Example usage for org.springframework.dao DataAccessException getMessage

List of usage examples for org.springframework.dao DataAccessException getMessage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.dao DataAccessException getMessage.


public String getMessage() 

Source Link


Return the detail message, including the message from the nested exception if there is one.


From source file:com.sfs.whichdoctor.dao.SearchIndexDAOImpl.java

 * Update the search index integer value.
 * @param guid the guid// www . ja v a  2  s .c  o m
 * @param indextype the indextype
 * @param objectTypeId1 the object type id1
 * @param objectTypeId2 the object type id2
 * @param value the value
 * @return true, if successful
 * @throws WhichDoctorDaoException the which doctor dao exception
public final boolean update(final int guid, final String indextype, final int objectTypeId1,
        final int objectTypeId2, final int value) throws WhichDoctorDaoException {

    boolean success = false;

    try {
                new Object[] { guid, indextype, objectTypeId1, objectTypeId2, value, value });

        success = true;

    } catch (DataAccessException de) {
        dataLogger.error("Error updating index: " + de.getMessage());
    return success;

From source file:com.sfs.whichdoctor.dao.SearchIndexDAOImpl.java

 * Update the search index double value.
 * @param guid the guid/*  w w  w  .  j  a va2  s. com*/
 * @param indextype the indextype
 * @param objectTypeId1 the object type id1
 * @param objectTypeId2 the object type id2
 * @param value the value
 * @return true, if successful
 * @throws WhichDoctorDaoException the which doctor dao exception
public final boolean update(final int guid, final String indextype, final int objectTypeId1,
        final int objectTypeId2, final double value) throws WhichDoctorDaoException {

    boolean success = false;

    try {
                new Object[] { guid, indextype, objectTypeId1, objectTypeId2, value, value });

        success = true;

    } catch (DataAccessException de) {
        dataLogger.error("Error updating index: " + de.getMessage());
    return success;

From source file:com.sfs.whichdoctor.dao.SearchIndexDAOImpl.java

 * Update the search index string value.
 * @param guid the guid//  w  w  w  .j  a v  a2 s  . com
 * @param indextype the indextype
 * @param objectTypeId1 the object type id1
 * @param objectTypeId2 the object type id2
 * @param value the value
 * @return true, if successful
 * @throws WhichDoctorDaoException the which doctor dao exception
public final boolean update(final int guid, final String indextype, final int objectTypeId1,
        final int objectTypeId2, final String value) throws WhichDoctorDaoException {

    boolean success = false;

    try {
                new Object[] { guid, indextype, objectTypeId1, objectTypeId2, value, value });

        success = true;

    } catch (DataAccessException de) {
        dataLogger.error("Error updating index: " + de.getMessage());
    return success;

From source file:no.uis.service.ws.studinfosolr.impl.FagpersonPushListener.java

private String getAnsattnummer(Fagperson person) {
    try {// www  . j a va  2s . co  m
        return employeeNumberResolver.findEmployeeNumber(person.getFnr());
    } catch (DataAccessException e) { // TODO dependency on Spring framework, is this good?
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        sb.append(": ");
        final Personnavn pn = person.getPersonnavn();
        sb.append(' ');
        return null;

From source file:net.navasoft.madcoin.backend.services.security.ProviderDataAccess.java

 * Load user by username./*w w w  . j  a v a  2s.  co m*/
 * @param username
 *            the username
 * @return the user details
 * @throws UsernameNotFoundException
 *             the username not found exception
 * @throws DataAccessException
 *             the data access exception
 * @throws BadConfigException
 *             the bad config exception
 * @since 31/08/2014, 07:23:59 PM
public UserDetails loadUserByUsername(String username)
        throws UsernameNotFoundException, DataAccessException, BadConfigException {
    String key = defineKey(username);
    if (initializer.containsKey(key)) {
        try {
            mapping.addValue("username", username, Types.VARCHAR);
            User user = dao.queryForObject(initializer.getProperty(key), mapping, defineMapper(username));
            return user;
        } catch (DataAccessException dao) {
            if (dao instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) {
                throw new UsernameNotFoundException(dao.getMessage());
            } else {
                throw dao;
    } else {
        throw new BadConfigException("Query is not defined.");

From source file:com.bt.aloha.dao.StateInfoDaoImpl.java

public void housekeep(String collectionTypeName, long maxTimeToLive, RowCallbackHandler rowCallBackHandler) {
    try {/*from  w w w  . ja va2s . co  m*/
        log.debug(String.format("Housekeeping: current number of objects in database is %d",
        long houseKeepBefore = System.currentTimeMillis() - maxTimeToLive;
        Object[] params = new Object[] { houseKeepBefore, collectionTypeName };
        int[] types = new int[] { Types.BIGINT, Types.VARCHAR };
        int deleted = getJdbcTemplate().update(STATEINFO_DELETE_BY_HOUSEKEEPER_FLAGS_SQL, params, types);
        log.info(String.format("Removed %d objects from database", deleted));
        getJdbcTemplate().query(STATEINFO_SELECT_BY_HOUSEKEEPER_FLAGS_SQL, params, rowCallBackHandler);
        int updated = getJdbcTemplate().update(STATEINFO_UPDATE_BY_HOUSEKEEPER_FLAGS_SQL, params, types);
        log.info(String.format("Forced housekeeping on %d objects from database", updated));
    } catch (DataAccessException e) {
        log.error(String.format("Error occurred during database housekeeping: %s", e.getMessage()));

