Example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.linear ArrayRealVector subtract

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math3.linear ArrayRealVector subtract


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.linear ArrayRealVector subtract.


public ArrayRealVector subtract(RealVector v) throws DimensionMismatchException 

Source Link


From source file:fp.overlapr.algorithmen.StressMajorization.java

private static ArrayRealVector conjugateGradientsMethod(Array2DRowRealMatrix A, ArrayRealVector b,
        ArrayRealVector werte) {//from  ww w.ja v a  2 s  .c  o  m

    Array2DRowRealMatrix preJacobi = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(A.getRowDimension(), A.getColumnDimension());

    // Predconditioner berechnen
    preJacobi.walkInRowOrder(new DefaultRealMatrixChangingVisitor() {
        public double visit(int row, int column, double value) {
            if (row == column) {
                return 1 / A.getEntry(row, column);
            } else {
                return 0.0;

    // x_k beliebig whlen
    ArrayRealVector x_k = new ArrayRealVector(werte);

    // r_k berechnen
    ArrayRealVector r_k = b.subtract(A.operate(x_k));

    // h_k berechnen
    ArrayRealVector h_k = (ArrayRealVector) preJacobi.operate(r_k);

    // d_k = r_k
    ArrayRealVector d_k = h_k;

    // x_k+1 und r_k+1 und d_k+1, sowie alpha und beta und z erzeugen
    ArrayRealVector x_k1;
    ArrayRealVector r_k1;
    ArrayRealVector d_k1;
    ArrayRealVector h_k1;
    double alpha;
    double beta;
    ArrayRealVector z;

    do {
        // Speichere Matrix-Vektor-Produkt, um es nur einmal auszurechnen
        z = (ArrayRealVector) A.operate(d_k);

        // Finde von x_k in Richtung d_k den Ort x_k1 des Minimums der
        // Funktion E
        // und aktualisere den Gradienten bzw. das Residuum
        alpha = r_k.dotProduct(h_k) / d_k.dotProduct(z);
        x_k1 = x_k.add(d_k.mapMultiply(alpha));
        r_k1 = r_k.subtract(z.mapMultiply(alpha));
        h_k1 = (ArrayRealVector) preJacobi.operate(r_k1);

        // Korrigiere die Suchrichtung d_k1
        beta = r_k1.dotProduct(h_k1) / r_k.dotProduct(h_k);
        d_k1 = h_k1.add(d_k.mapMultiply(beta));

        // Werte "eins" weitersetzen
        x_k = x_k1;
        r_k = r_k1;
        d_k = d_k1;
        h_k = h_k1;

    } while (r_k1.getNorm() > TOL);

    return x_k1;

From source file:edu.utexas.cs.tactex.subscriptionspredictors.LWRCustOldAppache.java

  * LWR prediction/*from ww  w . j av  a  2  s .c o  m*/
  * @param X
  * @param Y
  * @param x0
  * @param tau
  * @return
public Double LWRPredict(ArrayRealVector X, ArrayRealVector Y, double x0, final double tau) {
    ArrayRealVector X0 = new ArrayRealVector(X.getDimension(), x0);
    ArrayRealVector delta = X.subtract(X0);
    ArrayRealVector sqDists = delta.ebeMultiply(delta);
    UnivariateFunction expTau = new UnivariateFunction() {
        public double value(double arg0) {
            //log.info(" cp univariate tau " + tau);
            return Math.pow(Math.E, -arg0 / (2 * tau));
    ArrayRealVector W = sqDists.map(expTau);
    double Xt_W_X = X.dotProduct(W.ebeMultiply(X));
    if (Xt_W_X == 0.0) {
        log.error(" cp LWR cannot predict - 0 denominator returning NULL");
        log.error("Xcv is " + X.toString());
        log.error("Ycv is " + Y.toString());
        log.error("x0 is " + x0);
        return null; // <==== NOTE: a caller must be prepared for it
    double theta = (1.0 / Xt_W_X) * X.ebeMultiply(W).dotProduct(Y);

    return theta * x0;

From source file:hivemall.anomaly.SDAR2D.java

 * @param x series of input in LIFO order
 * @param k AR window size// w w w .j  a  v a2s.  c om
 * @return x_hat predicted x
 * @link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matrix_multiplication#Outer_product
public RealVector update(@Nonnull final ArrayRealVector[] x, final int k) {
    Preconditions.checkArgument(x.length >= 1, "x.length MUST be greater than 1: " + x.length);
    Preconditions.checkArgument(k >= 0, "k MUST be greater than or equals to 0: ", k);
    Preconditions.checkArgument(k < _C.length,
            "k MUST be less than |C| but " + "k=" + k + ", |C|=" + _C.length);

    final ArrayRealVector x_t = x[0];
    final int dims = x_t.getDimension();

    if (_initialized == false) {
        this._mu = x_t.copy();
        this._sigma = new BlockRealMatrix(dims, dims);
        assert (_sigma.isSquare());
        this._initialized = true;
        return new ArrayRealVector(dims);
    Preconditions.checkArgument(k >= 1, "k MUST be greater than 0: ", k);

