Example usage for org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce Job submit

List of usage examples for org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce Job submit


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce Job submit.


public void submit() throws IOException, InterruptedException, ClassNotFoundException 

Source Link


Submit the job to the cluster and return immediately.


From source file:com.mongodb.hadoop.util.MongoTool.java

License:Apache License

private int runMapReduceJob(final Configuration conf) throws IOException {
    final Job job = Job.getInstance(conf, getJobName());
    /**/*from   www .  j  a va  2 s .c  om*/
     * Any arguments specified with -D <property>=<value>
     * on the CLI will be picked up and set here
     * They override any XML level values
     * Note that -D<space> is important - no space will
     * not work as it gets picked up by Java itself
    // TODO - Do we need to set job name somehow more specifically?
    // This may or may not be correct/sane
    final Class<? extends Mapper> mapper = MongoConfigUtil.getMapper(conf);

    LOG.debug("Mapper Class: " + mapper);
    LOG.debug("Input URI: " + conf.get(MongoConfigUtil.INPUT_URI));
    Class<? extends Reducer> combiner = MongoConfigUtil.getCombiner(conf);
    if (combiner != null) {

    Class mapOutputKeyClass = MongoConfigUtil.getMapperOutputKey(conf);
    Class mapOutputValueClass = MongoConfigUtil.getMapperOutputValue(conf);

    if (mapOutputKeyClass != null) {
    if (mapOutputValueClass != null) {

     * Determines if the job will run verbosely e.g. print debug output
     * Only works with foreground jobs
    final boolean verbose = MongoConfigUtil.isJobVerbose(conf);
     * Run job in foreground aka wait for completion or background?
    final boolean background = MongoConfigUtil.isJobBackground(conf);
    try {
        if (background) {
            LOG.info("Setting up and running MapReduce job in background.");
            return 0;
        } else {
            LOG.info("Setting up and running MapReduce job in foreground, will wait for results.  {Verbose? "
                    + verbose + "}");
            return job.waitForCompletion(true) ? 0 : 1;
    } catch (final Exception e) {
        LOG.error("Exception while executing job... ", e);
        return 1;

From source file:com.netflix.Aegisthus.java

License:Apache License

public int run(String[] args) throws Exception {
    Job job = new Job(getConf());

    CommandLine cl = getOptions(args);//from   w w w  . j a  va 2  s.  co m
    if (cl == null) {
        return 1;
    List<Path> paths = Lists.newArrayList();
    if (cl.hasOption(OPT_INPUT)) {
        for (String input : cl.getOptionValues(OPT_INPUT)) {
            paths.add(new Path(input));
    if (cl.hasOption(OPT_INPUTDIR)) {
        paths.addAll(getDataFiles(job.getConfiguration(), cl.getOptionValue(OPT_INPUTDIR)));
    TextInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, paths.toArray(new Path[0]));
    TextOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, new Path(cl.getOptionValue(OPT_OUTPUT)));

    boolean success = job.waitForCompletion(true);
    return success ? 0 : 1;

From source file:com.netflix.bdp.s3.TestMRJob.java

License:Apache License

public void testMRJob() throws Exception {
    FileSystem mockS3 = mock(FileSystem.class);
    FileSystem s3 = S3_OUTPUT_PATH.getFileSystem(getConfiguration());
    if (s3 instanceof MockS3FileSystem) {
        ((MockS3FileSystem) s3).setMock(mockS3);
    } else {//from ww  w .  java  2 s  . c  o  m
        throw new RuntimeException("Cannot continue: S3 not mocked");

    String commitUUID = UUID.randomUUID().toString();

    int numFiles = 3;
    Set<String> expectedFiles = Sets.newHashSet();
    for (int i = 0; i < numFiles; i += 1) {
        File file = temp.newFile(String.valueOf(i) + ".text");
        try (FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file)) {
            out.write(("file " + i).getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
        expectedFiles.add(new Path(S3_OUTPUT_PATH, "part-m-0000" + i + "-" + commitUUID).toString());

