Example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed Vector3D getNorm

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed Vector3D getNorm


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed Vector3D getNorm.


public double getNorm() 

Source Link


From source file:fr.cs.examples.frames.Frames3.java

public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {//w w w  . ja v a 2 s. co  m

        // configure Orekit and printing format

        // Initial state definition :
        // ==========================

        // Date
        // ****
        AbsoluteDate initialDate = new AbsoluteDate(new DateComponents(1970, 04, 07), TimeComponents.H00,

        // Orbit
        // *****
        // The Sun is in the orbital plane for raan ~ 202
        double mu = 3.986004415e+14; // gravitation coefficient
        Frame eme2000 = FramesFactory.getEME2000(); // inertial frame
        Orbit orbit = new CircularOrbit(7178000.0, 0.5e-4, -0.5e-4, FastMath.toRadians(50.),
                FastMath.toRadians(220.), FastMath.toRadians(5.300), PositionAngle.MEAN, eme2000, initialDate,

        // Attitude laws
        // *************

        // Earth
        Frame earthFrame = FramesFactory.getITRF(IERSConventions.IERS_2010, true);
        BodyShape earth = new OneAxisEllipsoid(Constants.WGS84_EARTH_EQUATORIAL_RADIUS,
                Constants.WGS84_EARTH_FLATTENING, earthFrame);

        // Target pointing attitude provider over satellite nadir at date, without yaw compensation
        NadirPointing nadirLaw = new NadirPointing(eme2000, earth);

        // Target pointing attitude provider with yaw compensation
        final PVCoordinatesProvider sun = CelestialBodyFactory.getSun();
        YawSteering yawSteeringLaw = new YawSteering(eme2000, nadirLaw, sun, Vector3D.MINUS_I);

        // Propagator : Eckstein-Hechler analytic propagator
        Propagator propagator = new EcksteinHechlerPropagator(orbit, yawSteeringLaw,
                Constants.EIGEN5C_EARTH_EQUATORIAL_RADIUS, Constants.EIGEN5C_EARTH_MU,
                Constants.EIGEN5C_EARTH_C20, Constants.EIGEN5C_EARTH_C30, Constants.EIGEN5C_EARTH_C40,
                Constants.EIGEN5C_EARTH_C50, Constants.EIGEN5C_EARTH_C60);

        // Let's write the results in a file in order to draw some plots.
        propagator.setMasterMode(10, new OrekitFixedStepHandler() {

            PrintStream out = null;

            public void init(SpacecraftState s0, AbsoluteDate t) throws PropagationException {
                try {
                    File file = new File(System.getProperty("user.home"), "XYZ.dat");
                    System.out.println("Results written to file: " + file.getAbsolutePath());
                    out = new PrintStream(file);
                    out.println("#time X Y Z Wx Wy Wz");
                } catch (IOException ioe) {
                    throw new PropagationException(ioe, LocalizedFormats.SIMPLE_MESSAGE,

            public void handleStep(SpacecraftState currentState, boolean isLast) throws PropagationException {
                try {

                    // get the transform from orbit/attitude reference frame to spacecraft frame
                    Transform inertToSpacecraft = currentState.toTransform();

                    // get the position of the Sun in orbit/attitude reference frame
                    Vector3D sunInert = sun.getPVCoordinates(currentState.getDate(), currentState.getFrame())

                    // convert Sun position to spacecraft frame
                    Vector3D sunSat = inertToSpacecraft.transformPosition(sunInert);

                    // and the spacecraft rotational rate also
                    Vector3D spin = inertToSpacecraft.getRotationRate();

                    // Lets calculate the reduced coordinates
                    double sunX = sunSat.getX() / sunSat.getNorm();
                    double sunY = sunSat.getY() / sunSat.getNorm();
                    double sunZ = sunSat.getZ() / sunSat.getNorm();

                    out.format(Locale.US, "%s %12.3f %12.3f %12.3f %12.7f %12.7f %12.7f%n",
                            currentState.getDate(), sunX, sunY, sunZ, spin.getX(), spin.getY(), spin.getZ());

                    if (isLast) {
                } catch (OrekitException oe) {
                    throw new PropagationException(oe);



