Example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.linear Array2DRowRealMatrix getRow

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math3.linear Array2DRowRealMatrix getRow


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.linear Array2DRowRealMatrix getRow.


public double[] getRow(final int row) throws OutOfRangeException 

Source Link


From source file:com.clust4j.algo.MeanShiftTests.java

public void testSeededIrisFunctional() {
    Array2DRowRealMatrix iris = data_;

    new MeanShift(iris, new MeanShiftParameters().setVerbose(true)
            .setSeeds(new double[][] { iris.getRow(3), iris.getRow(90), iris.getRow(120) })).fit();
    System.out.println();//from   ww w  .ja v  a2s  . co m

From source file:com.clust4j.algo.MeanShiftTests.java

public void testAutoEstimationWithScale() {
    Array2DRowRealMatrix iris = (Array2DRowRealMatrix) new StandardScaler().fit(data_).transform(data_);
    final double[][] X = iris.getData();

    // MS estimates bw at 1.6041295821313855
    final double bandwidth = 1.6041295821313855;

    assertTrue(Precision.equals(//from w w  w  .j ava  2s .c  om
            MeanShift.autoEstimateBW(iris, 0.3, Distance.EUCLIDEAN, GlobalState.DEFAULT_RANDOM_STATE, false),
            bandwidth, 1e-9));

            MeanShift.autoEstimateBW(iris, 0.3, Distance.EUCLIDEAN, GlobalState.DEFAULT_RANDOM_STATE, true),
            bandwidth, 1e-9));

    // Asserting fit works without breaking things...
    RadiusNeighbors r = new RadiusNeighbors(iris, new RadiusNeighborsParameters(bandwidth)).fit();

    TreeSet<MeanShiftSeed> centers = new TreeSet<>();
    for (double[] seed : X)
        centers.add(MeanShift.singleSeed(seed, r, X, 300));

    assertTrue(centers.size() == 4);

    double[][] expected_dists = new double[][] {
            new double[] { 0.50161528154395962, -0.31685274298813487, 0.65388162422893481,
                    0.65270450741975761 },
            new double[] { 0.52001211065400177, -0.29561728795619946, 0.67106269515983397,
                    0.67390853215763813 },
            new double[] { 0.54861244890482475, -0.25718786696105495, 0.68964559485632182,
                    0.69326664641211422 },
            new double[] { -1.0595457115461515, 0.74408909010240054, -1.2995708885010491,
                    -1.2545442961404225 } };

    int[] expected_centers = new int[] { 82, 80, 77, 45 };

    int idx = 0;
    for (MeanShiftSeed seed : centers) {
        assertTrue(VecUtils.equalsWithTolerance(seed.dists, expected_dists[idx], 1e-1));
        assertTrue(seed.count == expected_centers[idx]);

    ArrayList<EntryPair<double[], Integer>> center_intensity = new ArrayList<>();
    for (MeanShiftSeed seed : centers) {
        if (null != seed) {

    final ArrayList<EntryPair<double[], Integer>> sorted_by_intensity = center_intensity;

    // test getting the unique vals
    idx = 0;
    final int m_prime = sorted_by_intensity.size();
    final Array2DRowRealMatrix sorted_centers = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(m_prime, iris.getColumnDimension());
    for (Map.Entry<double[], Integer> e : sorted_by_intensity)
        sorted_centers.setRow(idx++, e.getKey());

    // Create a boolean mask, init true
    final boolean[] unique = new boolean[m_prime];
    for (int i = 0; i < unique.length; i++)
        unique[i] = true;

    // Fit the new neighbors model
    RadiusNeighbors nbrs = new RadiusNeighbors(sorted_centers,
            new RadiusNeighborsParameters(bandwidth).setVerbose(false)).fit();

    // Iterate over sorted centers and query radii
    int[] indcs;
    double[] center;
    for (int i = 0; i < m_prime; i++) {
        if (unique[i]) {
            center = sorted_centers.getRow(i);
            indcs = nbrs.getNeighbors(new double[][] { center }, bandwidth, false).getIndices()[0];

            for (int id : indcs) {
                unique[id] = false;

            unique[i] = true; // Keep this as true

    // Now assign the centroids...
    int redundant_ct = 0;
    final ArrayList<double[]> centroids = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < unique.length; i++) {
        if (unique[i]) {

    redundant_ct = unique.length - centroids.size();

    assertTrue(redundant_ct == 2);
    assertTrue(centroids.size() == 2);
            new double[] { 0.4999404345258691, -0.3157948009929614, 0.6516983739795399, 0.6505251874544873 },

            new double[] { -1.0560079864392702, 0.7416046454700266, -1.295231741534238, -1.2503554887998656 }));

