Example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.linear RealMatrix subtract

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math3.linear RealMatrix subtract


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.linear RealMatrix subtract.


RealMatrix subtract(RealMatrix m) throws MatrixDimensionMismatchException;

Source Link


Returns this minus m .


From source file:com.itemanalysis.psychometrics.mixture.MvNormalComponentDistribution.java

 * @param x a matrix of dimension 1 x k, where k is the number of variables
 * @return//  w  w  w  .  ja  va2  s. com
public double density(RealMatrix x) throws SingularMatrixException {
    double prob = 0.0;
    RealMatrix xTran = x.transpose();
    int d = xTran.getRowDimension();
    double det = new LUDecomposition(sigma).getDeterminant();
    double nconst = 1.0 / Math.sqrt(det * Math.pow(2.0 * Math.PI, d));
    RealMatrix Sinv = new LUDecomposition(sigma).getSolver().getInverse();
    RealMatrix delta = xTran.subtract(mu);
    RealMatrix dist = (delta.transpose().multiply(Sinv).multiply(delta));
    prob = nconst * Math.exp(-0.5 * dist.getEntry(0, 0));
    return prob;

From source file:edu.cudenver.bios.power.glmm.GLMMTest.java

 * Calculate the sum of squares hypothesis matrix (the H matrix)
 * @param params matrices input by user//w w w. ja v a2 s.c o m
 * @return H matrix
public RealMatrix getHypothesisSumOfSquares() {
    // thetaHat = C * Beta * U
    RealMatrix thetaHat = C.multiply(beta.multiply(U));
    // thetaHat - thetaNull.  Multiple by negative one to do subtraction
    RealMatrix thetaDiff = thetaHat.subtract(thetaNull);

    // calculate the hypothesis sum of squares: (thetaHat - thetaNull)'[C(X'X)-1C'](thetaHat - thetaNull)
    RealMatrix hss = thetaDiff.transpose().multiply(M.multiply(thetaDiff));

    return hss;


From source file:com.bolatu.gezkoncsvlogger.GyroOrientation.RotationKalmanFilter.java

 * Correct the current state estimate with an actual measurement.
 * @param z//  ww  w.j a v a  2  s  .c  o  m
 *            the measurement vector
 * @throws NullArgumentException
 *             if the measurement vector is {@code null}
 * @throws DimensionMismatchException
 *             if the dimension of the measurement vector does not fit
 * @throws SingularMatrixException
 *             if the covariance matrix could not be inverted
public void correct(final RealVector z)
        throws NullArgumentException, DimensionMismatchException, SingularMatrixException {

    // sanity checks
    if (z.getDimension() != measurementMatrix.getRowDimension()) {
        throw new DimensionMismatchException(z.getDimension(), measurementMatrix.getRowDimension());

    // S = H * P(k) * H' + R
    RealMatrix s = measurementMatrix.multiply(errorCovariance).multiply(measurementMatrixT)

    // Inn = z(k) - H * xHat(k)-
    RealVector innovation = z.subtract(measurementMatrix.operate(stateEstimation));

    // calculate gain matrix
    // K(k) = P(k)- * H' * (H * P(k)- * H' + R)^-1
    // K(k) = P(k)- * H' * S^-1

    // instead of calculating the inverse of S we can rearrange the formula,
    // and then solve the linear equation A x X = B with A = S', X = K' and
    // B = (H * P)'

    // K(k) * S = P(k)- * H'
    // S' * K(k)' = H * P(k)-'
    RealMatrix kalmanGain = new CholeskyDecomposition(s).getSolver()

    // update estimate with measurement z(k)
    // xHat(k) = xHat(k)- + K * Inn
    stateEstimation = stateEstimation.add(kalmanGain.operate(innovation));

    // update covariance of prediction error
    // P(k) = (I - K * H) * P(k)-
    RealMatrix identity = MatrixUtils.createRealIdentityMatrix(kalmanGain.getRowDimension());
    errorCovariance = identity.subtract(kalmanGain.multiply(measurementMatrix)).multiply(errorCovariance);

From source file:com.joptimizer.algebra.CholeskySparseFactorizationTest.java

public void testSimple1_norescaling() throws Exception {
    double[][] A = new double[][] { { 4, 0, 2, 2 }, { 0, 4, 2, -2 }, { 2, 2, 6, 0 }, { 2, -2, 0, 6 } };
    //expected L//from w w w  .  ja  v a 2  s. c  o m
    double[][] EL = new double[][] { { 2, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 2, 0, 0 }, { 1, 1, 2, 0 }, { 1, -1, 0, 2 } };

