Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


* Copyright 2016 ZuInnoTe (Jrn Franke) <>
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.


import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.FileVisitResult;
import java.nio.file.SimpleFileVisitor;

import java.util.List;

import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNull;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertThrows;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;


import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.*;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.*;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.*;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.task.TaskAttemptContextImpl;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.task.JobContextImpl;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;


import org.apache.hadoop.util.ReflectionUtils;

import org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterAll;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeAll;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Disabled;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

public class OfficeFormatHadoopExcelNormalTest {

    private static Configuration defaultConf = new Configuration();
    private static FileSystem localFs = null;
    private static final String attempt = "attempt_201612311111_0001_m_000000_0";
    private static final String taskAttempt = "task_201612311111_0001_m_000000";
    private static final TaskAttemptID taskID = TaskAttemptID.forName(attempt);
    private static final String tmpPrefix = "hadoopofficetest";
    private static final String outputbaseAppendix = "-m-00000";
    private static java.nio.file.Path tmpPath;

    public static void oneTimeSetUp() throws IOException {
        // one-time initialization code
        defaultConf.set("fs.defaultFS", "file:///");
        localFs = FileSystem.getLocal(defaultConf);
        // create temp directory
        tmpPath = Files.createTempDirectory(tmpPrefix);

        // create shutdown hook to remove temp files after shutdown, may need to rethink
        // to avoid many threads are created
        Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                try {
                    Files.walkFileTree(tmpPath, new SimpleFileVisitor<java.nio.file.Path>() {

                        public FileVisitResult visitFile(java.nio.file.Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs)
                                throws IOException {
                            return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;

                        public FileVisitResult postVisitDirectory(java.nio.file.Path dir, IOException e)
                                throws IOException {
                            if (e == null) {
                                return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
                            throw e;
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(
                            "Error temporary files in following path could not be deleted " + tmpPath, e);
        // workaround for Apache POI 4.0
        System.setProperty("", "true");

    public static void oneTimeTearDown() {
        // one-time cleanup code

    public void setUp() {

    public void tearDown() {

    public void readExcelInputFormatExcel2003Empty() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        Configuration conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
        ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
        String fileName = "excel2003empty.xls";
        String fileNameSpreadSheet = classLoader.getResource(fileName).getFile();
        Path file = new Path(fileNameSpreadSheet);

        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.locale.bcp47", "de");
        Job job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, file);
        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        ExcelFileInputFormat format = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
        List<InputSplit> splits = format.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = format.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
        assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
        reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
        Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
        ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(0, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contain row 1 and is empty");
        assertFalse(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains no further row");

    public void readExcelInputFormatExcel2013Empty() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        Configuration conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
        ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
        String fileName = "excel2013empty.xlsx";
        String fileNameSpreadSheet = classLoader.getResource(fileName).getFile();
        Path file = new Path(fileNameSpreadSheet);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.locale.bcp47", "de");
        Job job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, file);
        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        ExcelFileInputFormat format = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
        List<InputSplit> splits = format.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = format.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
        assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
        reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
        Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
        ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(0, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contain row 1 and is empty");
        assertFalse(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains no further row");

    public void readExcelInputFormatExcel2003SingleSheet() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        Configuration conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
        ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
        String fileName = "excel2003test.xls";
        String fileNameSpreadSheet = classLoader.getResource(fileName).getFile();
        Path file = new Path(fileNameSpreadSheet);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        Job job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, file);
        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        ExcelFileInputFormat format = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
        List<InputSplit> splits = format.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = format.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
        assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
        reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
        Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
        ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("[excel2003test.xls]Sheet1!A1", spreadSheetKey.toString(),
                "Input Split for Excel file has keyname == \"[excel2003test.xls]Sheet1!A1\"");
        assertEquals(4, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with 4 columns");
        assertEquals("test1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 == \"test1\"");
        assertEquals("Sheet1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getSheetName(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 sheetname == \"Sheet1\"");
        assertEquals("A1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getAddress(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 address == \"A1\"");
        assertEquals("test2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 2 == \"test2\"");
        assertEquals("test3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 3 == \"test3\"");
        assertEquals("test4", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[3]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 4 == \"test4\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(1, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2 with 1 column");
        assertEquals("4", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2 with cell 1 == \"4\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(5, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with 5 columns");
        assertEquals("31/12/99", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 1 == \"31/12/99\"");
        assertEquals("5", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 2 == \"5\"");
        assertNull(spreadSheetValue.get()[2], "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 3 == null");
        assertNull(spreadSheetValue.get()[3], "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 4 == null");
        assertEquals("null", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[4]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 5 == \"null\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 4");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(1, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 4 with 1 column");
        assertEquals("1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 4 with cell 1 == \"1\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 5");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 5 with 3 columns");
        assertEquals("2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 5 with cell 1 == \"2\"");
        assertEquals("6", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 5 with cell 2== \"6\"");
        assertEquals("10", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 5 with cell 3== \"10\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 6");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 6 with 3 columns");
        assertEquals("3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 6 with cell 1 == \"3\"");
        assertEquals("4", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 6 with cell 2== \"4\"");
        assertEquals("15", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 6 with cell 3== \"15\"");

    public void readExcelInputFormatExcel2013SingleSheetEncryptedPositive()
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        Configuration conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
        ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
        String fileName = "excel2013encrypt.xlsx";
        String fileNameSpreadSheet = classLoader.getResource(fileName).getFile();
        Path file = new Path(fileNameSpreadSheet);

        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        // for decryption simply set the password
        conf.set("", "test");
        Job job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, file);
        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        ExcelFileInputFormat format = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
        List<InputSplit> splits = format.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = format.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
        assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
        reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
        Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
        ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("[excel2013encrypt.xlsx]Sheet1!A1", spreadSheetKey.toString(),
                "Input Split for Excel file has keyname == \"[excel2013encrypt.xlsx]Sheet1!A1\"");
        assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with 3 columns");
        assertEquals("test1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 == \"test1\"");
        assertEquals("Sheet1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getSheetName(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 sheetname == \"Sheet1\"");
        assertEquals("A1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getAddress(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 address == \"A1\"");
        assertEquals("test2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 2 == \"test2\"");
        assertEquals("test3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 3 == \"test3\"");

    public void readExcelInputFormatExcel2013SingleSheetEncryptedNegative()
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        Configuration conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
        ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
        String fileName = "excel2013encrypt.xlsx";
        String fileNameSpreadSheet = classLoader.getResource(fileName).getFile();
        Path file = new Path(fileNameSpreadSheet);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        // for decryption simply set the password
        conf.set("", "test2");
        Job job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, file);
        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        ExcelFileInputFormat format = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
        List<InputSplit> splits = format.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = format.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);

        InterruptedException ex = assertThrows(InterruptedException.class,
                () -> reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context), "Exception is thrown in case of wrong password");

    public void readExcelInputFormatExcel2003SingleSheetEncryptedPositive()
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        Configuration conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
        ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
        String fileName = "excel2003encrypt.xls";
        String fileNameSpreadSheet = classLoader.getResource(fileName).getFile();
        Path file = new Path(fileNameSpreadSheet);

        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        // for decryption simply set the password
        conf.set("", "test");
        Job job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, file);
        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        ExcelFileInputFormat format = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
        List<InputSplit> splits = format.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = format.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
        assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
        reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
        Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
        ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("[excel2003encrypt.xls]Sheet1!A1", spreadSheetKey.toString(),
                "Input Split for Excel file has keyname == \"[excel2003encrypt.xls]Sheet1!A1\"");
        assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with 3 columns");
        assertEquals("test1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 == \"test1\"");
        assertEquals("Sheet1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getSheetName(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 sheetname == \"Sheet1\"");
        assertEquals("A1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getAddress(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 address == \"A1\"");
        assertEquals("test2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 2 == \"test2\"");
        assertEquals("test3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 3 == \"test3\"");

    public void readExcelInputFormatExcel2003SingleSheetEncryptedNegative()
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        Configuration conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
        ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
        String fileName = "excel2003encrypt.xls";
        String fileNameSpreadSheet = classLoader.getResource(fileName).getFile();
        Path file = new Path(fileNameSpreadSheet);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        // for decryption simply set the password
        conf.set("", "test2");
        Job job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, file);
        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        ExcelFileInputFormat format = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
        List<InputSplit> splits = format.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = format.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
        InterruptedException ex = assertThrows(InterruptedException.class,
                () -> reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context), "Exception is thrown in case of wrong password");

    public void readExcelInputFormatExcel2013EmptyRows() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        Configuration conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
        ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
        String fileName = "excel2013testemptyrows.xlsx";
        String fileNameSpreadSheet = classLoader.getResource(fileName).getFile();
        Path file = new Path(fileNameSpreadSheet);

        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        Job job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, file);
        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        ExcelFileInputFormat format = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
        List<InputSplit> splits = format.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = format.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
        assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
        reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
        Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
        ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("[excel2013testemptyrows.xlsx]Sheet1!A1", spreadSheetKey.toString(),
                "Input Split for Excel file has keyname == \"[excel2013testemptyrows.xlsx]Sheet1!A1\"");
        assertEquals(0, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with 0 columns");

        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(2, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2 with 2 columns");
        assertEquals("4", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2 with cell 1 == \"4\"");
        assertEquals("1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2 with cell 1 == \"1\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(0, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with 0 columns");

        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 4");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(1, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 4 with 1 column");
        assertEquals("1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 4 with cell 1 == \"1\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 5");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 5 with 3 columns");
        assertEquals("2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 5 with cell 1 == \"2\"");
        assertEquals("6", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 5 with cell 2== \"6\"");
        assertEquals("10", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 5 with cell 3== \"10\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 6");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 6 with 3 columns");
        assertEquals("3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 6 with cell 1 == \"3\"");
        assertEquals("4", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 6 with cell 2== \"4\"");
        assertEquals("10", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 6 with cell 3== \"10\"");

    public void readExcelInputFormatExcel2013SingleSheet() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        Configuration conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
        ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
        String fileName = "excel2013test.xlsx";
        String fileNameSpreadSheet = classLoader.getResource(fileName).getFile();
        Path file = new Path(fileNameSpreadSheet);

        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        Job job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, file);
        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        ExcelFileInputFormat format = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
        List<InputSplit> splits = format.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = format.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
        assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
        reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
        Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
        ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("[excel2013test.xlsx]Sheet1!A1", spreadSheetKey.toString(),
                "Input Split for Excel file has keyname == \"[excel2013test.xlsx]Sheet1!A1\"");
        assertEquals(4, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with 4 columns");
        assertEquals("test1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 == \"test1\"");
        assertEquals("Sheet1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getSheetName(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 sheetname == \"Sheet1\"");
        assertEquals("A1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getAddress(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 address == \"A1\"");
        assertEquals("test2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 2 == \"test2\"");
        assertEquals("test3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 3 == \"test3\"");
        assertEquals("test4", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[3]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 4 == \"test4\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(1, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2 with 1 column");
        assertEquals("4", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2 with cell 1 == \"4\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(5, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with 5 columns");
        assertEquals("31/12/99", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 1 == \"31/12/99\"");
        assertEquals("5", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 2 == \"5\"");
        assertNull(spreadSheetValue.get()[2], "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 3 == null");
        assertNull(spreadSheetValue.get()[3], "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 4 == null");
        assertEquals("null", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[4]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 5 == \"null\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 4");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(1, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 4 with 1 column");
        assertEquals("1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 4 with cell 1 == \"1\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 5");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 5 with 3 columns");
        assertEquals("2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 5 with cell 1 == \"2\"");
        assertEquals("6", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 5 with cell 2== \"6\"");
        assertEquals("10", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 5 with cell 3== \"10\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 6");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 6 with 3 columns");
        assertEquals("3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 6 with cell 1 == \"3\"");
        assertEquals("4", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 6 with cell 2== \"4\"");
        assertEquals("15", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 6 with cell 3== \"15\"");

    public void readExcelCellInputFormatExcel2013SingleSheet() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        Configuration conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
        ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
        String fileName = "excel2013test.xlsx";
        String fileNameSpreadSheet = classLoader.getResource(fileName).getFile();
        Path file = new Path(fileNameSpreadSheet);

        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        Job job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, file);
        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        ExcelCellFileInputFormat format = new ExcelCellFileInputFormat();
        List<InputSplit> splits = format.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, SpreadSheetCellDAO> reader = format.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
        assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
        reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
        Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
        SpreadSheetCellDAO spreadSheetValue = new SpreadSheetCellDAO();
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains cell");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("[excel2013test.xlsx]Sheet1!A1", spreadSheetKey.toString(),
                "Input Split for Excel file has keyname == \"[excel2013test.xlsx]Sheet1!A1\"");
        assertEquals("test1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 == \"test1\"");
        assertEquals("Sheet1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue).getSheetName(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 sheetname == \"Sheet1\"");
        assertEquals("A1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue).getAddress(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 address == \"A1\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains cell");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("test2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 2 == \"test2\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains cell");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("test3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 3 == \"test3\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains cell");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("test4", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 4 == \"test4\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains cell");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("4", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2 with cell 1 == \"4\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains cell");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("31/12/99", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 1 == \"31/12/99\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains cell");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("5", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 2 == \"5\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains cell");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("null", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 5 == \"null\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains cell");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 4 with cell 1 == \"1\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains cell");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 5 with cell 1 == \"2\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains cell");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("6", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 5 with cell 2== \"6\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains cell");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("10", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 5 with cell 3== \"10\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains cell");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 6 with cell 1 == \"3\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains cell");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("4", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 6 with cell 2== \"4\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains cell");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("15", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 6 with cell 3== \"15\"");
        assertFalse(reader.nextKeyValue(), "No more cells");

    public void readExcelInputFormatExcel2013MultiSheetAll() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        Configuration conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
        ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
        String fileName = "excel2013testmultisheet.xlsx";
        String fileNameSpreadSheet = classLoader.getResource(fileName).getFile();
        Path file = new Path(fileNameSpreadSheet);

        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        Job job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, file);
        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        ExcelFileInputFormat format = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
        List<InputSplit> splits = format.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = format.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
        assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
        reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
        Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
        ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 (first sheet)");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("[excel2013testmultisheet.xlsx]Sheet1!A1", spreadSheetKey.toString(),
                "Input Split for Excel file has keyname == \"[excel2013testmultisheet.xlsx]Sheet1!A1\"");
        assertEquals(4, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with 4 columns");
        assertEquals("test1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 == \"test1\"");
        assertEquals("Sheet1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getSheetName(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 sheetname == \"Sheet1\"");
        assertEquals("A1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getAddress(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 address == \"A1\"");
        assertEquals("test2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 2 == \"test2\"");
        assertEquals("test3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 3 == \"test3\"");
        assertEquals("test4", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[3]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 4 == \"test4\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2 (first sheet)");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(1, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2 with 1 column");
        assertEquals("4", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2 with cell 1 == \"4\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 (first sheet)");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(5, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with 5 columns");
        assertEquals("31/12/99", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 1 == \"31/12/99\"");
        assertEquals("5", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 2 == \"5\"");
        assertNull(spreadSheetValue.get()[2], "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 3 == null");
        assertNull(spreadSheetValue.get()[3], "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 4 == null");
        assertEquals("null", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[4]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 5 == \"null\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 4 (first sheet)");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(1, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 4 with 1 column");
        assertEquals("1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 4 with cell 1 == \"1\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 5 (first sheet)");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 5 with 3 columns");
        assertEquals("2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 5 with cell 1 == \"2\"");
        assertEquals("6", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 5 with cell 2== \"6\"");
        assertEquals("10", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 5 with cell 3== \"10\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 6 (first sheet)");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 6 with 3 columns");
        assertEquals("3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 6 with cell 1 == \"3\"");
        assertEquals("4", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 6 with cell 2== \"4\"");
        assertEquals("15", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 6 with cell 3== \"15\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 7 (second sheet)");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("8", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 7 with cell 1 == \"8\"");
        assertEquals("99", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 7 with cell 2 == \"99\"");
        assertEquals(2, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 7 with 2 columns");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 8 (second sheet)");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(1, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 8 with 1 column");
        assertEquals("test", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 8 with cell 1 == \"test\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 9 (second sheet)");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 9 with 3 columns");
        assertNull(spreadSheetValue.get()[0], "Input Split for Excel file contains row 9 with cell 1 == null");
        assertNull(spreadSheetValue.get()[1], "Input Split for Excel file contains row 9 with cell 2 == null");
        assertEquals("seven", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 9 with cell 3 == \"seven\"");

    public void readExcelInputFormatExcel2013MultiSheetSelectedSheet() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        Configuration conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
        ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
        String fileName = "excel2013testmultisheet.xlsx";
        String fileNameSpreadSheet = classLoader.getResource(fileName).getFile();
        Path file = new Path(fileNameSpreadSheet);