    // also put the centroids into a matrix. We have to
    // wait to perform this op, because we have to know
    // the size of centroids first...
    Array2DRowRealMatrix clust_centers = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(centroids.size(), iris.getColumnDimension());
    for (int i = 0; i < clust_centers.getRowDimension(); i++)
        clust_centers.setRow(i, centroids.get(i));

    // The final nearest neighbors model -- if this works, we are in the clear...
    new NearestNeighbors(clust_centers, new NearestNeighborsParameters(1)).fit();

From source file:com.clust4j.algo.MeanShift.java

protected MeanShift fit() {
    synchronized (fitLock) {

        if (null != labels) // Already fit this model
            return this;

        // Put the results into a Map (hash because tree imposes comparable casting)
        final LogTimer timer = new LogTimer();
        centroids = new ArrayList<double[]>();

        /*/*from w  w  w . j  a v  a2s.co  m*/
         * Get the neighborhoods and center intensity object. Will iterate until
         * either the centers are found, or the max try count is exceeded. For each
         * iteration, will increase bandwidth.
        RadiusNeighbors nbrs = new RadiusNeighbors(this, bandwidth).fit();

        // Compute the seeds and center intensity
        // If parallelism is permitted, try it. 
        CenterIntensity intensity = null;
        if (parallel) {
            try {
                intensity = new ParallelCenterIntensity(nbrs);
            } catch (RejectedExecutionException e) {
                // Shouldn't happen...
                warn("parallel search failed; falling back to serial");

        // Gets here if serial or if parallel failed...
        if (null == intensity)
            intensity = new SerialCenterIntensity(nbrs);

        // Check for points all too far from seeds
        if (intensity.isEmpty()) {
            error(new IllegalClusterStateException("No point " + "was within bandwidth=" + bandwidth
                    + " of any seed; try increasing bandwidth"));
        } else {
            converged = true;
            itersElapsed = intensity.getIters(); // max iters elapsed

        // Extract the centroids
        int idx = 0, m_prime = intensity.size();
        final Array2DRowRealMatrix sorted_centers = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(m_prime, n);

        for (MeanShiftSeed entry : intensity)
            sorted_centers.setRow(idx++, entry.getPair().getKey());

        // Fit the new neighbors model
        nbrs = new RadiusNeighbors(sorted_centers, new RadiusNeighborsParameters(bandwidth)
                .setSeed(this.random_state).setMetric(this.dist_metric).setForceParallel(parallel), true).fit();

        // Post-processing. Remove near duplicate seeds
        // If dist btwn two kernels is less than bandwidth, remove one w fewer pts
        // Create a boolean mask, init true
        final boolean[] unique = new boolean[m_prime];
        for (int i = 0; i < unique.length; i++)
            unique[i] = true;

        // Pre-filtered summaries...
        ArrayList<SummaryLite> allSummary = intensity.getSummaries();

        // Iterate over sorted centers and query radii
        int redundant_ct = 0;
        int[] indcs;
        double[] center;
        for (int i = 0; i < m_prime; i++) {
            if (unique[i]) {
                center = sorted_centers.getRow(i);
                indcs = nbrs.getNeighbors(new double[][] { center }, bandwidth, false).getIndices()[0];

                for (int id : indcs)
                    unique[id] = false;

                unique[i] = true; // Keep this as true

        // Now assign the centroids...
        SummaryLite summ;
        for (int i = 0; i < unique.length; i++) {
            summ = allSummary.get(i);

            if (unique[i]) {
                summ.retained = true;


        // calc redundant ct
        redundant_ct = unique.length - centroids.size();

        // also put the centroids into a matrix. We have to
        // wait to perform this op, because we have to know
        // the size of centroids first...
        Array2DRowRealMatrix centers = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(centroids.size(), n);
        for (int i = 0; i < centroids.size(); i++)
            centers.setRow(i, centroids.get(i));

        // Build yet another neighbors model...
        NearestNeighbors nn = new NearestNeighbors(centers, new NearestNeighborsParameters(1)
                .setSeed(this.random_state).setMetric(this.dist_metric).setForceParallel(false), true).fit();

        info((numClusters = centroids.size()) + " optimal kernel" + (numClusters != 1 ? "s" : "")
                + " identified");
        info(redundant_ct + " nearly-identical kernel" + (redundant_ct != 1 ? "s" : "") + " removed");

