Example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed Vector3D getNorm

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed Vector3D getNorm


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed Vector3D getNorm.


public double getNorm() 

Source Link


From source file:org.orekit.orbits.CircularParametersTest.java

public void testGeometryCirc() {

    //  circular and equatorial orbit
    double hx = 0.1e-8;
    double hy = 0.1e-8;
    double i = 2 * FastMath.atan(FastMath.sqrt(hx * hx + hy * hy));
    double raan = FastMath.atan2(hy, hx);
    CircularOrbit pCirEqua = new CircularOrbit(42166.712, 0.1e-8, 0.1e-8, i, raan, 0.67 - raan,
            PositionAngle.TRUE, FramesFactory.getEME2000(), date, mu);

    Vector3D position = pCirEqua.getPVCoordinates().getPosition();
    Vector3D velocity = pCirEqua.getPVCoordinates().getVelocity();
    Vector3D momentum = pCirEqua.getPVCoordinates().getMomentum().normalize();

    double apogeeRadius = pCirEqua.getA() * (1 + pCirEqua.getE());
    double perigeeRadius = pCirEqua.getA() * (1 - pCirEqua.getE());
    // test if apogee equals perigee
    Assert.assertEquals(perigeeRadius, apogeeRadius, 1.e+4 * Utils.epsilonTest * apogeeRadius);

    for (double alphaV = 0; alphaV <= 2 * FastMath.PI; alphaV += 2 * FastMath.PI / 100.) {
        pCirEqua = new CircularOrbit(pCirEqua.getA(), pCirEqua.getCircularEx(), pCirEqua.getCircularEy(),
                pCirEqua.getI(), pCirEqua.getRightAscensionOfAscendingNode(), alphaV, PositionAngle.TRUE,
                pCirEqua.getFrame(), date, mu);
        position = pCirEqua.getPVCoordinates().getPosition();

        // test if the norm pf the position is in the range [perigee radius, apogee radius]
        Assert.assertTrue((position.getNorm() - apogeeRadius) <= (apogeeRadius * Utils.epsilonTest));
        Assert.assertTrue((position.getNorm() - perigeeRadius) >= (-perigeeRadius * Utils.epsilonTest));

        position = position.normalize();
        velocity = pCirEqua.getPVCoordinates().getVelocity();
        velocity = velocity.normalize();

        // at this stage of computation, all the vectors (position, velocity and momemtum) are normalized here

        // test of orthogonality between position and momentum
        Assert.assertTrue(FastMath.abs(Vector3D.dotProduct(position, momentum)) < Utils.epsilonTest);
        // test of orthogonality between velocity and momentum
        Assert.assertTrue(FastMath.abs(Vector3D.dotProduct(velocity, momentum)) < Utils.epsilonTest);
    }/*  www .java  2s  . c o m*/

From source file:org.orekit.orbits.CircularParametersTest.java

public void testSymmetryEll() {

    // elliptic and non equatorail orbit
    Vector3D position = new Vector3D(4512.9, 18260., -5127.);
    Vector3D velocity = new Vector3D(134664.6, 90066.8, 72047.6);
    PVCoordinates pvCoordinates = new PVCoordinates(position, velocity);

    CircularOrbit p = new CircularOrbit(pvCoordinates, FramesFactory.getEME2000(), date, mu);

    Vector3D positionOffset = p.getPVCoordinates().getPosition();
    Vector3D velocityOffset = p.getPVCoordinates().getVelocity();

    positionOffset = positionOffset.subtract(position);
    velocityOffset = velocityOffset.subtract(velocity);

    Assert.assertEquals(0.0, positionOffset.getNorm(), position.getNorm() * Utils.epsilonTest);
    Assert.assertEquals(0.0, velocityOffset.getNorm(), velocity.getNorm() * Utils.epsilonTest);