    SparseDoubleMatrix2D ASparse = new SparseDoubleMatrix2D(A);
    CholeskySparseFactorization cs = new CholeskySparseFactorization(ASparse);
    DoubleMatrix2D L = cs.getL();
    DoubleMatrix2D LT = cs.getLT();
    log.debug("L : " + ArrayUtils.toString(L.toArray()));
    log.debug("LT: " + ArrayUtils.toString(LT.toArray()));

    RealMatrix ELMatrix = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(EL);
    RealMatrix LMatrix = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(L.toArray());
    RealMatrix LTMatrix = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(LT.toArray());
    assertEquals((ELMatrix.subtract(LMatrix).getNorm()), 0.);
    assertEquals((ELMatrix.subtract(LTMatrix.transpose()).getNorm()), 0.);

    //A.x = b
    double[] b = new double[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
    double[] x = cs.solve(F1.make(b)).toArray();

    //check the norm ||A.x-b||
    double norm = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(A).operate(new ArrayRealVector(x)).subtract(new ArrayRealVector(b))
    log.debug("norm: " + norm);
    assertEquals(0., norm, Utils.getDoubleMachineEpsilon());

    //check the scaled residual
    double residual = Utils.calculateScaledResidual(A, x, b);
    log.debug("residual: " + residual);
    assertEquals(0., residual, Utils.getDoubleMachineEpsilon());

From source file:com.joptimizer.algebra.CholeskySparseFactorizationTest.java

public void testSimple1_rescaling() throws Exception {
    double[][] A = new double[][] { { 4, 0, 2, 2 }, { 0, 4, 2, -2 }, { 2, 2, 6, 0 }, { 2, -2, 0, 6 } };
    //expected L// w  w w. j a  va2s. co m
    double[][] EL = new double[][] { { 2, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 2, 0, 0 }, { 1, 1, 2, 0 }, { 1, -1, 0, 2 } };

    SparseDoubleMatrix2D ASparse = new SparseDoubleMatrix2D(A);
    CholeskySparseFactorization cs = new CholeskySparseFactorization(ASparse, new Matrix1NormRescaler());
    DoubleMatrix2D L = cs.getL();
    DoubleMatrix2D LT = cs.getLT();
    log.debug("L : " + ArrayUtils.toString(L.toArray()));
    log.debug("LT: " + ArrayUtils.toString(LT.toArray()));

    RealMatrix ELMatrix = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(EL);
    RealMatrix LMatrix = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(L.toArray());
    RealMatrix LTMatrix = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(LT.toArray());
    assertEquals((ELMatrix.subtract(LMatrix).getNorm()), 0., Utils.getDoubleMachineEpsilon());
    assertEquals((ELMatrix.subtract(LTMatrix.transpose()).getNorm()), 0., Utils.getDoubleMachineEpsilon());

    //A.x = b
    double[] b = new double[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
    double[] x = cs.solve(F1.make(b)).toArray();

    //check the norm ||A.x-b||
    double norm = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(A).operate(new ArrayRealVector(x)).subtract(new ArrayRealVector(b))
    log.debug("norm: " + norm);
    assertEquals(0., norm, 1.e-12);

    //check the scaled residual
    double residual = Utils.calculateScaledResidual(A, x, b);
    log.debug("residual: " + residual);
    assertEquals(0., residual, Utils.getDoubleMachineEpsilon());

From source file:com.analog.lyric.dimple.test.solvers.gibbs.TestGibbsRolledUp.java

 * Adapted from MATLAB algoRolledUpGraphs/testGibbsTableFactor.m
 *///from w ww . j a va 2  s  . c om
public void testGibbsTableFactor() {
    final int N = 100;
    final int bufferSize = 1;

    // Create graph

    Bit xi = name("xi", new Bit());
    Bit xo = name("xo", new Bit());
    FactorGraph sg = new FactorGraph(xi, xo);
    IFactorTable table = FactorTable.create(DiscreteDomain.bit(), DiscreteDomain.bit());
    table.setWeightsDense(new double[] { 0, 1, 1, 0 });
    sg.addFactor(table, xi, xo);

    FactorGraph fg = new FactorGraph();
    BitStream x = new BitStream("x");
    fg.addRepeatedFactorWithBufferSize(sg, bufferSize, x, x.getSlice(1));