    } catch (OrekitException oe) {

From source file:gentracklets.conversions.java

public static double[] geo2radec(PVCoordinates obj, TopocentricFrame staF, Frame inertialFrame,
        AbsoluteDate epoch) {//from  w  ww. ja va2 s . c o  m

    Vector3D rho = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);

    try {
        rho = obj.getPosition().subtract(staF.getPVCoordinates(epoch, inertialFrame).getPosition());
    } catch (OrekitException ex) {
        Logger.getLogger(conversions.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

    double rho_mag = rho.getNorm();
    double DEC = FastMath.asin(rho.getZ() / rho_mag);
    double cosRA = 0.0;
    double sinRA = 0.0;
    double RA = 0.0;

    Vector3D v_site = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);
    try {
        v_site = staF.getPVCoordinates(epoch, inertialFrame).getVelocity();
    } catch (OrekitException ex) {
        Logger.getLogger(conversions.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

    Vector3D rhoDot = obj.getVelocity().subtract(v_site);

    if (FastMath.sqrt(FastMath.pow(rho.getX(), 2) + FastMath.pow(rho.getY(), 2)) != 0) {
        cosRA = rho.getX() / FastMath.sqrt(FastMath.pow(rho.getX(), 2) + FastMath.pow(rho.getY(), 2));
        sinRA = rho.getY() / FastMath.sqrt(FastMath.pow(rho.getX(), 2) + FastMath.pow(rho.getY(), 2));
        RA = FastMath.atan2(sinRA, cosRA);
        if (RA <= 0) {
            RA = RA + 2 * FastMath.PI;
    } else {
        sinRA = rhoDot.getY() / FastMath.sqrt(FastMath.pow(rhoDot.getX(), 2) + FastMath.pow(rhoDot.getY(), 2));
        cosRA = rhoDot.getX() / FastMath.sqrt(FastMath.pow(rhoDot.getX(), 2) + FastMath.pow(rhoDot.getY(), 2));
        RA = FastMath.atan2(sinRA, cosRA);
        if (RA <= 0) {
            RA = RA + 2 * FastMath.PI;

    double rhoDot_mag = rho.dotProduct(rhoDot) / rho_mag;
    double RAdot = (rhoDot.getX() * rho.getY() - rhoDot.getY() * rho.getX())
            / (-1 * FastMath.pow(rho.getY(), 2) - FastMath.pow(rho.getX(), 2));
    double DECdot = (rhoDot.getZ() - rhoDot_mag * FastMath.sin(DEC))
            / FastMath.sqrt(FastMath.pow(rho.getX(), 2) + FastMath.pow(rho.getY(), 2));

    double[] out = { RA, RAdot, DEC, DECdot, rho_mag, rhoDot_mag };

    return out;

From source file:com.mapr.synth.drive.GeoPoint.java

public Vector3D east(Vector3D r) {
    Vector3D ux = r.crossProduct(Z);
    if (ux.getNorm() < 1e-4) {
        // near the poles (i.e. < 640 meters from them), the definition of east is difficult
        ux = this.r.crossProduct(X);
    }/* w  w  w  . j  a  va2  s.c  o  m*/
    ux = ux.normalize();
    return ux;

From source file:jat.core.cm.TwoBodyAPL.java

public void computeDerivatives(double t, double[] y, double[] yDot) {

    Vector3D r = new Vector3D(y[0], y[1], y[2]);
    double rnorm = r.getNorm();
    double r3 = rnorm * rnorm * rnorm;
    double k = -1. * this.mu / r3;
    yDot[0] = y[3];//  w  w w  . j ava  2 s.c om
    yDot[1] = y[4];
    yDot[2] = y[5];
    yDot[3] = k * y[0];
    yDot[4] = k * y[1];
    yDot[5] = k * y[2];

From source file:jtrace.texture.TransparentFinish.java

 * Obtain ray refracted according to Snell's law.
 * //from   ww  w.  jav a 2 s .c o m
 * @param incidentRay
 * @param normalRay
 * @return refracted ray
Ray getRefractedRay(Ray incidentRay, Ray normalRay) {

