Example usage for org.apache.commons.math.optimization.linear Relationship GEQ

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math.optimization.linear Relationship GEQ


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math.optimization.linear Relationship GEQ.


Relationship GEQ

To view the source code for org.apache.commons.math.optimization.linear Relationship GEQ.

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Greater than or equal relationship.


From source file:fi.smaa.libror.UTAGMSSolverTest.java

public void testBuildRORConstraints() {
    List<LinearConstraint> c = solver.buildRORConstraints();
    // constraint for the preferences
    LinearConstraint con1 = c.get(0);//  ww  w.  ja v  a  2 s.  c o  m
    assertArrayEquals(new double[] { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, -1.0, 0.0, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0 },
            con1.getCoefficients().getData(), 0.001);
    assertEquals(Relationship.GEQ, con1.getRelationship());
    assertEquals(0.0, con1.getValue(), 0.0001);
    // constraints for the monotonicity
    int cIndex = 1;
    int cInIndex = 1;
    for (int i = 0; i < solver.getModel().getNrCriteria(); i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < solver.getModel().getPerfMatrix().getLevels()[i].getDimension() - 1; j++) {
            LinearConstraint lc = c.get(cIndex);
            double[] vals = new double[8];
            vals[cInIndex - 1] = 1.0;
            vals[cInIndex] = -1.0;
            assertArrayEquals(vals, lc.getCoefficients().getData(), 0.0001);
            assertEquals(Relationship.LEQ, lc.getRelationship());
            cInIndex += 1;
        cInIndex += 1;
    // constraints for first level being 0
    int offset = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < solver.getModel().getNrCriteria(); i++) {
        LinearConstraint lc = c.get(cIndex);
        assertEquals(Relationship.EQ, lc.getRelationship());
        assertEquals(0.0, lc.getValue(), 0.000001);
        double[] vals = new double[8];
        vals[offset] = 1.0;
        offset += solver.getModel().getPerfMatrix().getLevels()[i].getDimension();
        assertArrayEquals(vals, lc.getCoefficients().getData(), 0.00001);
    // constraints for best levels summing to unity
    LinearConstraint lc = c.get(cIndex);
    assertEquals(Relationship.EQ, lc.getRelationship());
    assertEquals(1.0, lc.getValue(), 0.000001);

    double[] vals = new double[8];
    vals[1] = 1.0;
    vals[3] = 1.0;
    vals[6] = 1.0;
    assertArrayEquals(vals, lc.getCoefficients().getData(), 0.00001);

From source file:com.polytech4A.cuttingstock.core.method.LinearResolutionMethod.java

 * Update current context's constraints using the solution.
 * @param solution Solution used to update the constraints.
 *///from ww w .  j av  a  2s. c o  m
public void updateConstraints(Solution solution) {
    ArrayList<LinearConstraint> constraints = new ArrayList<LinearConstraint>();
    double[] coefficients;
    int i;
    for (Box ctxBox : context.getBoxes()) {
        coefficients = new double[solution.getPatterns().size()];
        i = 0;
        for (Pattern p : solution.getPatterns()) {
            for (Box box : p.getAmounts()) {
                if (box.equals(ctxBox)) {
                    coefficients[i] = box.getAmount();
        constraints.add(new LinearConstraint(coefficients, Relationship.GEQ, ctxBox.getAmount()));
    this.constraints = constraints;

From source file:fi.smaa.libror.UTAGMSSolver.java

private LinearConstraint buildEpsilonStrictlyPositiveConstraint() {
    double[] lhsVars = new double[getNrLPVariables()];
    lhsVars[lhsVars.length - 1] = 1.0;//from   w w w . j a  va 2 s. c  om
    return new LinearConstraint(lhsVars, Relationship.GEQ, MIN_EPSILON);

From source file:com.polytech4A.cuttingstock.core.method.LinearResolutionMetodTest.java

public void testUpdateConstraints() throws NoSuchFieldException, IllegalAccessException {
    LinearResolutionMethod method = new LinearResolutionMethod(context);
    method.updateConstraints(solution);/*from w  ww. j  a v a 2  s .c om*/
    // To avoid set attributes in public, we get the field function.
    Field field = method.getClass().getDeclaredField("constraints");
    ArrayList<LinearConstraint> constraints = (ArrayList<LinearConstraint>) field.get(method);
    // Test of value of each constraint's value.
    int i = 0;
    for (LinearConstraint c : constraints) {
        double[] coefficients = c.getCoefficients().getData();
        int j = 0;
        for (Pattern p : solution.getPatterns()) {
            Box b = p.getAmounts().get(i);
            assertEquals((double) p.getAmounts().get(i).getAmount(), coefficients[j]);
        assertEquals(c.getRelationship(), Relationship.GEQ);