    // Generate data
    final double[][] input = new double[N][];
    double val = 1.0;//testRand.nextBoolean() ? 1 : 0;
    input[0] = new double[] { val, 1 - val };
    for (int i = 1; i < N; ++i) {
        double p = testRand.nextDouble();
        val = p > table.getWeightForIndices((int) input[i - 1][0], 0) ? 1 : 0;
        input[i] = new double[] { val, 1 - val };

    // Solve using sum-product
    SumProductSolverGraph sfg1 = requireNonNull(fg.setSolverFactory(new SumProductSolver()));
    x.setDataSource(new DoubleArrayDataSource(input));
    DoubleArrayDataSink sink1 = new DoubleArrayDataSink();

    // Solve again using Gibbs
    GibbsSolverGraph sfg2 = requireNonNull(fg.setSolverFactory(new GibbsSolver()));
    x.setDataSource(new DoubleArrayDataSource(input));
    DoubleArrayDataSink sink2 = new DoubleArrayDataSink();


    RealMatrix b1 = wrapRealMatrix(sink1.getArray());
    RealMatrix b2 = wrapRealMatrix(sink2.getArray());

    //      RealMatrixFormat fmt = new RealMatrixFormat("[","]","","", "; ", ",");
    //      System.out.println(fmt.format(wrapRealMatrix(input)));
    //      System.out.println(fmt.format(b1));
    //      System.out.println(fmt.format(b2));

    assertEquals(0.0, b1.subtract(b2).getNorm(), 1e-20);


From source file:edu.cudenver.bios.power.glmm.GLMMTestUnivariateRepeatedMeasures.java

 * Ensure that the within subject contrast is orthonormal for all
 * UNIREP tests//from   w  w w.  ja v a2  s .  c  o  m
protected void createOrthonormalU() {
    RealMatrix UtU = U.transpose().multiply(U);
    double upperLeft = UtU.getEntry(0, 0);
    if (upperLeft != 0)
        UtU = UtU.scalarMultiply(1 / upperLeft);

    RealMatrix diffFromIdentity = UtU.subtract(

    // get maximum absolute value in U'U
    double maxValue = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
    for (int r = 0; r < diffFromIdentity.getRowDimension(); r++) {
        for (int c = 0; c < diffFromIdentity.getColumnDimension(); c++) {
            double entryVal = Math.abs(diffFromIdentity.getEntry(r, c));
            if (entryVal > maxValue)
                maxValue = entryVal;

    if (maxValue > Precision.SAFE_MIN) {
        // U'U matrix deviates from identity, so create a U matrix that is orthonormal
        // TODO: thus UNIREP tests may use a different U matrix than HLT/PBT/WLR tests???
        // TODO: displayed matrix results are incorrect now?
        U = new GramSchmidtOrthonormalization(U).getQ();
        debug("U replaced by orthonormal", U);

From source file:com.itemanalysis.psychometrics.factoranalysis.ObliminCriteria.java

public void computeValues(RealMatrix L) {
    final int k = L.getColumnDimension();
    final int p = L.getRowDimension();
    RealMatrix I = new IdentityMatrix(p);
    RealMatrix L2 = MatrixUtils.multiplyElements(L, L);

    RealMatrix N = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(k, k);
    N.walkInRowOrder(new DefaultRealMatrixChangingVisitor() {
        @Override//  ww  w .  jav  a2s.  co m
        public double visit(int row, int column, double value) {
            if (row == column)
                return 0.0;
            return 1.0;

    RealMatrix C = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(p, p);
    C.walkInRowOrder(new DefaultRealMatrixChangingVisitor() {
        public double visit(int row, int column, double value) {
            return gam / (double) p;

    RealMatrix X = I.subtract(C).multiply(L2).multiply(N);
    double sum = MatrixUtils.sumMatrix(MatrixUtils.multiplyElements(L2, X));
    functionValue = sum / 4.0;
    gradient = MatrixUtils.multiplyElements(L, X);


From source file:edu.cudenver.bios.power.glmm.NonCentralityDistribution.java

 * Pre-calculate intermediate matrices, perform setup, etc.
 *///  w w w .  j a  va  2 s .  com
private void initialize(Test test, RealMatrix FEssence, RealMatrix FtFinverse, int perGroupN,
        FixedRandomMatrix CFixedRand, RealMatrix U, RealMatrix thetaNull, RealMatrix beta,
        RealMatrix sigmaError, RealMatrix sigmaG, boolean exact) throws PowerException {
    debug("entering initialize");

