Example usage for org.apache.commons.lang ArrayUtils addAll

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang ArrayUtils addAll


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.lang ArrayUtils addAll.


public static double[] addAll(double[] array1, double[] array2) 

Source Link


Adds all the elements of the given arrays into a new array.


From source file:org.broadinstitute.gatk.tools.walkers.haplotypecaller.graphs.BaseGraph.java

 * Walk along the reference path in the graph and pull out the corresponding bases
 * @param fromVertex    starting vertex//from   www.  j  a va  2s . com
 * @param toVertex      ending vertex
 * @param includeStart  should the starting vertex be included in the path
 * @param includeStop   should the ending vertex be included in the path
 * @return              byte[] array holding the reference bases, this can be null if there are no nodes between the starting and ending vertex (insertions for example)
public byte[] getReferenceBytes(final V fromVertex, final V toVertex, final boolean includeStart,
        final boolean includeStop) {
    if (fromVertex == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Starting vertex in requested path cannot be null.");
    if (toVertex == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("From vertex in requested path cannot be null.");

    byte[] bytes = null;
    V v = fromVertex;
    if (includeStart) {
        bytes = ArrayUtils.addAll(bytes, getAdditionalSequence(v));
    v = getNextReferenceVertex(v); // advance along the reference path
    while (v != null && !v.equals(toVertex)) {
        bytes = ArrayUtils.addAll(bytes, getAdditionalSequence(v));
        v = getNextReferenceVertex(v); // advance along the reference path
    if (includeStop && v != null && v.equals(toVertex)) {
        bytes = ArrayUtils.addAll(bytes, getAdditionalSequence(v));
    return bytes;

From source file:org.broadinstitute.gatk.tools.walkers.haplotypecaller.graphs.Path.java

 * The base sequence for this path. Pull the full sequence for source nodes and then the suffix for all subsequent nodes
 * @return  non-null sequence of bases corresponding to this path
 *//*from w  ww . j a va2s.c o m*/
@Ensures({ "result != null" })
public byte[] getBases() {
    if (getEdges().isEmpty()) {
        return graph.getAdditionalSequence(lastVertex);

    byte[] bases = graph.getAdditionalSequence(graph.getEdgeSource(edgesInOrder.get(0)));
    for (final E e : edgesInOrder) {
        bases = ArrayUtils.addAll(bases, graph.getAdditionalSequence(graph.getEdgeTarget(e)));
    return bases;

From source file:org.broadinstitute.gatk.tools.walkers.haplotypecaller.graphs.SharedSequenceMerger.java

 * Attempt to merge the incoming vertices of v
 * @param graph the graph containing the vertex v
 * @param v the vertex whose incoming vertices we want to merge
 * @return true if some useful merging was done, false otherwise
 *//* w w  w.  jav a 2s .c o m*/
public boolean merge(final SeqGraph graph, final SeqVertex v) {
    if (graph == null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("graph cannot be null");
    if (!graph.vertexSet().contains(v))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("graph doesn't contain vertex " + v);

    final Set<SeqVertex> prevs = graph.incomingVerticesOf(v);
    if (!canMerge(graph, v, prevs))
        return false;
    else {
        //            graph.printGraph(new File("csm." + counter + "." + v.getSequenceString() + "_pre.dot"), 0);

        final List<BaseEdge> edgesToRemove = new LinkedList<>();
        final byte[] prevSeq = prevs.iterator().next().getSequence();
        final SeqVertex newV = new SeqVertex(ArrayUtils.addAll(prevSeq, v.getSequence()));

        for (final SeqVertex prev : prevs) {
            for (final BaseEdge prevIn : graph.incomingEdgesOf(prev)) {
                graph.addEdge(graph.getEdgeSource(prevIn), newV, prevIn.copy());

        for (final BaseEdge e : graph.outgoingEdgesOf(v)) {
            graph.addEdge(newV, graph.getEdgeTarget(e), e.copy());


        //            graph.printGraph(new File("csm." + counter++ + "." + v.getSequenceString() + "_post.dot"), 0);

        return true;