    // old parameters are accessible to compute the Hellinger distance
    this._muOld = _mu.copy();
    this._sigmaOld = _sigma.copy();

    // update mean vector
    // \hat{mu} := (1-r) \hat{} + r x_t
    this._mu = _mu.mapMultiply(1.d - _r).add(x_t.mapMultiply(_r));

    // compute residuals (x - \hat{})
    final RealVector[] xResidual = new RealVector[k + 1];
    for (int j = 0; j <= k; j++) {
        xResidual[j] = x[j].subtract(_mu);

    // update covariance matrices
    // C_j := (1-r) C_j + r (x_t - \hat{}) (x_{t-j} - \hat{})'
    final RealMatrix[] C = this._C;
    final RealVector rxResidual0 = xResidual[0].mapMultiply(_r); // r (x_t - \hat{})
    for (int j = 0; j <= k; j++) {
        RealMatrix Cj = C[j];
        if (Cj == null) {
            C[j] = rxResidual0.outerProduct(x[j].subtract(_mu));
        } else {
            C[j] = Cj.scalarMultiply(1.d - _r).add(rxResidual0.outerProduct(x[j].subtract(_mu)));

    // solve A in the following Yule-Walker equation
    // C_j = _{i=1}^{k} A_i C_{j-i} where j = 1..k, C_{-i} = C_i'
     * /C_1\     /A_1\  /C_0     |C_1'    |C_2'    | .  .  .   |C_{k-1}' \
     * |---|     |---|  |--------+--------+--------+           +---------|
     * |C_2|     |A_2|  |C_1     |C_0     |C_1'    |               .     |
     * |---|     |---|  |--------+--------+--------+               .     |
     * |C_3|  =  |A_3|  |C_2     |C_1     |C_0     |               .     |
     * | . |     | . |  |--------+--------+--------+                     |
     * | . |     | . |  |   .                            .               |
     * | . |     | . |  |   .                            .               |
     * |---|     |---|  |--------+                              +--------|
     * \C_k/     \A_k/  \C_{k-1} | .  .  .                      |C_0     /
    RealMatrix[][] rhs = MatrixUtils.toeplitz(C, k);
    RealMatrix[] lhs = Arrays.copyOfRange(C, 1, k + 1);
    RealMatrix R = MatrixUtils.combinedMatrices(rhs, dims);
    RealMatrix L = MatrixUtils.combinedMatrices(lhs);
    RealMatrix A = MatrixUtils.solve(L, R, false);

    // estimate x
    // \hat{x} = \hat{} + _{i=1}^k A_i (x_{t-i} - \hat{})
    RealVector x_hat = _mu.copy();
    for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
        int offset = i * dims;
        RealMatrix Ai = A.getSubMatrix(offset, offset + dims - 1, 0, dims - 1);
        x_hat = x_hat.add(Ai.operate(xResidual[i + 1]));

    // update model covariance
    //  := (1-r)  + r (x - \hat{x}) (x - \hat{x})'
    RealVector xEstimateResidual = x_t.subtract(x_hat);
    this._sigma = _sigma.scalarMultiply(1.d - _r)

    return x_hat;

From source file:gamlss.algorithm.AdditiveFit.java

 * Performs a smoothing process - creates an approximating function
 * that attempts to capture important patterns in the data, while 
 * leaving out noise or other fine-scale structures/rapid phenomena.
 * @param xMat - design matrix//from   ww w . j a v  a 2s . c  o m
 * @param y - response variable
 * @param sMat - smoother matrix
 * @param distParameter - distribution parameter
 * @return matrix of smoothed values
public BlockRealMatrix fitSmoother(final ArrayRealVector y, final ArrayRealVector weights,
        final BlockRealMatrix xMat, final BlockRealMatrix sMat, final int distParameter) {

    this.s = sMat.copy();
    this.w = weights;
    this.whichDistParameter = distParameter;

    //residuals <- as.vector(y - s %*% rep(1, ncol(s)))   
    tempV = new ArrayRealVector(s.getColumnDimension());
    tempV = (ArrayRealVector) s.operate(tempV);
    residuals = MatrixFunctions.vecSub(y, tempV);
    tempV = null;

    //fit <- list(fitted.values = 0)
    fittedValues = new ArrayRealVector(residuals.getDimension());

    //rss <- weighted.mean(residuals^2, w)
    //rss = calculateRss(residuals, w);
    //tempArr = null;

    //rssold <- rss * 10
    //rssOld = rss*10;

    //nit <- 0
    nit = 0;

    //df <- rep(NA, length(who))
    //lambda <- rep(NA, length(who))
    //double[] df = new double[s.getColumnDimension()]; 

    //var <- s
    var = s.copy();

    //if(trace) cat("\nADDITIVE   iter   rss/n     term\n")
    if (Controls.BACKFIT_TRACE) {
        System.out.println("ADDITIVE   iter   rss/n     term");

    //ndig <- -log10(tol) + 1
    //double ndig = -FastMath.log10(tol)+1;

