Example usage for org.jfree.chart.entity StandardEntityCollection StandardEntityCollection

List of usage examples for org.jfree.chart.entity StandardEntityCollection StandardEntityCollection


In this page you can find the example usage for org.jfree.chart.entity StandardEntityCollection StandardEntityCollection.


public StandardEntityCollection() 

Source Link


Constructs a new entity collection (initially empty).


From source file:org.squale.squaleweb.applicationlayer.action.results.audit.AuditAction.java

 * Consrtuit les grpahes reprsentant les statistiques par serveur sur le temps et la taille des audits
 * //from www.  j a  v a2 s .  c  o m
 * @param pRequest la requte
 * @param auditsList la liste des audits
 * @param serverName le nom du serveur
 * @return un tableau de GraphMaker  deux lment : [TimeMaker, SizeMaker]
 * @throws IOException si erreur  la transformation des graphes en image
private GraphMaker[] buildStatGraphics(HttpServletRequest pRequest, List auditsList, String serverName)
        throws IOException {
    // Initialisation
    GraphMaker timeMaker = null;
    List durationList = new ArrayList(0);
    List fsSizeList = new ArrayList(0);
    GraphMaker sizeMaker = null;
    // ajoute les valeurs dj rcupres aux maps
    for (int i = 0; i < auditsList.size(); i++) {
        AuditForm form = (AuditForm) auditsList.get(i);
        if (serverName.equals(form.getServerName())) {
            String auditDate = SqualeWebActionUtils.getFormattedDate(pRequest.getLocale(), form.getDate(),
            durationList.add(new Object[] { auditDate, form.getDuration(), form.getApplicationName() });
            fsSizeList.add(new Object[] { auditDate, form.getMaxFileSystemSize(), form.getApplicationName() });
    // construit le maker et lui passe les valeurs afin qu'il construise
    // les diffrentes courbes si il y a des donnes
    if (durationList.size() > 0) {
        AuditTimeMaker statsTimeMaker = new AuditTimeMaker(pRequest);
        AuditsSizeMaker statsSizeMaker = new AuditsSizeMaker(pRequest);
        JFreeChart timeChart = statsTimeMaker.getChart();
        JFreeChart sizeChart = statsSizeMaker.getChart();
        ChartRenderingInfo infoStats = new ChartRenderingInfo(new StandardEntityCollection());
        // Initialisation des graphs
        String fileNameTime = ServletUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(timeChart, statsTimeMaker.getDefaultWidth(),
                statsTimeMaker.getDefaultHeight(), infoStats, pRequest.getSession());
        timeMaker = new GraphMaker(pRequest, fileNameTime, infoStats);
        infoStats = new ChartRenderingInfo(new StandardEntityCollection());
        String fileNameSize = ServletUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(sizeChart, statsSizeMaker.getDefaultWidth(),
                statsSizeMaker.getDefaultHeight(), infoStats, pRequest.getSession());
        sizeMaker = new GraphMaker(pRequest, fileNameSize, infoStats);
    return new GraphMaker[] { timeMaker, sizeMaker };

From source file:com.modeln.build.ctrl.charts.CMnBuildListChart.java

 * Return rendering information for the chart.
 *//*  w ww  . j ava 2s. c om*/
public static final ChartRenderingInfo getAverageAreaTestTimeRenderingInfo() {
    return new ChartRenderingInfo(new StandardEntityCollection());

From source file:com.qspin.qtaste.reporter.testresults.html.HTMLReportFormatter.java

private void generatePieChart() {
    if (currentTestSuite == null) {
        return;/*from w  ww  .j av  a  2s .  c  o m*/

    File testSummaryFile = new File(reportFile.getParentFile(), testSummaryFileName);
    File tempTestSummaryFile = new File(testSummaryFile.getPath() + ".tmp");

    final DefaultPieDataset pieDataSet = new DefaultPieDataset();

    pieDataSet.setValue("Passed", new Integer(currentTestSuite.getNbTestsPassed()));
    pieDataSet.setValue("Failed", new Integer(currentTestSuite.getNbTestsFailed()));
    pieDataSet.setValue("Tests in error", new Integer(currentTestSuite.getNbTestsNotAvailable()));
    pieDataSet.setValue("Not executed",
            new Integer(currentTestSuite.getNbTestsToExecute() - currentTestSuite.getNbTestsExecuted()));
    JFreeChart chart = null;
    final boolean drilldown = true;

