Example usage for org.jfree.chart.entity StandardEntityCollection StandardEntityCollection

List of usage examples for org.jfree.chart.entity StandardEntityCollection StandardEntityCollection


In this page you can find the example usage for org.jfree.chart.entity StandardEntityCollection StandardEntityCollection.


public StandardEntityCollection() 

Source Link


Constructs a new entity collection (initially empty).


From source file:Gui.admin.GererlesSratistique.java

private void StatistiquesBouttonActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_StatistiquesBouttonActionPerformed

    int size = evaluationTable.getRowCount();
    System.out.println(size);// ww w  .  jav a  2 s . c  om
    List<Double> notes = new ArrayList<Double>();
    List<Integer> ids = new ArrayList<Integer>();

    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {

        notes.add((new Double(evaluationTable.getValueAt(i, 3).toString())));

        ids.add((int) evaluationTable.getValueAt(i, 1));


    DefaultCategoryDataset dataset = new DefaultCategoryDataset();
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {

        dataset.setValue(new Double(notes.get(i)), "notes", new Double(ids.get(i)));



    JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createBarChart3D("Notes Adhrents", "Id Adhrents", "Notes", dataset,
            PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true, true, false);
    CategoryPlot p = chart.getCategoryPlot();
    ChartFrame frame = new ChartFrame(" les notes des adhrents", chart);
    frame.setSize(450, 350);

    try {


    catch (Exception e) {

    String note =noteTxt.getText();
    String idAdherent=idAdherentEvaluText.getText();
    DefaultCategoryDataset dataset = new DefaultCategoryDataset();
    dataset.setValue(new Double(note), "notes", new Double(idAdherent));
    JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createBarChart3D("Notes Adhrents", "Id Adhrents", "Notes", dataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, false, true, false);
    CategoryPlot p= chart.getCategoryPlot();
    ChartFrame frame = new ChartFrame(" les notes des adhrents", chart);
    try {

        final ChartRenderingInfo info = new ChartRenderingInfo(new StandardEntityCollection());
        final File file1 = new File("statistiques.png");
        ChartUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(file1, chart, 600, 400, info);


    catch (Exception e) {


From source file:gov.nih.nci.cma.web.graphing.GEPlot.java

public String generateBWLog2IntensityChart(String xAxisLabel, String yAxisLabel, HttpSession session,
        PrintWriter pw, boolean isCoinPlot) {
    String bwFilename = "";

    //PlotSize ps = PlotSize.MEDIUM;

    JFreeChart bwChart = null;//from  ww w.jav a  2 s .c  o  m
    try {
        //IMAGE Size Control

        CategoryAxis xAxis = new CategoryAxis(xAxisLabel);
        NumberAxis yAxis = new NumberAxis(yAxisLabel);
        BoxAndWhiskerCoinPlotRenderer bwRenderer = null;
        CategoryPlot bwPlot = null;

        if (isCoinPlot) {
            Map<String, List<Double>> groupMap = rawDataMap.get(reporterName);
            DefaultBoxAndWhiskerCategoryDataset smallBwdataset = new DefaultBoxAndWhiskerCategoryDataset();
            int row = 0;
            int column = 0;
            HashMap<String, List> caIntegatorCoinList = new HashMap<String, List>();
            for (String group : groupList) {
                smallBwdataset.add(groupMap.get(group), reporterName, group);
                caIntegatorCoinList.put(row + "_" + column++, groupMap.get(group));
            bwRenderer = new BoxAndWhiskerCoinPlotRenderer(caIntegatorCoinList);
            bwPlot = new CategoryPlot(smallBwdataset, xAxis, yAxis, bwRenderer);

            if (groupList.size() < 6)
                imgW = 200;