    // reset member variables
    this.T1 = null;
    this.FT1 = null;
    this.S = null;
    this.mzSq = null;
    this.H0 = 0;
    this.sStar = 0;

    // cache inputs
    this.test = test;
    this.FEssence = FEssence;
    this.FtFinverse = FtFinverse;
    this.perGroupN = perGroupN;
    this.CFixedRand = CFixedRand;
    this.U = U;
    this.thetaNull = thetaNull;
    this.beta = beta;
    this.sigmaError = sigmaError;
    this.sigmaG = sigmaG;

    // calculate intermediate matrices
    //        RealMatrix FEssence = params.getDesignEssence().getFullDesignMatrixFixed();
    // TODO: do we ever get here with values that can cause integer overflow,
    //       and if so, does it matter?
    this.N = (double) FEssence.getRowDimension() * perGroupN;
    this.exact = exact;
    try {
        // TODO: need to calculate H0, need to adjust H1 for Unirep
        // get design matrix for fixed parameters only
        qF = FEssence.getColumnDimension();
        // a = CFixedRand.getCombinedMatrix().getRowDimension();

        // get fixed contrasts
        RealMatrix Cfixed = CFixedRand.getFixedMatrix();
        RealMatrix CGaussian = CFixedRand.getRandomMatrix();

        // build intermediate terms h1, S
        if (FtFinverse == null) {
            FtFinverse = new LUDecomposition(FEssence.transpose().multiply(FEssence)).getSolver().getInverse();
            debug("FEssence", FEssence);
            debug("FtFinverse = (FEssence transpose * FEssence) inverse", FtFinverse);
        } else {
            debug("FtFinverse", FtFinverse);

        RealMatrix PPt = Cfixed.multiply(FtFinverse.scalarMultiply(1 / (double) perGroupN))
        debug("Cfixed", Cfixed);
        debug("n = " + perGroupN);
        debug("PPt = Cfixed * FtF inverse * (1/n) * Cfixed transpose", PPt);

        T1 = forceSymmetric(new LUDecomposition(PPt).getSolver().getInverse());
        debug("T1 = PPt inverse", T1);

        FT1 = new CholeskyDecomposition(T1).getL();
        debug("FT1 = Cholesky decomposition (L) of T1", FT1);

        // calculate theta difference
        //            RealMatrix thetaNull = params.getTheta();
        RealMatrix C = CFixedRand.getCombinedMatrix();
        //            RealMatrix beta = params.getScaledBeta();
        //            RealMatrix U = params.getWithinSubjectContrast();

        // thetaHat = C * beta * U
        RealMatrix thetaHat = C.multiply(beta.multiply(U));
        debug("C", C);
        debug("beta", beta);
        debug("U", U);
        debug("thetaHat = C * beta * U", thetaHat);

        // thetaDiff = thetaHat - thetaNull
        RealMatrix thetaDiff = thetaHat.subtract(thetaNull);
        debug("thetaNull", thetaNull);
        debug("thetaDiff = thetaHat - thetaNull", thetaDiff);

        // TODO: specific to HLT or UNIREP
        RealMatrix sigmaStarInverse = getSigmaStarInverse(U, sigmaError, test);
        debug("sigmaStarInverse", sigmaStarInverse);

        RealMatrix H1matrix = thetaDiff.transpose().multiply(T1).multiply(thetaDiff).multiply(sigmaStarInverse);
        debug("H1matrix = thetaDiff transpose * T1 * thetaDiff * sigmaStarInverse", H1matrix);

        H1 = H1matrix.getTrace();
        debug("H1 = " + H1);

        // Matrix which represents the non-centrality parameter as a linear combination of chi-squared r.v.'s.
        S = FT1.transpose().multiply(thetaDiff).multiply(sigmaStarInverse).multiply(thetaDiff.transpose())
                .multiply(FT1).scalarMultiply(1 / H1);
        debug("S = FT1 transpose * thetaDiff * sigmaStar inverse * thetaDiff transpose * FT1 * (1/H1)", S);