    // create the chart...
    if (drilldown) {
        final PiePlot plot = new PiePlot(pieDataSet);

        Color[] colors = { new Color(100, 230, 40), new Color(210, 35, 35), new Color(230, 210, 40),
                new Color(100, 90, 40) };
        PieRenderer renderer = new PieRenderer(colors);
        renderer.setColor(plot, (DefaultPieDataset) pieDataSet);

        plot.setURLGenerator(new StandardPieURLGenerator("pie_chart_detail.jsp"));
        plot.setLabelGenerator(new TestSectiontLabelPieGenerator());
        chart = new JFreeChart("Test summary", JFreeChart.DEFAULT_TITLE_FONT, plot, true);
    } else {
        chart = ChartFactory.createPieChart("Test summary", // chart title
                pieDataSet, // data
                true, // include legend
                true, false);


    try {
        final ChartRenderingInfo info = new ChartRenderingInfo(new StandardEntityCollection());
        ChartUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(tempTestSummaryFile, chart, 600, 400, info);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        logger.error("Problem saving png chart", e);

    if (!tempTestSummaryFile.renameTo(testSummaryFile)) {
        logger.error("Couldn't rename test summary file " + tempTestSummaryFile + " into " + testSummaryFile);

From source file:org.squale.squaleweb.applicationlayer.action.IndexAction.java

 * Action to do for display kiviat//from   w w w . java  2 s.co  m
 * @param applicationList The list of component
 * @param request The http request
 * @param form The page form
 * @throws JrafEnterpriseException Exception happened during the action
private void resultKiviat(List<ComponentDTO> applicationList, HttpServletRequest request, ActionForm form)
        throws JrafEnterpriseException {
    try {
        IApplicationComponent ac1 = AccessDelegateHelper.getInstance("Component");
        IApplicationComponent ac2 = AccessDelegateHelper.getInstance("Graph");

        HomepageForm currentForm = (HomepageForm) form;
        HashMap<Long, GraphMaker> graphMakerMap = new HashMap<Long, GraphMaker>();
        for (ComponentDTO application : applicationList) {
            // Recovering of the last audit successful for the application
            Integer nbLigne = new Integer(1);
            Integer indexDepart = new Integer(0);
            Integer status = new Integer(AuditBO.TERMINATED);
            Object[] paramIn = { application, nbLigne, indexDepart, status };
            List<AuditDTO> auditsDTO = (List<AuditDTO>) ac1.execute("getLastAllAudits", paramIn);

            // Instanciation of the kiviat graph
            String appli = WebMessages.getString("homepage.result.kiviatApplication");
            KiviatMaker maker = new KiviatMaker(appli + application.getName());

            // Recovering the list of values needed for built the graph
            Long pCurrentAuditId = new Long(auditsDTO.get(0).getID());

            Boolean allFactors = new Boolean(isDisplayResultKiviatAllFactors);
            Object[] paramAuditId = { pCurrentAuditId, String.valueOf(allFactors) };
            Map projectsValues = (Map) ac2.execute("getApplicationKiviatGraph", paramAuditId);
            Set keysSet = projectsValues.keySet();
            Iterator it = keysSet.iterator();

            // For each series of values we add them
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                String key = (String) it.next();
                maker.addValues(key, (SortedMap) projectsValues.get(key), request);

            // Create the JfreChart object
            JFreeChart chartKiviat = maker.getChart(false, false);

            // Calculation of the height of the graph based on the width of the graph choose by the user
            int kiviatHeight = Math.round(kiviatWidth * 2.0f / 3);

            // Create the picture
            ChartRenderingInfo infoKiviat = new ChartRenderingInfo(new StandardEntityCollection());
            String fileNameKiviat = ServletUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(chartKiviat, kiviatWidth, kiviatHeight,
                    infoKiviat, request.getSession());

            // For a clickable picture
            GraphMaker applicationKiviatChart = new GraphMaker(request, fileNameKiviat, infoKiviat);

            graphMakerMap.put(pCurrentAuditId, applicationKiviatChart);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new JrafEnterpriseException("IOException", e);