        } else {
            bwRenderer = new BoxAndWhiskerCoinPlotRenderer();
            bwRenderer.setBaseToolTipGenerator(new CategoryToolTipGenerator() {
                public String generateToolTip(CategoryDataset dataset, int series, int item) {
                    String tt = "";
                    NumberFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat(".####");
                    String key = "";
                    //String s = formatter.format(-1234.567);  // -001235
                    if (dataset instanceof DefaultBoxAndWhiskerCategoryDataset) {
                        DefaultBoxAndWhiskerCategoryDataset ds = (DefaultBoxAndWhiskerCategoryDataset) dataset;
                        try {
                            String med = formatter.format(ds.getMedianValue(series, item));
                            tt += "Median: " + med + "<br/>";
                            tt += "Mean: " + formatter.format(ds.getMeanValue(series, item)) + "<br/>";
                            tt += "Q1: " + formatter.format(ds.getQ1Value(series, item)) + "<br/>";
                            tt += "Q3: " + formatter.format(ds.getQ3Value(series, item)) + "<br/>";
                            tt += "Max: " + formatter.format(
                                    FaroutOutlierBoxAndWhiskerCalculator.getMaxFaroutOutlier(ds, series, item))
                                    + "<br/>";
                            tt += "Min: " + formatter.format(
                                    FaroutOutlierBoxAndWhiskerCalculator.getMinFaroutOutlier(ds, series, item))
                                    + "<br/>";
                            tt += "<br/><br/>Please click on the box and whisker to view a plot for this reporter.<br/>";
                            key = ds.getRowKeys().get(series).toString();
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                    String returnString = "onclick=\"popCoin('" + geneSymbol + "','" + key + "');\" | ";

                    return returnString + tt;
            bwPlot = new CategoryPlot(bwdataset, xAxis, yAxis, bwRenderer);

        bwChart = new JFreeChart(bwPlot);

        LegendTitle title = bwChart.getLegend();
        LegendItemSource[] sources = title.getSources();

        legendItemCollection = sources[0].getLegendItems();

        // Write the chart image to the temporary directory
        ChartRenderingInfo info = new ChartRenderingInfo(new StandardEntityCollection());

        // BW
        if (bwChart != null) {
            //int bwwidth = new BigDecimal(1.5).multiply(new BigDecimal(imgW)).intValue();
            bwFilename = ServletUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(bwChart, imgW, 400, info, session);
            CustomOverlibToolTipTagFragmentGenerator ttip = new CustomOverlibToolTipTagFragmentGenerator();
            ttip.setExtra(" href='javascript:void(0);' "); //must have href for area tags to have cursor:pointer
            ChartUtilities.writeImageMap(pw, bwFilename, info, ttip, new StandardURLTagFragmentGenerator());
            info.clear(); // lose the first one
            info = new ChartRenderingInfo(new StandardEntityCollection());
        //END  BW


    } catch (Exception e) {
        System.out.println("Exception - " + e.toString());
    // return filename;
    //charts.put("errorBars", log2Filename);
    //charts.put("noErrorBars", rawFilename);
    //charts.put("bwFilename", bwFilename);
    //charts.put("legend", legendHtml);
    //charts.put("size", ps.toString());

    return bwFilename;

From source file:org.squale.squaleweb.applicationlayer.action.results.ReviewAction.java

 * Create the GraphMaker/*from   w w w. ja va2s  .  c  om*/
 * @param pRequest The http request
 * @param result The list of results to display
 * @return an object GraphMaker
 * @throws IOException exception happen
private GraphMaker componentGraph(HttpServletRequest pRequest, Object[] result) throws IOException {
    GraphMaker histoChart = null;
    if (((Map) result[1]).size() > 0) {
        HistoMaker histoMaker = new HistoMaker();
        //Add the curve for the list of result
        histoMaker.addCurve((String) result[0], (Map) result[1]);
        JFreeChart chartKiviat = histoMaker.getChart();
        ChartRenderingInfo infoHisto = new ChartRenderingInfo(new StandardEntityCollection());
        // Sauvegarde du graphe historique au format png dans un espace temporaire
        String fileNameHisto = ServletUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(chartKiviat, HistoMaker.DEFAULT_WIDTH,
                HistoMaker.DEFAULT_HEIGHT, infoHisto, pRequest.getSession());
        histoChart = new GraphMaker(pRequest, fileNameHisto, infoHisto);
    return histoChart;

