Example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed Vector3D dotProduct

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed Vector3D dotProduct


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed Vector3D dotProduct.


public double dotProduct(final Vector<Euclidean3D> v) 

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The implementation uses specific multiplication and addition algorithms to preserve accuracy and reduce cancellation effects.


From source file:org.jtrfp.trcl.beh.CollidesWithTerrain.java

public void _tick(long tickTimeMillis) {
    if (tickCounter++ % 2 == 0 && !recentlyCollided)
        return;/*from w ww .j  a  va 2  s.co  m*/
    recentlyCollided = false;
    final WorldObject p = getParent();
    final TR tr = p.getTr();
    final World world = tr.getWorld();
    final InterpolatingAltitudeMap aMap;
    final Mission mission = tr.getGame().getCurrentMission();
    try {
        aMap = mission.getOverworldSystem().getAltitudeMap();
    } catch (NullPointerException e) {
    if (mission.getOverworldSystem().isTunnelMode())
        return;//No terrain to collide with while in tunnel mode.
    if (aMap == null)
    final double[] thisPos = p.getPosition();
    final double groundHeightNorm = aMap.heightAt((thisPos[0] / TR.mapSquareSize),
            (thisPos[2] / TR.mapSquareSize));
    final double groundHeight = groundHeightNorm * (world.sizeY / 2);
    final double ceilingHeight = (1.99
            - aMap.heightAt((thisPos[0] / TR.mapSquareSize), (thisPos[2] / TR.mapSquareSize)))
            * (world.sizeY / 2) + CEILING_Y_NUDGE;
    final Vector3D groundNormal = (aMap.normalAt((thisPos[0] / TR.mapSquareSize),
            (thisPos[2] / TR.mapSquareSize)));
    Vector3D downhillDirectionXZ = new Vector3D(groundNormal.getX(), 0, groundNormal.getZ());
    if (downhillDirectionXZ.getNorm() != 0)
        downhillDirectionXZ = downhillDirectionXZ.normalize();
        downhillDirectionXZ = Vector3D.PLUS_J;
    final OverworldSystem overworldSystem = tr.getGame().getCurrentMission().getOverworldSystem();
    if (overworldSystem == null)
    final boolean terrainMirror = overworldSystem.isChamberMode();
    final double thisY = thisPos[1];
    boolean groundImpact = thisY < (groundHeight + (autoNudge ? nudgePadding : 0));
    final boolean ceilingImpact = (thisY > ceilingHeight && terrainMirror && !ignoreCeiling);
    final Vector3D ceilingNormal = new Vector3D(groundNormal.getX(), -groundNormal.getY(), groundNormal.getZ());
    Vector3D surfaceNormal = groundImpact ? groundNormal : ceilingNormal;
    final double dot = surfaceNormal.dotProduct(getParent().getHeading());
    if (terrainMirror && groundHeightNorm > .97) {
        groundImpact = true;
        surfaceNormal = downhillDirectionXZ;
    } //end if(smushed between floor and ceiling)

    if (groundLock) {
        recentlyCollided = true;
        thisPos[1] = groundHeight;
    } //end if(groundLock)
    if (tunnelEntryCapable && groundImpact && dot < 0) {
        final OverworldSystem os = mission.getOverworldSystem();
        if (!os.isTunnelMode()) {
            TunnelEntranceObject teo = mission.getTunnelEntranceObject(
                    new Point((int) (thisPos[0] / TR.mapSquareSize), (int) (thisPos[2] / TR.mapSquareSize)));
            if (teo != null && !mission.isBossFight()) {
        } //end if(above ground)
    } //end if(tunnelEntryCapable())

    if (groundImpact || ceilingImpact) {// detect collision
        recentlyCollided = true;
        double padding = autoNudge ? nudgePadding : 0;
        padding *= groundImpact ? 1 : -1;
        thisPos[1] = (groundImpact ? groundHeight : ceilingHeight) + padding;
        if (dot < 0 || ignoreHeadingForImpact) {//If toward ground, call impact listeners.
            surfaceNormalVar = surfaceNormal;
            final Behavior behavior = p.getBehavior();
            behavior.probeForBehaviors(sub, SurfaceImpactListener.class);
        } //end if(pointedTowardGround)
    } // end if(collision)