From source file:org.orekit.orbits.CircularParametersTest.java

public void testSymmetryCir() {
    // circular and equatorial orbit
    Vector3D position = new Vector3D(33051.2, 26184.9, -1.3E-5);
    Vector3D velocity = new Vector3D(-60376.2, 76208., 2.7E-4);
    PVCoordinates pvCoordinates = new PVCoordinates(position, velocity);

    CircularOrbit p = new CircularOrbit(pvCoordinates, FramesFactory.getEME2000(), date, mu);

    Vector3D positionOffset = p.getPVCoordinates().getPosition().subtract(position);
    Vector3D velocityOffset = p.getPVCoordinates().getVelocity().subtract(velocity);

    Assert.assertEquals(0.0, positionOffset.getNorm(), position.getNorm() * Utils.epsilonTest);
    Assert.assertEquals(0.0, velocityOffset.getNorm(), velocity.getNorm() * Utils.epsilonTest);


From source file:org.orekit.orbits.CircularParametersTest.java

public void testJacobianReference() throws OrekitException {

    AbsoluteDate dateTca = new AbsoluteDate(2000, 04, 01, 0, 0, 0.000, TimeScalesFactory.getUTC());
    double mu = 3.986004415e+14;
    CircularOrbit orbCir = new CircularOrbit(7000000.0, 0.01, -0.02, 1.2, 2.1, 0.7, PositionAngle.MEAN,
            FramesFactory.getEME2000(), dateTca, mu);

    // the following reference values have been computed using the free software
    // version 6.2 of the MSLIB fortran library by the following program:
    //        program cir_jacobian
    ///*w  w  w  . j  a  va  2  s .  c om*/
    //        use mslib
    //        implicit none
    //        integer, parameter :: nb = 11
    //        integer :: i,j
    //        type(tm_code_retour)      ::  code_retour
    //        real(pm_reel), parameter :: mu= 3.986004415e+14_pm_reel
    //        real(pm_reel),dimension(3)::vit_car,pos_car
    //        type(tm_orb_cir)::cir
    //        real(pm_reel), dimension(6,6)::jacob
    //        real(pm_reel)::norme
    //        cir%a=7000000_pm_reel
    //        cir%ex=0.01_pm_reel
    //        cir%ey=-0.02_pm_reel
    //        cir%i=1.2_pm_reel
    //        cir%gom=2.1_pm_reel
    //        cir%pso_M=0.7_pm_reel
    //        call mv_cir_car(mu,cir,pos_car,vit_car,code_retour)
    //        write(*,*)code_retour%valeur
    //        write(*,1000)pos_car,vit_car
    //        call mu_norme(pos_car,norme,code_retour)
    //        write(*,*)norme
    //        call mv_car_cir (mu, pos_car, vit_car, cir, code_retour, jacob)
    //        write(*,*)code_retour%valeur
    //        write(*,*)"circular = ", cir%a, cir%ex, cir%ey, cir%i, cir%gom, cir%pso_M
    //        do i = 1,6
    //           write(*,*) " ",(jacob(i,j),j=1,6)
    //        end do
    //        1000 format (6(f24.15,1x))
    //        end program cir_jacobian
    Vector3D pRef = new Vector3D(-4106905.105389204807580, 3603162.539798960555345, 4439730.167038885876536);
    Vector3D vRef = new Vector3D(740.132407342422994, -5308.773280141396754, 5250.338353483879473);
    double[][] jRef = {
            { -1.1535467596325562, 1.0120556393573172, 1.2470306024626943, 181.96913090864561,
                    -1305.2162699469984, 1290.8494448855752 },
            { -5.07367368325471104E-008, -1.27870567070456834E-008, 1.31544531338558113E-007,
                    -3.09332106417043592E-005, -9.60781276304445404E-005, 1.91506964883791605E-004 },
            { -6.59428471712402018E-008, 1.24561703203882533E-007, -1.41907027322388158E-008,
                    7.63442601186485441E-005, -1.77446722746170009E-004, 5.99464401287846734E-005 },
            { 7.55079920652274275E-008, 4.41606835295069131E-008, 3.40079310688458225E-008,
                    7.89724635377817962E-005, 4.61868720707717372E-005, 3.55682891687782599E-005 },
            { -9.20788748896973282E-008, -5.38521280004949642E-008, -4.14712660805579618E-008,
                    7.78626692360739821E-005, 4.55378113077967091E-005, 3.50684505810897702E-005 },
            { 1.85082436324531617E-008, 1.20506219457886855E-007, -8.31277842285972640E-008,
                    1.27364008345789645E-004, -1.54770720974742483E-004, -1.78589436862677754E-004 } };

