Example usage for org.apache.mahout.math Matrix viewDiagonal

List of usage examples for org.apache.mahout.math Matrix viewDiagonal


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.mahout.math Matrix viewDiagonal.


Vector viewDiagonal();

Source Link


Returns a reference to the diagonal of a matrix.


From source file:com.twitter.algebra.AlgebraCommon.java

License:Apache License

 * @param m/*ww w  .j av a2 s  . co m*/
 *          matrix
 * @return m.viewDiagonal().zSum()
static double trace(Matrix m) {
    Vector d = m.viewDiagonal();
    return d.zSum();

From source file:org.qcri.pca.SPCADriver.java

 * Run sPCA//from   w ww  . ja va  2 s  . com
 * @param conf
 *          the configuration
 * @param input
 *          the path to the input matrix Y
 * @param output
 *          the path to the output (currently for normalization output)
 * @param nRows
 *          number of rows in input matrix
 * @param nCols
 *          number of columns in input matrix
 * @param nPCs
 *          number of desired principal components
 * @param splitFactor
 *          divide the block size by this number to increase parallelism
 * @param round
 *          the initial round index, used for naming each round output
 * @param LAST_ROUND
 *          the index of the last round
 * @param sampleRate
 *          if < 1, the input is sampled during normalization
 * @return the error
 * @throws Exception
double runMapReduce(Configuration conf, DistributedRowMatrix distY, InitialValues initVal, Path output,
        final int nRows, final int nCols, final int nPCs, final int splitFactor, final float errSampleRate,
        final int LAST_ROUND, final int normalize) throws Exception {
    int round = 0;
    //The two PPCA variables that improve over each iteration
    double ss = initVal.ss;
    Matrix centralC = initVal.C;
    //initial CtC
    Matrix centralCtC = centralC.transpose().times(centralC);
    final float threshold = 0.00001f;
    int sampleRate = 1;
    //1. compute mean and span
    DenseVector ym = new DenseVector(distY.numCols()); //ym=mean(distY)
    MeanAndSpanJob masJob = new MeanAndSpanJob();
    boolean normalizeMean = false;
    if (normalize == 1)
        normalizeMean = true;
    Path meanSpanPath = masJob.compuateMeanAndSpan(distY.getRowPath(), output, ym, normalizeMean, conf,
            "" + round + "-init");
    Path normalizedYPath = null;

    //2. normalize the input matrix Y
    if (normalize == 1) {

        NormalizeJob normalizeJob = new NormalizeJob();
        normalizedYPath = normalizeJob.normalize(conf, distY.getRowPath(), meanSpanPath, output, sampleRate,
                "" + round + "-init");
        distY = new DistributedRowMatrix(normalizedYPath, getTempPath(), nRows, nCols);
        //After normalization, set the split factor
        if (splitFactor > 1) {
            FileSystem fss = FileSystem.get(normalizedYPath.toUri(), conf);
            long blockSize = fss.getDefaultBlockSize() / splitFactor;
            conf.set("mapred.max.split.size", Long.toString(blockSize));
    if (normalizedYPath == null)
        normalizedYPath = distY.getRowPath();

    //3. compute the 2-norm of Y
    Norm2Job normJob = new Norm2Job();
    double norm2 = normJob.computeFNorm(conf, normalizedYPath, meanSpanPath, getTempPath(),
            "" + round + "-init");
    if (sampleRate < 1) { // rescale
        norm2 = norm2 / sampleRate;

    DenseVector xm = new DenseVector(nPCs);
    DistributedRowMatrix distY2X = null;
    DistributedRowMatrix distC = null;
    double prevObjective = Double.MAX_VALUE;
    double error = 0;
    double relChangeInObjective = Double.MAX_VALUE;
    double prevError = Double.MAX_VALUE;
    for (; (round < LAST_ROUND && relChangeInObjective > threshold && prevError > 0.02); round++) {
        // Sx = inv( ss * eye(d) + CtC );
        Matrix centralSx = centralCtC.clone();
        centralSx = inv(centralSx);
        // X = Y * C * Sx' => Y2X = C * Sx'
        Matrix centralY2X = centralC.times(centralSx.transpose());
        distY2X = PCACommon.toDistributedRowMatrix(centralY2X, getTempPath(), getTempPath(), "CSxt" + round);
        // Xm = Ym * Y2X
        PCACommon.denseVectorTimesMatrix(ym, centralY2X, xm);
        // We skip computing X as we generate it on demand using Y and Y2X