    // Check direction of incident ray (inside to out or outside to in)
    // and adjust ior accordingly:
    double snellFactor;
    Vector3D axis;
    if (incidentRay.direction.dotProduct(normalRay.direction) < 0.0) {
        snellFactor = 1.0 / ior;
        axis = incidentRay.direction.crossProduct(normalRay.direction);
    } else {
        snellFactor = ior;
        axis = normalRay.direction.crossProduct(incidentRay.direction);

    if (axis.getNorm() > 0) {
        axis = axis.normalize();
    } else {
        return new Ray(normalRay.getOrigin(), incidentRay.direction);

    double angle = Math
    double newAngle = Math.asin(snellFactor * Math.sin(angle));

    Rotation rotation = new Rotation(axis, newAngle - angle);

    Vector3D refractedDir = rotation.applyTo(incidentRay.direction);

    return new Ray(normalRay.getOrigin(), refractedDir);

From source file:magma.tools.benchmark.model.proxy.BenchmarkAgentProxy.java

 * Called before a message from the server was forwarded to the client
 * @param msg the message received from the server
 *///from w  ww  .jav  a  2s  .com
protected byte[] onNewServerMessage(byte[] msg) {
    if (isGazebo) {
        msg = extractGazeboGroundTruth(new String(msg)).getBytes();

    double leftPressure = 0;
    double rightPressure = 0;
    String message = new String(msg);

    if (isGazebo) {

    while (message.contains("(FRP (n lf") || message.contains("(FRP (n rf")) {
        Vector3D leftForce = getForce(message, "(FRP (n lf");
        if (leftForce == null) {
            return msg;
        Vector3D rightForce = getForce(message, "(FRP (n rf");
        if (rightForce == null) {
            return msg;

        leftPressure += leftForce.getNorm();
        rightPressure += rightForce.getNorm();
        message = message.replaceFirst("\\(FRP \\(n lf", "");
        message = message.replaceFirst("\\(FRP \\(n rf", "");

    if (startCount && !stopCount) {
        if (leftPressure < 0.01 && rightPressure < 0.01) {
            if (showMessages) {
                System.out.println("off ground");
        } else {
            if (leftPressure >= 0.01 && rightPressure >= 0.01) {
            } else {

    return msg;

From source file:com.diozero.sandpit.imu.invensense.MPU9150DriverMqttPublisher.java

private void handleGyroBias(ImuData imuData) {
    /*//from  ww w . ja  v a  2  s . c  o  m
     * Shouldn't need to do any of this if we call dmp_set_orientation...
    // do axis rotation
    if (axisRotation != null) {
       // need to do an axis rotation
       byte[][] matrix = axisRotation.getOrientationMatrix();
       IMUData tempIMU = imuData;
       // do new x value
       if (matrix[0][0] != 0) {
    imuData.gyro.setX(tempIMU.gyro.x() * matrix[0][0]);
    imuData.accel.setX(tempIMU.accel.x() * matrix[0][0]);
    imuData.compass.setX(tempIMU.compass.x() * matrix[0][0]);
       } else if (matrix[0][1] != 0) {
    imuData.gyro.setX(tempIMU.gyro.y() * matrix[0][1]);
    imuData.accel.setX(tempIMU.accel.y() * matrix[0][1]);
    imuData.compass.setX(tempIMU.compass.y() * matrix[0][1]);
       } else if (matrix[0][2] != 0) {
    imuData.gyro.setX(tempIMU.gyro.z() * matrix[0][2]);
    imuData.accel.setX(tempIMU.accel.z() * matrix[0][2]);
    imuData.compass.setX(tempIMU.compass.z() * matrix[0][2]);
       // do new y value
       if (matrix[1][0] != 0) {
    imuData.gyro.setY(tempIMU.gyro.x() * matrix[1][0]);
    imuData.accel.setY(tempIMU.accel.x() * matrix[1][0]);
    imuData.compass.setY(tempIMU.compass.x() * matrix[1][0]);
       } else if (matrix[1][1] != 0) {
    imuData.gyro.setY(tempIMU.gyro.y() * matrix[1][1]);
    imuData.accel.setY(tempIMU.accel.y() * matrix[1][1]);
    imuData.compass.setY(tempIMU.compass.y() * matrix[1][1]);
       } else if (matrix[1][2] != 0) {
    imuData.gyro.setY(tempIMU.gyro.z() * matrix[1][2]);
    imuData.accel.setY(tempIMU.accel.z() * matrix[1][2]);
    imuData.compass.setY(tempIMU.compass.z() * matrix[1][2]);
       // do new z value
       if (matrix[2][0] != 0) {
    imuData.gyro.setZ(tempIMU.gyro.x() * matrix[2][0]);
    imuData.accel.setZ(tempIMU.accel.x() * matrix[2][0]);
    imuData.compass.setZ(tempIMU.compass.x() * matrix[2][0]);
       } else if (matrix[2][1] != 0) {
    imuData.gyro.setZ(tempIMU.gyro.y() * matrix[2][1]);
    imuData.accel.setZ(tempIMU.accel.y() * matrix[2][1]);
    imuData.compass.setZ(tempIMU.compass.y() * matrix[2][1]);
       } else if (matrix[2][2] != 0) {
    imuData.gyro.setZ(tempIMU.gyro.z() * matrix[2][2]);
    imuData.accel.setZ(tempIMU.accel.z() * matrix[2][2]);
    imuData.compass.setZ(tempIMU.compass.z() * matrix[2][2]);