    PVCoordinates pv = orbCir.getPVCoordinates();
    Assert.assertEquals(0, pv.getPosition().subtract(pRef).getNorm(), 3.0e-16 * pRef.getNorm());
    Assert.assertEquals(0, pv.getVelocity().subtract(vRef).getNorm(), 2.0e-16 * vRef.getNorm());

    double[][] jacobian = new double[6][6];
    orbCir.getJacobianWrtCartesian(PositionAngle.MEAN, jacobian);

    for (int i = 0; i < jacobian.length; i++) {
        double[] row = jacobian[i];
        double[] rowRef = jRef[i];
        for (int j = 0; j < row.length; j++) {
            Assert.assertEquals(0, (row[j] - rowRef[j]) / rowRef[j], 5.0e-15);


From source file:org.orekit.orbits.CircularParametersTest.java

private void fillColumn(PositionAngle type, int i, CircularOrbit orbit, double hP, double[][] jacobian) {

    // at constant energy (i.e. constant semi major axis), we have dV = -mu dP / (V * r^2)
    // we use this to compute a velocity step size from the position step size
    Vector3D p = orbit.getPVCoordinates().getPosition();
    Vector3D v = orbit.getPVCoordinates().getVelocity();
    double hV = orbit.getMu() * hP / (v.getNorm() * p.getNormSq());

    double h;//ww  w .j a v a  2s  . co m
    Vector3D dP = Vector3D.ZERO;
    Vector3D dV = Vector3D.ZERO;
    switch (i) {
    case 0:
        h = hP;
        dP = new Vector3D(hP, 0, 0);
    case 1:
        h = hP;
        dP = new Vector3D(0, hP, 0);
    case 2:
        h = hP;
        dP = new Vector3D(0, 0, hP);
    case 3:
        h = hV;
        dV = new Vector3D(hV, 0, 0);
    case 4:
        h = hV;
        dV = new Vector3D(0, hV, 0);
        h = hV;
        dV = new Vector3D(0, 0, hV);

    CircularOrbit oM4h = new CircularOrbit(
            new PVCoordinates(new Vector3D(1, p, -4, dP), new Vector3D(1, v, -4, dV)), orbit.getFrame(),
            orbit.getDate(), orbit.getMu());
    CircularOrbit oM3h = new CircularOrbit(
            new PVCoordinates(new Vector3D(1, p, -3, dP), new Vector3D(1, v, -3, dV)), orbit.getFrame(),
            orbit.getDate(), orbit.getMu());
    CircularOrbit oM2h = new CircularOrbit(
            new PVCoordinates(new Vector3D(1, p, -2, dP), new Vector3D(1, v, -2, dV)), orbit.getFrame(),
            orbit.getDate(), orbit.getMu());
    CircularOrbit oM1h = new CircularOrbit(
            new PVCoordinates(new Vector3D(1, p, -1, dP), new Vector3D(1, v, -1, dV)), orbit.getFrame(),
            orbit.getDate(), orbit.getMu());
    CircularOrbit oP1h = new CircularOrbit(
            new PVCoordinates(new Vector3D(1, p, +1, dP), new Vector3D(1, v, +1, dV)), orbit.getFrame(),
            orbit.getDate(), orbit.getMu());
    CircularOrbit oP2h = new CircularOrbit(
            new PVCoordinates(new Vector3D(1, p, +2, dP), new Vector3D(1, v, +2, dV)), orbit.getFrame(),
            orbit.getDate(), orbit.getMu());
    CircularOrbit oP3h = new CircularOrbit(
            new PVCoordinates(new Vector3D(1, p, +3, dP), new Vector3D(1, v, +3, dV)), orbit.getFrame(),
            orbit.getDate(), orbit.getMu());
    CircularOrbit oP4h = new CircularOrbit(
            new PVCoordinates(new Vector3D(1, p, +4, dP), new Vector3D(1, v, +4, dV)), orbit.getFrame(),
            orbit.getDate(), orbit.getMu());