From source file:pe.gob.mef.gescon.hibernate.impl.WikiDaoImpl.java

public List<HashMap> getConcimientosDisponibles(HashMap filters) {
    String ntipoconocimientoid = ((BigDecimal) filters.get("ntipoconocimientoid")).toString();
    String nconocimientovinc = (String) filters.get("nconocimientovinc");
    final StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
    Object object = null;//from  w w w.  j a va 2s . co  m
    try {
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(ntipoconocimientoid) && ntipoconocimientoid.equals("1")) {
            sql.append("SELECT ");
                    "    a.nbaselegalid AS ID, a.vnumero AS NUMERO, a.vnombre AS NOMBRE, a.vsumilla AS SUMILLA, ");
                    "    a.ncategoriaid AS IDCATEGORIA, b.vnombre AS CATEGORIA, a.dfechapublicacion AS FECHA, ");
                    "    1 AS IDTIPOCONOCIMIENTO, 'Base Legal' AS TIPOCONOCIMIENTO, a.nestadoid AS IDESTADO, c.vnombre AS ESTADO ");
            sql.append("FROM TBASELEGAL a ");
            sql.append("    INNER JOIN MTCATEGORIA b ON a.ncategoriaid = b.ncategoriaid ");
            sql.append("    INNER JOIN MTESTADO_BASELEGAL c ON a.nestadoid = c.nestadoid ");
            sql.append("WHERE a.nactivo = :ACTIVO ");
            sql.append("AND a.nestadoid IN (3,5,6) "); // Publicada, Concordada y Modificada.
            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(nconocimientovinc)) {
                sql.append("AND a.nbaselegalid NOT IN (").append(nconocimientovinc).append(") ");
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(ntipoconocimientoid) && ntipoconocimientoid.equals("2")) {
            sql.append("SELECT ");
            sql.append("    a.npreguntaid AS ID, '' AS NUMERO, a.vasunto AS NOMBRE, a.vdetalle AS SUMILLA, ");
                    "    a.ncategoriaid AS IDCATEGORIA, b.vnombre AS CATEGORIA, a.dfechacreacion AS FECHA, ");
            sql.append("    2 AS IDTIPOCONOCIMIENTO, 'Preguntas y Respuestas' AS TIPOCONOCIMIENTO, ");
            sql.append("    a.nsituacionid AS IDESTADO, c.vnombre AS ESTADO ");
            sql.append("FROM TPREGUNTA a ");
            sql.append("    INNER JOIN MTCATEGORIA b ON a.ncategoriaid = b.ncategoriaid ");
            sql.append("    INNER JOIN MTSITUACION c ON a.nsituacionid = c.nsituacionid ");
            sql.append("WHERE a.nactivo = :ACTIVO ");
            sql.append("AND a.nsituacionid = 6 "); // Publicado
            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(nconocimientovinc)) {
                sql.append("AND a.npreguntaid NOT IN (").append(nconocimientovinc).append(") ");
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(ntipoconocimientoid)
                && (ntipoconocimientoid.equals("3") || ntipoconocimientoid.equals("4")
                        || ntipoconocimientoid.equals("5") || ntipoconocimientoid.equals("6"))) {
            sql.append("SELECT ");
                    "    a.nconocimientoid AS ID, '' AS NUMERO, a.vtitulo AS NOMBRE, a.vdescripcion AS SUMILLA, ");
                    "    a.ncategoriaid AS IDCATEGORIA, b.vnombre AS CATEGORIA, a.dfechacreacion AS FECHA, ");
            sql.append("    a.ntpoconocimientoid AS IDTIPOCONOCIMIENTO, d.vnombre AS TIPOCONOCIMIENTO, ");
            sql.append("    a.nsituacionid AS IDESTADO, c.vnombre AS ESTADO ");
            sql.append("FROM TCONOCIMIENTO a ");
            sql.append("    INNER JOIN MTCATEGORIA b ON a.ncategoriaid = b.ncategoriaid ");
            sql.append("    INNER JOIN MTSITUACION c ON a.nsituacionid = c.nsituacionid ");
            sql.append("    INNER JOIN MTTIPO_CONOCIMIENTO d ON a.ntpoconocimientoid = d.ntpoconocimientoid ");
            sql.append("WHERE a.nactivo = :ACTIVO ");
            sql.append("AND a.nsituacionid = 6 "); // Publicado
            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(nconocimientovinc)) {
                sql.append("AND a.nconocimientoid NOT IN (").append(nconocimientovinc).append(") ");
        sql.append("ORDER BY 5, 7 DESC ");

        object = getHibernateTemplate().execute(new HibernateCallback() {
            public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException {
                Query query = session.createSQLQuery(sql.toString());
                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(sql.toString())) {
                    query.setParameter("ACTIVO", BigDecimal.ONE);
                return query.list();
    } catch (DataAccessException e) {
    return (List<HashMap>) object;