From source file:org.squale.squaleweb.applicationlayer.action.results.project.ProjectResultsAction.java

 * Rcupre les dtails de la pratique/*from  w  ww  .  ja v  a  2  s .com*/
 * @param pMapping le mapping.
 * @param pForm le formulaire  lire.
 * @param pRequest la requte HTTP.
 * @param pResponse la rponse de la servlet.
 * @return l'action  raliser.
public ActionForward practice(ActionMapping pMapping, ActionForm pForm, HttpServletRequest pRequest,
        HttpServletResponse pResponse) {
    ActionForward forward = null;
    ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
    try {
        // On rcupre l'indicateur pour le traceur car il va tre mis  false
        // dans la mthode commune "getForm" or il se peut que l'on vienne
        // de la page composant.
        String tracker_bool = (String) pRequest.getSession().getAttribute(SqualeWebConstants.TRACKER_BOOL);
        WActionForm form = getForm(pMapping, pRequest, pForm);
        changeWay(pRequest, tracker_bool);
        if (form instanceof ResultRulesCheckingForm) {
            forward = pMapping.findForward("practiceruleschecking");
        } else {
            ResultForm resForm = (ResultForm) form;
            // rempli les champs  passer de requete en requete
            resForm.copyValues((RootForm) pForm);
            // if practice is not a manual practice
            if (resForm.getFormulaType() != null) {
                forward = pMapping.findForward("practice");
                // le graph
                double[] tab;

                // Dans les 2 cas on affiche le graph en barre
                RepartitionBarMaker barMaker = new RepartitionBarMaker(pRequest, resForm.getProjectId(),
                        resForm.getCurrentAuditId(), resForm.getPreviousAuditId(), resForm.getId(),
                // Sauvegarde de l'image de l'histogramme au format png dans un espace temporaire
                ChartRenderingInfo infoRepartition = new ChartRenderingInfo(new StandardEntityCollection());
                String repartitionFileName = ServletUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(barMaker.getChart(),
                        RepartitionBarMaker.DEFAULT_WIDTH, RepartitionBarMaker.DEFAULT_HEIGHT, infoRepartition,
                GraphMaker repartitionChart = new GraphMaker(pRequest, repartitionFileName, infoRepartition);
                ((ProjectSummaryForm) pForm).setBarGraph(repartitionChart);
                // Dans ce cas l, on affiche en plus l'histogramme
                if (resForm.getFormulaType().equals(AbstractFormulaBO.TYPE_SIMPLE)) {
                    RepartitionMaker maker = new RepartitionMaker(pRequest, resForm.getProjectId(),
                            resForm.getCurrentAuditId(), resForm.getPreviousAuditId(), resForm.getId(),
                    // Sauvegarde de l'image de l'histogramme au format png dans un espace temporaire
                    infoRepartition = new ChartRenderingInfo(new StandardEntityCollection());
                    repartitionFileName = ServletUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(maker.getChart(),
                            RepartitionMaker.DEFAULT_WIDTH, RepartitionMaker.DEFAULT_HEIGHT, infoRepartition,
                    repartitionChart = new GraphMaker(pRequest, repartitionFileName, infoRepartition);
                    ((ProjectSummaryForm) pForm).setHistoBarGraph(repartitionChart);
                } else { // on remet l'histogramme  null pour le rinitialiser et ne pas l'afficher
                    ((ProjectSummaryForm) pForm).setHistoBarGraph(null);
            // if the practice is a manual practice
            else {
                forward = pMapping.findForward("manualpractice");
        ((ProjectSummaryForm) pForm).setResults(form);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // Traitement factoris des exceptions
        handleException(e, errors, pRequest);
    if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
        // Sauvegarde des messages et renvoi vers la page d'erreur
        saveMessages(pRequest, errors);
        forward = pMapping.findForward("total_failure");
    return forward;

From source file:org.apache.hadoopts.app.bucketanalyser.TSOperationControlerPanel.java

public void storeChartImageAsPNG(JFreeChart chart, File folder, String filename) {

