Example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.linear ArrayRealVector add

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math3.linear ArrayRealVector add


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.linear ArrayRealVector add.


public ArrayRealVector add(RealVector v) throws DimensionMismatchException 

Source Link


From source file:fp.overlapr.algorithmen.StressMajorization.java

private static ArrayRealVector conjugateGradientsMethod(Array2DRowRealMatrix A, ArrayRealVector b,
        ArrayRealVector werte) {/*from ww w .  j a va 2s .  c  o m*/

    Array2DRowRealMatrix preJacobi = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(A.getRowDimension(), A.getColumnDimension());

    // Predconditioner berechnen
    preJacobi.walkInRowOrder(new DefaultRealMatrixChangingVisitor() {
        public double visit(int row, int column, double value) {
            if (row == column) {
                return 1 / A.getEntry(row, column);
            } else {
                return 0.0;

    // x_k beliebig whlen
    ArrayRealVector x_k = new ArrayRealVector(werte);

    // r_k berechnen
    ArrayRealVector r_k = b.subtract(A.operate(x_k));

    // h_k berechnen
    ArrayRealVector h_k = (ArrayRealVector) preJacobi.operate(r_k);

    // d_k = r_k
    ArrayRealVector d_k = h_k;

    // x_k+1 und r_k+1 und d_k+1, sowie alpha und beta und z erzeugen
    ArrayRealVector x_k1;
    ArrayRealVector r_k1;
    ArrayRealVector d_k1;
    ArrayRealVector h_k1;
    double alpha;
    double beta;
    ArrayRealVector z;

    do {
        // Speichere Matrix-Vektor-Produkt, um es nur einmal auszurechnen
        z = (ArrayRealVector) A.operate(d_k);

        // Finde von x_k in Richtung d_k den Ort x_k1 des Minimums der
        // Funktion E
        // und aktualisere den Gradienten bzw. das Residuum
        alpha = r_k.dotProduct(h_k) / d_k.dotProduct(z);
        x_k1 = x_k.add(d_k.mapMultiply(alpha));
        r_k1 = r_k.subtract(z.mapMultiply(alpha));
        h_k1 = (ArrayRealVector) preJacobi.operate(r_k1);

        // Korrigiere die Suchrichtung d_k1
        beta = r_k1.dotProduct(h_k1) / r_k.dotProduct(h_k);
        d_k1 = h_k1.add(d_k.mapMultiply(beta));

        // Werte "eins" weitersetzen
        x_k = x_k1;
        r_k = r_k1;
        d_k = d_k1;
        h_k = h_k1;

    } while (r_k1.getNorm() > TOL);

    return x_k1;

From source file:edu.utexas.cs.tactex.servercustomers.factoredcustomer.DefaultCapacityBundle.java

 * sum all originator's (scaled) energies (since I believe the broker sees the
 * sum of them only). /*from   w  w  w  .  j  a va  2s.c o  m*/
 * @param currentTimeslot 
 * @throws Exception 
 * @throws DimensionMismatchException 
public ArrayRealVector getPredictedEnergy(TariffSubscription subscription, int recordLength,
        int currentTimeslot) throws DimensionMismatchException, Exception {
    ArrayRealVector result = new ArrayRealVector(recordLength);

    // sum all originator's energies 
    for (CapacityOriginator originator : capacityOriginators) {
        ArrayRealVector originatorPredictedEnergy = originator.getPredictedEnergy(subscription, recordLength,
        //log.info("originatorPredictedEnergy " + Arrays.toString(originatorPredictedEnergy.toArray()));
        result = result.add(originatorPredictedEnergy);
        //log.info("bundleresult " + Arrays.toString(result.toArray()));

    // normalize to 1 population member
    //log.info("bundleresultnormalized " + Arrays.toString(result.toArray()));

    // all predictions are positive and are adjusted in the server in
    // DefaultUtilityOptimizer.usePower() therefore we adjust the sign here,
    // the last point before returning to our shifting predictor
    double usageSign = getPowerType().isConsumption() ? +1 : -1;

    return result;

From source file:edu.utexas.cs.tactex.tariffoptimization.TariffOptimizierTOUFixedMargin.java

private TotalEnergyRecords sumTotalEnergy(HashMap<CustomerInfo, ArrayRealVector> customer2estimatedEnergy,
        HashMap<TariffSpecification, HashMap<CustomerInfo, Integer>> tariffSubscriptions, int currentTimeslot) {