        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        // select the sheet
        conf.set("", "testsheet");
        Job job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, file);
        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        ExcelFileInputFormat format = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
        List<InputSplit> splits = format.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = format.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
        assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
        reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
        Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
        ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 7 (second sheet)");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("8", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 7 with cell 1 == \"8\"");
        assertEquals("99", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 7 with cell 2 == \"99\"");
        assertEquals(2, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 7 with 2 columns");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 8 (second sheet)");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(1, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 8 with 1 column");
        assertEquals("test", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 8 with cell 1 == \"test\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 9 (second sheet)");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 9 with 3 columns");
        assertNull(spreadSheetValue.get()[0], "Input Split for Excel file contains row 9 with cell 1 == null");
        assertNull(spreadSheetValue.get()[1], "Input Split for Excel file contains row 9 with cell 2 == null");
        assertEquals("seven", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 9 with cell 3 == \"seven\"");

    public void readExcelInputFormatExcel2013Comment() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        Configuration conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
        ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
        String fileName = "excel2013comment.xlsx";
        String fileNameSpreadSheet = classLoader.getResource(fileName).getFile();

        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        Path file = new Path(fileNameSpreadSheet);
        Job job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, file);
        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        ExcelFileInputFormat format = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
        List<InputSplit> splits = format.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = format.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
        assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
        reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
        Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
        ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("[excel2013comment.xlsx]CommentSheet!A1", spreadSheetKey.toString(),
                "Input Split for Excel file has keyname == \"[excel2013comment.xlsx]CommentSheet!A1\"");
        assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with 3 columns");
        assertEquals("test1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 == \"test1\"");
        assertEquals("First comment", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getComment(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 comment == \"First comment\"");
        assertEquals("CommentSheet", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getSheetName(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 sheetname == \"CommentSheet\"");
        assertEquals("A1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getAddress(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 address == \"A1\"");
        assertEquals("test3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 2 == \"test3\"");
        assertEquals("test3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 3 == \"test3\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(1, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2 with 1 column");
        assertEquals("4", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2 with cell 1 == \"4\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(2, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with 2 columns");
        assertNull(spreadSheetValue.get()[0], "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 1 == null");
        assertEquals("5", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2 with cell 2 == \"5\"");
        assertEquals("Second comment", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getComment(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2 with cell 2 comment == \"Second comment\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 4");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 4 with 3 column");
        assertNull(spreadSheetValue.get()[0], "Input Split for Excel file contains row 4 with cell 1 == null");
        assertNull(spreadSheetValue.get()[1], "Input Split for Excel file contains row 4 with cell 2 == null");
        assertEquals("6", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 4 with cell 3 == \"6\"");
        assertEquals("Third comment", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getComment(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 4 with cell 3 comment == \"Third comment\"");

    public void readExcelInputFormatGzipCompressedExcel2013MultiSheetAll()
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        Configuration conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
        CompressionCodec gzip = new GzipCodec();
        ReflectionUtils.setConf(gzip, conf);
        ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
        String fileName = "excel2013testmultisheet.xlsx.gz";
        String fileNameSpreadSheet = classLoader.getResource(fileName).getFile();
        Path file = new Path(fileNameSpreadSheet);

        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        Job job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, file);
        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        ExcelFileInputFormat format = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
        List<InputSplit> splits = format.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = format.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
        assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
        reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
        Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
        ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 (first sheet)");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("[excel2013testmultisheet.xlsx.gz]Sheet1!A1", spreadSheetKey.toString(),
                "Input Split for Excel file has keyname == \"[excel2013testmultisheet.xlsx.gz]Sheet1!A1\"");
        assertEquals(4, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with 4 columns");
        assertEquals("test1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 == \"test1\"");
        assertEquals("Sheet1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getSheetName(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 sheetname == \"Sheet1\"");
        assertEquals("A1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getAddress(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 address == \"A1\"");
        assertEquals("test2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 2 == \"test2\"");
        assertEquals("test3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 3 == \"test3\"");
        assertEquals("test4", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[3]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 4 == \"test4\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2 (first sheet)");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(1, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2 with 1 column");
        assertEquals("4", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2 with cell 1 == \"4\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 (first sheet)");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(5, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with 5 columns");
        assertEquals("31/12/99", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 1 == \"31/12/99\"");
        assertEquals("5", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 2 == \"5\"");
        assertNull(spreadSheetValue.get()[2], "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 3 == null");
        assertNull(spreadSheetValue.get()[3], "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 4 == null");
        assertEquals("null", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[4]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 5 == \"null\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 4 (first sheet)");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(1, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 4 with 1 column");
        assertEquals("1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 4 with cell 1 == \"1\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 5 (first sheet)");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 5 with 3 columns");
        assertEquals("2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 5 with cell 1 == \"2\"");
        assertEquals("6", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 5 with cell 2== \"6\"");
        assertEquals("10", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 5 with cell 3== \"10\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 6 (first sheet)");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 6 with 3 columns");
        assertEquals("3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 6 with cell 1 == \"3\"");
        assertEquals("4", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 6 with cell 2== \"4\"");
        assertEquals("15", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 6 with cell 3== \"15\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 7 (second sheet)");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("8", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 7 with cell 1 == \"8\"");
        assertEquals("99", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 7 with cell 2 == \"99\"");
        assertEquals(2, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 7 with 2 columns");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 8 (second sheet)");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(1, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 8 with 1 column");
        assertEquals("test", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 8 with cell 1 == \"test\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 9 (second sheet)");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 9 with 3 columns");
        assertNull(spreadSheetValue.get()[0], "Input Split for Excel file contains row 9 with cell 1 == null");
        assertNull(spreadSheetValue.get()[1], "Input Split for Excel file contains row 9 with cell 2 == null");
        assertEquals("seven", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 9 with cell 3 == \"seven\"");

    public void readExcelInputFormatExcel2013LinkedWorkbook() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        Configuration conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
        ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
        String fileName = "excel2013linkedworkbooks.xlsx";
        String fileNameSpreadSheet = classLoader.getResource(fileName).getFile();
        Path file = new Path(fileNameSpreadSheet);

        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        // enable option to read linked workbooks
        conf.setBoolean("", true);
        conf.setBoolean("", false);
        Job job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, file);
        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        ExcelFileInputFormat format = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
        List<InputSplit> splits = format.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = format.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
        assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
        reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
        Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
        ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("[excel2013linkedworkbooks.xlsx]Sheet1!A1", spreadSheetKey.toString(),
                "Input Split for Excel file has keyname == \"[excel2013linkedworkbooks.xlsx]Sheet1!A1\"");
        assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with 3 columns");
        assertEquals("test1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 == \"test1\"");
        assertEquals("Sheet1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getSheetName(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 sheetname == \"Sheet1\"");
        assertEquals("A1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getAddress(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 address == \"A1\"");
        assertEquals("test2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 2 == \"test2\"");
        assertEquals("test3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 3 == \"test3\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(2, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with 2 columns");
        assertEquals("3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 == \"3\" (this tests also if the cached value of 6 is ignored)");
        assertEquals("5", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 2 == \"5\"");


    public void readExcelInputFormatExcel2013LinkedWorkbookAlternativeLocation()
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        Configuration conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
        ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
        String fileName = "excel2013linkedworkbooks.xlsx";
        String fileNameSpreadSheet = classLoader.getResource(fileName).getFile();
        Path file = new Path(fileNameSpreadSheet);
        // alternativeLocation
        String resourcePath = new File(classLoader.getResource(fileName).getFile()).getParent();
        String alternativeLocation = resourcePath + File.separator + "alternatelocationlinkedwb";
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        // enable option to read linked workbooks
        conf.setBoolean("", true);
        conf.setBoolean("", false);
        conf.set("", alternativeLocation);
        Job job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, file);
        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        ExcelFileInputFormat format = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
        List<InputSplit> splits = format.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = format.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
        assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
        reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
        Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
        ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("[excel2013linkedworkbooks.xlsx]Sheet1!A1", spreadSheetKey.toString(),
                "Input Split for Excel file has keyname == \"[excel2013linkedworkbooks.xlsx]Sheet1!A1\"");
        assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with 3 columns");
        assertEquals("test1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 == \"test1\"");
        assertEquals("Sheet1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getSheetName(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 sheetname == \"Sheet1\"");
        assertEquals("A1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getAddress(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 address == \"A1\"");
        assertEquals("test2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 2 == \"test2\"");
        assertEquals("test3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 3 == \"test3\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(2, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with 2 columns");
        assertEquals("3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 == \"3\" (this tests also if the cached value of 6 is ignored)");
        assertEquals("5", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 2 == \"5\"");


    public void readExcelInputFormatExcel2003LinkedWorkbook() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        Configuration conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
        ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
        String fileName = "excel2003linkedworkbooks.xls";
        String fileNameSpreadSheet = classLoader.getResource(fileName).getFile();
        Path file = new Path(fileNameSpreadSheet);

        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        // enable option to read linked workbooks
        conf.setBoolean("", true);
        conf.setBoolean("", false);
        Job job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, file);
        ExcelFileInputFormat format = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
        List<InputSplit> splits = format.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = format.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
        assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
        reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
        Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
        ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("[excel2003linkedworkbooks.xls]Sheet1!A1", spreadSheetKey.toString(),
                "Input Split for Excel file has keyname == \"[excel2003linkedworkbooks.xls]Sheet1!A1\"");
        assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with 3 columns");
        assertEquals("test1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 == \"test1\"");
        assertEquals("Sheet1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getSheetName(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 sheetname == \"Sheet1\"");
        assertEquals("A1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getAddress(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 address == \"A1\"");
        assertEquals("test2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 2 == \"test2\"");
        assertEquals("test3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 3 == \"test3\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(2, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with 2 columns");
        assertEquals("3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 == \"3\" (this tests also if the cached value of 6 is ignored)");
        assertEquals("5", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 2 == \"5\"");


    public void readExcelInputFormatExcel2003LinkedWorkbookAlternativeLocation()
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        Configuration conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
        ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
        String fileName = "excel2003linkedworkbooks.xls";
        String fileNameSpreadSheet = classLoader.getResource(fileName).getFile();
        Path file = new Path(fileNameSpreadSheet);
        // alternativeLocation
        String resourcePath = new File(classLoader.getResource(fileName).getFile()).getParent();
        String alternativeLocation = resourcePath + File.separator + "alternatelocationlinkedwb";
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        // enable option to read linked workbooks
        conf.setBoolean("", true);
        conf.setBoolean("", false);

        conf.set("", alternativeLocation);
        Job job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, file);
        ExcelFileInputFormat format = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
        List<InputSplit> splits = format.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = format.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
        assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
        reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
        Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
        ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("[excel2003linkedworkbooks.xls]Sheet1!A1", spreadSheetKey.toString(),
                "Input Split for Excel file has keyname == \"[excel2003linkedworkbooks.xls]Sheet1!A1\"");
        assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with 3 columns");
        assertEquals("test1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 == \"test1\"");
        assertEquals("Sheet1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getSheetName(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 sheetname == \"Sheet1\"");
        assertEquals("A1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getAddress(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 address == \"A1\"");
        assertEquals("test2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 2 == \"test2\"");
        assertEquals("test3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 3 == \"test3\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(2, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with 2 columns");
        assertEquals("3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 == \"3\" (this tests also if the cached value of 6 is ignored)");
        assertEquals("5", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 2 == \"5\"");


    public void readExcelInputFormatBzip2CompressedExcel2013MultiSheetAll()
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        Configuration conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
        CompressionCodec bzip2 = new BZip2Codec();
        ReflectionUtils.setConf(bzip2, conf);
        ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
        String fileName = "excel2013testmultisheet.xlsx.bz2";
        String fileNameSpreadSheet = classLoader.getResource(fileName).getFile();
        Path file = new Path(fileNameSpreadSheet);

        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        Job job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, file);
        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        ExcelFileInputFormat format = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
        List<InputSplit> splits = format.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = format.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
        assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
        reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
        Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
        ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 (first sheet)");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("[excel2013testmultisheet.xlsx.bz2]Sheet1!A1", spreadSheetKey.toString(),
                "Input Split for Excel file has keyname == \"[excel2013testmultisheet.xlsx.bz2]Sheet1!A1\"");
        assertEquals(4, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with 4 columns");
        assertEquals("test1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 == \"test1\"");
        assertEquals("Sheet1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getSheetName(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 sheetname == \"Sheet1\"");
        assertEquals("A1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getAddress(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 address == \"A1\"");
        assertEquals("test2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 2 == \"test2\"");
        assertEquals("test3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 3 == \"test3\"");
        assertEquals("test4", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[3]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 4 == \"test4\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2 (first sheet)");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(1, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2 with 1 column");
        assertEquals("4", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2 with cell 1 == \"4\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 (first sheet)");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(5, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with 5 columns");
        assertEquals("31/12/99", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 1 == \"31/12/99\"");
        assertEquals("5", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 2 == \"5\"");
        assertNull(spreadSheetValue.get()[2], "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 3 == null");
        assertNull(spreadSheetValue.get()[3], "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 4 == null");
        assertEquals("null", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[4]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 5 == \"null\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 4 (first sheet)");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(1, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 4 with 1 column");
        assertEquals("1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 4 with cell 1 == \"1\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 5 (first sheet)");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 5 with 3 columns");
        assertEquals("2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 5 with cell 1 == \"2\"");
        assertEquals("6", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 5 with cell 2== \"6\"");
        assertEquals("10", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 5 with cell 3== \"10\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 6 (first sheet)");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 6 with 3 columns");
        assertEquals("3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 6 with cell 1 == \"3\"");
        assertEquals("4", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 6 with cell 2== \"4\"");
        assertEquals("15", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 6 with cell 3== \"15\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 7 (second sheet)");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("8", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 7 with cell 1 == \"8\"");
        assertEquals("99", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 7 with cell 2 == \"99\"");
        assertEquals(2, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 7 with 2 columns");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 8 (second sheet)");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(1, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 8 with 1 column");
        assertEquals("test", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 8 with cell 1 == \"test\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 9 (second sheet)");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 9 with 3 columns");
        assertNull(spreadSheetValue.get()[0], "Input Split for Excel file contains row 9 with cell 1 == null");
        assertNull(spreadSheetValue.get()[1], "Input Split for Excel file contains row 9 with cell 2 == null");
        assertEquals("seven", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 9 with cell 3 == \"seven\"");

    public void readExcelInputFormatExcel2013MultiSheetHeader() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        Configuration conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
        ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
        String fileName = "multisheetheader.xlsx";
        String fileNameSpreadSheet = classLoader.getResource(fileName).getFile();
        Path file = new Path(fileNameSpreadSheet);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.locale.bcp47", "us");
        conf.set("", "true");
        conf.set("", "true");
        Job job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, file);
        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        ExcelFileInputFormat format = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
        List<InputSplit> splits = format.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = format.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
        assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
        reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
        assertEquals("column1", ((ExcelRecordReader) reader).getOfficeReader().getCurrentParser().getHeader()[0],
                " header column 1 correctly read");
        assertEquals("column2", ((ExcelRecordReader) reader).getOfficeReader().getCurrentParser().getHeader()[1],
                " header column 2 correctly read");
        assertEquals("column3", ((ExcelRecordReader) reader).getOfficeReader().getCurrentParser().getHeader()[2],
                " header column 3 correctly read");
        Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
        ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();

