Example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.linear RealMatrix subtract

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math3.linear RealMatrix subtract


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.linear RealMatrix subtract.


RealMatrix subtract(RealMatrix m) throws MatrixDimensionMismatchException;

Source Link


Returns this minus m .


From source file:hivemall.utils.math.MatrixUtils.java

 * QR decomposition for a tridiagonal matrix T.
 * @see https://gist.github.com/lightcatcher/8118181
 * @see http://www.ericmart.in/blog/optimizing_julia_tridiag_qr
 * @param T target tridiagonal matrix/*from  w w w.j  ava2s  .co m*/
 * @param R output matrix for R which is the same shape as T
 * @param Qt output matrix for Q.T which is the same shape an T
public static void tridiagonalQR(@Nonnull final RealMatrix T, @Nonnull final RealMatrix R,
        @Nonnull final RealMatrix Qt) {
    int n = T.getRowDimension();
    Preconditions.checkArgument(n == R.getRowDimension() && n == R.getColumnDimension(),
            "T and R must be the same shape");
    Preconditions.checkArgument(n == Qt.getRowDimension() && n == Qt.getColumnDimension(),
            "T and Qt must be the same shape");

    // initial R = T
    R.setSubMatrix(T.getData(), 0, 0);

    // initial Qt = identity
    Qt.setSubMatrix(eye(n), 0, 0);

    for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
        // Householder projection for a vector x
        // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Householder_transformation
        RealVector x = T.getSubMatrix(i, i + 1, i, i).getColumnVector(0);
        x = unitL2norm(x);

        RealMatrix subR = R.getSubMatrix(i, i + 1, 0, n - 1);
        R.setSubMatrix(subR.subtract(x.outerProduct(subR.preMultiply(x)).scalarMultiply(2)).getData(), i, 0);

        RealMatrix subQt = Qt.getSubMatrix(i, i + 1, 0, n - 1);
        Qt.setSubMatrix(subQt.subtract(x.outerProduct(subQt.preMultiply(x)).scalarMultiply(2)).getData(), i, 0);

From source file:com.joptimizer.algebra.CholeskyDecompositionTest.java

 * good decomposition./*from ww w . j  a v  a  2 s. c om*/
public void testDecomposition1() throws Exception {
    RealMatrix P1 = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(new double[][] { { 8.08073550734687, 1.59028724315583 },
            { 1.59028724315583, 0.3250861184011492 } });
    CholeskyDecomposition cFact1 = new CholeskyDecomposition(P1);
    log.debug("L: " + cFact1.getL());
    log.debug("LT: " + cFact1.getLT());
    // check L.LT-Q=0
    RealMatrix P1Inv = cFact1.getL().multiply(cFact1.getLT());
    double norm1 = P1Inv.subtract(P1).getNorm();
    log.debug("norm1: " + norm1);
    assertTrue(norm1 < 1.E-12);

From source file:com.itemanalysis.psychometrics.cfa.MaximumLikelihoodEstimation.java

public double gfi() {
    double fit = 0.0;
    double q = Double.valueOf(model.getNumberOfItems()).doubleValue();
    RealMatrix I = new IdentityMatrix(nItems);
    LUDecomposition SLUD = new LUDecomposition(SIGMA);
    RealMatrix Sinv = SLUD.getSolver().getInverse();
    RealMatrix P1 = Sinv.multiply(varcov);
    RealMatrix D = P1.subtract(I);
    double numerator = D.multiply(D).getTrace();

    RealMatrix P2 = Sinv.multiply(varcov);
    double denom = P2.multiply(P2).getTrace();

    fit = 1.0 - numerator / denom;/*from w w  w .  j ava2  s  . c o m*/
    return fit;

From source file:com.itemanalysis.psychometrics.cfa.GeneralizedLeastSquares.java

public double gfi() {
    double fit = 0.0;
    double q = Double.valueOf(model.getNumberOfItems()).doubleValue();
    RealMatrix I = new IdentityMatrix(nItems);
    RealMatrix P = SIGMA.multiply(VCinv);
    RealMatrix D = I.subtract(P);
    RealMatrix D2 = D.multiply(D);/*w w w.j a v a  2s  .  c  o  m*/
    fit = 1.0 - D2.getTrace() / q;
    return fit;

From source file:lirmm.inria.fr.math.TestUtils.java

/** verifies that two matrices are close (1-norm) */
public static void assertEquals(String msg, RealMatrix expected, RealMatrix observed, double tolerance) {