From source file:circdesigna.DesignSequenceConstraints.java

private void solveSimplex() {
    //Closest-To-Origin objective
    double[] ones = new double[Std.monomer.getNumMonomers()];
    for (int i = 0; i < ones.length; i++) {
        ones[i] = 1;//from w w  w  .j  a v a 2  s. c o  m
    LinearObjectiveFunction f = new LinearObjectiveFunction(ones, 0);

    List<LinearConstraint> constraints = new ArrayList();
    for (Constraint d : maxConstituents) {
        if (d.constraintValue == -1) {
        double[] ei = new double[Std.monomer.getNumMonomers()];
        for (int i = 0; i < ei.length; i++) {
            if (d.regulates[i]) {
                ei[i] = 1;
        constraints.add(new LinearConstraint(ei, Relationship.LEQ, d.constraintValue));
    for (Constraint d : minConstituents) {
        if (d.constraintValue == -1) {
        double[] ei = new double[Std.monomer.getNumMonomers()];
        for (int i = 0; i < ei.length; i++) {
            if (d.regulates[i]) {
                ei[i] = 1;
        constraints.add(new LinearConstraint(ei, Relationship.GEQ, d.constraintValue));
    try {
        RealPointValuePair optimize = new SimplexSolver().optimize(f, constraints, GoalType.MINIMIZE, true);
        simplexSolution = optimize.getPoint();
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Constraints are too strict: " + e.getMessage());


From source file:net.sf.tweety.math.opt.solver.ApacheCommonsSimplex.java

public Map<Variable, Term> solve(ConstraintSatisfactionProblem problem) {
    if (!problem.isLinear())
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Simplex algorithm is for linear problems only.");
    //this.log.info("Wrapping optimization problem for calling the Apache Commons Simplex algorithm.");            
    // 1.) bring all constraints in linear and normalized form
    Set<Statement> constraints = new HashSet<Statement>();
    for (Statement s : problem)
    // 2.) for every constraint we need an extra variable
    int numVariables = problem.getVariables().size();
    // 3.) define mappings from variables to indices
    int index = 0;
    Map<Variable, Integer> origVars2Idx = new HashMap<Variable, Integer>();
    for (Variable v : problem.getVariables())
        origVars2Idx.put(v, index++);/*from www  .  j av a2s. c o  m*/
    // 4.) Check for target function (for constraint satisfaction problems
    //      its empty
    double[] coefficientsTarget = new double[numVariables];
    int i = 0;
    for (; i < numVariables; i++)
        coefficientsTarget[i] = 0;
    double constTerm = 0;
    if (problem instanceof OptimizationProblem) {
        // bring target function in linear form
        Sum t = ((OptimizationProblem) problem).getTargetFunction().toLinearForm();
        for (Term summand : t.getTerms()) {
            // as t is in linear form every summand is a product
            Product p = (Product) summand;
            if (p.getTerms().size() == 1) {
                // p consists of just a constant term
                Constant c = (Constant) p.getTerms().get(0);
                if (c instanceof FloatConstant)
                    constTerm += ((FloatConstant) c).getValue();
                    constTerm += ((IntegerConstant) c).getValue();
            } else {
                // p consists of a variable and a constant
                Variable v = (Variable) ((p.getTerms().get(0) instanceof Variable) ? (p.getTerms().get(0))
                        : (p.getTerms().get(1)));
                Constant c = (Constant) ((p.getTerms().get(0) instanceof Constant) ? (p.getTerms().get(0))
                        : (p.getTerms().get(1)));
                double coefficient = (c instanceof FloatConstant) ? (((FloatConstant) c).getValue())
                        : (((IntegerConstant) c).getValue());
                coefficientsTarget[origVars2Idx.get(v)] += coefficient;
    LinearObjectiveFunction target = new LinearObjectiveFunction(coefficientsTarget, constTerm);
    // 5.) Represent the constraints
    Set<LinearConstraint> finalConstraints = new HashSet<LinearConstraint>();
    for (Statement s : constraints) {
        double[] coefficientsConstraint = new double[numVariables];
        for (i = 0; i < numVariables; i++)
            coefficientsConstraint[i] = 0;
        // as s is in linear form go through the summands
        Sum leftTerm = (Sum) s.getLeftTerm();
        double rest = 0;
        for (Term summand : leftTerm.getTerms()) {
            // as s is in linear form every summand is a product
            Product p = (Product) summand;
            if (p.getTerms().size() == 1) {
                // p consists of just a constant term
                Constant c = (Constant) p.getTerms().get(0);
                if (c instanceof FloatConstant)
                    rest += ((FloatConstant) c).getValue();
                    rest += ((IntegerConstant) c).getValue();
            } else {
                // p consists of a variable and a constant
                Variable v = (Variable) ((p.getTerms().get(0) instanceof Variable) ? (p.getTerms().get(0))
                        : (p.getTerms().get(1)));
                Constant c = (Constant) ((p.getTerms().get(0) instanceof Constant) ? (p.getTerms().get(0))
                        : (p.getTerms().get(1)));
                double coefficient = (c instanceof FloatConstant) ? (((FloatConstant) c).getValue())
                        : (((IntegerConstant) c).getValue());
                coefficientsConstraint[origVars2Idx.get(v)] += coefficient;
        Relationship r = Relationship.EQ;
        if (s instanceof Inequation)
            r = Relationship.GEQ;
        finalConstraints.add(new LinearConstraint(coefficientsConstraint, r, -rest));
    // 6.) Optimize.
    try {
        //this.log.info("Calling the Apache Commons Simplex algorithm.");
        SimplexSolver solver = new SimplexSolver(0.01);
        RealPointValuePair r = null;
        if (problem instanceof OptimizationProblem) {
            int type = ((OptimizationProblem) problem).getType();
            r = solver.optimize(target, finalConstraints,
                    (type == OptimizationProblem.MINIMIZE) ? (GoalType.MINIMIZE) : (GoalType.MAXIMIZE),
        } else
            r = solver.optimize(target, finalConstraints, GoalType.MINIMIZE, this.onlyPositive);
        //this.log.info("Parsing output from the Apache Commons Simplex algorithm.");
        Map<Variable, Term> result = new HashMap<Variable, Term>();
        for (Variable v : origVars2Idx.keySet())
            result.put(v, new FloatConstant(r.getPoint()[origVars2Idx.get(v)]));
        return result;
    } catch (OptimizationException e) {
        throw new ProblemInconsistentException();

