Example usage for org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce RecordReader initialize

List of usage examples for org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce RecordReader initialize


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce RecordReader initialize.


public abstract void initialize(InputSplit split, TaskAttemptContext context)
        throws IOException, InterruptedException;

Source Link


Called once at initialization.


From source file:org.zuinnote.hadoop.office.format.mapreduce.OfficeFormatHadoopExcelNormalTest.java

License:Apache License

@Disabled("This does not work yet due to a bug in Apache POI that prevents writing correct workbooks containing external references: https://bz.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=57184")
@Test//from  ww  w.  j  av a  2 s  .  c  om
public void writeExcelOutputFormatExcel2013SingleSheetOneLinkedWorkbook()
        throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    // write linkedworkbook1
    // one row string and three columns ("test1","test2","test3")
    // (String formattedValue, String comment, String formula, String address,String
    // sheetName)
    SpreadSheetCellDAO wb1a1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test1", "", "", "A1", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO wb1b1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test2", "", "", "B1", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO wb1c1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test3", "", "", "C1", "Sheet1");
    // write
    Job job = Job.getInstance();
    Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();
    String linkedWB1FileName = "excel2013linkedwb1";
    String tmpDir = tmpPath.toString();
    Path outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
    FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
    conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", linkedWB1FileName);

    // set locale to the one of the test data
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.read.locale.bcp47", "de");
            "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"); // new
    // Excel
    // format,
    // anyway
    // default,
    // but
    // here
    // for
    // illustrative
    // purposes
    conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
    conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
    conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
    FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
    JobContext jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

    TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
    FileOutputCommitter committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
    // setup
    ExcelFileOutputFormat outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
    RecordWriter<NullWritable, SpreadSheetCellDAO> writer = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
    assertNotNull(writer, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");
    writer.write(null, wb1a1);
    writer.write(null, wb1b1);
    writer.write(null, wb1c1);
    // write mainworkbook
    linkedWB1FileName = linkedWB1FileName + this.outputbaseAppendix;
    String linkedWorkbookFilename = "[" + tmpDir + File.separator + linkedWB1FileName + ".xlsx]";
    SpreadSheetCellDAO a1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test4", "", "", "A1", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO b1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "[" + linkedWB1FileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1!B1", "B1",
            "Sheet1"); // should be test2 in the end
    // write
    job = Job.getInstance();
    conf = job.getConfiguration();

    String mainWBfileName = "excel2013singlesheetlinkedwbtestout";
    outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
    FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
    conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", mainWBfileName);
    // set locale to the one of the test data
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.read.locale.bcp47", "de");
            "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"); // new
    // Excel
    // format,
    // anyway
    // default,
    // but
    // here
    // for
    // illustrative
    // purposes
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.linkedworkbooks", linkedWorkbookFilename);
    conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
    conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
    conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
    FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
    jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

    context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
    committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
    // setup
    outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
    RecordWriter<NullWritable, SpreadSheetCellDAO> writerMain = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
    assertNotNull(writerMain, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");
    writerMain.write(null, a1);
    writerMain.write(null, b1);
    // try to read it again
    job = Job.getInstance(conf);
    mainWBfileName = mainWBfileName + this.outputbaseAppendix;
    Path inputFile = new Path(tmpDir + File.separator + mainWBfileName + ".xlsx");
    FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
    // set locale to the one of the test data
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.read.locale.bcp47", "de");
    // enable option to read linked workbooks
    conf.setBoolean("hadoopoffice.read.linkedworkbooks", true);
    conf.setBoolean("hadoopoffice.read.ignoremissinglinkedworkbooks", false);
    ExcelFileInputFormat inputFormat = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
    context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
    List<InputSplit> splits = inputFormat.getSplits(job);
    assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
    RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = inputFormat.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
    assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
    reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
    Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
    ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
    assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 Sheet1");
    spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
    spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
    assertEquals("[" + mainWBfileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1!A1", spreadSheetKey.toString(),
            "Input Split for Excel file has keyname == \"[" + mainWBfileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1!A1\"");
    assertEquals(2, spreadSheetValue.get().length,
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with 2 columns for Sheet1");
    assertEquals("test4", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 == \"test4\"");
    // this comes from the external workbook
    assertEquals("test2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 2 == \"test2\"");