        // We use the S matrix to generate the F-critical, numerical df's, and denominator df's
        // for a central F distribution.  The resulting F distribution is used as an approximation
        // for the distribution of the non-centrality parameter.
        // See formulas 18-21 and A8,A10 from Glueck & Muller (2003) for details.
        EigenDecomposition sEigenDecomp = new EigenDecomposition(S);
        sEigenValues = sEigenDecomp.getRealEigenvalues();
        // calculate H0
        if (sEigenValues.length > 0)
            H0 = H1 * (1 - sEigenValues[0]);
        if (H0 <= 0)
            H0 = 0;

        // count the # of positive eigen values
        for (double value : sEigenValues) {
            if (value > 0)
        // TODO: throw error if sStar is <= 0
        // TODO: NO: throw error if sStar != sEigenValues.length instead???
        double stddevG = Math.sqrt(sigmaG.getEntry(0, 0));
        RealMatrix svec = sEigenDecomp.getVT();
        mzSq = svec.multiply(FT1.transpose()).multiply(CGaussian).scalarMultiply(1 / stddevG);
        for (int i = 0; i < mzSq.getRowDimension(); i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < mzSq.getColumnDimension(); j++) {
                double entry = mzSq.getEntry(i, j);
                mzSq.setEntry(i, j, entry * entry); // TODO: is there an apache function to do this?

        debug("exiting initialize normally");
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        LOGGER.warn("exiting initialize abnormally", e);

        throw new PowerException(e.getMessage(), PowerErrorEnum.INVALID_DISTRIBUTION_NONCENTRALITY_PARAMETER);

From source file:com.itemanalysis.psychometrics.factoranalysis.GPArotation.java

 * Conducts orthogonal rotation of factor loadings.
 * @param A matrix of orthogonal factor loadings
 * @return a matrix of rotated factor loadings.
 * @throws ConvergenceException//from  w w  w.  j av  a2 s. co  m
private RotationResults GPForth(RealMatrix A, boolean normalize, int maxIter, double eps)
        throws ConvergenceException {
    int ncol = A.getColumnDimension();

    if (normalize) {
        //elementwise division by normalizing weights
        final RealMatrix W = getNormalizingWeights(A, true);
        A.walkInRowOrder(new DefaultRealMatrixChangingVisitor() {
            public double visit(int row, int column, double value) {
                return value / W.getEntry(row, column);

    RealMatrix Tmat = new IdentityMatrix(ncol);
    double alpha = 1;
    RealMatrix L = A.multiply(Tmat);


    double f = gpFunction.getValue();
    RealMatrix VgQ = gpFunction.getGradient();
    RealMatrix G = A.transpose().multiply(VgQ);
    double VgQtF = gpFunction.getValue();
    RealMatrix VgQt = gpFunction.getGradient();
    RealMatrix Tmatt = null;

    int iter = 0;
    double s = eps + 0.5;
    double s2 = 0;
    int innnerIter = 11;

    while (iter < maxIter) {
        RealMatrix M = Tmat.transpose().multiply(G);
        RealMatrix S = (M.add(M.transpose()));
        S = S.scalarMultiply(0.5);
        RealMatrix Gp = G.subtract(Tmat.multiply(S));
        s = Math.sqrt((Gp.transpose().multiply(Gp)).getTrace());
        s2 = Math.pow(s, 2);

        if (s < eps)
        alpha *= 2.0;

        for (int j = 0; j < innnerIter; j++) {
            Gp = Gp.scalarMultiply(alpha);
            RealMatrix X = (Tmat.subtract(Gp));
            SingularValueDecomposition SVD = new SingularValueDecomposition(X);

            Tmatt = SVD.getU().multiply(SVD.getV().transpose());
            L = A.multiply(Tmatt);
            VgQt = gpFunction.getGradient();
            VgQtF = gpFunction.getValue();

            if (VgQtF < f - 0.5 * s2 * alpha) {
            alpha /= 2.0;

        Tmat = Tmatt;
        f = VgQtF;
        G = A.transpose().multiply(VgQt);

    boolean convergence = s < eps;
    if (!convergence) {
        throw new ConvergenceException();

    if (normalize) {
        //elementwise multiplication by normalizing weights
        final RealMatrix W = getNormalizingWeights(A, true);
        A.walkInRowOrder(new DefaultRealMatrixChangingVisitor() {
            public double visit(int row, int column, double value) {
                return value * W.getEntry(row, column);

    RealMatrix Phi = Tmat.transpose().multiply(Tmat);
    RotationResults result = new RotationResults(gpFunction.getValue(), L, Phi, Tmat, rotationMethod);
    return result;