        //Compute X'X and Y'X 
        CompositeJob compositeJob = new CompositeJob();
        compositeJob.computeYtXandXtX(distY, distY2X, ym, xm, getTempPath(), conf, "" + round);
        Matrix centralXtX = compositeJob.xtx;
        Matrix centralYtX = compositeJob.ytx;
        if (sampleRate < 1) { // rescale

        // XtX = X'*X + ss * Sx
        final double finalss = ss;
        centralXtX.assign(centralSx, new DoubleDoubleFunction() {
            public double apply(double arg1, double arg2) {
                return arg1 + finalss * arg2;
        // C = (Ye'*X) / SumXtX;
        Matrix invXtX_central = inv(centralXtX);
        centralC = centralYtX.times(invXtX_central);
        distC = PCACommon.toDistributedRowMatrix(centralC, getTempPath(), getTempPath(), "C" + round);
        centralCtC = centralC.transpose().times(centralC);

        // Compute new value for ss
        // ss = ( sum(sum(Ye.^2)) + PCACommon.trace(XtX*CtC) - 2sum(XiCtYit) )
        // /(N*D);
        double ss2 = PCACommon.trace(centralXtX.times(centralCtC));
        VarianceJob varianceJob = new VarianceJob();
        double xctyt = varianceJob.computeVariance(distY, ym, distY2X, xm, distC, getTempPath(), conf,
                "" + round);
        if (sampleRate < 1) { // rescale
            xctyt = xctyt / sampleRate;
        ss = (norm2 + ss2 - 2 * xctyt) / (nRows * nCols);
        log.info("SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS " + ss + " (" + norm2 + " + " + ss2 + " -2* " + xctyt);
        double traceSx = PCACommon.trace(centralSx);
        double traceXtX = PCACommon.trace(centralXtX);
        double traceC = PCACommon.trace(centralC);
        double traceCtC = PCACommon.trace(centralCtC);
        log.info("TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT " + traceSx + " " + traceXtX + " " + traceC + " " + traceCtC);

        double objective = ss;
        relChangeInObjective = Math.abs(1 - objective / prevObjective);
        prevObjective = objective;
        log.info("Objective:  %.6f    relative change: %.6f \n", objective, relChangeInObjective);
            log.info("Computing the error at round " + round + " ...");
            ReconstructionErrJob errJob = new ReconstructionErrJob();
            error = errJob.reconstructionErr(distY, distY2X, distC, centralC, ym, xm, errSampleRate, conf,
                    getTempPath(), "" + round);
            log.info("... end of computing the error at round " + round);
            prevError = error;

        log.info("Computing the error at round " + round + " ...");
        ReconstructionErrJob errJob = new ReconstructionErrJob();
        error = errJob.reconstructionErr(distY, distY2X, distC, centralC, ym, xm, errSampleRate, conf,
                getTempPath(), "" + round);
        log.info("... end of computing the error at round " + round);

    initVal.C = centralC;
    initVal.ss = ss;
    writeMatrix(initVal.C, output, getTempPath(), "PCs");
    return error;


From source file:org.qcri.pca.SPCADriver.java

private static Matrix eye(int n) {
    Matrix m = new DenseMatrix(n, n);
    m.assign(0);/*from w  w w  . j  a  va 2  s  . com*/
    return m;

From source file:org.qcri.sparkpca.PCAUtils.java

   * @param m matrix//from w  w w  . ja v a 2  s .c o  m
   * @return trace of matrix m

static double trace(Matrix m) {
    Vector d = m.viewDiagonal();
    return d.zSum();

