Example usage for org.springframework.context SmartLifecycle interface-usage

List of usage examples for org.springframework.context SmartLifecycle interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.context SmartLifecycle interface-usage.


From source file org.springframework.integration.monitor.IntegrationMBeanExporter.java

 * <p>
 * MBean exporter for Spring Integration components in an existing application. Add an instance of this as a bean
 * definition in the same context as the components you need to monitor and all message channels and message handlers
 * will be exposed.
 * </p>

From source file org.springframework.integration.smpp.session.SmppSessionFactoryBean.java

 * Factory bean to create a {@link SMPPSession}. Usually, you need little more than the {@link #host},
 * the {@link #port}, perhaps a {@link #password}, and a {@link #systemId}.
 * <p/>
 * The {@link SMPPSession } represents a connection to a SMSC, through which SMS messages are sent and received.
 * <p/>

From source file org.springframework.integration.splunk.support.AbstractSplunkDataWriter.java

 * Base class for {@link DataWriter}s to write data into Splunk.
 * @author Jarred Li
 * @author David Turanski
 * @since 1.0

From source file org.springframework.integration.splunk.support.SplunkHECWriter.java

 * A {@code org.springframework.integration.splunk.core.DataWriter} that creates
 * a HTTP Event Collector connection to Splunk
 * @author Damien Dallimore

From source file org.springframework.integration.stomp.AbstractStompSessionManager.java

 * Base {@link StompSessionManager} implementation to manage a single {@link StompSession}
 * over its {@link ListenableFuture} from the target implementation of this class.
 * <p>
 * The connection to the {@link StompSession} is made during {@link #start()}.
 * <p>

From source file org.springframework.integration.store.MessageGroupStoreReaper.java

 * Convenient configurable component to allow explicit timed expiry of {@link MessageGroup} instances in a
 * {@link MessageGroupStore}. This component provides a no-args {@link #run()} method that is useful for remote or timed
 * execution and a {@link #destroy()} method that can optionally be called on shutdown.
 * @author Dave Syer

From source file org.springframework.integration.support.leader.LockRegistryLeaderInitiator.java

 * Component that initiates leader election based on holding a lock. If the lock has the
 * right properties (global with expiry), there will never be more than one leader, but
 * there may occasionally be no leader for short periods. If the lock has stronger
 * guarantees, and it interrupts the holder's thread when it expires or is stolen, then
 * you can adjust the parameters to reduce the leaderless period to be limited only by

From source file org.springframework.integration.zookeeper.leader.LeaderInitiator.java

 * Bootstrap leadership {@link Candidate candidates}
 * with ZooKeeper/Curator. Upon construction, {@link #start} must be invoked to
 * register the candidate for leadership election.
 * @author Patrick Peralta

From source file org.springframework.jms.config.JmsListenerEndpointRegistry.java

 * Creates the necessary {@link MessageListenerContainer} instances for the
 * registered {@linkplain JmsListenerEndpoint endpoints}. Also manages the
 * lifecycle of the listener containers, in particular within the lifecycle
 * of the application context.

From source file org.springframework.kafka.config.KafkaListenerEndpointRegistry.java

 * Creates the necessary {@link MessageListenerContainer} instances for the
 * registered {@linkplain KafkaListenerEndpoint endpoints}. Also manages the
 * lifecycle of the listener containers, in particular within the lifecycle
 * of the application context.