From source file:fi.smaa.libror.UTAGMSSolver.java

 * a is strictly preferred to b (v(a) >= v(b) + epsilon)
 * @param a/*from   w  ww  .jav  a 2s  .co m*/
 * @param b
 * @return
private LinearConstraint buildStrictlyPreferredConstraint(int a, int b) {
    double[] lhsVars = new double[getNrLPVariables()];
    double[] rhsVars = new double[getNrLPVariables()];
    setVarsPositive(lhsVars, a);
    setVarsPositive(rhsVars, b);
    // set epsilon
    rhsVars[rhsVars.length - 1] = 1.0;
    return new LinearConstraint(lhsVars, 0.0, Relationship.GEQ, rhsVars, 0.0);

From source file:fi.smaa.libror.UTAGMSSolver.java

private LinearConstraint buildWeaklyPreferredConstraint(int a, int b) {
    double[] lhsVars = new double[getNrLPVariables()];
    double[] rhsVars = new double[getNrLPVariables()];
    setVarsPositive(lhsVars, a);//from  w  w w . j  a v a  2 s .  c o m
    setVarsPositive(rhsVars, b);
    return new LinearConstraint(lhsVars, 0.0, Relationship.GEQ, rhsVars, 0.0);

From source file:emlab.role.AbstractEnergyProducerRole.java

 * The fuel mix is calculated with a linear optimization model of the possible fuels and the requirements.
 * /* w  w  w.j  a va  2s.  com*/
 * @param substancePriceMap
 *            contains the possible fuels and their market prices
 * @param minimumFuelMixQuality
 *            is the minimum fuel quality needed for the power plant to work
 * @param efficiency
 *            of the plant determines the need for fuel per MWhe
 * @param co2TaxLevel
 *            is part of the cost for CO2
 * @param co2AuctionPrice
 *            is part of the cost for CO2
 * @return the fuel mix
public Set<SubstanceShareInFuelMix> calculateFuelMix(PowerPlant plant, Map<Substance, Double> substancePriceMap,
        double co2Price) {

    double efficiency = plant.getActualEfficiency();

    Set<SubstanceShareInFuelMix> fuelMix = (plant.getFuelMix() == null) ? new HashSet<SubstanceShareInFuelMix>()
            : plant.getFuelMix();

    int numberOfFuels = substancePriceMap.size();
    if (numberOfFuels == 0) {
        logger.info("No fuels, so no operation mode is set. Empty fuel mix is returned");
        return new HashSet<SubstanceShareInFuelMix>();
    } else if (numberOfFuels == 1) {
        SubstanceShareInFuelMix ssifm = null;
        if (!fuelMix.isEmpty()) {
            ssifm = fuelMix.iterator().next();
        } else {
            ssifm = new SubstanceShareInFuelMix().persist();