From source file:org.qcri.sparkpca.PCAUtils.java

* Initialize an identity matrix I/*from   w  w  w .j  a v  a 2  s.  com*/
private static Matrix eye(int n) {
    Matrix m = new DenseMatrix(n, n);
    return m;

From source file:org.qcri.sparkpca.SparkPCA.java

 * Compute principal component analysis where the input is an RDD<org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector> of vectors such that each vector represents a row in the matrix
 * @param sc /*from w  ww . j a v  a  2s .c o m*/
 *           Spark context that contains the configuration parameters and represents connection to the cluster 
 *          (used to create RDDs, accumulators and broadcast variables on that cluster)
 * @param vectors
 *          An RDD of vectors representing the rows of the input matrix
 * @param nRows
 *          Number of rows in input Matrix
 * @param nCols
 *          Number of columns in input Matrix
 * @param nPCs
 *          Number of desired principal components
 * @param errRate
 *          The sampling rate that is used for computing the reconstruction error
 * @param maxIterations 
 *          Maximum number of iterations before terminating
 * @return Matrix of size nCols X nPCs having the desired principal components
public static org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Matrix computePrincipalComponents(JavaSparkContext sc,
        JavaRDD<org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector> vectors, String outputPath, final int nRows,
        final int nCols, final int nPCs, final double errRate, final int maxIterations,
        final int computeProjectedMatrix) {

    System.out.println("Rows: " + nRows + ", Columns " + nCols);
    double ss;
    Matrix centralC;

    // The two PPCA variables that improve over each iteration: Principal component matrix (C) and random variance (ss).
    // Initialized randomly for the first iteration
    ss = PCAUtils.randSS();
    centralC = PCAUtils.randomMatrix(nCols, nPCs);

    // 1. Mean Job : This job calculates the mean and span of the columns of the input RDD<org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector>
    final Accumulator<double[]> matrixAccumY = sc.accumulator(new double[nCols], new VectorAccumulatorParam());
    final double[] internalSumY = new double[nCols];
    vectors.foreachPartition(new VoidFunction<Iterator<org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector>>() {

        public void call(Iterator<org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector> arg0) throws Exception {
            org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector yi;
            int[] indices = null;
            int i;
            while (arg0.hasNext()) {
                yi = arg0.next();
                indices = ((SparseVector) yi).indices();
                for (i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) {
                    internalSumY[indices[i]] += yi.apply(indices[i]);

    });//End Mean Job

    //Get the sum of column Vector from the accumulator and divide each element by the number of rows to get the mean
    final Vector meanVector = new DenseVector(matrixAccumY.value()).divide(nRows);
    final Broadcast<Vector> br_ym_mahout = sc.broadcast(meanVector);

    //2. Frobenious Norm Job : Obtain Frobenius norm of the input RDD<org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector>
     * To compute the norm2 of a sparse matrix, iterate over sparse items and sum
     * square of the difference. After processing each row, add the sum of the
     * meanSquare of the zero-elements that were ignored in the sparse iteration.
    double meanSquareSumTmp = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < br_ym_mahout.value().size(); i++) {
        double element = br_ym_mahout.value().getQuick(i);
        meanSquareSumTmp += element * element;
    final double meanSquareSum = meanSquareSumTmp;
    final Accumulator<Double> doubleAccumNorm2 = sc.accumulator(0.0);
    vectors.foreach(new VoidFunction<org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector>() {

        public void call(org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector yi) throws Exception {
            double norm2 = 0;
            double meanSquareSumOfZeroElements = meanSquareSum;
            int[] indices = ((SparseVector) yi).indices();
            int i;
            int index;
            double v;
            //iterate over non
            for (i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) {
                index = indices[i];
                v = yi.apply(index);
                double mean = br_ym_mahout.value().getQuick(index);
                double diff = v - mean;
                diff *= diff;