    jacobian[0][i] = (-3 * (oP4h.getA() - oM4h.getA()) + 32 * (oP3h.getA() - oM3h.getA())
            - 168 * (oP2h.getA() - oM2h.getA()) + 672 * (oP1h.getA() - oM1h.getA())) / (840 * h);
    jacobian[1][i] = (-3 * (oP4h.getCircularEx() - oM4h.getCircularEx())
            + 32 * (oP3h.getCircularEx() - oM3h.getCircularEx())
            - 168 * (oP2h.getCircularEx() - oM2h.getCircularEx())
            + 672 * (oP1h.getCircularEx() - oM1h.getCircularEx())) / (840 * h);
    jacobian[2][i] = (-3 * (oP4h.getCircularEy() - oM4h.getCircularEy())
            + 32 * (oP3h.getCircularEy() - oM3h.getCircularEy())
            - 168 * (oP2h.getCircularEy() - oM2h.getCircularEy())
            + 672 * (oP1h.getCircularEy() - oM1h.getCircularEy())) / (840 * h);
    jacobian[3][i] = (-3 * (oP4h.getI() - oM4h.getI()) + 32 * (oP3h.getI() - oM3h.getI())
            - 168 * (oP2h.getI() - oM2h.getI()) + 672 * (oP1h.getI() - oM1h.getI())) / (840 * h);
    jacobian[4][i] = (-3 * (oP4h.getRightAscensionOfAscendingNode() - oM4h.getRightAscensionOfAscendingNode())
            + 32 * (oP3h.getRightAscensionOfAscendingNode() - oM3h.getRightAscensionOfAscendingNode())
            - 168 * (oP2h.getRightAscensionOfAscendingNode() - oM2h.getRightAscensionOfAscendingNode())
            + 672 * (oP1h.getRightAscensionOfAscendingNode() - oM1h.getRightAscensionOfAscendingNode()))
            / (840 * h);
    jacobian[5][i] = (-3 * (oP4h.getAlpha(type) - oM4h.getAlpha(type))
            + 32 * (oP3h.getAlpha(type) - oM3h.getAlpha(type))
            - 168 * (oP2h.getAlpha(type) - oM2h.getAlpha(type))
            + 672 * (oP1h.getAlpha(type) - oM1h.getAlpha(type))) / (840 * h);


From source file:org.orekit.orbits.EquinoctialOrbit.java

/** Constructor from cartesian parameters.
 * <p> The acceleration provided in {@code pvCoordinates} is accessible using
 * {@link #getPVCoordinates()} and {@link #getPVCoordinates(Frame)}. All other methods
 * use {@code mu} and the position to compute the acceleration, including
 * {@link #shiftedBy(double)} and {@link #getPVCoordinates(AbsoluteDate, Frame)}.
 * @param pvCoordinates the position, velocity and acceleration
 * @param frame the frame in which are defined the {@link PVCoordinates}
 * (<em>must</em> be a {@link Frame#isPseudoInertial pseudo-inertial frame})
 * @param mu central attraction coefficient (m/s)
 * @exception IllegalArgumentException if eccentricity is equal to 1 or larger or
 * if frame is not a {@link Frame#isPseudoInertial pseudo-inertial frame}
 *///from   www  .  ja va 2 s . c  o  m
public EquinoctialOrbit(final TimeStampedPVCoordinates pvCoordinates, final Frame frame, final double mu)
        throws IllegalArgumentException {
    super(pvCoordinates, frame, mu);