From source file:org.onesun.atomator.dao.OAuthResultDAOImpl.java

public void append(String user, OAuthResult entry, boolean update) {
    String query = "INSERT INTO " + AUTH_ENTRY_TABLE
            + " (identity, user_id, channel_name, access_key, access_secret, verification_code) "
            + " VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)";

    /**/*from  w w w.ja  va 2s . c  om*/
     * Specify the values 
    try {
                new Object[] { entry.getIdentity(), user, entry.getChannelName(), entry.getAccessKey(),
                        entry.getAccessSecret(), entry.getVerificationCode() });

        logger.info("Added Authentication Results for " + entry.getChannelName());
    } catch (DataAccessException e1) {
        if (e1.getCause().getMessage().contains(
                "integrity constraint violation: unique constraint or index violation; SYS_PK_10029")) {

            if (update == true) {
                query = "UPDATE " + AUTH_ENTRY_TABLE
                        + " SET access_key=?, access_secret=?, verification_code=? WHERE identity=?";

                try {
                    Configuration.getJdbcTemplate().update(query, new Object[] { entry.getAccessKey(),
                            entry.getAccessSecret(), entry.getVerificationCode(), entry.getIdentity() });

                    logger.info("Updated Authentication Results for " + entry.getChannelName());
                } catch (DataAccessException e2) {
                    logger.error("Exception while updating authentication results for " + entry.getChannelName()
                            + " " + e2.getMessage());

From source file:com.sr.model.dao.IMahasiswaDAOImpl.java

public boolean insertBiodata(Mahasiswa mhs, AkademikSR aka, FileItem foto, List<Prestasi> prestasi) {
    try {//from   w  w w  .  j a v a  2  s  .c  om
        LobHandler lobHandler = new DefaultLobHandler();
        getJdbcTemplate().update(INSERT_BIODATA, new Object[] { mhs.getNamaMhs(), mhs.getTempat_lahir(),
                mhs.getTanggal_lahir(), mhs.getAgama(), mhs.getKelamin(), mhs.getAlamat_asal(),
                mhs.getKab_kota_asal(), mhs.getProv_asal(), mhs.getNo_hp_mhs(), mhs.getNama_ayah(),
                mhs.getNama_ibu(), mhs.getPendidikan_ayah(), mhs.getPendidikan_ibu(), mhs.getPekerjaan_ayah(),
                mhs.getPekerjaan_ibu(), mhs.getPendapatan_ortu(), mhs.getNo_tel_ortu(), mhs.getNo_hp_ortu(),
                mhs.getAlamat_keluarga(), mhs.getNo_tel_keluarga(), mhs.getNo_hp_keluarga(),
                new SqlLobValue(foto.getInputStream(), (int) foto.getSize(), lobHandler), mhs.getNim() },
                new int[] { Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR,
                        Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR,
                        Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR,
                        Types.NUMERIC, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR,
                        Types.VARCHAR, Types.BLOB, Types.VARCHAR });
                new Object[] { aka.getProdi(), aka.getIpk_masuk(), aka.getSemester(), aka.getRapor_smu(),
                        aka.getJurusan(), aka.getFakultas(), aka.getNim() },
                new int[] { Types.VARCHAR, Types.DECIMAL, Types.NUMERIC, Types.DECIMAL, Types.VARCHAR,
                        Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR });
        for (Prestasi pres : prestasi) {
            getJdbcTemplate().update(INSERT_PRESTASI, new Object[] { pres.getNo_sertifikat(), pres.getNim(),
                    pres.getNama_prestasi(), pres.getJenis_prestasi() });
        return true;
    } catch (DataAccessException da) {
        System.out.println("DataAccessException" + da.getMessage());
    } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
        System.out.println("FileNotFoundException " + ex.getMessage());
    } catch (IOException ex) {
    return false;

From source file:net.jkratz.igdb.controller.advice.ErrorController.java

@RequestMapping(produces = "application/json")
@ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
public @ResponseBody Map<String, Object> handleDataAccessException(DataAccessException ex) throws IOException {
    logger.error("Database Error", ex);
    Map<String, Object> map = Maps.newHashMap();
    map.put("error", "Data Error");
    map.put("message", ex.getMessage());
    if (ex.getRootCause() != null) {
        map.put("cause", ex.getRootCause().getMessage());
    }/*from www . j av  a2s.  c o  m*/
    return map;