Example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.linear EigenDecomposition getVT

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math3.linear EigenDecomposition getVT


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.linear EigenDecomposition getVT.


public RealMatrix getVT() 

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Gets the transpose of the matrix V of the decomposition.


From source file:edu.cudenver.bios.power.glmm.NonCentralityDistribution.java

 * Pre-calculate intermediate matrices, perform setup, etc.
 *///from  ww  w .  j  a  v  a  2  s.  c o  m
private void initialize(Test test, RealMatrix FEssence, RealMatrix FtFinverse, int perGroupN,
        FixedRandomMatrix CFixedRand, RealMatrix U, RealMatrix thetaNull, RealMatrix beta,
        RealMatrix sigmaError, RealMatrix sigmaG, boolean exact) throws PowerException {
    debug("entering initialize");

    // reset member variables
    this.T1 = null;
    this.FT1 = null;
    this.S = null;
    this.mzSq = null;
    this.H0 = 0;
    this.sStar = 0;

    // cache inputs
    this.test = test;
    this.FEssence = FEssence;
    this.FtFinverse = FtFinverse;
    this.perGroupN = perGroupN;
    this.CFixedRand = CFixedRand;
    this.U = U;
    this.thetaNull = thetaNull;
    this.beta = beta;
    this.sigmaError = sigmaError;
    this.sigmaG = sigmaG;

    // calculate intermediate matrices
    //        RealMatrix FEssence = params.getDesignEssence().getFullDesignMatrixFixed();
    // TODO: do we ever get here with values that can cause integer overflow,
    //       and if so, does it matter?
    this.N = (double) FEssence.getRowDimension() * perGroupN;
    this.exact = exact;
    try {
        // TODO: need to calculate H0, need to adjust H1 for Unirep
        // get design matrix for fixed parameters only
        qF = FEssence.getColumnDimension();
        // a = CFixedRand.getCombinedMatrix().getRowDimension();

        // get fixed contrasts
        RealMatrix Cfixed = CFixedRand.getFixedMatrix();
        RealMatrix CGaussian = CFixedRand.getRandomMatrix();

        // build intermediate terms h1, S
        if (FtFinverse == null) {
            FtFinverse = new LUDecomposition(FEssence.transpose().multiply(FEssence)).getSolver().getInverse();
            debug("FEssence", FEssence);
            debug("FtFinverse = (FEssence transpose * FEssence) inverse", FtFinverse);
        } else {
            debug("FtFinverse", FtFinverse);

        RealMatrix PPt = Cfixed.multiply(FtFinverse.scalarMultiply(1 / (double) perGroupN))
        debug("Cfixed", Cfixed);
        debug("n = " + perGroupN);
        debug("PPt = Cfixed * FtF inverse * (1/n) * Cfixed transpose", PPt);

        T1 = forceSymmetric(new LUDecomposition(PPt).getSolver().getInverse());
        debug("T1 = PPt inverse", T1);

        FT1 = new CholeskyDecomposition(T1).getL();
        debug("FT1 = Cholesky decomposition (L) of T1", FT1);

        // calculate theta difference
        //            RealMatrix thetaNull = params.getTheta();
        RealMatrix C = CFixedRand.getCombinedMatrix();
        //            RealMatrix beta = params.getScaledBeta();
        //            RealMatrix U = params.getWithinSubjectContrast();

        // thetaHat = C * beta * U
        RealMatrix thetaHat = C.multiply(beta.multiply(U));
        debug("C", C);
        debug("beta", beta);
        debug("U", U);
        debug("thetaHat = C * beta * U", thetaHat);

        // thetaDiff = thetaHat - thetaNull
        RealMatrix thetaDiff = thetaHat.subtract(thetaNull);
        debug("thetaNull", thetaNull);
        debug("thetaDiff = thetaHat - thetaNull", thetaDiff);

        // TODO: specific to HLT or UNIREP
        RealMatrix sigmaStarInverse = getSigmaStarInverse(U, sigmaError, test);
        debug("sigmaStarInverse", sigmaStarInverse);

        RealMatrix H1matrix = thetaDiff.transpose().multiply(T1).multiply(thetaDiff).multiply(sigmaStarInverse);
        debug("H1matrix = thetaDiff transpose * T1 * thetaDiff * sigmaStarInverse", H1matrix);

        H1 = H1matrix.getTrace();
        debug("H1 = " + H1);

        // Matrix which represents the non-centrality parameter as a linear combination of chi-squared r.v.'s.
        S = FT1.transpose().multiply(thetaDiff).multiply(sigmaStarInverse).multiply(thetaDiff.transpose())
                .multiply(FT1).scalarMultiply(1 / H1);
        debug("S = FT1 transpose * thetaDiff * sigmaStar inverse * thetaDiff transpose * FT1 * (1/H1)", S);

        // We use the S matrix to generate the F-critical, numerical df's, and denominator df's
        // for a central F distribution.  The resulting F distribution is used as an approximation
        // for the distribution of the non-centrality parameter.
        // See formulas 18-21 and A8,A10 from Glueck & Muller (2003) for details.
        EigenDecomposition sEigenDecomp = new EigenDecomposition(S);
        sEigenValues = sEigenDecomp.getRealEigenvalues();
        // calculate H0
        if (sEigenValues.length > 0)
            H0 = H1 * (1 - sEigenValues[0]);
        if (H0 <= 0)
            H0 = 0;