From source file:org.squale.squaleweb.applicationlayer.action.results.project.ProjectResultsAction.java

 * Prsente les rsultats rsums du projet.
 * /*  w  ww.  j  a v  a2 s. c om*/
 * @param pMapping le mapping.
 * @param pForm le formulaire  lire.
 * @param pRequest la requte HTTP.
 * @param pResponse la rponse de la servlet.
 * @return l'action  raliser.
public ActionForward summary(ActionMapping pMapping, ActionForm pForm, HttpServletRequest pRequest,
        HttpServletResponse pResponse) {

    ActionForward forward = null;
    ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
    Long currentAuditId = null, previousAuditId = null;
    try {
        forward = init(pMapping, pRequest, pForm);
        if (null == forward) {
            if (getSummary(pRequest, pForm)) {
                // Rcupration des donnes permettant la gnration du Kiviat du projet
                // On rcupre le projet
                ComponentDTO project = (ComponentDTO) pRequest.getSession()
                AuditDTO audit = (AuditDTO) pRequest.getSession()
                AuditDTO previousAudit = (AuditDTO) pRequest.getSession()
                if (project != null && audit != null) {
                    // Rcupration du paramtre : tous les facteurs ou seuls les facteurs ayant une note ?
                    ProjectSummaryForm projectSummaryForm = (ProjectSummaryForm) pForm;
                    boolean pAllFactors = projectSummaryForm.isAllFactors();
                    // On met cette valeur en session
                    pRequest.getSession().setAttribute(ALL_FACTORS, new Boolean(pAllFactors));
                    // Prparation de l'appel  la couche mtier
                    IApplicationComponent ac = AccessDelegateHelper.getInstance("Graph");
                    Long projectId = new Long(project.getID());
                    currentAuditId = new Long(audit.getID());

                    Object[] paramsKiviat = { projectId, currentAuditId, String.valueOf(pAllFactors) };

                    // Recherche des donnes utiles  la gnration du Kiviat
                    // Recherche des donnes Kiviat
                    KiviatMaker maker = new KiviatMaker();
                    Object[] kiviatObject = (Object[]) ac.execute("getProjectKiviatGraph", paramsKiviat);
                    Map projectsValues = (Map) kiviatObject[0];
                    Boolean displayCheckBoxFactors = (Boolean) kiviatObject[1];

                    Set keysSet = projectsValues.keySet();
                    Iterator it = keysSet.iterator();
                    while (it.hasNext()) {
                        String key = (String) it.next();
                        maker.addValues(key, (SortedMap) projectsValues.get(key), pRequest);
                    JFreeChart chartKiviat = maker.getChart();
                    ChartRenderingInfo infoKiviat = new ChartRenderingInfo(new StandardEntityCollection());
                    // Sauvegarde de l'image du Kiviat au format png dans un espace temporaire
                    String fileNameKiviat = ServletUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(chartKiviat,
                            KiviatMaker.DEFAULT_WIDTH, KiviatMaker.DEFAULT_HEIGHT, infoKiviat,
                    GraphMaker projectKiviatChart = new GraphMaker(pRequest, fileNameKiviat, infoKiviat);

                    // Pour l'export pdf en attendant de mettre les graphe dans les formulaires
                    pRequest.getSession().setAttribute("kiviatChart", chartKiviat
                            .createBufferedImage(KiviatMaker.DEFAULT_WIDTH, KiviatMaker.DEFAULT_HEIGHT));