        // First Sheet
        assertEquals("1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(), "A2 = \"1\"");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getComment(), "Empty Comment");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormula(), "Empty formula");
        assertEquals("A2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getAddress(), "Correct address");
        assertEquals("Sheet1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getSheetName(), "Correct sheet");

        assertEquals("test1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "B2 = \"test1\"");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getComment(), "Empty Comment");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormula(), "Empty formula");
        assertEquals("B2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getAddress(), "Correct address");
        assertEquals("Sheet1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getSheetName(), "Correct sheet");

        assertEquals("10", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(), "C2 = \"10\"");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getComment(), "Empty Comment");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormula(), "Empty formula");
        assertEquals("C2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getAddress(), "Correct address");
        assertEquals("Sheet1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getSheetName(), "Correct sheet");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(), "A3 = \"2\"");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getComment(), "Empty Comment");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormula(), "Empty formula");
        assertEquals("A3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getAddress(), "Correct address");
        assertEquals("Sheet1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getSheetName(), "Correct sheet");

        assertEquals("test3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "B3 = \"test3\"");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getComment(), "Empty Comment");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormula(), "Empty formula");
        assertEquals("B3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getAddress(), "Correct address");
        assertEquals("Sheet1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getSheetName(), "Correct sheet");

        assertEquals("15", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(), "C3 = \"15\"");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getComment(), "Empty Comment");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormula(), "Empty formula");
        assertEquals("C3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getAddress(), "Correct address");
        assertEquals("Sheet1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getSheetName(), "Correct sheet");

        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("10", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(), "A4 = \"10\"");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getComment(), "Empty Comment");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormula(), "Empty formula");
        assertEquals("A4", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getAddress(), "Correct address");
        assertEquals("Sheet1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getSheetName(), "Correct sheet");

        assertEquals("test2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "B4 = \"test2\"");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getComment(), "Empty Comment");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormula(), "Empty formula");
        assertEquals("B4", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getAddress(), "Correct address");
        assertEquals("Sheet1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getSheetName(), "Correct sheet");

        assertEquals("20", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(), "C4 = \"20\"");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getComment(), "Empty Comment");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormula(), "Empty formula");
        assertEquals("C4", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getAddress(), "Correct address");
        assertEquals("Sheet1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getSheetName(), "Correct sheet");

        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 (Second Sheet)");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("50", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(), "A2 = \"50\"");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getComment(), "Empty Comment");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormula(), "Empty formula");
        assertEquals("A2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getAddress(), "Correct address");
        assertEquals("Sheet2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getSheetName(), "Correct sheet");

        assertEquals("test1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "B2 = \"test1\"");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getComment(), "Empty Comment");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormula(), "Empty formula");
        assertEquals("B2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getAddress(), "Correct address");
        assertEquals("Sheet2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getSheetName(), "Correct sheet");

        assertEquals("80", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(), "C2 = \"80\"");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getComment(), "Empty Comment");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormula(), "Empty formula");
        assertEquals("C2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getAddress(), "Correct address");
        assertEquals("Sheet2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getSheetName(), "Correct sheet");

        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2 (Second Sheet)");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("60", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(), "A3 = \"60\"");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getComment(), "Empty Comment");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormula(), "Empty formula");
        assertEquals("A3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getAddress(), "Correct address");
        assertEquals("Sheet2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getSheetName(), "Correct sheet");

        assertEquals("test3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "B3 = \"test3\"");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getComment(), "Empty Comment");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormula(), "Empty formula");
        assertEquals("B3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getAddress(), "Correct address");
        assertEquals("Sheet2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getSheetName(), "Correct sheet");

        assertEquals("90", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(), "C3 = \"90\"");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getComment(), "Empty Comment");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormula(), "Empty formula");
        assertEquals("C3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getAddress(), "Correct address");
        assertEquals("Sheet2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getSheetName(), "Correct sheet");

        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 (Second Sheet)");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("70", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(), "A4 = \"70\"");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getComment(), "Empty Comment");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormula(), "Empty formula");
        assertEquals("A4", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getAddress(), "Correct address");
        assertEquals("Sheet2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getSheetName(), "Correct sheet");

        assertEquals("test2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "B4 = \"test2\"");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getComment(), "Empty Comment");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormula(), "Empty formula");
        assertEquals("B4", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getAddress(), "Correct address");
        assertEquals("Sheet2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getSheetName(), "Correct sheet");

        assertEquals("10000", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "C4 = \"10000\"");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getComment(), "Empty Comment");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormula(), "Empty formula");
        assertEquals("C4", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getAddress(), "Correct address");
        assertEquals("Sheet2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getSheetName(), "Correct sheet");
        assertFalse(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains no further row");

    public void readExcelInputFormatExcel2013MultiSheetHeaderRegEx() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        Configuration conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
        ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
        String fileName = "multisheetheader.xlsx";
        String fileNameSpreadSheet = classLoader.getResource(fileName).getFile();
        Path file = new Path(fileNameSpreadSheet);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "us");
        conf.set("", "true");
        conf.set("", "true");
        conf.set("", "column");
        conf.set("", "spalte");
        Job job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, file);
        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        ExcelFileInputFormat format = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
        List<InputSplit> splits = format.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = format.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
        assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
        reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);

        assertEquals("spalte1", ((ExcelRecordReader) reader).getOfficeReader().getCurrentParser().getHeader()[0],
                " header column 1 correctly read");
        assertEquals("spalte2", ((ExcelRecordReader) reader).getOfficeReader().getCurrentParser().getHeader()[1],
                " header column 2 correctly read");
        assertEquals("spalte3", ((ExcelRecordReader) reader).getOfficeReader().getCurrentParser().getHeader()[2],
                " header column 3 correctly read");

    public void readExcelInputFormatExcel2013MultiSheetSkipWithHeader() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        Configuration conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
        ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
        String fileName = "skipsheet.xlsx";
        String fileNameSpreadSheet = classLoader.getResource(fileName).getFile();
        Path file = new Path(fileNameSpreadSheet);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.locale.bcp47", "us");
        conf.set("", "true");
        conf.set("", "true");
        conf.set("", "5");
        conf.set("", "true");
        Job job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, file);
        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        ExcelFileInputFormat format = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
        List<InputSplit> splits = format.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = format.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
        assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
        reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
        assertEquals("column1", ((ExcelRecordReader) reader).getOfficeReader().getCurrentParser().getHeader()[0],
                " header column 1 correctly read");
        assertEquals("column2", ((ExcelRecordReader) reader).getOfficeReader().getCurrentParser().getHeader()[1],
                " header column 2 correctly read");
        assertEquals("column3", ((ExcelRecordReader) reader).getOfficeReader().getCurrentParser().getHeader()[2],
                " header column 3 correctly read");
        Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
        ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        // First Sheet
        assertEquals("20", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(), "A7 = \"20\"");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getComment(), "Empty Comment");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormula(), "Empty formula");
        assertEquals("A7", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getAddress(), "Correct address");
        assertEquals("Sheet1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getSheetName(), "Correct sheet");
        assertEquals("test2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "B7 = \"test2\"");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getComment(), "Empty Comment");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormula(), "Empty formula");
        assertEquals("B7", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getAddress(), "Correct address");
        assertEquals("Sheet1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getSheetName(), "Correct sheet");
        assertEquals("5", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(), "C7 = \"5\"");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getComment(), "Empty Comment");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormula(), "Empty formula");
        assertEquals("C7", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getAddress(), "Correct address");
        assertEquals("Sheet1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getSheetName(), "Correct sheet");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("30", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(), "A8 = \"30\"");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getComment(), "Empty Comment");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormula(), "Empty formula");
        assertEquals("A8", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getAddress(), "Correct address");
        assertEquals("Sheet1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getSheetName(), "Correct sheet");

        assertEquals("test1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "B8 = \"test1\"");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getComment(), "Empty Comment");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormula(), "Empty formula");
        assertEquals("B8", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getAddress(), "Correct address");
        assertEquals("Sheet1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getSheetName(), "Correct sheet");

        assertEquals("10", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(), "C8 = \"10\"");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getComment(), "Empty Comment");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormula(), "Empty formula");
        assertEquals("C8", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getAddress(), "Correct address");
        assertEquals("Sheet1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getSheetName(), "Correct sheet");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("40", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(), "A9 = \"40\"");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getComment(), "Empty Comment");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormula(), "Empty formula");
        assertEquals("A9", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getAddress(), "Correct address");
        assertEquals("Sheet1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getSheetName(), "Correct sheet");

        assertEquals("test3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "B9 = \"test3\"");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getComment(), "Empty Comment");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormula(), "Empty formula");
        assertEquals("B9", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getAddress(), "Correct address");
        assertEquals("Sheet1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getSheetName(), "Correct sheet");

        assertEquals("15", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(), "C9 = \"15\"");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getComment(), "Empty Comment");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormula(), "Empty formula");
        assertEquals("C9", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getAddress(), "Correct address");
        assertEquals("Sheet1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getSheetName(), "Correct sheet");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 (Second Sheet)");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("90", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(), "A7 = \"90\"");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getComment(), "Empty Comment");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormula(), "Empty formula");
        assertEquals("A7", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getAddress(), "Correct address");
        assertEquals("Sheet2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getSheetName(), "Correct sheet");

        assertEquals("test2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "B7 = \"test2\"");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getComment(), "Empty Comment");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormula(), "Empty formula");
        assertEquals("B7", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getAddress(), "Correct address");
        assertEquals("Sheet2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getSheetName(), "Correct sheet");

        assertEquals("230", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(), "C7 = \"230\"");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getComment(), "Empty Comment");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormula(), "Empty formula");
        assertEquals("C7", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getAddress(), "Correct address");
        assertEquals("Sheet2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getSheetName(), "Correct sheet");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2 (Second Sheet)");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("200", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(), "A8 = \"200\"");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getComment(), "Empty Comment");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormula(), "Empty formula");
        assertEquals("A8", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getAddress(), "Correct address");
        assertEquals("Sheet2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getSheetName(), "Correct sheet");

        assertEquals("test1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "B8 = \"test1\"");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getComment(), "Empty Comment");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormula(), "Empty formula");
        assertEquals("B8", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getAddress(), "Correct address");
        assertEquals("Sheet2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getSheetName(), "Correct sheet");

        assertEquals("240", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(), "C8 = \"240\"");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getComment(), "Empty Comment");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormula(), "Empty formula");
        assertEquals("C8", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getAddress(), "Correct address");
        assertEquals("Sheet2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getSheetName(), "Correct sheet");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 (Second Sheet)");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("101", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(), "A9 = \"101\"");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getComment(), "Empty Comment");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormula(), "Empty formula");
        assertEquals("A9", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getAddress(), "Correct address");
        assertEquals("Sheet2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getSheetName(), "Correct sheet");

        assertEquals("test3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "B9 = \"test3\"");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getComment(), "Empty Comment");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormula(), "Empty formula");
        assertEquals("B9", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getAddress(), "Correct address");
        assertEquals("Sheet2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getSheetName(), "Correct sheet");

        assertEquals("250", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(), "C9 = \"250\"");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getComment(), "Empty Comment");
        assertEquals("", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormula(), "Empty formula");
        assertEquals("C9", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getAddress(), "Correct address");
        assertEquals("Sheet2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getSheetName(), "Correct sheet");
        // third sheet is skipped because it does not contain enough rows
        assertFalse(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains no further row");

    public void writeExcelOutputFormatExcel2013SingleSheet() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        // one row string and three columns ("test1","test2","test3")
        // (String formattedValue, String comment, String formula, String address,String
        // sheetName)
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test1", "", "", "A1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO b1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test2", "", "", "B1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO c1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test3", "", "", "C1", "Sheet1");
        // empty row => nothing todo
        // one row numbers (1,2,3)
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "1", "A3", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO b3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "2", "B3", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO c3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "3", "C3", "Sheet1");
        // one row formulas (=A3+B3)
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a4 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "A3+B3", "A4", "Sheet1");
        // write
        Job job = Job.getInstance();
        Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();

        String fileName = "excel2013singlesheettestout";
        String tmpDir = tmpPath.toString();
        Path outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
        conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", fileName);

        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
                "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"); // new
        // Excel
        // format,
        // anyway
        // default,
        // but
        // here
        // for
        // illustrative
        // purposes
        conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
        conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
        conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        JobContext jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
        FileOutputCommitter committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
        // setup
        // set generic outputformat settings
        ExcelFileOutputFormat outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
        RecordWriter<NullWritable, SpreadSheetCellDAO> writer = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
        assertNotNull(writer, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");
        writer.write(null, a1);
        writer.write(null, b1);
        writer.write(null, c1);
        writer.write(null, a3);
        writer.write(null, b3);
        writer.write(null, c3);
        writer.write(null, a4);
        // try to read it again
        conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
        job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        fileName = fileName + this.outputbaseAppendix;
        Path inputFile = new Path(tmpDir + File.separator + "_temporary" + File.separator + "0" + File.separator
                + taskAttempt + File.separator + fileName + ".xlsx");
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        ExcelFileInputFormat inputFormat = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
        context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        List<InputSplit> splits = inputFormat.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = inputFormat.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
        assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
        reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
        Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
        ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("[" + fileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1!A1", spreadSheetKey.toString(),
                "Input Split for Excel file has keyname == \"[" + fileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1!A1\"");
        assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with 3 columns");
        assertEquals("test1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 == \"test1\"");
        assertEquals("test2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 2 == \"test2\"");
        assertEquals("test3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 3 == \"test3\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(0, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contain row 2 and is empty");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contain row 3 with 3 columns");
        assertEquals("1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 1 == \"1\"");
        assertEquals("2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 2 == \"2\"");
        assertEquals("3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 3 == \"3\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 4");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(1, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contain row 4 with 1 column");
        assertEquals("3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 1 == \"3\"");

    public void writeExcelOutputFormatExcel2013SingleSheetEncryptedPositive()
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        // one row string and three columns ("test1","test2","test3")
        // (String formattedValue, String comment, String formula, String address,String
        // sheetName)
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test1", "", "", "A1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO b1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test2", "", "", "B1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO c1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test3", "", "", "C1", "Sheet1");
        // empty row => nothing todo
        // one row numbers (1,2,3)
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "1", "A3", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO b3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "2", "B3", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO c3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "3", "C3", "Sheet1");
        // one row formulas (=A3+B3)
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a4 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "A3+B3", "A4", "Sheet1");
        // write
        Job job = Job.getInstance();
        Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();