        // Get the nearest...
        final LogTimer clustTimer = new LogTimer();
        Neighborhood knrst = nn.getNeighbors(data.getDataRef());
        labels = MatUtils.flatten(knrst.getIndices());

        // order the labels..
         * Reduce labels to a sorted, gapless, list
         * sklearn line: cluster_centers_indices = np.unique(labels)
        ArrayList<Integer> centroidIndices = new ArrayList<Integer>(numClusters);
        for (Integer i : labels) // force autobox
            if (!centroidIndices.contains(i)) // Not race condition because synchronized

         * final label assignment...
         * sklearn line: labels = np.searchsorted(cluster_centers_indices, labels)
        for (int i = 0; i < labels.length; i++)
            labels[i] = centroidIndices.indexOf(labels[i]);

        // Wrap up...
        // Count missing
        numNoisey = 0;
        for (int lab : labels)
            if (lab == NOISE_CLASS)
        info(numNoisey + " record" + (numNoisey != 1 ? "s" : "") + " classified noise");

        info("completed cluster labeling in " + clustTimer.toString());

        return this;


From source file:org.interpss.opf.dc.impl.EqIneqMatrixBuilder.java

private Array2DRowRealMatrix getReducedBusAdmittance() {
    int numOfBus = opfNet.getNoActiveBus();

    // form the reduced bus admittance matrix by omitting the row
    // corresponding to the SWING bus ;
    // here B1 formed by InterPSS itself is under consideration to be reused
    // ;//from ww w  . jav  a  2 s  .  c  o m

    Array2DRowRealMatrix tempBusAdm = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(numOfBus, numOfBus);

    for (Bus b : opfNet.getBusList()) {
        DclfOpfBus busi = (DclfOpfBus) b;
        int i = busi.getSortNumber();
        double Bii = 0;
        for (Branch bra : busi.getBranchList()) {
            //if (bra.isAclfBranch()) {
            DclfOpfBranch aclfBranch = (DclfOpfBranch) bra;
            Bus busj = bra.getToBus().getId().equals(busi.getId()) ? bra.getFromBus() : bra.getToBus();
            int j = busj.getSortNumber();
            double Bij = 1.0 / aclfBranch.getZ().getImaginary();// aclfBranch.b1ft();
            tempBusAdm.setEntry(i, j, -Bij);
            Bii += Bij;
        tempBusAdm.setEntry(i, i, Bii);

    Array2DRowRealMatrix busAdmReduced = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(numOfBus - 1, numOfBus); // reduced bus admittance matrix
    int[] selectedRows = this.getNonSwingBusRows();
    for (int index = 0; index < selectedRows.length; index++) {
        busAdmReduced.setRow(index, tempBusAdm.getRow(selectedRows[index]));
    return busAdmReduced;

From source file:outlineDescriptor.FieldAnalyzer.java

private CellReference[] identifyMaxima(CellReference[] store, Array2DRowRealMatrix kernel) {

    ArrayList<CellReference> out = new ArrayList<CellReference>();
    int maxCount = 0;

    for (CellReference pt : store) {

        //this point has already been processed thus it is not a separate maximum
        if ((flags[getListOffset(pt.x, pt.y)] & (DISCARDED | PROCESSED)) != 0) {
        }/*w  ww .  j av a 2  s  .com*/

        //boolean equalInRange = (flags[getListOffset(pt.x, pt.y)] & EQUAL) != 0;

        //checking the neighboring area
        for (int i = 0; i < kernel.getRowDimension(); i++) {

            double[] bounds = kernel.getRow(i);

            int upperLimit = (int) Math.max(bounds[1], bounds[2]);
            int bottom = (int) Math.min(bounds[1], bounds[2]);

            while (bottom <= upperLimit) {

                int yPos = pt.y + bottom;
                int xPos = (int) bounds[0] + pt.x;

                if (xPos >= 0 && xPos < coherenceKernel.length && yPos >= 0
                        && yPos < coherenceKernel[0].length) {

                    if ((flags[getListOffset(xPos, yPos)] & CANDIDATE) == 0) {
                        //this point isnt being considered for a maximum, continue
                        flags[getListOffset(xPos, yPos)] |= PROCESSED;

                    //checking for equality within tolerance
                    else if (pt.coh - FPERROR <= coherenceKernel[xPos][yPos]) {
                        flags[getListOffset(xPos, yPos)] |= (EQUAL);
                    } else {

                        flags[getListOffset(xPos, yPos)] |= (PROCESSED | DISCARDED);
                flags[getListOffset(pt.x, pt.y)] |= MAX;


        if (maxCount >= count) {
    return out.toArray(new CellReference[out.size()]);
