Example usage for org.json JSONObject optInt

List of usage examples for org.json JSONObject optInt


In this page you can find the example usage for org.json JSONObject optInt.


public int optInt(String key) 

Source Link


Get an optional int value associated with a key, or zero if there is no such key or if the value is not a number.


From source file:org.chromium.ChromeUsb.java

private static byte[] getByteBufferForTransfer(CordovaArgs args, JSONObject params, int direction)
        throws JSONException {
    if (direction == UsbConstants.USB_DIR_OUT) {
        // OUT transfer requires data positional argument.
        return args.getArrayBuffer(ARG_INDEX_DATA_ARRAYBUFFER);
    } else {/*from w w w . ja v a  2 s.c o m*/
        // IN transfer requires client to pass the length to receive.
        return new byte[params.optInt("length")];

From source file:com.vk.sdkweb.api.model.VKApiNote.java

 * Fills a Note instance from JSONObject.
 *///w  ww  . jav  a2 s.co m
public VKApiNote parse(JSONObject source) {
    id = source.optInt("id");
    user_id = source.optInt("user_id");
    title = source.optString("title");
    text = source.optString("text");
    date = source.optLong("date");
    comments = source.optInt("comments");
    read_comments = source.optInt("read_comments");
    return this;

From source file:com.galactogolf.serialization.JSONSerializer.java

private static LevelDefinition fromLevelDefinitionJSON(JSONObject levelDefnJSON) throws JSONException {
    LevelDefinition levelDefn = new LevelDefinition(levelDefnJSON.getString(JSONTags.LEVEL_DEFINITION_NAME));

    if (npcsJSON != null) {
        for (int i = 0; i < npcsJSON.length(); i++) {
        }/*from  w w w . j  a v  a2s  .c  o m*/

    return levelDefn;


From source file:org.jjdltc.cordova.plugin.sftp.asyncSFTPAction.java

private void doConnection(JSONObject hostData) throws JSchException {
    this.jsch = new JSch();
    this.jsch.setConfig("StrictHostKeyChecking", "no");

    this.session = jsch.getSession(hostData.optString("user"), hostData.optString("host"),
    this.sftpChannel = (ChannelSftp) session.openChannel("sftp");
    Log.d("SFTP Plugin - JJDLTC", "Connection Open.");
    this.jsEvent("SFTPActionConnected", null);

From source file:com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver.field.DateField.java

public static Field fromJson(SymbolTable symbolTable, JSONObject fieldJson) {
    String type = fieldJson.optString("type");
    if (type == null || !type.equals("date"))
        return null;
    String name = fieldJson.has("name") ? fieldJson.optString("name") : null;
    String label = fieldJson.has("label") ? fieldJson.optString("label") : null;
    String description = fieldJson.has("description") ? fieldJson.optString("description") : null;
    String defaultValue = fieldJson.has("default_value") ? fieldJson.optString("default_value") : null;
    String minValue = fieldJson.has("min_value") ? fieldJson.optString("min_value") : null;
    String maxValue = fieldJson.has("max_value") ? fieldJson.optString("max_value") : null;
    int nominalWidth = fieldJson.has("nominal_width") ? fieldJson.optInt("nominal_width") : 0;
    String compute = fieldJson.has("compute") ? fieldJson.optString("compute") : null;
    return new DateField(symbolTable, name, label, description, defaultValue, minValue, maxValue, nominalWidth,
            compute);/*from   w ww  .  j ava2s .c o m*/

From source file:net.solosky.litefetion.LiteFetion.java

 * ????/*from   ww  w .  ja va  2s  . co m*/
 * @param jo
 * @throws JSONException 
private Notify processNotify(JSONObject jo) throws JSONException {
    int dataType = jo.getInt("DataType");
    JSONObject data = jo.getJSONObject("Data");
    Buddy buddy = null;
    switch (dataType) {

    case 2: //???
        int userId = data.getInt("uid");
        buddy = this.getBuddyByUserId(userId);
        if (buddy != null) {
            BuddyState beforeState = buddy.getState();
            if (data.optLong("mn") != 0) {
            if (data.optString("nn") != null && data.optString("nn").length() > 0) {
            if (data.optString("sms") != null && data.optString("sms").length() > 0) {
            BuddyState currentState = buddy.getState();
            logger.debug("BuddyState changed: buddy=" + buddy.getDisplayName() + ", before=" + beforeState
                    + ", current=" + currentState);
            return new BuddyStateNotify(beforeState, currentState, buddy);

    case 3: //??
        int fromUserId = data.getInt("fromUid");
        String message = data.getString("msg");
        int msgType = data.getInt("msgType");
        buddy = this.getBuddyByUserId(fromUserId);
        if (msgType == 2 && buddy != null) { //?
            logger.debug("Buddy Message received: buddy=" + buddy.getDisplayName() + ", text=" + message);
            return new BuddyMessageNotify(buddy, message, new Date());
        } else if (msgType == 3 || msgType == 4) { //TODO ..?????..