                    ((ProjectSummaryForm) pForm).setKiviat(projectKiviatChart);
                    ((ProjectSummaryForm) pForm).setTags(project.getTags());
                forward = pMapping.findForward("summary");
            } else { // Aucun audit, redirige vers la page courante
                forward = pMapping.findForward("noAudits");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // Factorisation du traitement des exceptions
        handleException(e, errors, pRequest);
    if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
        // Enregistrement des messages
        saveMessages(pRequest, errors);
        // Routage vers la page d'erreur
        forward = pMapping.findForward("total_failure");
    // Mise en place du traceur historique
    updateHistTracker(WebMessages.getString(pRequest, "tracker.synthesis"), "project.do?action=summary",
            TrackerStructure.UNDEFINED, pRequest, true);
    // Indique que l'on vient d'une vue synthse et pas d'une vue composant
    changeWay(pRequest, "false");
    return forward;

From source file:com.modeln.build.ctrl.charts.CMnBuildListChart.java

 * Return rendering information for the chart.
 *//* ww w .ja va 2  s . c  o  m*/
public static final ChartRenderingInfo getAreaTestCountRenderingInfo() {
    return new ChartRenderingInfo(new StandardEntityCollection());

From source file:org.squale.squaleweb.applicationlayer.action.results.ReviewAction.java

 * Create the GraphMaker for a manual practice
 * //from  ww  w .ja  va 2  s  .com
 * @param pRequest The http request
 * @param result The list of results to display
 * @return an object GraphMaker
 * @throws IOException exception happen
private GraphMaker manualMarkGraph(HttpServletRequest pRequest, Object[] result) throws IOException {
    GraphMaker histoChart = null;
    if (((Map) result[1]).size() > 0 || ((Map) result[3]).size() > 0) {
        HistoMaker histoMaker = new HistoMaker();
        //Add the curve for the historic of mark
        histoMaker.addCurve((String) result[0], (Map) result[1]);
        //Add the curve for the validity period
        histoMaker.addCurve(WebMessages.getString(pRequest, "reviewManualMark.validity"), (Map) result[3]);
        JFreeChart chartKiviat = histoMaker.getChart(true);
        ChartRenderingInfo infoHisto = new ChartRenderingInfo(new StandardEntityCollection());
        // save the graph as png in a temporary space
        String fileNameHisto = ServletUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(chartKiviat, HistoMaker.DEFAULT_WIDTH,
                HistoMaker.DEFAULT_HEIGHT, infoHisto, pRequest.getSession());
        histoChart = new GraphMaker(pRequest, fileNameHisto, infoHisto);
    return histoChart;

From source file:gov.nih.nci.rembrandt.web.taglib.PCAPlotTag.java

public int doStartTag() {
    chart = null;//from  w  ww  .j a  v  a2s  . c  om
    pcaResults = null;

    ServletRequest request = pageContext.getRequest();
    HttpSession session = pageContext.getSession();
    Object o = request.getAttribute(beanName);
    JspWriter out = pageContext.getOut();
    ServletResponse response = pageContext.getResponse();

    try {
        //retrieve the Finding from cache and build the list of PCAData points
        PrincipalComponentAnalysisFinding principalComponentAnalysisFinding = (PrincipalComponentAnalysisFinding) businessTierCache
                .getSessionFinding(session.getId(), taskId);

        Collection<ClinicalFactorType> clinicalFactors = new ArrayList<ClinicalFactorType>();
        List<String> sampleIds = new ArrayList<String>();
        Map<String, PCAresultEntry> pcaResultMap = new HashMap<String, PCAresultEntry>();
        if (principalComponentAnalysisFinding != null) {
            pcaResults = principalComponentAnalysisFinding.getResultEntries();
            for (PCAresultEntry pcaEntry : pcaResults) {
                pcaResultMap.put(pcaEntry.getSampleId(), pcaEntry);