        Substance substance = substancePriceMap.keySet().iterator().next();

        ssifm.setShare(calculateFuelConsumptionWhenOnlyOneFuelIsUsed(substance, efficiency));
        logger.info("Setting fuel consumption for {} to {}", ssifm.getSubstance().getName(), ssifm.getShare());

        return fuelMix;
    } else {

        double minimumFuelMixQuality = plant.getTechnology().getMinimumFuelQuality();

        double[] fuelAndCO2Costs = new double[numberOfFuels];
        double[] fuelDensities = new double[numberOfFuels];
        double[] fuelQuality = new double[numberOfFuels];

        int i = 0;
        for (Substance substance : substancePriceMap.keySet()) {
            fuelAndCO2Costs[i] = substancePriceMap.get(substance) + substance.getCo2Density() * (co2Price);
            fuelDensities[i] = substance.getEnergyDensity();
            fuelQuality[i] = substance.getQuality() - minimumFuelMixQuality;

        logger.info("Fuel prices: {}", fuelAndCO2Costs);
        logger.info("Fuel densities: {}", fuelDensities);
        logger.info("Fuel purities: {}", fuelQuality);

        // Objective function = minimize fuel cost (fuel
        // consumption*fuelprices
        // + CO2 intensity*co2 price/tax)
        LinearObjectiveFunction function = new LinearObjectiveFunction(fuelAndCO2Costs, 0d);

        List<LinearConstraint> constraints = new ArrayList<LinearConstraint>();

        // Constraint 1: total fuel density * fuel consumption should match
        // required energy input
        constraints.add(new LinearConstraint(fuelDensities, Relationship.EQ, (1 / efficiency)));

        // Constraint 2&3: minimum fuel quality (times fuel consumption)
        // required
        // The equation is derived from (example for 2 fuels): q1 * x1 / (x1+x2) + q2 * x2 / (x1+x2) >= qmin
        // so that the fuelquality weighted by the mass percentages is greater than the minimum fuel quality.
        constraints.add(new LinearConstraint(fuelQuality, Relationship.GEQ, 0));

        try {
            SimplexSolver solver = new SimplexSolver();
            RealPointValuePair solution = solver.optimize(function, constraints, GoalType.MINIMIZE, true);

            logger.info("Succesfully solved a linear optimization for fuel mix");

            int f = 0;
            Iterator<SubstanceShareInFuelMix> iterator = plant.getFuelMix().iterator();
            for (Substance substance : substancePriceMap.keySet()) {
                double share = solution.getPoint()[f];

                SubstanceShareInFuelMix ssifm;
                if (iterator.hasNext()) {
                    ssifm = iterator.next();
                } else {
                    ssifm = new SubstanceShareInFuelMix().persist();

                double fuelConsumptionPerMWhElectricityProduced = convertFuelShareToMassVolume(share);
                logger.info("Setting fuel consumption for {} to {}", substance.getName(),

            logger.info("If single fired, it would have been: {}",
            return fuelMix;
        } catch (OptimizationException e) {
                    "Failed to determine the correct fuel mix. Adding only fuel number 1 in fuel mix out of {} substances and minimum quality of {}",
                    substancePriceMap.size(), minimumFuelMixQuality);
            logger.info("The fuel added is: {}", substancePriceMap.keySet().iterator().next().getName());

            // Override the old one
            fuelMix = new HashSet<SubstanceShareInFuelMix>();
            SubstanceShareInFuelMix ssifm = new SubstanceShareInFuelMix().persist();
            Substance substance = substancePriceMap.keySet().iterator().next();

            ssifm.setShare(calculateFuelConsumptionWhenOnlyOneFuelIsUsed(substance, efficiency));
            logger.info("Setting fuel consumption for {} to {}", ssifm.getSubstance().getName(),
            return fuelMix;

From source file:org.rascalmpl.library.analysis.linearprogramming.LinearProgramming.java

private static Relationship convertConstraintType(IConstructor c) {
    if (c.getConstructorType() == ConstraintType_leq) {
        return Relationship.LEQ;
    } else if (c.getConstructorType() == ConstraintType_eq) {
        return Relationship.EQ;
    } else {//from   ww  w . ja  v a2s.  c o m
        return Relationship.GEQ;