    //  compute semi-major axis
    final Vector3D pvP = pvCoordinates.getPosition();
    final Vector3D pvV = pvCoordinates.getVelocity();
    final double r = pvP.getNorm();
    final double V2 = pvV.getNormSq();
    final double rV2OnMu = r * V2 / mu;

    if (rV2OnMu > 2) {
        throw new OrekitIllegalArgumentException(OrekitMessages.HYPERBOLIC_ORBIT_NOT_HANDLED_AS,

    // compute inclination vector
    final Vector3D w = pvCoordinates.getMomentum().normalize();
    final double d = 1.0 / (1 + w.getZ());
    hx = -d * w.getY();
    hy = d * w.getX();

    // compute true longitude argument
    final double cLv = (pvP.getX() - d * pvP.getZ() * w.getX()) / r;
    final double sLv = (pvP.getY() - d * pvP.getZ() * w.getY()) / r;
    lv = FastMath.atan2(sLv, cLv);

    // compute semi-major axis
    a = r / (2 - rV2OnMu);

    // compute eccentricity vector
    final double eSE = Vector3D.dotProduct(pvP, pvV) / FastMath.sqrt(mu * a);
    final double eCE = rV2OnMu - 1;
    final double e2 = eCE * eCE + eSE * eSE;
    final double f = eCE - e2;
    final double g = FastMath.sqrt(1 - e2) * eSE;
    ex = a * (f * cLv + g * sLv) / r;
    ey = a * (f * sLv - g * cLv) / r;


From source file:org.orekit.orbits.EquinoctialParametersTest.java

public void testEquinoctialToCartesian() {

    double ix = 1.200e-04;
    double iy = -1.16e-04;
    double inc = 2 * FastMath.asin(FastMath.sqrt((ix * ix + iy * iy) / 4.));
    double hx = FastMath.tan(inc / 2.) * ix / (2 * FastMath.sin(inc / 2.));
    double hy = FastMath.tan(inc / 2.) * iy / (2 * FastMath.sin(inc / 2.));

    EquinoctialOrbit equi = new EquinoctialOrbit(42166.712, -7.900e-06, 1.100e-04, hx, hy, 5.300,
            PositionAngle.MEAN, FramesFactory.getEME2000(), date, mu);
    Vector3D pos = equi.getPVCoordinates().getPosition();
    Vector3D vit = equi.getPVCoordinates().getVelocity();

    // verif of 1/a = 2/X - V2/mu
    double oneovera = (2. / pos.getNorm()) - vit.getNorm() * vit.getNorm() / mu;
    Assert.assertEquals(oneovera, 1. / equi.getA(), 1.0e-7);

    Assert.assertEquals(0.233745668678733e+05, pos.getX(), Utils.epsilonTest * FastMath.abs(pos.getX()));
    Assert.assertEquals(-0.350998914352669e+05, pos.getY(), Utils.epsilonTest * FastMath.abs(pos.getY()));
    Assert.assertEquals(-0.150053723123334e+01, pos.getZ(), Utils.epsilonTest * FastMath.abs(pos.getZ()));

    Assert.assertEquals(0.809135038364960e+05, vit.getX(), Utils.epsilonTest * FastMath.abs(vit.getX()));
    Assert.assertEquals(0.538902268252598e+05, vit.getY(), Utils.epsilonTest * FastMath.abs(vit.getY()));
    Assert.assertEquals(0.158527938296630e+02, vit.getZ(), Utils.epsilonTest * FastMath.abs(vit.getZ()));


From source file:org.orekit.orbits.EquinoctialParametersTest.java

public void testGeometry() {

    // elliptic and non equatorial (i retrograde) orbit
    EquinoctialOrbit p = new EquinoctialOrbit(42166.712, 0.5, -0.5, 1.200, 2.1, 0.67, PositionAngle.TRUE,
            FramesFactory.getEME2000(), date, mu);