        // count the # of positive eigen values
        for (double value : sEigenValues) {
            if (value > 0)
        // TODO: throw error if sStar is <= 0
        // TODO: NO: throw error if sStar != sEigenValues.length instead???
        double stddevG = Math.sqrt(sigmaG.getEntry(0, 0));
        RealMatrix svec = sEigenDecomp.getVT();
        mzSq = svec.multiply(FT1.transpose()).multiply(CGaussian).scalarMultiply(1 / stddevG);
        for (int i = 0; i < mzSq.getRowDimension(); i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < mzSq.getColumnDimension(); j++) {
                double entry = mzSq.getEntry(i, j);
                mzSq.setEntry(i, j, entry * entry); // TODO: is there an apache function to do this?

        debug("exiting initialize normally");
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        LOGGER.warn("exiting initialize abnormally", e);

        throw new PowerException(e.getMessage(), PowerErrorEnum.INVALID_DISTRIBUTION_NONCENTRALITY_PARAMETER);

From source file:org.ojalgo.benchmark.lab.library.ACM.java

public DecompositionOperation<RealMatrix, RealMatrix> getOperationEvD(final int dim) {

    final RealMatrix[] ret = this.makeArray(3);

    return (matrix) -> {
        final EigenDecomposition svd = new EigenDecomposition(matrix);
        ret[0] = svd.getV();/*from ww w.  ja v  a  2  s  .  c o m*/
        ret[1] = svd.getD();
        ret[2] = svd.getVT();
        return ret;

From source file:playground.sergioo.facilitiesGenerator2012.WorkFacilitiesGeneration.java

private static Set<PointPerson> getPCATransformation(Collection<PointPerson> points) {
    RealMatrix pointsM = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(points.iterator().next().getDimension(), points.size());
    int k = 0;/*from   ww w. j  a v  a 2  s .c o m*/
    for (PointND<Double> point : points) {
        for (int f = 0; f < point.getDimension(); f++)
            pointsM.setEntry(f, k, point.getElement(f));
    RealMatrix means = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(pointsM.getRowDimension(), 1);
    for (int r = 0; r < means.getRowDimension(); r++) {
        double mean = 0;
        for (int c = 0; c < pointsM.getColumnDimension(); c++)
            mean += pointsM.getEntry(r, c) / pointsM.getColumnDimension();
        means.setEntry(r, 0, mean);
    RealMatrix deviations = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(pointsM.getRowDimension(), pointsM.getColumnDimension());
    for (int r = 0; r < deviations.getRowDimension(); r++)
        for (int c = 0; c < deviations.getColumnDimension(); c++)
            deviations.setEntry(r, c, pointsM.getEntry(r, c) - means.getEntry(r, 0));
    RealMatrix covariance = deviations.multiply(deviations.transpose())
            .scalarMultiply(1 / (double) pointsM.getColumnDimension());
    EigenDecomposition eigenDecomposition = new EigenDecomposition(covariance, 0);
    RealMatrix eigenVectorsT = eigenDecomposition.getVT();
    RealVector eigenValues = new ArrayRealVector(eigenDecomposition.getD().getRowDimension());
    for (int r = 0; r < eigenDecomposition.getD().getRowDimension(); r++)
        eigenValues.setEntry(r, eigenDecomposition.getD().getEntry(r, r));
    for (int i = 0; i < eigenValues.getDimension(); i++) {
        for (int j = i + 1; j < eigenValues.getDimension(); j++)
            if (eigenValues.getEntry(i) < eigenValues.getEntry(j)) {
                double tempValue = eigenValues.getEntry(i);
                eigenValues.setEntry(i, eigenValues.getEntry(j));
                eigenValues.setEntry(j, tempValue);
                RealVector tempVector = eigenVectorsT.getRowVector(i);
                eigenVectorsT.setRowVector(i, eigenVectorsT.getRowVector(j));
                eigenVectorsT.setRowVector(j, tempVector);
                eigenVectorsT.getRowVector(i).mapMultiply(Math.sqrt(1 / eigenValues.getEntry(i))));
    RealVector standardDeviations = new ArrayRealVector(pointsM.getRowDimension());
    for (int r = 0; r < covariance.getRowDimension(); r++)
        standardDeviations.setEntry(r, Math.sqrt(covariance.getEntry(r, r)));
    double zValue = standardDeviations.dotProduct(new ArrayRealVector(pointsM.getRowDimension(), 1));
    RealMatrix zScore = deviations.scalarMultiply(1 / zValue);
    pointsM = eigenVectorsT.multiply(zScore);
    Set<PointPerson> pointsC = new HashSet<PointPerson>();
    k = 0;
    for (PointPerson point : points) {
        PointPerson pointC = new PointPerson(point.getId(), point.getOccupation(),
                new Double[] { pointsM.getEntry(0, k), pointsM.getEntry(1, k) }, point.getPlaceType());
    return pointsC;