    Job mrJob = Job.getInstance(MR_CLUSTER.getConfig(), "test-committer-job");
    Configuration conf = mrJob.getConfiguration();

    S3TextOutputFormat.setOutputPath(mrJob, S3_OUTPUT_PATH);

    File mockResultsFile = temp.newFile("committer.bin");
    String committerPath = "file:" + mockResultsFile;
    conf.set("mock-results-file", committerPath);
    conf.set(UPLOAD_UUID, commitUUID);

    TextInputFormat.addInputPath(mrJob, new Path("file:" + temp.getRoot().toString()));


    Assert.assertTrue("MR job should succeed", mrJob.waitForCompletion(true));

    TestUtil.ClientResults results;
    try (ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(
            FileSystem.getLocal(conf).open(new Path(committerPath)))) {
        results = (TestUtil.ClientResults) in.readObject();

    Assert.assertEquals("Should not delete files", 0, results.deletes.size());

    Assert.assertEquals("Should not abort commits", 0, results.aborts.size());

    Assert.assertEquals("Should commit task output files", numFiles, results.commits.size());

    Set<String> actualFiles = Sets.newHashSet();
    for (CompleteMultipartUploadRequest commit : results.commits) {
        actualFiles.add("s3://" + commit.getBucketName() + "/" + commit.getKey());

    Assert.assertEquals("Should commit the correct file paths", expectedFiles, actualFiles);

From source file:com.ngdata.hbaseindexer.mr.HBaseMapReduceIndexerTool.java

License:Apache License

public int run(HBaseIndexingOptions hbaseIndexingOpts, JobProcessCallback callback) throws Exception {

    if (hbaseIndexingOpts.isDryRun) {
        return new IndexerDryRun(hbaseIndexingOpts, getConf(), System.out).run();
    }/*from  w w  w. j  av  a2  s.  c om*/

    long programStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    Configuration conf = getConf();

    IndexingSpecification indexingSpec = hbaseIndexingOpts.getIndexingSpecification();

    conf.set(HBaseIndexerMapper.INDEX_COMPONENT_FACTORY_KEY, indexingSpec.getIndexerComponentFactory());
            new String(indexingSpec.getConfiguration(), Charsets.UTF_8));
    conf.set(HBaseIndexerMapper.INDEX_NAME_CONF_KEY, indexingSpec.getIndexerName());
    conf.set(HBaseIndexerMapper.TABLE_NAME_CONF_KEY, indexingSpec.getTableName());
    HBaseIndexerMapper.configureIndexConnectionParams(conf, indexingSpec.getIndexConnectionParams());

    IndexerComponentFactory factory = IndexerComponentFactoryUtil.getComponentFactory(
            new ByteArrayInputStream(indexingSpec.getConfiguration()), indexingSpec.getIndexConnectionParams());
    IndexerConf indexerConf = factory.createIndexerConf();

    Map<String, String> params = indexerConf.getGlobalParams();
    String morphlineFile = params.get(MorphlineResultToSolrMapper.MORPHLINE_FILE_PARAM);
    if (hbaseIndexingOpts.morphlineFile != null) {
        morphlineFile = hbaseIndexingOpts.morphlineFile.getPath();
    if (morphlineFile != null) {
        conf.set(MorphlineResultToSolrMapper.MORPHLINE_FILE_PARAM, new File(morphlineFile).getName());
        ForkedMapReduceIndexerTool.addDistributedCacheFile(new File(morphlineFile), conf);

    String morphlineId = params.get(MorphlineResultToSolrMapper.MORPHLINE_ID_PARAM);
    if (hbaseIndexingOpts.morphlineId != null) {
        morphlineId = hbaseIndexingOpts.morphlineId;
    if (morphlineId != null) {
        conf.set(MorphlineResultToSolrMapper.MORPHLINE_ID_PARAM, morphlineId);

    conf.setBoolean(HBaseIndexerMapper.INDEX_DIRECT_WRITE_CONF_KEY, hbaseIndexingOpts.isDirectWrite());

    if (hbaseIndexingOpts.fairSchedulerPool != null) {
        conf.set("mapred.fairscheduler.pool", hbaseIndexingOpts.fairSchedulerPool);