From source file:org.broadinstitute.gatk.tools.walkers.haplotypecaller.LDMerger.java

protected VariantContext createMergedVariantContext(final VariantContext thisVC, final VariantContext nextVC,
        final byte[] ref, final GenomeLoc refLoc) {
    final int thisStart = thisVC.getStart();
    final int nextStart = nextVC.getStart();
    byte[] refBases = new byte[] {};
    byte[] altBases = new byte[] {};
    refBases = ArrayUtils.addAll(refBases, thisVC.getReference().getBases());
    altBases = ArrayUtils.addAll(altBases, thisVC.getAlternateAllele(0).getBases());
    int locus;//w  ww. j  a v a  2s.c o  m
    for (locus = thisStart + refBases.length; locus < nextStart; locus++) {
        final byte refByte = ref[locus - refLoc.getStart()];
        refBases = ArrayUtils.add(refBases, refByte);
        altBases = ArrayUtils.add(altBases, refByte);
    refBases = ArrayUtils.addAll(refBases, ArrayUtils.subarray(nextVC.getReference().getBases(),
            locus > nextStart ? 1 : 0, nextVC.getReference().getBases().length)); // special case of deletion including the padding base of consecutive indel
    altBases = ArrayUtils.addAll(altBases, nextVC.getAlternateAllele(0).getBases());

    int iii = 0;
    if (refBases.length == altBases.length) { // insertion + deletion of same length creates an MNP --> trim common prefix bases off the beginning of the allele
        while (iii < refBases.length && refBases[iii] == altBases[iii]) {
        if (iii == refBases.length) {
            // we've become a null allele, such as with CA/C + A/AA -> CA/CA => after trimming there's nothing left
            // so return a null variant context so we can eliminate the variants from consideration
            return null;

    final Allele refAllele = Allele.create(ArrayUtils.subarray(refBases, iii, refBases.length), true);
    final Allele altAllele = Allele.create(ArrayUtils.subarray(altBases, iii, altBases.length), false);
    return new VariantContextBuilder("merged", thisVC.getChr(), thisVC.getStart() + iii, nextVC.getEnd(),
            Arrays.asList(refAllele, altAllele)).make();

From source file:org.broadinstitute.gatk.utils.haplotype.EventMap.java

protected void processCigarForInitialEvents() {
    final Cigar cigar = haplotype.getCigar();
    final byte[] alignment = haplotype.getBases();

    int refPos = haplotype.getAlignmentStartHapwrtRef();
    if (refPos < 0) {
        return;//from w w w  . ja va2 s . co m
    } // Protection against SW failures

    final List<VariantContext> proposedEvents = new ArrayList<>();

    int alignmentPos = 0;