                // cancel the effect of the non-zero element in meanSquareSum
                meanSquareSumOfZeroElements -= mean * mean;
                norm2 += diff;
            // For all all zero items, the following has the sum of mean square
            norm2 += meanSquareSumOfZeroElements;

    });//end Frobenious Norm Job

    double norm2 = doubleAccumNorm2.value();
    log.info("NOOOOORM2=" + norm2);

    // initial CtC  
    Matrix centralCtC = centralC.transpose().times(centralC);

    Matrix centralY2X = null;
    // -------------------------- EM Iterations
    // while count
    int round = 0;
    double prevObjective = Double.MAX_VALUE;
    double error = 0;
    double relChangeInObjective = Double.MAX_VALUE;
    double prevError = Double.MAX_VALUE;
    final float threshold = 0.00001f;
    final int firstRound = round;

    for (; (round < maxIterations && relChangeInObjective > threshold && prevError > 0.02); round++) {

        // Sx = inv( ss * eye(d) + CtC );
        Matrix centralSx = centralCtC.clone();

        // Sx = inv( eye(d) + CtC/ss );
        centralSx = PCAUtils.inv(centralSx);

        // X = Y * C * Sx' => Y2X = C * Sx'
        centralY2X = centralC.times(centralSx.transpose());

        //Broadcast Y2X because it will be used in several jobs and several iterations.
        final Broadcast<Matrix> br_centralY2X = sc.broadcast(centralY2X);

        // Xm = Ym * Y2X
        Vector xm_mahout = new DenseVector(nPCs);
        xm_mahout = PCAUtils.denseVectorTimesMatrix(br_ym_mahout.value(), centralY2X, xm_mahout);

        //Broadcast Xm because it will be used in several iterations.
        final Broadcast<Vector> br_xm_mahout = sc.broadcast(xm_mahout);
        // We skip computing X as we generate it on demand using Y and Y2X

        // 3. X'X and Y'X Job:  The job computes the two matrices X'X and Y'X
         * Xc = Yc * MEM   (MEM is the in-memory broadcasted matrix Y2X)
         * XtX = Xc' * Xc
         * YtX = Yc' * Xc
         * It also considers that Y is sparse and receives the mean vectors Ym and Xm
         * separately.
         * Yc = Y - Ym
         * Xc = X - Xm
         * Xc = (Y - Ym) * MEM = Y * MEM - Ym * MEM = X - Xm
         * XtX = (X - Xm)' * (X - Xm)
         * YtX = (Y - Ym)' * (X - Xm)
        final Accumulator<double[][]> matrixAccumXtx = sc.accumulator(new double[nPCs][nPCs],
                new MatrixAccumulatorParam());
        final Accumulator<double[][]> matrixAccumYtx = sc.accumulator(new double[nCols][nPCs],
                new MatrixAccumulatorParam());
        final Accumulator<double[]> matrixAccumX = sc.accumulator(new double[nPCs],
                new VectorAccumulatorParam());

         * Initialize the output matrices and vectors once in order to avoid generating massive intermediate data in the workers
        final double[][] resArrayYtX = new double[nCols][nPCs];
        final double[][] resArrayXtX = new double[nPCs][nPCs];
        final double[] resArrayX = new double[nPCs];

         * Used to sum the vectors in one partition.
        final double[][] internalSumYtX = new double[nCols][nPCs];
        final double[][] internalSumXtX = new double[nPCs][nPCs];
        final double[] internalSumX = new double[nPCs];

        vectors.foreachPartition(new VoidFunction<Iterator<org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector>>() {

            public void call(Iterator<org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector> arg0) throws Exception {
                org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector yi;
                while (arg0.hasNext()) {
                    yi = arg0.next();

                      * Perform in-memory matrix multiplication xi = yi' * Y2X
                    PCAUtils.sparseVectorTimesMatrix(yi, br_centralY2X.value(), resArrayX);

                    //get only the sparse indices
                    int[] indices = ((SparseVector) yi).indices();