From source file:org.zuinnote.hadoop.office.format.mapreduce.OfficeFormatHadoopExcelNormalTest.java

License:Apache License

@Disabled("This does not work yet due to a bug in Apache POI that prevents writing correct workbooks containing external references: https://bz.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=57184")
@Test// ww w . j a  v  a 2 s.  co m
public void writeExcelOutputFormatExcel2013SingleSheetTwoLinkedWorkbooks()
        throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    // write linkedworkbook1
    // one row string and three columns ("test1","test2","test3")
    // (String formattedValue, String comment, String formula, String address,String
    // sheetName)
    SpreadSheetCellDAO wb1a1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test1", "", "", "A1", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO wb1b1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test2", "", "", "B1", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO wb1c1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test3", "", "", "C1", "Sheet1");
    // write
    Job job = Job.getInstance();
    Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();
    String linkedWB1FileName = "excel2013linkedwb1";
    String tmpDir = tmpPath.toString();
    Path outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
    FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
    conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", linkedWB1FileName);
    // set locale to the one of the test data
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.read.locale.bcp47", "de");
            "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"); // new
    // Excel
    // format,
    // anyway
    // default,
    // but
    // here
    // for
    // illustrative
    // purposes
    conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
    conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
    conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
    FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
    JobContext jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

    TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
    FileOutputCommitter committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
    // setup
    ExcelFileOutputFormat outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
    RecordWriter<NullWritable, SpreadSheetCellDAO> writer = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
    assertNotNull(writer, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");
    writer.write(null, wb1a1);
    writer.write(null, wb1b1);
    writer.write(null, wb1c1);
    // write linkedworkbook2
    // one row string and three columns ("test1","test2","test3")
    // (String formattedValue, String comment, String formula, String address,String
    // sheetName)
    SpreadSheetCellDAO wb2a1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test4", "", "", "A1", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO wb2b1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test5", "", "", "B1", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO wb2c1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test6", "", "", "C1", "Sheet1");
    // write
    job = Job.getInstance();
    conf = job.getConfiguration();
    String linkedWB2FileName = "excel2013linkedwb2";
    outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
    FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
    conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", linkedWB2FileName);
    // set locale to the one of the test data
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.read.locale.bcp47", "de");
            "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"); // new
    // Excel
    // format,
    // anyway
    // default,
    // but
    // here
    // for
    // illustrative
    // purposes
    conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
    conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
    conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
    FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
    jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

    context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
    committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
    // setup
    outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
    writer = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
    assertNotNull(writer, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");
    writer.write(null, wb2a1);
    writer.write(null, wb2b1);
    writer.write(null, wb2c1);
    // write mainworkbook
    linkedWB1FileName = linkedWB1FileName + this.outputbaseAppendix;
    linkedWB2FileName = linkedWB2FileName + this.outputbaseAppendix;
    String linkedWorkbookFilename = "[" + tmpDir + File.separator + linkedWB1FileName + ".xlsx]:[" + tmpDir
            + File.separator + linkedWB2FileName + ".xlsx]";
    SpreadSheetCellDAO a1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test7", "", "", "A1", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO b1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "'[" + linkedWB1FileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1'!B1", "B1",
            "Sheet1"); // should be test2 in the end
    SpreadSheetCellDAO c1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "'[" + linkedWB2FileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1'!B1", "B1",
            "Sheet1"); // should be test5 in the end
    // write
    job = Job.getInstance();
    conf = job.getConfiguration();
    String mainWBfileName = "excel2013singlesheetlinkedwbtestout";
    outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
    FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
    conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", mainWBfileName);
    // set locale to the one of the test data
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.read.locale.bcp47", "de");
            "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"); // new
    // Excel
    // format,
    // anyway
    // default,
    // but
    // here
    // for
    // illustrative
    // purposes
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.linkedworkbooks", linkedWorkbookFilename);
    conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
    conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
    conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
    FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
    jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

