Example usage for org.json JSONObject optInt

List of usage examples for org.json JSONObject optInt


In this page you can find the example usage for org.json JSONObject optInt.


public int optInt(String key) 

Source Link


Get an optional int value associated with a key, or zero if there is no such key or if the value is not a number.


From source file:com.vk.sdkweb.api.model.VKApiAudio.java

 * Fills an Audio instance from JSONObject.
 *//*from   ww  w. ja va  2 s  .  c om*/
public VKApiAudio parse(JSONObject from) {
    id = from.optInt("id");
    owner_id = from.optInt("owner_id");
    artist = from.optString("artist");
    title = from.optString("title");
    duration = from.optInt("duration");
    url = from.optString("url");
    lyrics_id = from.optInt("lyrics_id");
    album_id = from.optInt("album_id");
    genre = from.optInt("genre_id");
    access_key = from.optString("access_key");
    return this;

From source file:com.vk.sdkweb.api.model.VKApiWikiPage.java

 * Fills a WikiPage instance from JSONObject.
 *//*from   w ww .j  ava2  s .  co m*/
public VKApiWikiPage parse(JSONObject source) {
    id = source.optInt("id");
    group_id = source.optInt("group_id");
    creator_id = source.optInt("creator_id");
    title = source.optString("title");
    this.source = source.optString("source");
    current_user_can_edit = ParseUtils.parseBoolean(source, "current_user_can_edit");
    current_user_can_edit_access = ParseUtils.parseBoolean(source, "current_user_can_edit_access");
    who_can_view = source.optInt("who_can_view");
    who_can_edit = source.optInt("who_can_edit");
    editor_id = source.optInt("editor_id");
    edited = source.optLong("edited");
    created = source.optLong("created");
    parent = source.optString("parent");
    parent2 = source.optString("parent2");
    return this;

From source file:com.github.mhendred.face4j.model.Group.java

public Group(final JSONObject jObj) throws JSONException {
    this.gid = jObj.optInt("gid");
    this.uid = jObj.optString("uid");

    this.tids = new LinkedList<String>();

    final JSONArray jArr = jObj.getJSONArray("tids");

    for (int i = 0; i < jArr.length(); i++) {
        tids.add(jArr.getString(i));/*from  www  .  j  a va  2  s  .  c o m*/

From source file:com.vk.sdkweb.api.model.VKApiMessage.java

 * Fills a Message instance from JSONObject.
 *///  w w  w. ja  v a2 s .  c  o m
public VKApiMessage parse(JSONObject source) throws JSONException {
    id = source.optInt("id");
    user_id = source.optInt("user_id");
    date = source.optLong("date");
    read_state = ParseUtils.parseBoolean(source, "read_state");
    out = ParseUtils.parseBoolean(source, "out");
    title = source.optString("title");
    body = source.optString("body");
    fwd_messages = new VKList<VKApiMessage>(source.optJSONArray("fwd_messages"), VKApiMessage.class);
    emoji = ParseUtils.parseBoolean(source, "emoji");
    deleted = ParseUtils.parseBoolean(source, "deleted");
    return this;

From source file:info.axbase.app.VersionInfo.java

public static VersionInfo parse(String text) throws JSONException {
    JSONTokener jsonParser = new JSONTokener(text);
    JSONObject msg = (JSONObject) jsonParser.nextValue();
    if (msg == null) {
        return null;
    }/*from   w ww  .  j a v a2  s  .  c o  m*/
    if (msg.optInt("error") == 0) {
        JSONObject data = msg.optJSONObject("data");
        if (data == null) {
            return null;

        VersionInfo versionInfo = new VersionInfo();
        versionInfo.fileName = data.optString("fileName");
        versionInfo.whatsNew = data.optString("whatsNew");
        versionInfo.fileTime = data.optLong("fileTime");
        versionInfo.fileSize = data.optLong("fileSize");
        versionInfo.appProject = data.optString("appProject");
        versionInfo.digest = data.optString("digest");
        versionInfo.version = data.optString("version");
        return versionInfo;
    } else {
        Log.e("ParseError", msg.optString("msg"));
        return null;

From source file:edu.stanford.mobisocial.dungbeetle.feed.objects.PresenceObj.java

public void handleDirectMessage(Context context, Contact from, JSONObject obj) {
    int presence = obj.optInt(PRESENCE);
    String id = Long.toString(from.id);
    long time = obj.optLong(DbObject.TIMESTAMP);
    ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
    values.put(Contact.PRESENCE, presence);
    values.put(Contact.LAST_PRESENCE_TIME, time);
    context.getContentResolver().update(Uri.parse(DungBeetleContentProvider.CONTENT_URI + "/contacts"), values,
            "_id=?", new String[] { id });

