Example usage for org.apache.commons.math.analysis.polynomials PolynomialSplineFunction value

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math.analysis.polynomials PolynomialSplineFunction value


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math.analysis.polynomials PolynomialSplineFunction value.


public double value(double v) throws ArgumentOutsideDomainException 

Source Link


Compute the value for the function.


From source file:ch.algotrader.option.OptionUtil.java

 * Gets the implied volatility of a {@link Option} based on a {@link SABRSurfaceVO}.
 */// w  w  w .  jav a 2  s.c o m
public static double getImpliedVolatilitySABR(final double underlyingSpot, final double strike,
        final double years, final double intrest, final double dividend, final OptionType type,
        final SABRSurfaceVO surface) throws MathException {

    double forward = getForward(underlyingSpot, years, intrest, dividend);

    // get sabrVolas for all durations at the specified strike
    int i = 0;
    double[] yearsArray = new double[surface.getSmiles().size()];
    double[] volArray = new double[surface.getSmiles().size()];
    for (SABRSmileVO smile : surface.getSmiles()) {

        double vol = SABR.volByAtmVol(forward, strike, smile.getAtmVol(), smile.getYears(), beta,
                smile.getRho(), smile.getVolVol());

        yearsArray[i] = smile.getYears();
        volArray[i] = vol;

    // spline interpolation for years
    SplineInterpolator interpolator = new SplineInterpolator();
    PolynomialSplineFunction function = interpolator.interpolate(yearsArray, volArray);

    return function.value(years);

From source file:guineu.modules.filter.Alignment.SerumHuNormalization.SerumHuNormalizationTask.java

private void checkFunction(PolynomialSplineFunction function, PeakListRow row, int batch, PeakListRow batches,
        PeakListRow runOrder, List<String> names) {
    boolean ok = true;

    for (String sampleNames : names) {
        if (batch == (Integer) batches.getPeak(sampleNames)) {
            try {
                double value = function.value((Double) runOrder.getPeak(sampleNames));
                if (value <= 0.0 || value == Double.NaN) {
                    ok = false;// w  ww .  j  a v a2 s  .  c om
            } catch (ArgumentOutsideDomainException ex) {
                Logger.getLogger(SerumHuNormalizationTask.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

    if (!ok) {
        System.out.println("values are zero, negative or nan " + row.getID());

From source file:guineu.modules.filter.Alignment.SerumHuNormalization.SerumHuNormalizationTask.java

private void plotInterpolations(Dataset data) {
    this.message = "Creating Plots";
    final Rengine rEngine;
    try {// w w w  .jav  a2  s .c  o m
        rEngine = RUtilities.getREngine();
    } catch (Throwable t) {

        throw new IllegalStateException(
                "Plotting requires R but it couldn't be loaded (" + t.getMessage() + ')');
    synchronized (RUtilities.R_SEMAPHORE) {
        this.totalRows = data.getNumberRows();
        this.processedRows = 0;
        message = "Plotting curves";
        List<String> names = data.getAllColumnNames();
        // assing the values to the matrix
        String path = this.fileName.getAbsolutePath();

        path = path.replaceAll("\\\\", "/");
        rEngine.eval("pdf(\"" + path + "\")");
        rEngine.eval("p <- vector(mode=\"numeric\",length=" + data.getNumberCols() + ")");
        rEngine.eval("loess <- vector(mode=\"numeric\",length=" + data.getNumberCols() + ")");
        rEngine.eval("time <- vector(mode=\"numeric\",length=" + data.getNumberCols() + ")");
        rEngine.eval("color <- vector(mode=\"numeric\",length=" + data.getNumberCols() * 2 + ")");

        for (int row = 0; row < data.getNumberRows(); row++) {

            List<PolynomialSplineFunction> functions = this.functions.get(data.getRow(row).getID());
            double lastPoint = 0;
            for (int col = 0; col < data.getNumberCols(); col++) {
                int r = col + 1;
                rEngine.eval("p[" + r + "] <- " + data.getRow(row).getPeak(names.get(col)));