    Vector3D deltaAccel = previousAccel.subtract(imuData.getAccel()); // compute difference
    previousAccel = imuData.getAccel();

    if ((deltaAccel.getNorm() < RTIMU_FUZZY_ACCEL_ZERO)
            && (imuData.getGyro().getNorm() < RTIMU_FUZZY_GYRO_ZERO)) {
        // What we are seeing on the gyros should be bias only so learn from this
        if (gyroSampleCount < (5 * sampleRate)) {
            gyroBias = new Vector3D(
                    (1.0 - gyroLearningAlpha) * gyroBias.getX() + gyroLearningAlpha * imuData.getGyro().getX(),
                    (1.0 - gyroLearningAlpha) * gyroBias.getY() + gyroLearningAlpha * imuData.getGyro().getY(),
                    (1.0 - gyroLearningAlpha) * gyroBias.getZ() + gyroLearningAlpha * imuData.getGyro().getZ());


            if (gyroSampleCount == (5 * sampleRate)) {
                // this could have been true already of course
                gyroBiasValid = true;
        } else {
            gyroBias = new Vector3D(
                    (1.0 - gyroContinuousAlpha) * gyroBias.getX()
                            + gyroContinuousAlpha * imuData.getGyro().getX(),
                    (1.0 - gyroContinuousAlpha) * gyroBias.getY()
                            + gyroContinuousAlpha * imuData.getGyro().getY(),
                    (1.0 - gyroContinuousAlpha) * gyroBias.getZ()
                            + gyroContinuousAlpha * imuData.getGyro().getZ());


From source file:edu.stanford.cfuller.imageanalysistools.filter.ConvexHullByLabelFilter.java

 * Applies the convex hull filter to the supplied mask.
 * @param im    The Image to process-- a mask whose regions will be replaced by their filled convex hulls.
 *//*from   www. j a  va2 s. c om*/
public void apply(WritableImage im) {

    RelabelFilter RLF = new RelabelFilter();


    Histogram h = new Histogram(im);

    java.util.Hashtable<Integer, java.util.Vector<Integer>> xLists = new java.util.Hashtable<Integer, java.util.Vector<Integer>>();
    java.util.Hashtable<Integer, java.util.Vector<Integer>> yLists = new java.util.Hashtable<Integer, java.util.Vector<Integer>>();

    java.util.Vector<Integer> minValues = new java.util.Vector<Integer>(h.getMaxValue() + 1);
    java.util.Vector<Integer> minIndices = new java.util.Vector<Integer>(h.getMaxValue() + 1);

    for (int i = 0; i < h.getMaxValue() + 1; i++) {

    for (ImageCoordinate i : im) {

        int value = (int) im.getValue(i);

        if (value == 0)

        if (!xLists.containsKey(value)) {
            xLists.put(value, new java.util.Vector<Integer>());
            yLists.put(value, new java.util.Vector<Integer>());


        if (i.get(ImageCoordinate.X) < minValues.get(value)) {
            minValues.set(value, i.get(ImageCoordinate.X));
            minIndices.set(value, xLists.get(value).size() - 1);


    java.util.Vector<Integer> hullPointsX = new java.util.Vector<Integer>();
    java.util.Vector<Integer> hullPointsY = new java.util.Vector<Integer>();

    ImageCoordinate ic = ImageCoordinate.createCoordXYZCT(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

    for (int k = 1; k < h.getMaxValue() + 1; k++) {

        java.util.Vector<Integer> xList = xLists.get(k);
        java.util.Vector<Integer> yList = yLists.get(k);

        int minIndex = (int) minIndices.get(k);