    Vector3D position = p.getPVCoordinates().getPosition();
    Vector3D velocity = p.getPVCoordinates().getVelocity();
    Vector3D momentum = p.getPVCoordinates().getMomentum().normalize();

    double apogeeRadius = p.getA() * (1 + p.getE());
    double perigeeRadius = p.getA() * (1 - p.getE());

    for (double lv = 0; lv <= 2 * FastMath.PI; lv += 2 * FastMath.PI / 100.) {
        p = new EquinoctialOrbit(p.getA(), p.getEquinoctialEx(), p.getEquinoctialEy(), p.getHx(), p.getHy(), lv,
                PositionAngle.TRUE, p.getFrame(), p.getDate(), p.getMu());
        position = p.getPVCoordinates().getPosition();

        // test if the norm of the position is in the range [perigee radius,
        // apogee radius]
        // Warning: these tests are without absolute value by choice
        Assert.assertTrue((position.getNorm() - apogeeRadius) <= (apogeeRadius * Utils.epsilonTest));
        Assert.assertTrue((position.getNorm() - perigeeRadius) >= (-perigeeRadius * Utils.epsilonTest));

        position = position.normalize();
        velocity = p.getPVCoordinates().getVelocity();
        velocity = velocity.normalize();

        // at this stage of computation, all the vectors (position, velocity and
        // momemtum) are normalized here

        // test of orthogonality between position and momentum
        Assert.assertTrue(FastMath.abs(Vector3D.dotProduct(position, momentum)) < Utils.epsilonTest);
        // test of orthogonality between velocity and momentum
        Assert.assertTrue(FastMath.abs(Vector3D.dotProduct(velocity, momentum)) < Utils.epsilonTest);
    }//from  ww  w.  j  a va 2s  .c  o m

    // circular and equatorial orbit
    EquinoctialOrbit pCirEqua = new EquinoctialOrbit(42166.712, 0.1e-8, 0.1e-8, 0.1e-8, 0.1e-8, 0.67,
            PositionAngle.TRUE, FramesFactory.getEME2000(), date, mu);

    position = pCirEqua.getPVCoordinates().getPosition();
    velocity = pCirEqua.getPVCoordinates().getVelocity();

    momentum = Vector3D.crossProduct(position, velocity).normalize();

    apogeeRadius = pCirEqua.getA() * (1 + pCirEqua.getE());
    perigeeRadius = pCirEqua.getA() * (1 - pCirEqua.getE());
    // test if apogee equals perigee
    Assert.assertEquals(perigeeRadius, apogeeRadius, 1.e+4 * Utils.epsilonTest * apogeeRadius);

    for (double lv = 0; lv <= 2 * FastMath.PI; lv += 2 * FastMath.PI / 100.) {
        pCirEqua = new EquinoctialOrbit(pCirEqua.getA(), pCirEqua.getEquinoctialEx(),
                pCirEqua.getEquinoctialEy(), pCirEqua.getHx(), pCirEqua.getHy(), lv, PositionAngle.TRUE,
                pCirEqua.getFrame(), p.getDate(), p.getMu());
        position = pCirEqua.getPVCoordinates().getPosition();

        // test if the norm pf the position is in the range [perigee radius,
        // apogee radius]
        Assert.assertTrue((position.getNorm() - apogeeRadius) <= (apogeeRadius * Utils.epsilonTest));
        Assert.assertTrue((position.getNorm() - perigeeRadius) >= (-perigeeRadius * Utils.epsilonTest));

        position = position.normalize();
        velocity = pCirEqua.getPVCoordinates().getVelocity();
        velocity = velocity.normalize();

        // at this stage of computation, all the vectors (position, velocity and
        // momemtum) are normalized here

        // test of orthogonality between position and momentum
        Assert.assertTrue(FastMath.abs(Vector3D.dotProduct(position, momentum)) < Utils.epsilonTest);
        // test of orthogonality between velocity and momentum
        Assert.assertTrue(FastMath.abs(Vector3D.dotProduct(velocity, momentum)) < Utils.epsilonTest);

From source file:org.orekit.orbits.EquinoctialParametersTest.java

public void testSymmetry() {

    // elliptic and non equatorial orbit
    Vector3D position = new Vector3D(4512.9, 18260., -5127.);
    Vector3D velocity = new Vector3D(134664.6, 90066.8, 72047.6);

