Example usage for org.apache.hadoop.io VersionedWritable subclass-usage

List of usage examples for org.apache.hadoop.io VersionedWritable subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.hadoop.io VersionedWritable subclass-usage.


From source file com.hortonworks.hbase.replication.bridge.Invocation.java

/** A method invocation, including the method name and its parameters.*/
public class Invocation extends VersionedWritable implements Configurable {
    protected String methodName;
    protected Class[] parameterClasses;
    protected Object[] parameters;

From source file com.mapr.hbase.support.objects.MHRegionInfo.java

 * HRegion information.
 * Contains HRegion id, start and end keys, a reference to this
 * HRegions' table descriptor, etc.
public class MHRegionInfo extends VersionedWritable implements WritableComparable<MHRegionInfo> {

From source file com.mapr.hbase.support.objects.MHRegionInfo090x.java

 * HRegion information.
 * Contains HRegion id, start and end keys, a reference to this
 * HRegions' table descriptor, etc.
public class MHRegionInfo090x extends VersionedWritable implements WritableComparable<MHRegionInfo090x> {

From source file org.apache.nutch.parse.ParseData.java

/** Data extracted from a page's content.
 * @see Parse#getData()
public final class ParseData extends VersionedWritable {
    public static final String DIR_NAME = "parse_data";