                if (functions != null) {
                    PolynomialSplineFunction function = functions
                            .get(Double.valueOf((Double) batches.getPeak(names.get(col))).intValue());
                    if (function != null) {
                        try {
                            rEngine.eval("loess[" + r + "] <- "
                                    + function.value((Double) runOrder.getPeak(names.get(col))));
                            lastPoint = function.value((Double) runOrder.getPeak(names.get(col)));
                        } catch (ArgumentOutsideDomainException ex) {
                            rEngine.eval("loess[" + r + "] <- " + lastPoint);

                rEngine.eval("time[" + r + "] <- " + col);


            rEngine.eval("plot(p~time, xlab=\"Running time\", ylab=\"Intensity\")");
            String name = data.getRow(row).getID() + "-" + data.getRow(row).getName();
            rEngine.eval("title(main = \"" + name + "\")");


From source file:guineu.modules.filter.Alignment.SerumHuNormalization.SerumHuNormalizationTask.java

private void normalize(Dataset data, Dataset newData) {
    // First row => ids of the samples ( 0 == standard serum, 1 == normal sample)
    this.ids = data.getRow(0).clone();

    // Second row => run order
    this.runOrder = data.getRow(0).clone();

    // Third row => different data sets
    this.batches = data.getRow(0).clone();

    for (String name : data.getAllColumnNames()) {
        ids.setPeak(name, data.getParametersValue(name, this.id));
        runOrder.setPeak(name, data.getParametersValue(name, this.order));
        batches.setPeak(name, data.getParametersValue(name, this.batchesName));
    }//from   w w  w. j  a v  a  2  s  . c  om

    int numBatches = 1;
    double n = (Double) batches.getPeak(data.getAllColumnNames().get(0));

    for (String name : data.getAllColumnNames()) {
        if ((Double) batches.getPeak(name) > n) {
            n = (Double) batches.getPeak(name);

    this.createCurves(data, numBatches);
    for (int batch = 0; batch < numBatches; batch++) {
        message = "Normalizing";
        this.totalRows = data.getNumberRows();
        this.processedRows = 0;
        List<String> names = data.getAllColumnNames();
        for (int i = 0; i < data.getNumberRows(); i++) {
            PeakListRow row = data.getRow(i);
            PeakListRow newrow = newData.getRow(i);
            try {
                // Get the interpolation of all the human serum points using Loess 
                PolynomialSplineFunction function = functions.get(row.getID()).get(batch);

                if (function != null) {
                    // Prepare the points for the extrapolation
                    PolynomialFunction extrapolationFunction = null;
                    if (this.extrapolation) {
                        List<Double> points = new ArrayList<Double>();
                        for (int e = 0; e < row.getNumberPeaks(); e++) {
                            if ((Double) batches.getPeak(names.get(e)) == batch) {
                                try {
                                    points.add(function.value((Double) runOrder.getPeak(names.get(e))));
                                } catch (ArgumentOutsideDomainException ex) {
                                            null, ex);

                        // Extrapolation function
                        extrapolationFunction = this.fittPolinomialFunction(batches, runOrder, names, batch,
                    double lastPoint = 0;
                    for (int e = 0; e < row.getNumberPeaks(); e++) {
                        String sampleName = names.get(e);
                        if ((Double) ids.getPeak(sampleName) > 0.0) {
                            if ((Double) batches.getPeak(sampleName) == batch) {
                                try {

                                    if ((Double) ids.getPeak(sampleName) == 0) {
                                        lastPoint = function.value((Double) runOrder.getPeak(sampleName));
                                    double value = 0;
                                    try {
                                        Double controlMol = function
                                                .value((Double) runOrder.getPeak(names.get(e)));
                                        if (controlMol < 0.0 || controlMol == Double.NaN
                                                || controlMol == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY
                                                || controlMol == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
                                            controlMol = getAverage(ids, row, e, names);

                                        value = (Double) row.getPeak(sampleName) / controlMol;

                                        if (value < 0.0 || value == Double.NaN
                                                || value == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY
                                                || value == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
                                            controlMol = getAverage(ids, row, e, names);

                                        value = (Double) row.getPeak(sampleName) / controlMol;
                                    } catch (ClassCastException exception) {
                                        value = -100;
                                    newrow.setPeak(sampleName, value);
                                } catch (ArgumentOutsideDomainException ex) {
                                    // ex.printStackTrace();
                                    //if the value has to be extrapolated
                                    if (extrapolation && extrapolationFunction != null) {
                                        double value = 0;
                                        try {