    // switch off a false warning about allegedly not implementing Tool
    // also see http://hadoop.6.n7.nabble.com/GenericOptionsParser-warning-td8103.html
    // also see https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HADOOP-8183
    getConf().setBoolean("mapred.used.genericoptionsparser", true);

    if (hbaseIndexingOpts.log4jConfigFile != null) {
        Utils.setLogConfigFile(hbaseIndexingOpts.log4jConfigFile, getConf());
        ForkedMapReduceIndexerTool.addDistributedCacheFile(hbaseIndexingOpts.log4jConfigFile, conf);

    Job job = Job.getInstance(getConf());
    job.setJobName(getClass().getSimpleName() + "/" + HBaseIndexerMapper.class.getSimpleName());
    //        job.setUserClassesTakesPrecedence(true);

    TableMapReduceUtil.initTableMapperJob(hbaseIndexingOpts.getScans(), HBaseIndexerMapper.class, Text.class,
            SolrInputDocumentWritable.class, job);

    // explicitely set hbase configuration on the job because the TableMapReduceUtil overwrites it with the hbase defaults
    // (see HBASE-4297 which is not really fixed in hbase 0.94.6 on all code paths)
    HBaseConfiguration.merge(job.getConfiguration(), getConf());

    int mappers = new JobClient(job.getConfiguration()).getClusterStatus().getMaxMapTasks(); // MR1
    //mappers = job.getCluster().getClusterStatus().getMapSlotCapacity(); // Yarn only
    LOG.info("Cluster reports {} mapper slots", mappers);

    LOG.info("Using these parameters: " + "reducers: {}, shards: {}, fanout: {}, maxSegments: {}",
            new Object[] { hbaseIndexingOpts.reducers, hbaseIndexingOpts.shards, hbaseIndexingOpts.fanout,
                    hbaseIndexingOpts.maxSegments });

    if (hbaseIndexingOpts.isDirectWrite()) {
        CloudSolrServer solrServer = new CloudSolrServer(hbaseIndexingOpts.zkHost);

        if (hbaseIndexingOpts.clearIndex) {

        // Run a mapper-only MR job that sends index documents directly to a live Solr instance.
        callback.jobStarted(job.getJobID().toString(), job.getTrackingURL());
        if (!ForkedMapReduceIndexerTool.waitForCompletion(job, hbaseIndexingOpts.isVerbose)) {
            return -1; // job failed
        ForkedMapReduceIndexerTool.goodbye(job, programStartTime);
        return 0;
    } else {
        FileSystem fileSystem = FileSystem.get(getConf());

        if (fileSystem.exists(hbaseIndexingOpts.outputDir)) {
            if (hbaseIndexingOpts.overwriteOutputDir) {
                LOG.info("Removing existing output directory {}", hbaseIndexingOpts.outputDir);
                if (!fileSystem.delete(hbaseIndexingOpts.outputDir, true)) {
                    LOG.error("Deleting output directory '{}' failed", hbaseIndexingOpts.outputDir);
                    return -1;
            } else {
                LOG.error("Output directory '{}' already exists. Run with --overwrite-output-dir to "
                        + "overwrite it, or remove it manually", hbaseIndexingOpts.outputDir);
                return -1;

        int exitCode = ForkedMapReduceIndexerTool.runIndexingPipeline(job, callback, getConf(),
                hbaseIndexingOpts.asOptions(), programStartTime, fileSystem, null, -1, // File-based parameters
                -1, // num mappers, only of importance for file-based indexing

        if (hbaseIndexingOpts.isGeneratedOutputDir()) {
            LOG.info("Deleting generated output directory " + hbaseIndexingOpts.outputDir);
            fileSystem.delete(hbaseIndexingOpts.outputDir, true);
        return exitCode;