        String fileName = "excel2013singlesheettestoutencryptedpositive";
        String tmpDir = tmpPath.toString();
        Path outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
        conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", fileName);
        // set generic outputformat settings
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
                "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"); // new
        // excel
        // format
        // security
        // for the new Excel format you need to decide on your own which algorithms are
        // secure
        conf.set("", "agile");
        conf.set("", "aes256");
        conf.set("", "cbc");
        conf.set("", "sha512");
        conf.set("", "test");
        conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
        conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
        conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        JobContext jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
        FileOutputCommitter committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
        // setup
        ExcelFileOutputFormat outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
        RecordWriter<NullWritable, SpreadSheetCellDAO> writer = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
        assertNotNull(writer, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");
        writer.write(null, a1);
        writer.write(null, b1);
        writer.write(null, c1);
        writer.write(null, a3);
        writer.write(null, b3);
        writer.write(null, c3);
        writer.write(null, a4);
        // try to read it again
        conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
        job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        fileName = fileName + this.outputbaseAppendix;
        Path inputFile = new Path(tmpDir + File.separator + "_temporary" + File.separator + "0" + File.separator
                + taskAttempt + File.separator + fileName + ".xlsx");
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        // you just need to provide the password to read encrypted data
        conf.set("", "test");
        ExcelFileInputFormat inputFormat = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
        context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        List<InputSplit> splits = inputFormat.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = inputFormat.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
        assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
        reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
        Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
        ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("[" + fileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1!A1", spreadSheetKey.toString(),
                "Input Split for Excel file has keyname == \"[" + fileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1!A1\"");
        assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with 3 columns");
        assertEquals("test1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 == \"test1\"");
        assertEquals("test2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 2 == \"test2\"");
        assertEquals("test3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 3 == \"test3\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(0, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contain row 2 and is empty");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contain row 3 with 3 columns");
        assertEquals("1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 1 == \"1\"");
        assertEquals("2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 2 == \"2\"");
        assertEquals("3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 3 == \"3\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 4");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(1, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contain row 4 with 1 column");
        assertEquals("3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 1 == \"3\"");

    public void writeExcelOutputFormatExcel2013SingleSheetEncryptedNegative()
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        // one row string and three columns ("test1","test2","test3")
        // (String formattedValue, String comment, String formula, String address,String
        // sheetName)
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test1", "", "", "A1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO b1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test2", "", "", "B1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO c1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test3", "", "", "C1", "Sheet1");
        // empty row => nothing todo
        // one row numbers (1,2,3)
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "1", "A3", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO b3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "2", "B3", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO c3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "3", "C3", "Sheet1");
        // one row formulas (=A3+B3)
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a4 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "A3+B3", "A4", "Sheet1");
        // write
        Job job = Job.getInstance();
        Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();
        String fileName = "excel2013singlesheettestoutencryptednegative";
        String tmpDir = tmpPath.toString();
        Path outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", fileName);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
                "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"); // new
        // excel
        // format
        // security
        // for the new Excel format you need to decide on your own which algorithms are
        // secure
        conf.set("", "agile");
        conf.set("", "aes256");
        conf.set("", "cbc");
        conf.set("", "sha512");
        conf.set("", "test");
        conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
        conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
        conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        JobContext jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
        FileOutputCommitter committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
        // setup
        ExcelFileOutputFormat outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
        RecordWriter<NullWritable, SpreadSheetCellDAO> writer = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
        assertNotNull(writer, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");
        writer.write(null, a1);
        writer.write(null, b1);
        writer.write(null, c1);
        writer.write(null, a3);
        writer.write(null, b3);
        writer.write(null, c3);
        writer.write(null, a4);
        // try to read it again
        conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
        job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        fileName = fileName + this.outputbaseAppendix;
        Path inputFile = new Path(tmpDir + File.separator + "_temporary" + File.separator + "0" + File.separator
                + taskAttempt + File.separator + fileName + ".xlsx");
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        // you just need to provide the password to read encrypted data
        conf.set("", "test2");
        ExcelFileInputFormat inputFormat = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
        TaskAttemptContext context2 = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        List<InputSplit> splits = inputFormat.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = inputFormat.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context2);
        InterruptedException ex = assertThrows(InterruptedException.class,
                () -> reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context2), "Exception is thrown in case of wrong password");

    public void writeExcelOutputFormatExcel2003SingleSheetEncryptedPositive()
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        // one row string and three columns ("test1","test2","test3")
        // (String formattedValue, String comment, String formula, String address,String
        // sheetName)
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test1", "", "", "A1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO b1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test2", "", "", "B1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO c1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test3", "", "", "C1", "Sheet1");
        // empty row => nothing todo
        // one row numbers (1,2,3)
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "1", "A3", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO b3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "2", "B3", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO c3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "3", "C3", "Sheet1");
        // one row formulas (=A3+B3)
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a4 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "A3+B3", "A4", "Sheet1");
        // write
        Job job = Job.getInstance();
        Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();
        String fileName = "excel2003singlesheettestoutencryptedpositive";
        String tmpDir = tmpPath.toString();
        Path outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
        conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", fileName);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.mimeType", "application/"); // old excel format
        // security
        // for the old Excel format you simply need to define only a password
        conf.set("", "test");
        conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
        conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
        conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        JobContext jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
        FileOutputCommitter committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
        // setup
        ExcelFileOutputFormat outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
        RecordWriter<NullWritable, SpreadSheetCellDAO> writer = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
        assertNotNull(writer, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");
        writer.write(null, a1);
        writer.write(null, b1);
        writer.write(null, c1);
        writer.write(null, a3);
        writer.write(null, b3);
        writer.write(null, c3);
        writer.write(null, a4);
        // try to read it again
        conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
        job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        fileName = fileName + this.outputbaseAppendix;
        Path inputFile = new Path(tmpDir + File.separator + "_temporary" + File.separator + "0" + File.separator
                + taskAttempt + File.separator + fileName + ".xls");
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        conf.set("", "test");
        ExcelFileInputFormat inputFormat = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
        context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        List<InputSplit> splits = inputFormat.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = inputFormat.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
        assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
        reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
        Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
        ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("[" + fileName + ".xls]Sheet1!A1", spreadSheetKey.toString(),
                "Input Split for Excel file has keyname == \"[" + fileName + ".xls]Sheet1!A1\"");
        assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with 3 columns");
        assertEquals("test1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 == \"test1\"");
        assertEquals("test2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 2 == \"test2\"");
        assertEquals("test3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 3 == \"test3\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(0, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contain row 2 and is empty");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contain row 3 with 3 columns");
        assertEquals("1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 1 == \"1\"");
        assertEquals("2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 2 == \"2\"");
        assertEquals("3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 3 == \"3\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 4");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(1, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contain row 4 with 1 column");
        assertEquals("3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 1 == \"3\"");

    public void writeExcelOutputFormatExcel2003SingleSheetEncryptedNegative()
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        // one row string and three columns ("test1","test2","test3")
        // (String formattedValue, String comment, String formula, String address,String
        // sheetName)
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test1", "", "", "A1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO b1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test2", "", "", "B1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO c1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test3", "", "", "C1", "Sheet1");
        // empty row => nothing todo
        // one row numbers (1,2,3)
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "1", "A3", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO b3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "2", "B3", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO c3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "3", "C3", "Sheet1");
        // one row formulas (=A3+B3)
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a4 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "A3+B3", "A4", "Sheet1");
        // write
        Job job = Job.getInstance();
        Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();
        String fileName = "excel2003singlesheettestoutencryptedpositive";
        String tmpDir = tmpPath.toString();
        Path outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
        conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", fileName);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.mimeType", "application/"); // old excel format
        // security
        // for the old Excel format you simply need to define only a password
        conf.set("", "test");
        conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
        conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
        conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        JobContext jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
        FileOutputCommitter committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
        // setup
        ExcelFileOutputFormat outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
        RecordWriter<NullWritable, SpreadSheetCellDAO> writer = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
        assertNotNull(writer, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");
        writer.write(null, a1);
        writer.write(null, b1);
        writer.write(null, c1);
        writer.write(null, a3);
        writer.write(null, b3);
        writer.write(null, c3);
        writer.write(null, a4);
        // try to read it again
        conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
        job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        fileName = fileName + this.outputbaseAppendix;
        Path inputFile = new Path(tmpDir + File.separator + "_temporary" + File.separator + "0" + File.separator
                + taskAttempt + File.separator + fileName + ".xls");
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        conf.set("", "test2");
        ExcelFileInputFormat inputFormat = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
        TaskAttemptContext context2 = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        List<InputSplit> splits = inputFormat.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = inputFormat.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context2);
        InterruptedException ex = assertThrows(InterruptedException.class,
                () -> reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context2), "Exception is thrown in case of wrong password");

    public void writeExcelOutputFormatExcel2013SingleSheetMetaDataMatchAllPositive()
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        // one row string and three columns ("test1","test2","test3")
        // the idea here is to have some content although we only evaluate metadata
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test1", "", "", "A1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO b1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test2", "", "", "B1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO c1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test3", "", "", "C1", "Sheet1");
        // write
        Job job = Job.getInstance();
        Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();
        String fileName = "excel2013singlesheetmetadatapositivetestout";
        String tmpDir = tmpPath.toString();
        Path outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
        conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", fileName);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
                "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"); // new
        // Excel
        // format,
        // anyway
        // default,
        // but
        // here
        // for
        // illustrative
        // purposes
        // set all the meta data including to custom properties
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.category", "dummycategory");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.contentstatus", "dummycontentstatus");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.contenttype", "dummycontenttype");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.created", "12:00:00 01.01.2016");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.creator", "dummycreator");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.description", "dummydescription");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.identifier", "dummyidentifier");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.keywords", "dummykeywords");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.lastmodifiedbyuser", "dummylastmodifiedbyuser");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.lastprinted", "12:00:00 01.01.2016");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.modified", "12:00:00 01.01.2016");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.lastmodifiedbyuser", "dummylastmodifiedbyuser");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.revision", "2");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.subject", "dummysubject");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.title", "dummytitle");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.custom.mycustomproperty1", "dummymycustomproperty1");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.custom.mycustomproperty2", "dummymycustomproperty2");
        conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
        conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
        conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        JobContext jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
        FileOutputCommitter committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
        // setup
        ExcelFileOutputFormat outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
        RecordWriter<NullWritable, SpreadSheetCellDAO> writer = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
        assertNotNull(writer, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");
        writer.write(null, a1);
        writer.write(null, b1);
        writer.write(null, c1);
        // try to read it again
        conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
        job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        fileName = fileName + this.outputbaseAppendix;
        Path inputFile = new Path(tmpDir + File.separator + "_temporary" + File.separator + "0" + File.separator
                + taskAttempt + File.separator + fileName + ".xlsx");
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        // set metadata to match all
        conf.set("", "true");
        // following filter
        conf.set("", "dummycategory");
        conf.set("", "dummycontentstatus");
        conf.set("", "dummycontenttype");
        conf.set("", "12:00:00 01.01.2016");
        conf.set("", "dummycreator");
        conf.set("", "dummydescription");
        conf.set("", "dummyidentifier");
        conf.set("", "dummykeywords");
        conf.set("", "dummylastmodifiedbyuser");
        conf.set("", "12:00:00 01.01.2016");
        conf.set("", "12:00:00 01.01.2016");
        conf.set("", "dummylastmodifiedbyuser");
        conf.set("", "2");
        conf.set("", "dummysubject");
        conf.set("", "dummytitle");
        conf.set("", "dummymycustomproperty1");
        conf.set("", "dummymycustomproperty2");
        ExcelFileInputFormat inputFormat = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
        context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        List<InputSplit> splits = inputFormat.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = inputFormat.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
        assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
        reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
        Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
        ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
        // if following assertion is not true that means the document has (wrongly) been
        // filtered out
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("[" + fileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1!A1", spreadSheetKey.toString(),
                "Input Split for Excel file has keyname == \"[" + fileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1!A1\"");
        assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with 3 columns");
        assertEquals("test1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 == \"test1\"");
        assertEquals("test2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 2 == \"test2\"");
        assertEquals("test3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 3 == \"test3\"");

    public void writeExcelOutputFormatExcel2003SingleSheetMetaDataMatchAllPositive()
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        // one row string and three columns ("test1","test2","test3")
        // the idea here is to have some content although we only evaluate metadata
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test1", "", "", "A1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO b1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test2", "", "", "B1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO c1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test3", "", "", "C1", "Sheet1");
        // write
        Job job = Job.getInstance();
        Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();

        String fileName = "excel2003singlesheetmetadatapositivetestout";
        String tmpDir = tmpPath.toString();
        Path outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
        conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", fileName);

        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.mimeType", "application/"); // old Excel format

        // set all the meta data
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.applicationname", "dummyapplicationname");
        conf.set("", "dummyauthor");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.charcount", "1");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.comments", "dummycomments");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.createdatetime", "12:00:00 01.01.2016");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.edittime", "0");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.keywords", "dummykeywords");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.lastauthor", "dummylastauthor");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.lastprinted", "12:00:00 01.01.2016");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.lastsavedatetime", "12:00:00 01.01.2016");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.pagecount", "1");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.revnumber", "1");
        conf.set("", "0");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.subject", "dummysubject");
        // conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.template","dummytemplate");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.title", "dummytitle");
        // conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.wordcount","1");
        conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
        conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
        conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        JobContext jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
        FileOutputCommitter committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
        // setup
        ExcelFileOutputFormat outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
        RecordWriter<NullWritable, SpreadSheetCellDAO> writer = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
        assertNotNull(writer, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");
        writer.write(null, a1);
        writer.write(null, b1);
        writer.write(null, c1);
        // try to read it again
        conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
        job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        fileName = fileName + this.outputbaseAppendix;
        Path inputFile = new Path(tmpDir + File.separator + "_temporary" + File.separator + "0" + File.separator
                + taskAttempt + File.separator + fileName + ".xls");
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        // set metadata to match all
        conf.set("", "true");
        // following filter
        conf.set("", "dummyapplicationname");
        conf.set("", "dummyauthor");
        conf.set("", "1");
        conf.set("", "dummycomments");
        conf.set("", "12:00:00 01.01.2016");
        conf.set("", "0");
        conf.set("", "dummykeywords");
        conf.set("", "dummylastauthor");
        conf.set("", "12:00:00 01.01.2016");
        conf.set("", "12:00:00 01.01.2016");
        conf.set("", "1");
        conf.set("", "1");
        conf.set("", "0");
        conf.set("", "dummysubject");
        conf.set("", "dummytemplate");
        conf.set("", "dummytitle");
        conf.set("", "1");
        ExcelFileInputFormat inputFormat = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
        context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        List<InputSplit> splits = inputFormat.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = inputFormat.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
        assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
        reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
        Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
        ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
        // if following assertion is not true that means the document has (wrongly) been
        // filtered out
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("[" + fileName + ".xls]Sheet1!A1", spreadSheetKey.toString(),
                "Input Split for Excel file has keyname == \"[" + fileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1!A1\"");
        assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with 3 columns");
        assertEquals("test1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 == \"test1\"");
        assertEquals("test2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 2 == \"test2\"");
        assertEquals("test3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 3 == \"test3\"");

    public void writeExcelOutputFormatExcel2013SingleSheetMetaDataMatchAllNegative()
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        // one row string and three columns ("test1","test2","test3")
        // the idea here is to have some content although we only evaluate metadata
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test1", "", "", "A1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO b1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test2", "", "", "B1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO c1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test3", "", "", "C1", "Sheet1");
        // write
        Job job = Job.getInstance();
        Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();