    for (int cigarIndex = 0; cigarIndex < cigar.numCigarElements(); cigarIndex++) {
        final CigarElement ce = cigar.getCigarElement(cigarIndex);
        final int elementLength = ce.getLength();
        switch (ce.getOperator()) {
        case I: {
            if (refPos > 0) { // protect against trying to create insertions/deletions at the beginning of a contig
                final List<Allele> insertionAlleles = new ArrayList<Allele>();
                final int insertionStart = refLoc.getStart() + refPos - 1;
                final byte refByte = ref[refPos - 1];
                if (BaseUtils.isRegularBase(refByte)) {
                    insertionAlleles.add(Allele.create(refByte, true));
                if (cigarIndex == 0 || cigarIndex == cigar.getCigarElements().size() - 1) {
                    // if the insertion isn't completely resolved in the haplotype, skip it
                    // note this used to emit SYMBOLIC_UNASSEMBLED_EVENT_ALLELE but that seems dangerous
                } else {
                    byte[] insertionBases = new byte[] {};
                    insertionBases = ArrayUtils.add(insertionBases, ref[refPos - 1]); // add the padding base
                    insertionBases = ArrayUtils.addAll(insertionBases,
                            Arrays.copyOfRange(alignment, alignmentPos, alignmentPos + elementLength));
                    if (BaseUtils.isAllRegularBases(insertionBases)) {
                        insertionAlleles.add(Allele.create(insertionBases, false));
                if (insertionAlleles.size() == 2) { // found a proper ref and alt allele
                    proposedEvents.add(new VariantContextBuilder(sourceNameToAdd, refLoc.getContig(),
                            insertionStart, insertionStart, insertionAlleles).make());
            alignmentPos += elementLength;
        case S: {
            alignmentPos += elementLength;
        case D: {
            if (refPos > 0) { // protect against trying to create insertions/deletions at the beginning of a contig
                final byte[] deletionBases = Arrays.copyOfRange(ref, refPos - 1, refPos + elementLength); // add padding base
                final List<Allele> deletionAlleles = new ArrayList<Allele>();
                final int deletionStart = refLoc.getStart() + refPos - 1;
                final byte refByte = ref[refPos - 1];
                if (BaseUtils.isRegularBase(refByte) && BaseUtils.isAllRegularBases(deletionBases)) {
                    deletionAlleles.add(Allele.create(deletionBases, true));
                    deletionAlleles.add(Allele.create(refByte, false));
                    proposedEvents.add(new VariantContextBuilder(sourceNameToAdd, refLoc.getContig(),
                            deletionStart, deletionStart + elementLength, deletionAlleles).make());
            refPos += elementLength;
        case M:
        case EQ:
        case X: {
            for (int iii = 0; iii < elementLength; iii++) {
                final byte refByte = ref[refPos];
                final byte altByte = alignment[alignmentPos];
                if (refByte != altByte) { // SNP!
                    if (BaseUtils.isRegularBase(refByte) && BaseUtils.isRegularBase(altByte)) {
                        final List<Allele> snpAlleles = new ArrayList<Allele>();
                        snpAlleles.add(Allele.create(refByte, true));
                        snpAlleles.add(Allele.create(altByte, false));
                        proposedEvents.add(new VariantContextBuilder(sourceNameToAdd, refLoc.getContig(),
                                refLoc.getStart() + refPos, refLoc.getStart() + refPos, snpAlleles).make());
        case N:
        case H:
        case P:
            throw new ReviewedGATKException(
                    "Unsupported cigar operator created during SW alignment: " + ce.getOperator());

    for (final VariantContext proposedEvent : proposedEvents)
        addVC(proposedEvent, true);

From source file:org.broadinstitute.gatk.utils.haplotype.Haplotype.java

@Requires({ "refInsertLocation >= 0" })
public Haplotype insertAllele(final Allele refAllele, final Allele altAllele, final int refInsertLocation,
        final int genomicInsertLocation) {
    // refInsertLocation is in ref haplotype offset coordinates NOT genomic coordinates
    final int haplotypeInsertLocation = ReadUtils.getReadCoordinateForReferenceCoordinate(
            alignmentStartHapwrtRef, cigar, refInsertLocation, ReadUtils.ClippingTail.RIGHT_TAIL, true);
    final byte[] myBases = this.getBases();
    if (haplotypeInsertLocation == -1 || haplotypeInsertLocation + refAllele.length() >= myBases.length) { // desired change falls inside deletion so don't bother creating a new haplotype
        return null;
    }/*  w  w  w.j  ava2  s  .com*/

    byte[] newHaplotypeBases = new byte[] {};
    newHaplotypeBases = ArrayUtils.addAll(newHaplotypeBases,
            ArrayUtils.subarray(myBases, 0, haplotypeInsertLocation)); // bases before the variant
    newHaplotypeBases = ArrayUtils.addAll(newHaplotypeBases, altAllele.getBases()); // the alt allele of the variant
    newHaplotypeBases = ArrayUtils.addAll(newHaplotypeBases,
            ArrayUtils.subarray(myBases, haplotypeInsertLocation + refAllele.length(), myBases.length)); // bases after the variant
    return new Haplotype(newHaplotypeBases);

From source file:org.broadinstitute.gatk.utils.sam.AlignmentUtilsUnitTest.java

@Test(enabled = !DEBUG, dataProvider = "SoftClipsDataProvider")
public void testSoftClipsData(final byte[] qualsOfSoftClipsOnLeft, final int middleSize, final String middleOp,
        final byte[] qualOfSoftClipsOnRight, final int qualThreshold, final int numExpected) {
    final int readLength = (middleOp.equals("D") ? 0 : middleSize) + qualOfSoftClipsOnRight.length
            + qualsOfSoftClipsOnLeft.length;
    final GATKSAMRecord read = ArtificialSAMUtils.createArtificialRead(header, "myRead", 0, 1, readLength);
    final byte[] bases = Utils.dupBytes((byte) 'A', readLength);
    final byte[] matchBytes = middleOp.equals("D") ? new byte[] {} : Utils.dupBytes((byte) 30, middleSize);
    final byte[] quals = ArrayUtils.addAll(ArrayUtils.addAll(qualsOfSoftClipsOnLeft, matchBytes),
            qualOfSoftClipsOnRight);//  ww  w . j  a v a  2 s.c  o  m