    //RATIO <- tol + 1
    ratio = Controls.BACKFIT_TOL + 1;

    //while(RATIO > tol & nit < maxit) 
    while (ratio > Controls.BACKFIT_TOL & nit < Controls.BACKFIT_CYCLES) {

        //rssold <- rss
        //rssOld = rss;

        //nit <- nit + 1

        //z <- residuals + fit$fitted.values         
        z = residuals.add(fittedValues);

        //org.apache.commons.lang3.time.StopWatch watch = new org.apache.commons.lang3.time.StopWatch();

        //fit <- lm.wfit(x, z, w, method="qr", ...)
        wls.setNoIntercept(Controls.NO_INTERCEPT[whichDistParameter - 1]);
        wls.newSampleData(z, xMat.copy(), w.copy());


        //residuals <- fit$residuals
        fittedValues = (ArrayRealVector) wls.calculateFittedValues(Controls.IS_SVD);

        //residuals = z.subtract(fittedValues);
        //residuals = (ArrayRealVector) wls.calculateResiduals();
        residuals = z.subtract(fittedValues);

        //rss <- weighted.mean(residuals^2, w)
        //rss = calculateRss(residuals, w);

        //if(trace) cat(nit, "   ", 
        //format(round(rss, ndig)), "  Parametric -- lm.wfit\n", sep = "")
        if (Controls.BACKFIT_TRACE) {
            //System.out.println(" " + nit + "  " + 
            //rss + " Parametric -- lm.wfit");

        //deltaf <- 0
        deltaf = 0;

        //for(j in seq(names.calls)) 
        for (colNum = 0; colNum < s.getColumnDimension(); colNum++) {

            //old <- s[, j]
            old = (ArrayRealVector) s.getColumnVector(colNum);

            //z <- residuals + s[, j]
            z = residuals.add(old);

            //fit.call <- eval(smooth.calls[[j]])
            //residuals <- as.double(fit.call$residuals)      
            residuals = smoother.solve(this);

            //if(length(residuals) != n)
            //stop(paste(names.calls[j], "returns a vector 
            //of the wrong length"))
            if (residuals.getDimension() != y.getDimension()) {
                System.err.println(colNum + "  column of matrix s has a" + " vector of the wrong length");

            //s[, j] <- z - residual
            s.setColumnVector(colNum, z.subtract(residuals));

            //if (length(fit.call$lambda)>1)
            //{for cases where there are multiple lambdas 
            //ambda[j] <- fit.call$lambda[1] 

            //coefSmo[[j]] <- if(is.null(fit.call$coefSmo))
            //0 else fit.call$coefSmo

            //deltaf <- deltaf + weighted.mean((s[, j] - old)^2, w)
            tempV = MatrixFunctions.vecSub((ArrayRealVector) s.getColumnVector(colNum), old);
            deltaf = deltaf + mean.evaluate(tempV.ebeMultiply(tempV).getDataRef(), w.getDataRef());
            tempV = null;

            //rss <- weighted.mean(residuals^2, w)
            //rss = calculateRss(residuals, w);

            // if(trace)
            if (Controls.BACKFIT_TRACE) {
                //cat(" ", nit, " ", format(round(rss, ndig)), 
                //"  Nonparametric -- ", names.calls[j], "\n", sep = "")
                //System.out.println("   " + nit +"   " + rss + "
                //Nonparametric " + "pb(column "+ i+")");

            //df[j] <- fit.call$nl.df
            //df[i] = pb.getEdf();

            if (Controls.IS_SE) {
                //var[, j] <- fit.call$var
                var.setColumnVector(colNum, smoother.getVar());

        //RATIO <- sqrt(deltaf/sum(w * apply(s, 1, sum)^2))   
        tempD = 0.0;
        tempM = new BlockRealMatrix(s.getRowDimension(), 1);
        for (int j = 0; j < s.getRowDimension(); j++) {
            for (int k = 0; k < s.getColumnDimension(); k++) {
                tempD = tempD + s.getEntry(j, k);
            tempM.setEntry(j, 0, tempD);
            tempD = 0.0;
        size = tempM.getRowDimension();
        for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
            tempD = tempD + tempM.getEntry(j, 0) * tempM.getEntry(j, 0) * w.getEntry(j);
        ratio = FastMath.sqrt(deltaf / tempD);
        tempD = null;
        tempM = null;

        //cat("Relative change in functions:", 
        //format(round(RATIO, ndig)), "\n")
        if (Controls.BACKFIT_TRACE) {
            System.out.println("Relative change in functions:  " + ratio);

    //if(nit == maxit && maxit > 1)
    //warning(paste("additive.fit convergence not 
    //obtained in ", maxit, " iterations"))
    if (ratio > Controls.BACKFIT_TOL) {
                "AdditiveFit convergence is not obtained in " + Controls.BACKFIT_CYCLES + " iterations");

    //fit$fitted.values <- y - residuals
    fittedValues = y.subtract(residuals);

    //rl <- c(fit, list(smooth = s, nl.df = 
    //sum(df), lambda=lambda, coefSmo=coefSmo))
    return s;