        String fileName = "excel2013singlesheetmetadatanegativetestout";
        String tmpDir = tmpPath.toString();
        Path outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", fileName);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
                "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"); // new
        // Excel
        // format,
        // anyway
        // default,
        // but
        // here
        // for
        // illustrative
        // purposes
        // set all the meta data including to custom properties
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.category", "dummycategory");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.contentstatus", "dummycontentstatus");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.contenttype", "dummycontenttype");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.created", "12:00:00 01.01.2016");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.creator", "dummycreator");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.description", "dummydescription");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.identifier", "dummyidentifier");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.keywords", "dummykeywords");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.lastmodifiedbyuser", "dummylastmodifiedbyuser");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.lastprinted", "12:00:00 01.01.2016");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.modified", "12:00:00 01.01.2016");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.lastmodifiedbyuser", "dummylastmodifiedbyuser");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.revision", "2");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.subject", "dummysubject");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.title", "dummytitle");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.custom.mycustomproperty1", "dummymycustomproperty1");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.custom.mycustomproperty2", "dummymycustomproperty2");
        conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
        conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
        conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        JobContext jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
        FileOutputCommitter committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
        // setup
        ExcelFileOutputFormat outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
        RecordWriter<NullWritable, SpreadSheetCellDAO> writer = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
        assertNotNull(writer, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");
        writer.write(null, a1);
        writer.write(null, b1);
        writer.write(null, c1);
        // try to read it again
        conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
        job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        fileName = fileName + this.outputbaseAppendix;
        Path inputFile = new Path(tmpDir + File.separator + "_temporary" + File.separator + "0" + File.separator
                + taskAttempt + File.separator + fileName + ".xlsx");
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        // set metadata to match all
        conf.set("", "true");
        // following filter
        conf.set("", "no Category");
        conf.set("", "dummycontentstatus");
        conf.set("", "dummycontenttype");
        conf.set("", "12:00:00 01.01.2016");
        conf.set("", "dummycreator");
        conf.set("", "dummydescription");
        conf.set("", "dummyidentifier");
        conf.set("", "dummykeywords");
        conf.set("", "dummylastmodifiedbyuser");
        conf.set("", "12:00:00 01.01.2016");
        conf.set("", "12:00:00 01.01.2016");
        conf.set("", "dummylastmodifiedbyuser");
        conf.set("", "2");
        conf.set("", "dummysubject");
        conf.set("", "dummytitle");
        conf.set("", "dummymycustomproperty1");
        conf.set("", "dummymycustomproperty2");
        ExcelFileInputFormat inputFormat = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
        context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        List<InputSplit> splits = inputFormat.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = inputFormat.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
        assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
        reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
        Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
        ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
        // if following assertion is true that means the document has wrongly NOT been
        // filtered out
        assertFalse(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1");

    public void writeExcelOutputFormatExcel2003SingleSheetMetaDataMatchAllNegative()
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        // one row string and three columns ("test1","test2","test3")
        // the idea here is to have some content although we only evaluate metadata
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test1", "", "", "A1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO b1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test2", "", "", "B1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO c1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test3", "", "", "C1", "Sheet1");
        // write
        Job job = Job.getInstance();
        Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();
        String fileName = "excel2003singlesheetmetadatanegativetestout";
        String tmpDir = tmpPath.toString();
        Path outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", fileName);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.mimeType", "application/"); // old Excel format

        // set all the meta data
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.applicationname", "dummyapplicationname");
        conf.set("", "dummyauthor");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.charcount", "1");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.comments", "dummycomments");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.createdatetime", "12:00:00 01.01.2016");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.edittime", "0");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.keywords", "dummykeywords");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.lastauthor", "dummylastauthor");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.lastprinted", "12:00:00 01.01.2016");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.lastsavedatetime", "12:00:00 01.01.2016");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.pagecount", "1");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.revnumber", "1");
        conf.set("", "0");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.subject", "dummysubject");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.template", "dummytemplate");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.title", "dummytitle");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.wordcount", "1");
        conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
        conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
        conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        JobContext jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
        FileOutputCommitter committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
        // setup
        ExcelFileOutputFormat outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
        RecordWriter<NullWritable, SpreadSheetCellDAO> writer = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
        assertNotNull(writer, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");
        writer.write(null, a1);
        writer.write(null, b1);
        writer.write(null, c1);
        // try to read it again
        conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
        job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        fileName = fileName + this.outputbaseAppendix;
        Path inputFile = new Path(tmpDir + File.separator + "_temporary" + File.separator + "0" + File.separator
                + taskAttempt + File.separator + fileName + ".xls");
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        // set metadata to match all
        conf.set("", "true");
        // following filter
        conf.set("", "dummyapplicationname2");
        conf.set("", "dummyauthor");
        conf.set("", "1");
        conf.set("", "dummycomments");
        conf.set("", "12:00:00 01.01.2016");
        conf.set("", "0");
        conf.set("", "dummykeywords");
        conf.set("", "dummylastauthor");
        conf.set("", "12:00:00 01.01.2016");
        conf.set("", "12:00:00 01.01.2016");
        conf.set("", "1");
        conf.set("", "1");
        conf.set("", "0");
        conf.set("", "dummysubject");
        conf.set("", "dummytemplate");
        conf.set("", "dummytitle");
        conf.set("", "1");
        ExcelFileInputFormat inputFormat = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
        context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        List<InputSplit> splits = inputFormat.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = inputFormat.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
        assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
        reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
        Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
        ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
        // if following assertion not true that means the document has (wrongly) NOT
        // been filtered out
        assertFalse(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1");

    public void writeExcelOutputFormatExcel2013SingleSheetMetaDataMatchOncePositive()
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        // one row string and three columns ("test1","test2","test3")
        // the idea here is to have some content although we only evaluate metadata
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test1", "", "", "A1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO b1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test2", "", "", "B1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO c1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test3", "", "", "C1", "Sheet1");
        // write
        Job job = Job.getInstance();
        Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();
        String fileName = "excel2013singlesheetmetadatapositiveoncetestout";
        String tmpDir = tmpPath.toString();
        Path outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", fileName);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
                "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"); // new
        // Excel
        // format,
        // anyway
        // default,
        // but
        // here
        // for
        // illustrative
        // purposes
        // set all the meta data including to custom properties
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.category", "dummycategory");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.contentstatus", "dummycontentstatus");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.contenttype", "dummycontenttype");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.created", "12:00:00 01.01.2016");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.creator", "dummycreator");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.description", "dummydescription");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.identifier", "dummyidentifier");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.keywords", "dummykeywords");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.lastmodifiedbyuser", "dummylastmodifiedbyuser");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.lastprinted", "12:00:00 01.01.2016");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.modified", "12:00:00 01.01.2016");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.lastmodifiedbyuser", "dummylastmodifiedbyuser");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.revision", "2");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.subject", "dummysubject");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.title", "dummytitle");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.custom.mycustomproperty1", "dummymycustomproperty1");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.custom.mycustomproperty2", "dummymycustomproperty2");
        conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
        conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
        conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        JobContext jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
        FileOutputCommitter committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
        // setup
        ExcelFileOutputFormat outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
        RecordWriter<NullWritable, SpreadSheetCellDAO> writer = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
        assertNotNull(writer, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");
        writer.write(null, a1);
        writer.write(null, b1);
        writer.write(null, c1);
        // try to read it again
        conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
        job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        fileName = fileName + this.outputbaseAppendix;
        Path inputFile = new Path(tmpDir + File.separator + "_temporary" + File.separator + "0" + File.separator
                + taskAttempt + File.separator + fileName + ".xlsx");
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        // set metadata to match all
        conf.set("", "false");
        // following filter
        conf.set("", "dummycategory");
        conf.set("", "dummycontentstatus2");
        conf.set("", "dummycontenttype2");
        conf.set("", "12:00:00 01.01.2017");
        conf.set("", "dummycreator2");
        conf.set("", "dummydescription2");
        conf.set("", "dummyidentifier2");
        conf.set("", "dummykeywords2");
        conf.set("", "dummylastmodifiedbyuser2");
        conf.set("", "12:00:00 01.01.2017");
        conf.set("", "12:00:00 01.01.2017");
        conf.set("", "dummylastmodifiedbyuser2");
        conf.set("", "3");
        conf.set("", "dummysubject2");
        conf.set("", "dummytitle2");
        conf.set("", "dummymycustomproperty12");
        conf.set("", "dummymycustomproperty22");
        ExcelFileInputFormat inputFormat = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
        context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        List<InputSplit> splits = inputFormat.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = inputFormat.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
        assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
        reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
        Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
        ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
        // if following assertion is not true that means the document has (wrongly) been
        // filtered out
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("[" + fileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1!A1", spreadSheetKey.toString(),
                "Input Split for Excel file has keyname == \"[" + fileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1!A1\"");
        assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with 3 columns");
        assertEquals("test1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 == \"test1\"");
        assertEquals("test2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 2 == \"test2\"");
        assertEquals("test3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 3 == \"test3\"");

    public void writeExcelOutputFormatExcel2003SingleSheetMetaDataMatchOncePositive()
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        // one row string and three columns ("test1","test2","test3")
        // the idea here is to have some content although we only evaluate metadata
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test1", "", "", "A1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO b1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test2", "", "", "B1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO c1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test3", "", "", "C1", "Sheet1");
        // write
        Job job = Job.getInstance();
        Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();
        String fileName = "excel2003singlesheetmetadatapositiveoncetestout";
        String tmpDir = tmpPath.toString();
        Path outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", fileName);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.mimeType", "application/"); // old Excel format

        // set all the meta data
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.applicationname", "dummyapplicationname");
        conf.set("", "dummyauthor");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.charcount", "1");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.comments", "dummycomments");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.createdatetime", "12:00:00 01.01.2016");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.edittime", "0");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.keywords", "dummykeywords");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.lastauthor", "dummylastauthor");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.lastprinted", "12:00:00 01.01.2016");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.lastsavedatetime", "12:00:00 01.01.2016");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.pagecount", "1");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.revnumber", "1");
        conf.set("", "0");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.subject", "dummysubject");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.template", "dummytemplate");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.title", "dummytitle");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.wordcount", "1");
        conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
        conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
        conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        JobContext jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
        FileOutputCommitter committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
        // setup
        ExcelFileOutputFormat outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
        RecordWriter<NullWritable, SpreadSheetCellDAO> writer = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
        assertNotNull(writer, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");
        writer.write(null, a1);
        writer.write(null, b1);
        writer.write(null, c1);
        // try to read it again
        conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
        job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        fileName = fileName + this.outputbaseAppendix;
        Path inputFile = new Path(tmpDir + File.separator + "_temporary" + File.separator + "0" + File.separator
                + taskAttempt + File.separator + fileName + ".xls");
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        // set metadata to match all
        conf.set("", "false");
        // following filter
        conf.set("", "dummyapplicationname");
        conf.set("", "dummyautho2r");
        conf.set("", "2");
        conf.set("", "dummycomments2");
        conf.set("", "12:00:00 01.01.2017");
        conf.set("", "1");
        conf.set("", "dummykeywords2");
        conf.set("", "dummylastauthor2");
        conf.set("", "12:00:00 01.01.2017");
        conf.set("", "12:00:00 01.01.2017");
        conf.set("", "2");
        conf.set("", "2");
        conf.set("", "1");
        conf.set("", "dummysubject2");
        conf.set("", "dummytemplate2");
        conf.set("", "dummytitle2");
        conf.set("", "2");
        ExcelFileInputFormat inputFormat = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
        context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        List<InputSplit> splits = inputFormat.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = inputFormat.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
        assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
        reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
        Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
        ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
        // if following assertion is not true that means the document has (wrongly) been
        // filtered out
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("[" + fileName + ".xls]Sheet1!A1", spreadSheetKey.toString(),
                "Input Split for Excel file has keyname == \"[" + fileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1!A1\"");
        assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with 3 columns");
        assertEquals("test1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 == \"test1\"");
        assertEquals("test2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 2 == \"test2\"");
        assertEquals("test3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 3 == \"test3\"");

    public void writeExcelOutputFormatExcel2013SingleSheetMetaDataMatchOnceNegative()
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        // one row string and three columns ("test1","test2","test3")
        // the idea here is to have some content although we only evaluate metadata
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test1", "", "", "A1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO b1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test2", "", "", "B1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO c1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test3", "", "", "C1", "Sheet1");
        // write
        Job job = Job.getInstance();
        Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();
        String fileName = "excel2013singlesheetmetadatanativeoncetestout";
        String tmpDir = tmpPath.toString();
        Path outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", fileName);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
                "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"); // new
        // Excel
        // format,
        // anyway
        // default,
        // but
        // here
        // for
        // illustrative
        // purposes
        // set all the meta data including to custom properties
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.category", "dummycategory");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.contentstatus", "dummycontentstatus");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.contenttype", "dummycontenttype");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.created", "12:00:00 01.01.2016");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.creator", "dummycreator");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.description", "dummydescription");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.identifier", "dummyidentifier");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.keywords", "dummykeywords");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.lastmodifiedbyuser", "dummylastmodifiedbyuser");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.lastprinted", "12:00:00 01.01.2016");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.modified", "12:00:00 01.01.2016");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.lastmodifiedbyuser", "dummylastmodifiedbyuser");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.revision", "2");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.subject", "dummysubject");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.title", "dummytitle");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.custom.mycustomproperty1", "dummymycustomproperty1");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.custom.mycustomproperty2", "dummymycustomproperty2");
        conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
        conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
        conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        JobContext jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
        FileOutputCommitter committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
        // setup
        ExcelFileOutputFormat outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
        RecordWriter<NullWritable, SpreadSheetCellDAO> writer = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
        assertNotNull(writer, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");
        writer.write(null, a1);
        writer.write(null, b1);
        writer.write(null, c1);
        // try to read it again
        conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
        job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        fileName = fileName + this.outputbaseAppendix;
        Path inputFile = new Path(tmpDir + File.separator + "_temporary" + File.separator + "0" + File.separator
                + taskAttempt + File.separator + fileName + ".xlsx");
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        // set metadata to match all
        conf.set("", "false");
        // following filter
        conf.set("", "dummycategory2");
        conf.set("", "dummycontentstatus2");
        conf.set("", "dummycontenttype2");
        conf.set("", "12:00:00 01.01.2017");
        conf.set("", "dummycreator2");
        conf.set("", "dummydescription2");
        conf.set("", "dummyidentifier2");
        conf.set("", "dummykeywords2");
        conf.set("", "dummylastmodifiedbyuser2");
        conf.set("", "12:00:00 01.01.2017");
        conf.set("", "12:00:00 01.01.2017");
        conf.set("", "dummylastmodifiedbyuser2");
        conf.set("", "3");
        conf.set("", "dummysubject2");
        conf.set("", "dummytitle2");
        conf.set("", "dummymycustomproperty12");
        conf.set("", "dummymycustomproperty22");
        ExcelFileInputFormat inputFormat = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
        context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        List<InputSplit> splits = inputFormat.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = inputFormat.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
        assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
        reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
        Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
        ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
        // if following assertion is true that means the document has (wrongly) NOT been
        // filtered out
        assertFalse(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1");

    public void writeExcelOutputFormatExcel2003SingleSheetMetaDataMatchOnceNegative()
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        // one row string and three columns ("test1","test2","test3")
        // the idea here is to have some content although we only evaluate metadata
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test1", "", "", "A1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO b1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test2", "", "", "B1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO c1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test3", "", "", "C1", "Sheet1");
        // write
        Job job = Job.getInstance();
        Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();

        String fileName = "excel2003singlesheetmetadatanegativeoncetestout";
        String tmpDir = tmpPath.toString();
        Path outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", fileName);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.mimeType", "application/"); // old Excel format

        // set all the meta data
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.applicationname", "dummyapplicationname");
        conf.set("", "dummyauthor");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.charcount", "1");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.comments", "dummycomments");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.createdatetime", "12:00:00 01.01.2016");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.edittime", "0");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.keywords", "dummykeywords");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.lastauthor", "dummylastauthor");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.lastprinted", "12:00:00 01.01.2016");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.lastsavedatetime", "12:00:00 01.01.2016");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.pagecount", "1");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.revnumber", "1");
        conf.set("", "0");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.subject", "dummysubject");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.template", "dummytemplate");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.title", "dummytitle");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.metadata.wordcount", "1");
        conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
        conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
        conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        JobContext jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
        FileOutputCommitter committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
        // setup
        ExcelFileOutputFormat outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
        RecordWriter<NullWritable, SpreadSheetCellDAO> writer = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
        assertNotNull(writer, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");
        writer.write(null, a1);
        writer.write(null, b1);
        writer.write(null, c1);
        // try to read it again
        conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
        job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        fileName = fileName + this.outputbaseAppendix;
        Path inputFile = new Path(tmpDir + File.separator + "_temporary" + File.separator + "0" + File.separator
                + taskAttempt + File.separator + fileName + ".xls");
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        // set metadata to match all
        conf.set("", "false");
        // following filter
        conf.set("", "dummyapplicationname2");
        conf.set("", "dummyautho2r");
        conf.set("", "2");
        conf.set("", "dummycomments2");
        conf.set("", "12:00:00 01.01.2017");
        conf.set("", "1");
        conf.set("", "dummykeywords2");
        conf.set("", "dummylastauthor2");
        conf.set("", "12:00:00 01.01.2017");
        conf.set("", "12:00:00 01.01.2017");
        conf.set("", "2");
        conf.set("", "2");
        conf.set("", "1");
        conf.set("", "dummysubject2");
        conf.set("", "dummytemplate2");
        conf.set("", "dummytitle2");
        conf.set("", "2");
        ExcelFileInputFormat inputFormat = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
        context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        List<InputSplit> splits = inputFormat.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = inputFormat.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
        assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
        reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
        Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
        ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
        // if following assertion is true that means the document has (wrongly) NOT been
        // filtered out
        assertFalse(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1");

    public void writeExcelOutputFormatExcel2013SingleSheetGZipCompressed()
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        // one row string and three columns ("test1","test2","test3")
        // (String formattedValue, String comment, String formula, String address,String
        // sheetName)
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test1", "", "", "A1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO b1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test2", "", "", "B1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO c1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test3", "", "", "C1", "Sheet1");
        // empty row => nothing todo
        // one row numbers (1,2,3)
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "1", "A3", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO b3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "2", "B3", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO c3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "3", "C3", "Sheet1");
        // one row formulas (=A3+B3)
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a4 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "A3+B3", "A4", "Sheet1");
        // write
        Job job = Job.getInstance();
        Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();