    Assert.assertNotNull(msg + "\nObserved should not be null", observed);

    if (expected.getColumnDimension() != observed.getColumnDimension()
            || expected.getRowDimension() != observed.getRowDimension()) {
        StringBuilder messageBuffer = new StringBuilder(msg);
        messageBuffer.append("\nObserved has incorrect dimensions.");
        messageBuffer/*from   w w  w.j a va  2 s.c om*/
                .append("\nobserved is " + observed.getRowDimension() + " x " + observed.getColumnDimension());
                .append("\nexpected " + expected.getRowDimension() + " x " + expected.getColumnDimension());

    RealMatrix delta = expected.subtract(observed);
    if (delta.getNorm() >= tolerance) {
        StringBuilder messageBuffer = new StringBuilder(msg);
        messageBuffer.append("\nExpected: " + expected);
        messageBuffer.append("\nObserved: " + observed);
        messageBuffer.append("\nexpected - observed: " + delta);

From source file:edu.ucdenver.bios.designcalculator.DesignCalculator.java

 * Calculate the sum of squares hypothesis matrix (the H matrix)
 * @param params matrices input by user/*from w w  w . j av a2 s .  c  om*/
 * @return H matrix
public RealMatrix getHypothesisSumOfSquares(RealMatrix C, RealMatrix beta, RealMatrix U, RealMatrix thetaNull,
        RealMatrix XtXInverse) {
    // M = C(X'X)^-1C'
    RealMatrix M = C.multiply(XtXInverse.multiply(C.transpose()));
    // thetaHat = C * Beta * U
    RealMatrix thetaHat = C.multiply(beta.multiply(U));
    // thetaHat - thetaNull.  Multiple by negative one to do subtraction
    RealMatrix thetaDiff = thetaHat.subtract(thetaNull);

    // calculate the hypothesis sum of squares: (thetaHat - thetaNull)'[C(X'X)-1C'](thetaHat - thetaNull)
    RealMatrix hss = thetaDiff.transpose().multiply(M.multiply(thetaDiff));

    return hss;


From source file:com.github.kingtim1.jmdp.discounted.MatrixInversePolicyEvaluation.java

public DiscountedVFunction<S> eval(StationaryPolicy<S, A> policy) {
    int n = _smdp.numberOfStates();
    List<S> states = new ArrayList<S>(n);
    Iterable<S> istates = _smdp.states();
    for (S state : istates) {
        states.add(state);/* ww  w  .j  av a  2 s  .  c  om*/

    // Construct matrix A and vector b
    RealMatrix id = MatrixUtils.createRealIdentityMatrix(n);
    RealMatrix gpp = gammaPPi(policy, states);
    RealMatrix A = id.subtract(gpp);
    RealVector b = rPi(policy, states);

    // Solve for V^{\pi}
    SingularValueDecomposition decomp = new SingularValueDecomposition(A);
    DecompositionSolver dsolver = decomp.getSolver();
    RealVector vpi = dsolver.solve(b);

    // Construct the value function
    Map<S, Double> valueMap = new HashMap<S, Double>();
    for (int i = 0; i < states.size(); i++) {
        S state = states.get(i);
        double val = vpi.getEntry(i);
        valueMap.put(state, val);

    return new MapVFunction<S>(valueMap, 0);

From source file:edu.cudenver.bios.matrix.GramSchmidtOrthonormalization.java

 * Perform Gram Schmidt Orthonormalization on the specified 
 * matrix. The matrix A (mxn) is decomposed into two matrices 
 * Q (mxn), R (nxn) such that//w  w  w  .  j  ava2s  . c  o  m
 * <ul>
 * <li>A = QR
 * <li>Q'Q = Identity
 * <li>R is upper triangular
 * </ul> 
 * The resulting Q, R matrices can be retrieved with the getQ()
 * and getR() functions.
 * @param matrix
public GramSchmidtOrthonormalization(RealMatrix matrix) {
    if (matrix == null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null matrix");

    // create the Q, R matrices
    int m = matrix.getRowDimension();
    int n = matrix.getColumnDimension();
    Q = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(m, n);
    R = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(n, n);