    String fn = filename;/*from w ww . ja  va  2  s .co  m*/
    try {

        final File file1 = new File(folder.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + fn + ".png");
        System.out.println("\n>>> Save as PNG Image - Filename: " + file1.getAbsolutePath() + "; CP: " + chart);
        try {
            final ChartRenderingInfo info = new ChartRenderingInfo(new StandardEntityCollection());


            ChartUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(file1, chart, 800, 600, info);


        } catch (Exception e) {

        //                File file = new File(folder.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + fn + ".svg");
        //                System.out.println(">>> Save as SVG Image - Filename: " + file.getAbsolutePath()
        //                        + "; CP: "+ cp);
        //                // Get a DOMImplementation and create an XML document
        //                DOMImplementation domImpl =
        //                        GenericDOMImplementation.getDOMImplementation();
        //                Document document = domImpl.createDocument(null, "svg", null);
        //                // Create an instance of the SVG Generator
        //                SVGGraphics2D svgGenerator = new SVGGraphics2D(document);
        //                // draw the chart in the SVG generator
        //                cp.draw(svgGenerator, new Rectangle(800, 600));
        //                // Write svg file
        //                OutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(file);
        //                Writer out = new OutputStreamWriter(outputStream, "UTF-8");
        //                svgGenerator.stream(out, true /* use css */);
        //                outputStream.flush();
        //                outputStream.close();
    } catch (Exception e) {

From source file:UserInfo_Frame.java

private void jButton7ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_jButton7ActionPerformed
    String pressure = txt_pressure.getText();
    String temperature = txt_temperature.getText();
    String volumeflow = txt_volume.getText();
    String rotationalSpeed = txt_rotationalSpd.getText();

    DefaultPieDataset pieDataset = new DefaultPieDataset();

    pieDataset.setValue("Pressure", new Double(pressure));
    pieDataset.setValue("Temperature", new Double(temperature));
    pieDataset.setValue("Volume Flow", new Double(volumeflow));
    pieDataset.setValue("Rotational Speeed", new Double(rotationalSpeed));

    //JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createPieChart("Pie Chart",pieDataset,true,true,true); // create normal piechart
    //PiePlot3D p = (PiePlot)chart.getPlot();
    JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createPieChart3D("Parameter Pie Chart", pieDataset, true, true, true);// create 3D piechart
    PiePlot3D p = (PiePlot3D) chart.getPlot();
    ChartFrame cframe = new ChartFrame("Pie Chart", chart);
    cframe.setVisible(true);/*w w w.  ja v a 2s  .  c o m*/
    cframe.setSize(450, 500);
    try {
        //save chart as PNG
        final ChartRenderingInfo info = new ChartRenderingInfo(new StandardEntityCollection());
        final File file1 = new File("chart.png");
        ChartUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(file1, chart, 600, 400, info);
    } catch (Exception e) {



From source file:servlets.LeasingControllerServlet.java

public void doGetChart() {
    PieDataset pieDataset = createDataset();
    JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createPieChart("Tenant Mix ", pieDataset, true, true, false);
    //chart.setBackgroundPaint(new Color(222, 222, 255));
    final PiePlot plot = (PiePlot) chart.getPlot();
    plot.setLabelGenerator(new StandardPieSectionLabelGenerator("{0} {2}"));
    plot.setCircular(true);//from  w w  w.  j a v a 2  s  . c  o m
    plot.setSectionPaint("F&B", new Color(15, 192, 252));
    try {
        final ChartRenderingInfo info = new ChartRenderingInfo(new StandardEntityCollection());
        final File file1 = new File(
                getServletContext().getRealPath("") + "/leasingSystem/leasingSystemAssets/chart/piechart.png");
        ChartUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(file1, chart, 600, 400, info);
    } catch (Exception e) {


From source file:it.eng.spagobi.kpi.utils.BasicTemplateBuilder.java

private SourceBean setLineAttributes(KpiLine line, SourceBean semaphor, SourceBean textCodeName,
        SourceBean textValue, SourceBean textWeight, SourceBean image1, int level, SourceBean separatorline,
        SourceBean threshCode, SourceBean threshValue, SourceBean extraimageToAdd) {

    KpiValue kpiValue = line.getValue();

    ThresholdValue t = null;// w  w w .  ja  v a2s. com
    Color colorSemaphor = null;
    if (kpiValue != null && kpiValue.getValue() != null) {
        t = kpiValue.getThresholdOfValue();
        if (t != null) {
            colorSemaphor = t.getColor();