    context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
    committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
    // setup

    outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
    RecordWriter<NullWritable, SpreadSheetCellDAO> writerMain = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
    assertNotNull(writerMain, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");
    writerMain.write(null, a1);
    writerMain.write(null, b1);
    writerMain.write(null, c1);
    // try to read it again
    job = Job.getInstance(conf);
    mainWBfileName = mainWBfileName + this.outputbaseAppendix;
    Path inputFile = new Path(tmpDir + File.separator + mainWBfileName + ".xlsx");
    FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
    // set locale to the one of the test data
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.read.locale.bcp47", "de");
    // enable option to read linked workbooks
    conf.setBoolean("hadoopoffice.read.linkedworkbooks", true);
    conf.setBoolean("hadoopoffice.read.ignoremissinglinkedworkbooks", false);
    ExcelFileInputFormat inputFormat = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
    context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
    List<InputSplit> splits = inputFormat.getSplits(job);
    assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
    RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = inputFormat.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
    assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
    reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
    Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
    ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
    assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 Sheet1");
    spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
    spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
    assertEquals("[" + mainWBfileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1!A1", spreadSheetKey.toString(),
            "Input Split for Excel file has keyname == \"[" + mainWBfileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1!A1\"");
    assertEquals(2, spreadSheetValue.get().length,
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with 2 columns for Sheet1");
    assertEquals("test7", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 == \"test7\"");
    // this comes from the external workbook
    assertEquals("test2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 2 == \"test2\"");
    assertEquals("test5", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 3 == \"test5\"");

From source file:parquet.hadoop.thrift.TestParquetToThriftReadProjection.java

License:Apache License

private <T extends TBase<?, ?>> void shouldDoProjection(Configuration conf, T recordToWrite,
        T exptectedReadResult, Class<? extends TBase<?, ?>> thriftClass) throws Exception {
    final Path parquetFile = new Path("target/test/TestParquetToThriftReadProjection/file.parquet");
    final FileSystem fs = parquetFile.getFileSystem(conf);
    if (fs.exists(parquetFile)) {
        fs.delete(parquetFile, true);//ww  w .j  av a 2 s .c o m

    //create a test file
    final TProtocolFactory protocolFactory = new TCompactProtocol.Factory();
    final TaskAttemptID taskId = new TaskAttemptID("local", 0, true, 0, 0);
    final ThriftToParquetFileWriter w = new ThriftToParquetFileWriter(parquetFile,
            ContextUtil.newTaskAttemptContext(conf, taskId), protocolFactory, thriftClass);
    final ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    final TProtocol protocol = protocolFactory.getProtocol(new TIOStreamTransport(baos));

    w.write(new BytesWritable(baos.toByteArray()));

    final ParquetThriftInputFormat<T> parquetThriftInputFormat = new ParquetThriftInputFormat<T>();
    final Job job = new Job(conf, "read");
    ParquetThriftInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, parquetFile);
    final JobID jobID = new JobID("local", 1);
    List<InputSplit> splits = parquetThriftInputFormat
            .getSplits(ContextUtil.newJobContext(ContextUtil.getConfiguration(job), jobID));
    T readValue = null;
    for (InputSplit split : splits) {
        TaskAttemptContext taskAttemptContext = ContextUtil.newTaskAttemptContext(
                ContextUtil.getConfiguration(job), new TaskAttemptID(new TaskID(jobID, true, 1), 0));
        final RecordReader<Void, T> reader = parquetThriftInputFormat.createRecordReader(split,
        reader.initialize(split, taskAttemptContext);
        if (reader.nextKeyValue()) {
            readValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
    assertEquals(exptectedReadResult, readValue);


