Example usage for org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable MutableDouble setValue

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable MutableDouble setValue


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable MutableDouble setValue.


public void setValue(final Number value) 

Source Link


Sets the value from any Number instance.


From source file:bwem.util.Utils.java

 * Returns true if the lines intersect, otherwise false. In addition, if the lines
 * intersect the intersection point may be stored in iX and iY.
 * From http://stackoverflow.com/questions/563198/how-do-you-detect-where-two-line-segments-intersect
 *//*from  www.  j av a 2 s. co  m*/
public static boolean getLineIntersection(double p0X, double p0Y, double p1X, double p1Y, double p2X,
        double p2Y, double p3X, double p3Y, MutableDouble iX, MutableDouble iY) {
    double s1X, s1Y;
    double s2X, s2Y;
    s1X = p1X - p0X;
    s1Y = p1Y - p0Y;
    s2X = p3X - p2X;
    s2Y = p3Y - p2Y;

    double s, t;
    s = (-s1Y * (p0X - p2X) + s1X * (p0Y - p2Y)) / (-s2X * s1Y + s1X * s2Y);
    t = (s2X * (p0Y - p2Y) - s2Y * (p0X - p2X)) / (-s2X * s1Y + s1X * s2Y);

    if (s >= 0 && s <= 1 && t >= 0 && t <= 1) {
        // Collision detected
        if (iX != null)
            iX.setValue(p0X + (t * s1X));
        if (iY != null)
            iY.setValue(p0Y + (t * s1Y));
        return true;

    return false; // No collision

From source file:de.biomedical_imaging.ij.steger.Correct.java

static boolean line_corrections(double sigma, double w_est, double r_est, MutableDouble w, MutableDouble h,
        MutableDouble correct, MutableDouble w_strong, MutableDouble w_weak) {
    int i_we, i_re;
    boolean is_valid;
    double a, b;//  w w w  .  jav  a  2  s. c  o  m

    w_est = w_est / sigma;
    if (w_est < 2 || w_est > 6 || r_est < 0 || r_est > 1) {
        return true;
    i_we = (int) Math.floor((w_est - 2) * 10);
    i_re = (int) Math.floor(r_est * 20);
    if (i_we == 40)
        i_we = 39;
    if (i_re == 20)
        i_re = 19;
    is_valid = getCTable(i_re, i_we).is_valid && getCTable(i_re, (i_we + 1)).is_valid
            && getCTable((i_re + 1), i_we).is_valid && getCTable((i_re + 1), (i_we + 1)).is_valid;
    a = (w_est - 2) * 10 - i_we;
    b = r_est * 20 - i_re;

    w.setValue(BILINEAR(a, b, i_re, i_we, 0) * sigma);
    h.setValue(BILINEAR(a, b, i_re, i_we, 1));
    correct.setValue(BILINEAR(a, b, i_re, i_we, 2) * sigma);
    w_strong.setValue(BILINEAR(a, b, i_re, i_we, 3) * sigma);
    w_weak.setValue(BILINEAR(a, b, i_re, i_we, 4) * sigma);

    return !is_valid;

From source file:de.biomedical_imaging.ij.steger.Position.java

/** Solve the linear equation a*x+b=0 and return the result in t and the number
   of solutions in num. **//*from w  ww. j  a v a2  s. c o m*/
public void solve_linear(double a, double b, MutableDouble t, MutableInt num) {

    if (a == 0.0) { //
    } else {
        t.setValue(-b / a);

From source file:edu.byu.nlp.dataset.BasicSparseFeatureVector.java

public Double getValue(final int targetIndex) {
    final MutableDouble retval = new MutableDouble(Double.NaN);
    visitSparseEntries(new EntryVisitor() {
        @Override/*w w w. ja v a2s .c  om*/
        public void visitEntry(int index, double value) {
            if (index == targetIndex) {
    return (Double.isNaN(retval.getValue())) ? null : retval.getValue();

From source file:de.biomedical_imaging.ij.steger.Link.java

private void closest_point(double lx, double ly, double dx, double dy, double px, double py, MutableDouble cx,
        MutableDouble cy, MutableDouble t) {
    double mx, my, den, nom, tt;
    mx = px - lx;/*from w w  w  . j a  va 2 s . c om*/
    my = py - ly;
    den = dx * dx + dy * dy;
    nom = mx * dx + my * dy;
    if (den != 0)
        tt = nom / den;
        tt = 0;
    cx.setValue(lx + tt * dx);
    cy.setValue(ly + tt * dy);