From source file:com.nnapz.hbaseexplorer.HBaseClient.java

License:Apache License

 * Create and start a M/R statistics Job
 * @param tableName the table we want stats for
 * @return the newly created job for status polling etc
 * @throws Exception on any Hbase problem
 *///from   w ww . ja  v a2s . c o  m
public Job pushTableStats(String tableName) throws Exception {
    if (!checkOnline(tableName))
        return null; // todo ex if no jobtracker was set up
    Job job = TableStats.createSubmittableJob(configurationHolder.getConf(), tableName);
    return job;

From source file:com.phantom.hadoop.examples.pi.Util.java

License:Apache License

/** Run a job. */
static void runJob(String name, Job job, Machine machine, String startmessage, Util.Timer timer) {
    Long starttime = null;//w w w. j a v  a  2 s  .  c om
    try {
        try {
            starttime = timer.tick("starting " + name + " ...\n  " + startmessage);

            // initialize and submit a job

            // Separate jobs
            final long sleeptime = 1000L * job.getConfiguration().getInt(JOB_SEPARATION_PROPERTY, 10);
            if (sleeptime > 0) {
                Util.out.println(name + "> sleep(" + Util.millis2String(sleeptime) + ")");
        } finally {

        if (!job.waitForCompletion(false))
            throw new RuntimeException(name + " failed.");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw e instanceof RuntimeException ? (RuntimeException) e : new RuntimeException(e);
    } finally {
        if (starttime != null)
            timer.tick(name + "> timetaken=" + Util.millis2String(timer.tick() - starttime));

From source file:com.rim.logdriver.util.Cat.java

License:Apache License

public int run(String[] args) throws Exception {
    Configuration conf = getConf(); // Configuration processed by ToolRunner
    // If run by Oozie, then load the Oozie conf too
    if (System.getProperty("oozie.action.conf.xml") != null) {
        conf.addResource(new URL("file://" + System.getProperty("oozie.action.conf.xml")));
    }/* w  ww  .  ja v a2  s  .  c  o m*/

    FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);

    // The command line options
    List<Path> paths = new ArrayList<Path>();
    Path outputDir = null;

    // Load input files from the command line
    if (args.length < 2) {
        System.out.println("usage: [genericOptions] input [input ...] output");

    // Get the files we need from the command line.
    for (int i = 0; i < args.length - 1; i++) {
        for (FileStatus f : fs.globStatus(new Path(args[i]))) {
    outputDir = new Path(args[args.length - 1]);

    Job job = new Job(conf);
    Configuration jobConf = job.getConfiguration();

    jobConf.setIfUnset("mapred.job.name", "Cat Files");

    // To propagate credentials within Oozie
    if (System.getenv("HADOOP_TOKEN_FILE_LOCATION") != null) {
        jobConf.set("mapreduce.job.credentials.binary", System.getenv("HADOOP_TOKEN_FILE_LOCATION"));

    // Good output separators include things that are unsupported by XML. So we
    // just send the byte value of the character through. The restriction here
    // is that it can't be more than 1 byte when UTF-8 encoded, since it will be
    // read by Pig which only deals with single byte separators.
        String outputSeparator = jobConf.get("logdriver.output.field.separator", DEFAULT_OUTPUT_SEPARATOR);
        byte[] bytes = outputSeparator.getBytes(UTF_8);
        if (bytes.length != 1) {
            LOG.error("The output separator must be a single byte in UTF-8.");
            return 1;

        jobConf.set("logdriver.output.field.separator", Byte.toString(bytes[0]));



    TextOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputDir);

    for (Path path : paths) {
        BoomInputFormat.addInputPath(job, path);

    // Run the job.
    if (conf.getBoolean("job.wait", DEFAULT_WAIT_JOB)) {
        return job.waitForCompletion(true) ? 0 : 1;
    } else {
        return 0;