                    PCAUtils.outerProductWithIndices(yi, br_ym_mahout.value(), resArrayX, br_xm_mahout.value(),
                            resArrayYtX, indices);
                    PCAUtils.outerProductArrayInput(resArrayX, br_xm_mahout.value(), resArrayX,
                            br_xm_mahout.value(), resArrayXtX);
                    int i, j, rowIndexYtX;

                    //add the sparse indices only
                    for (i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) {
                        rowIndexYtX = indices[i];
                        for (j = 0; j < nPCs; j++) {
                            internalSumYtX[rowIndexYtX][j] += resArrayYtX[rowIndexYtX][j];
                            resArrayYtX[rowIndexYtX][j] = 0; //reset it

                    for (i = 0; i < nPCs; i++) {
                        internalSumX[i] += resArrayX[i];
                        for (j = 0; j < nPCs; j++) {
                            internalSumXtX[i][j] += resArrayXtX[i][j];
                            resArrayXtX[i][j] = 0; //reset it


        });//end  X'X and Y'X Job

         * Get the values of the accumulators.
        Matrix centralYtX = new DenseMatrix(matrixAccumYtx.value());
        Matrix centralXtX = new DenseMatrix(matrixAccumXtx.value());
        Vector centralSumX = new DenseVector(matrixAccumX.value());

          * Mi = (Yi-Ym)' x (Xi-Xm) = Yi' x (Xi-Xm) - Ym' x (Xi-Xm)
          * M = Sum(Mi) = Sum(Yi' x (Xi-Xm)) - Ym' x (Sum(Xi)-N*Xm)
          * The first part is done in the previous job and the second in the following method
        centralYtX = PCAUtils.updateXtXAndYtx(centralYtX, centralSumX, br_ym_mahout.value(), xm_mahout, nRows);
        centralXtX = PCAUtils.updateXtXAndYtx(centralXtX, centralSumX, xm_mahout, xm_mahout, nRows);

        // XtX = X'*X + ss * Sx
        final double finalss = ss;
        centralXtX.assign(centralSx, new DoubleDoubleFunction() {
            public double apply(double arg1, double arg2) {
                return arg1 + finalss * arg2;

        // C = (Ye'*X) / SumXtX;
        Matrix invXtX_central = PCAUtils.inv(centralXtX);
        centralC = centralYtX.times(invXtX_central);
        centralCtC = centralC.transpose().times(centralC);

        // Compute new value for ss
        // ss = ( sum(sum(Ye.^2)) + trace(XtX*CtC) - 2sum(XiCtYit))/(N*D);

        //4. Variance Job: Computes part of variance that requires a distributed job
         * xcty = Sum (xi * C' * yi')
         * We also regenerate xi on demand by the following formula:
         * xi = yi * y2x
         * To make it efficient for sparse matrices that are not mean-centered, we receive the mean
         * separately:
         * xi = (yi - ym) * y2x = yi * y2x - xm, where xm = ym*y2x
         * xi * C' * (yi-ym)' = xi * ((yi-ym)*C)' = xi * (yi*C - ym*C)'

        double ss2 = PCAUtils.trace(centralXtX.times(centralCtC));
        final double[] resArrayYmC = new double[centralC.numCols()];
        PCAUtils.denseVectorTimesMatrix(meanVector, centralC, resArrayYmC);
        final Broadcast<Matrix> br_centralC = sc.broadcast(centralC);
        final double[] resArrayYiC = new double[centralC.numCols()];
        final Accumulator<Double> doubleAccumXctyt = sc.accumulator(0.0);
        vectors.foreach(new VoidFunction<org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector>() {
            public void call(org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector yi) throws Exception {
                PCAUtils.sparseVectorTimesMatrix(yi, br_centralY2X.value(), resArrayX);
                PCAUtils.sparseVectorTimesMatrix(yi, br_centralC.value(), resArrayYiC);