            Collection<SampleResultset> validatedSampleResultset = ClinicalDataValidator
                    .getValidatedSampleResultsetsFromSampleIDs(sampleIds, clinicalFactors);

            if (validatedSampleResultset != null) {
                String id;
                PCAresultEntry entry;

                for (SampleResultset rs : validatedSampleResultset) {
                    id = rs.getBiospecimen().getSpecimenName();
                    entry = pcaResultMap.get(id);
                    PrincipalComponentAnalysisDataPoint pcaPoint = new PrincipalComponentAnalysisDataPoint(id,
                            entry.getPc1(), entry.getPc2(), entry.getPc3());
                    String diseaseName = rs.getDisease().getValueObject();
                    if (diseaseName != null) {
                    } else {
                    GenderDE genderDE = rs.getGenderCode();
                    if (genderDE != null && genderDE.getValue() != null) {
                        String gt = genderDE.getValueObject().trim();
                        if (gt != null) {
                            GenderType genderType = GenderType.valueOf(gt);
                            if (genderType != null) {
                    Long survivalLength = rs.getSurvivalLength();
                    if (survivalLength != null) {
                        //survival length is stored in days in the DB so divide by 30 to get the 
                        //approx survival in months
                        double survivalInMonths = survivalLength.doubleValue() / 30.0;

            PCAcomponent pone = PCAcomponent.PC1;
            PCAcomponent ptwo = PCAcomponent.PC2;
            //check the components to see which graph to get
            if (components.equalsIgnoreCase("PC1vsPC2")) {
                pone = PCAcomponent.PC2;
                ptwo = PCAcomponent.PC1;
                //chart = (JFreeChart) CaIntegratorChartFactory.getPrincipalComponentAnalysisGraph(pcaData,PCAcomponent.PC2,PCAcomponent.PC1,PCAcolorByType.valueOf(PCAcolorByType.class,colorBy));
            if (components.equalsIgnoreCase("PC1vsPC3")) {
                pone = PCAcomponent.PC3;
                ptwo = PCAcomponent.PC1;
                //chart = (JFreeChart) CaIntegratorChartFactory.getPrincipalComponentAnalysisGraph(pcaData,PCAcomponent.PC3,PCAcomponent.PC1,PCAcolorByType.valueOf(PCAcolorByType.class,colorBy));
            if (components.equalsIgnoreCase("PC2vsPC3")) {
                pone = PCAcomponent.PC2;
                ptwo = PCAcomponent.PC3;
                //chart = (JFreeChart) CaIntegratorChartFactory.getPrincipalComponentAnalysisGraph(pcaData,PCAcomponent.PC3,PCAcomponent.PC2,PCAcolorByType.valueOf(PCAcolorByType.class,colorBy));

            PrincipalComponentAnalysisPlot plot = new RBTPrincipalComponentAnalysisPlot(pcaData, pone, ptwo,
                    PCAcolorByType.valueOf(PCAcolorByType.class, colorBy));
            if (plot != null) {
                chart = (JFreeChart) plot.getChart();

            RembrandtImageFileHandler imageHandler = new RembrandtImageFileHandler(session.getId(), "png", 650,
            //The final complete path to be used by the webapplication
            String finalPath = imageHandler.getSessionTempFolder();
            String finalURLpath = imageHandler.getFinalURLPath();
             * Create the actual charts, writing it to the session temp folder
            ChartRenderingInfo info = new ChartRenderingInfo(new StandardEntityCollection());
            String mapName = imageHandler.createUniqueMapName();
            //PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(mapName));
            ChartUtilities.writeChartAsPNG(new FileOutputStream(finalPath), chart, 650, 600, info);

            /*   This is here to put the thread into a loop while it waits for the
             *   image to be available.  It has an unsophisticated timer but at 
             *   least it is something to avoid an endless loop.
            boolean imageReady = false;
            int timeout = 1000;
            FileInputStream inputStream = null;
            while (!imageReady) {
                try {
                    inputStream = new FileInputStream(finalPath);
                    imageReady = true;
                } catch (IOException ioe) {
                    imageReady = false;
                    if (inputStream != null) {
                if (timeout <= 1) {


            out.print(ImageMapUtil.getBoundingRectImageMapTag(mapName, false, info));
            finalURLpath = finalURLpath.replace("\\", "/");
            long randomness = System.currentTimeMillis(); //prevent image caching
            out.print("<img id=\"geneChart\" name=\"geneChart\" alt=\"geneChart\" src=\"" + finalURLpath + "?"
                    + randomness + "\" usemap=\"#" + mapName + "\" border=\"0\" />");