    // perform Gram Schmidt process using the following algorithm
    // let w<n> be the resulting orthonormal column vectors
    // let v<n> be the columns of the incoming matrix
    // w1 = (1/norm(v1))*v1
    // ...
    // wj = 1/norm(vj - projectionVj-1Vj)*[vj - projectionVj-1Vj]
    // where projectionVj-1Vj = (w1 * vj) * w1 + (w2 * vj) * w2 + ... + (wj-1 * vj) * wj-1
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        RealMatrix v = matrix.getColumnMatrix(i);
        for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
            RealMatrix Qj = Q.getColumnMatrix(j);
            double value = Qj.transpose().multiply(v).getEntry(0, 0);
            R.setEntry(j, i, value);
            v = v.subtract(Qj.scalarMultiply(value));
        double norm = v.getFrobeniusNorm();
        R.setEntry(i, i, norm);
        Q.setColumnMatrix(i, v.scalarMultiply(1 / norm));

From source file:edu.oregonstate.eecs.mcplan.ml.GaussianMixtureModel.java

private boolean hasConverged(final int c, final double pi, final RealVector mu, final RealMatrix Sigma) {
    return (pi - pi_[c]) < epsilon_ && mu.getDistance(mu_[c]) < epsilon_
            && Sigma.subtract(Sigma_[c]).getFrobeniusNorm() < epsilon_;

From source file:com.analog.lyric.dimple.test.solvers.sumproduct.TestSampledFactors.java

 * Adapted from MATLAB test4 in tests/algoGaussian/testSampledFactors.m
 *//*from  w ww  . ja v a 2 s.  co  m*/
public void sampledComplexProduct() {
    // NOTE: test may fail if seed is changed! We keep the number of samples down so that the test doesn't
    // take too long. Increasing the samples produces better results.


    try (CurrentModel cur = using(new FactorGraph())) {
        final Complex a = complex("a");
        final Complex b = complex("b");
        final Complex c = product(a, b);

        double[] aMean = new double[] { 10, 10 };
        RealMatrix aCovariance = randCovariance(2);
        a.setPrior(new MultivariateNormal(aMean, aCovariance.getData()));

        double[] bMean = new double[] { -20, 20 };
        RealMatrix bCovariance = randCovariance(2);
        b.setPrior(new MultivariateNormalParameters(bMean, bCovariance.getData()));

        GaussianRandomGenerator normalGenerator = new GaussianRandomGenerator(testRand);
        CorrelatedRandomVectorGenerator aGenerator = new CorrelatedRandomVectorGenerator(aMean, aCovariance,
                1e-12, normalGenerator);
        CorrelatedRandomVectorGenerator bGenerator = new CorrelatedRandomVectorGenerator(bMean, bCovariance,
                1e-12, normalGenerator);

        StorelessCovariance expectedCov = new StorelessCovariance(2);

        final int nSamples = 10000;

        RealVector expectedMean = MatrixUtils.createRealVector(new double[2]);
        double[] cSample = new double[2];

        for (int i = 0; i < nSamples; ++i) {
            double[] aSample = aGenerator.nextVector();
            double[] bSample = bGenerator.nextVector();

            // Compute complex product
            cSample[0] = aSample[0] * bSample[0] - aSample[1] * bSample[1];
            cSample[1] = aSample[0] * bSample[1] + aSample[1] * bSample[0];

            expectedMean.addToEntry(0, cSample[0]);
            expectedMean.addToEntry(1, cSample[1]);


        expectedMean.mapDivideToSelf(nSamples); // normalize

        SumProductSolverGraph sfg = requireNonNull(cur.graph.setSolverFactory(new SumProductSolver()));
        sfg.setOption(GibbsOptions.numSamples, nSamples);


        MultivariateNormalParameters cBelief = requireNonNull(c.getBelief());

        RealVector observedMean = MatrixUtils.createRealVector(cBelief.getMean());
        double scaledMeanDistance = expectedMean.getDistance(observedMean) / expectedMean.getNorm();

        //         System.out.format("expectedMean = %s\n", expectedMean);
        //         System.out.format("observedMean = %s\n", observedMean);
        //         System.out.println(scaledMeanDistance);

        assertEquals(0.0, scaledMeanDistance, .02);

        RealMatrix expectedCovariance = expectedCov.getCovarianceMatrix();
        RealMatrix observedCovariance = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(cBelief.getCovariance());
        RealMatrix diffCovariance = expectedCovariance.subtract(observedCovariance);

        double scaledCovarianceDistance = diffCovariance.getNorm() / expectedCovariance.getNorm();

        //         System.out.println(expectedCovariance);
        //         System.out.println(expectedCovariance.getNorm());
        //         System.out.println(diffCovariance);
        //         System.out.println(diffCovariance.getNorm());
        //         System.out.println(diffCovariance.getNorm() / expectedCovariance.getNorm());

        assertEquals(0.0, scaledCovarianceDistance, .2);