From source file:parquet.scrooge.ParquetScroogeSchemeTest.java

License:Apache License

public <T> void verifyScroogeRead(TBase recordToWrite, Class<T> readClass, String expectedStr,
        String projectionFilter) throws Exception {
    Configuration conf = new Configuration();
    conf.set("parquet.thrift.converter.class", ScroogeRecordConverter.class.getName());
    conf.set(ThriftReadSupport.THRIFT_READ_CLASS_KEY, readClass.getName());
    conf.set(ThriftReadSupport.THRIFT_COLUMN_FILTER_KEY, projectionFilter);

    final Path parquetFile = new Path("target/test/TestParquetToThriftReadProjection/file.parquet");
    final FileSystem fs = parquetFile.getFileSystem(conf);
    if (fs.exists(parquetFile)) {
        fs.delete(parquetFile, true);/*from w ww .  ja v a 2s . c  om*/

    //create a test file
    final TProtocolFactory protocolFactory = new TCompactProtocol.Factory();
    final TaskAttemptID taskId = new TaskAttemptID("local", 0, true, 0, 0);
    Class writeClass = recordToWrite.getClass();
    final ThriftToParquetFileWriter w = new ThriftToParquetFileWriter(parquetFile,
            ContextUtil.newTaskAttemptContext(conf, taskId), protocolFactory, writeClass);
    final ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    final TProtocol protocol = protocolFactory.getProtocol(new TIOStreamTransport(baos));

    w.write(new BytesWritable(baos.toByteArray()));

    final ParquetScroogeInputFormat<T> parquetScroogeInputFormat = new ParquetScroogeInputFormat<T>();
    final Job job = new Job(conf, "read");
    ParquetThriftInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, parquetFile);
    final JobID jobID = new JobID("local", 1);
    List<InputSplit> splits = parquetScroogeInputFormat
            .getSplits(new JobContext(ContextUtil.getConfiguration(job), jobID));
    T readValue = null;
    for (InputSplit split : splits) {
        TaskAttemptContext taskAttemptContext = new TaskAttemptContext(ContextUtil.getConfiguration(job),
                new TaskAttemptID(new TaskID(jobID, true, 1), 0));
        final RecordReader<Void, T> reader = parquetScroogeInputFormat.createRecordReader(split,
        reader.initialize(split, taskAttemptContext);
        if (reader.nextKeyValue()) {
            readValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
    assertEquals(expectedStr, readValue.toString());

From source file:reconcile.hbase.mapreduce.ZipInputFormat.java

License:Open Source License

public RecordReader<Text, Text> createRecordReader(InputSplit arg0, TaskAttemptContext arg1)
        throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    RecordReader<Text, Text> reader = new ZipEntryRecordReader();
    reader.initialize(arg0, arg1);

    return reader;

From source file:uk.bl.wa.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.DereferencingArchiveToCDXRecordReaderTest.java

License:Open Source License

private void runCDXTest(Configuration conf, String expected) throws Exception {
    File testFile = new File("src/test/resources/rr-test-inputs.txt");
    Path path = new Path(testFile.getAbsoluteFile().toURI().toString());
    FileSplit split = new FileSplit(path, 0, testFile.length(), null);

    ArchiveToCDXFileInputFormat inputFormat = ReflectionUtils.newInstance(ArchiveToCDXFileInputFormat.class,
            conf);/*from w  w w.j av a2  s  . c  o  m*/
    TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContext(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
    RecordReader<Text, Text> reader = inputFormat.createRecordReader(split, context);

    reader.initialize(split, context);

    int position = 0;
    String value = "";
    while (reader.nextKeyValue() != false) {
        position += 1;
        if (position == 3)
            value = reader.getCurrentValue().toString();
    // Check the third value is as expected
    Assert.assertEquals(expected, value);