From source file:plugin.google.iap.v3.util.Purchase.java

public Purchase(String itemType, String jsonPurchaseInfo, String signature) throws JSONException {
    mItemType = itemType;//from  w ww  . j ava2 s  .  c  o  m
    mOriginalJson = jsonPurchaseInfo;
    JSONObject o = new JSONObject(mOriginalJson);
    mOrderId = o.optString("orderId");
    mPackageName = o.optString("packageName");
    mSku = o.optString("productId");
    mPurchaseTime = o.optLong("purchaseTime");
    mDeveloperPayload = o.optString("developerPayload");
    mToken = o.optString("token", o.optString("purchaseToken"));
    mSignature = signature;

    int state = o.optInt("purchaseState");
    switch (state) {
    case 0:
        mPurchaseState = State.Purchased;
    case 1:
        mPurchaseState = State.Cancelled;
    case 2:
        mPurchaseState = State.Refunded;
        mPurchaseState = State.Unknown;


From source file:com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver.field.TextField.java

public static Field fromJson(SymbolTable symbolTable, JSONObject fieldJson) {
    String type = fieldJson.optString("type");
    if (type == null || !type.equals("string"))
        return null;
    String name = fieldJson.has("name") ? fieldJson.optString("name") : null;
    String label = fieldJson.has("label") ? fieldJson.optString("label") : null;
    String description = fieldJson.has("description") ? fieldJson.optString("description") : null;
    String defaultValue = fieldJson.has("default_value") ? fieldJson.optString("default_value") : null;
    int minLength = fieldJson.has("min_length") ? fieldJson.optInt("min_length") : 0;
    int maxLength = fieldJson.has("max_length") ? fieldJson.optInt("max_length") : 0;
    int nominalWidth = fieldJson.has("nominal_width") ? fieldJson.optInt("nominal_width") : 0;
    int nominalHeight = fieldJson.has("nominal_height") ? fieldJson.optInt("nominal_height") : 0;
    String compute = fieldJson.has("compute") ? fieldJson.optString("compute") : null;
    return new TextField(symbolTable, name, label, description, defaultValue, minLength, maxLength,
            nominalWidth, nominalHeight, compute);

From source file:com.purplefrog.glitchclocka.LearningReadout.java

public void handleJSONResponse(JSONObject json) {
    JSONObject learning_ = json.optJSONObject("learning");

    if (learning_ == null) {
        learningState = new LearningState("nothing", System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000, 0, "",
                "you're not learnin' nuthin.");
        updateReadoutFull();//from   w w  w.j  av a 2 s.c  o  m

    String skillId = learning_.keys().next().toString();
    JSONObject learning = learning_.optJSONObject(skillId);

    String name = learning.optString("name");
    long timeComplete = learning.optLong("time_complete");
    int totalTime = learning.optInt("total_time");
    String skillIconURL = learning.optString("icon_100");
    String description = learning.optString("description");

    learningState = new LearningState(name, timeComplete, totalTime, skillIconURL, description);

    final String partial = name + " " + timeComplete + " " + totalTime + " " + skillIconURL + " \n"
            + description;

    debugText.setText(partial + "\n\n" + json);

From source file:com.funzio.pure2D.particles.nova.vo.NovaVO.java

public NovaVO(final JSONObject json) throws JSONException {
    mSource = json;/*from  w w w.j a v  a2 s.c  om*/

    version = json.optInt("version");
    name = json.optString("name");
    pool_size = json.optInt("pool_size");
    emitters = getEmitters(json.optJSONArray("emitters"));
    animators = getAnimators(json.optJSONArray("animators"));
    motion_trails = getMotionTrails(json.optJSONArray("motion_trails"));

    // make the maps
    if (emitters != null) {
        mEmitterMap = new HashMap<String, NovaEmitterVO>();
        for (final NovaEmitterVO vo : emitters) {
            mEmitterMap.put(vo.name, vo);

    if (animators != null) {
        mAnimatorMap = new HashMap<String, AnimatorVO>();
        for (final AnimatorVO vo : animators) {
            if (vo != null) {
                mAnimatorMap.put(vo.name, vo);

    if (motion_trails != null) {
        mMotionTrailMap = new HashMap<String, MotionTrailVO>();
        for (final MotionTrailVO vo : motion_trails) {
            if (vo != null) {
                mMotionTrailMap.put(vo.name, vo);