Example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed Vector3D dotProduct

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed Vector3D dotProduct


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed Vector3D dotProduct.


public double dotProduct(final Vector<Euclidean3D> v) 

Source Link


The implementation uses specific multiplication and addition algorithms to preserve accuracy and reduce cancellation effects.


From source file:com.mapr.synth.drive.DriveTest.java

static Vector3D project(Vector3D east, Vector3D north, Vector3D step) {
    return new Vector3D(step.dotProduct(east) * Constants.EARTH_RADIUS_KM,
            step.dotProduct(north) * Constants.EARTH_RADIUS_KM, 0);

From source file:jtrace.object.Plane.java

public double getFirstCollisionObjectFrame(Ray ray) {

    double alpha = planeNormal.dotProduct(Vector3D.ZERO.subtract(ray.origin))
            / planeNormal.dotProduct(ray.direction);

    if (alpha < 0)
        return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;

    incidentRay = ray;//from   ww  w  .  j  ava2  s. c  o m

    Vector3D collisionLocation = ray.origin.add(alpha, ray.direction);
    normalRay = new Ray(collisionLocation, planeNormal);

    Vector3D q = collisionLocation;
    u = q.dotProduct(planeNorth);

    v = q.dotProduct(planeEast);

    return alpha;

From source file:jtrace.Camera.java

 * Retrieve coordinates of pixel corresponding to given point in an image
 * with the given width and height.//  w ww  .j ava 2  s .com
 * @param width
 * @param height
 * @param point 3d point to project
 * @return double[] containing x and y coordinates of pixel.
public int[] getPixel(int width, int height, Vector3D point) {
    int[] coord = new int[2];

    Vector3D l = point.subtract(location);

    double lu = l.dotProduct(up);
    double lr = l.dotProduct(right);
    double lp = l.dotProduct(direction);

    coord[0] = (int) Math.round(((lr / lp) * (1.0 / fovRight) + 0.5) * width);
    coord[1] = (int) Math.round(((lu / lp) * (-1.0 / fovUp) + 0.5) * height);

    return coord;

From source file:ch.zweivelo.renderer.simple.shapes.Sphere.java

public Optional<Double> calculateIntersectionDistance(final Ray ray) {
    Vector3D dir = ray.getDirection();
    Vector3D tmp = ray.getOrigin().subtract(center);

    OptionalDouble min = Solver.QUADRATIC
            .solve(tmp.dotProduct(tmp) - radius * radius, 2 * dir.dotProduct(tmp), dir.dotProduct(dir)).min();

    if (min.isPresent()) {
        return Optional.of(min.getAsDouble());
    }//from w  w w . java2s . c  o  m

    return Optional.empty();

From source file:jtrace.texture.DiffuseFinish.java

public Colour layerFinish(SceneObject object, Colour pigmentColour, Colour colour) {

    Colour diffuseColour = new Colour(0, 0, 0);

    Ray normalRay = object.getNormalRay();

    for (LightSource light : object.getVisibleLights()) {

        // Determine distance to and direction of light source
        Vector3D lightDir = light.getLocation().subtract(normalRay.origin);
        double lightDistanceSq = lightDir.getNormSq();
        lightDir = lightDir.normalize();

        // Projection of light source direction onto surface normal:
        double projection = lightDir.dotProduct(normalRay.direction);

        if (projection > 0.0) {
            // Determine degree of illumination:
            double illum = projection * light.getIntensity(lightDistanceSq);

            // Scale light colour by illumination and add to diffuse colour:
            diffuseColour = diffuseColour.add(light.getColour().scale(illum));
        }/*w ww.j  av a 2s.com*/

    return colour.add(pigmentColour.filter(diffuseColour).scale(diffuse));

From source file:jtrace.texture.SpecularFinish.java

public Colour layerFinish(SceneObject object, Colour pigmentColour, Colour colour) {

    Colour specularColour = new Colour(0, 0, 0);

    Ray incidentRay = object.getIncidentRay();
    Ray normalRay = object.getNormalRay();
    Ray reflectedRay = object.getReflectedRay();

    for (LightSource light : object.getVisibleLights()) {

        // Determine distance and direction to light:
        Vector3D lightDir = light.getLocation().subtract(normalRay.origin);
        double lightDistanceSq = lightDir.getNormSq();
        lightDir = lightDir.normalize();

        // Projection of light direction onto reflected ray:
        double projection = lightDir.dotProduct(reflectedRay.direction);

        if (projection > 0) {
            // Digree of illumination:
            double illum = Math.pow(projection, tightness) * light.getIntensity(lightDistanceSq);

            // Scale light colour by intensity and add to specular colour:
            specularColour = specularColour.add(light.getColour().scale(illum));
        }//w  ww  .  j a  va  2s  . c  o m

    return colour.add(specularColour);


From source file:edu.mit.fss.examples.member.OrekitSurfaceElement.java

 * Gets the relative speed (in m/s) from this element 
 * to the specified element./*from   ww w.  ja  v  a  2s. co m*/
 * @param element the element
 * @return the relative speed
public double getRelativeSpeed(Element element) {
    if (element.getFrame() == ReferenceFrame.UNKNOWN) {
        logger.warn("Unknown reference frame for element " + element + ",  cannot compute elevation.");
        return 0;
    try {
        Transform t = element.getFrame().getOrekitFrame().getTransformTo(frame.getOrekitFrame(), getDate());