    List<TariffSpecification> allSpecs = new ArrayList<TariffSpecification>();
    HashMap<CustomerInfo, HashMap<TariffSpecification, ShiftedEnergyData>> customer2ShiftedEnergy = estimateShiftedPredictions(
            customer2estimatedEnergy, allSpecs, currentTimeslot);

    int predictionRecordLength = customer2estimatedEnergy.values().iterator().next().getDimension();
    ArrayRealVector predictedMyCustomersEnergy = new ArrayRealVector(predictionRecordLength);

    // we currently predict cost by total amount of energy
    ////from   ww w .  j  av a2s .  co  m
    for (Entry<TariffSpecification, HashMap<CustomerInfo, Integer>> entry : tariffSubscriptions.entrySet()) {
        TariffSpecification spec = entry.getKey();
        for (Entry<CustomerInfo, Integer> e : entry.getValue().entrySet()) {
            CustomerInfo customer = e.getKey();
            int subs = e.getValue();
            RealVector customerEnergy = customer2ShiftedEnergy.get(customer).get(spec).getShiftedEnergy()
            predictedMyCustomersEnergy = predictedMyCustomersEnergy.add(customerEnergy);
    // competitor energy prediction
    ArrayRealVector predictedCompetitorsEnergyRecord = new ArrayRealVector(predictionRecordLength);
    HashMap<CustomerInfo, HashMap<TariffSpecification, Integer>> predictedCustomerSubscriptions = BrokerUtils
    for (CustomerInfo cust : predictedCustomerSubscriptions.keySet()) {
        double subsToOthers = cust.getPopulation()
                - BrokerUtils.sumMapValues(predictedCustomerSubscriptions.get(cust));
        RealVector customerNonShiftedEnergy = customer2estimatedEnergy.get(cust).mapMultiply(subsToOthers);
        predictedCompetitorsEnergyRecord = predictedCompetitorsEnergyRecord.add(customerNonShiftedEnergy);

    log.debug("predictedMyCustomersEnergy =" + predictedMyCustomersEnergy.toString());
    log.debug("predictedCompetitorsEnergyRecord =" + predictedCompetitorsEnergyRecord.toString());
    return new TotalEnergyRecords(predictedMyCustomersEnergy, predictedCompetitorsEnergyRecord);

From source file:automenta.vivisect.dimensionalize.HyperassociativeMap.java

private ArrayRealVector waitAndProcessFutures(List<Future<ArrayRealVector>> futures)
        throws InterruptedException {
    // wait for all nodes to finish aligning and calculate the new center point
    ArrayRealVector pointSum = newVector();
    try {//  w w  w. ja  v a 2 s  .  c om
        for (Future<ArrayRealVector> future : futures) {
            ArrayRealVector newPoint = future.get();
            //TODO use direct array
            pointSum = pointSum.add(newPoint);

    } catch (ExecutionException caught) {
        //LOGGER.error("Align had an unexpected problem executing.", caught);
        throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected execution exception. Get should block indefinitely", caught);
        if (getAverageMovement() < (equilibriumDistance * acceptableMaxDistanceFactor
                * acceptableDistanceAdjustment)) {
            acceptableMaxDistanceFactor = maxMovement * 2.0;
        //LOGGER.debug("learning rate: " + learningRate + ", acceptableDistanceFactor: " + acceptableDistanceFactor);
    return pointSum;

From source file:org.rhwlab.dispim.datasource.ClusteredDataSource.java

public RealVector getDataMean() {
    ArrayRealVector ret = new ArrayRealVector(getD());
    for (int k = 0; k < centers.length; ++k) {
        ret = ret.add(centers[k].mapMultiply(gaussians.get(k).getN()));
    }//w  w w . j  av  a 2  s .c o  m
    return ret.mapDivide(X.length);

From source file:org.rhwlab.dispim.datasource.MicroClusterDataSource.java

public RealVector getDataMean() {
    ArrayRealVector ret = new ArrayRealVector(getD());
    for (int k = 0; k < micros.length; ++k) {
        ret = ret.add(micros[k].asRealVector());
    }/* w ww . j a v a2s.c  om*/
    return ret.mapDivide(micros.length);

From source file:org.rhwlab.variationalbayesian.MicroClusterDataSource.java

public RealVector getDataMean() {
    ArrayRealVector ret = new ArrayRealVector(getD());
    for (int k = 0; k < centers.length; ++k) {
        ret = ret.add(centers[k]);
    }/*from  w ww .j a  va2 s.c  om*/
    return ret.mapDivide(centers.length);