Example usage for org.springframework.context SmartLifecycle interface-usage

List of usage examples for org.springframework.context SmartLifecycle interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.context SmartLifecycle interface-usage.


From source file ch.rasc.wampspring.method.WampAnnotationMethodMessageHandler.java

 * Internal class that is responsible for calling methods that are annotated with
 * {@link WampCallListener}, {@link WampPublishListener}, {@link WampSubscribeListener} or
 * {@link WampUnsubscribeListener}
 * <p>

From source file com.qq.tars.server.apps.TarsStartLifecycle.java

public class TarsStartLifecycle extends BaseAppContext implements SmartLifecycle, ApplicationContextAware {

    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(TarsStartLifecycle.class);

    private TarsServerProperties serverProperties;

From source file dstrelec.nats.config.NatsListenerEndpointRegistry.java

 * Creates the necessary {@link NatsListenerContainer} instances for the
 * registered {@linkplain NatsListenerEndpoint endpoints}. Also manages the
 * lifecycle of the listener containers, in particular within the lifecycle
 * of the application context.

From source file dstrelec.nats.listener.DefaultNatsListenerContainer.java

 * The Nats message listener container.
 * @author Gary Russell
 * @author Murali Reddy
 * @author Marius Bogoevici

From source file org.opendatakit.aggregate.task.tomcat.WatchdogImpl.java

 * Tomcat implementation of the watchdog -- as an executor
 * @author wbrunette@gmail.com
 * @author mitchellsundt@gmail.com

From source file org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.AsyncRabbitTemplate.java

 * Provides asynchronous send and receive operations returning a {@link ListenableFuture}
 * allowing the caller to obtain the reply later, using {@code get()} or a callback.
 * <p>
 * When confirms are enabled, the future has a confirm property which is itself a
 * {@link ListenableFuture}. If the reply is received before the publisher confirm,

From source file org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.core.AsyncRabbitTemplate.java

 * Provides asynchronous send and receive operations returning a {@link ListenableFuture}
 * allowing the caller to obtain the reply later, using {@code get()} or a callback.
 * <p>
 * When confirms are enabled, the future has a confirm property which is itself a
 * {@link ListenableFuture}. If the reply is received before the publisher confirm,

From source file org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.listener.RabbitListenerEndpointRegistry.java

 * Creates the necessary {@link MessageListenerContainer} instances for the
 * registered {@linkplain RabbitListenerEndpoint endpoints}. Also manages the
 * lifecycle of the listener containers, in particular within the lifecycle
 * of the application context.

From source file org.springframework.batch.admin.jmx.BatchMBeanExporter.java

public class BatchMBeanExporter extends MBeanExporter implements SmartLifecycle {

    private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(BatchMBeanExporter.class);

    public static final String DEFAULT_DOMAIN = "org.springframework.batch";

From source file org.springframework.boot.actuate.endpoint.jmx.EndpointMBeanExporter.java

 * {@link ApplicationListener} that registers all known {@link Endpoint}s with an
 * {@link MBeanServer} using the {@link MBeanExporter} located from the application
 * context.
 * @author Christian Dupuis