        Vector3D relPosition = t.transformVector(element.getPosition()).subtract(getPosition());
        Vector3D relVelocity = t.transformVector(element.getVelocity()).subtract(getVelocity());

        // compute relative speed
        return relVelocity.dotProduct(relPosition.normalize());
    } catch (OrekitException e) {
    return 0;

From source file:edu.mit.fss.examples.member.OrekitOrbitalElement.java

 * Gets the relative speed (in m/s) from this element 
 * to the specified element.//ww w.ja v  a 2s.com
 * @param element the element
 * @return the relative speed
public double getRelativeSpeed(Element element) {
    if (element.getFrame() == ReferenceFrame.UNKNOWN) {
        logger.warn("Unknown reference frame for element " + element + ",  cannot compute elevation.");
        return 0;
    try {
        Transform t = element.getFrame().getOrekitFrame().getTransformTo(getFrame().getOrekitFrame(),

        Vector3D relPosition = t.transformVector(element.getPosition()).subtract(getPosition());
        Vector3D relVelocity = t.transformVector(element.getVelocity()).subtract(getVelocity());

        // compute relative speed
        return relVelocity.dotProduct(relPosition.normalize());
    } catch (OrekitException e) {
    return 0;

From source file:gentracklets.conversions.java

public static double[] geo2radec(PVCoordinates obj, TopocentricFrame staF, Frame inertialFrame,
        AbsoluteDate epoch) {// w w  w. jav a2s .  c  om

    Vector3D rho = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);

    try {
        rho = obj.getPosition().subtract(staF.getPVCoordinates(epoch, inertialFrame).getPosition());
    } catch (OrekitException ex) {
        Logger.getLogger(conversions.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

    double rho_mag = rho.getNorm();
    double DEC = FastMath.asin(rho.getZ() / rho_mag);
    double cosRA = 0.0;
    double sinRA = 0.0;
    double RA = 0.0;

    Vector3D v_site = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);
    try {
        v_site = staF.getPVCoordinates(epoch, inertialFrame).getVelocity();
    } catch (OrekitException ex) {
        Logger.getLogger(conversions.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

    Vector3D rhoDot = obj.getVelocity().subtract(v_site);

    if (FastMath.sqrt(FastMath.pow(rho.getX(), 2) + FastMath.pow(rho.getY(), 2)) != 0) {
        cosRA = rho.getX() / FastMath.sqrt(FastMath.pow(rho.getX(), 2) + FastMath.pow(rho.getY(), 2));
        sinRA = rho.getY() / FastMath.sqrt(FastMath.pow(rho.getX(), 2) + FastMath.pow(rho.getY(), 2));
        RA = FastMath.atan2(sinRA, cosRA);
        if (RA <= 0) {
            RA = RA + 2 * FastMath.PI;
    } else {
        sinRA = rhoDot.getY() / FastMath.sqrt(FastMath.pow(rhoDot.getX(), 2) + FastMath.pow(rhoDot.getY(), 2));
        cosRA = rhoDot.getX() / FastMath.sqrt(FastMath.pow(rhoDot.getX(), 2) + FastMath.pow(rhoDot.getY(), 2));
        RA = FastMath.atan2(sinRA, cosRA);
        if (RA <= 0) {
            RA = RA + 2 * FastMath.PI;

    double rhoDot_mag = rho.dotProduct(rhoDot) / rho_mag;
    double RAdot = (rhoDot.getX() * rho.getY() - rhoDot.getY() * rho.getX())
            / (-1 * FastMath.pow(rho.getY(), 2) - FastMath.pow(rho.getX(), 2));
    double DECdot = (rhoDot.getZ() - rhoDot_mag * FastMath.sin(DEC))
            / FastMath.sqrt(FastMath.pow(rho.getX(), 2) + FastMath.pow(rho.getY(), 2));

    double[] out = { RA, RAdot, DEC, DECdot, rho_mag, rhoDot_mag };

    return out;

From source file:org.hakkit.bounding.Ray.java

public boolean intersect(BoundingSphere b) {
    double radiusSquared = b.getRadius() * b.getRadius();

    Vector3D L = b.getCenter().subtract(getOrigin());
    double tca = L.dotProduct(getDirection());
    if (tca < 0)
        return false; //Very bad.

    double d2 = L.dotProduct(L) - tca * tca;
    if (d2 > radiusSquared)
        return false;

    double thc = Math.sqrt(radiusSquared - d2); //Distance from the origin to the center of the intersections
    double t0 = tca - thc; //Distance from ray origin to the intersection point
    double t1 = tca + thc; //Distance from the ray origin to the second intersection point

    //Ensure the first intersection is within our value range.
    if (t0 > maximum || t0 < minimum)
        return false;

    //It must be within range, and an intersection must have occurred.
    return true;/* w  ww .j  a v  a 2 s.c  om*/