From source file:org.jtrfp.trcl.beh.phy.BouncesOffSurfaces.java

public void collidedWithSurface(WorldObject wo, double[] surfaceNormal) {
    final WorldObject parent = getParent();
    final Vector3D oldHeading = parent.getHeading();
    final Vector3D oldTop = parent.getTop();
    final Vector3D _surfaceNormal = new Vector3D(surfaceNormal);
    if (oldHeading == null)
        throw new NullPointerException("Parent heading is null.");
    if (surfaceNormal == null)
        throw new NullPointerException("Surface normal is null.");
    if (reflectHeading && new Rotation(oldHeading, _surfaceNormal).getAngle() > Math.PI / 2.) {
        Vector3D newHeading = (_surfaceNormal.scalarMultiply(_surfaceNormal.dotProduct(oldHeading) * -2)
                .add(oldHeading));/*from  w w w  . j ava  2 s  . com*/
        final Rotation resultingRotation = new Rotation(oldHeading, newHeading);
        Vector3D newTop = resultingRotation.applyTo(oldTop);
    } //end if(should reflect)
      //if(parent instanceof Velocible){
    final Velocible velocible = (Velocible) parent.probeForBehavior(Velocible.class);
    Vector3D oldVelocity = velocible.getVelocity();
    if (oldVelocity.getNorm() == 0)
        oldVelocity = Vector3D.PLUS_I;
    if (new Rotation(oldVelocity.normalize(), _surfaceNormal).getAngle() > Math.PI / 2.) {
                (_surfaceNormal.scalarMultiply(_surfaceNormal.dotProduct(oldVelocity) * -2).add(oldVelocity))
                new Vector3D(parent.getPosition()).add(_surfaceNormal.scalarMultiply(1000.)).toArray());
    } //end if(should bounce)
    //}//end if(Velocible)

From source file:org.orekit.forces.gravity.Relativity.java

public void addContribution(final SpacecraftState s, final TimeDerivativesEquations adder)
        throws OrekitException {

    final PVCoordinates pv = s.getPVCoordinates();
    final Vector3D p = pv.getPosition();
    final Vector3D v = pv.getVelocity();
    //radius/*from   ww w  .  java2 s  . c o  m*/
    final double r2 = p.getNormSq();
    final double r = FastMath.sqrt(r2);
    final double s2 = v.getNormSq();
    final double c2 = Constants.SPEED_OF_LIGHT * Constants.SPEED_OF_LIGHT;
    //eq. 3.146
    final Vector3D accel = new Vector3D(4 * this.gm / r - s2, p, 4 * p.dotProduct(v), v)
            .scalarMultiply(this.gm / (r2 * r * c2));
    adder.addAcceleration(accel, s.getFrame());

From source file:org.orekit.forces.gravity.Relativity.java

public FieldVector3D<DerivativeStructure> accelerationDerivatives(final SpacecraftState s,
        final String paramName) throws OrekitException {

    complainIfNotSupported(paramName);/*  ww  w  .j ava  2 s  .c o m*/
    final DerivativeStructure gmDS = new DerivativeStructure(1, 1, 0, this.gm);

    final PVCoordinates pv = s.getPVCoordinates();
    final Vector3D p = pv.getPosition();
    final Vector3D v = pv.getVelocity();
    final double r2 = p.getNormSq();
    final double r = FastMath.sqrt(r2);
    final double s2 = v.getNormSq();
    final double c2 = Constants.SPEED_OF_LIGHT * Constants.SPEED_OF_LIGHT;
    //eq. 3.146
    return new FieldVector3D<DerivativeStructure>(gmDS.multiply(4 / r).subtract(s2), p,
            new DerivativeStructure(1, 1, 4 * p.dotProduct(v)), v).scalarMultiply(gmDS.divide(r2 * r * c2));

From source file:org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.forces.DSSTSolarRadiationPressure.java

/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected double[] getLLimits(final SpacecraftState state) throws OrekitException {
    // Default bounds without shadow [-PI, PI]
    final double[] ll = { -FastMath.PI + MathUtils.normalizeAngle(state.getLv(), 0),
            FastMath.PI + MathUtils.normalizeAngle(state.getLv(), 0) };

    // Direction cosines of the Sun in the equinoctial frame
    final Vector3D sunDir = sun.getPVCoordinates(state.getDate(), state.getFrame()).getPosition().normalize();
    final double alpha = sunDir.dotProduct(f);
    final double beta = sunDir.dotProduct(g);
    final double gamma = sunDir.dotProduct(w);

    // Compute limits only if the perigee is close enough from the central body to be in the shadow
    if (FastMath.abs(gamma * a * (1. - ecc)) < ae) {