    Integer xValue = xStarter + (xIncrease * Integer.valueOf(level));
    Integer yValue = actualHeight;

    try {
        //set Semaphor
        semaphor.setAttribute("reportElement.x", xValue.toString());
        semaphor.setAttribute("reportElement.y", new Integer(yValue.intValue() + 2).toString());
        if (colorSemaphor != null) {

            String color = Integer.toHexString(colorSemaphor.getRGB());
            color = "#" + color.substring(2);

            semaphor.setAttribute("reportElement.forecolor", "#000000");
            semaphor.setAttribute("reportElement.backcolor", color);
        } else {
            semaphor.setAttribute("reportElement.forecolor", "#FFFFFF");
            semaphor.setAttribute("reportElement.backcolor", "#FFFFFF");
        xValue = xValue + semaphorWidth + separatorWidth;

        // set text 1: Model CODE - Model NAME
        textCodeName.setAttribute("reportElement.x", (xValue));
        textCodeName.setAttribute("reportElement.y", yValue.toString());
        SourceBean textValue1 = (SourceBean) textCodeName.getAttribute("text");
        textValue1.setCharacters(line.getModelInstanceCode() + "-" + line.getModelNodeName());

        xValue = xValue + textWidth + separatorWidth;

        //Set Value, weight and threshold code and value
        if (kpiValue != null) {
            String value1 = kpiValue.getValue() != null ? kpiValue.getValue() : "";
            //set text2
            textValue.setAttribute("reportElement.y", yValue.toString());
            SourceBean textValue2 = (SourceBean) textValue.getAttribute("text");

            String weight = (kpiValue.getWeight() != null) ? kpiValue.getWeight().toString() : "";
            //set text2
            xValue = xValue + numbersWidth + separatorWidth;
            textWeight.setAttribute("reportElement.y", new Integer(yValue.intValue() + 2).toString());
            SourceBean textValue3 = (SourceBean) textWeight.getAttribute("text");

            if (t != null) {
                try {
                    Threshold tr = DAOFactory.getThresholdDAO().loadThresholdById(t.getThresholdId());
                    if (!thresholdsList.contains(tr)) {

                } catch (EMFUserError e) {
                    logger.error("error in loading the Threshold by Id", e);
                String code = t.getThresholdCode() != null ? t.getThresholdCode() : "";
                String codeTh = "Code: " + code;
                if (codeTh.length() > 20)
                    codeTh = codeTh.substring(0, 19);

                threshCode.setAttribute("reportElement.y", new Integer(yValue.intValue() - 2).toString());
                SourceBean threshCode2 = (SourceBean) threshCode.getAttribute("text");

                String labelTh = t.getLabel() != null ? t.getLabel() : "";
                String min = t.getMinValue() != null ? t.getMinValue().toString() : null;
                String max = t.getMaxValue() != null ? t.getMaxValue().toString() : null;
                String valueTh = "Value: ";
                if (t.getThresholdType().equalsIgnoreCase("RANGE")) {
                    if (min != null && max != null) {
                        valueTh = valueTh + min + "-" + max + " " + labelTh;
                    } else if (min != null && max == null) {
                        valueTh = valueTh + "> " + min + " " + labelTh;
                    } else if (min == null && max != null) {
                        valueTh = valueTh + "< " + max + " " + labelTh;
                } else if (t.getThresholdType().equalsIgnoreCase("MINIMUM")) {
                    valueTh = valueTh + "< " + min + " " + labelTh;
                } else if (t.getThresholdType().equalsIgnoreCase("MAXIMUM")) {
                    valueTh = valueTh + "> " + max + " " + labelTh;
                if (valueTh.length() > 25)
                    valueTh = valueTh.substring(0, 24);

                threshValue.setAttribute("reportElement.y", new Integer(yValue.intValue() + 7).toString());
                SourceBean threshValue2 = (SourceBean) threshValue.getAttribute("text");

        //Sets the bullet chart and or the threshold image
        if (options.getDisplay_bullet_chart() && options.getDisplay_threshold_image()) {
            //both threshold image and bullet chart have to be seen
            if (kpiValue != null && kpiValue.getValue() != null && kpiValue.getThresholdValues() != null
                    && !kpiValue.getThresholdValues().isEmpty()) {