    EquinoctialOrbit p = new EquinoctialOrbit(new PVCoordinates(position, velocity), FramesFactory.getEME2000(),
            date, mu);//from  ww  w  . j av  a 2  s.c  o m

    Vector3D positionOffset = p.getPVCoordinates().getPosition().subtract(position);
    Vector3D velocityOffset = p.getPVCoordinates().getVelocity().subtract(velocity);

    Assert.assertTrue(positionOffset.getNorm() < Utils.epsilonTest);
    Assert.assertTrue(velocityOffset.getNorm() < Utils.epsilonTest);

    // circular and equatorial orbit
    position = new Vector3D(33051.2, 26184.9, -1.3E-5);
    velocity = new Vector3D(-60376.2, 76208., 2.7E-4);

    p = new EquinoctialOrbit(new PVCoordinates(position, velocity), FramesFactory.getEME2000(), date, mu);

    positionOffset = p.getPVCoordinates().getPosition().subtract(position);
    velocityOffset = p.getPVCoordinates().getVelocity().subtract(velocity);

    Assert.assertTrue(positionOffset.getNorm() < Utils.epsilonTest);
    Assert.assertTrue(velocityOffset.getNorm() < Utils.epsilonTest);

From source file:org.orekit.orbits.EquinoctialParametersTest.java

public void testJacobianReference() throws OrekitException {

    AbsoluteDate dateTca = new AbsoluteDate(2000, 04, 01, 0, 0, 0.000, TimeScalesFactory.getUTC());
    double mu = 3.986004415e+14;
    EquinoctialOrbit orbEqu = new EquinoctialOrbit(7000000.0, 0.01, -0.02, 1.2, 2.1, FastMath.toRadians(40.),
            PositionAngle.MEAN, FramesFactory.getEME2000(), dateTca, mu);