        //start at the leftmost point

        int currentIndex = minIndex;
        int currentX = xList.get(currentIndex);
        int currentY = yList.get(currentIndex);


        org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealVector angles = new org.apache.commons.math3.linear.ArrayRealVector(

        Vector3D currentVector = new Vector3D(0, -1, 0);

        java.util.HashSet<Integer> visited = new java.util.HashSet<Integer>();

        do {


            int maxIndex = 0;
            double maxAngle = -2 * Math.PI;
            double dist = Double.MAX_VALUE;
            for (int i = 0; i < xList.size(); i++) {
                if (i == currentIndex)
                Vector3D next = new Vector3D(xList.get(i) - xList.get(currentIndex),
                        yList.get(i) - yList.get(currentIndex), 0);

                double angle = Vector3D.angle(currentVector, next);
                angles.setEntry(i, angle);
                if (angle > maxAngle) {
                    maxAngle = angle;
                    maxIndex = i;
                    dist = next.getNorm();
                } else if (angle == maxAngle) {
                    double tempDist = next.getNorm();
                    if (tempDist < dist) {
                        dist = tempDist;
                        maxAngle = angle;
                        maxIndex = i;

            currentX = xList.get(maxIndex);
            currentY = yList.get(maxIndex);

            currentVector = new Vector3D(xList.get(currentIndex) - currentX, yList.get(currentIndex) - currentY,


            currentIndex = maxIndex;

        } while (!visited.contains(currentIndex));

        //hull vertices have now been determined .. need to fill in the lines
        //between them so I can apply a fill filter

        //approach: x1, y1 to x0, y0:
        //start at min x, min y, go to max x, max y
        // if x_i, y_i = x0, y0  + slope to within 0.5 * sqrt(2), then add to hull

        double eps = Math.sqrt(2);

        for (int i = 0; i < hullPointsX.size() - 1; i++) {

            int x0 = hullPointsX.get(i);
            int y0 = hullPointsY.get(i);

            int x1 = hullPointsX.get(i + 1);
            int y1 = hullPointsY.get(i + 1);

            int xmin = (x0 < x1) ? x0 : x1;
            int ymin = (y0 < y1) ? y0 : y1;
            int xmax = (x0 > x1) ? x0 : x1;
            int ymax = (y0 > y1) ? y0 : y1;

            x1 -= x0;
            y1 -= y0;

            double denom = (x1 * x1 + y1 * y1);

            for (int x = xmin; x <= xmax; x++) {
                for (int y = ymin; y <= ymax; y++) {

                    int rel_x = x - x0;
                    int rel_y = y - y0;

                    double projLength = (x1 * rel_x + y1 * rel_y) / denom;

                    double projPoint_x = x1 * projLength;
                    double projPoint_y = y1 * projLength;

                    if (Math.hypot(rel_x - projPoint_x, rel_y - projPoint_y) < eps) {
                        ic.set(ImageCoordinate.X, x);
                        ic.set(ImageCoordinate.Y, y);
                        im.setValue(ic, k);





    FillFilter ff = new FillFilter();



From source file:lambertmrev.Lambert.java

/** Constructs and solves a Lambert problem.
 * \param[in] R1 first cartesian position
 * \param[in] R2 second cartesian position
 * \param[in] tof time of flight//from ww  w . j a v  a  2 s  .c  o m
 * \param[in] mu gravity parameter
 * \param[in] cw when 1 a retrograde orbit is assumed
 * \param[in] multi_revs maximum number of multirevolutions to compute

public void lambert_problem(Vector3D r1, Vector3D r2, double tof, double mu, Boolean cw, int multi_revs) {
    // sanity checks
    if (tof <= 0) {
        System.out.println("ToF is negative! \n");
    if (mu <= 0) {
        System.out.println("mu is below zero");

    // 1 - getting lambda and T
    double m_c = FastMath.sqrt((r2.getX() - r1.getX()) * (r2.getX() - r1.getX())
            + (r2.getY() - r1.getY()) * (r2.getY() - r1.getY())
            + (r2.getZ() - r1.getZ()) * (r2.getZ() - r1.getZ()));
    double R1 = r1.getNorm();
    double R2 = r2.getNorm();
    double m_s = (m_c + R1 + R2) / 2.0;