                List thresholdValues = kpiValue.getThresholdValues();
                // String chartType = value.getChartType(); 
                String chartType = "BulletGraph";
                Double val = new Double(kpiValue.getValue());
                Double target = kpiValue.getTarget();
                ChartImpl sbi = ChartImpl.createChart(chartType);
                if (target != null) {

                JFreeChart chart = sbi.createChart();
                ChartRenderingInfo info = new ChartRenderingInfo(new StandardEntityCollection());
                String requestIdentity = null;
                UUIDGenerator uuidGen = UUIDGenerator.getInstance();
                UUID uuid = uuidGen.generateTimeBasedUUID();
                requestIdentity = uuid.toString();
                requestIdentity = requestIdentity.replaceAll("-", "");
                String path_param = requestIdentity;
                String dir = System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir");
                String path = dir + "/" + requestIdentity + ".png";
                java.io.File file1 = new java.io.File(path);
                logger.debug("Where is the image: " + path);
                try {
                    ChartUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(file1, chart, 89, 11, info);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    logger.error("Error in saving chart", e);
                String urlPng = GeneralUtilities.getSpagoBiHost() + GeneralUtilities.getSpagoBiContext()
                        + GeneralUtilities.getSpagoAdapterHttpUrl()
                        + "?ACTION_NAME=GET_PNG2&NEW_SESSION=TRUE&path=" + path_param
                        + "&LIGHT_NAVIGATOR_DISABLED=TRUE";
                urlPng = "new java.net.URL(\"" + urlPng + "\")";
                logger.debug("Image url: " + urlPng);

                image1.setAttribute("reportElement.y", yValue.toString());
                image1.setAttribute("reportElement.x", new Integer(310).toString());
                image1.setAttribute("reportElement.width", 90);
                SourceBean imageValue = (SourceBean) image1.getAttribute("imageExpression");
            ThresholdValue tOfVal = line.getThresholdOfValue();
            if (tOfVal != null && tOfVal.getPosition() != null && tOfVal.getThresholdCode() != null) {
                String fileName = "position_" + tOfVal.getPosition().intValue();
                String dirName = tOfVal.getThresholdCode();
                String urlPng = GeneralUtilities.getSpagoBiHost() + GeneralUtilities.getSpagoBiContext()
                        + GeneralUtilities.getSpagoAdapterHttpUrl()
                        + "?ACTION_NAME=GET_THR_IMAGE&NEW_SESSION=TRUE&fileName=" + fileName + "&dirName="
                        + dirName + "&LIGHT_NAVIGATOR_DISABLED=TRUE";

                urlPng = "new java.net.URL(\"" + urlPng + "\")";
                logger.debug("url: " + urlPng);

                extraimageToAdd = new SourceBean(image);
                extraimageToAdd.setAttribute("reportElement.y", yValue.toString());
                extraimageToAdd.setAttribute("reportElement.width", 35);
                extraimageToAdd.setAttribute("reportElement.x", new Integer(408).toString());
                SourceBean imageValue = (SourceBean) extraimageToAdd.getAttribute("imageExpression");
        } else if (options.getDisplay_bullet_chart() && !options.getDisplay_threshold_image()) {
            //only bullet chart has to be seen
            if (kpiValue != null && kpiValue.getValue() != null && kpiValue.getThresholdValues() != null
                    && !kpiValue.getThresholdValues().isEmpty()) {

                List thresholdValues = kpiValue.getThresholdValues();
                // String chartType = value.getChartType(); 
                String chartType = "BulletGraph";
                Double val = new Double(kpiValue.getValue());
                Double target = kpiValue.getTarget();
                ChartImpl sbi = ChartImpl.createChart(chartType);
                if (target != null) {