    // set the read's bases and quals

    final StringBuilder cigar = new StringBuilder();
    if (qualsOfSoftClipsOnLeft.length > 0)
        cigar.append(qualsOfSoftClipsOnLeft.length + "S");
    if (middleSize > 0)
        cigar.append(middleSize + middleOp);
    if (qualOfSoftClipsOnRight.length > 0)
        cigar.append(qualOfSoftClipsOnRight.length + "S");


    final int actual = AlignmentUtils.calcNumHighQualitySoftClips(read, (byte) qualThreshold);
    Assert.assertEquals(actual, numExpected,
            "Wrong number of soft clips detected for read " + read.getSAMString());

From source file:org.broadinstitute.gatk.utils.variant.GATKVariantContextUtils.java

 * @param refBases//  ww  w .  ja v  a 2 s .  c  om
 * @param altBases
 * @param remainingRefContext
 * @return
 * @deprecated there is still no alternative for this method but eventually there needs to be one implemented in TandemRepeatFinder (protected for now).
public static Pair<int[], byte[]> getNumTandemRepeatUnits(final byte[] refBases, final byte[] altBases,
        final byte[] remainingRefContext) {
    /* we can't exactly apply same logic as in basesAreRepeated() to compute tandem unit and number of repeated units.
      Consider case where ref =ATATAT and we have an insertion of ATAT. Natural description is (AT)3 -> (AT)2.

    byte[] longB;
    // find first repeat unit based on either ref or alt, whichever is longer
    if (altBases.length > refBases.length)
        longB = altBases;
        longB = refBases;

    // see if non-null allele (either ref or alt, whichever is longer) can be decomposed into several identical tandem units
    // for example, -*,CACA needs to first be decomposed into (CA)2
    final int repeatUnitLength = findRepeatedSubstring(longB);
    final byte[] repeatUnit = Arrays.copyOf(longB, repeatUnitLength);

    final int[] repetitionCount = new int[2];
    // look for repetitions forward on the ref bases (i.e. starting at beginning of ref bases)
    int repetitionsInRef = findNumberOfRepetitions(repeatUnit, refBases, true);
    repetitionCount[0] = findNumberOfRepetitions(repeatUnit, ArrayUtils.addAll(refBases, remainingRefContext),
            true) - repetitionsInRef;
    repetitionCount[1] = findNumberOfRepetitions(repeatUnit, ArrayUtils.addAll(altBases, remainingRefContext),
            true) - repetitionsInRef;

    return new Pair<>(repetitionCount, repeatUnit);


From source file:org.broadinstitute.sting.utils.haplotype.EventMap.java

protected void processCigarForInitialEvents() {
    final Cigar cigar = haplotype.getCigar();
    final byte[] alignment = haplotype.getBases();

    int refPos = haplotype.getAlignmentStartHapwrtRef();
    if (refPos < 0) {
        return;/*from w w w .j  a v  a2 s.com*/
    } // Protection against SW failures

    int alignmentPos = 0;