    } catch (IOException e) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
    } catch (Throwable t) {


From source file:Gui.admin.NouveauStatistique.java

private void StatistiquesBouttonActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_StatistiquesBouttonActionPerformed

    int size = tablemesEvaluation.getRowCount();

    List<Double> notes = new ArrayList<Double>();
    List<Integer> ids = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    List<String> noms = new ArrayList<String>();
    EvaluationDAO evaluationDAO = new EvaluationDAO();
    System.out.println("ouh ouh  " + size);
    int idadh;/*from   w  ww .  jav  a 2  s .c o  m*/
    float ess;
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {

        System.out.println(tablemesEvaluation.getValueAt(i, 4).toString());
        idadh = Integer.parseInt(tablemesEvaluation.getValueAt(i, 1).toString());
        String nom = (tablemesEvaluation.getValueAt(i, 2).toString());
        // notes.add((new Double (tablemesEvaluation.getValueAt(i,2).toString())));
        System.out.println(" id adherent " + idadh);
        // System.out.println("moyenne "+);
        ess = evaluationDAO.getMoyenneByAdherent(idadh);
        // notes.add((new Double (evaluationDAO.getMoyenneByAdherent((int) tablemesEvaluation.getValueAt(i,1)))));
        notes.add((new Double(ess)));
        ids.add((int) tablemesEvaluation.getValueAt(i, 1));


    DefaultCategoryDataset dataset = new DefaultCategoryDataset();
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {

        dataset.setValue(new Double(notes.get(i)), "notes", new String(noms.get(i)));



    JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createBarChart3D("Notes Adhrents", "Noms des adhrents", "Notes",
            dataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true, true, false);
    CategoryPlot p = chart.getCategoryPlot();
    ChartFrame frame = new ChartFrame(" les notes des adhrents", chart);
    frame.setSize(700, 800);
    ValueMarker marker = new ValueMarker(15);
    marker.setLabel(" seuil de l'valuation ");

    try {


    catch (Exception e) {

    String note =noteTxt.getText();
    String idAdherent=idAdherentEvaluText.getText();
    DefaultCategoryDataset dataset = new DefaultCategoryDataset();
    dataset.setValue(new Double(note), "notes", new Double(idAdherent));
    JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createBarChart3D("Notes Adhrents", "Id Adhrents", "Notes", dataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, false, true, false);
    CategoryPlot p= chart.getCategoryPlot();
    ChartFrame frame = new ChartFrame(" les notes des adhrents", chart);
    try {

        final ChartRenderingInfo info = new ChartRenderingInfo(new StandardEntityCollection());
        final File file1 = new File("statistiques.png");
        ChartUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(file1, chart, 600, 400, info);


    catch (Exception e) {

From source file:gov.nih.nci.cma.web.graphing.GEPlot.java

public String generateLog2Chart(String xAxisLabel, String yAxisLabel, HttpSession session, PrintWriter pw) {
    String log2Filename = "";

    JFreeChart log2Chart = null;/*from  w w  w .j av a 2 s  .  com*/
    try {

        log2Chart = ChartFactory.createBarChart(null, xAxisLabel, // domain axis label
                yAxisLabel, log2Dataset, // data
                PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, // orientation
                true, // include legend
                true, // tooltips?
                false // URLs?
        // lets start some customization to retro fit w/jcharts lookand feel
        CategoryPlot plot = log2Chart.getCategoryPlot();
        CategoryAxis axis = plot.getDomainAxis();
        axis.setLowerMargin(0.02); // two percent
        axis.setCategoryMargin(0.20); // 20 percent
        axis.setUpperMargin(0.02); // two percent
        StatisticalBarRenderer renderer = new StatisticalBarRenderer();