    case 4: //?
        int exitCode = data.getInt("ec");
        ClientState state = ClientState.LOGOUT;
        if (exitCode == 900) {
            state = ClientState.OTHER_LOGIN;
        } else if (exitCode >= 902 && exitCode <= 905) {
            state = ClientState.LOGOUT;
        } else {
            state = ClientState.LOGOUT;
        logger.debug("ClientState changed: clientState=" + state);
        return new ClientStateNotify(state);

    case 5: //?
        buddy = new Buddy();
        this.buddyList.add(buddy); //?
        String desc = data.getString("desc");
        logger.debug("Buddy Application received: buddy=" + buddy + ", desc=" + desc);
        return new BuddyApplicationNotify(buddy, desc);

    case 6: //??,???ba=1
        if (data.getInt("ba") == 1) {
            buddy = this.getBuddyByUserId(data.getInt("uid"));
            if (buddy != null) {
                Relation relation = Relation.valueOf(data.getInt("rs"));
                logger.debug("Buddy confirmed application: buddy=" + buddy + ", isAgreed="
                        + (relation == Relation.DECLINED));
                return new ApplicationConfirmedNotify(buddy, relation == Relation.BUDDY);

    return null;

From source file:com.example.protocol.COMMENT.java

public void fromJson(JSONObject jsonObject) throws JSONException {
    if (null == jsonObject) {
        return;//from w w w  .java  2s . c om
    this.id = jsonObject.optInt("id");
    this.likes_count = jsonObject.optInt("likes_count");
    this.body = jsonObject.optString("body");
    this.created_at = jsonObject.optString("created_at");
    PLAYER player = new PLAYER();
    this.player = player;

From source file:com.zotoh.core.util.JSONUte.java

 * @param obj/* w w w  .ja  v a2 s .  c  o  m*/
 * @param key
 * @return
public static int getInt(JSONObject obj, String key) {
    return obj == null ? 0 : obj.optInt(key);

From source file:com.rapid.actions.Database.java

public Database(RapidHttpServlet rapidServlet, JSONObject jsonAction) throws Exception {
    // call the super parameterless constructor which sets the xml version
    super();/*ww  w .ja  v a 2 s  .  com*/
    // save all key/values from the json into the properties 
    for (String key : JSONObject.getNames(jsonAction)) {
        // add all json properties to our properties, except for query
        if (!"query".equals(key) && !"showLoading".equals(key) && !"childDatabaseActions".equals(key)
                && !"successActions".equals(key) && !"errorActions".equals(key) && !"childActions".equals(key))
            addProperty(key, jsonAction.get(key).toString());

    // try and build the query object
    JSONObject jsonQuery = jsonAction.optJSONObject("query");

    // check we got one
    if (jsonQuery != null) {
        // get the parameters                  
        ArrayList<Parameter> inputs = getParameters(jsonQuery.optJSONArray("inputs"));
        ArrayList<Parameter> outputs = getParameters(jsonQuery.optJSONArray("outputs"));
        String sql = jsonQuery.optString("SQL");
        boolean multiRow = jsonQuery.optBoolean("multiRow");
        int databaseConnectionIndex = jsonQuery.optInt("databaseConnectionIndex");
        // make the object
        _query = new Query(inputs, outputs, sql, multiRow, databaseConnectionIndex);

    // look for showLoading
    _showLoading = jsonAction.optBoolean("showLoading");

    // grab any successActions
    JSONArray jsonChildDatabaseActions = jsonAction.optJSONArray("childDatabaseActions");
    // if we had some 
    if (jsonChildDatabaseActions != null) {
        // instantiate collection
        _childDatabaseActions = new ArrayList<Database>();
        // loop them
        for (int i = 0; i < jsonChildDatabaseActions.length(); i++) {
            // get one
            JSONObject jsonChildDatabaseAction = jsonChildDatabaseActions.getJSONObject(i);
            // instantiate and add to collection
            _childDatabaseActions.add(new Database(rapidServlet, jsonChildDatabaseAction));

    // grab any successActions
    JSONArray jsonSuccessActions = jsonAction.optJSONArray("successActions");
    // if we had some instantiate our collection
    if (jsonSuccessActions != null)
        _successActions = Control.getActions(rapidServlet, jsonSuccessActions);

    // grab any errorActions
    JSONArray jsonErrorActions = jsonAction.optJSONArray("errorActions");
    // if we had some instantiate our collection
    if (jsonErrorActions != null)
        _errorActions = Control.getActions(rapidServlet, jsonErrorActions);


From source file:com.example.protocol.SHOT.java

public void fromJson(JSONObject jsonObject) throws JSONException {
    if (null == jsonObject) {
        return;//  w w  w. jav  a  2s .c om

    JSONArray subItemArray;

    this.id = jsonObject.optInt("id");

    this.title = jsonObject.optString("title");

    this.url = jsonObject.optString("url");

    this.short_url = jsonObject.optString("short_url");

    this.image_url = jsonObject.optString("image_url");

    this.image_teaser_url = jsonObject.optString("image_teaser_url");

    this.width = jsonObject.optInt("width");

    this.height = jsonObject.optInt("height");

    this.views_count = jsonObject.optInt("views_count");

    this.likes_count = jsonObject.optInt("likes_count");

    this.comments_count = jsonObject.optInt("comments_count");

    this.rebounds_count = jsonObject.optInt("rebounds_count");

    this.rebounds_source_id = jsonObject.optInt("rebounds_source_id");

    this.created_at = jsonObject.optString("created_at");

    this.player = new PLAYER();