From source file:com.rim.logdriver.util.FastSearch.java

License:Apache License

public int run(String[] args) throws Exception {
    Configuration conf = getConf(); // Configuration processed by ToolRunner
    // If run by Oozie, then load the Oozie conf too
    if (System.getProperty("oozie.action.conf.xml") != null) {
        conf.addResource(new URL("file://" + System.getProperty("oozie.action.conf.xml")));
    }/*from  w w w  .  j a va 2 s .co  m*/

    FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);

    // The command line options
    String searchString = null;
    List<Path> paths = new ArrayList<Path>();
    Path outputDir = null;

    // Load input files from the command line
    if (args.length < 3) {
        System.out.println("usage: [genericOptions] searchString input [input ...] output");

    // Get the files we need from the command line.
    searchString = args[0];
    for (int i = 1; i < args.length - 1; i++) {
        for (FileStatus f : fs.globStatus(new Path(args[i]))) {
    outputDir = new Path(args[args.length - 1]);

    Job job = new Job(conf);
    Configuration jobConf = job.getConfiguration();

    jobConf.setIfUnset("mapred.job.name", "Search Files");

    // To propagate credentials within Oozie
    if (System.getenv("HADOOP_TOKEN_FILE_LOCATION") != null) {
        jobConf.set("mapreduce.job.credentials.binary", System.getenv("HADOOP_TOKEN_FILE_LOCATION"));

    // Good output separators include things that are unsupported by XML. So we
    // just send the byte value of the character through. The restriction here
    // is that it can't be more than 1 byte when UTF-8 encoded, since it will be
    // read by Pig which only deals with single byte separators.
        String outputSeparator = jobConf.get("logdriver.output.field.separator", DEFAULT_OUTPUT_SEPARATOR);
        byte[] bytes = outputSeparator.getBytes(UTF_8);
        if (bytes.length != 1) {
            LOG.error("The output separator must be a single byte in UTF-8.");
            return 1;

        jobConf.set("logdriver.output.field.separator", Byte.toString(bytes[0]));

    jobConf.set("logdriver.search.string", Base64.encodeBase64String(searchString.getBytes("UTF-8")));



    // And set the output as usual
    TextOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputDir);
    for (Path path : paths) {
        AvroBlockInputFormat.addInputPath(job, path);

    // Run the job.
    if (conf.getBoolean("job.wait", DEFAULT_WAIT_JOB)) {
        return job.waitForCompletion(true) ? 0 : 1;
    } else {
        return 0;

From source file:com.rim.logdriver.util.Grep.java

License:Apache License

public int run(String[] args) throws Exception {
    Configuration conf = getConf(); // Configuration processed by ToolRunner
    // If run by Oozie, then load the Oozie conf too
    if (System.getProperty("oozie.action.conf.xml") != null) {
        conf.addResource(new URL("file://" + System.getProperty("oozie.action.conf.xml")));
    }/*from w w  w  .j  a v a 2  s .  c  om*/

    FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);

    // The command line options
    String regex = null;
    List<Path> paths = new ArrayList<Path>();
    Path outputDir = null;

    // Load input files from the command line
    if (args.length < 3) {
        System.out.println("usage: [genericOptions] regex input [input ...] output");

    // Get the files we need from the command line.
    regex = args[0];
    for (int i = 1; i < args.length - 1; i++) {
        for (FileStatus f : fs.globStatus(new Path(args[i]))) {
    outputDir = new Path(args[args.length - 1]);

    Job job = new Job(conf);
    Configuration jobConf = job.getConfiguration();

    jobConf.setIfUnset("mapred.job.name", "Grep Files");

    // To propagate credentials within Oozie
    if (System.getenv("HADOOP_TOKEN_FILE_LOCATION") != null) {
        jobConf.set("mapreduce.job.credentials.binary", System.getenv("HADOOP_TOKEN_FILE_LOCATION"));