        // BarRenderer renderer = (BarRenderer) plot.getRenderer();
        renderer.setItemMargin(0.01); // one percent
        renderer.setBaseToolTipGenerator(new CategoryToolTipGenerator() {

            public String generateToolTip(CategoryDataset dataset, int series, int item) {
                String stdDev = (String) stdDevMap
                        .get(dataset.getRowKey(series) + "::" + dataset.getColumnKey(item));

                return "Probeset : " + dataset.getRowKey(series) + "<br/>Intensity : "
                        + new DecimalFormat("0.0000").format(dataset.getValue(series, item)) + "<br/>"
                        + "<br/>Std. Dev.: " + stdDev + "<br/>";


        // LegendTitle lg = chart.getLegend();

        // lets generate a custom legend - assumes theres only one source?
        //LegendItemCollection lic = log2Chart.getLegend().getSources()[0].getLegendItems();
        //legendHtml = LegendCreator.buildLegend(lic, "Probesets");
        ChartRenderingInfo info = new ChartRenderingInfo(new StandardEntityCollection());
        log2Filename = ServletUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(log2Chart, imgW, 400, info, session);
        ChartUtilities.writeImageMap(pw, log2Filename, info, new CustomOverlibToolTipTagFragmentGenerator(),
                new StandardURLTagFragmentGenerator());

    } catch (Exception e) {
        System.out.println("Exception - " + e.toString());
    return log2Filename;

From source file:gov.nih.nci.rembrandt.web.taglib.ClinicalPlotTag.java

public int doStartTag() {
    chart = null;/*from   w  ww .j  ava 2  s. c  o  m*/

    ServletRequest request = pageContext.getRequest();
    HttpSession session = pageContext.getSession();
    Object o = request.getAttribute(beanName);
    JspWriter out = pageContext.getOut();
    ServletResponse response = pageContext.getResponse();

    try {

        //retrieve the Finding from cache and build the list of  Clinical Data points
        //ClinicalFinding clinicalFinding = (ClinicalFinding)businessTierCache.getSessionFinding(session.getId(),taskId);
        ReportBean clincalReportBean = presentationTierCache.getReportBean(session.getId(), taskId);
        Resultant clinicalResultant = clincalReportBean.getResultant();
        ResultsContainer resultsContainer = clinicalResultant.getResultsContainer();
        SampleViewResultsContainer sampleViewContainer = null;
        if (resultsContainer instanceof DimensionalViewContainer) {
            DimensionalViewContainer dimensionalViewContainer = (DimensionalViewContainer) resultsContainer;
            sampleViewContainer = dimensionalViewContainer.getSampleViewResultsContainer();
        if (sampleViewContainer != null) {
            Collection<ClinicalFactorType> clinicalFactors = new ArrayList<ClinicalFactorType>();
            Collection<SampleResultset> samples = sampleViewContainer.getSampleResultsets();

            if (samples != null) {
                int numDxvsKa = 0;
                int numDxvsSl = 0;
                for (SampleResultset rs : samples) {
                    //String id = rs.getBiospecimen().getValueObject();
                    String id = rs.getSampleIDDE().getValueObject();
                    ClinicalDataPoint clinicalDataPoint = new ClinicalDataPoint(id);

                    String diseaseName = rs.getDisease().getValueObject();
                    if (diseaseName != null) {
                    } else {

                    Long sl = rs.getSurvivalLength();
                    double survivalDays = -1.0;
                    double survivalMonths = -1.0;
                    if (sl != null) {
                        survivalDays = sl.doubleValue();
                        survivalMonths = survivalDays / 30.0;
                        //if ((survivalMonths > 0.0)&&(survivalMonths < 1000.0)) {