        String fileName = "excel2013singlesheetcompressedtestout";
        String tmpDir = tmpPath.toString();
        Path outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", fileName);
        conf.setBoolean("mapreduce.output.fileoutputformat.compress", true);
        conf.set("mapreduce.output.fileoutputformat.compress.codec", "");
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
                "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"); // new
        // Excel
        // format,
        // anyway
        // default,
        // but
        // here
        // for
        // illustrative
        // purposes
        conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
        conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
        conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        JobContext jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
        FileOutputCommitter committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
        // setup
        ExcelFileOutputFormat outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
        RecordWriter<NullWritable, SpreadSheetCellDAO> writer = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
        assertNotNull(writer, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");
        writer.write(null, a1);
        writer.write(null, b1);
        writer.write(null, c1);
        writer.write(null, a3);
        writer.write(null, b3);
        writer.write(null, c3);
        writer.write(null, a4);
        // try to read it again
        conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
        job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        fileName = fileName + this.outputbaseAppendix;
        Path inputFile = new Path(tmpDir + File.separator + "_temporary" + File.separator + "0" + File.separator
                + taskAttempt + File.separator + fileName + ".xlsx.gz");
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        ExcelFileInputFormat inputFormat = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
        context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        List<InputSplit> splits = inputFormat.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = inputFormat.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
        assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
        reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
        Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
        ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("[" + fileName + ".xlsx.gz]Sheet1!A1", spreadSheetKey.toString(),
                "Input Split for Excel file has keyname == \"[" + fileName + ".xlsx.gz]Sheet1!A1\"");
        assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with 3 columns");
        assertEquals("test1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 == \"test1\"");
        assertEquals("test2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 2 == \"test2\"");
        assertEquals("test3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 3 == \"test3\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(0, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contain row 2 and is empty");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contain row 3 with 3 columns");
        assertEquals("1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 1 == \"1\"");
        assertEquals("2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 2 == \"2\"");
        assertEquals("3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 3 == \"3\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 4");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(1, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contain row 4 with 1 column");
        assertEquals("3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 1 == \"3\"");

    public void writeExcelOutputFormatExcel2013SingleSheetComment() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        // 2nd cell with a comment
        // one row string and three columns ("test1","test2","test3")
        // (String formattedValue, String comment, String formula, String address,String
        // sheetName)
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test1", "", "", "A1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO b1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test2", "This is a test", "", "B1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO c1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test3", "", "", "C1", "Sheet1");
        // write
        Job job = Job.getInstance();
        Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();
        String fileName = "excel2013singlesheetcommenttestout";
        String tmpDir = tmpPath.toString();
        Path outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", fileName);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
                "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"); // new
        // Excel
        // format,
        // anyway
        // default,
        // but
        // here
        // for
        // illustrative
        // purposes
        conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
        conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
        conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        JobContext jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
        FileOutputCommitter committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
        // setup
        ExcelFileOutputFormat outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
        RecordWriter<NullWritable, SpreadSheetCellDAO> writer = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
        assertNotNull(writer, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");
        writer.write(null, a1);
        writer.write(null, b1);
        writer.write(null, c1);
        // try to read it again
        conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
        job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        fileName = fileName + this.outputbaseAppendix;
        Path inputFile = new Path(tmpDir + File.separator + "_temporary" + File.separator + "0" + File.separator
                + taskAttempt + File.separator + fileName + ".xlsx");
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        ExcelFileInputFormat inputFormat = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
        context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        List<InputSplit> splits = inputFormat.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = inputFormat.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
        assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
        reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
        Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
        ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("[" + fileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1!A1", spreadSheetKey.toString(),
                "Input Split for Excel file has keyname == \"[" + fileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1!A1\"");
        assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with 3 columns");
        assertEquals("test1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 == \"test1\"");
        assertEquals("test2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 2 == \"test2\"");
        assertEquals("This is a test", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getComment(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 2 comment == \"This is a test\"");
        assertEquals("test3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 3 == \"test3\"");


    public void writeExcelOutputFormatExcel2013MultiSheet() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        // one sheet "Sheet1"
        // one row string and three columns ("test1","test2","test3")
        SpreadSheetCellDAO sheet1a1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test1", "", "", "A1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO sheet1b1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test2", "", "", "B1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO sheet1c1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test3", "", "", "C1", "Sheet1");
        // one sheet "Sheet2"
        // one row string and three columns ("test4","test5","test6")
        SpreadSheetCellDAO sheet2a1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test4", "", "", "A1", "Sheet2");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO sheet2b1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test5", "", "", "B1", "Sheet2");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO sheet2c1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test6", "", "", "C1", "Sheet2");
        // write
        Job job = Job.getInstance();
        Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();

        String fileName = "excel2013multisheettestout";
        String tmpDir = tmpPath.toString();
        Path outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", fileName);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
                "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"); // new
        // Excel
        // format,
        // anyway
        // default,
        // but
        // here
        // for
        // illustrative
        // purposes
        conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
        conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
        conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        JobContext jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
        FileOutputCommitter committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
        // setup
        ExcelFileOutputFormat outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
        RecordWriter<NullWritable, SpreadSheetCellDAO> writer = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
        assertNotNull(writer, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");
        writer.write(null, sheet1a1);
        writer.write(null, sheet1b1);
        writer.write(null, sheet1c1);
        writer.write(null, sheet2a1);
        writer.write(null, sheet2b1);
        writer.write(null, sheet2c1);
        // try to read it again
        conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
        job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        fileName = fileName + this.outputbaseAppendix;
        Path inputFile = new Path(tmpDir + File.separator + "_temporary" + File.separator + "0" + File.separator
                + taskAttempt + File.separator + fileName + ".xlsx");
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        ExcelFileInputFormat inputFormat = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
        context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        List<InputSplit> splits = inputFormat.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = inputFormat.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
        assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
        reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
        Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
        ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 Sheet1");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("[" + fileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1!A1", spreadSheetKey.toString(),
                "Input Split for Excel file has keyname == \"[" + fileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1!A1\"");
        assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length,
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with 3 columns for Sheet1");
        assertEquals("test1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 == \"test1\"");
        assertEquals("test2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 2 == \"test2\"");
        assertEquals("test3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 3 == \"test3\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 Sheet2");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("[" + fileName + ".xlsx]Sheet2!A1", spreadSheetKey.toString(),
                "Input Split for Excel file has keyname == \"[" + fileName + ".xlsx]Sheet2!A1\"");
        assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length,
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with 3 columns for Sheet1");
        assertEquals("test4", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 == \"test4\"");
        assertEquals("test5", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 2 == \"test5\"");
        assertEquals("test6", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 3 == \"test6\"");

    public void writeExcelOutputFormatExcel2003SingleSheetOneLinkedWorkbook()
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        // write linkedworkbook1
        // one row string and three columns ("test1","test2","test3")
        // (String formattedValue, String comment, String formula, String address,String
        // sheetName)
        SpreadSheetCellDAO wb1a1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test1", "", "", "A1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO wb1b1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test2", "", "", "B1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO wb1c1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test3", "", "", "C1", "Sheet1");
        // write
        Job job = Job.getInstance();
        Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();
        String linkedWB1FileName = "excel2003linkedwb1";
        String tmpDir = tmpPath.toString();
        Path outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", linkedWB1FileName);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.mimeType", "application/");
        conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
        conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
        conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        JobContext jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
        FileOutputCommitter committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
        // setup
        ExcelFileOutputFormat outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
        RecordWriter<NullWritable, SpreadSheetCellDAO> writer = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
        assertNotNull(writer, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");
        writer.write(null, wb1a1);
        writer.write(null, wb1b1);
        writer.write(null, wb1c1);
        // write mainworkbook
        linkedWB1FileName = linkedWB1FileName + this.outputbaseAppendix;
        String linkedWorkbookFilename = "[" + tmpDir + File.separator + linkedWB1FileName + ".xls]";
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test4", "", "", "A1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO b1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "[" + linkedWB1FileName + ".xls]Sheet1!B1", "B1",
                "Sheet1"); // should be test2 in the end
        // write
        job = Job.getInstance();
        conf = job.getConfiguration();
        String mainWBfileName = "excel2003singlesheetlinkedwbtestout";
        outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", mainWBfileName);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.mimeType", "application/");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.linkedworkbooks", linkedWorkbookFilename);
        conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
        conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
        conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

        context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
        committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
        // setup
        outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
        RecordWriter<NullWritable, SpreadSheetCellDAO> writerMain = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
        assertNotNull(writerMain, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");
        writerMain.write(null, a1);
        writerMain.write(null, b1);
        // try to read it again
        conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
        job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        mainWBfileName = mainWBfileName + this.outputbaseAppendix;
        Path inputFile = new Path(tmpDir + File.separator + mainWBfileName + ".xls");
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        // enable option to read linked workbooks
        conf.setBoolean("", true);
        conf.setBoolean("", false);
        ExcelFileInputFormat inputFormat = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
        context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        List<InputSplit> splits = inputFormat.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = inputFormat.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
        assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
        reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
        Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
        ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 Sheet1");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("[" + mainWBfileName + ".xls]Sheet1!A1", spreadSheetKey.toString(),
                "Input Split for Excel file has keyname == \"[" + mainWBfileName + ".xls]Sheet1!A1\"");
        assertEquals(2, spreadSheetValue.get().length,
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with 2 columns for Sheet1");
        assertEquals("test4", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 == \"test4\"");
        // this comes from the external workbook
        assertEquals("test2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 2 == \"test2\"");

    public void writeExcelOutputFormatExcel2003SingleSheetTwoLinkedWorkbooks()
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        // write linkedworkbook1
        // one row string and three columns ("test1","test2","test3")
        // (String formattedValue, String comment, String formula, String address,String
        // sheetName)
        SpreadSheetCellDAO wb1a1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test1", "", "", "A1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO wb1b1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test2", "", "", "B1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO wb1c1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test3", "", "", "C1", "Sheet1");
        // write
        Job job = Job.getInstance();
        Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();
        String linkedWB1FileName = "excel2003linkedwb1b";
        String tmpDir = tmpPath.toString();
        Path outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", linkedWB1FileName);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.mimeType", "application/");
        conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
        conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
        conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        JobContext jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
        FileOutputCommitter committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
        // setup
        ExcelFileOutputFormat outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
        RecordWriter<NullWritable, SpreadSheetCellDAO> writer = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
        assertNotNull(writer, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");
        writer.write(null, wb1a1);
        writer.write(null, wb1b1);
        writer.write(null, wb1c1);
        // write linkedworkbook2
        // one row string and three columns ("test1","test2","test3")
        // (String formattedValue, String comment, String formula, String address,String
        // sheetName)
        SpreadSheetCellDAO wb2a1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test4", "", "", "A1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO wb2b1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test5", "", "", "B1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO wb2c1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test6", "", "", "C1", "Sheet1");
        // write
        job = Job.getInstance();
        conf = job.getConfiguration();
        String linkedWB2FileName = "excel2003linkedwb2b";
        outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", linkedWB2FileName);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.mimeType", "application/");
        conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
        conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
        conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

        context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
        committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
        // setup
        outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
        writer = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
        assertNotNull(writer, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");
        writer.write(null, wb2a1);
        writer.write(null, wb2b1);
        writer.write(null, wb2c1);
        // write mainworkbook
        linkedWB1FileName = linkedWB1FileName + this.outputbaseAppendix;
        linkedWB2FileName = linkedWB2FileName + this.outputbaseAppendix;
        String linkedWorkbookFilename = "[" + tmpDir + File.separator + linkedWB1FileName + ".xls]:[" + tmpDir
                + File.separator + linkedWB2FileName + ".xls]";
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test7", "", "", "A1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO b1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "[" + linkedWB1FileName + ".xls]Sheet1!B1", "B1",
                "Sheet1"); // should be test2 in the end
        SpreadSheetCellDAO c1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "[" + linkedWB2FileName + ".xls]Sheet1!B1", "C1",
                "Sheet1"); // should be test5 in the end
        // write
        job = Job.getInstance();
        conf = job.getConfiguration();
        String mainWBfileName = "excel2003singlesheetlinkedwb2testout";
        outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", mainWBfileName);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.mimeType", "application/");
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.linkedworkbooks", linkedWorkbookFilename);
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.mimeType", "application/");
        conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
        conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
        conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

        context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
        committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
        // setup
        outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
        RecordWriter<NullWritable, SpreadSheetCellDAO> writerMain = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
        assertNotNull(writerMain, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");
        writerMain.write(null, a1);
        writerMain.write(null, b1);
        writerMain.write(null, c1);
        // try to read it again
        conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
        job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        mainWBfileName = mainWBfileName + this.outputbaseAppendix;
        Path inputFile = new Path(tmpDir + File.separator + mainWBfileName + ".xls");
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        // enable option to read linked workbooks
        conf.setBoolean("", true);
        conf.setBoolean("", false);
        ExcelFileInputFormat inputFormat = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
        context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        List<InputSplit> splits = inputFormat.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = inputFormat.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
        assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
        reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
        Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
        ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 Sheet1");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("[" + mainWBfileName + ".xls]Sheet1!A1", spreadSheetKey.toString(),
                "Input Split for Excel file has keyname == \"[" + mainWBfileName + ".xls]Sheet1!A1\"");
        assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length,
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with 3 columns for Sheet1");
        assertEquals("test7", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 == \"test7\"");
        // this comes from the external workbook
        assertEquals("test2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 2 == \"test2\"");
        assertEquals("test5", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 3 == \"test5\"");

    public void writeExcelOutputFormatExcel2013TemplateSingleSheet() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        // one row string and three columns ("test1","test2","test3")
        // change the cell A4 from Test4 to Test5 from the template
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a4 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("Test5", "", "", "A4", "Table1");
        // change b4 from 10 to 60
        SpreadSheetCellDAO b4 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "60", "B4", "Table1");
        // write
        Job job = Job.getInstance();
        Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();
        String fileName = "excel2013basedontemplate";
        String tmpDir = tmpPath.toString();
        Path outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
        conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", fileName);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
                "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"); // new
        // excel
        // format
        // template
        ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
        String fileNameTemplate = classLoader.getResource("templatetest1.xlsx").getFile();
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.template.file", fileNameTemplate);
        conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
        conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
        conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        JobContext jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
        FileOutputCommitter committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
        // setup
        // set generic outputformat settings
        ExcelFileOutputFormat outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
        RecordWriter<NullWritable, SpreadSheetCellDAO> writer = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
        assertNotNull(writer, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");
        writer.write(null, a4);
        writer.write(null, b4);
        // try to read it again
        conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
        job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        fileName = fileName + this.outputbaseAppendix;
        Path inputFile = new Path(tmpDir + File.separator + "_temporary" + File.separator + "0" + File.separator
                + taskAttempt + File.separator + fileName + ".xlsx");
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        ExcelFileInputFormat inputFormat = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
        context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        List<InputSplit> splits = inputFormat.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = inputFormat.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
        assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
        reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
        Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
        ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);