        // Compute the coefficients of the quartic equation in cos(L) 3.5-(2)
        final double bet2 = beta * beta;
        final double h2 = h * h;
        final double k2 = k * k;
        final double m = ae / (a * B);
        final double m2 = m * m;
        final double m4 = m2 * m2;
        final double bb = alpha * beta + m2 * h * k;
        final double b2 = bb * bb;
        final double cc = alpha * alpha - bet2 + m2 * (k2 - h2);
        final double dd = 1. - bet2 - m2 * (1. + h2);
        final double[] a = new double[5];
        a[0] = 4. * b2 + cc * cc;//from  w ww.j  av a  2 s  . c  o m
        a[1] = 8. * bb * m2 * h + 4. * cc * m2 * k;
        a[2] = -4. * b2 + 4. * m4 * h2 - 2. * cc * dd + 4. * m4 * k2;
        a[3] = -8. * bb * m2 * h - 4. * dd * m2 * k;
        a[4] = -4. * m4 * h2 + dd * dd;
        // Compute the real roots of the quartic equation 3.5-2
        final double[] roots = new double[4];
        final int nbRoots = realQuarticRoots(a, roots);
        if (nbRoots > 0) {
            // Check for consistency
            boolean entryFound = false;
            boolean exitFound = false;
            // Eliminate spurious roots
            for (int i = 0; i < nbRoots; i++) {
                final double cosL = roots[i];
                final double sL = FastMath.sqrt((1. - cosL) * (1. + cosL));
                // Check both angles: L and -L
                for (int j = -1; j <= 1; j += 2) {
                    final double sinL = j * sL;
                    final double cPhi = alpha * cosL + beta * sinL;
                    // Is the angle on the shadow side of the central body (eq. 3.5-3) ?
                    if (cPhi < 0.) {
                        final double range = 1. + k * cosL + h * sinL;
                        final double S = 1. - m2 * range * range - cPhi * cPhi;
                        // Is the shadow equation 3.5-1 satisfied ?
                        if (FastMath.abs(S) < S_ZERO) {
                            // Is this the entry or exit angle ?
                            final double dSdL = m2 * range * (k * sinL - h * cosL)
                                    + cPhi * (alpha * sinL - beta * cosL);
                            if (dSdL > 0.) {
                                // Exit from shadow: 3.5-4
                                exitFound = true;
                                ll[0] = FastMath.atan2(sinL, cosL);
                            } else {
                                // Entry into shadow: 3.5-5
                                entryFound = true;
                                ll[1] = FastMath.atan2(sinL, cosL);
            // Must be one entry and one exit or none
            if (!(entryFound == exitFound)) {
                // entry or exit found but not both ! In this case, consider there is no eclipse...
                ll[0] = -FastMath.PI;
                ll[1] = FastMath.PI;
            // Quadrature between L at exit and L at entry so Lexit must be lower than Lentry
            if (ll[0] > ll[1]) {
                // Keep the angles between [-2PI, 2PI]
                if (ll[1] < 0.) {
                    ll[1] += 2. * FastMath.PI;
                } else {
                    ll[0] -= 2. * FastMath.PI;
    return ll;

From source file:org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.forces.DSSTThirdBody.java

/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override//from   www . jav a 2  s.  co m
public void initializeStep(final AuxiliaryElements aux) throws OrekitException {

    // Equinoctial elements
    a = aux.getSma();
    k = aux.getK();
    h = aux.getH();
    q = aux.getQ();
    p = aux.getP();

    // Retrograde factor
    I = aux.getRetrogradeFactor();

    // Eccentricity
    ecc = aux.getEcc();

    // Distance from center of mass of the central body to the 3rd body
    final Vector3D bodyPos = body.getPVCoordinates(aux.getDate(), aux.getFrame()).getPosition();
    R3 = bodyPos.getNorm();

    // Direction cosines
    final Vector3D bodyDir = bodyPos.normalize();
    alpha = bodyDir.dotProduct(aux.getVectorF());
    beta = bodyDir.dotProduct(aux.getVectorG());
    gamma = bodyDir.dotProduct(aux.getVectorW());

    // Equinoctial coefficients
    A = aux.getA();
    B = aux.getB();
    C = aux.getC();
    meanMotion = aux.getMeanMotion();

    BB = B * B;
    BBB = BB * B;

    //b = 1 / (1 + B)
    b = 1. / (1. + B);

    // &Chi;
    X = 1. / B;
    XX = X * X;
    XXX = X * XX;
    // -2 * a / A
    m2aoA = -2. * a / A;
    // B / A
    BoA = B / A;
    // 1 / AB
    ooAB = 1. / (A * B);
    // -C / 2AB
    mCo2AB = -C * ooAB / 2.;
    // B / A(1 + B)
    BoABpo = BoA / (1. + B);

    // mu3 / R3
    muoR3 = gm / R3;

    //h * &Chi;
    hXXX = h * XXX;
    //k * &Chi;
    kXXX = k * XXX;

From source file:org.rhwlab.dispim.nucleus.NamedNucleusFile.java


static public RealMatrix rotationMatrix(Vector3D A, Vector3D B) {
    Vector3D a = A.normalize();// w  w  w.  j a  va  2  s. c o  m
    Vector3D b = B.normalize();
    Vector3D v = a.crossProduct(b);

    double s = v.getNormSq();
    double c = a.dotProduct(b);

    RealMatrix vx = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(3, 3);
    vx.setEntry(1, 0, v.getZ());
    vx.setEntry(0, 1, -v.getZ());
    vx.setEntry(2, 0, -v.getY());
    vx.setEntry(0, 2, v.getY());
    vx.setEntry(2, 1, v.getX());
    vx.setEntry(1, 2, -v.getX());

    RealMatrix vx2 = vx.multiply(vx);
    RealMatrix scaled = vx2.scalarMultiply((1.0 - c) / s);

    RealMatrix ident = MatrixUtils.createRealIdentityMatrix(3);
    RealMatrix sum = vx.add(scaled);
    RealMatrix ret = ident.add(sum);

    return ret;

From source file:org.wallerlab.yoink.math.linear.CommonsMatrix.java

public double dotProduct() {
    double[] v = this.internalMatrix.getRow(0);
    Vector3D vector = new Vector3D(v);
    return vector.dotProduct(vector);