From source file:de.biomedical_imaging.ij.steger.Link.java

private void interpolate_gradient(float[] gradx, float[] grady, double px, double py, int width,
        MutableDouble gx, MutableDouble gy) {
    int gix, giy, gpos;
    double gfx, gfy, gx1, gy1, gx2, gy2, gx3, gy3, gx4, gy4;

    gix = (int) Math.floor(px);
    giy = (int) Math.floor(py);

    gfx = px % 1.0;/*from   www.ja  v a2s.com*/
    gfy = py % 1.0;
    gpos = LinesUtil.LINCOOR(gix, giy, width);
    gx1 = gradx[gpos];
    gy1 = grady[gpos];
    gpos = LinesUtil.LINCOOR(gix + 1, giy, width);
    gx2 = gradx[gpos];
    gy2 = grady[gpos];
    gpos = LinesUtil.LINCOOR(gix, giy + 1, width);
    gx3 = gradx[gpos];
    gy3 = grady[gpos];
    gpos = LinesUtil.LINCOOR(gix + 1, giy + 1, width);
    gx4 = gradx[gpos];
    gy4 = grady[gpos];
    gx.setValue((1 - gfy) * ((1 - gfx) * gx1 + gfx * gx2) + gfy * ((1 - gfx) * gx3 + gfx * gx4));
    gy.setValue((1 - gfy) * ((1 - gfx) * gy1 + gfx * gy2) + gfy * ((1 - gfx) * gy3 + gfx * gy4));

From source file:de.biomedical_imaging.ij.steger.Width.java

private void fix_locations(double[] width_l, double[] width_r, double[] grad_l, double[] grad_r, double[] pos_x,
        double[] pos_y, double[] correction, double[] contr, double[] asymm, double sigma, int mode,
        boolean correct_pos, Line cont) {
    int i;/*  ww w  .  j av a  2 s  .c  o m*/
    int num_points;
    double px, py;
    double nx, ny;
    double w_est, r_est;
    MutableDouble w_real, h_real, corr;
    w_real = new MutableDouble();
    h_real = new MutableDouble();
    corr = new MutableDouble();
    MutableDouble w_strong = new MutableDouble();
    MutableDouble w_weak = new MutableDouble();
    double correct, asymmetry, response, width, contrast;
    boolean weak_is_r;
    boolean correct_start, correct_end;
    Convol convol = new Convol();
    fill_gaps(width_l, grad_l, null, cont);
    fill_gaps(width_r, grad_r, null, cont);

    num_points = cont.num;

    /* Calculate true line width, asymmetry, and position correction. */
    if (correct_pos) {
        /* Do not correct the position of a junction point if its width is found
           by interpolation, i.e., if the position could be corrected differently
           for each junction point, thereby destroying the junction. */
        correct_start = ((cont.getContourClass() == LinesUtil.contour_class.cont_no_junc
                || cont.getContourClass() == LinesUtil.contour_class.cont_end_junc
                || cont.getContourClass() == LinesUtil.contour_class.cont_closed)
                && (width_r[0] > 0 && width_l[0] > 0));
        correct_end = ((cont.getContourClass() == LinesUtil.contour_class.cont_no_junc
                || cont.getContourClass() == LinesUtil.contour_class.cont_start_junc
                || cont.getContourClass() == LinesUtil.contour_class.cont_closed)
                && (width_r[(num_points - 1)] > 0 && width_l[(num_points - 1)] > 0));
        /* Calculate the true width and assymetry, and its corresponding
           correction for each line point. */
        for (i = 0; i < num_points; i++) {
            if (width_r[i] > 0 && width_l[i] > 0) {
                w_est = (width_r[i] + width_l[i]) * LINE_WIDTH_COMPENSATION;
                if (grad_r[i] <= grad_l[i]) {
                    r_est = grad_r[i] / grad_l[i];
                    weak_is_r = true;
                } else {
                    r_est = grad_l[i] / grad_r[i];
                    weak_is_r = false;
                Correct.line_corrections(sigma, w_est, r_est, w_real, h_real, corr, w_strong, w_weak);
                w_real.setValue(w_real.getValue() / LINE_WIDTH_COMPENSATION);
                corr.setValue(corr.getValue() / LINE_WIDTH_COMPENSATION);
                width_r[i] = w_real.getValue();
                width_l[i] = w_real.getValue();
                if (weak_is_r) {
                    asymm[i] = h_real.getValue();
                    correction[i] = -corr.getValue();
                } else {
                    asymm[i] = -h_real.getValue();
                    correction[i] = corr.getValue();

        fill_gaps(width_l, correction, asymm, cont);
        for (i = 0; i < num_points; i++)
            width_r[i] = width_l[i];

