenames are equal using the case rules of the system.
 * <p>/* w  w  w.j a  v  a2s .  c o m*/
 * No processing is performed on the filenames other than comparison.
 * The check is case-sensitive on Unix and case-insensitive on Windows.
 * @param filename1  the first filename to query, may be null
 * @param filename2  the second filename to query, may be null
 * @return true if the filenames are equal, null equals null
 * @see IOCase#SYSTEM
public static boolean equalsOnSystem(String filename1, String filename2) {
    return equals(filename1, filename2, false, IOCase.SYSTEM);