    // the following reference values have been computed using the free software
    // version 6.2 of the MSLIB fortran library by the following program:
    //         program equ_jacobian
    ///* w ww  . ja v  a  2s  .c  o  m*/
    //         use mslib
    //         implicit none
    //         integer, parameter :: nb = 11
    //         integer :: i,j
    //         type(tm_code_retour)      ::  code_retour
    //         real(pm_reel), parameter :: mu= 3.986004415e+14_pm_reel
    //         real(pm_reel),dimension(3)::vit_car,pos_car
    //         type(tm_orb_cir_equa)::cir_equa
    //         real(pm_reel), dimension(6,6)::jacob
    //         real(pm_reel)::norme,hx,hy,f,dix,diy
    //         intrinsic sqrt
    //         cir_equa%a=7000000_pm_reel
    //         cir_equa%ex=0.01_pm_reel
    //         cir_equa%ey=-0.02_pm_reel
    //         ! mslib cir-equ parameters use ix = 2 sin(i/2) cos(gom) and iy = 2 sin(i/2) sin(gom)
    //         ! equinoctial parameters use hx = tan(i/2) cos(gom) and hy = tan(i/2) sin(gom)
    //         ! the conversions between these parameters and their differentials can be computed
    //         ! from the ratio f = 2cos(i/2) which can be found either from (ix, iy) or (hx, hy):
    //         !   f = sqrt(4 - ix^2 - iy^2) =  2 / sqrt(1 + hx^2 + hy^2)
    //         !  hx = ix / f,  hy = iy / f
    //         !  ix = hx * f, iy = hy *f
    //         ! dhx = ((1 + hx^2) / f) dix + (hx hy / f) diy, dhy = (hx hy / f) dix + ((1 + hy^2) /f) diy
    //         ! dix = ((1 - ix^2 / 4) f dhx - (ix iy / 4) f dhy, diy = -(ix iy / 4) f dhx + (1 - iy^2 / 4) f dhy
    //         hx=1.2_pm_reel
    //         hy=2.1_pm_reel
    //         f=2_pm_reel/sqrt(1+hx*hx+hy*hy)
    //         cir_equa%ix=hx*f
    //         cir_equa%iy=hy*f
    //         cir_equa%pso_M=40_pm_reel*pm_deg_rad
    //         call mv_cir_equa_car(mu,cir_equa,pos_car,vit_car,code_retour)
    //         write(*,*)code_retour%valeur
    //         write(*,1000)pos_car,vit_car
    //         call mu_norme(pos_car,norme,code_retour)
    //         write(*,*)norme
    //         call mv_car_cir_equa (mu, pos_car, vit_car, cir_equa, code_retour, jacob)
    //         write(*,*)code_retour%valeur
    //         f=sqrt(4_pm_reel-cir_equa%ix*cir_equa%ix-cir_equa%iy*cir_equa%iy)
    //         hx=cir_equa%ix/f
    //         hy=cir_equa%iy/f
    //         write(*,*)"ix = ", cir_equa%ix, ", iy = ", cir_equa%iy
    //         write(*,*)"equinoctial = ", cir_equa%a, cir_equa%ex, cir_equa%ey, hx, hy, cir_equa%pso_M*pm_rad_deg
    //         do j = 1,6
    //           dix=jacob(4,j)
    //           diy=jacob(5,j)
    //           jacob(4,j)=((1_pm_reel+hx*hx)*dix+(hx*hy)*diy)/f
    //           jacob(5,j)=((hx*hy)*dix+(1_pm_reel+hy*hy)*diy)/f
    //         end do
    //         do i = 1,6
    //            write(*,*) " ",(jacob(i,j),j=1,6)
    //         end do
    //         1000 format (6(f24.15,1x))
    //         end program equ_jacobian
    Vector3D pRef = new Vector3D(2004367.298657628707588, 6575317.978060320019722, -1518024.843913963763043);
    Vector3D vRef = new Vector3D(5574.048661495634406, -368.839015744295409, 5009.529487849066754);
    double[][] jRef = {
            { 0.56305379787310628, 1.8470954710993663, -0.42643364527246025, 1370.4369387322224,
                    -90.682848736736688, 1231.6441195141242 },
            { 9.52434720041122055E-008, 9.49704503778007296E-008, 4.46607520107935678E-008,
                    1.69704446323098610E-004, 7.05603505855828105E-005, 1.14825140460141970E-004 },
            { -5.41784097802642701E-008, 9.54903765833015538E-008, -8.95815777332234450E-008,
                    1.01864980963344096E-004, -1.03194262242761416E-004, 1.40668700715197768E-004 },
            { 1.96680305426455816E-007, -1.12388745957974467E-007, -2.27118924123407353E-007,
                    2.06472886488132167E-004, -1.17984506564646906E-004, -2.38427023682723818E-004 },
            { -2.24382495052235118E-007, 1.28218568601277626E-007, 2.59108357381747656E-007,
                    1.89034327703662092E-004, -1.08019615830663994E-004, -2.18289640324466583E-004 },
            { -3.04001022071876804E-007, 1.22214683774559989E-007, 1.35141804810132761E-007,
                    -1.34034616931480536E-004, -2.14283975204169379E-004, 1.29018773893081404E-004 } };

    PVCoordinates pv = orbEqu.getPVCoordinates();
    Assert.assertEquals(0, pv.getPosition().subtract(pRef).getNorm(), 2.0e-16 * pRef.getNorm());
    Assert.assertEquals(0, pv.getVelocity().subtract(vRef).getNorm(), 2.0e-16 * vRef.getNorm());

    double[][] jacobian = new double[6][6];
    orbEqu.getJacobianWrtCartesian(PositionAngle.MEAN, jacobian);

    for (int i = 0; i < jacobian.length; i++) {
        double[] row = jacobian[i];
        double[] rowRef = jRef[i];
        for (int j = 0; j < row.length; j++) {
            Assert.assertEquals(0, (row[j] - rowRef[j]) / rowRef[j], 4.0e-15);