    for (int cigarIndex = 0; cigarIndex < cigar.numCigarElements(); cigarIndex++) {
        final CigarElement ce = cigar.getCigarElement(cigarIndex);
        final int elementLength = ce.getLength();
        switch (ce.getOperator()) {
        case I: {
            if (refPos > 0) { // protect against trying to create insertions/deletions at the beginning of a contig
                final List<Allele> insertionAlleles = new ArrayList<Allele>();
                final int insertionStart = refLoc.getStart() + refPos - 1;
                final byte refByte = ref[refPos - 1];
                if (BaseUtils.isRegularBase(refByte)) {
                    insertionAlleles.add(Allele.create(refByte, true));
                if (cigarIndex == 0 || cigarIndex == cigar.getCigarElements().size() - 1) {
                    // if the insertion isn't completely resolved in the haplotype, skip it
                    // note this used to emit SYMBOLIC_UNASSEMBLED_EVENT_ALLELE but that seems dangerous
                } else {
                    byte[] insertionBases = new byte[] {};
                    insertionBases = ArrayUtils.add(insertionBases, ref[refPos - 1]); // add the padding base
                    insertionBases = ArrayUtils.addAll(insertionBases,
                            Arrays.copyOfRange(alignment, alignmentPos, alignmentPos + elementLength));
                    if (BaseUtils.isAllRegularBases(insertionBases)) {
                        insertionAlleles.add(Allele.create(insertionBases, false));
                if (insertionAlleles.size() == 2) { // found a proper ref and alt allele
                    addVC(new VariantContextBuilder(sourceNameToAdd, refLoc.getContig(), insertionStart,
                            insertionStart, insertionAlleles).make());
            alignmentPos += elementLength;
        case S: {
            alignmentPos += elementLength;
        case D: {
            if (refPos > 0) { // protect against trying to create insertions/deletions at the beginning of a contig
                final byte[] deletionBases = Arrays.copyOfRange(ref, refPos - 1, refPos + elementLength); // add padding base
                final List<Allele> deletionAlleles = new ArrayList<Allele>();
                final int deletionStart = refLoc.getStart() + refPos - 1;
                final byte refByte = ref[refPos - 1];
                if (BaseUtils.isRegularBase(refByte) && BaseUtils.isAllRegularBases(deletionBases)) {
                    deletionAlleles.add(Allele.create(deletionBases, true));
                    deletionAlleles.add(Allele.create(refByte, false));
                    addVC(new VariantContextBuilder(sourceNameToAdd, refLoc.getContig(), deletionStart,
                            deletionStart + elementLength, deletionAlleles).make());
            refPos += elementLength;
        case M:
        case EQ:
        case X: {
            for (int iii = 0; iii < elementLength; iii++) {
                final byte refByte = ref[refPos];
                final byte altByte = alignment[alignmentPos];
                if (refByte != altByte) { // SNP!
                    if (BaseUtils.isRegularBase(refByte) && BaseUtils.isRegularBase(altByte)) {
                        final List<Allele> snpAlleles = new ArrayList<Allele>();
                        snpAlleles.add(Allele.create(refByte, true));
                        snpAlleles.add(Allele.create(altByte, false));
                        addVC(new VariantContextBuilder(sourceNameToAdd, refLoc.getContig(),
                                refLoc.getStart() + refPos, refLoc.getStart() + refPos, snpAlleles).make());
        case N:
        case H:
        case P:
            throw new ReviewedStingException(
                    "Unsupported cigar operator created during SW alignment: " + ce.getOperator());

From source file:org.broadinstitute.sting.utils.haplotype.Haplotype.java

@Requires({ "refInsertLocation >= 0" })
public Haplotype insertAllele(final Allele refAllele, final Allele altAllele, final int refInsertLocation,
        final int genomicInsertLocation) {
    // refInsertLocation is in ref haplotype offset coordinates NOT genomic coordinates
    final int haplotypeInsertLocation = ReadUtils.getReadCoordinateForReferenceCoordinate(
            alignmentStartHapwrtRef, cigar, refInsertLocation, ReadUtils.ClippingTail.RIGHT_TAIL, true);
    final byte[] myBases = this.getBases();
    if (haplotypeInsertLocation == -1 || haplotypeInsertLocation + refAllele.length() >= myBases.length) { // desired change falls inside deletion so don't bother creating a new haplotype
        return null;
    }//  w  w w  .  ja va 2s.  com

    byte[] newHaplotypeBases = new byte[] {};
    newHaplotypeBases = ArrayUtils.addAll(newHaplotypeBases,
            ArrayUtils.subarray(myBases, 0, haplotypeInsertLocation)); // bases before the variant
    newHaplotypeBases = ArrayUtils.addAll(newHaplotypeBases, altAllele.getBases()); // the alt allele of the variant
    newHaplotypeBases = ArrayUtils.addAll(newHaplotypeBases,
            ArrayUtils.subarray(myBases, haplotypeInsertLocation + refAllele.length(), myBases.length)); // bases after the variant
    return new Haplotype(newHaplotypeBases, new Event(refAllele, altAllele, genomicInsertLocation));