                    Long dxAge = rs.getAge();
                    if (dxAge != null) {

                    KarnofskyClinicalEvalDE ka = rs.getKarnofskyClinicalEvalDE();
                    if (ka != null) {
                        String kaStr = ka.getValueObject();
                        if (kaStr != null) {
                            if (kaStr.contains("|")) {
                                kaStr = kaStr.trim();
                                String[] kaStrArray = kaStr.split("\\|");
                                for (int i = 0; i < kaStrArray.length; i++) {
                                    if (i == 0) {
                                        //first score is baseline just use this for now
                                        //later we will need to use all score in a series for each patient
                                        double kaVal = Double.parseDouble(kaStrArray[i].trim());
                            } else {
                                double kaVal = Double.parseDouble(kaStr);


                    if ((dxAge != null) && (ka != null)) {

                    if ((dxAge != null) && (sl != null)) {

                    //                        Object dx = rs.getAgeGroup();
                    //                            if(sl !=null && dx !=null){
                    //                                clinicalDataPoint.setSurvival(new Double(sl.toString()));
                    //                                clinicalDataPoint.setAgeAtDx(new Double(dx.toString()));
                    //                            }
                    //                        Object ks = rs.getKarnofskyClinicalEvalDE();
                    //                        Object dx = rs.getAgeGroup();
                    //                            if(ks !=null && dx !=null){
                    //                                clinicalDataPoint.setNeurologicalAssessment(new Double(ks.toString()));
                    //                                clinicalDataPoint.setAgeAtDx(new Double(dx.toString()));
                    //                            }


        System.out.println("Done creating points!");

        //GET THE CLINICAL DATA AND POPULATE THE clinicalData list
        //Note the ClinicalFinding is currently an empty class

        //check the components to see which graph to get
        if (components.equalsIgnoreCase("SurvivalvsAgeAtDx")) {
            chart = (JFreeChart) CaIntegratorChartFactory.getClinicalGraph(clinicalData,
                    ClinicalFactorType.SurvivalLength, "Survival Length (Months)", ClinicalFactorType.AgeAtDx,
                    "Age At Diagnosis (Years)");
        if (components.equalsIgnoreCase("KarnofskyScorevsAgeAtDx")) {
            chart = (JFreeChart) CaIntegratorChartFactory.getClinicalGraph(clinicalData,
                    ClinicalFactorType.KarnofskyAssessment, "Karnofsky Score", ClinicalFactorType.AgeAtDx,
                    "Age At Diagnosis (Years)");

        RembrandtImageFileHandler imageHandler = new RembrandtImageFileHandler(session.getId(), "png", 600,
        //The final complete path to be used by the webapplication
        String finalPath = imageHandler.getSessionTempFolder();
        String finalURLpath = imageHandler.getFinalURLPath();
         * Create the actual charts, writing it to the session temp folder
        ChartRenderingInfo info = new ChartRenderingInfo(new StandardEntityCollection());
        String mapName = imageHandler.createUniqueMapName();

        ChartUtilities.writeChartAsPNG(new FileOutputStream(finalPath), chart, 600, 500, info);

        /*   This is here to put the thread into a loop while it waits for the
         *   image to be available.  It has an unsophisticated timer but at 
         *   least it is something to avoid an endless loop.
        boolean imageReady = false;
        int timeout = 1000;
        FileInputStream inputStream = null;
        while (!imageReady) {
            try {
                inputStream = new FileInputStream(finalPath);
                imageReady = true;
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                imageReady = false;
                if (inputStream != null) {
            if (timeout <= 1) {


        out.print(ImageMapUtil.getBoundingRectImageMapTag(mapName, false, info));
        //finalURLpath = finalURLpath.replace("\\", "/");
        finalURLpath = finalURLpath.replace("\\", "/");
        long randomness = System.currentTimeMillis(); //prevent image caching
        out.print("<img id=\"geneChart\" alt=\"geneChart\" name=\"geneChart\" src=\"" + finalURLpath + "?"
                + randomness + "\" usemap=\"#" + mapName + "\" border=\"0\" />");

        //out.print("<img id=\"geneChart\" name=\"geneChart\" src=\""+finalURLpath+"\" usemap=\"#"+mapName + "\" border=\"0\" />");

    } catch (IOException e) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
    } catch (Throwable t) {