    Vector3D ir1 = r1.normalize();
    Vector3D ir2 = r2.normalize();
    Vector3D ih = Vector3D.crossProduct(ir1, ir2);
    ih = ih.normalize();

    if (ih.getZ() == 0) {
        System.out.println("angular momentum vector has no z component \n");
    double lambda2 = 1.0 - m_c / m_s;
    double m_lambda = FastMath.sqrt(lambda2);

    Vector3D it1 = new Vector3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    Vector3D it2 = new Vector3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

    if (ih.getZ() < 0.0) { // Transfer angle is larger than 180 degrees as seen from abive the z axis
        m_lambda = -m_lambda;
        it1 = Vector3D.crossProduct(ir1, ih);
        it2 = Vector3D.crossProduct(ir2, ih);
    } else {
        it1 = Vector3D.crossProduct(ih, ir1);
        it2 = Vector3D.crossProduct(ih, ir2);

    if (cw) { // Retrograde motion
        m_lambda = -m_lambda;
    double lambda3 = m_lambda * lambda2;
    double T = FastMath.sqrt(2.0 * mu / m_s / m_s / m_s) * tof;

    // 2 - We now hava lambda, T and we will find all x
    // 2.1 - let us first detect the maximum number of revolutions for which there exists a solution
    int m_Nmax = FastMath.toIntExact(FastMath.round(T / FastMath.PI));
    double T00 = FastMath.acos(m_lambda) + m_lambda * FastMath.sqrt(1.0 - lambda2);
    double T0 = (T00 + m_Nmax * FastMath.PI);
    double T1 = 2.0 / 3.0 * (1.0 - lambda3);
    double DT = 0.0;
    double DDT = 0.0;
    double DDDT = 0.0;

    if (m_Nmax > 0) {
        if (T < T0) { // We use Halley iterations to find xM and TM
            int it = 0;
            double err = 1.0;
            double T_min = T0;
            double x_old = 0.0, x_new = 0.0;
            while (true) {
                ArrayRealVector deriv = dTdx(x_old, T_min, m_lambda);
                DT = deriv.getEntry(0);
                DDT = deriv.getEntry(1);
                DDDT = deriv.getEntry(2);
                if (DT != 0.0) {
                    x_new = x_old - DT * DDT / (DDT * DDT - DT * DDDT / 2.0);
                err = FastMath.abs(x_old - x_new);
                if ((err < 1e-13) || (it > 12)) {
                tof = x2tof(x_new, m_Nmax, m_lambda);
                x_old = x_new;
            if (T_min > T) {
                m_Nmax -= 1;
    // We exit this if clause with Mmax being the maximum number of revolutions
    // for which there exists a solution. We crop it to multi_revs
    m_Nmax = FastMath.min(multi_revs, m_Nmax);

    // 2.2 We now allocate the memory for the output variables
    m_v1 = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(m_Nmax * 2 + 1, 3);
    RealMatrix m_v2 = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(m_Nmax * 2 + 1, 3);
    RealMatrix m_iters = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(m_Nmax * 2 + 1, 3);
    //RealMatrix m_x = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(m_Nmax*2+1, 3);
    ArrayRealVector m_x = new ArrayRealVector(m_Nmax * 2 + 1);

    // 3 - We may now find all solution in x,y
    // 3.1 0 rev solution
    // 3.1.1 initial guess
    if (T >= T00) {
        m_x.setEntry(0, -(T - T00) / (T - T00 + 4));
    } else if (T <= T1) {
        m_x.setEntry(0, T1 * (T1 - T) / (2.0 / 5.0 * (1 - lambda2 * lambda3) * T) + 1);
    } else {
        m_x.setEntry(0, FastMath.pow((T / T00), 0.69314718055994529 / FastMath.log(T1 / T00)) - 1.0);
    // 3.1.2 Householder iterations
    //m_iters.setEntry(0, 0, housOutTmp.getEntry(0));
    m_x.setEntry(0, householder(T, m_x.getEntry(0), 0, 1e-5, 15, m_lambda));