    // Good output separators include things that are unsupported by XML. So we
    // just send the byte value of the character through. The restriction here
    // is that it can't be more than 1 byte when UTF-8 encoded, since it will be
    // read by Pig which only deals with single byte separators.
        String outputSeparator = jobConf.get("logdriver.output.field.separator", DEFAULT_OUTPUT_SEPARATOR);
        byte[] bytes = outputSeparator.getBytes(UTF_8);
        if (bytes.length != 1) {
            LOG.error("The output separator must be a single byte in UTF-8.");
            return 1;

        jobConf.set("logdriver.output.field.separator", Byte.toString(bytes[0]));

    jobConf.set("logdriver.grep.regex", Base64.encodeBase64String(regex.getBytes("UTF-8")));



    // And set the output as usual
    TextOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputDir);
    for (Path path : paths) {
        BoomInputFormat.addInputPath(job, path);

    // Run the job.
    if (conf.getBoolean("job.wait", DEFAULT_WAIT_JOB)) {
        return job.waitForCompletion(true) ? 0 : 1;
    } else {
        return 0;


From source file:com.rim.logdriver.util.MultiSearch.java

License:Apache License

public int run(String[] args) throws Exception {
    Configuration conf = getConf(); // Configuration processed by ToolRunner
    // If run by Oozie, then load the Oozie conf too
    if (System.getProperty("oozie.action.conf.xml") != null) {
        conf.addResource(new URL("file://" + System.getProperty("oozie.action.conf.xml")));
    }// www .  j  av a2  s.  c  om

    FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);

    // The command line options
    String searchStringDir = null;
    List<Path> paths = new ArrayList<Path>();
    Path outputDir = null;

    // Load input files from the command line
    if (args.length < 3) {
        System.out.println("usage: [genericOptions] searchStringDirectory input [input ...] output");

    // Get the files we need from the command line.
    searchStringDir = args[0];
    // We are going to be reading all the files in this directory a lot. So
    // let's up the replication factor by a lot so that they're easy to read.
    for (FileStatus f : fs.listStatus(new Path(searchStringDir))) {
        fs.setReplication(f.getPath(), (short) 16);

    for (int i = 1; i < args.length - 1; i++) {
        for (FileStatus f : fs.globStatus(new Path(args[i]))) {

    outputDir = new Path(args[args.length - 1]);

    Job job = new Job(conf);
    Configuration jobConf = job.getConfiguration();

    jobConf.setIfUnset("mapred.job.name", "MultiSearch");

    // To propagate credentials within Oozie
    if (System.getenv("HADOOP_TOKEN_FILE_LOCATION") != null) {
        jobConf.set("mapreduce.job.credentials.binary", System.getenv("HADOOP_TOKEN_FILE_LOCATION"));

    // Good output separators include things that are unsupported by XML. So we
    // just send the byte value of the character through. The restriction here
    // is that it can't be more than 1 byte when UTF-8 encoded, since it will be
    // read by Pig which only deals with single byte separators.
        String outputSeparator = jobConf.get("logdriver.output.field.separator", DEFAULT_OUTPUT_SEPARATOR);
        byte[] bytes = outputSeparator.getBytes(UTF_8);
        if (bytes.length != 1) {
            LOG.error("The output separator must be a single byte in UTF-8.");
            return 1;

        jobConf.set("logdriver.output.field.separator", Byte.toString(bytes[0]));

    jobConf.set("logdriver.search.string.dir", searchStringDir);

    // This search is generally too fast to make good use of 128MB blocks, so
    // let's set the value to 256MB (if it's not set already)
    if (jobConf.get("mapred.max.split.size") == null) {
        jobConf.setLong("mapred.max.split.size", 256 * 1024 * 1024);



    TextOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputDir);
    for (Path path : paths) {
        AvroBlockInputFormat.addInputPath(job, path);

    // Run the job.
    if (conf.getBoolean("job.wait", DEFAULT_WAIT_JOB)) {
        return job.waitForCompletion(true) ? 0 : 1;
    } else {
        return 0;