                PCAUtils.subtract(resArrayYiC, resArrayYmC);
                double dotRes = PCAUtils.dot(resArrayX, resArrayYiC);
        }); //end Variance Job

        double xctyt = doubleAccumXctyt.value();
        ss = (norm2 + ss2 - 2 * xctyt) / (nRows * nCols);
        log.info("SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS " + ss + " (" + norm2 + " + " + ss2 + " -2* " + xctyt);

        double objective = ss;
        relChangeInObjective = Math.abs(1 - objective / prevObjective);
        prevObjective = objective;
        log.info("Objective:  %.6f    relative change: %.6f \n", objective, relChangeInObjective);

            log.info("Computing the error at round " + round + " ...");
            System.out.println("Computing the error at round " + round + " ...");

            double[] resArrayZmTmp = new double[centralC.numRows()];
            PCAUtils.vectorTimesMatrixTranspose(xm_mahout, centralC, resArrayZmTmp);
            final double[] resArrayZm = PCAUtils.subtractVectorArray(resArrayZmTmp, meanVector);

            //5. Reconstruction Error Job: The job computes the reconstruction error of the input matrix after updating the principal 
            //components matrix
             * Xc = Yc * Y2X
             * ReconY = Xc * C'
             * Err = ReconY - Yc
             * Norm2(Err) = abs(Err).zSum().max()
             * To take the sparse matrixes into account we receive the mean separately:
             * X = (Y - Ym) * Y2X = X - Xm, where X=Y*Y2X and Xm=Ym*Y2X
             * ReconY = (X - Xm) * C' = X*C' - Xm*C'
             * Err = X*C' - Xm*C' - (Y - Ym) = X*C' - Y - Zm, where where Zm=Xm*C'-Ym

            final Accumulator<double[]> vectorAccumErr = sc.accumulator(new double[nCols],
                    new VectorAccumulatorAbsParam());
            final Accumulator<double[]> vectorAccumNormCentralized = sc.accumulator(new double[nCols],
                    new VectorAccumulatorAbsParam());
            final double[] xiCtArray = new double[centralC.numRows()];
            final double[] normalizedArray = new double[nCols];

            vectors.foreach(new VoidFunction<org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector>() {
                public void call(org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector yi) throws Exception {
                    if (PCAUtils.pass(errRate))

                    PCAUtils.sparseVectorTimesMatrix(yi, br_centralY2X.value(), resArrayX);
                    PCAUtils.vectorTimesMatrixTranspose(resArrayX, br_centralC.value(), xiCtArray);

                    PCAUtils.denseVectorSubtractSparseSubtractDense(xiCtArray, yi, resArrayZm);

                    PCAUtils.denseVectorMinusVector(yi, br_ym_mahout.value(), normalizedArray);
            }); // end Reconstruction Error Job

             * The norm of the reconstruction error matrix
            double reconstructionError = PCAUtils.getMax(vectorAccumErr.value());
            log.info("************************ReconsructionError=" + reconstructionError);

             * The norm of the input matrix after centralization
            double centralizedYNorm = PCAUtils.getMax(vectorAccumNormCentralized.value());
            log.info("************************CentralizedNOrm=" + centralizedYNorm);

            error = reconstructionError / centralizedYNorm;
            log.info("... end of computing the error at round " + round + " And error=" + error);

            prevError = error;
    if (computeProjectedMatrix == 1) {
        //7. Compute Projected Matrix Job: The job multiplies the input matrix Y with the principal components C to get the Projected vectors 
        final Broadcast<Matrix> br_centralC = sc.broadcast(centralC);
        JavaRDD<org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector> projectedVectors = vectors.map(
                new Function<org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector, org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector>() {

                    public org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector call(org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector yi)
                            throws Exception {

                        return PCAUtils.sparseVectorTimesMatrix(yi, br_centralC.value());
                });//End Compute Projected Matrix
        String path = outputPath + File.separator + "ProjectedMatrix";
    return PCAUtils.convertMahoutToSparkMatrix(centralC);