                JFreeChart chart = sbi.createChart();
                ChartRenderingInfo info = new ChartRenderingInfo(new StandardEntityCollection());
                String requestIdentity = null;
                UUIDGenerator uuidGen = UUIDGenerator.getInstance();
                UUID uuid = uuidGen.generateTimeBasedUUID();
                requestIdentity = uuid.toString();
                requestIdentity = requestIdentity.replaceAll("-", "");
                String path_param = requestIdentity;
                String dir = System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir");
                String path = dir + "/" + requestIdentity + ".png";
                java.io.File file1 = new java.io.File(path);
                logger.debug("Where is the image: " + path);
                try {
                    ChartUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(file1, chart, 130, 11, info);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    logger.error("Error in saving chart", e);
                String urlPng = GeneralUtilities.getSpagoBiHost() + GeneralUtilities.getSpagoBiContext()
                        + GeneralUtilities.getSpagoAdapterHttpUrl()
                        + "?ACTION_NAME=GET_PNG2&NEW_SESSION=TRUE&path=" + path_param
                        + "&LIGHT_NAVIGATOR_DISABLED=TRUE";
                urlPng = "new java.net.URL(\"" + urlPng + "\")";
                logger.debug("Image url: " + urlPng);

                image1.setAttribute("reportElement.y", yValue.toString());
                SourceBean imageValue = (SourceBean) image1.getAttribute("imageExpression");
        } else if (!options.getDisplay_bullet_chart() && options.getDisplay_threshold_image()) {
            //only threshold image has to be seen
            ThresholdValue tOfVal = line.getThresholdOfValue();
            if (tOfVal != null && tOfVal.getPosition() != null && tOfVal.getThresholdCode() != null) {
                String fileName = "position_" + tOfVal.getPosition().intValue();
                String dirName = tOfVal.getThresholdCode();
                String urlPng = GeneralUtilities.getSpagoBiHost() + GeneralUtilities.getSpagoBiContext()
                        + GeneralUtilities.getSpagoAdapterHttpUrl()
                        + "?ACTION_NAME=GET_THR_IMAGE&NEW_SESSION=TRUE&fileName=" + fileName + "&dirName="
                        + dirName + "&LIGHT_NAVIGATOR_DISABLED=TRUE";

                urlPng = "new java.net.URL(\"" + urlPng + "\")";
                logger.debug("url: " + urlPng);
                image1.setAttribute("reportElement.y", yValue.toString());
                SourceBean imageValue = (SourceBean) image1.getAttribute("imageExpression");


        separatorline.setAttribute("reportElement.y", new Integer(yValue.intValue() + 16).toString());

    } catch (SourceBeanException e) {
        logger.error("error in drawing the line", e);
    return extraimageToAdd;

From source file:com.naryx.tagfusion.cfm.tag.awt.cfCHART.java

public cfTagReturnType render(cfSession _Session) throws cfmRunTimeException {
    if ((storage == DB) && (!storageDBInit))
        initDBStorage(_Session);//from  w w w.  ja v  a 2  s.  c om

    try {
        JFreeChart chart = null;

        cfTag defaultChartTag = setDefaultParameters(_Session);

        // --[ Get the FORMAT property out
        byte format;
        String formatStr = getDynamic(_Session, "FORMAT").toString().toLowerCase();
        if (formatStr.equals("jpg")) {
            format = FORMAT_JPG;
        } else if (formatStr.equals("png")) {
            format = FORMAT_PNG;
        } else {
            throw newBadFileException("Invalid FORMAT Attribute",
                    "Only the jpg and png formats are supported.");

        if (getConstant("STYLE") != null)
            throw newBadFileException("Attribute not supported",
                    "The STYLE attribute is not supported.  Use the DEFAULT attribute instead");

        int height = getDynamic(_Session, "CHARTHEIGHT").getInt();
        int width = getDynamic(_Session, "CHARTWIDTH").getInt();

        String xAxisType = getDynamic(_Session, "XAXISTYPE").toString().toLowerCase();

        cfCHARTInternalData data = new cfCHARTInternalData(xAxisType, defaultChartTag);
        _Session.setDataBin(DATA_BIN_KEY, data);

        // Render the CFCHARTSERIES tags

        // Get the chart series
        List<cfCHARTSERIESData> series = data.getSeries();
        if (series.size() == 0)
            throw newRunTimeException("You must specify at least one series");

        String tipStyle = getDynamic(_Session, "TIPSTYLE").toString().toLowerCase();
        String drillDownUrl = null;
        if (containsAttribute("URL"))
            drillDownUrl = getDynamic(_Session, "URL").toString();
        String name = null;
        if (containsAttribute("NAME"))
            name = getDynamic(_Session, "NAME").toString();