        /* Adapt the correction for junction points if necessary. */
        if (!correct_start)
            correction[0] = 0;
        if (!correct_end)
            correction[(num_points - 1)] = 0;

        for (i = 0; i < num_points; i++) {
            px = pos_x[i];
            py = pos_y[i];
            nx = Math.cos(cont.angle[i]);
            ny = Math.sin(cont.angle[i]);
            px = px + correction[i] * nx;
            py = py + correction[i] * ny;
            pos_x[i] = px;
            pos_y[i] = py;

    /* Update the position of a line and add the extracted width. */
    cont.width_l = new float[num_points];
    cont.width_r = new float[num_points];
    for (i = 0; i < num_points; i++) {
        cont.width_l[i] = (float) width_l[i];
        cont.width_r[i] = (float) width_r[i];
        cont.row[i] = (float) pos_x[i];
        cont.col[i] = (float) pos_y[i];

    /* Now calculate the true contrast. */
    if (correct_pos) {
        cont.asymmetry = new float[num_points];
        cont.intensity = new float[num_points];
        for (i = 0; i < num_points; i++) {
            response = cont.response[i];
            asymmetry = Math.abs(asymm[i]);
            correct = Math.abs(correction[i]);
            width = cont.width_l[i];
            if (width < MIN_LINE_WIDTH)
                contrast = 0;
                contrast = (response / Math.abs(convol.phi2(correct + width, sigma)
                        + (asymmetry - 1) * convol.phi2(correct - width, sigma)));

            if (contrast > MAX_CONTRAST)
                contrast = 0;
            contr[i] = contrast;
        fill_gaps(contr, null, null, cont);
        for (i = 0; i < num_points; i++) {
            cont.asymmetry[i] = (float) asymm[i];
            if (mode == LinesUtil.MODE_LIGHT)
                cont.intensity[i] = (float) contr[i];
                cont.intensity[i] = (float) -contr[i];

From source file:com.quinsoft.zeidon.vml.VmlOperation.java

protected int SysConvertStringToDecimal(String stringValue, MutableDouble returnDouble) {
    return 0;//from   w w  w.  j  a  v a 2s. c o  m

From source file:com.quinsoft.zeidon.vml.VmlOperation.java

protected int GetDecimalFromAttribute(MutableDouble returnDecimalValue, View view, String entityName,
        String attributeName) {//from ww  w.ja va 2 s  .  c  o m
    int nRC;
    Double d;
    EntityCursor cursor = view.cursor(entityName);
    if (cursor.isNull()) {
        nRC = zCALL_ERROR;
        d = 0.0;
    } else {
        d = cursor.getAttribute(attributeName).getDouble();
        if (d == null) {
            nRC = -1;
            d = 0.0;
        } else {
            nRC = 0;

    return nRC;

From source file:com.quinsoft.swauopencuas.ZGLOBAL2_Operation.java

public int ComputeHighExamScoreACT(MutableDouble ReturnedScore, View mProspct) {
    zVIEW mProspct2 = new zVIEW();
    //:DECIMAL dTotalComposite
    double dTotalComposite = 0.0;
    int RESULT = 0;

    //:// Compute the highest total score for SAT exams for any object that has the ExamHistory subobject.
    //:CreateViewFromView( mProspct2, mProspct )
    CreateViewFromView(mProspct2, mProspct);
    //:dTotalComposite = 0
    dTotalComposite = 0;//from   w  w w . j  a  v a2 s. c o m
    //:FOR EACH  mProspct2.ExamHistory 
    RESULT = SetCursorFirstEntity(mProspct2, "ExamHistory", "");
        //:IF  mProspct2.ExamHistory.ExamType = "ACT" 
        if (CompareAttributeToString(mProspct2, "ExamHistory", "ExamType", "ACT") == 0) {
            //:IF mProspct2.ExamHistory.TotalComposite  > dTotalComposite
            if (CompareAttributeToDecimal(mProspct2, "ExamHistory", "TotalComposite", dTotalComposite) > 0) {
                //:dTotalComposite = mProspct2.ExamHistory.TotalComposite 
                    MutableDouble md_dTotalComposite = new MutableDouble(dTotalComposite);
                    GetDecimalFromAttribute(md_dTotalComposite, mProspct2, "ExamHistory", "TotalComposite");
                    dTotalComposite = md_dTotalComposite.doubleValue();


        RESULT = SetCursorNextEntity(mProspct2, "ExamHistory", "");

    //:ReturnedScore = dTotalComposite
    //:DropView( mProspct2 )
    return (0);
    // END