    // 3.2 multi rev solutions
    double tmp;
    double x0;

    for (int i = 1; i < m_Nmax + 1; i++) {
        // 3.2.1 left householder iterations
        tmp = FastMath.pow((i * FastMath.PI + FastMath.PI) / (8.0 * T), 2.0 / 3.0);
        m_x.setEntry(2 * i - 1, (tmp - 1) / (tmp + 1));
        x0 = householder(T, m_x.getEntry(2 * i - 1), i, 1e-8, 15, m_lambda);
        m_x.setEntry(2 * i - 1, x0);
        //m_iters.setEntry(2*i-1, 0, housOutTmp.getEntry(0));

        //3.2.1 right Householder iterations
        tmp = FastMath.pow((8.0 * T) / (i * FastMath.PI), 2.0 / 3.0);
        m_x.setEntry(2 * i, (tmp - 1) / (tmp + 1));
        x0 = householder(T, m_x.getEntry(2 * i), i, 1e-8, 15, m_lambda);
        m_x.setEntry(2 * i, x0);
        //m_iters.setEntry(2*i, 0, housOutTmp.getEntry(0));

    // 4 - For each found x value we recontruct the terminal velocities
    double gamma = FastMath.sqrt(mu * m_s / 2.0);
    double rho = (R1 - R2) / m_c;

    double sigma = FastMath.sqrt(1 - rho * rho);
    double vr1, vt1, vr2, vt2, y;

    ArrayRealVector ir1_vec = new ArrayRealVector(3);
    ArrayRealVector ir2_vec = new ArrayRealVector(3);
    ArrayRealVector it1_vec = new ArrayRealVector(3);
    ArrayRealVector it2_vec = new ArrayRealVector(3);

    // set Vector3D values to a mutable type
    ir1_vec.setEntry(0, ir1.getX());
    ir1_vec.setEntry(1, ir1.getY());
    ir1_vec.setEntry(2, ir1.getZ());
    ir2_vec.setEntry(0, ir2.getX());
    ir2_vec.setEntry(1, ir2.getY());
    ir2_vec.setEntry(2, ir2.getZ());
    it1_vec.setEntry(0, it1.getX());
    it1_vec.setEntry(1, it1.getY());
    it1_vec.setEntry(2, it1.getZ());
    it2_vec.setEntry(0, it2.getX());
    it2_vec.setEntry(1, it2.getY());
    it2_vec.setEntry(2, it2.getZ());

    for (int i = 0; i < m_x.getDimension(); i++) {
        y = FastMath.sqrt(1.0 - lambda2 + lambda2 * m_x.getEntry(i) * m_x.getEntry(i));
        vr1 = gamma * ((m_lambda * y - m_x.getEntry(i)) - rho * (m_lambda * y + m_x.getEntry(i))) / R1;
        vr2 = -gamma * ((m_lambda * y - m_x.getEntry(i)) + rho * (m_lambda * y + m_x.getEntry(i))) / R2;

        double vt = gamma * sigma * (y + m_lambda * m_x.getEntry(i));

        vt1 = vt / R1;
        vt2 = vt / R2;

        for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
            m_v1.setEntry(i, j, vr1 * ir1_vec.getEntry(j) + vt1 * it1_vec.getEntry(j));
        for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
            m_v2.setEntry(i, j, vr2 * ir2_vec.getEntry(j) + vt2 * it2_vec.getEntry(j));


From source file:org.hbird.business.navigation.processors.orekit.EclipseCalculator.java

public static double calculateEclipse(SpacecraftState s) throws OrekitException {
    double occultedRadius = Constants.EQUATORIAL_RADIUS_OF_SUN;
    double occultingRadius = Constants.EQUATORIAL_RADIUS_OF_THE_EARTH;
    final Vector3D pted = CelestialBodyFactory.getSun().getPVCoordinates(s.getDate(), s.getFrame())
            .getPosition();//from  w  ww .j a v a  2 s  .c om
    final Vector3D ping = CelestialBodyFactory.getEarth().getPVCoordinates(s.getDate(), s.getFrame())
    final Vector3D psat = s.getPVCoordinates().getPosition();
    final Vector3D ps = pted.subtract(psat);
    final Vector3D po = ping.subtract(psat);
    final double angle = Vector3D.angle(ps, po);
    final double rs = Math.asin(occultedRadius / ps.getNorm());
    final double ro = Math.asin(occultingRadius / po.getNorm());
    return angle - ro - rs;