        // Check if this is a Pie or Ring chart
        boolean isPieOrRingChart = false;
        if (series.size() == 1) {
            cfCHARTSERIESData seriesData = series.get(0);
            if (seriesData.getType().equals("pie") || seriesData.getType().equals("ring")) {
                // Render the pie or ring chart
                chart = renderPieChart(_Session, data, series, tipStyle, drillDownUrl);
                isPieOrRingChart = true;

        if (!isPieOrRingChart) {
            // This must be a category chart so make sure none of the series are set
            // to Pie or Ring type
            // Also, if show3D is true then make sure there are only bar, line and
            // horizontalbar types
            boolean bShow3D = getDynamic(_Session, "SHOW3D").getBoolean();

            String seriesPlacement = getDynamic(_Session, "SERIESPLACEMENT").toString().toLowerCase();
            if (!seriesPlacement.equals("default") && !seriesPlacement.equals("cluster")
                    && !seriesPlacement.equals("stacked") && !seriesPlacement.equals("percent"))
                throw newRunTimeException(
                        "The seriesPlacement value '" + seriesPlacement + "' is not supported");
            if (bShow3D && seriesPlacement.equals("percent"))
                throw newRunTimeException(
                        "The seriesPlacement value '" + seriesPlacement + "' is not supported in 3D charts");

            boolean bCluster = true;
            if (seriesPlacement.equals("stacked") || seriesPlacement.equals("percent"))
                bCluster = false;

            if (series.size() > 1) {
                for (int i = 0; i < series.size(); i++) {
                    cfCHARTSERIESData seriesData = series.get(i);
                    if (seriesData.getType().equals("pie") || seriesData.getType().equals("ring"))
                        throw newRunTimeException(
                                "A chart can only have 1 series when a pie or ring series is specified");
                    if (bShow3D && !seriesData.getType().equals("bar") && !seriesData.getType().equals("line")
                            && !seriesData.getType().equals("horizontalbar"))
                        throw newRunTimeException(
                                "Only bar, line, horizontal bar and pie charts can be displayed in 3D");
                    if (!bCluster && !seriesData.getType().equals("bar")
                            && !seriesData.getType().equals("horizontalbar"))
                        throw newRunTimeException("The seriesPlacement value '" + seriesPlacement
                                + "' is only supported in bar and horizontal bar charts");

            int seriesDataType = series.get(0).getSeriesDataType();

            // Render the scale(xy) or category chart
            // This is overriding the type from the cfchart variable as it is
            // determined
            // by the series data.
            if (seriesDataType == cfCHARTSERIESData.CATEGORY_SERIES) {
                chart = renderCategoryChart(_Session, data, tipStyle, drillDownUrl, seriesPlacement, height);
            } else {
                chart = renderXYChart(_Session, data, tipStyle, drillDownUrl, seriesPlacement, height);

        // Output the chart
        try {
            ChartRenderingInfo info = null;
            if ((drillDownUrl != null) || (!tipStyle.equals("none")))
                info = new ChartRenderingInfo(new StandardEntityCollection());

            if (name != null) {
                // Generate the chart and save the contents in the name variable
                byte[] chartBytes = generateChart(chart, format, width, height, info);
                _Session.setData(name, new cfBinaryData(chartBytes));
            } else {

                // Return the chart to the browser
                String path = null;
                if (containsAttribute("PATH"))
                    path = getDynamic(_Session, "PATH").toString();

                String filename = saveChart(_Session, chart, format, width, height, info);
                String chartUrl = generateChartUrl(_Session, filename, path);
                if (info == null) {
                    _Session.write("<img src=\"" + chartUrl + "\" width=\"" + width + "\" height=\"" + height
                            + "\" />");
                } else {
                    ImageMapUtilities.writeImageMap(_Session.RES.getWriter(), filename, info);
                    _Session.write("<img src=\"" + chartUrl + "\" width=\"" + width + "\" height=\"" + height
                            + "\" usemap=\"#" + filename + "\" border=\"0\"/>");

        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            throw newRunTimeException("Failed to generate chart - " + ioe.toString());
    } finally {

    return cfTagReturnType.NORMAL;