        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("[" + fileName + ".xlsx]Table1!A1", spreadSheetKey.toString(),
                "Input Split for Excel file has keyname == \"[" + fileName + ".xlsx]Table1!A1\"");
        assertEquals(2, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with 2 columns");
        assertEquals("Test", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 == \"Test\"");
        assertEquals("10", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 2 == \"10\"");

        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(2, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2 with 2 columns");
        assertEquals("Test2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2 with cell 1 == \"Test2\"");
        assertEquals("50", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2 with cell 2 == \"50\"");

        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(2, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contain row 3 with 2 columns");
        assertEquals("Test3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 1 == \"Test3\"");
        assertEquals("20", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 2 == \"20\"");

        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(2, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contain row 4 with 2 columns");
        assertEquals("Test5", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 1 == \"Test5\"");

        assertEquals("60", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 2 == \"60\"");

    public void writeExcelOutputFormatExcel2013TemplateEncryptedSingleSheetPositive()
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        // one row string and three columns ("test1","test2","test3")
        // change the cell A4 from Test4 to Test5 from the template
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a4 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("Test5", "", "", "A4", "Table1");
        // change b4 from 10 to 60
        SpreadSheetCellDAO b4 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "60", "B4", "Table1");
        // write
        Job job = Job.getInstance();
        Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();

        String fileName = "excel2013basedontemplateencrypted";
        String tmpDir = tmpPath.toString();
        Path outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
        conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", fileName);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
                "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"); // new
        // excel
        // format
        // template
        ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
        String fileNameTemplate = classLoader.getResource("templatetest1encrypt.xlsx").getFile();
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.template.file", fileNameTemplate);
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.template.password", "test");
        conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
        conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
        conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        JobContext jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
        FileOutputCommitter committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
        // setup
        // set generic outputformat settings
        ExcelFileOutputFormat outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
        RecordWriter<NullWritable, SpreadSheetCellDAO> writer = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
        assertNotNull(writer, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");
        writer.write(null, a4);
        writer.write(null, b4);
        // try to read it again
        conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
        job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        fileName = fileName + this.outputbaseAppendix;
        Path inputFile = new Path(tmpDir + File.separator + "_temporary" + File.separator + "0" + File.separator
                + taskAttempt + File.separator + fileName + ".xlsx");
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        ExcelFileInputFormat inputFormat = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
        context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        List<InputSplit> splits = inputFormat.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = inputFormat.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
        assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
        reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
        Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
        ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);

        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("[" + fileName + ".xlsx]Table1!A1", spreadSheetKey.toString(),
                "Input Split for Excel file has keyname == \"[" + fileName + ".xlsx]Table1!A1\"");
        assertEquals(2, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with 2 columns");
        assertEquals("Test", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 == \"Test\"");
        assertEquals("10", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 2 == \"10\"");

        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(2, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2 with 2 columns");
        assertEquals("Test2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2 with cell 1 == \"Test2\"");
        assertEquals("50", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2 with cell 2 == \"50\"");

        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(2, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contain row 3 with 2 columns");
        assertEquals("Test3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 1 == \"Test3\"");
        assertEquals("20", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 2 == \"20\"");

        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(2, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contain row 4 with 2 columns");
        assertEquals("Test5", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 1 == \"Test5\"");

        assertEquals("60", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 2 == \"60\"");

    public void writeExcelOutputFormatExcel2013TemplateEncryptedSingleSheetNegative() throws IOException {
        // one row string and three columns ("test1","test2","test3")
        // change the cell A4 from Test4 to Test5 from the template
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a4 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("Test5", "", "", "A4", "Table1");
        // change b4 from 10 to 60
        SpreadSheetCellDAO b4 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "60", "B4", "Table1");
        // write
        Job job = Job.getInstance();
        Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();

        String fileName = "excel2013basedontemplateencrypted";
        String tmpDir = tmpPath.toString();
        Path outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
        conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", fileName);

        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
                "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"); // new
        // excel
        // format
        // template
        ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
        String fileNameTemplate = classLoader.getResource("templatetest1encrypt.xlsx").getFile();
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.template.file", fileNameTemplate);
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.template.password", "test2");
        conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
        conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
        conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        JobContext jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
        FileOutputCommitter committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
        // setup
        // set generic outputformat settings
        ExcelFileOutputFormat outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
        RecordWriter<NullWritable, SpreadSheetCellDAO> writer = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);

        assertNull(writer, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");

    public void readExcelInputFormatExcel2013SingleSheetEncryptedKeyStorePositive()
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        Configuration conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
        ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
        String fileName = "excel2013encrypt.xlsx";
        String fileNameSpreadSheet = classLoader.getResource(fileName).getFile();
        Path file = new Path(fileNameSpreadSheet);
        String keystoreFilename = "keystore.jceks";
        String filenameKeyStore = classLoader.getResource(keystoreFilename).getFile().toString();
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        // for decryption set the keystore to retrieve the password
        conf.set("", filenameKeyStore);
        conf.set("", "JCEKS");
        conf.set("", "changeit");
        Job job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, file);
        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        ExcelFileInputFormat format = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
        List<InputSplit> splits = format.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = format.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
        assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
        reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
        Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
        ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("[excel2013encrypt.xlsx]Sheet1!A1", spreadSheetKey.toString(),
                "Input Split for Excel file has keyname == \"[excel2013encrypt.xlsx]Sheet1!A1\"");
        assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with 3 columns");
        assertEquals("test1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 == \"test1\"");
        assertEquals("Sheet1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getSheetName(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 sheetname == \"Sheet1\"");
        assertEquals("A1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getAddress(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 address == \"A1\"");
        assertEquals("test2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 2 == \"test2\"");
        assertEquals("test3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 3 == \"test3\"");

    public void readExcelInputFormatExcel2013SingleSheetEncryptedKeyStoreAliasPositive()
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        Configuration conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
        ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
        String fileName = "excel2013encrypt.xlsx";
        String fileNameSpreadSheet = classLoader.getResource(fileName).getFile();
        Path file = new Path(fileNameSpreadSheet);
        String keystoreFilename = "keystore.jceks";
        String filenameKeyStore = classLoader.getResource(keystoreFilename).getFile().toString();
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        // for decryption set the keystore to retrieve the password
        conf.set("", filenameKeyStore);
        conf.set("", "JCEKS");
        conf.set("", "changeit");

        conf.set("", "testalias");
        Job job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, file);
        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        ExcelFileInputFormat format = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
        List<InputSplit> splits = format.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = format.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
        assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
        reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
        Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
        ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("[excel2013encrypt.xlsx]Sheet1!A1", spreadSheetKey.toString(),
                "Input Split for Excel file has keyname == \"[excel2013encrypt.xlsx]Sheet1!A1\"");
        assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with 3 columns");
        assertEquals("test1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 == \"test1\"");
        assertEquals("Sheet1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getSheetName(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 sheetname == \"Sheet1\"");
        assertEquals("A1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getAddress(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 address == \"A1\"");
        assertEquals("test2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 2 == \"test2\"");
        assertEquals("test3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 3 == \"test3\"");

    public void writeExcelOutputFormatExcel2013SingleSheetEncryptedKeyStorePositive()
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
        // one row string and three columns ("test1","test2","test3")
        // (String formattedValue, String comment, String formula, String address,String
        // sheetName)
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test1", "", "", "A1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO b1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test2", "", "", "B1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO c1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test3", "", "", "C1", "Sheet1");
        // empty row => nothing todo
        // one row numbers (1,2,3)
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "1", "A3", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO b3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "2", "B3", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO c3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "3", "C3", "Sheet1");
        // one row formulas (=A3+B3)
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a4 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "A3+B3", "A4", "Sheet1");
        // write
        Job job = Job.getInstance();
        Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();

        String fileName = "excel2013singlesheettestoutencryptedkeystorepositive";
        String tmpDir = tmpPath.toString();
        Path outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
        conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", fileName);
        // set generic outputformat settings
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
                "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"); // new
        // excel
        // format
        // security
        // for the new Excel format you need to decide on your own which algorithms are
        // secure
        conf.set("", "agile");
        conf.set("", "aes256");
        conf.set("", "cbc");
        conf.set("", "sha512");
        // retrieve password for encryption from keystore
        String keystoreFilename = "keystore.jceks";
        String filenameKeyStore = classLoader.getResource(keystoreFilename).getFile().toString();
        conf.set("", filenameKeyStore);
        conf.set("", "JCEKS");
        conf.set("", "changeit");
        conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
        conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
        conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        JobContext jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
        FileOutputCommitter committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
        // setup
        ExcelFileOutputFormat outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
        RecordWriter<NullWritable, SpreadSheetCellDAO> writer = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
        assertNotNull(writer, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");
        writer.write(null, a1);
        writer.write(null, b1);
        writer.write(null, c1);
        writer.write(null, a3);
        writer.write(null, b3);
        writer.write(null, c3);
        writer.write(null, a4);
        // try to read it again
        conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
        job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        fileName = fileName + this.outputbaseAppendix;
        Path inputFile = new Path(tmpDir + File.separator + "_temporary" + File.separator + "0" + File.separator
                + taskAttempt + File.separator + fileName + ".xlsx");
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        // you just need to provide the password to read encrypted data
        conf.set("", "test");
        ExcelFileInputFormat inputFormat = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
        context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        List<InputSplit> splits = inputFormat.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = inputFormat.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
        assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
        reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
        Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
        ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("[" + fileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1!A1", spreadSheetKey.toString(),
                "Input Split for Excel file has keyname == \"[" + fileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1!A1\"");
        assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with 3 columns");
        assertEquals("test1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 == \"test1\"");
        assertEquals("test2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 2 == \"test2\"");
        assertEquals("test3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 3 == \"test3\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(0, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contain row 2 and is empty");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contain row 3 with 3 columns");
        assertEquals("1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 1 == \"1\"");
        assertEquals("2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 2 == \"2\"");
        assertEquals("3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 3 == \"3\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 4");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(1, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contain row 4 with 1 column");
        assertEquals("3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 1 == \"3\"");

    public void writeExcelOutputFormatExcel2013SingleSheetEncryptedKeyStoreAliasPositive()
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
        // one row string and three columns ("test1","test2","test3")
        // (String formattedValue, String comment, String formula, String address,String
        // sheetName)
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test1", "", "", "A1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO b1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test2", "", "", "B1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO c1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test3", "", "", "C1", "Sheet1");
        // empty row => nothing todo
        // one row numbers (1,2,3)
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "1", "A3", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO b3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "2", "B3", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO c3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "3", "C3", "Sheet1");
        // one row formulas (=A3+B3)
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a4 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "A3+B3", "A4", "Sheet1");
        // write
        Job job = Job.getInstance();
        Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();

        String fileName = "excel2013singlesheettestoutencryptedkeystorepositive";
        String tmpDir = tmpPath.toString();
        Path outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
        conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", fileName);
        // set generic outputformat settings
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
                "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"); // new
        // excel
        // format
        // security
        // for the new Excel format you need to decide on your own which algorithms are
        // secure
        conf.set("", "agile");
        conf.set("", "aes256");
        conf.set("", "cbc");
        conf.set("", "sha512");
        // retrieve password for encryption from keystore
        String keystoreFilename = "keystore.jceks";
        String filenameKeyStore = classLoader.getResource(keystoreFilename).getFile().toString();
        conf.set("", filenameKeyStore);
        conf.set("", "JCEKS");
        conf.set("", "changeit");

        conf.set("", "testalias");
        conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
        conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
        conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        JobContext jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
        FileOutputCommitter committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
        // setup
        ExcelFileOutputFormat outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
        RecordWriter<NullWritable, SpreadSheetCellDAO> writer = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
        assertNotNull(writer, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");
        writer.write(null, a1);
        writer.write(null, b1);
        writer.write(null, c1);
        writer.write(null, a3);
        writer.write(null, b3);
        writer.write(null, c3);
        writer.write(null, a4);
        // try to read it again
        conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
        job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        fileName = fileName + this.outputbaseAppendix;
        Path inputFile = new Path(tmpDir + File.separator + "_temporary" + File.separator + "0" + File.separator
                + taskAttempt + File.separator + fileName + ".xlsx");
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        // you just need to provide the password to read encrypted data
        conf.set("", "test");
        ExcelFileInputFormat inputFormat = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
        context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        List<InputSplit> splits = inputFormat.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = inputFormat.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
        assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
        reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
        Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
        ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("[" + fileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1!A1", spreadSheetKey.toString(),
                "Input Split for Excel file has keyname == \"[" + fileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1!A1\"");
        assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with 3 columns");
        assertEquals("test1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 == \"test1\"");
        assertEquals("test2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 2 == \"test2\"");
        assertEquals("test3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 3 == \"test3\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(0, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contain row 2 and is empty");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contain row 3 with 3 columns");
        assertEquals("1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 1 == \"1\"");
        assertEquals("2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 2 == \"2\"");
        assertEquals("3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 3 == \"3\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 4");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(1, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contain row 4 with 1 column");
        assertEquals("3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 1 == \"3\"");

    @Disabled("We need to update the test certificate with certificate revocation lists (CRL)")
    public void writeExcelOutputFormatExcel2013SingleSheetSignedCertChainPositive()
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        // one row string and three columns ("test1","test2","test3")
        // (String formattedValue, String comment, String formula, String address,String
        // sheetName)
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test1", "", "", "A1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO b1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test2", "", "", "B1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO c1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test3", "", "", "C1", "Sheet1");
        // empty row => nothing todo
        // one row numbers (1,2,3)
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "1", "A3", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO b3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "2", "B3", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO c3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "3", "C3", "Sheet1");
        // one row formulas (=A3+B3)
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a4 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "A3+B3", "A4", "Sheet1");
        // write
        Job job = Job.getInstance();
        Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();

        String fileName = "excel2013singlesheettestoutsignedcertchainpositive";
        String tmpDir = tmpPath.toString();
        Path outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
        conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", fileName);

        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
                "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"); // new
        // Excel
        // format,
        // anyway
        // default,
        // but
        // here
        // for
        // illustrative
        // purposes
        /// signature
        String pkFileName = "testsigningCA.pfx"; // private key
        ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
        String fileNameKeyStore = classLoader.getResource(pkFileName).getFile();

        conf.set("", fileNameKeyStore);
        conf.set("", "PKCS12");
        conf.set("", "changeit");
        conf.set("", "testalias");
        conf.set("", "sha512");
        conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
        conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
        conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        JobContext jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
        FileOutputCommitter committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
        // setup
        // set generic outputformat settings
        ExcelFileOutputFormat outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
        RecordWriter<NullWritable, SpreadSheetCellDAO> writer = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
        assertNotNull(writer, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");
        writer.write(null, a1);
        writer.write(null, b1);
        writer.write(null, c1);
        writer.write(null, a3);
        writer.write(null, b3);
        writer.write(null, c3);
        writer.write(null, a4);
        // try to read it again
        conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
        job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        fileName = fileName + this.outputbaseAppendix;
        Path inputFile = new Path(tmpDir + File.separator + "_temporary" + File.separator + "0" + File.separator
                + taskAttempt + File.separator + fileName + ".xlsx");
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        conf.set("", "true");
        // trust store for certfication chain
        String trustFileName = "signingtruststore.jks";
        String fileNameTrustStore = classLoader.getResource(trustFileName).getFile();
        conf.set("", fileNameTrustStore);
        conf.set("", "JKS");
        conf.set("", "changeit");
        ExcelFileInputFormat inputFormat = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
        context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        List<InputSplit> splits = inputFormat.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = inputFormat.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
        assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
        reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
        Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
        ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("[" + fileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1!A1", spreadSheetKey.toString(),
                "Input Split for Excel file has keyname == \"[" + fileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1!A1\"");
        assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with 3 columns");
        assertEquals("test1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 == \"test1\"");
        assertEquals("test2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 2 == \"test2\"");
        assertEquals("test3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 3 == \"test3\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(0, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contain row 2 and is empty");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contain row 3 with 3 columns");
        assertEquals("1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 1 == \"1\"");
        assertEquals("2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 2 == \"2\"");
        assertEquals("3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 3 == \"3\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 4");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(1, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contain row 4 with 1 column");
        assertEquals("3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 1 == \"3\"");

    public void writeExcelOutputFormatExcel2013SingleSheetSignedNegative()
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        // one row string and three columns ("test1","test2","test3")
        // (String formattedValue, String comment, String formula, String address,String
        // sheetName)
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test1", "", "", "A1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO b1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test2", "", "", "B1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO c1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test3", "", "", "C1", "Sheet1");
        // empty row => nothing todo
        // one row numbers (1,2,3)
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "1", "A3", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO b3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "2", "B3", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO c3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "3", "C3", "Sheet1");
        // one row formulas (=A3+B3)
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a4 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "A3+B3", "A4", "Sheet1");
        // write
        Job job = Job.getInstance();
        Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();

