Java org.apache.mahout.math Matrix fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java org.apache.mahout.math Matrix fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for org.apache.mahout.math Matrix.

The text is from its open source code.


doubleaggregate(DoubleDoubleFunction combiner, DoubleFunction mapper)
Collects the results of a function applied to each element of a matrix and then aggregated.
VectoraggregateColumns(VectorFunction f)
Collects the results of a function applied to each column of a matrix.
Matrixassign(double value)
Assign the value to all elements of the receiver
Matrixassign(double[][] values)
Assign the values to the receiver
Matrixassign(Matrix other)
Assign the other vector values to the receiver
Matrixassign(DoubleFunction function)
Apply the function to each element of the receiver
Matrixassign(Matrix other, DoubleDoubleFunction function)
Apply the function to each element of the receiver and the corresponding element of the other argument
MatrixassignColumn(int column, Vector other)
Assign the other vector values to the column of the receiver
MatrixassignRow(int row, Vector other)
Assign the other vector values to the row of the receiver
Return a copy of the recipient
Returns matrix determinator using Laplace theorem
Matrixdivide(double x)
Return a new matrix containing the values of the recipient divided by the argument
doubleget(int row, int column)
Return the value at the given indexes
doubleget(String rowLabel, String columnLabel)
Return the value at the given labels
doublegetQuick(int row, int column)
Return the value at the given indexes, without checking bounds
Matrixlike(int rows, int columns)
Returns an empty matrix of the same underlying class as the receiver and of the specified size.
Matrixminus(Matrix x)
Return a new matrix containing the element by element difference of the recipient and the argument
Matrixplus(double x)
Return a new matrix containing the sum of each value of the recipient and the argument
Matrixplus(Matrix x)
Return a new matrix containing the element by element sum of the recipient and the argument
voidset(int row, int column, double value)
Set the value at the given index
voidset(String rowLabel, String columnLabel, double value)
Set the value at the given index
voidset(String rowLabel, int row, double[] rowData)
Sets the row values at the given row index and updates the row labels
voidsetQuick(int row, int column, double value)
Set the value at the given index, without checking bounds
Matrixtimes(double x)
Return a new matrix containing the product of each value of the recipient and the argument
Matrixtimes(Matrix x)
Return a new matrix containing the product of the recipient and the argument
Return a new matrix that is the transpose of the receiver
VectorviewColumn(int column)
Return a reference to a column.
Returns a reference to the diagonal of a matrix.
VectorviewRow(int row)
Return a reference to a row.