                                            Double controlMol = extrapolationFunction
                                                    .value((Double) runOrder.getPeak(names.get(e)));
                                            if (controlMol < 0.0 || controlMol == Double.NaN
                                                    || controlMol == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY
                                                    || controlMol == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
                                                controlMol = getAverage(ids, row, e, names);
                                            value = (Double) row.getPeak(sampleName) / controlMol;

                                            if (value < 0.0 || value == Double.NaN
                                                    || value == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY
                                                    || value == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
                                                controlMol = getAverage(ids, row, e, names);

                                            value = (Double) row.getPeak(sampleName) / controlMol;
                                        } catch (ClassCastException exception) {
                                            value = -100;
                                        newrow.setPeak(sampleName, value);
                                    } else {
                                        double value = 0;
                                        try {
                                            value = (Double) row.getPeak(sampleName) / lastPoint;//extrapolationFunction.value((Double) runOrder.getPeak(names.elementAt(e)));
                                        } catch (ClassCastException exception) {
                                            value = -100;
                                        newrow.setPeak(sampleName, value);

                } else {
                    System.out.println("Function is null" + row.getID());
            } catch (Exception exception) {



From source file:org.micromanager.plugins.magellan.autofocus.CrossCorrelationAutofocus.java

 * @param original//  www .  ja  v a  2  s  .com
* @param current
* @param pixelSizeZ
* @return double representing the focus position of current relative to original (i.e. 4 means
* that current is focused 4 um deeper than current)
private double calcFocusDrift(String acqName, final ImageStack tp0Stack, final ImageStack currentTPStack,
        double pixelSizeZ) throws Exception {
    Log.log(acqName + " Autofocus: cross correlating", true);
    //do actual autofocusing on a seperate thread so a bug in it won't crash everything
    Future<ImageStack> f = afExecutor_.submit(new Callable<ImageStack>() {
        public ImageStack call() throws Exception {
            return FHTImage3D.crossCorrelation(tp0Stack, currentTPStack);
    ImageStack xCorrStack;
    try {
        xCorrStack = f.get(AF_TIMEOUT_MIN, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
    } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
        Log.log("autofocus aborted");
        throw new Exception();
    } catch (ExecutionException ex) {
        Log.log("Exception while running autofocus");
        throw new Exception();
    } catch (TimeoutException ex) {
        Log.log("Autofocus timeout for acquisition: " + acqName);
        throw new Exception();

    Log.log(acqName + " Autofocus: finished cross correlating..calculating drift", true);
    ImagePlus xCorr = new ImagePlus("XCorr", xCorrStack);
    //find the maximum cross correlation intensity at each z slice
    double[] ccIntensity = new double[xCorr.getNSlices()], interpolatedCCMax = new double[xCorr.getNSlices()];
    for (int i = 1; i <= ccIntensity.length; i++) {
        ccIntensity[i - 1] = findMaxPixelVal((float[]) xCorr.getProcessor().getPixels(), xCorr.getWidth(),
        interpolatedCCMax[i - 1] = i - 1;

    //find maximum value of interpolated spline function
    PolynomialSplineFunction func = new SplineInterpolator().interpolate(interpolatedCCMax, ccIntensity);
    double[] sliceIndexInterpolationPoints = new double[(int) (SPLINE_PRECISION
            * (interpolatedCCMax.length - 1))];
    int maxIndex = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < sliceIndexInterpolationPoints.length; i++) {
        sliceIndexInterpolationPoints[i] = i / SPLINE_PRECISION;
        try {
            if (func.value(sliceIndexInterpolationPoints[i]) > func
                    .value(sliceIndexInterpolationPoints[maxIndex])) {
                maxIndex = i;
        } catch (ArgumentOutsideDomainException ex) {
            Log.log("Spline value calculation outside range");
    //get maximum value of xCorr in slice index units
    double ccMaxSliceIndex = sliceIndexInterpolationPoints[maxIndex];
    //convert to um
    double drift_um = (ccMaxSliceIndex - (((double) xCorr.getNSlices()) / 2.0)) * pixelSizeZ;

    return drift_um;