        String fileName = "excel2013singlesheettestoutsignednegative";
        String tmpDir = tmpPath.toString();
        Path outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
        conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", fileName);

        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
                "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"); // new
        // Excel
        // format,
        // anyway
        // default,
        // but
        // here
        // for
        // illustrative
        // purposes

        conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
        conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
        conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        JobContext jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
        FileOutputCommitter committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
        // setup
        // set generic outputformat settings
        ExcelFileOutputFormat outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
        RecordWriter<NullWritable, SpreadSheetCellDAO> writer = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
        assertNotNull(writer, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");
        writer.write(null, a1);
        writer.write(null, b1);
        writer.write(null, c1);
        writer.write(null, a3);
        writer.write(null, b3);
        writer.write(null, c3);
        writer.write(null, a4);
        // try to read it again
        conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
        job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        fileName = fileName + this.outputbaseAppendix;
        Path inputFile = new Path(tmpDir + File.separator + "_temporary" + File.separator + "0" + File.separator
                + taskAttempt + File.separator + fileName + ".xlsx");
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        conf.set("", "true"); // will fail because no signature present
        ExcelFileInputFormat inputFormat = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);

        TaskAttemptContext context2 = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        List<InputSplit> splits = inputFormat.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = inputFormat.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context2);
        InterruptedException ex = assertThrows(InterruptedException.class,
                () -> reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context2),
                "Exception is thrown in case signature cannot be verified");

    public void writeExcelOutputFormatExcel2013SingleSheetEncryptedPositiveSignedPositive()
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        // one row string and three columns ("test1","test2","test3")
        // (String formattedValue, String comment, String formula, String address,String
        // sheetName)
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test1", "", "", "A1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO b1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test2", "", "", "B1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO c1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test3", "", "", "C1", "Sheet1");
        // empty row => nothing todo
        // one row numbers (1,2,3)
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "1", "A3", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO b3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "2", "B3", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO c3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "3", "C3", "Sheet1");
        // one row formulas (=A3+B3)
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a4 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "A3+B3", "A4", "Sheet1");
        // write
        Job job = Job.getInstance();
        Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();

        String fileName = "excel2013singlesheettestoutencryptedpositivesignedpositive";
        String tmpDir = tmpPath.toString();
        Path outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
        conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", fileName);
        // set generic outputformat settings
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
                "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"); // new
        // excel
        // format
        // security
        // for the new Excel format you need to decide on your own which algorithms are
        // secure
        conf.set("", "agile");
        conf.set("", "aes256");
        conf.set("", "cbc");
        conf.set("", "sha512");
        conf.set("", "test");
        /// signature
        String pkFileName = "testsigning.pfx"; // private key
        ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
        String fileNameKeyStore = classLoader.getResource(pkFileName).getFile();

        conf.set("", fileNameKeyStore);
        conf.set("", "PKCS12");
        conf.set("", "changeit");
        conf.set("", "testalias");
        conf.set("", "sha512");
        conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
        conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
        conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        JobContext jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
        FileOutputCommitter committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
        // setup
        ExcelFileOutputFormat outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
        RecordWriter<NullWritable, SpreadSheetCellDAO> writer = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
        assertNotNull(writer, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");
        writer.write(null, a1);
        writer.write(null, b1);
        writer.write(null, c1);
        writer.write(null, a3);
        writer.write(null, b3);
        writer.write(null, c3);
        writer.write(null, a4);
        // try to read it again
        conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
        job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        fileName = fileName + this.outputbaseAppendix;
        Path inputFile = new Path(tmpDir + File.separator + "_temporary" + File.separator + "0" + File.separator
                + taskAttempt + File.separator + fileName + ".xlsx");
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        // you just need to provide the password to read encrypted data
        conf.set("", "test");

        conf.set("", "true");
        ExcelFileInputFormat inputFormat = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
        context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        List<InputSplit> splits = inputFormat.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = inputFormat.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
        assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
        reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
        Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
        ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("[" + fileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1!A1", spreadSheetKey.toString(),
                "Input Split for Excel file has keyname == \"[" + fileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1!A1\"");
        assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with 3 columns");
        assertEquals("test1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 == \"test1\"");
        assertEquals("test2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 2 == \"test2\"");
        assertEquals("test3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 3 == \"test3\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(0, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contain row 2 and is empty");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contain row 3 with 3 columns");
        assertEquals("1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 1 == \"1\"");
        assertEquals("2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 2 == \"2\"");
        assertEquals("3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 3 == \"3\"");
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 4");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals(1, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contain row 4 with 1 column");
        assertEquals("3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 1 == \"3\"");

    public void writeExcelOutputFormatExcel2013SingleSheetEncryptedPositiveSignedNegative()
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        // one row string and three columns ("test1","test2","test3")
        // (String formattedValue, String comment, String formula, String address,String
        // sheetName)
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test1", "", "", "A1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO b1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test2", "", "", "B1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO c1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test3", "", "", "C1", "Sheet1");
        // empty row => nothing todo
        // one row numbers (1,2,3)
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "1", "A3", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO b3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "2", "B3", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO c3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "3", "C3", "Sheet1");
        // one row formulas (=A3+B3)
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a4 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "A3+B3", "A4", "Sheet1");
        // write
        Job job = Job.getInstance();
        Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();

        String fileName = "excel2013singlesheettestoutencryptedpositivesignednegative";
        String tmpDir = tmpPath.toString();
        Path outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
        conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", fileName);
        // set generic outputformat settings
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
                "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"); // new
        // excel
        // format
        // security
        // for the new Excel format you need to decide on your own which algorithms are
        // secure
        conf.set("", "agile");
        conf.set("", "aes256");
        conf.set("", "cbc");
        conf.set("", "sha512");
        conf.set("", "test");

        conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
        conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
        conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        JobContext jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
        FileOutputCommitter committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
        // setup
        ExcelFileOutputFormat outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
        RecordWriter<NullWritable, SpreadSheetCellDAO> writer = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
        assertNotNull(writer, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");
        writer.write(null, a1);
        writer.write(null, b1);
        writer.write(null, c1);
        writer.write(null, a3);
        writer.write(null, b3);
        writer.write(null, c3);
        writer.write(null, a4);
        // try to read it again
        conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
        job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        fileName = fileName + this.outputbaseAppendix;
        Path inputFile = new Path(tmpDir + File.separator + "_temporary" + File.separator + "0" + File.separator
                + taskAttempt + File.separator + fileName + ".xlsx");
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        // you just need to provide the password to read encrypted data
        conf.set("", "test");

        conf.set("", "true"); // will fail no signature provided
        ExcelFileInputFormat inputFormat = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
        TaskAttemptContext context2 = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        List<InputSplit> splits = inputFormat.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = inputFormat.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context2);
        InterruptedException ex = assertThrows(InterruptedException.class,
                () -> reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context2),
                "Exception is thrown in case signature cannot be verified");

    @Disabled("This does not work yet due to a bug in Apache POI that prevents writing correct workbooks containing external references:")
    public void writeExcelOutputFormatExcel2013SingleSheetOneLinkedWorkbook()
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        // write linkedworkbook1
        // one row string and three columns ("test1","test2","test3")
        // (String formattedValue, String comment, String formula, String address,String
        // sheetName)
        SpreadSheetCellDAO wb1a1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test1", "", "", "A1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO wb1b1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test2", "", "", "B1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO wb1c1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test3", "", "", "C1", "Sheet1");
        // write
        Job job = Job.getInstance();
        Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();
        String linkedWB1FileName = "excel2013linkedwb1";
        String tmpDir = tmpPath.toString();
        Path outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", linkedWB1FileName);

        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
                "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"); // new
        // Excel
        // format,
        // anyway
        // default,
        // but
        // here
        // for
        // illustrative
        // purposes
        conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
        conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
        conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        JobContext jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
        FileOutputCommitter committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
        // setup
        ExcelFileOutputFormat outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
        RecordWriter<NullWritable, SpreadSheetCellDAO> writer = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
        assertNotNull(writer, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");
        writer.write(null, wb1a1);
        writer.write(null, wb1b1);
        writer.write(null, wb1c1);
        // write mainworkbook
        linkedWB1FileName = linkedWB1FileName + this.outputbaseAppendix;
        String linkedWorkbookFilename = "[" + tmpDir + File.separator + linkedWB1FileName + ".xlsx]";
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test4", "", "", "A1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO b1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "[" + linkedWB1FileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1!B1", "B1",
                "Sheet1"); // should be test2 in the end
        // write
        job = Job.getInstance();
        conf = job.getConfiguration();

        String mainWBfileName = "excel2013singlesheetlinkedwbtestout";
        outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", mainWBfileName);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
                "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"); // new
        // Excel
        // format,
        // anyway
        // default,
        // but
        // here
        // for
        // illustrative
        // purposes
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.linkedworkbooks", linkedWorkbookFilename);
        conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
        conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
        conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

        context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
        committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
        // setup
        outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
        RecordWriter<NullWritable, SpreadSheetCellDAO> writerMain = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
        assertNotNull(writerMain, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");
        writerMain.write(null, a1);
        writerMain.write(null, b1);
        // try to read it again
        job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        mainWBfileName = mainWBfileName + this.outputbaseAppendix;
        Path inputFile = new Path(tmpDir + File.separator + mainWBfileName + ".xlsx");
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        // enable option to read linked workbooks
        conf.setBoolean("", true);
        conf.setBoolean("", false);
        ExcelFileInputFormat inputFormat = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
        context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        List<InputSplit> splits = inputFormat.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = inputFormat.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
        assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
        reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
        Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
        ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 Sheet1");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("[" + mainWBfileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1!A1", spreadSheetKey.toString(),
                "Input Split for Excel file has keyname == \"[" + mainWBfileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1!A1\"");
        assertEquals(2, spreadSheetValue.get().length,
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with 2 columns for Sheet1");
        assertEquals("test4", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 == \"test4\"");
        // this comes from the external workbook
        assertEquals("test2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 2 == \"test2\"");

    @Disabled("This does not work yet due to a bug in Apache POI that prevents writing correct workbooks containing external references:")
    public void writeExcelOutputFormatExcel2013SingleSheetTwoLinkedWorkbooks()
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        // write linkedworkbook1
        // one row string and three columns ("test1","test2","test3")
        // (String formattedValue, String comment, String formula, String address,String
        // sheetName)
        SpreadSheetCellDAO wb1a1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test1", "", "", "A1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO wb1b1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test2", "", "", "B1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO wb1c1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test3", "", "", "C1", "Sheet1");
        // write
        Job job = Job.getInstance();
        Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();
        String linkedWB1FileName = "excel2013linkedwb1";
        String tmpDir = tmpPath.toString();
        Path outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", linkedWB1FileName);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
                "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"); // new
        // Excel
        // format,
        // anyway
        // default,
        // but
        // here
        // for
        // illustrative
        // purposes
        conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
        conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
        conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        JobContext jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

        TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
        FileOutputCommitter committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
        // setup
        ExcelFileOutputFormat outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
        RecordWriter<NullWritable, SpreadSheetCellDAO> writer = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
        assertNotNull(writer, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");
        writer.write(null, wb1a1);
        writer.write(null, wb1b1);
        writer.write(null, wb1c1);
        // write linkedworkbook2
        // one row string and three columns ("test1","test2","test3")
        // (String formattedValue, String comment, String formula, String address,String
        // sheetName)
        SpreadSheetCellDAO wb2a1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test4", "", "", "A1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO wb2b1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test5", "", "", "B1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO wb2c1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test6", "", "", "C1", "Sheet1");
        // write
        job = Job.getInstance();
        conf = job.getConfiguration();
        String linkedWB2FileName = "excel2013linkedwb2";
        outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", linkedWB2FileName);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
                "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"); // new
        // Excel
        // format,
        // anyway
        // default,
        // but
        // here
        // for
        // illustrative
        // purposes
        conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
        conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
        conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

        context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
        committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
        // setup
        outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
        writer = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
        assertNotNull(writer, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");
        writer.write(null, wb2a1);
        writer.write(null, wb2b1);
        writer.write(null, wb2c1);
        // write mainworkbook
        linkedWB1FileName = linkedWB1FileName + this.outputbaseAppendix;
        linkedWB2FileName = linkedWB2FileName + this.outputbaseAppendix;
        String linkedWorkbookFilename = "[" + tmpDir + File.separator + linkedWB1FileName + ".xlsx]:[" + tmpDir
                + File.separator + linkedWB2FileName + ".xlsx]";
        SpreadSheetCellDAO a1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test7", "", "", "A1", "Sheet1");
        SpreadSheetCellDAO b1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "'[" + linkedWB1FileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1'!B1", "B1",
                "Sheet1"); // should be test2 in the end
        SpreadSheetCellDAO c1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "'[" + linkedWB2FileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1'!B1", "B1",
                "Sheet1"); // should be test5 in the end
        // write
        job = Job.getInstance();
        conf = job.getConfiguration();
        String mainWBfileName = "excel2013singlesheetlinkedwbtestout";
        outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", mainWBfileName);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
                "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"); // new
        // Excel
        // format,
        // anyway
        // default,
        // but
        // here
        // for
        // illustrative
        // purposes
        conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.linkedworkbooks", linkedWorkbookFilename);
        conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
        conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
        conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
        jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

        context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
        committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
        // setup

        outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
        RecordWriter<NullWritable, SpreadSheetCellDAO> writerMain = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
        assertNotNull(writerMain, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");
        writerMain.write(null, a1);
        writerMain.write(null, b1);
        writerMain.write(null, c1);
        // try to read it again
        job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        mainWBfileName = mainWBfileName + this.outputbaseAppendix;
        Path inputFile = new Path(tmpDir + File.separator + mainWBfileName + ".xlsx");
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
        // set locale to the one of the test data
        conf.set("", "de");
        // enable option to read linked workbooks
        conf.setBoolean("", true);
        conf.setBoolean("", false);
        ExcelFileInputFormat inputFormat = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
        context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
        List<InputSplit> splits = inputFormat.getSplits(job);
        assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
        RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = inputFormat.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
        assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
        reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
        Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
        ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
        assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 Sheet1");
        spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
        spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
        assertEquals("[" + mainWBfileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1!A1", spreadSheetKey.toString(),
                "Input Split for Excel file has keyname == \"[" + mainWBfileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1!A1\"");
        assertEquals(2, spreadSheetValue.get().length,
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with 2 columns for Sheet1");
        assertEquals("test7", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 == \"test7\"");
        // this comes from the external workbook
        assertEquals("test2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 2 == \"test2\"");
        assertEquals("test5", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
                "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 3 == \"test5\"");
